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for Investor (5% Net Profit Share)

Basic Computation to get the Net Profit & Share

Net Profit = Sales - Gross Profit + Fixed Cost

Gross Profit= Cost of Goods - Sales

Fixed cost on the following is based on forecast operation from 10:00am to 3:00am

Fixed Cost:
Rentals 10,000
Electricity 15,000 based on operations
Prime Water 1,500
Wifi 2,000
Manpower- Salary
2 Cook 300x30 (2) 18,000
2 Helper 200x30 (2) 12,000
2 Waitstaff 230x30 (2) 13,800
Employees meal 50x6x30 9,000
Total fixed cost 81,300

Gross Profit= Costs of Goods - Sales

Cost of foods calculated as 60% of the total sales and will vary according to menu
Forecast Sales for the Month with an average daily sales

the total Sales for the month is 300,000 with an average daily sales of 10,000
Net Profit = Sales - Gross Profit + Fixed Cost
Net Profit = 300,000- 180,000+ 81,300
Net Profit = 38,700

Investor invested 50,000

5 % of the Net Profit is P 1935.00

Average Monthly sales x 12mos. = /amount invested

1935 x12 = 23,220.00/50,000

ROI per year: 46.44%

ROI= 25.83 months / 25months 24 days

(ROI) Return on Investment is 25-26 months.

After 26 months you’re still part of 10% net profit of the business or can withdraw the
amount invested (P50,000) and will be based upon liquidation of the 5% share as
agreed by both sides- owner and investor.

Average Daily Sales calculated as follows:

From past 11 months the average monthly sales is 160,000
Beer and Meals Only
Morning operations will be offered and will include Brunch and Dinner
It can provide the least average daily sales of 5,000 x30 = 150,000
17 Hour Operation can provide at least P300,000.00

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