Abstrak Acec 2018

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Land and Citizen: A study in the perspective of theory and actualization

Triana Rejekiningsih

Sebelas Maret University


Land as a living space of all citizens, in part of the operation, should ensure as much as
prosperity on people. This study aims at conducting land and citizenship’s studies,
which is reviewed in both theoretical and actual perspective. Research method applied
to this study is qualitative approach, through combining both legal and social
researches. This approach is aimed at understanding the relationship and
interrelationship between legal aspects, with the occurring reality in society. he study
found that: 1) Land in relation to citizens manifest both rights and obligations in its
operations, guaranteed by the legal system of land; 2) The legal functioning associated
with role and participation of citizens in applying the rule of law. 3) Citizenship
education contributes to establishing citizens’ conscious participation in compliance
with rights and obligations to the land; 4) the Actualization of Civic education the rights
of land protection cantered has been developed in Scotland, with the subject of rural
society called On the Land We Stand. The learning consists of 4 units, among others,
Land is Life, Its Our Right, Losing Ground, Action for Change, Share Teaching. It is
necesIt is necessary to develop citizens attitudes who are able to use the land not only
to fulfill ones personal interests but the public interest as well.

Keywords: Land, citizenship, theory, actualization

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

Image Constructions of Government Organizations Through The Utilization of
Internal Online Media (A Case Study on www.beritajakarta.id)

Metha Silvia Ningrum

Department of Communication Studies, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


Jakarta Capital City Government is one icon to a good performance of regional

governments. It is proven by the accountability of performance of the government for
2016 period, recorded in the evaluation of Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic
Reform of Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta Capital City Government acquired an
improvement by having B as a new grade, while in the previous year, CC is the grade
that Jakarta Capital City Government made. But the objective reality around the society
about the stern performance of Jakarta Capital City Government can not be easily
changed. It needs a hard-work of the government public relations to undertake an
image constructions of this organization through information deployment in educative,
informative, and persuasive way. One strategy that has been done by Jakarta Capital
City Government is to maximize the function of internal media in this e-government era,
and also to follow the innovative development in informatics technology. The internal
media of government that usually in printed media form, it is now become online or an
official website of the government. This research discuss about an official website of
Jakarta Capital City Government www.beritajakarta.com, the first official news website
of regional government in Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, constructionism
paradigm, and a case study method, the researcher would like to encounter how the
process of image constructions of Jakarta Capital City Government conducted through
the utilization of website www.beritajakarta.id, and how the civil servant (ASN) of
Jakarta Capital City Government as the internal public and the people of Jakarta as an
external public interpret the image of the Jakarta Capital City Government as a result of
construction carried out through the utilization of the website www.beritajakarta.id.

Keywords: Government Public Relations, Image Contructions, Internal Online Media

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties


Mafrur Udhif Nofaizzi

Universitas Negeri Malang


The issue every year that experienced by the students of SMK is the lack of mastery of
the theory the students that have an impact on the low value of the exam nationwide , in
addition to the lack of integrity of the students in the running Internship. Research
development by using the technique of collecting the data interviews , observation , and
questionnaires . The instrument used is a guidance interview , questionnaire scale 4.
Mechanical analysis of the data is done by way of explaining the results of extracting
information and observations in the field . To know the validity of products that have
been developed , performed data analysis by using the percentage calculation by the
formula . Results from development is a prototype of a web form that involves , teacher
tutors , schools , and the elderly . The features were developed in the web are as follows
: (a) Description of program (b) Material Lessons (c) Video Learning (d) Forum
Discussion either synchronous or a synchronous (e) Quiz (f) Value (g) Attendance (h )
Report. Based on the results validation expert curriculum obtained results of 88%,
validation expert media 84%, the results of the questionnaire responses of students
amounted to 85%. It is showing the development of the system of learning within
distant future vocational Internship declared invalid.

Keywords: online learning, character, internship, vocational theory

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

Contribution of Local Wisdom of Indonesia to National Resilience

Maulia D. Kembara, Abdorrahman Gintings, Hatta Usmar Rukka

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The local wisdom that is attached to every nation in this world contains the values of
the noble national identity and honorable; whether from a single tribe or a mixture of
many tribes in the area of residence of a nation of significant value, when viewed from a
variety of dimensions, including from the dimensions of national resilience.
Theoretically, local Indonesian wisdom can be protected and directed to maintain the
existence of Indonesian territory and citizens. However, empirically it needs to be
investigated. This study aims to prove how the contribution of local wisdom of the
Indonesian nation today to the national ground, and how should the rules and directives
of the government to use local wisdom of the Indonesian nation for the purpose of
sustainable defense of the universe (sustainable).

Keywords: Local wisdom, Resilience, Indonesia

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

Dr. Prayoga Bestari, M.Si

Syaifullah, M.Si

Civic Education Departemen FPIPS UPI Bandung.


This program aims to know the description and distribution of waqf land located in the
Regency/ City of West Java and to know the description of the employment type in
accordance with the characteristic of waqf land so as to know the description of the
system and waqf land model empowerment. the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of
Indonesia has made an application serves as a waqf land database throughout
Indonesia. The application is made to collect and record the waqf land amount for all
regions in Indonesia. The application is named Waqf Information System (SIWAK)
which in this case is managed by the Ministry of Religion. In order to reach the region
data, the SIWAK application is integrated with the provincial and district/municipality
regional offices. Further efforts to empower waqf land to open employment is one part
of the development process with improving the welfare of the surrounding community,
then the empowerment of entrepreneur-based waqf land can be an alternative, but also
there are other ways that can be used in empowering waqf land such as waqf land
empowerment based Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil, online based waqf empowerment model,
waqf empowerment model based on sharia franchise. These three ways can be used as
an alternative to empower waqf land to be able to open jobs.

Keywords: waqf land, waqf land empowerment model

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties


Randi Setia Nugraha

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The village is a legal community unity that has the boundaries of the territory
authorized to regulate and administer government affairs. The role of village
government is not enough just the relationship between villagers and village
government. However, the life of individuals and groups in participating,
accommodating aspirations, in various channels of community institutions and obeying
all applicable laws and regulations. As a government institution, the village government
is the spearhead in fostering the political, socio-cultural, defense and economic system
of the villagers, all of which are part of the rights and responsibilities of the villagers.
The subject of this research is how the village government fostered the participation of
villagers in the rights and obligations of the citizens. This research is a research with
descriptive-comparative study method with qualitative approach. Data collection
techniques were conducted by document studies, in-depth interviews and supported by
observations and FGDs. Analyze data with interactive. The results showed that every
citizen can participate in realizing the goals and ideals of the country. Therefore,
synergy between village government, regional and central government is needed.

Keywords: Village Government, Citizen Participation

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY (Case Study of “Decofresh Warnai Jodipan” Program)

Weni Wahyu Widyastuti, Prof.Dr.Idrus Affandi,S.H

Indonesia University of Education


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one form of civic responsibility that is expected
to be one of the pillars of sustainable development program. In general, this study aims
to explore and analyze the responsibilities of citizenship by companies through CSR
funds. This study is based on the main problem that is about how the actualization of
the use of CSR funds against one of the programs initiated by the youth, namely
"Decofresh Warnai Jodipan" in Malang as a form of citizenship responsibility of PT
Indana Paint? The approach used in this research is qualitative. The method used in this
study is a case study method. Research subjects consisted of three parties, namely
company employees, Jodipan Urban apparatus, and Guyspro as the initiator of the
program. The results show that the sustainability of a company depends on how far the
company is able to be responsible for the impacts of the companys activities, both
socially and financially. Concern for the economic, social, and environmental impacts is
the value of the company. With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the company is
expected to get some long-term benefits, such as an increase in corporate value
reflected in stock prices, increased sales, and indirectly able to make the community
participate in maintaining the existence of the company. Regardless of the funds to be
spent by the corporation to realize CSR. While the synergy generated by youth,
companies (through CSR funds), as well as the community is one of the real effort that is
expected to minimize the Legitimacy Gap arising from the difference of conflict of

Keywords: Key Words: Civic Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

Democracy of Education for Woman in Rural Area

Muhammad Japar, Dini Nur Fadhillah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research aims to collection of data about the democracy education for women in
the rural area of Larangan, Brebes, Central Java through the empowerment of women
heads of families (PEKKA). Patriarkhi culture makes the women placed on the position
of subordinatif and can be controlled. And women are less heard in give freedom speech
and providing input for the creation of national prosperity in the rural area. The
presence of the Organization women delivers the spirit of women to balancing citizens
rights in rural area. The research was conducted using qualitative research methods are
descriptive. The collection of data used are research library and research field. The data
are collected with interviews with nine members of PEKKA Brebes, Chairman of PEKKA
Brebes, two apparatus government in larangan village and companion village field. The
results of this study indicate that women in the rural area of Larangan become
confident in stating an opinion, dare to participate actively in electoral votes, able to
provide input to the Government of the region, and balancing citizens rights between
women and men.

Keywords: Democracy, education, Woman, Rural Area

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

Understanding of Human Rights Through Civic Education

Eneng Martini

STKIP Pasundan Cimahi


The current reality is that there are still attitudes and behaviors and practices that lead
to irregularities or human rights violations; some serious cases of human rights
violations spread to the surface have not yet found a complete solution. Regarding
human rights cases, it is now easy for the public to see it both through the mass media
and electronics. Human awareness of human rights exists, because the recognition of
the same dignity and dignity as human beings but as long as humans have not yet
acknowledged the existence of equality of human dignity, human rights can not be
established. If human rights can not be enforced it will continue violation and
repression of human rights, both by society, nation, and government of a State. By
finding several factors that make the cause of human rights violations efforts that can be
taken is through formal education that passes the Citizenship Education which is a
social psychology field that emphasize besides the knowledge is also required skills and
attitudes of students in facing the challenges of life in the 21st century as well as
democratic life with noble character.

Keywords: Human Rights, Citizenship Education, 21st Century.

Topic: Balancing Citizen Rights and Duties

The Politics of Education Policy: Full Day School, Nawacita & Muhammadiyah
Susena; Ardian Bakhtiar Rivai

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


This study aims to explore that mechanism under processes of educational policy
formation especially on full day school in Indonesia. There are so many literature that
given attention to processes of politics behind the scene for educational policy.
However, it is little study that given on educational policies developing and change. This
study improving by governmental archival data, complemented with interviews and
media analysis to support the framework of Nawacita. We found that full day school as a
part of implementation of Nawacita by government of Joko Widodo, it was taking
Muhammadiyah in to the politics of education in the moment of mental revolution.
Muhammadiyah has been part of the coalition of political education in order to succeed
Joko Widodo’s government idea.

Keywords: Education, Mechanism, Policy, Politics

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance

Constructing Assessment Model for Pancasila Education Design

Airin Yustikarini Saleh, Eko Aditiya Meinarno

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Indonesia


The making of this assessment model is a continuation of the teaching design of

Pancasila Education proposed by Meinarno and Saleh (2017). The teaching design of the
Pancasila Education course uses problem-based learning methodology. The method is
chosen to develop undergraduate students analytical skills in mastering the knowledge
needed to understand the problem. This teaching design can make undergraduate
students active in building their knowledge, following the expected competencies
(Meinarno & Saleh, 2017). Based on this, it is necessary to design an assessment model
to measure the achievement of the learning objectives in the design. The method used in
this research is literature study. The results achieved are to obtain an assessment model
of the Pancasila Education process, such as the design of the discussion form, the design
of the student presentation evaluation, the design of formative and sumative exams.
This result will be a consideration for the implementation of the teaching process of
Pancasila Education at universities in Indonesia.

Keywords: assessment, pancasila education, problem-based learning, undergraduate


Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance





Todays globalization have shown a pattern of imbalance in international relationship.
The relationship between advanced nation and growing nation or “the looser and the
winner” (according to Micklethwait and Wooldridge in (“A Future Perfect : The
Chalenge and Hidden Promise of Globalization”) are still marked with the strong and
the weak polarization. This, in turn, would cause “asymetric aculturation” and then
impact to our value system in education. The goal of the research is to know the ideal
model study of value education in our junior school.The method of the research is
qualitative which is natural, descriptive, inductive, and phenomenon based on finding.
The research procedure is arranged into the step of : planning, the selecting of topic
excecuting (observation, interview, documentation), data collection, survey (A Case
Study of Students at Junior school in Sumedang, Parents, Supervisors, the Chairman,
Educators, Islam scholars, Psychiatry), analyzing, data checking, finding the education
model of value in education, summarizing and making recommendation. The potential
findings from the research are : the processes of study in formal education, non formal
and informal (life, school, family, and child education (moral and religion)) has
contaminated and lost its value which was a foundation in our family and society. The
society has been eroded, culture and religion is only a mere symbol of “social and
economic source” for its member. In the life of our ancestors, the status of education
were held strong, from moral value, religion norms to the value of culture, even the
metaphysics value were held strong in education. But the sheer negative influence from
technology caused “life of chaos and complex” has moved and destroy the formal
structure which eventually create a family which has a desire and busyness but lack of
spiritual value
Keywords: the study of value in education

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance


Fauzi Abdillah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This article effort have been made to identify the neurobiological basis of such Civic
Education learning objectives in our social brain. Pancasila as a state ideology of
Indonesia have included on civic education in Indonesia education curriculum as known
as Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn). So far the learning objectives
not included the neurobiological basis for assesst the successfulness of the educational
processes in elementary school context. Based on literature reviewed, the study result
recommend that PPKn must shift to alternative curriculum framework and perspective
of assessment related to Educational Neuroscience for enhancing evidence-based
education policy. For the long run, educational neuroscience will contribute to
evidence-based policy, especially for civic education curriculum in Indonesia.

Keywords: Civic Education, Educational Neuroscience, Evidence-based Education


Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance


Deitje Adolfien Katuuk, Sjamsi Pasandaran, Theodorus Pangalila

Manado State University


This study examines the effectiveness of school-based management practices from two
aspects, community partipation and school program implementation. The research will
be conducted in 6 elementary schools in Tomohon which have implemented school-
based management. This research applies evaluative study approach in which data are
gathered by using an instrument formulated based on Assessment of School-Based
Management Practices model. The data sources are 46 participants who consist of
teachers, headmaster and school committees. Data are analyzed quanlitatively and
expressed in percentage. The findings indicate that the effectiveness of school- based
management practices in increasing community participation and implementing school
programs is signficantly influenced from the availability and implementation of
management policies, management guidelines, management programs, monitoring, and
sustainable development program. It is recommended that strategic and programmatic
policies need to be formulated to strenghten and increase the effectiveness of school-
based management practices in schools.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Implementationon, School-Based Management Practices

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance

Knowledge, disposition and skill about learning material of Pancasila on the
PPKn of the 2013 Curriculum

Dr. Winarno Narmoatmojo, M Si

Pancasila and Civic Education Departement, University of Sebelas Maret


In line with the component of good civic education, Pancasila as one of the learning
materials in the PPKn of the 2013 curriculum, can be distinguished into civic knowledge
about Pancasila, civic disposition towards Pancasila and civic skills towards Pancasila.
This research analyzes what become knowledge, disposition and skill about Pancasila as
published in the subject of PPKn of curriculum 2013. The research design is qualitative
with literature study analysis method. The main data source is the formula of Core
Competence and Basic Competence PPKn subjects for junior high and high school level.
The results showed that Pancasila is one of the four basic materials PPKn 2013 namely
Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and NKRI. The knowledge of
Pancasila includes the status of Pancasila as the foundation of the state and the nations
life, the gratitude to God and the ability to present the results of the task analysis related
to the material of Pancasila

Keywords: Pancasila, PPKn, learning material

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance

Contribution of self esteem and learning motivation to learning outcome of civic
education in elementary student

Mohamad syarif sumantri, Ruly Sylvia, Arita

Universitas Negeri jakarta


This research intend to recognize the contribution of self esteem and learning
motivation to learning outcome of civic education for elementarary student. Research
method using quantitative approach. The technique of data analysis which is used to
process data is descriptive analysis technique and inferential analysis with 100 samples.
Research was conducted in public elementary school, south of Tangerang Indonesia.
The results of the study are that: (1) there is a significant positive relation between self
esteem and the outcome of civic education. It means better self esteem of a student
higher outcome of civic education. (2) There is a significant positive relation between
student learning motivation and the outcome of learning civic education. It means that
learning motivation has direct relation to the outcome of student learning civic
education, stronger the student has learning motivation higher the outcome learning
civic education. (3) There is a significant positive relation between self esteem and
student motivation together with the outcome of learning civic education. It means that
self esteem and learning motivation gives contribution to the outcome of learning civic
education and the contribution of self esteem and learning motivation is the result of
extremely can to increase the outcome of learning civic education in the public
elementary student.

