English 6º Unit 6 Our Future

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1. Complete the sentences with will (‘ll) in positive form:

a) If I arrive late, I (call) __________ you.
b) They (help) __________ you.
c) Maybe he (stay) __________ at home tonight.
d) My friends (go/probably) __________ to the beach.
e) Peter (buy) __________ the tickets.
f) I hope that my boyfriend (cook) __________ dinner tonight.
g) We think FCB (win) __________ the match.
h) I’m sure my boss (understand) __________ my problem.
i) I (get) __________ you a drink. Do you like coffee?
j) Maybe my sister (do) __________ a language course in London.
k) Perhaps Mary (do) __________ that for her sister.
l) It’s late. I think I (go) __________ to bed now.
2. Complete the sentences with will in negative form:
a) I (answer) __________ the question.
b) My brother (lock) __________ the door.
c) The boy (catch) __________ the ball.
d) I (read) __________ that magazine.
e) We (send) __________ that present to my uncle.
f) My grandmother (open) __________ the door.
g) The children (eat) __________ fish.
h) He (listen) __________ to the radio.
i) I (drink) __________ beer.
j) It (rain) __________.
k) You (ask) __________ him.
l) The teacher (test) __________ our English.
3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 We use may, might and will to talk about things that are possible in …
a) the present or the future.
b) the past.
2 We use may or might when we are …
a) not very certain. b) very certain.
3 We use probably will when we are …
a) quite certain. b) not very certain.
4 We use will or definitely will when we are …
a) quite certain. b) very certain.
4.Complete these sentences with may, might, will or won’t.
1 I don’t know, but the biggest island in Europe________________ be Britain.
2 I think I _______________________________(definitely) go for a walk this weekend.
3 They _____________________________(probably) be here tomorrow.
4 I (definitely )_________________________have time to see you this evening, but
we can meet tomorrow.
5 They haven’t decided, but they __________________go to the beach on
6 I’m not sure, but Ben __________________go fishing on the river this weekend.
7 I probably ________________________be able to go on holiday with you
because I have too much work.
8 The letter__________________ arrive today. I only posted it this morning.
5. Circle the correct answer.
1. She will / won’t pass all her exams. She’s very clever.
2. My grandmother will / won’t learn to drive. She’s too old.
3. My teacher will / won’t win the lottery. She never buys a ticket.
4. I will / won’t get lost. I have been there before.
5. You will / won’t love the movie. It’s the best I’ve ever seen.
6. Everyone will / won’t be friendly. They’re very nice people.
6. Read the sentences. Decide if they mean might or might not.
1. It’s possible that I will go to the party.
2. It’s possible that she won’t talk to him.
3. It’s possible that they’ll lose the game.
4. It’s possible that everybody will come to my concert.
5. It’s possible that the government won’t win the election.
6. It’s possible that the school won’t win the competition.
7. Add the correct modal to the prediction:
People ________________ develop telepathy in the future(impossible)
The space explorers____________________ find water on Mars(probable)
Regular trips to space _______________ be available in the next century(possible)
One day they ___________________find life on other planets(slightly possible)
We _____________________ ever know everything(impossible)
It ________________________be sunny tomorrow(probable)
It ______________________be cloudy in June(possible)
It ____________________ rain in May(slightly possible)

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