SJ-20151105120414-003-ZXSDR UniRAN FDD-LTE (V3.30.20.00) License Management Description

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FDD-LTE Base Station

License Management Description

Version: V3.30.20.00

No. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
Tel: +86-755-26771900
Fax: +86-755-26770801
Copyright © 2016 ZTE CORPORATION.
The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or
distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written
consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by
contractual confidentiality obligations.
All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE
CORPORATION or of their respective owners.
This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions
are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the
use of or reliance on the information contained herein.
ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications
covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE
CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter
ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.
Users may visit the ZTE technical support website to inquire for related information.
The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.1 2016-01-08 l Added the description of license file deletion in Section 3.3.1
File Management.
l Added the description of querying the special file usage,
license authentication results, and license redundancy
information in Section 3.3.2 Information Query.
l Modified the period ahead of the expiration date to one
month for sending a notification message in Section 3.3.5
File Expiration.
l Modified the descriptive contents in the manual.

R1.0 2015-11-12 V3.30.20.00

The update on V3.20.50.30 is described as follows:

Modified the descriptive contents in the manual, including

rewarding the manual.

Serial Number: SJ-20151105120414-003

Publishing Date: 2016-01-08 (R1.1)

SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 LTE License Function Overview.............................................. 1-1
Chapter 2 LTE EMS-Level License Functions.......................................... 2-1
2.1 License Management Procedure ......................................................................... 2-1
2.2 File Description .................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Function Description........................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.1 File Management ..................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.2 Information Query .................................................................................... 2-6
2.3.3 Overrun Alarm ......................................................................................... 2-6
2.3.4 Emergent Removal of License Restriction.................................................. 2-6
2.3.5 File Expiration .......................................................................................... 2-7
2.3.6 Temporary Capacity Expansion ................................................................. 2-7
2.3.7 Reports ................................................................................................... 2-7
2.3.8 Multi-Time-Zone ....................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.9 Link Disconnection Protection ................................................................... 2-8
2.3.10 Pre-Authentication .................................................................................. 2-8

Chapter 3 LTE eNodeB-Level License Functions.................................... 3-1

3.1 Control Item Types ............................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 File Description .................................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Function Description........................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.1 File Management ..................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.2 Information Query .................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.3 Overrun Alarm ......................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.4 Emergent Removal of License Restriction.................................................. 3-6
3.3.5 File Expiration .......................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.6 Temporary Capacity Expansion ................................................................. 3-7
3.3.7 Reports ................................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.8 Pre-Authentication.................................................................................... 3-7

Glossary .......................................................................................................... I

SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual describes the functions and management of EMS-level and eNodeB-level
licenses for ZXSDR UniRAN LTE Base Stations in LTE networks.

Intended Audience
l Network planning engineers
l Software debugging engineers
l Data configuration engineers
l Network monitoring engineers
l Maintenance engineers
l Network optimization engineers

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters.

Chapter 1, LTE License Briefly introduces LTE license functions.

Function Overview

Chapter 2, LTE EMS-Level Describes the EMS-level license management procedure, and
License Functions descriptions of license files and functions.

Chapter 3, LTE Describes control item types of eNodeB-level licenses, and

eNodeB-Level License descriptions of license files and functions.

This manual uses the following conventions.

Note: provides additional information about a topic.

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SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1
LTE License Function
License management, also referred to as software license management, aims to provide
network functions and performance under the software license bought by customers.
The innovative ZTE license management solution provides network functions and capacity
through software control. It enables customers to buy necessary licenses according to
traffic growth and development so as to expand and upgrade their networks.
ZTE LTE license management falls into two types according to control level.
l LTE EMS-level license management
The control nodes for EMS-level license management are located on the OMMB and
there is only one license file for the entire network.
l LTE eNodeB-level license management
The control nodes for eNodeB-level license management are located on the eNodeBs
and there is one license file for each eNodeB.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

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SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2
LTE EMS-Level License
Table of Contents
License Management Procedure ................................................................................2-1
File Description ..........................................................................................................2-2
Function Description...................................................................................................2-5

2.1 License Management Procedure

The license management system with a server/client architecture supports Solaris, Linux
and other operating systems. It is recommended that clients use Windows operating
systems. A license client loads license files to the license server, and a license inspection
is performed after a connection is established between an EMS/OMM client and the
license server. Users can view information about the authorization and operation of the
active licenses through a license client. Figure 2-1 shows the position of the license
management system in a network.