Keywords: Self esteem, learning motivation, and learning outcome of civic education,
elementary student

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance

Exploring The Students’ Critical Reflection Ability in Their Interaction With Place
in Outdoor Learning Program Using Place-Based Education’s Nested Context

Hendra Erik Rudyanto (a), Esti Yuli Widayanti (b)

a) Universitas PGRI Madiun

Jalan Setia Budi 85, Madiun 63118, Indonesia
b) IAIN Ponorogo
Jalan Pramuka 156, Ponorogo, Indonesia


Children develop by conducting the process of socialization through various forms. One
of them is the socialization done by the child by interacting with place in their
environment. Children’s interaction with places in schooling is facilitated by the Place-
based Education (PBE) approach, in which there is a major concept of student
interaction with the environment and surrounding communities. The PBE’s nested
context enables children to explore the closest environment to children in school to the
community outside to provide students with awareness from local to global levels. This
study examines the extent to which primary school students interact with the
environment and surrounding communities in their learning, in order to improve the
ability to read social conditions (critical reflection) as their provision to be good adult
citizens. The research was conducted using qualitative approach with case study design
at two elementary schools in Ponorogo and Magetan districts which are implementing
place-based education based learning. Data obtained from the interviews, observations,
and documentation assessed from the participants (teachers, students, principals,
parents, and community). Researchers who play as a research instrument, then analyze
the data by reviewing the results of interviews, field notes, and document review.
Triangulations were sought among the multiple data sources. The results of research on
how student interaction occurs in order to develop the ability to read social conditions
(critical reflection) are as follows: 1) the ability of students in reading social conditions
is still low; 2) students need preliminary information before interacting with the place
around them, especially to explore social conditions critically.

Keywords: Critical reflection ability, Children interaction with place, Place-Based

Education (PBE)

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance


Heni Widia Nengsi1, Prof. Dr. Karim Suryadi, M, Si.2

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research is important to do because considering at the present time, the

participation rate of citizens in the city of Palembang is quite low. This is evidenced by
the decline in the level of citizen participation in the elections in 2013. Therefore, this
study is deemed necessary to do because based on several reasons, First, Undang-
undang Dasar 1945 article 28, every citizen has the right to independence, assembly
and assembly , issuing thoughts with oral and written and so forth is established by law.
Secondly, as a democratic country, the status of a citizen is essentially a holder of
sovereignty or power in any governmental decision-making. Third, the importance of
participatory skills in democratic countries aims to develop democratic education that
develops three main functions, one of which is to encourage a culture of citizen
participation. The approach in this research using qualitative approach, with case study
method. The sample was obtained by using purposive sampling technique with research
informant is Head of Public Relations, Head of Communication and Information of
Palembang City and citizens of Palembang City. Validity test conducted in this research
is credibility test, transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. Data
collection techniques used are, interviews, observation, and documentation. Data
analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.
The results of this study, it is known that efforts to increase the awareness of
Palembang city residents to participatory culture that was done by the government of
Palembang city to capture increased public participation, through social media as a
place of community in channeling aspirations.

Keywords: Keywords: Citizen, Political Participation, Social Media

Topic: Curriculum Design and Democratic Governance


Dedy Ari Nugroho and Suharno

Yogyakarta State University


This study examined community-based citizenship knowledge about the strategy of

Local Government in an effort to strengthen ecological citizenship in City Without Slum
Program (KOTAKU). The content of this research was presented theoretically based on
the data of descriptive qualitative research and supported by literature study conducted
in Sukoharjo District, Central Java Province. The ecological development program used
as the object of research was the City Without Slum Program (KOTAKU). Scientific work
of this research was made as a reflection on the issue of citizenship, especially about the
problem of apathism in society in various development activities in the field of
environmental control. As a country of democracy, Indonesia proves itself that the state
has been concerned with the participation of its people. Community participation in the
field of environmental development can be done through the Program of City Without
Slum (KOTAKU), which is held in all parts of Indonesia including in Sukoharjo District.
The participation of governments in strengthening citizens participation in the field of
environmental development is essential. Local government is a government actor who
has a strategic position in organizing a dialog or forum to strengthen the spirit of
community participation. Community education conducted by the Local Government is
one of the strategic efforts that can be done to strengthen itself as a democratic
government and care about the accessibility of the community to participate in the field
of environmental (ecological) development. The community needs to be given
motivation to participate in the environmental control program, in this research was
the participation in the Urban Program Without Slum (KOTAKU) that will form a
participative and responsive society to the condition of the environment. This study was
a study of Pancasila and Citizenship Education in the context of society, as it examined
the governments efforts in strengthening participatory skills. The skills of participating
in the term of civics are called civic participatory skills. While the focus of this study was
related to the efforts of Local Government and the community in the program of healthy
environmental control, which is the field of study of Pancasila and Citizenship
Education, and termed as ecological citizenship.

Author Description:
Dedy Ari Nugroho: Author of Pancasila and citizenship education textbooks, Graduate
Student of Pancasila and Civics Education, Yogyakarta State University.
Suharno: Head of Pancasila and Civics Education Major, Graduate School, Yogyakarta
State University

Keywords: Civic engagement, civics, ecological citizenship, Local Government, Society.

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement

National language politics: strengthening the character identity of the nation. Still
needed and is it relevant?

Royan Nur Fahmi, Christine Masada Hirashita Tobing, Miskanik, Yogi Purnama, Devi
Ratnasari, Sabrina Dachmiati

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


The politics of the national language as one of Indonesias political policies requires a
comprehensive implementation in the life of the nation, especially in the field of
language. As a political stance, the policy of national language politics in it contains the
foundation of philosophy, the constitutional foundation and operational foundation to
ensure the achievement of the policy objectives. Through national language politics, it is
expected that the survival and exploitation of national language will be realized in the
life of nation and state. Through language, the state hopes that the character and
national identity will be maintained, because language as one of the national identities
of a nation can be degraded its position over the times when it is not fortified with
constitutional and operational policies.

Keywords: national language politics, character, identity of nation

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement

Social Engineering Development of Functional Identity for Food Security of Apple
Farmers in Kota Batu, East Java

Drajat Tri Kartono, Atik Catur Budi

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Apple is the largest agricultural commodity in Kota Batu, has even become an icon of
city identity. However, apple production from 2013-2015 has twice decreased, by 15%
in 2014 and 5.2% in 2015. This article discusses the development of functional identity
for food security of apple farmers. This study aims to construct the concept and theory
of food security. As well as developing prototype design social engineering functional
identity for food security. The theory used is the identity of Richard Jenkins that identity
is something that can be negotiated and made in the process of human interaction. The
method used in this research is participatory. The location of this research is located in
Kota Batu, East Java. This research strategy uses Participation Action Research strategy
to test identity engineering. The results explained that apple crisis in Kota Batu is
caused by external and internal factors. External factors include the transfer of land that
has not been planted by apples, while the internal factor is the dissolution of
regeneration of apple farmers and the shift of work orientation among apple farmers.
Thus, social engineering functional identity for food security of apple farmers became
one of the efforts to maintain the existence of apple farmers in Kota Batu.

Keywords: Food Security, Identity, Social Engineering

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement

Moral Aspect on Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Prophetic Perspective

Siti Zuliyah, Triwahyuningsih

Ahmad Dahlan University


The Law enforcement in Indonesia is still relaying upon positivism paradigm, which
portrays that law is not coming from God or nature but coming from human. That
argument is based upon the provision to separate law and moral, which make law out of
the value of moral and religion, so that low has become the tool of instrumentalists, the
mouthpiece of the law, and gavel tappers from the mentioned text formulated to power
so that it is going too far beyond the sense of justice.
The purpose of this research: (1) Questioning the reason why moral is still required in
the Indonesian law enforcement (2) Questioning on how law enforcement in Indonesia
can fulfill the need of essential justice. This research used sociological and legal
approaches by elaborating the law regulations outright moral and value content
underlying law enforcement in Indonesia. The sociological approach was used to
analyze cases in the law enforcement starting from inquiry, prosecution, and trial. This
research point out that 1) law enforcement still need moral element because the
greatest purposes of law is to attain a essential justice by putting human dignity as the
most important basic values. The law enforcer should pay more attention on humanity
principle, such as: truth, honesty, kindness, freedom, justice, and happiness. 2) law
enforcement concept in Indonesia that can actualize the essential justice is the
prophetic law enforcement, which combine between justice based on social value and
religion for the ultimate goal to bring the benefit towards society.

Keywords: law enforcement, moral aspect, prophetic

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement


Aulia Sholichah Iman Nur Chotimah S.Pd , Prof. Dr. Idrus Affandi, S.H.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


As citizens of course have rights and obligations, one of the forms of citizens rights is to
obtain good public services. Most of the people do not understand that in the public
service there is the right of the community to submit a complaint or feedback on the
services received if the implementers and organizers make a deviation of service
standards. Ombudsman institutions as a state agency tasked to oversee the
implementation of public services should be better known by the community, but in fact
the Ombudsman institution is not well known by the people in Central Java, this is
because the ombudsman institution is only at the center and its representatives in the
province, not yet touched to the district even to the villages, although in the Act of
Ombudsman article 2 it has been mentioned that the Ombudsman can establishing
Ombudsman representatives in the province and / or city districts. However, due to the
limitations of the Ombudsman only come to representatives in the Province. This makes
supervision of public services limited, requiring the participation of citizens to assist in
the implementation of public service oversight. This research uses qualitative method
In this research will be explored more deeply about how the efforts of Ombudsman
Representative of Central Java to encourage citizen participation in the supervision of
public services in Central Java. The result of this study is a representative Ombudsman
of Central Java encourage public participation in public oversight through network
ombudsman, which consists of various backgrounds.


Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement

The General Principles of Good Governance on Legal Products of Investment
Policies of Regencies/ Cities in Indonesia

Eny Kusdarini

Department of Civics and Legal Education, Faculty of Social Sciences

Yogyakarta State University


The objective of this paper is to describe the results of research on the general
principles of good governance on legal products related to the local government
investment licensing policy in Indonesia by taking samples of the Special Region of
The method used in this research is a legal research method employing the approach of
legislation, philosophical jurisdical, sociological juridical and comparative. The data
collection techniques include documentations, interviews and observations.
The results of the research show that not all legal products of investment licensing
policy in the research area have formulated and implemented general principles of good
governance. The legal products of Sleman Regency Government have not much
formulated and implemented the general principles of good governance explicitly.
Moreover, the some legal products in Yogyakarta city have formulated the general
principles of good governance and described it in detail. In addition, the legal products
in Kulon Progo Regency have implemented the general principles of good governance
explicitly or implicitly, but the number of legal products in Kulonprogro regency is not
as many as that of Sleman Regency and Yogyakarta City.

Keywords: General principles of good governance, Local legal products, Investment

licensing policy, Indonesia

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement

Epin Saepudin (a), Karim Suryadi (b), Elly Malihah (c)

(a) Institut Teknologi Bandung

(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(c) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The existence of government’s limitation in implementing the development programs

makes the need for community involvement as beneficiaries and practitioners of the
development in the culture of democracy. This study aimed to describe the contribution
of youth in supporting the sustainable development by seeing the development of
phenomena in the social context. The study was conducted by using qualitative
approach with phenomenological method. The results showed that youth pioneering
strength-based collaborative community became the major force in achieving the
targets and the goals of sustainable development. Community became incubators in
developing and internalizing the values of volunteerism, creativity, and innovation of
youth in democratic governance management based on sustainable triangle, namely the
balance of economic, social and environmental development

Keywords: youth pioneering, sustainable development, community

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement



Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



This research aims to find out the development of civic culture for Palembang Malay
through Palembang EMAS Program 2018. Indonesian culture cannot be separated from
Malay cultural root, and Palembang city is one of the cities which is very thick with its
Malayness. Therefore, the Government of Palembang City launched Palembang EMAS
Program 2018 for developing the civic culture of Palembang Malay. The approach in
this research using the qualitative approach, with case study method. The sample was
obtained by Head of Public Relations, Head of The Creative Economy Department of
Tourism Office, the Head of PHRI South Sumatra, Culturalist and Cultural Ambassador
Palembang City. Validity test conducted in this research is credibility test,
transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. Data collection
techniques used were, interviews, literature studies, observation, and documentation.
Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and data
verification. The results of this study, it is known that the effort of Palembang City
Government in developing civic culture realized in Palembang EMAS Program 2018,
EMAS itself is an abbreviation of elegance (keanggunan), madani (madani), safe (aman),
and prosperous (sejahtera). As for some excellent programs from Palembang EMAS
Program 2018 that is with the holding of dawn safari program, mutual cooperation
every Friday and Sunday, Triangle Culture Festival, preparation of Palembang Malay
dictionary, and the use of Malay customs every Friday.

Keywords: Civic Culture, Palembang Malay Community, Palembang EMAS 2018


Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement

An Exploratory of Performance-Based Budgeting Practices in Indonesian Private

Agus Wahyudin, Agung Yulianto, and Badingatus Solikhah

Accounting Department,Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Central Java,



Due to the demands of good corporate governance, both public and private sector
management must be professional, transparent and accountable. The emergence of
these reform demands is a challenge and prospect for educational institutions. The
education management in private schools has very different implications because this
school has a high financial dependence on the foundation that oversees and the
environment of parents and community as stakeholders. Prior research provides
empirical evidence that implementation of planning and budgeting in schools has not
been well managing and has many obstacles. The purpose of this paper is to explore the
budgeting process, stakeholder participation level, constraints emerging in the
budgeting process, and implementation of performance-based budgets in vocational
high schools. The research was conducted in three private schools around Semarang
City Indonesia. Respondents in this research are principals, treasurers, foundation
boards, committees, teachers, students, staff, and parents. The results show that the
budget in private schools has not been entirely based on vision, mission and school
goals, the funds mostly used to finance the monotonous activities in teaching and
learning. The most dominant role in determining the budget post is the treasurer and
the board of the foundation because of the weakness of human resources. The education
budget in the autonomy era is expected to be formulated with a performance approach
that prioritizes the achievement of goals.

Keywords: Budgeting, Privat School, Performance Based Budgeting

Topic: Good Governance and Civic Engagement


Runik Machfiroh1, Sapriya2, Kokom Komalasari3,



Abstract: The digital era has brought cultural changes, especially young Indonesian
citizens. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze young Indonesian citizens
in the digital era. The research method that used is descriptive quantitative approach.
As for the data collection technique was using questionnaires and interviews to junior
high school students in Bandung with a sample of 200 people. Data analysis was using
descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that (1) the image of internet
usage of junior high school students in Bandung is 100% using internet and have social
media account, access time > 8 hours a day as much as 85%; (2) characteristics as a
young citizen in the digital era for junior high school students in Bandung shows that
the value of caring and responsibility becomes a point that must be considered because
they tend to be fast in getting information through social media without the truth. The
implication of this research is how is the model of values development that suitable for
young citizens in the digital era.

Keywords: Key Words: civic education, digital citizenship, digital citizenship education,
digital era

Topic: Netizens, Networking and Shared Responsibilities

How is the use of social media in the student activist at Yogyakarta

Matang (a*), Samsuri (b)

a) Graduate student of Pancasila and civics education, Yogyakarta state university.

Jalan Colombo Nomor 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
b) Lecturer of Pancasila and civics education, Yogyakarta state university.
Jalan Colombo Nomor 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.


Based on the data of internet users in various countries in the world and especially in
Indonesia. The type of content on the internet that is often visited by netizens is social
media. Students play an important role in the use of social media because it is firstly
ranked in the category of Internet usage from the type of work. This qualitative research
examines the utilization of social media by student activist from 4 association of civic
education students in Yogyakarta. The results showed that the type of social media most
often used student activist is instagram and facebook. The organization of student
groups in which they work using social media tends to display the activities they will
and have done, as well as promotional events such as seminars and book review.
Student activists use social media for the existence of identity, as entertainment, place
of sale and political participation. These findings provide a way for further research to
further examine the activities of student activists in social media. Social media is a new
form of political participation of student activists. These findings provide a way for
further research to further examine student activist activities in social media.

