Order Management Initial Analysis and Questions

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A M Castle Oracle Order Management Initial High Level

1.1.Usage Of Application >

1.2.Implementation and Set Up per BR100 >

Order Import Used

1.3.Reports and Interface>

1.4.Personalization >

1.5.DFF's >
 OM Header DFF’s
 OM Lines DFF’s

1.6.Customization Review >

Castle Order Builder Application seems to be Bespoke Custom Application. Which has
Custom Forms - Castle Order Builder; Workbench Admin WBsoft; Supply Demand WB Soft . Need
more clarity on this apps..There are couple of Personalization done on Customer Standard Form,
Order Import Form, Order Quote; Quick Sales Order specific to WBS apps. Want to be clear on this
custom apps and personalization. Custom apps needed for Europe?

1.1.1. OM02 > Prcing - Attribute -- not clear

1.1.2. OM 03 > Sales Territory -- Custom pll changed to pick Sales Territory for Order
based on deliver to , ship to, bill to at the Customer set up .

1.1.3. OM04 > Credit Workflow - controls the return or credit of a sales
order, as well as the adjustment of an invoice produced from an order.

 AR Adjustment Form (to make adjustment to Invoices changes or

sales changes
 RMA Bill of Lading Report
 Vendor Return Bill of Lading
 AR Adjustment Zoom program (validates order with closed lines
interfaced to AR)
 Utility – Set Notification Approver program is needed to identify
the approver, send an e-mail to that approver and notify the
requester when responses are received.
 Insert AR Adjustment program is needed to create the AR
adjustment record once all the approvals have been received
 Expire RMAs concurrent program is needed to identify RMAs that
are expiring and either send an e-mail to the requester or cancel
the RMA.
 Workflow Changes:- The Order Flow - Return with Approval
workflow must be modified to use the modified version of the
Utility – Set Notification Approver program, as well as a
“wait”step that stops the flow until 1) a response is received or 2)
the process times out.

1.1.4. OM05 > Mutiple UOMs - ?????

Customer orders in one uom and wants to be invoiced in another uom …
Using Custom.pll change to get invoiced qty based on quantiy ordered
and quantity UOM ( stored in DFF ) and Invoiced UOM (stored in
Quantiy)…this process differs for Buysouts
One at Order Entry time :- made at SO entry
One at the Shippment stage .( how and where is the change made..how it
transfers back to Sales Order
Invoicing UOMs and Qty needs to be made clear…

1.1.5. OM06 > Item Processing – ???

Why this needs to be done..do they need it in UK

1.1.6. Workflow
 Orders not shipped by Scheduled Ship Date
Email notification to Salesperson
If No Sales Credit, email to Created By
If not valid, email to BPX

 Purchase Orders not received by Need By Date

Notification to Arlene Homa

1.1.7. OM_07 Buyout Req

This would create Requitions lines in Interface for Buyouts – Item Type. ( from Sales
Order- )
MD50 is not clear about the Profile option used for adding notes to the Requistion
Lines. This customization seems to be Ok.

1.1.8. OM_08 Accrued Charges

Bit Strange Customization for creating charges as modifiers which

would not be invoiced along with the Sales Order Line. Rather Charges are Accured
for certain Customers at month end run. MD050 is not update to date and would
need more information.

Define the price modifiers that are to be accrued? Need some e.g.
Apply those modifiers to the sales orders as appropriate? How
Create the invoices that exclude the accrued charges?

1.1.9. OM_09 Lot Lookup

Need to find where exactly these form is pulled up in the application ? . I assume it
should be from Sales Order Entry Form . Lot Lookup gives sales rep option to select
the Lot for the Item. Even though it is not reserved.

1.1.10. OM_10 Price Change Notification

Straight forward customization. Need to understand the Process of Pricing. As well

the Price change process.

1.1.11. OM_11 Price per Unit

Similar to Order Acknowlegment report. Calculates unit price . Will UK Need this ?
Need to look at UOM and Curreny Changes for Localization.,

1.1.12. OM_12 Tolerance

Currently loaded in to Table Tolerance range for Items in respective UOM’s. For UK/
France purpose we need to change the Tolerance with respect to local UOM

1.1.13. OM-13 Pricing Allocation for Freight Charges

This linkage to other customization. DFF’s at the S.O entry. Purpose is to get accurate
Freight charge allocated back to Order Lines from OTM ,based on line weight. Need
further Analysis….How will Localization cope with this ?

General OM Set Up:-

AMC Sales Order Acknowledgement

AMC Sales Order

Acknowledgement Report.pdf

1. Is there difference in O2C cycle for Transtar / Aerospace (Stevenage) and AM Castle Metals
(Black Burn).

Order Entry Sources :

 Manual entry from Oracle

 Sources of Order in European Context ?
 Online ? Castle Direct ? Will Castle Direct used in Europe as well ?
 How is Castle Direct used and what information is captured and how is it
Integrated with Oracle Order Management?
 Is EDI used for Order Import Purpose? If so is there a documentation which
describes the process and set up?
 Sales Order Acknowledgement Process and MD50 ?
 Sales Order Hold and Release Process ?

Order Types :
Order Types – Castle US
Line Types – Castle US
How many Order Types currently the Business Uses in Europe. Depends on the Operations

Item Types with in order :

Buy Outs;
OSP- Outside Processing;
Like make out (MO); Buyout ;
Item Type (buyout) is set with Context (BO) in DFF at Order Line DFF ( How is Mapping Done ?)


Order Fulfilments :- ATO ?

Order Import Sources :

Are there external Order Import done. ? Nothing is mentioned on BR100

Define Defaulting Rules:

Order Entry Process :-

EDI Order Process :

Shipping :
05- Jan-2011

At Order Entry :- How do you associate Context ( DFF) with the Item . How does the validation of
Context happens, against what parameters validation happens ?

Pricing :

How are Pricing and Modifiers set for Item ?

How are the Pricing for Various Operations and Processes associated with Single Item in Sales Order

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