Figure 2-1 Position of the License Management System in a Network

The processing procedure is as follows:

1. The license client uploads license files to the license server.

2. When a user changes the NE configuration on the EMS/OMM client, the EMS/OMM
server calculates the use of licenses and sends a request to the license server.
3. The license server determines whether or not the modification is allowed and then
reports the result to the EMS/OMM server and the EMS/OMM client.
l Yes → The NE configuration changes are delivered to the NE concerned.
l No → The NE configuration changes are not delivered to the NE concerned.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

License client software and EMS/OMM client software can be deployed on the same PC or
on different PCs. License server software and EMS/OMM server software can be deployed
on the same PC or on different PCs.

2.2 File Description

File Types
In a ZTE LTE system, a product may have multiple license files, including one formal
license file (required) and multiple trial license files (optional).
l The formal license file is the unique certificate to ensure proper operation of an LTE
network under the control of the license management system.
l A trial license file can be used only when the formal license file is available. Trial
license files are time sensitive. If the validity period of a trial license file expires, it can
not be used any longer.
The license management system performs authorization through the formal license file
together with trial license files. For example, if the number of users in the formal license
file is 10,000 and that in a trial license file is 2,000, the total number of users is 12,000.
Both the formal license file and trial license files have the latest enabling dates. After the
dates are expired, these files cannot be used any longer. By default, license files are
effective within half a year after they are produced.
License files are encrypted before they are stored.

File Contents
For the items contained in a license file, refer to Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 License File Content Description

Item Sub-item Remark

Standard license Contract number Actual contract number, 23 digits.

Last contract number Required only for trial licenses and ignored for
the formal license. It is the same as the current
contract number of the formal license.

Customer name -

License file type l FORMAL: formal file, without a validity date

and expiration date.
l TRIAL: trial file, with both a validity date and
expiration date.
l GROUP: group file.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 LTE EMS-Level License Functions

Item Sub-item Remark

SN -

Publishing date -

Use date -

Maker -

Maker department -

Product name -

Product version -

Product number -

Manager center -

MAC binding type -

Mac info -

Hard lock -

Hard lock ID -

Effect date -

Invalidation date -

Awake date -

Awake text -

Expire text -

Modify or adjust -

Official rise rate -

Temporary open -

Temporary open days Unit: days.

Temporary open times -

Operator list Operator ID -

(It lists information
Chinese name -
about all operators
English name -
covered by the
license and is MCC and MNC -
used to determine
the authorization
for each operator
when the network
is shared among


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

Item Sub-item Remark

Group list Group ID -

(A group in a license
Group type -
file is a set of license
Group name -
objects.) English name -

NE list NE ID A subnetwork number.

(It lists all NEs to In the format of "LTE_SubNetwork[**]" (where, **
group NEs or split is the subnetwork number in the EMS and other
licenses, and grant characters are fixed).
authorization to NE
Associated group Group that a subnetwork belongs to.
indexes and specific
NE name -
English name -

Function item list Feature ID -

(It lists all function
Feature type Quantity-type or switch-type.
items for displaying
Chinese name -
function names.)
English name -

General Number-type authorization Including:

authorization item l Operator ID
(All authorization l Authorization range
items listed in l Authorized object
function items l Function item ID
must be confirmed l Authorization amount
based on operator.
Switch-type authorization Including:
The authorization
item l Operator ID
l Authorization range
l Authorized object
l Function item ID
l Enabled or not: Y (a user purchases a
indexes, and
function and the function is enabled) or N (a
authorization strings
user does not purchase a function and the
are determined
function must not be enabled)
based on different
l Whether the authorization period is defined
authorization item
l Invalidation date


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 LTE EMS-Level License Functions

2.3 Function Description

2.3.1 File Management
For a description of file management operations, refer to Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 License File Management

Operation Description

License file import Imports new license information.

License file export Exports the current license information to excel files.

License file comparison Compares the consistency between validated license files and the
license files to be imported.

License file storage and backup License files must be stored and backed up on the license
management server in a unified manner. Each EMS/OMM stores
license information allocated by the license management system.
The consistency of license information is ensured through the
coordination between the license management system and the

Compatibility of license files The compatibility between the function items in license files and the
software versions of the license center: Changes of the control
items in license files do not cause the license management system
to upgrade software versions.
The compatibility between the function items in license files and
the OMM software versions: Different OMM versions may support
various license items. The supported license items are determined
by the OMM system. New function items can be added to license
files, but removal of some function items from license files may
cause some OMM authentication items that are not upgraded
to fail (in this case, the deleted function items are still used for

License file update The license server supports updating license files after the files
are imported.
l If the old license file is a formal file and the license file to be
updated is a trial file, the file update process is to combine the
old formal license file with the new trial license file.
l If both the old license file and the license file to be updated are
formal files, the file update process is to replace the old formal
file with the file to be updated.
l If the old license files include a formal file and trial files and
the license file to be updated is a formal file, the file update
process is to replace the old formal file and trial files with the
formal file to be updated.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

Operation Description

License file rollback The replaced license file can be automatically or manually rolled
back, and only one rollback is supported. If an old license file fails
to be replaced, the old license file before file replacement is still
used. If the replacement is successful, the replaced license file
can be kept for a period of time (14 days). During that time period,
users can roll back the file manually. When the period expires, the
rollback operation is no longer supported.