Keywords: social media, student activist, political participation

Topic: Netizens, Networking and Shared Responsibilities

The Need of Instructional Media based on Online in Civic Education

Fathikah Fauziah Hanum, Kokom Komalasari, Iim Siti Masyitoh

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The development of the 21st century demands some competencies, one of which is the
must-have for students in Information media and technology skills that include (a)
information literacy; (b) media literacy; (c) ICT literacy (Information and
Communication Technology literacy). The development of information technology is
related to the use of the Internet in various fields and has increased. Increased internet
usage raises some misuse of internet usage such as the emergence of hoax information,
plagiarism practices, hate speech in social media, even sending key answers by students
during the exam. This is because the use of the Internet has been included in the field of
education. In this research, there is some goal that is to know what the problems of the
utilization of internet in learning Civic Education in High School, Do high school
students need internet access in learning process and how they use the internet. This
research used the quantitative descriptive approach with questionnaire. The survey
was conducted in SMA N 2 Wates with a sample of 76 eleven grade students taken at
random. The results show about 90% of students are looking for other materials other
than books from schools to help in understanding a material such as through a module
or the internet. In addition, 85% of high school students need instructional materials or
alternative media that can be used to learn the concept of Civics subjects more
interesting and easy to understand. As many as 92% of high school students in Kulon
Progo agree the need to develop media such as a web-based module to learn the
concept of Civic Education.

Keywords: instructional media, instructional media based on online, civic education

Topic: Netizens, Networking and Shared Responsibilities

The Pattern of Online Purchase Behavior by Millennial Family

Fitria Ayuningtyas, Witanti Prihatiningsih

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran



The issue of millennial generation is being widely discussed around the world due to
their unique characteristics compared to the previous generations. Characters of this
generation of 3C: creative, confident, and connected. Buying a products, especially
apparel, not only meets the needs, but it is also the pleasure of the millennial family. The
unique characters of the millennial familys behavior that differs from the family in
previous generations, make marketers needs to focus on the overall process of
purchasing decisions made by the millennial family. The purpose of this qualitative
research is to explore the patterns of behavior of the millennial family when Shopping
especially apparel products, including the factors that influence their product’s
awareness, search the information before buy the products, evaluation of alternatives,
purchase behavior, and behavior post-purchase. The method of this research used
exploratory approach. Data collection done by depth interviews to five millennial
families (the urban middle-class millennial) in Jakarta. The preliminary result of this
research indicated that millennial family is more creative and “smarter” than family in
previous generation. They seek well information before buying the products.

Keywords: Millennial, Family, Purchase, Behavior, Online

Topic: Netizens, Networking and Shared Responsibilities

Civic Education and Students’ Social Movement in Responding to Global Issue
(Descriptive Analysis Study In State University of Medan)

Surya Dharma, Sapriya, Udin S.Winataputra, Kokom Komalasari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


When modern life is confronted with various dynamics and challenges which so
complex, then it need uniformity in thinking and acting. Such uniformity is collective
action which has differentiation to solve various social problems both in local and
Global context. This study is based on thinking of how Civic Education capable to build
students’ thinking capacity to be actively involved in responding Global issues. How the
role of Civic Education course to strengthened global responsibility. What which
encourage students to do social movement in responding to global issues. This study is
conducted in State University of Medan by using descriptive analysis study. The result
of study reveal that (1) Civic Education in State University of Medan today still not
accommodate the development of global responsibility among college students; (2)
Most students tend to do social movement “only” if they get assignment from lecturer or
campus (including student organization); (3) The result of study reveal that college
students who join one group or institution has higher social opportunity in responding
Global issues, compared to those who are not joined in certain group or institution.

Keywords: Social movement, multicultural, global issues

Topic: Netizens, Networking and Shared Responsibilities

Indonesian Politicians’ Social Media Role in Encouraging Civic Engagement

Alia Azmi, Ike Sylvia, Desy Mardhiah

Department of Civic Education Universitas Negeri Padang, Department of Sociology

Education Universitas Negeri Padang


Among the fields that benefit from the internet and social media use are political
participation and civic engagement. Politicians have long been using social media for
their interests including campaigning and communicating with their constituents. On
the other hand, civic engagement, which might include political and non-political
actions, has been transformed by the internet and social media use that there are
specific terms of civic online participation. This research aims to reveal the role of
politicians in social media in attracting civic engagement both online and offline. This
research used qualitative content analysis to reveal messages by politicians in their
social media accounts. Politicians are selected based on the number of their followers in
the most popular social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Therefore,
social media posts of three politicians were analyzed; 2014 presidential candidate
Prabowo Subianto who has most followers on Facebook fanpage, Bandung mayor
Ridwan Kamil who has most followers on Instagram, and former president Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono who has most followers in Twitter. The result shows that those
politicians use their social media accounts to: (1) inform about their activities, both
personal and institution- or party-related; (2) announce public policies; (3) express
their opinions on contemporary issues; (d) greet constituents on national holidays; and
(e) invite civic engagement. Most of the contents are merely information about their
activities and opinions, and there are few invitations for civic engagement. However,
further studies on politicians’ posts on social media and civic engagement are needed to
reveal a more detailed correlation between the two to propose a better role of
politicians in encouraging civic engagement.

Keywords: civic engagement, politicians’ social media, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,

Prabowo Subianto, Ridwan Kamil

Topic: Netizens, Networking and Shared Responsibilities

Ex-Prisoners, Correctional System, and National Resilience
Rili Windiasih

Postgraduate Program of Jenderal Soedirman University


The article discusses how ex-prisoners socialized in correctional facility under

correctional system could integrate harmoniously into society, and the relevance of ex-
prisoners’ socialization under correctional system to national resilience. The objective
of the research is to find the way to optimize prisoner socialization to support national
resilience purposes.
Based on a study in correctional facility in Purwokerto, it was found that the institution
has conducted prisoner socialization under correctional system in accordance with Act
No. 12/1995 on Correctional and associated rules. The study was undertaken by
qualitative method with interviews and focused-group discussion. By using some
indicators, ex-prisoner who had socialization in the correctional facility are able to
integrate harmoniously in their society. It means that they are accepted in everyday life
in the society. However, they have difficulties when they look for job. Their societies
tend to not recruiting them.
Acceptance of ex-prisoner is affected by several factors, which are not under
correctional facility’s responsibility. The factors are: kind of crime conducted, socio-
economic status, education status, behavior before conducting crime, response of
victim, and stigma from society to the ex-prisoners.
In-depth analysis on prisoner socialization in national resilience perspective concluded
that socialization in the system of correctional is in accordance with and support
national resilience as stipulated in the Act No. 12/1995 and its associated rules. The
article recommends synergy between Department of Justice and Human Right c.q.
Directorate General of Correctional with National Resilience Institute to formulate
programs to enhance prisoner socialization and national resilience.

Keywords: ex-prisoners, correctional, national resilience, socialization

Topic: Other topics

Civic Education as Empowerment of Civic Activism

Erwin Susanto (a); Nadya Putri Saylendra (b)

a) Buana Perjuangan University

Jalan HS Ronggowaluyo, Karawang 41361
b) Buana Perjuangan University
Jalan HS Ronggowaluyo, Karawang 41361


This article was created to explain about the role of civic education to empower civic
activism. Learning civics education in the field are still oriented on mastering the theory
and memorize, the school curriculum tends to be stiff and full load will become
unattractive and unable to cultivate creativity in students so the success of the learning
process being hampered. During this time, the civic education learning focus solely to
the understanding and mastery of the material from the learning of civic education
course. In practice, students are only allowed as objects to measure how much students
can master the materials given by the teacher. This certainly will only sharpen the
students cognitive and ignores the psychomotor aspects and ignores the attitude. This
kind of education does not prepare students to be able to interact with both their
environment when they later assimilated into society. After conducting a study of the
literature, the authors can say that civic education is perfect to strengthen civic
activism. It is in accordance with the goals of citizenship education in General which is
"to form good citizens (to be a good citizen)". Through this article the author
recommends changing the paradigm of civic education educator long conventional civic
education toward understanding put forward not only theory but also a learning
experience. So being able to empower civic activism to the maximum

Keywords: Civic Education; Civic Activism; Civic Engagement

Topic: Other topics

Implementation of Parenting at Elementary School

Halimah Nur Amini, Desi Erawati

IAIN Palangka Raya


The role of parents in children’s education becomes the main concern, the school
becomes a continuation of home education. In order for childrens education develop
well then it requires a good parenting as well. Regarding that situation the parenting
program at the school becomes a requirement to deliver the children’s development
such as religion, intelligence, psychiatric, and social. The purpose of this study is to
know how the process of parenting at school. The method used in this research is
qualitative descriptive with principals, teachers (parenting committee), and parents as
informants. Data collection is conducted through interviews, documentation and
observation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of parenting is
done well. It has proven by the addition of insight for the parents, the appreciation of
what has done by the child and the school becomes a learning place for the parents.

Keywords: implementation, parenting, school

Topic: Other topics



Universitas Sebelas Maret



Civic education should be implemented in the attempt of satisfying the need for human
resource that can at least solve both national and local problems encircling it. It is
desirable in the attempt of strengthening civic literacy, for example: non-traditional
security (NTS) issues. The reinforcement of civic literacy needs a supporting spirit
becoming the main foundation to wake up and to deal with a variety of challenges
becoming the reality of nation today. Civic literacy challenge lies on the track of
research developing flexibly meeting our dual objectives: to improve the knowledge
beneficial at both local and national levels and to develop knowledge more beneficial to
civic education area globally. This article explains an idea of improving community
engagement containing non-traditional security material as a new bearing community
civic education in Indonesia.

Keywords: Non-traditional security, Civic literacy reinforcement, Community


Topic: Other topics

The Role of Political Parties In Building Loyalty of women Cadres Through
Political Education

hariyanti, cecep darmawan, iim siti masyitoh

departement of civic education, universitas pendidikan indonesia


This study aims to describe how the role of political parties in building the loyalty of
women cadres through political education. Efforts to build the political literacy of
women cadres through political education need to be balanced with loyalty to the party
in order to strengthen the party system in Indonesia. The development of political
parties is determined by the loyalty of the cadres as a factor driving the functions of
political parties. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method.
Determination of informant research through technique of non probability sampling
with purposive sampling technique. Data collection through observation, interview
techniques and documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation
and conclusion drawing and verification. The technique of testing the validity of the
data using source triangulation. The research findings show that the party established
the loyalty of women cadres through the alignment of political education materials with
the vision, mission and platform of the party based on the spirit of Restorasi Indonesia.
The idea of Restorasi Indonesia is the tagline and ideals of the NasDem party in the
party struggle. Political education aims to shape political personality, political
awareness and political participation. Political education plays a role to build cadre
loyalty in order to minimize the phenomenon of "jumping-fence politicians" because
politics is solely seen from the point of view of power.

Keywords: Loyalty, Woman Cadres, Political Education.

Topic: Other topics


Sapriya (a*), Syaifullah (b*), Susan Fitriasari (c*)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In the recent facts show that few students who are faced with various problems are not
able to make decisions and act quickly and accurately. As a result, there arises (1) a
sense of imbalance in action, which leads to the inability to get out of the problem, (2)
new problems may arise more complexly. Action Learning Model is one of the
alternatives that can be applied in learning to develop students ability in determining
the actions that are deemed appropriate when faced with various problems that arise.
Problems in this research are (1) how the planning and implementation of action
learning model in Civic Education course; (2) how the advantages and disadvantages of
the action learning model in the Civic Education course; (3) how the constraints and
efforts for application of action learning model on the Civic Education course; and (4)
how the influence of action learning model in developing students civic engagement.
This research uses qualitative research approach and qualitative approach or
commonly called mixed method approach.
Qualitative data obtained through interviews and observations, while the quantitative
data obtained through questionnaires distributed to students as research subjects.
The result of the research shows that the learning model of action (action learning if
applied effectively able to develop the involvement of students in various problems
faced by the community, which is realized with the ability to propose alternative
problem solving), the lecturer is expected to give access or opportunity to the students
to be actively involved in the process of lecturing, by stimulating the sensitivity of
students to the problems in society.

Keywords: Learning Model, Action Learning, Civic Engagement, Citizenship Education

Topic: Other topics

Realizing Characteristics of Sharing Organization Culture In the Change of
Educational Mindset for Facing Asia Future Shock in 2020


Universitas Garut


The quality of a good education is influenced by the culture of the organization. In

realizing the characteristic of sharing organizational culture in the education sector of
Indonesia for changes in educational mindset in the face in 2020 is necessary. The role
of organizational culture in an education is crucial to achieve or not the process of
achieving the goal of the quality of an education to face Asia Future Shock in 2020.
Methodology is descriptive of the value of local wisdom as a local cultural collaboration
which is received by both internal and external environments and its findings are
recommended to decision-makers for practical action in solving problems.
The existence of participatory activities that build the characteristics of sharing
organizational culture as well as the high fighting spirit of a few conflicts provide an
opportunity to meet the needs of power (awards) and continue to build the
characteristics of sharing organization culture together harmoniously that is supported
by resources with a clear participation process of achievement for all village officials,
community leaders and youth through the transparency of education budget values
embedded in an educational process of Indonesian society. Transparency and loyalty
are the characteristics of sharing organizations that can build the right education to
produce competent competitiveness of resource resources in the face of Asia Future
Shock by 2020.

Keywords: Sharing, Realization, Transformation

Topic: Other topics



(1) Student of Civic Education Graduated School Program Yogyakarta State University.
*Email: fredikkollo@yahoo.co.id
(2) Lecture at Civic Education Program Graduated School Program Yogyakarta State
University. *Email: sunarso@uny.ac.id


Injustice to the women often happened in every field of life. One of those injustices is in
political fields. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of patriarchy
culture to the injustice of the women in politics. The background of this research is just
to see the way patriarchy culture puts woman on the second position after man. Almost
all Indonesian people still hold tightly this patriarchy culture. The system of our politics
is influenced by patriarchy culture and makes woman lack to get political access.
Woman does not have chance to rule a strategic position in politics. The object of this
research is in Non-Government Organization Legal Aid Institution Indonesian Women
Association in Kupang(LSM LBH APIK). The method used in this research is descriptive
qualitative methods. The result of this research shows that people’s perspective about
woman still in the assumption that woman just should concern about house matters.
There are some kinds of injustice for woman in politics. First is the lack of political
education for woman. Second is the lack of supports from political party. Third, woman
does not have chance as decision maker in strategic position. Fourth isthe paradigm in
society which shows that the leader must be a man. There are some woman figures who
become candidate as the head of government in the general election but they don’t have
support from political parties, there’s only man who got the support from them. Women
are lack to get supports in the process of legislative election so their political right can’t
be struggled. Almost all women have ability to lead but they have not the chance
thoroughly yet. Women in patriarchy culture can be divided into some categories: first
is woman always rules the house jobs. Second one is women rule the country but they
are still not maximum in their role. The society should fully support woman in politics

Keywords: Patriarchy culture, women’s injustice, politics, general election.

Topic: Other topics

The Role of LSM LBH APIK in Increasing Political Education for Woman


(1) Student of Civic Education Graduated School Program Yogyakarta State University. *
Email: fredikkollo@yahoo.co.id
(2) Lecture at Civic Education Program Graduated School Program Yogyakarta State
University. *Email: sunarso@uny.ac.id


Political education for women is very important in increasing women participation in

political field. This research aims to reveal the role of Non-Government Organization
Legal Aid Institution Indonesian Women Association in Kupang (LSM LBH APIK) in
empowering political education for women. The background of this research is coming
from the low of women’s level participation in political field. The participation of
women in political field is very low. What it is means by women participation in political
field is the women who nominate themselves as governor, regent, or as legislative
member. The women voters are enormous in number if it is compared with men voters
in every general election. Woman has 30% portion from a whole quota of the chairs of
the House of Representatives. The number of quota almost has not fulfilled yet in every
general election of legislative members. Political education is very needed by woman.
LSM LBH APIK is one of institution which helps woman in terms of politic and law. The
object of this research is women in Non-Government Organization Legal Aid Institution
Indonesian Women Association in Kupang(LSM LBH APIK). The method used in this
research is descriptive qualitative methods. The result of the research shows that the
participation of women in politics is very low. One of the factors causes the low women
participation in politics is the lack of political education for women and the lack of
supports from political party. The member of LSM LBH APIK gives socialization for
women with purposes to elevate political education for women. Some women, who
have ability as a leader, lack of confident to declare themselves in the arena of politics.
Women are unconfident because of limitedness that they have as economy and
educationfactors. Political education for women is very expected can be gained from
each relevant stakeholder.

