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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA lex 1CT2622 May/June 2016 RIC2622 OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS. Durston 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST PROF PL MKHIZE SECOND ORS SINGH Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Afra and may not be removed trom the examination venue. This paper consists of three pages. Instructions: 1 Answer all the questions 2 The mark for each question 1s given in brackets next to the question 3 Allthe answers and all the rough work must be done in your answer book 4 Number your answers and label your rough work clearly ALL THE BEST! [TURN OVER] lor2e22 May/June 2016 Question 1 [10] List and descnbe the five activities involved in systems analysis Question 2 [15] Based on table 1 containing use cases and actors for CSMS Sales Subsystem, draw ause case diagram Table 1 contaming use cases and actors for CSMS Sales Subsystem CSMS Sales Subsystem Use cases Users/actors ‘Search for tems Customer, customer service representative, store sales representatwe View product comments and ratings | Customer, customer service representative, store sales representative View accessory combinations Customer, customer service representative, store sales representative Fill shopping cart Customer [Empty shopping cat ‘Customer Check out shopping cart ‘Customer Fill reserve cart ‘Customer Empty reserve cart Customer Convert reserve cart Customer ‘Create phone sales ‘Customer Service representative Create store sale ‘Store sales representative Question 3 4) After reading the narrative below, answer questions 3 1 and 3.2 Quality Building Supply has two kinds of customers: contractors and the general public Sales to each a slightly different. contractor buys matenal by taking them to the checkout desk for constructors The clerk enters the constructor's name into the system The system displays the constructor's information, including current credit standing The clerk then opens up a new ticket (sale) for the constructor Next, the clerk scans in each item to be purchased The system finds the price of the item and adds the item to the ticket At the end of the purchase, the clerk indicates the end of the sale The system ‘compares the total amount against the constructor's current credit limit and, if tt 1s acceptable, finalises the sale The system creates an electronic ticket for the item, and the contractor's credit limit 1s reduced by the amount of the sale Some constructors like to keep a record of the purchase, so they request that ticket details be printed Others are not interested in a printout. sale to the general public is simply entered into the cash til, and a paper ticket 1s printed as the items are identified. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, or credit card The clerk must enter the type of payment to ensure that the cash till balances at the end of the shift For credit card payments, the system pnnts a credit card voucher that the customer must sign [TURN OVER] IcT2622 May/June 2016 3 1 Develop an activity diagram for each scenano (15) 3.2Complete a fully developed use case descnption for each scenano (26) Question 4 [24] Using this comprehensive domain model class diagram below, develop a relational database schema In the schema, identify the foreign keys that are required Also, identify a key attribute for each table. You may need to add a key field if there is no attribute that could logically serve as the key. Remember that a candidate key for an association class 1s the combination of the keys of the connected classes. However, it may make sense to define a shorter, more concise key field Verify that each table is in first, second and third normal form Discuss any discrepancies you had to fix Discuss any tables that may not be in third normal form and why you are leaving it as not-normalised estamos [reser] seenumber eentanages eae rr reas ireereeeE| Lanetunber oe Perce” Lat tees seentenee cused Toei uinberertuooms acid foe J Pree eoaraunk tewoine ftiombese Question 5 [10] Bnefly descnbe the following types of classes a) persistent classes 'b) entity classes ¢) boundary classes. d) controller classes e) data access classes ° UNISA 2016

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