2.3.2 Information Query

The license server supports license query after all formal and trial license files are
l The total amount and overall use of license authorization can be queried after formal
and trial licenses are combined.
l The combined amount of license authorization and the use of each NE can be queried
by group.
l The use of a single NE can be queried.

2.3.3 Overrun Alarm

If the number of licenses exceeds the configured authorization threshold, an alarm is
raised, indicating that the maximum number of licenses is exceeded.
l Overrun relating to a quantity-type function item

When total license authorization amount for all NEs under group management
exceeds the maximum value, an alarm is raised, indicating that the total license
authorization amount for user groups exceeds the amount that can be allocated.
l Overrun relating to a switch-type function item
An alarm is raised, indicating that the use of the function item on a specific NE is illegal.
If the limit is exceeded, the actual value is compared with the alarm threshold during
an overrun check and an alarm is raised during periodical detection that is performed
between 00:00 a.m. and 00:15 a.m. each day. This threshold is configured in the
configuration file on the license server, and can also be modified through the license

2.3.4 Emergent Removal of License Restriction

To reduce the impact on configuration changes caused by license restriction during
complicated license adjustment, or to remove license restriction temporarily for emergent
capacity expansion in disaster cases or for function trial by users, all license requests are
approved during a certain period of time.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 LTE EMS-Level License Functions

Enabling or disabling emergent removal of license restriction, the number of temporary

emergent removals, and the removal duration (in days) can be configured in license files.
Emergent removal of license restriction can be enabled on the client of the license center.

2.3.5 File Expiration

The license server periodically checks whether or not trial license files are valid between
00:00 a.m. to 00:15 a.m. each day.
l Information in trial licenses can be used before expiration dates.
l When a trial license is about to expire, the connected OMM or EMS receives an
expiration alarm. When a trial license expires, alarms are raised every day.
l After a trial license expires, all the items authorized in this trial license are terminated.
The system performs management based on the formal license and other trial licenses
that are still effective.

2.3.6 Temporary Capacity Expansion

For a description of temporary capacity expansion scenarios and processing, refer to Table

Table 2-3 Description of Temporary Capacity Expansion Scenarios and Processing

Scenario Processing

Commercial temporary The formal license file is used together with trial license files. The
exhibition maximum number of license function items is allowed to be extended
during a certain period of time. When the duration for capacity expansion
expires, the original license capacity is restored.

When the system grants A trial file with an allowable time limit for capacity expansion needs to
authorization based on be re-requested. The function item authorization in the file provides the
the formal license file and number of function items to be added for capacity expansion.
needs to expand some
function items temporarily

2.3.7 Reports
l The license management system provides the license report summarization function.
Reports can be exported as Excel files.
l Licenses are summarized by logical group, so that license control information on site
can be obtained at any time.
l Information about license authorization, use, and remaining quantity can be outputted.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

2.3.8 Multi-Time-Zone
The license management server and the EMS/OMM systems can be deployed separately
in different time zones, so that license inspections can be performed on the EMS/OMM
systems in different time zones.

2.3.9 Link Disconnection Protection

After establishing a link to an EMS/OMM server for the first time, the license server
saves authorization information about the current license file to the license agent of the
EMS/OMM. At the same time, the license agent maintains historical configuration data
of the EMS/OMM.

Therefore, when the EMS/OMM fails to connect to the license server, the license agent
makes an authorization decision based on authorization information and historical
configuration data about the current license file. In this way, both regular license check
and proper operation of the EMS are guaranteed, ensuring high-reliable license services.