Keywords: political participation, political education, woman, general election.

Topic: Other topics


Erna Hayati

Universitas Syiah Kuala


This study is about “The Procession and Meaning of Sengen Tradition in Gayo Lues
Society.” This study try to reveal the tradition which is believed by Gayo Lues society as
a sacred cultural heritage which is well known as the term Sengen. In Sangen tradition,
a child who is mismatch with his/her parent is handled by giving that child to the
relatives from his/her father or mother. The example of mismatch among other is when
a child was born with face- down position and when the child’s body is turned over,
he/she will urinate, or when son or daughter is looks very much like his/her father or
mother, it is worried that it will bring disaster or bad thing (often sick, often cry without
reason, even it is worried that he/she will be died). The aim of this study is: (1) to
describe the steps in Sengen process, (2) to describe the meaning of Sengen tradition in
the culture of Gayo Lues society. The method in this study is qualitative descriptive by
using interview technique. The location of study is in Putri Betung Sub-district, Gayo
Lues Regency. The subject of study involve 15 people which consist of Custom leaders
and people who ever hold Sengen and people who never hold Sengen. The result of
study show that (1) The process of holding Sengen is done in Gayo Lues society in which
birth parent provide various goods for seserahan which will be given together with the
child to Sengen parent, and after the seserahan event had finished, that goods will be
returned to birth parent. (2) Sengen tradition aims to guard the child in order to be safe,
and avoid him/her from everything bad. The conclusion of this study is that the process
of Sengen tradition held in Gayo Lues society as a cultural tradition which is passed for
generations is held as a sacred cultural value, then Sengen tradition is held as the form
of custom ritual by delegating a child to the relatives and it is expected that this
procession of Sengen ritual can avoid the child and parent from disaster such as death
and affliction which can occur to them.

Keywords: Tradition, Sengen, Gayo Tribe

Topic: Other topics


Siska Diana Sari, I.G. Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Pujiyono

Doctoral Program of Law Science, Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta


Development of science and technology as the impact of globalization give effect to the
development of body care needs so that there are many beauty clinic businesses which
have in Indonesia. Based on this condition ideally the state provides legal protection for
consumers of beauty clinics to feel comfortable and protected. The purpose of this
article is examining the protection of the citizens constitutional rights for consumers of
esthetic beauty clinic at Indonesia.
The study is conducted using qualitative methodology with normative approachand
literature study. The approach which used is the legislation approach, case approach,
comparative legal approach, historical approach, conceptual approach. Data collection is
done by literature study, unstructured interview, observation and documentation study
or library materials. Data analysis uses interactive data analysis.
The results show that the protection of citizens constitutional rights for consumers of
esthetic beauty clinics at Indonesia is guaranteed in Article 28D Paragraph (1), namely
the guarantee to the rights protection and legal certainty and Article 28H Paragraph (1)
regarding the right healthy and to get health services. Legal instruments related to
beauty clinics are health legislation, especially guidelines for the implementation of
esthetic beauty clinics and consumers protection legal. The institutions which have
authorized related to the practice of beauty clinics in the region, Integrated Licensing
Service Agency (BPTSP) for licensing and Dinas Kesehatan (Public Health Service) for
surveillance and the Consumer Dispute Settlement Agency (BPSK) for the disputes
settlement. Even though there are already have State Agency above but the legal
protection for consumers of beauty clinic has not been maximal. It based on the
research results that show there are still many violations related to the practice of
beauty clinic both about the authorized health personnel, licensing, medical devices and
medicine which is used for customers. So, the consumers get losses and lack of beauty
clinic responsibilities related to the fulfillment of guarantee obligations and legal
protection as well as the right to get healthy when there is neglecting which is from its

Keywords: Citizens’ Constitutional Rights, Consumers, Esthetic Beauty Clinic

Topic: Other topics


Sri Rejeki

Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Rinjani Charter values in the life
of Sasak tribe in West Nusa Tenggara. The subject of this research is one of the figures
directly involved in the preparation of the Rinjani Charter. The object of the study is the
text of the Rinjani Charter and the things that encourage the birth of the Rinjani Charter.
Methods of data collection with in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis
uses qualitative data analysis steps James P. Saprdly. The conclusion of this research is
the birth of Rinjani Charter signed on June 17, 2005 has impact to social function of
society especially in environmental conservation and life of Sasak tribe that make
Mount Rinjani become life source. The Rinjani Charter reinforces the wishes of the
Sasak community in the preservation of values, culture and life in a broad sense. In the
belief system of Sasak, Rinjani is the navel of the earth and at the same time as the pasak
bumi with various cosmological power possessed. This belief system gave birth to a
variety of ceremonial systems and taboo systems in order to breed and honor as a form
of gratitude. Mount Rinjani became the ecological center (pasek gumi) Lombok Island
which is the source of water that affects the climatology and life on the island of

Keywords: Values, Rinjani Charter, Suku Sasak

Topic: Other topics


Muhammad Halimi (a*), Aim Abdulkarim (b), Resti Lestari Dewi (c)

Departemen PKn Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study originated from the decline of honest character among young citizens. These
honest characters seem to be missing no trace in the everyday character of young
citizens. True education becomes an instrument that can change the character crisis of
young citizens. This education will determine the quality of young citizens so that in this
case the need for innovation in learning to support its success. One that can be done is
through the use of a project model citizen in learning that is known to form the honest
character of young citizens through the stages in the implementation. Even based on
research that will be described further in this research note that 17 other national
characters were able to be formed througt this model. This research uses classroom
action research method with qualitative and quantitative approach so that the result is
expected to be able to describe and explain how far the result of the application of this
model in impress the honest character of young citizen.

Keywords: Honest Character, Project Citizen Model

Topic: Other topics


Witanti Prihatiningsih, Fitria Ayuningtyas

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta


As the name implies, the main function of the rest area along toll roads is as a resting
place. But recently, some rest areas has double function. In addition to resting place,
rest area also serves as a tourist destination. In some rest areas, there are facilities that
can make the location categorized as a tourist destination. The purpose of this research
is to find out about the strategy of Rest Area KM 97 Cipularang as a tourist destination.
This research uses SWOT analysis with qualitative method. The data was taken from the
manager and visitors of Rest Area KM 97 Cipularang. The results of this study will show
how the potential, weaknesses, development and threats regarding management of Rest
Area KM 97 Cipularang. The conclusion is Rest Area KM 97 Cipularang wants to reach
all circles, ranging from children, adolescents, adults and elderly by providing tourism
facilities to fulfilled the needs of recreation along the journey and minimize risk of
traffic accidents on Bandung-Jakarta toll road.

Keywords: management strategy, Rest Area KM 97, SWOT

Topic: Other topics


Rima Vien Permata Hartanto

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta


The term citizenship has been traditionally been understood in relation to the rights
and responsibilities of citizens witin a given nation state (Richardson and Monro, 2012).
This classic model of citizenship is associated with the work of T.H. Marshall who
defined citizenship in terms of three stages of sets of rights : civil or legal rights, political
rights and social rights. Since the 1990s debates over the inadequacies of traditional
models have led to the development of new ideas about citizenship like citizenship from
feminist. This article discusses citizenship from feminist perspectives that offers several
models of citizenship as solution to inequalities that have been established and

Keywords: citizenship, feminist perspectives

Topic: Other topics

The Effectiveness of Mobile Application as the E-Government Media to Increase
Citizens’ Trust in Regional Government (A Study On iJakarta, A Digital Library of
the Government of The Special Capital Region of Jakarta)

Dini Ratnasari*, Hendriyani

Department of Communication Studies, Universitas Indonesia

Jalan Salemba Raya No. 4 Gedung IASTH Lantai 6 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia


Along with the rapid development of smartphones, public mobile applications have
emerged as a new technology and innovation toward a more intelligent regional
government. Regional governments serve their citizens not only in administrative
affairs but they also serve to build and develop people’s civilization in information and
knowledge. To maintain the sustainability in executing regional autonomy affairs and
sustainable development, regional governments need their citizens’ trust, which is
believed to be achieved when the citizens have gained excellent service. The Jakarta
Provincial Government has adopted various public applications in the effort of actively
improving its public service. One of the applications is iJakarta, a mobile application
facilitating citizens to access information and knowledge through a digital library. The
e-government services provide a new opportunity for the citizens by allowing them to
use governmental services (delivering complaints, e-filing, e-auction, getting
information on policy and borderline, etc.) whenever and wherever, regardless of
geographical locations and the limitation in official working hours. The purpose of this
research is to explore what factors supporting and obstructing iJakarta digital library to
perform as e-government media that influences the citizens’ trust in their regional
government. The findings of this research will highlight the extent to which citizens are
moving from traditional ways of using government services to using them digitally. This
research will also consider the effects of this technological innovation in government
settings from a participant’s perspective.

Keywords: e-government, iJakarta, trust

Topic: Other topics


Susena, Dikdik Baehaqi Arif, Trisna Sukmayadi

Pancasila and civic education department
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Nawacita is a path that must be taken by the elements of the Indonesian nation towards
sovereign, independent, and personality. Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah college as an
enlightenment movement has the same spirit as what the current government aspires
to be. This study aims to capture students perceptions of how the principles contained
in the Nawacita actually have been, and will continue to be applied in PTM/A in
Yogyakarta. This study used questionnaire instruments with survey data collection
techniques, took sample locations at UAD, UMY, and UNISA. The result of this research is
a description explaining that student perception about internalization Nawacita in
PTM/A Yogyakarta in general has been implemented in accordance with what aspired
by the government of President Joko Widodo and the similarity of vision and strategy of
Muhammadiyah to move Indonesia forward.

Keywords: Nawacita, Muhammadiyah, Higher Education

Topic: Other topics

Bureaupathology in the Recruitment of Village Apparatus, an Experience From
Sukoharjo Regency

Ari Mukti (a*), Sudarmo (b), Rina Herlina Haryanti (c)

a)Magister of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
b)The Study Program of Public Administration,
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia


Sukoharjo Regency has conducted recruitment of village apparatus in the area. This
activity is aimed at finding qualified village apparatus candidates in accordance with the
field of work required by the village government. With ethnography methods including
participant observation, indepth interview, and secondary data collection, this study
found that the process of village apparatus recruitment was intervened by the interests
of the local authorities so there was no guarantee that those who were accepted having
the required competencies, instead reflects the interests of the authorities. The study
also found that there are bureaupathology and patronage practices through formal legal
path but are patrimonial, which reflected in the form of lobbying or coercion of the
testing team by the authorities to accommodate the names of the orders although they
do not meet the required competency. The testing team tends to accommodate the
interests of the authorities because they are unable to reject the coercion, as well as the
personal interests of testing team in maintaining the status quo in order to remain in
continuous be employed again in the future when they show a harmonious interest with
the ruler. The study also found a relationship between village heads and regency heads
representing patron-client relationships. There is also a relationship between the
village head and the village apparatus candidate to be appointed.

Keywords: Patron Clinent, Patimonial Behaviour, Recruitment, Bureaupathology

Topic: Other topics


Wawan Darmawan, Helius Sjamsuddin, Agus Mulyana



This article reveals the results of research on the contents of history subjects in history
text books for High School that issued in two different government, those are the New
Order Government and Reformation Government, which are considered to contain
ideological messages. History textbooks that flowed from the curriculum follows on
government policies. That wasn’t surprising if the government changed, they will
change the curriculum, and also change the content of text books, in this case includes
the history text books. The change indicates that history text books cannot be separated
from the interests of the government’s ideology. The aim of this research is wanting to
reveal the forms of ideology that is present in the content of history text books. The
method that used is critical discourse analysis to know the ideological discourse in
history text books from two different government periods. The history text books that
are examined based on the 1994 Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum to indicate two
curriculums results from two reigns. Based on the results of this research, it can be
compared with the ideology of writing content of history text books in the New Order
and Reformation period, there are includes communism and Pancasila, deceit
democracy and freedom for democracy, militarism and anti-militarism, neoliberalism
and anti-communism, liberalism and anti-liberalism. However, there is still a single
narrative of the nation in the New Order that could not be replaced by the Reformation

Keywords: history text books, ideology discourse, Pancasila, anti-Communism,


Topic: Other topics


Elindra Yetti

Dance Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This article aims to describe the effect of creative dance on early childhood
intrapersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to understand
oneself. Children must be able to understand themselves before they are able to interact
with others. The research method used experiment at Kindergarten Group B in East
Jakarta, namely to see the effect of creative dance on intrapersonal intelligence before
and after treatment. The technique of collecting data using questionnaire instrument.
Data analysis technique using t-test. The results of the study explain the existence of
significant differences of intrapersonal intelligence between before and after given the
treatment of creative dance. Therefore to improve intrapersonal intelligence, it is
necessary to be given creative dance treatment.

Keywords: Creative Dance, Intrapersonal Intelligence

Topic: Other topics

Yani Kamasturyani,Sugiyo,Tri Joko Raharjo, Achmad Rifai

Education Manajement Program, State University of Semarang, Indonesia


Training is the basic framework of human resource development. One of the training
type that can increase the productivity of human resources is bridal makeup training,
because it has a very high chance to be entrepreneurs. However, the factual conditions
of the bridal makeup training graduates do not have a good bridal makeup ability. The
bridal makeup graduates generally lack of confidence and courage to make up the bride
after they graduate. Therefore, the method of competency improvement which is based
on the problems is needed. The method which is needed in this case is through work
exhibition. The purpose of this research is to know the improvement of competency
including soft skills and hard skills of bridal makeup training graduates through work
exhibition. The techniques of data collection which are used in this research are in-
depth interviews, questionnaires and observations. The data which have been obtained
are then analyzed through paired t test. The research is conducted in the Course and
Training Institution of Bridal Makeup. The subjects of this research are 30 graduates
from 10 course and training institutions of bridal makeup in Cirebon city. The result of
paired t-test gains ρ-value < α (0,05) which shows that there is a significant influence of
work exibition toward the competency improvement of bridal makeup training
graduates in Cirebon city, improvement of the confidence of the graduates,
improvement of the courage to appear in fronts of people in doing bridal make up,
improvement of bridal makeup techniques, and improvement of bridal makeup quality.

Keywords: bridal makeup training graduates, competency, work exhibition,

Topic: Other topics


Nadiroh, Uswatun Hasanah and Shahibah Yuliani

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Based on the results of research conducted by International Organization for Migration
(IOM), Indonesia is in the first position with the largest number of human trafficking
places in the world. In December 2014, number of human trafficking victims are 7,193
people with 92.46% are children and women, and 82% are women who have worked at
own country and overseas for labor exploitation, while 18% are men who mostly
exploit while working as ship crew to fishing or other laborers. So this research is
important to prevent human trafficking.
This research objective was using survey method and was to obtain empirical data
about community’s knowledge and attitude towards human trafficking case in East
Nusa Tenggara, how the difference of knowledge and attitude of community to human
trafficking case between men and women and difference of public attitudes toward
human trafficking among various classification community. The number of samples of
the study were 586 respondents who were the head of the family or family members,
taken by multistages random sampling. Based on the result of the research, it is found
that peoples knowledge on human trafficking is still in various categories High, Medium
and Low. Furthermore, when viewed from the gender, the knowledge of man is higher
than the woman, on the contrary to the attitude towards the Crime of Trafficking The
womans attitude is more positive than the man. Thus there needs to be policies and
programs integrated in achieving sustainable development goals
This research was made by lecturers at study program of Civic and Social Education of
State University of Jakarta.

Keywords: Attitude, Community Knowledge, Human Trafficking,Underdevelopment


Topic: Other topics

The role of political parties in the political education of Party Cadres to form
responsible characters (Case study on the DPD Party Gerindra West Java)

Muhamad Hijran1, Suwarma Al Muchtar2, and Sunatra Ratnadi2

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Bandung, Indonesia


The Political party is Considered as a container or a site of political education towards

Cadres. Thus Spake education has political significance as attempt of teaching citizens
about Reviews their rights and duty as well as responsibilities. This is where the
urgency of political education for the Cadres of the party so that the political literacy.
This research aims to Discussed on the role of political parties in the education of
Cadres responsible for the political party with a case study on the DPD Gerindra Party in
West Java. This research used the qualitative approach with case studies. In doing
research, Researchers work directly into the field to conduct observation The technique
of research by conducting in-depth interviews, observation, literature study and
documentation. Then Analyzed with three grooves activities that occurred
simultaneously items, namely data reduction, the data presentation, drawing or
verification Conclusions The research result Showed that the role of political parties in
giving political education to Cadres is good enough. Political ethics being one important
point in the behavior of the party Cadres. Thus Spake the existence of a good political
education then it will generate the Cadres who can be responsible

Keywords: Political Parties, Political Education, Responsible

Topic: Other topics



Department Of Sociology, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta Indonesia.


Effective interpersonal relationship requires individuals with healthy and balanced

personal characteristics. One of activities that developed by individuals in adolescence
is peers interaction. A positive peer group relationship will result in academic
achievement, while a negative peer group relationship will cause problems with
behavioral patterns. The example of behavior problems that appear in adolescents are
engaging in fights, the use of drugs, free sex of juvenile delinquency. Then, with the
positive influence of the peer group is expected to prevent someone from the danger of
juvenile delinquency. This paper will explain about the peer group role in the social
control effort of juvenile delinquency for students in Al-Muayyad Surakarta senior high
school.This paper is a case study with a qualitative approach. The Method of data
collection in this research uses direct interviews with some informants as primary data.
Moreover, secondary data is taken from several school journals and other sources that
are considered realibly. The results of this study indicate that the role of peer group in
juvenile delinquency control in Al-Muayyad Surakarta senior high school is really
different from the role of peer group in social control as general, this is affected by the
education system used is based on Islamic Boarding School and oriented to religious
values, bringing social solidarity of peer groups in endeavouring social control of
juvenile delinquency as implementation of religion teachings and sunnah of
prophet.The social control students of juvenile delinquency by peer group is done
preventively in the form of prevention of deviant behavior and using persuasive
approach through invitation and appeal to avoid any restrictions. Finally, it can be
concluded that the peer group has an active and positive role in social control efforts of
juvenile delinquency for students in Al-Muayyad Surakarta senior high school in

Keywords: Peer Group, social control, juvenile delinquency.

Topic: Other topics

Analysis of Writing Capability of Scientific Work on Improving the Quality of
Scientific Work of Students

Aim Abdulkarim

Civic Education Department, Indonesia University of Education


This research is motivated by the amount of research produced by students is not

balanced with good quality research measurement. Research topics in students
scientific work are often repetitive and even have so much similarity values between
one another. Even the topic is already looking obsolete and has no novelty / innovation
value in it. One effort that can be done to minimize the symptoms of plagiarism and
repetitive topics, it is necessary to mapping the topic of scientific work and
methodology to help the birth of student research results in the form of articles
published in reputable scientific journals. The purpose of this study is to describe the
mapping of the quality of scientific work of postgraduate students of the Department of
Education of Citizenship of the University of Education of Indonesia. Research method:
The research approach used is quantitative approach with survey method. Research
subjects are Civics experts, lecturers and students. The result of the research shows
that: 1) Mastery of students ability in preparing scientific works is categorized as Good
Enough so that there are some indicators that need to be re-developed their ability in
preparing scientific papers both thesis and dissertation; 2) the results of expert
validation on the quality of scientific works both thesis and dissertation shows that
most aspects of the criteria of the quality of scientific work have been considered good
with an average of 43.24%; 3) Efforts are made to improve the quality of research and
to develop the quality of scientific work of the students in the aspects of: counseling,
code of ethics, plagiarism, testing / assessment of research results, recognition and
research results, joint research partners, and publications.

Keywords: mapping, improvement, quality, scientific work, students

Topic: Other topics

Meaningfulness of civic education in elementary students with models contextual
problem based learning

Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Vina dan Yuli Rahmawati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The purpose of this research to improve meaningfulness and learning outcomes of civic
education in elementary student through contextual problem based learning model .
This study uses an approach in action research. The research subjects is the public
elementary student at the fifth grade.
The data collection is done in ways that observation to process data using observation
and interviews and document analysis as triangulation. Civic education achievement
test consisting of preliminary tests that serve as need asesment to develop an action
plan to implement the syntax learning through contextual problem-based learning in
cycles, in order to improve civic education meaningfulness and learning outcomes. Each
end of the cycle is evaluated the impact of actions.
The analyzed data is mix method, which is reinforced by the results of assessment tests
to learn civic education. This is evidenced by procentase, the first cycle is completed,
that is 59.38 %, increase in cycle II reached 80.63%.Activities teacher and student in
accordance learning the syntax of contextual problem based learning model was
reached 96 % in the second cycle .
The results of this study indicate that the learning outcomes of civic education in
elementary student at the fifth grade increased with the using of contextual problem-
based learning model other findings show that most students are more active and show
interest in civic education.

Keywords: Civic education, contextual learning, problem based learning, elementary


Topic: Other topics


Misbahul Janatti

Civic education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia


Every local wisdom in a society has a history, where local wisdom is still upheld by the
adherents who passed down from generation to generation. Ikan larangan is one of
local wisdom where river is protected through according to local custom. Ikan larangan
is used to protect fish that are around the river ban. The purpose of this study was to
determine the history of how the Ikan larangan lubuak landua as an effort to preserve
the environment. This research uses qualitative method-case study with data collection
technique by interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the
Ikan larangan lubuak landua has a history starting from Sheikh Muhammad Basjirs until
now Sheikh Mustafa Kamal and fish ban made tourist attraction. The existence of Ikan
larangan has provided benefits that is to maintain the sustainability of fish resources,
maintain the cleanliness of the river and increase the economy of the community
around the prohibition of the ban by establishing a shop selling drinks and snacks for
the visitors Ikan larangan.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Fish Prohibition, Culture Society, Environmental


Topic: Other topics



Program Studi Manajemen Kependidikan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia



The performance of Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior High School: henceforth

abbreviated as SMP) mostly cannot be categorized as productive in Indonesia. If such a
condition does not get a serious attention, there will be manifold school agendas that
cannot be achieved so that the school cannot be productive. This study examines the
teacher’s improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (henceforth
abbreviated as OCB) through Adaptive Transformative Leadership, Interpersonal
Communication, and Organizational Commitment. The population of this study is 2697
people. The sample is taken from 367 teachers who gained the position as Civil Servants
(henceforth mentioned as PNS; the abbreviation of Pegawai Negeri Sipil) by
implementing proportional random sampling. The data of this study are in form of
teacher’s perception about principal’s leadership, interpersonal communication, and
organizational commitment which are gained from questionnaire and documentation
study. The data have been analysed by implementing ANOVA and multiple linear
regression. Meanwhile, the hypothesis was tested at 0.05 significance level. The result of
this study indicates that a) the adaptive transformative leadership correlates by 0.719
with teacher’s OCB. It indicates that the higher adaptive transformative leadership value
means the higher level of teacher’s OCB with 51% determination. b) Interpersonal
communication correlates by 0.675 with teacher’s OCB which shows that the higher
value of interpersonal communication, the higher level of teacher’s OCB with 46%
determination. c) The organizational commitment correlates by 0.694 with teacher’s
OCB, it means that the higher level of the organizational commitment indicates the
higher level of teacher’s OCB with 48% determination. d) All in all variable, the adaptive
transformative leadership, the interpersonal communication, and the organizational
commitment correlates by 0.773 with teacher’s OCB variable at 60% determination. The
improvement of OCB value is an aspect that will support the optimal achievement of
management process in education, so the school can be productive. The result of this
study is useful to arrange establishment program through the principal and the teacher
of SMP in order to improve teacher’s OCB.

Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Adaptive Transformational

Leadership, Interpersonal Communication, and Organizational Commitment

Topic: Other topics

Teacher In 21 Century ; Teacher Competence In Character Education Frame To
The Cultured And Tolerant Development


Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Indonesia is plural country with various of religion, culture dan etnic. Pancasila as a
symbol of country has been formulated by founder of nation so that pancasila become
unity of plural country,therefore teacher have strong role and very strategy to interact
to the learners so the competence of teacher should be contribute in character
education to the cultured and tolerant development.The problem of the research is the
lack of character values in the young generation. As plural country the teacher
competence have role strategies in developing the character values in young generation
to the development of cultured and tolerance. This research uses a quantitative
approach with data collection methods of observation, guestionnaires and centralized
interviews. The research gives conclusion that teacher on the 21 century have
competence which expected to develop the character values of young generation to the
development of cultured and tolerance.

Keywords: competence, character, cultured, tolerant

Topic: Other topics

Sustainable Development Discourses on Construction of Citizen Participation in
Community Care for Environment

Fazli Rachman(a), Suwarma Al Muchtar (b)

(a,b) Department of Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,

Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi, No. 229, Bandung City, Indonesia
(a) fazli.rachman@gmail.com
(b) suwarma@gmail.com


This paper will provide new insight into the participatory social construction of citizens
in the protection and management of the environment. Exploring individual discourses
and interactions in constructing citizen participation. This paper is produced by a case
study with a qualitative approach. Data collection using interview, observation and
document study, then analyzed using Critical Discourse Analysis and Interactive
Analysis. Research finds discourse on sustainable development of opinion articles
constructing citizen participation. But the construction of participation is a dynamic
process formed through action and interaction. The involvement of individuals in key
communities provides the construction experience of citizen participation. Individuals
build the reality of their participation on an ongoing basis as civic competence
Keywords: Citizen Participation; Construction of Social Reality; Sustainable
Development Discourse; Social Communities.

Topic: Other topics


Dwi Heryanto, Alpin Herman Saputra

Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia


Reading is one of the language skills that must be mastered by students. This skill if
mastered properly will prepare the students to be trained to think coherently, access
the ideas well, and master the logic with proper and mature. Especially now there has
been a fundamental change that requires the human ability to access information
effectively of reading ability. Especially for the era of information technology as it is
today. Problems faced by researchers is the low reading skills of students caused by the
process of learning in the class is not maximal. Researchers and as well as lecturers find
most students are not interested in learning Indonesian. Thus the researcher conducts
Classroom Action Research (CAR) to improve the learning process and maximize the
results of the students reading skill. The CAR model used is McKernann on the
application of PORPE techniques (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, and Evaluate) in
improving the students reading skills in the Indonesian Language and Literature Study
Course. The research was conducted on sixth semester students at PGSD FIP UPI. The
result of the research showed that there was a development in the process and the
result of the research, which showed by the development of learning reflection result,
then the mean reading comprehension increased from 79 to 87.2. So based on it, it can
be concluded that PORPE technique can improve reading skill of Student.

Keywords: PORPE, Reading Skill

Topic: Other topics



Institut Kesenian Jakarta


Task commitment is crucial for the building childrens’ character preparing for the
future. This study aims to overcome the character building in the kindergarten through
creative dance. Research conducted an action research that used Model of Kemmis and
Taggart. The research shows that task commitment emerges in the process of creative
dance learning, such as in the discovery of idea and movement, doing the task with
joyful learning, and diligent in finding movement discovery. Creative dance can be
disseminated for stimulation in the character building in kindergarten.

Keywords: Keywords: Creative dance, Task commitment, Character building.

Topic: Other topics


1.Suyahman, 2.Akhmad Muhibbin

1. Lecturer of PPKn Veteran Bantara University Sukoharjo

2. Lecturer of PPKn Muhammadiyah University Surakarta


This study aims to describe the role of PPKn teachers in realizing the national building
of Indonesia. The subject of this research is the teacher of PPKn and the object is the
national building of Indonesia. This research, qualitative research with descriptive
approach. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews and documentation.
In order to know the validity of data used triangulation of data and methods. Data
analysis techniques using interactive analysis techniques flow consisting of three steps,
namely data reduction, data display and data verification. The results of research show
that the role of teachers in realizing the development of national PPKn Indonesia is the
intellectual life of the nation and realize the nations children who pancasila morale,
uphold the integrity of the nation and have determination and spirit of NKRI price die.
Another role is to cultivate the seeds of Pancasila value in the children of the nation in
order to be realized in every attitude, behavior and everyday actions, to protect the
nations children from other ideological viruses and global culture that is not in
accordance with the values of Pancasila and the personality of the Indonesian nation. In
conclusion, PPKn teachers have a very important role in realizing national development
especially development in education, moral and culture of the nation.

Keywords: PPKn teachers and National building

Topic: Other topics

Transformation and Existence of Saman Dance as a Form of Nationalism Gayo
Student in Yogyakarta

Sulistiani dan Samsuri

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Transformation and Existence of Saman Dance as a Form of Nationalism Gayo Student

in Yogyakarta

Sulistiani (1*), Samsuri (2*)

(1) Student Civics Education Department, Graduate School Program Yogyakarta State
University. *Email: Sulistiani.2016@student.uny.ac.id
(2) Lecture at Civics Education Department, Graduate School Program Yogyakarta State
University. *Email: samsuri@uny.ac.id

Gayo is one of the tribe names in Aceh, Indonesia. Gayo tribe only inhabits several areas
in the Aceh region of Central Aceh, Southeast Aceh and East Aceh. To maintain a local
identity of Gayo society with high persistence shows the attitude of nationalism that is
by introduced various cultural identity to the world, one of the identity is saman dance.
Saman dance was originally introduced by sub ethnic Gayo Luwes, there are various
changes that occur in saman dance ranging from function, movement or dance pattern
caused by several internal and external factors. Gayo community struggle to gain
recognition of UNESCO (United Nations of Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) saman dance as a world heritage of non-objects is one way to protect the
existence of dance saman and foster spirit and love of the homeland to the Indonesian
nation that consists top of the cultural diversity. Problem that occurs today is how the
younger generation as the successor of the nation can still introduce saman dance as a
local identity when in an area that is not its own area of origin, how the young
generation can defend what has been struggled Gayo society before. This writing aims
to describe the transformation of saman dance and Gayo peoples struggle in protected
their local identity and contribute to the establishment of Indonesian identity, as well as
the role of the younger generation in introduced saman dance. This research use case
study method which implemented in Yogyakarta with research object that is some Gayo
student which is in Yogyakarta. This article shows that the existence of saman dance as
a local identity is still often displayed in the activities held by students or by the local

Keywords: Transformation, Existence, Saman Dance, Nationalism, Gayo.

Topic: Other topics


Rusnaini, Erna Yuliandari

Sebelas Maret University


Every country that wants to go forward and keep existing in a global world, of course,
wants a high-quality and responsible participation by citizens in society and social life,
at local, national and international (global) levels. The competent citizens or those
active, having good knowledge, rational, critical and creative in dealing with non-
traditional security issues will contribute positively to nation and country in this global
era. This article elaborated the development and challenges of civic literacy and civic
competence in Indonesia.

Keywords: Civic Intelligence, Civic Responsibility, Civic Participation, Politics of


Topic: Other topics


1Risladiba, 2Dadang Sundawa

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research is motivated by the problems associated with Pancasila values in the life
of society, nation and state, which can not be implemented properly. As with the case of
intolerance that is rampant, one of them is the destruction of houses of worship, the
behavior of citizens in the reach and implementation of the law and the provisions of
legislation. It is also in the Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu or Dayak Losarang
community there are some problems related to the implementation of Pancasila, such
as the Dayak Losarang community does not have the Identity Card (KTP) and when
driving using a motorcycle does not wear a helmet, just wearing a hat from steam This
research aims to describe the implementation of the principles of Pancasila on the
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu to realize a good and smart citizen. This study used a
qualitative approach with case study method and using the grand theory of Pancasila
from Kaelan as a result of analysis. The findings in this study shows Pancasila in the
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu to realize a good and smart citizens have not done
well with the still many problems one of them is with the awareness of the fulfillment of
population administration, one of the Identity Card. In the implementation of the
implementation of Pancasila is still not widely supported by the community that will
realize the behavior of Pancasila to realize good and intelligent citizens. This needs
support from the various parties in Dayak society and also the government.

Keywords: Implementation of Pancasila Values, Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandu,

Good and Smart Citizen

Topic: Other topics

Does Political System Influence Political Behavior and Culture? (a literature study
of political behavior and culture on young citizens)

Yayuk Hidayah

Doctoral Program of Civic Education Department, UPI, Bandung

Primary School Teacher Education Study Program, UAD, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study is a part of the writer’s research motivated by the writer’s interest on
political behavior and culture, especially by young citizens in Indonesia. The aim of this
study is to describe how political system influencescitizens’ political behavior and
culture. This study applies literature review including by utilizing library sources to
obtain research data, as well as research data sources such as documents, books,
research reports, magazines, biographies and abstracts. Based on the result of this
study, it shows that there are factors influencingcitizens’ political behavior and culture.
Moreover, in a perspective of development of political concept, there is a relevance of
political behavior and political culture, which develops.