2.3.10 Pre-Authentication
Before data is synchronized to an NE after a configuration change, pre-authentication
can be performed on parameters and then parameters are modified based on the
pre-authentication result. In this way, data can be synchronized only after the modification
meets license restriction requirements, reducing the impact caused by an authentication
Pre-authentication is configured on the OMMB server. Users can determine whether
or not to manually perform per-authentication and manually select the NEs to be
pre-authenticated as necessary. License data is sent to the license center for data check.
Regardless of the check result, the license center returns the result to the EMS without
withholding the license to improve the operation and maintenance efficiency.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3
LTE eNodeB-Level License
Table of Contents
Control Item Types .....................................................................................................3-1
File Description ..........................................................................................................3-1
Function Description...................................................................................................3-4

3.1 Control Item Types

License control items are divided into the following types:
l Function-based license

à Basic function-based license

It covers the most basic services provided by software, which are usually sold
as a whole software package that is a required component. There is no basic
function-based license available in the function-based control items in a version.
à Optional function-based license
It covers the optional features (excluding basic function-based licenses) that
can promote user awareness and optimize services. Users purchase optional
function-based licenses according to their feature requirements.
l Capacity-based license
A capacity-based license includes the maximum number of users connected to
the RRC, maximum traffic volume, maximum bandwidth, and maximum power

Users can purchase appropriate capacity-based licenses according to actual network

planning. It is not necessary to purchase the maximum capacity supported by the
system, so that resources can be properly utilized.

3.2 File Description

File Types
Based on application scenarios, license files are divided into the following types:

l Formal license file


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

A formal license file is a commercial license file that is generated according to

commercial contracts.
l Trial license file
Trial license files are temporarily used during commissioning and testing. All control
items in a trial file have the same validity period. Trial file types are as follows:
à Trial license file for a specified NE with a validity period of three months: It can
be loaded three times with a validity period of three months for each loading.
à Trial license file for all NEs with a validity period of six months: One version file
of an NE can be loaded only once.

File Management
License file management provides the following functions:
l Generating license files. License files are generated and encrypted by the IT system.
l Loading license files. License files can be loaded from the EMS to an eNodeB
dynamically or statically.
à License files can be loaded in batches.
à License files can be loaded to an eNodeB individually.
l Checking license files. A validity check can be performed on the format of license
files, including version number, hardware sequence number, digital signature, and
information field for each item.
l Querying license files. The contents and authorization information about license files
can be viewed in real time.
l Invalidating license files. When the system is upgraded or new license files are used,
the license files in use must be invalidated.
l Reports: License contents can be exported from the OMM system to excel files.

File Contents
For the items contained in a license file, refer to Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 License File Content Description

Item Sub-item Remark

Standard license Contract number Actual contract number, 23 digits.

Last contract number Required only for trial licenses and
ignored for the formal license. It is the
same as the current contract number of
the formal license.

Customer name -

License type l FORMAL: formal file, without a

validity date and expiration date.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 LTE eNodeB-Level License Functions

Item Sub-item Remark

l TRIAL: trial file, with both a validity

date and expiration date.

Sn -

Publish date -

Use date -

Maker -

Maker department -

Product name -

Product version -

Product number -

Manager center -

MAC bind type -

MAC info -

Hard lock -

Hard lock ID -

Effect date -

Invalidation date -

Awake date -

Awake text -

Expire text -

Modify or adjust -

Official rise rate -

Temporary open -

Temporary open days Unit: days.

Temporary open times -

Operator list Operator ID -

(It lists information
Chinese name -
about all operators
English name -
covered by the
license and is used MCC and MNC -
to determine the
authorization for each
operator when the
network is shared
among them.)


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

Item Sub-item Remark

Function item list Feature ID -

(It lists all function items
Feature type Quantity-type or switch-type.
for displaying function
Chinese name -
English name -

General authorization Number-type authorization Including:

(All authorization items items l Operator ID
listed in function items l Authorization range
must be confirmed l Authorized object
based on operator. The l Function item ID
authorization number, l Number of authorizations
authorization switch,
Switch-type authorization items Including:
authorization indexes,
l Operator ID
and authorization
l Authorization range
strings are determined
l Authorized object
based on different
l Function item ID
authorization item
l Enabled or not: Y (a user purchases
a function and the function is
enabled) or N (a user does not
purchase a function and the function
must not be enabled)
l Whether the authorization period is
l Invalidation date

3.3 Function Description

3.3.1 File Management
For a description of file management operations, refer to Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 License File Management

Operation Description

Import a license file Imports new license information.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 LTE eNodeB-Level License Functions

Operation Description

Load a license file Loads a single file or files in batches. License files are automatically
matched based on the selected NEs.
License files can be loaded automatically or manually.
l During manual loading, the system automatically matches license files
based on the selected NEs and displays an available list for loading.
l During automatic loading, the system loads the latest license file
based on the system version.

Delete a license file The EMS system can delete license files on the EMS side by EID, rather
than the license files on the base station side.