Keywords: culture, behavior, politics, citizens

Topic: Other topics

Implications of Baduy Ethnic Closure for Indonesias World Economic Ranking

Anwar Soleh Purba1 , Achmad Hufad2 , Eko Wanidison3, Chandra Perwira Negara4,
Nasrawati5, Alif melky ramdani6

Pascasarjana Pendidikan Sosiologi (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung)


Education, health, technology and infrastructure are important factors to improve

Indonesias state status in international forums such as the World Economic Forum
(WEF). The development of the era directed that every country in the world requires
every citizen to study. So, in this case the government gets constraints in that regard.
Very close ethnic Baduy Dalam will be education and even health and technology of
course. The Baduy ethnic group is generally divided into two groups, namely Baduy
Dalam and Baduy Luar. The universally, uneven education will decrease the countrys
ranking in international forum. Thus, the closedness of the Baduy Dalam tribe makes
the government look for strategies to overcome the problems. As continue to invite the
tribe Baduy Luar to continue to portray themselves to emphasize changes to the tribe
Baduy Dalam. The study used qualitative methods, type of case studies and data
collection through observation, documentation studies and interviews on some village
leaders and residents. The findings of the research are: 1) closure of Baduy Dalam tribe
on Formal education, 2) Baduy Dalam ethnicity is still closed for health access, 3) Baduy
Dalam ethnicity, still closed to technology and infrastructure development.
Keywords: Keywords: Baduy ethnic, government obstacle, World Economic Forum

Topic: Other topics


1. Edi Kusnadi, 2. Eneng Martini, 3. Mahmud

1. PPKn FKIP Uninus Bandung

2. PPKn STKIP Pasundan Cimahi
3. PPKn STKIP Kusuma Negara


Whether or not realized the realities of political praxis that leads to the dimension and
space that seemed to be free value (value free), putting aside ethics / moral, so far from
the practice of politics in accordance with the values of the philosophy of the Indonesian
nation itself, this indicates weakness political practices that are in line with political
ethics. In terms of values, morals and ethics in politics are closely related to each other.
Political ethics should be interpreted as a science that discusses the principles of
political morality. Thus the values of morality contained in Pancasila play a role in the
realization of a good political ethics system in this country. The weakness of political
ethics can be seen from various actions deviate from the legal order that occurred in
Indonesia, deviant acts as if it has been institutionalized in the community and has
become a public secret. Even for officials such as obligations, and even considered
perverted if not doing dirty deeds. Moreover, discussing the formulation of policies, we
have recently heard the term "Order Article" which does not reflect the ethics of good
governance. It thus has certain implications for good governance and dignity
management. In terms of Good Governance is a concept offered by the democratic
system to become a best solution. But at the level of practice in the field, far from the
expectations of good governance, consequently accountability, transparency,
government integrity into a big question to be evaluated so that the strengthening of
political ethics is a very urgent need for the realization of governance in accordance
with the values of ethics Pancasila.

Keywords: Political Ethics, Good Governance, Democracy.

Topic: Other topics

The Life of Democracy and the Right to Organize, Gather and Issue the Opinion
According to Law No. 2 of 2017 on Social Organizations in Political Education

1 Ika Devita Sukma 2 Cecep Darmawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Democracy and the Right to Organize, Gather and Issue the Opinion According to Law
Number 2 Year 2017 In Political Education Perspective is still in debate for the
Community Organization about the contents of the article that is considered impartial
to the organization of society and make the community organization as a political
control tool by the government. So the Rights that should be owned by Community
Organizations in prison with the limitations in democracy. From the perspective of
political education is a violation of life in a democracy in which the characteristic of
democracy is to uphold freedom of democracy, association, assembly and expression.
The thing to be revealed is how the democratic life and the right of association, gather
and issue opinion as citizen According to the Act of Social Organization No. 2 of 2017 in
the perspective of political education. The research design used in this research using
qualitative approach and the method used in this research is case study. The findings of
the study of democracy and the right to association, gathering and issuing opinions
according to Law No. 2 of 2017 in the perspective of political education are limited by
law and every community organization must be based on Pancasila.

Keywords: Democratic life, The right to assemble and issue opinion, Law No. 2 of 2017,
political education.

Topic: Other topics


Jenny Koce Matitaputty, Mohammad Ali, Helius Syamsuddin, Enok Maryani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study is aimed to find out the problems on how Sasi supports sustainable living in
Saparua indigenous community, consisting of fifteen villages spread into two
subdistricts, i.e. Saparua and East Saparua. This research uses ethnographic approach.
Data were taken using observation, interview, and triangulation techniques. According
to Sasi’s types and categories spread, the result shows that Sasi has decreased and even
disappeared for more than 75% in Saparua despite the effort to revitalise. This is in
contrary to Sasi’s contribution in natural resource management to support the
sustainable living of Saparua community from the perspectives of economy, society, and
ecology portrayed in sustainability pillars, which are economy and society as being
constrained by enviromental limits. Hence, Sasi’s cultural preservation can be the exact
way for the ongoing living.

Keywords: Sasi, Sustainable Living, Saparua Indigenous Community

Topic: Other topics


Solihin Ichas Hamid

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The title “Reviving” to the subject of “Customary Authority” describes the empirical
reality that “customary authority in Indonesia has long been abandoned. Especially in
the middle of the majority of people who inevitably are in the middle of cross-cultural
changes and assimilation coming from various corners of the world to enter the global
modernization post. As something that has been considered obsolete, Customs as a
cultural bond doesn’t have power anymore as the keeper of spiritual awareness of
society. Although the positive side of globalism has brought not only the unity in the
perspective but also in keeping the diversity of the value existence and the
manifestation of the world’s culture. This article aimed to transmits the awareness of
the nation’s children as the heirs of the diverse Nation’s customs-traditions to re-
recognizing, promoting and maintaining its existence in the context of citizenship life.
Therefore, through the development of literacy of citizenship culture in the learning of
Education and Citizenship Lesson (PPKn) in schools, learners are expected to be able to
appreciate every value in various forms of cultural heritage stored in the shroud of
Customs. The ethnographic approach in the preliminary study was conducted to
describe the value content contained in the verbal expressions that sociologically
marked the cultural richness in the ethnic group language diversity but structurally
show similarities as the source of moral teaching, thus becoming the ethno-pedagogical
praxis model owned by each ethnic group in the framework of Customs, as the complex
manifestation of noble civilization that still shows its function in the middle of the
movement and change of societies in reorganizing what was become the purpose of the
development of its life. The results of this preliminary study are followed-up by the
implementation of the development of its praxis model in the learning of PPKn in
schools. Thus, the collective morality expected to formed as the citizenship character,
which substantively is the objectives of the National Education will be able to
manifested to mark the resurrection of future generations that remain stand on the
identity of the ethnic customs of the nation in the past.

Keywords: Custom, Customary Authority, Post-modernization, Morality, Citizenship


Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Suparman Jayadi (a*), Argyo Demartoto (b), Drajat Tri Kartono (b)

a) Sociology, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia


Social integration in Indonesia is often disturbed by religious conflict occurring in many

areas. This research aimed to analyze the local wisdom as the resolution of religious
conflict in Sasak Tribe, Lombok, Indonesia. Bali ethnic Hindu adherents and Sasak
ethnic Islam adherents in Lombok became the unit of analysis in this qualitative
research with case study approach. Data was collected using observation, in-depth
interview, and documentation, and then was processed and analyzed using Parsons’
social integration theory. The result of research showed that Perang Topat (Topat War)
tradition was interpreted as the symbol of peace and Nampah Kaoq as fraternity and
unity. They maintained social integration through tradition as cultural sign and pattern
for resolving the social conflict. This local wisdom realized the harmonious relationship
between religious communities.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Resolution, Religious Conflict, Sasak Tribe

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

and attitudes of Bandung City and Regency residents

Endang Danial



Tolerance is the attitude that a person or group may bring in different opinions,
attitude, religion, language, courtesy. The attitude of social tolerance and the
persecution of the people has significant relevance. Persecution is defined as arbitrary
hunting of a person or a number of citizens who are then harassed, persecuted,
harassed, or crushed (KBBI) Kompas, 27 November 2017). Persecution is a new
phenomenon that is considered by society as a punishment against those accused of
wrongdoing norms, rules, laws, in society. This phenomenon is considered a terror that
threatens the journey of this nation, especially so far there has been no legal effort to
overcome it. Mass casualties are frequent and terrible and contrary to the rule of law.
One solution according to the view of the Head of Police Public Relations Division
Inspector General Setyo Wasito is the leader of the National Police has ordered the
entire police force to prioritize the prevention of persecution. This study focuses on
how the description of urban and district Bandung society perceptions addressing
persecution. Because events after event in society about persecution are very closely
related to ones attitude and perception. Likewise their tolerance. Especially citizens in
urban areas (Bandung City) and around rural (Bandung regency). Cases of events in
Indonesia mostly reside in the society between (urban and rural style) The approach of
this research is quantitative, descriptive correlational approach. The main data
collection tools are questionnaires, attitude scales, documents, plus interviews and
observations. Processing and analysis of data calculations performed with the help of
statistics. so it is expected that the results of this study can illustrate some important
descriptions in accordance with the formulation of the problem and purpose of this
study. From the results of this research analysis is expected to find the essence of the
findings that can provide an adequate alternative solutions in creating a conducive
social conditions.
Keywords: tolerance, persecution, city, countryside

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

How the Religious Leader Maintenance Religious Harmony in Indonesian Plural

Zulkarnain (1*), Samsuri (2*)

(1) student Civics Education Department, Graduate School Program Yogyakarta State
University. *Email: Zulkarnainmuhsinin@gmail.com
(2) Lecture at Civics Education Department, Graduate School Program Yogyakarta State
University. *Email: samsuri@uny.ac.id


Plurality is a must which found in the life of modern nations in the world. At the post-
modern era like this, it is hardly to find the country which consists of only one race,
nations, cultures, ethnics, and religions. The plurality of religions is the fact which
cannot be denied by us, it is not only caused by the highly spread of immigrant from
Middle East but also there are countries which grow and develop in nations’ plurality,
cultures, ethnics and religions just like at Canada, America, Indonesia, Singapore,
Malaysia, and other Asian countries. Religion as one of identity of countries in Southeast
Asia is the pride and also the trigger of conflict, if it is not controlled well. Religious
leader as one of important actors in the spreading of religion based peace. Furthermore,
the religious figures have big contribution to the harmony of religious social living in
society. Besides that, religious figure as a person who gives understanding about
religion will influence the behavior and the spirit of plurality in society. Religion’s
conflict in Myanmar proves that religious leader has huge contributions in mobilizing
the Budhist to fight again Rohingya’s Muslim at Arakan which involves physical violence
and murderer. Then, religious leaders has important role in Middle East war in creating
radicalism from each member motorized by Islamic State Irak and Syria (ISIS). In the
context of Indonesia, religious leaders is not only has power to influence his people in
politics but also has big contributions in the battle of religion followers. Even, those
people will obey the command from their religious leader to fight against other religion
believers. In the middle of religious conflict in Asia which provoked by religious leaders,
there is one place in Indonesia which the religious leaders become volunteer in the
front line to maintain the harmony among different religion believers in their place.
That place is Alor regency in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This regency even got
Harmony award in 2016 and 2017 from the Indonesia government as a place which is
the best in harmony of plurality religious living of the society. The object of this
research is religious leaders at Alor regency. This research uses naturalistic
ethnography methods. This research shows that spiritual leaders have big contributions
in maintaining tolerance in the plurality of religion in Alor. This article shows that
spiritual leaders have role in establishing tolerance through the dialog from cross
religion perspectives. They gave moderate religious speech and appreciate the
difference in beliefs. The most interesting part of this was they joined and participated
in other religious ceremonies. This result shows that spiritual leaders have important
role in establishing harmony of religious living in society.

Keywords: Religious Leaders, Religious harmony, Alor regency, Indonesia.

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

Comparative study on intercultural sensitivity among students of three study
programs ( Nursery, Citizenship Education, and Petroleum Engineering)

Suyato and Iqbal Arpannudin

Civic Education Department, Yogyakarta State University



This research focus on student intercultural study of student of three study program at
Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Pembangunan Nasional Veteran University
(UPNV)and Respati Yogyakarta University (UNRIYO). In a pluralistic or multicultural
society like Indonesia, the intercultural sensitivity of citizens is an essential element for
the creation of a peaceful society, peace of nation state. This study is intended to
compare the sensitivity levels of student culture across UNY, UPNV, and UNRIYO. This
research uses quantitative approach with comparative method. The results showed that
there was no significant difference in the level of intercultural sensitivity among the
three study programs. Finally, the students from these three courses have high
intercultural sensitivity, because they are in the category of cultural relativism support,
not cultural egocentrism.

Keywords: intercultural sensitivity, student, comparative study

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Ari Setiarsih, Suharno

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Papuan problems are national issues and international issues. The findings of Lembaga
Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia’s research show four strategic issues of Papua conflict
source that are the history of Papuas integration to Unitary State of Republic Indonesia
with its political identity, violence and violations of human rights, the failure of Papuas
development, government inconsistency in the implementation of special autonomy
and marginalization of Papuans. The source of the conflict is widespread and cause the
new problem about Papuan nationalism construction that called double nationalism.
Then it causes a dilemmatic situation in understanding the history of Papua as part of
the Unitary State of Republic Indonesia. Therefore the purpose of this study is to
describe comprehensively the scrutinizing Papua from nationalism, identity politics,
and national integration perspectives to get an synthesis in resolving Papua’s conflicts.
The type of this study using descriptive qualitative research method with literature
study approach. The study was conducted in October 2017 until December 2017. The
data sources used were paper in the form of books, research journals, review literature,
mass media, and other scientific articles. The data is gathered through symbol coding
techniques, literature studies, and documentation techniques. While data analysis
techniques uses qualitative data analysis that include data reduction, display data,
conclusion drawing and verification.
The result of this study shows: 1). In the nationalism perspective, the generalization of
Indonesian nationalism can not be used to justify Indonesian nationalism in Papua
because the process of seeding Indonesian nationalism in Papua is different from the
other regions. So, it is necessary the countrys changing perspective to review
Indonesian nationalism in Papua 2). In the identity politics perspective, it can be
interpreted that Papuan identity politics is a tool of struggle to fight the injustices of the
Indonesian government. 3). In the national integration perspective, to build the
integration of Papua and Indonesia requires intensive dialogue and political recognition
which can accommodate the aspirations between Papuans and Indonesian government.

Description of authors:
1. Ari Setiarsih, S.Pd. (Mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta).
2. Dr. Suharno, M.Si. (Ketua program studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta).

Keywords: Identity Politics, Nationalism, National Integration, Papua.

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Aim Abdulkarim, Neiny Ratmaningsih, Ratna Fitria, Dina Logaya

Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial



In principle, the Indonesian nation is considered as a plural nation which consists of

different ethnicity, races, languages, religions, customs, and cultures. The plurality of
this nation can be seen either as a blessing or a great challenge for the Indonesian
nation in its efforts to grow a tolerance attitude. As a matter of fact, the intolerance
attitude of Indonesian nation is increasing from year to year. Obviously, it can be seen
from the various conflicts that have been continuously arising, such as the conflicts
between Dayak ethnic (indigenous people) and Madurese ethnic (transmigrants), the
poso conflict which involved the security forces, community and terrorism, and the
Ambon conflicts on religious issues (Islam-Christian) and the others. Therefore, the
existence of the tolerance attitude is essentially in demand in order to improve social
relations among citizens, to create the advancement of pluralism, and to respect the
differences. In addition, the multicultural learning is expected to be able to give birth to
an insightful and knowledgeable generation, especially in terms of multiculturalism, to
take part wisely as a multicultural society, to have decision-making skills, and to
provide alternatives towards the multicultural issues in maintaining the integration and

Keywords: tolerance, conflict, multicultural education

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

Agenda Setting of the Religious Issues News in National Print Media (Content
Analysis of News of the Islamic Defense Action III 2 December 2016)

Metha Silvia Ningrum

Department of Communication Studies, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia,


Abstract -- The statement of the former Governor of Jakarta Capital City period 2014-
2017, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) about QS Al-Maidah verse 51 in his speech on
Pramuka Island on September 27, 2016 caused controversy and became a national issue
in Indonesia since his recording video spread in social media during October 2016. The
issue the developed into an issue of religious blasphemy that caused unrest among a
group of Indonesian muslims. waves of protest rallies were held in Jakarta, triggered by
the slow process of law, causing public mistrust to the government and the police of the
Republic of Indonesia, namely “Aksi Bela Islam” (Islamic Defense Action): “Aksi Bela
Islam I” on October 14, 2016, “Aksi Bela Islam II” on November 4, 2016 and “Aksi Bela
Islam III” on December 2, 2016. From the three series of these mass action, the “Aksi
Bela Islam III” on December 2, 2016 or known as the “Aksi Bela Islam III 212” was the
action with the largest number of mass and crowded reported in various Indonesian
mass media. This action was interesting because it involved people who came from
various regions of Indonesia to demand a fair and transparent legal process against
Ahok who was considered to have blasphemed Islam. Ahok himself was the first non-
Muslim governor figure of Jakarta Capital City that was controversial and his news was
always attracts the attention of the national mass media. The controversy on the news
about the “Aksi Bela Islam III 212” was interesting because not only explores the issue
of religious defamation, but also brings the issue of “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” Unity. This
research analyzes how the agenda setting of Indonesian national newspaper salianced
the issues about “Aksi Bela Islam III 212”. Using the content analysis method with
descriptive approach to describe in detail the aspects and characteristics of Indonesian
national newspapers in the issues saliance of “Aksi Bela Islam III 212”.

Keywords: Agenda setting, content analysis of news, religious issues

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Muslikhah (a*), Nike Kamarubiani (b), Ilva Maidia Wita (a), Eko Wanidison (a)

a) Mass Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
b) Mass Education Lecturer, Mass Education, School of Postgraduate Studies,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia


Tradition is a value and norm that has been passed down from ancestors to generations
and must be continued to the next generation who live in the society, where the
tradition is binding absolutely to the community. The purpose of this study was to find
the changing tradition of Baduy Indonesia tribe due to the incoming education from the
outside. This research used the descriptive qualitative method which chose Baduy
Indonesia tribe from a west java as the sampling frame, it was chosen from the
purposive sampling survey. The results of this study indicates that, in order to go to
school, the children of Baduy tribe must be willing to bring their crops to be sold in the
city, therefore they have the reason to get out of the village and go to study at school.
The conclusion of this paper is education will not change the traditions of the Baduy
tribe of Indonesia; with the education, people will be able to face the increasingly
globalised world. The next generation of the tribe will not leave the village because they
live and grow in the middle of custom rules and they will also keep the customary rules.

Keywords: Badui Indonesia tribe, Culture, Comparative, Correlation, Development.

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Dr. Triyanto; Rima Vien Permata Hartanto

Civic Education Dept., Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University


One of forms of socio-cultural pluralism of Indonesia is the existence of indigenous

peoples with their customary law system. Indonesia as an archipelagic country, the
number of indigenous peoples is estimated at around 40-50 million, out of more than
10,000 ethnic and sub-ethnic groups spreading throughout the inter-regional region.
Indigenous peoples are anthropological entities that grow naturally on a certain part of
the earth, and consist of various small primordial communities whose citizens have
blood relation to each other. The existence of such indigenous peoples places them in a
minority position. This sense of minority is more or less similar to the understanding of
marginal society; those in a series of common life in the public space are often on the
edge, or more precisely marginalized by the dominant. Indigenous peoples are very
vulnerable groups in our society and the country in general. This article disscuss the
struggle for citizenship and collective identity among indigenous peoples in Indonesia.

Keywords: indigenous peoples, struggle, citizenship, collective identity

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

Culture Acculturation Between Batak Ethnic And Chinese Ethnic In Smpk Penabur

Yasnita, Raharjo, Nadiroh

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This study discuss how culture acculturation take place between Batak ethnic and
Chinese ethnic in SMPK 4 Penabur Jakarta. Teachers who come from Batak ethnic in this
school become the newcomer and Chinese ethnic as the host. This study about
intercultural adaptation refer to a model system of Young Yun Kim which is elaborated
by Ruben, namely interrelatedness between personal communication and social
communication comprising interpersonal communication and mass communication
which is not separated from communication environment to measure communication
competence among teachers who come from Batak ethnic in Chinese ethnic
environment. The approach used in this study is qualitative approach with flow model
of analysis.
The study result show that if so far Batak ethnic is well-known by their harsh character
and not easily influenced but in fact they can adapt and experience culture acculturation
which is supported by the potential of acculturation of Batak ethnic toward Chinese
ethnic, among others are the similarity in culture values and in religion, and the most
important thing is the support from school environment which is very conducive and
support intercultural adaptation, because anyway acculturation cannot take place
without acceptance from the host environment. Another more interesting thing is that
they had absorbed the values of Batak ethnic but keep try to maintain their cultural
identity. Finally, this study show how school can become culture acculturation space to
shape intercultural personality.

Keywords: Adaptation, Acculturation, Batak Ethnic, Chinese Ethnic, School

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance



Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Intercultural Sensitivity among senior high school student at risky society

This article is based on preliminary result of research aimed at describing the level of
intercultural sensitivity spans from denial to integration categories. It was conducted at
three provinces (Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java). Three hundred students were
chosen randomly as respondent. Data were collected through questioner. Collected data
was analyzed statistically.
The result shows that all of students from the field of study except from Surakarta
regency belong to adaptation category about their intercultural sensitivity. Students
from Surakarta City belong to acceptance category. Accordingly, they need different
treatment to enhance their level of intercultural sensitivities.
Keywords: intercultural, sensitivity, students

Suyata is Senior Lecturer at Civic Education and Legal Study Department, Faculty of
Social Science, Yogyakarta State University Yogyakarta.

Keywords: intercultural, sensitivity, students

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Mariatul Kiptiah (a*), Bunyamin Maftuh (b), Elly Malihah(c), Iim Siti Masyitoh (d)
University Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin and University Education Indonesia


Banjarmasin people has a local wisdom that serves traditionally in solving social
conflicts, known as Adat Badamai. Adat Badamai is one of dispute resolution way that is
customarily done by Banjar society. It is defined as a result of the deliberation process
in purpose of attaining the decision as a problem-solving. This research is aimed at
obtaining a description of implementing of Badamai Customary values as to strengthen
national commitment. This research employed a qualitative approach and a case study
method. The informants were chosen purposively from various groups based on their
expertise. The results of this study found the nationalism commitment or the attitude of
nationalism is embeddedin the Adat Badamaiof the Banjarmasin people. It covers the
attitudes of the love of diversity and kinshipand the love of customary/cultural values
as well as the love of harmonious and peaceful life.

Keywords: Implementing, AdatBadamai, and National Commitment

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

Huma Betang Philosophy as a Solidarity Prototype and Ethnic Conflict Prevention
in Dayak Communities of Central Kalimantan

Eli Karliani (Palangka Raya University) Eddy Lion (Palangka Raya University) Sakman
(Palangka Raya University)

Palangka Raya University


This study aims analyzing the philosophy of huma betang as a solidarity prototype and
the ethnic conflict prevention in the Dayak communities of Central Kalimantan. The
ethnic conflict that occurred between Dayak and Madura ethnic in 2001 has caused
trauma, so there is a need to prevent the conflict from recurring. The method used in
this research is case study through depth interview technique, observation, and
documentation. The research subjects are ethnic leaders (Dayak, Bali, Banjar, Jawa,
Sulawesi, and Papua), religious leaders, and educational leaders. The data was
processed by qualitative descriptive technique. The results obtained: 1). Factors causing
ethnic conflict of Dayak and Madura include: a). failure of ethnic coaching, territorial
domination (politics); b). justice in legal process (law); c). tenacity in work (economy);
d). differences in character and intercultural communication (social and culture); 2) the
values of huma betang as symbol of solidarity and ethnic conflict prevention need to be
understood, internalized, and implemented in community life because it contains value:
be grateful for plurality, kinship, togetherness, solidarity, respect for individual rights

Keywords: Huma Betang Philosophy, Solidarity, Ethnic Conflict Prevention

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

The Students’ Perception about Multicultural Education at the Indonesian School
in Singapore

Shilmy Purnama

Indonesia University of Education


Indonesia is one of the big countries and consists of thousand islands. These diversities
make Indonesia become one of the biggest multiculturalism countries in the world.
Multiculturalism is the state of society which consists of the diversity values of religion,
tribes, race, ethnic, language, and social status. However, in the application, the diversity
and the plurality will cause problems, among others. Therefore, it is important to make
the educations which give multicultural insight to the students in families, schools, and
society environment to create the characterized, civilized, and respect the
multiculturalism citizens. This study discussed the students’perception about
Multicultural Education the Indonesian School in Singapore. The result shows that the
students’ perception about Multicultural Education have different categories generated
differ between junior and high school level. Based on the result of T test conducted on
Multicultural Education indicator, it can be described that t count (-21,8) < t table
(2.00), hence student of Indonesian School of Singapore have positive perception about
Multicultural Education. Thus, Multicultural Education is expected to teach young
generation to maintain harmony relationships among fellow members of the
community, although in diversity.

Keywords: Students’ Perception, multicultural, Multicultural Education

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance


Fricean Tutuarima1. Aim Abdulkarim2. Karim Suryadi3. Rahmat4

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


ABSTRACT Being an Indonesian is a sociological endeavor to be constantly pursued. It

takes a deliberate structural and cultural transformation that can keep a critical
distance on sectarian issues manipulated to achieve a certain goal. Maluku is a part of
the ethnic groups that helped with the birth of Indonesia, but in reality it is one of the
poorest provinces in Indonesia. The gap raises a cliché question: is Maluku part of
Indonesia? This grass root question expresses the marginalization of Maluku and is a
form of corrective attitude to the Indonesian government. Through a qualitative design,
this research intends to show the reality of Maluku ethnic in the historical span since it
committed to be part of Indonesia until the present. The triangulation done in this
research, both in terms of sources and techniques, is intended to obtain valid and
credible data that can enrich the research information. Thus, the results of the research
are expected to be the basis for formulating policies and reconstructing the vision of
nationalism to realize the true social justice for all Indonesian people, including the
people of Maluku.

Keywords: Maluku ethnic, Indonesian identity

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

Intercultural Competence To Maintain The Nation’s Identity

Diah Vitri Widayanti, Fathur Rokhman, Ida Zulaeha, Sri Rejeki Urip

Foreign Language Department,Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Central Java,


The globalization era and development of technology make the foreign languages as a
need to access the information and to communicate across the nation. Learning a
foreign language contains not only linguistics elements but also cultural elements.
Introduce and teach a new culture that contains different perception, values and way of
life from the culture of learner may cause the problems. Therefore, learning a foreign
language should understand foreign cultures. The problem is not all foreign language
learners understand it. Learn new culture could cause misunderstanding or even vitiate
the local or national culture. That’s why the intercultural competence is important for
the learner to have tolerance to a foreign culture and enhance their own culture. This
study aims to investigate the elements of intercultural competence and strategy to
develop intercultural competence for learners of foreign languages, especially French.
Field studies method employed in this paper. Samples were observed in this study were
30 students of the French Language Study Program in Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Data was collected by class observations, focus group discussion and interview. The
result of this study reveals that intercultural competence consists of perceptions
elements, verbal and non-verbal elements. Perceptions elements involve cognitive
competence and competence emotive. Thus the strategies are developed by considering
the language competence including verbal and non-verbal elements and psychological
maturity of the learner.

Keywords: Intercultural Competence, Element, Nation’s Identity, Strategy.

Topic: Pluralist Society: Freedom and Tolerance

Strengthening Democratic Values Through Student Movement In Garut District




This research is motivated by the emergence of various student movements in Garut

district that occurred due to dissatisfaction with the performance of the government
Garut regency. The movement takes place as a form of responsibility of an academic
who has had the understanding and experience of how to express opinions in public
through demonstration actions. The purpose of this research is to describe, analyze,
study and organize empirically about: (1) understanding of student democracy in Garut
regency, (2) journey of moral movement of Garut regency student in year 2017, (3)
student movement of Garut Regency in realizing good governance and (4)
implementation of the student movement in the implementation of good governance.
The approach used is qualitative with analytical descriptive method. Field data were
collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed
through the stages: (1) Data collection; (2) data reduction; (3) Presentation of data; (4)
Conclusion or verification. The results of this study show: Firstly, informants generally
understand the values of democracy in the study of good governance, but their
understanding based on the circumstances in accordance with their respective
perspectives. Second. The result of the study of students moral movement movement in
Garut regency, clearly visible throughout the year 2017 by addressing various
bureaucratic phenomena, ranging from promises during the bupati campaign,
accountability, transparency, public service, bureaucratic reform, law supremacy, to
public policy issues Garut regency. Third, the moral movement of students in Garut
regency in realizing a good governance implemented by aspiring freedom of thought,
opinion and freedom to participate both orally, and writing. Fourth, the implementation
of student moral movement in Garut regency can provide better development with
marked freedom of expression both oral and written. The recommendations of this
research are: (1) For the academic community, students must always perform their
moral movements based on the values, norms and culture of their nation, as well as the
regulation of the local government that regulates it; lecturer, should provide deep
insight in relation to democratic values especially about student movement; (2) For
policymakers, it should facilitate and provide solutions to the students moral
movements to proceed as they should, (3) future researchers, can examine more deeply
about whether the movement moral students as a moral movement or political

Keywords: Democracy, Good Governance,.Student Moral Movement

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship

Participation of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Community-Based AIDS Coping

Argyo Demartoto , Bhisma Murti , and Siti Zunariyah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Stigma and negative treatment against People Living with HIV/AIDS or PLWHAs
becomes a serious problem in Indonesia, so that they become introverted. This research
aimed to analyze the participation of PLWHAs in community-based AIDS coping. This
qualitative research with exploratory approach was taken place in Surakarta Indonesia.
PLWHAs affiliated with Solo Plus Peer Support Group became main informants selected
purposively. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interview, and
documentation, and then was analyzed using Parsons’ action theory. Data validation
was conducted using source and method triangulations. The result of research showed
that PLWHAs with open status tend to participate actively in promotive, preventive,
curative, and rehabilitative activities to cope with AIDS, including communicating,
informing, and educating the community earlier about HIV/AIDS and recommending
them to be loyal to their partner, not using injected drug, and respecting PLWHAs.
PLWHAs’ right to freedom of expression has not been fulfilled optimally because there
is negative label and movement space limitation by community. Education about
HIV/AIDS and PLWHAs’ rights should be improved among the public.

Keywords: Participation, PLWHA, Right to Freedom of Expression

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship


anom wahyu asmorojati, avanti vera risti pramudyani

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Ahmad Dahlan University


Nationalism is a concept that aims to create and maintain the sovereignty of nationality
and state to realize the identity, and it must be owned by every citizen. The spirit of
nationalism in young generation can be asset of national development. However, only a
small proportion of young generation who correctly understand nationalism that can be
done in everyday life as college-students in modern era. This research aims to
determine the extent of nationalism understanding on college-students at Ahmad
Dahlan University (UAD) based on the awareness of nationality and state in everyday
life. This research is using mix menthod approach, the data was obtained from the
questionnaire given to 52 college-students of UAD, who are not from study programs of
Law Studies and Pancasila and Civic Education. The result of the questionnaire was
analyzed by quantitative approach, and described as qualitative by content analysis and
literature study. The results are information of the whole respondents know cognitively
about the awareness of national and state life as citizens. Most respondents already
know that nationalism can arise if they have love for the country, guard the nations
sovereignty, understand diversity, understand the rule of law. However, it is required
the formation of nationalism attitudes and mental that become citizens’ characters,
especially in the obligation to pay taxes, obey the rules, act honestly, and the
implementation of Pancasila democracy
Keywords: nationalism, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, young

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship


Encep Syarief Nurdin, Asep Dahliyana

Lecturer of Civic Education Department of General Education

Faculty of Education Social Sciences Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of this article is to illustrate the contribution of citizen project model in
Civic Education in Higher Education in fostering patriotism of students. The research
process uses a quantitative approach by conducting a survey. The research population
is University of Indonesia Education student who is doing contract of Civic Education
course. The sample of research are the students of Study Program PGSD A and C, and
Biology Study Program with the number of 108 people. The results showed that the
influence of citizenship education based on citizen project to the strengthening of
patriotism by 38.2%. This implies the motivation of students to follow the process of
Civic Education course because students identify their own problems and solve
problems in groups.