Tolerate a license file Faults in license files can be tolerated. License files are checked during
error license file loading. For the file with some tolerable faults, users can
determine whether or not to load it. If users choose to load the file with
faults, the system grants a period of two months for the file.

License file view The EMS client supports content viewing of offline license files.

3.3.2 Information Query

Distributed LTE license supports querying license contents and authorization information
about control items. A command can be sent from the EMS to the front-end subsystem to
query the following information:
l Brief information about a file
The sequence number, deadline and loading date, and expiration date of a file can be
l Detailed information about a file
All contents of the license file can be queried.
l License control items in use
The authorized values, configured parameter values, effective values, and allowed
values of license control items on the eNodeB side can be queried.
l Authentication status
Default status, emergency status, temporary status, and normal status of the system
authentication can be queried.
l Emergency condition information
The number of remaining emergencies and the number of remaining emergency days
can be queried.
l Usage of special files
The number of NEs that use special files and the information of NEs that already use
special files can be queried.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

l License authentication results

The results of comparing the EMS configurations with the validated data of base
stations and the authentication results for cell establishment failures can be queried.
l License redundancy information
The redundancy information of control items, such as the number of users connected
to an RRC, number of E-RABs, and transport layer traffic, can be queried.

3.3.3 Overrun Alarm

When the actual number of quantity-based license control items in use is about to exceed
the authorized value, a notification or alarm is raised. The system compares the actual
number of quantity-based license control items in use with the authorized value per hour.
l If the ratio reaches 80 to 90 percent, a notification is raised.
l If the ratio reaches 90 to 100 percent, an alarm is raised.
à If an alarm is already raised, no notification is raised even when the ratio reaches
80 to 90 percent.
à If an alarm is already raised, an alarm recovery message is reported when the
ratio drops below 80 percent.

3.3.4 Emergent Removal of License Restriction

Emergent removal of license restriction is applicable to disaster scenarios, such as
earthquakes and tidal waves.
l The capacity indexes, such as the number of users connected to the RRC, the number
of E-RABs, power consumption, and traffic, automatically use the maximum capacity
values supported by the system.
l Users can select all optional functions.
l For emergency commands, each roadmap version is allowed to be enabled three
times, seven days for each enabling.

3.3.5 File Expiration

If the loaded license file is a trial file, the eNodeB checks whether or not the file expires at
2 a.m. each day.

l Every day, the eNodeB reports a notification message one month ahead of the
expiration date.
l When a trial file expires, the system processes the privilege for functions. For privilege
processing after trial file expiration, refer to Table 3-3.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 LTE eNodeB-Level License Functions

Table 3-3 Privilege Processing After Trial File Expiration

If ... Then ...

There is an available formal A notification message is reported, indicating that the trial file
license file is replaced by the formal file.
Authentication is performed based on formal license and the
function privilege that was granted for temporary capacity
expansion is revoked.

There is no available formal An alarm is reported, indicating that no license file is available.
license file Authentication is performed based on default license and the
function privilege that was temporarily granted is revoked.

3.3.6 Temporary Capacity Expansion

If it is necessary to temporarily expand network capacity for a short term (for example,
during a commercial temporary exhibition and tourist festival), operators can purchase a
trial license for capacity expansion. When the duration for capacity expansion expires, the
original license capacity is restored.
When the system is granted with a formal license and needs to temporarily expand some
control items. A trial file with an allowable time limit for capacity expansion needs to be
re-requested. Control item authorization in the file must contain the contents of the formal
license file.

3.3.7 Reports
The license management system exports license reports, containing information about
license authorization, the number of used licenses, and the number of remaining licenses.

3.3.8 Pre-Authentication
There are two types of eNodeB-level license pre-authentication:
l Pre-authentication of licenses to be imported

It is used to find inconsistencies between the new license file and the data of the
existing network or the data displayed in the modification area to determine whether
to apply for a new license file again or adjust configuration data.
l Pre-authentication of licenses running on eNodeBs

It is used to find inconsistencies between the data in the modification area and the
active license file to adjust parameters in advance if the configuration data is beyond
the range restricted by the license file. It can improve eNodeB commissioning,
operation, and maintenance efficiency.


SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN License Management Description

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SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer
- Electronic Identity
- Element Management System
- Information Technology
- Long Term Evolution
- Media Access Control
- Mobile Country Code
- Mobile Network Code

- Network Element

- Operation & Maintenance Module
- Operation and Maintenance Module for BTS, NodeB and eNodeB
- Radio Resource Controller
- Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment
- Evolved NodeB

SJ-20151105120414-003|2016-01-08 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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