Keywords: civic education, college, patriotism, and project citizen

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship


Ristina Yudhanti, Adi Sulistiyono, Isharyanto

Doctoral Progamme of Law Sciene Law Faculty, Sebelas Maret University


Globalization is a global process which is unavoidable by everyone who wants to

interact with the international world because those who avoid it will be isolated from
the advance and even from the international association. Globalization as a must gives
big impact to the human life including the political, economical, social-culture, and legal
impacts. Law is never sterile from the aspects outside law, because law is always
dynamic and will follow the society’s development. When the Globalization era emerges,
law also follows the rhythm of the latest era.
The interesting thing is that law and globalization is related to the emergence of the
movement of awareness on the gender equality in all over the world. The movement
which was pioneered by the feminist movement in all over the world wanted Human
Rights equal Woman Rights. The existence of CEDAW Convention which was later
ratified by the Indonesian government.
Gender equality is a hard-struggle of women in reaching the global commitment on the
respect of Human Rights. Gender inequality is very apprehensive especially in the
developing countries in the world. Inequalities in politics, law, economy, and social
cause the low level of participation of women community and relatively have not raised
their function as the balanced competitor compared to the men community and the
social construction that has a significant influence on the gender inequality.
Gender equality is a global movement as a reflection on the inequality against women.
There is a stereotype or a negative labelling that views women are lower (subordinate)
than men. Even, many myths and beliefs that cause women are often viewed from
merely sex aspect, not from their ability, opportunity, and human aspects universally,
that is as human being who has intelligence, logic, feeling, and equality before the law.
In the political field, the determination of representative target (quota) is as much as
30% for women in the candidacy of Members of The House of Representative in central
and regional that aims at knowing the correlation between the woman representation
in the parliament and the process of public strategic decision making. It means to see
whether the affirmative policy functions effectively and is not only formality. Therefore,
it caused an obstacle in struggling the strategic issues in the parliament, although the
participation of every member of the house of representative is open democratically in
every strategic decision making.

Keywords: Globalization, Affirmative Policy, Gender Equality

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship



College Student of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program,
Graduate Program, Yogyakarta State University

Lecturer of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study Program,

Graduate Program, Yogyakarta State University


This writing aims to illustrate the application of project-based civics learning for young
citizens participation. It is based on the number of young citizens who has not been able
to participate and be involved in problem solvings such as social, economic, political,
and religious. Young citizens should inevitably have concern to problems as a concrete
manifestation of the mission of becoming good citizens. Characteristis of good citizens
can be done by observing their behavior in learning process. The learning that occurs
only focuses on the understanding of the problem but does not reflect behavior as good
citizens. Classroom learning only applies a model that has not encouraged by the
liveliness of young citizens. The method used in this paper is the study of literature by
collecting various sources, analyzing, presenting the results and discussion, and
drawing conclusion. Based on the analysis result, it can be seen that the appropriate
model to make a participatory young citizen is project based learning. Project-based
learning aims for young citizens to be actively involved in the learning process through
the following steps. First, determine questions and issues to be studied. Second, make
project design. Third, arrange project schedule. Fourth, conduct project. Fifth, test
results. Sixth, evaluate the experience. All these steps are implemented to encourage the
participatory capabilities of young citizens.

Keywords: Participatory, Project-Based Learning, Young Citizen

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship

Civic Education as Means of Multicultural Education in Building Democratic

Candra Cuga

The lecture of the Primary School Teacher Education Department,

Gorontalo State University, Jl Ki Hajar Dewantara No.99 Kota Gorontalo, Indonesia

This study is departed from researcher’s anxiety toward lack of Civic Education learning
in responding the need and condition of multicultural students so it needs multicultural
based Civic Eeducation learning in higher education. The problem formulation of this
study is: how do the concept and implementation of Civic Education learning as means
of multicultural education in building democratic citizen in higher education? The aim
of this study is to discover the concept and implementation of Civic Education as means
of multicultural education in building democratic citizen in higher education.
This study uses qualitative approach with theory grounded method and the data is
obtained through observation, interview, literature study, and documentation study.
Subjects of study consist of Civic Education and Sociology experts who give attention to
multicultural education inquiry, lecturers and students of Elementary School Teacher
Education Development, Faculty of Education Science, Jakarta State University (PGSD
The result of this study reveal that concept and implementation of Civic Education as
means of multicultural education in Elementary School Teacher Education
Development, Faculty of Education Science Jakarta State University can be seen from
four aspects, namely: first, material development has been done by integrating some
materials which related with multiculturalism; second, learning design still need the
development such as plan, strategy, media and learning evaluation tool; third, the
implementation of learning has described multicultural learning by striving to integrate
numerous students diversity; forth, evaluation of learning outcome consist of two
aspects that is process evaluation which show lecturer effort to conduct multicultural
based Civic Education learning and learning outcome show some multicultural civic
competence. Whereas finding result of this grounded theory study are: first,
competency that want to be achieved is hopefully toward civic ability to “living world
live”; second, lecturer’s competency is needed in doing multicultural learning that is the
ability to become role model and the ability to become hidden curriculum in learning;
third, learning evaluation consist of two things, namely evaluation process and learning
outcome by assessment instrument of test and non test.
The recommendation of this study is that lecturer and head of PGSD FIP UNJ are
recommended to keep consistent and strive to develop the material, learning design,
and initiate various resources, method and multicultural based Civic Education learning

Keywords: Civic Education, Multicultural Education, Democratic Citizen

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship

The Development of Political Populism in Indonesia
Itok Dwi Kurniawan

lecturer department of civics education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Ecucational of

the Sebelas Maret Surakarta (Central Java) and is being pursued doctoral program in
the citizenship education in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung (West Java)


This paper aims to explore the populism grew in Indonesia. Political developments in
the world also have an effect on politics in Indonesia. The victory of Emmanuel Macron
in France and Donald Trump in US is the entrance of political populism in Indonesia.
The politics of populism by many observers and experts since governor election of DKI
Jakarta in 2017. Rise of populism because of three things, namely the existence of
charismatic leader in delivering the message, the economy inequality, and cultural
conflict. The growth of populisme must be wary because can raise a strong identity
politics so identified will decrease the value of multicultural Indonesian nation. This
research using the method of the study of literature.

Keywords: political populism, politics in Indonesia, value of multicultural

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship


Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti & Asep Rusmayadi Purwadi

STKIP Ar-Rahmaniyah Depok


This study aims to find the Application of Mind Mapping Model With Scattergories Game
In Improving Creativity And Student Learning Outcomes In National Class Inventory
Material VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Leuwigoong Kabupaten Garut.
The study was conducted for 3 months in the middle of odd semester of academic year
2016-2017 in class VIII E starting from October to December. The research method is a
classroom action research or Classroom Action Research. The informant is the students
of class VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Leuwigoong Kabupaten Garut with the number of 34
people, while the key informant is the guardian class VIII E, a teacher BK, and a teacher
Instrumen research is a test used for the purpose of obtaining data on Learning
Outcomes In Material -National scenarios and observation sheets are used to make
measurements of Mind Mapping Model Implementation With Game Scattergories and
Student Creativity. Calibration of data validity is done by interviews and field notes.
The results obtained from the three variables are Learning Outcomes In the National
Inventory Material the first cycle gets the points of 68.00, then in the second cycle
increased 5.82 points to 73.82, while in the third cycle completeness was achieved by all
students with average success of 84.85 points. Scores obtained are in the high category
and able to exceed the specified completeness of 75. Student creativity, the first cycle to
get an average score of 57.38, then gain an increase of 15.45 points to obtain a score of
73.53, and at the end research or third cycle score obtained by 81,44 or exceeded the
established standard of completeness that is equal to 75. Application of Model Mind
Mapping With Game Scattergories, the first cycle with an average score of 69.22, the
second cycle obtained a score of 74, 18 and in the third cycle Application of Mind
Mapping Model With Game Scattergories managed to get a score of 77.90 points and
succeeded in improving the variable Learning Outcomes In National Material and
Creativity Students reach completeness.
Conclusion is the Application of Mind Mapping Model With Game Scattergories has
succeeded in improving Learning Outcome on National Inventory and Creativity
Material of Grade VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Leuwigoong Kabupaten Garut.
The implication of this research is to make the research result as a reference in
developing students creativity and the concept of national legislation can be used as a
guideline of behavior in family, school and community life. Suggestions are aimed at
students, teachers, principals, government, institutions and students.

Keywords: Scattergories Game, mind mapping

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship

The Influence of Practicum Model of Civic Education Integrated Learning Based
on Strengthening Student Character


Department of Civic Education, Indonesia University of Education


Activity of learning implementation is the core of education (core of education) which is

of course very important to be studied and developed. In line with the growing
atmosphere of progressive education that emphasizes that the importance of education
as a means of "progress" or the liberation of learners demand changes in the learning
system. One of the innovations developed in improving the learning process of Civics by
using integrated learning (integrated learning) through practicum. Innovation with the
base of integrated learning applied to the course practicum held by each course as an
integrated learning process in the field in an integrated manner. The purpose of this
research is the impact of application of Civics practice based on integrated learning
towards the development of student character. Research method: This research uses
qualitative and quantitative approach (mixed method) with Research and Development
design. Data collection techniques used observation, documentation, Focus Group
Discussion, and questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis uses data collection steps, data
reduction, data presentation, and inferences, and quantitative data analysis using
correlation and regression. The subject of this research is students of Department of
Civic Education, Indonesia University of Education. The results of the research are: 1)
The Civics Education Practicum material based on integrated learning is based on the
theme of tolerance / peace from the point of view of Customary Law, Constitutional Law
and Islamic Law which is then studied in five areas, namely education, religion, law,
government and socio-cultural; 2) Implementation of CLC-based learning practice
model covering initial activities, core activities, and final activities to reflect activities; 3)
The impact of application of experimental model based on integrated learning on
student character development has a significant effect of 52.3%.

Keywords: Civic practice model, integrated learning, character, student

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship

Correlation between Political News Consumption And Civic Education Students’
Political Awareness

Vevi Sovia Noza, Azwar Ananda, Alia Azmi

Department of Civic Education Universitas Negeri Padang


The students’ habit of consuming political news has been supported and accelerated by
the easiness of getting information from various media. The habit requires critical
thinking and observation as well as political awareness. This study aims to determine
the correlation between Universitas Negeri Padang civic education students’ political
news consumption and political awareness. This quantitative research selected a
sample of 77 students from the population of 336 students from the academic
enrollment years of 2014, 2015, and 2016 using stratified proportional random
sampling. Data were collected using questionnaires and documentation study.
Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS program. The result shows that the variable
of political news consumption in the motivation, environment, and frequency indicators
are categorized quite good while media indicator is not quite good. The variable of
political awareness in the knowledge and understanding indicators are considered
good, while in the attitude and behavior indicators are categorized quite good. Value
rtest> rtable (0.618> 0.220), which means there is a positive influence of following
political news habit on the students’ political awareness. The percentage of the
influence of following political news habit on the political awareness is 38, 2%, which
means the higher the frequency of following political news, the better the political
awareness will be.

Keywords: civic education students, political news consumption, political awareness,

Universitas Negeri Padang

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship

integration role playing model with multimedia in civic education learning

Apriyanda Kusuma Wijaya, Rahmat, Kokom Komalasari

University Education of Indonesia


Learning is an interaction in principle to acquire knowledge, how to behave, and act

beneficial to increase the capacity and quality of life. Civic Education learning plays a
fairly important for someone in particular learners to develop the skills of citizens
which include intellectual skills and participation in order to become good citizens. For
that to be the interest of learners has increased required a learning fun, well-planned
and well be conditioned. One way that such learning is conditioned well with the
implementation of a model of learning, such as role playing. It has become the basis
objective of this study is to knows the effect of the application of the role playing in Civic
Education learning to the development of learners participation skills. The method used
in this study is a quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) with a quantitative approach.
The subject of the study was the students of class X multimedia department (MM2) SMK
Telkom Bandung. Research data collection techniques used were observation,
questionnaires and tests. Technical analysis of data using SPSS 2012. The results
obtained from the study is to show the existence of a significant effect application of
role playing in the learning models Civic Education against participation skills of

Keywords: Civic Education Learning, Role playing,

Topic: Role-Model and Democratic Citizenship


eko supriyanto

University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta

department of Civic Education


ABSTRACT: character of education reach need of long time in the conduct of evaluation
so the dimension of this affective not rapid known of it result. Factor the cause of late of
receive the affective because contains of emotional ingredient that regarding with
choice and deep thinking. Therefor evaluation the model of Character Evaluation
Longitudinal Study (CELS) is one of constitute of method for accommadate type course
that result it study long increase. The study aims is describe result of delivery teaching
citizen education through using CELS for character education at school. Methode used
was a biennal cross sectional survey at madrasahs in east java. The result of evaluation
show that character can identified exactly because has conformity using CELS with
character object that dominant aspect of affective that it recieve long term. By using this
model we found evidence of a link between school, delivering character education and
outcome. Methode of gathering data with used questionary with amount research
subject and document. Location of the research are five madrasahs in east java.

Keywords: affective; CELS; character education and not rapid of result

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Reorientation of Values of The Indonesian Diversity (ke-Bhineka-an Indonesia) to
Reaffirming the National Identity



Indonesia was born as an independent state based on plurality like as, culture, ethnicity,
religion and race as the power of the birth of NKRI in the pledge of Youth Pledge.
Currently the Indonesian is being tested identity and ideology of nationalism with the
increasingly widespread cases of intolerance, violence, terrorism, blasphemy and other
cases. The euphoria of democracy after the human rights values had been ignored in the
Orde Baru era triggered the openness of freedom that seemed without limited so that
the fading of democratic values in accordance with the culture and soul of the
Indonesian. The main effort is how to re-awaken the spirit of Indonesiaon diversity as
the foundation of the birth of NKRI so that the values of tolerance, mutual respect and
appreciation becomes a force in realizing the Unity of Indonesia. This research was
conducted on the students at PPKn STKIP Garut with as sample of 40 people and
described how to teach about 1) Media Literacy, 2) Deep Teaching of Pancasila and Civic
Education values, and 3) Integrated of Local Culture. Through descriptive study
research result indication that : 1) Use of Technology well efforts to students to wisely
action 75,5 %. 2) To Teaching Values of Pancasila and Civic Education by well reinforce
to the national identity, 66,5% 3) by the Integrated the values of local cultural
differences can be improved understand of students to diversity values 85,4%. By
utilizing the wise of the technology and information media, it can be strengthening the
diversity values to maintain unity so that the national identity is not uprooted and the
local culture remains the national foundation.

Keywords: Identitity, Indonesian Diversity, Nasionalism.

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Rizal Fahmi and Endang Danial AR

Postgraduate School Indonesia University of Education


Indonesia is a multiethnic country and has various kinds of tribe. This diversity will
invoke various kinds of problem, one of them is conflict. Conflict will occur if it is not
countered by high nationalism spirit in the life of nation and state. The prolonged
conflict in Aceh result in the shift of nationalism values, so it reduce unity spirit. It
cannot be ignored because it will give negative effect to the life of nation and state. The
main problem of this study is to understand and reveal to what extent of Nationalism
values of Aceh society post conflict. This study use qualitative approach and make case
study as research method and use grand theory Hans Kohn’s nationalism is used as
analysis tool. The result of this study is the reduction of Nationalism values among
Southwest Aceh society Post Conflict so it needs the effort to revitalize Nationalism
values in order to maintain the integrity of Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia. It
need more attention given by local government and central government to maintain the
unity in order that conflict occurred in many regions in Indonesia particularly Aceh not

Keywords: Values, Nationalism, Conflict

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

From Soekarno to Djuanda: Pancasila and Wawasan Nusantara

Eko A Meinarno, Putri A Maharani

meinarno@ui.ac.id, Universitas Indonesia

putrilangka@univpancasila.ac.id, Universitas Pancasila


The research of Meinarno, Menaldi, and Triyono (2015) shows the cognitive map of
Indonesian Indonesian adolescent is lacking. Map making can not be separated from the
understanding of Indonesian territoriality for its citizens. In the political realm of this
understanding is known as wawasan nusantara. Researchers then adopted the idea of
Wawasan Nusantara and submitted its measurements. The purpose of this study is to
examine the relationship between Pancasila and Wawasan Nusantara. This is proposed
because their relationship is always within the ideological political corridor, whereas on
the scientific side the relationship of both must be provable. This research has a
quantitative approach. Measurement of Pancasila by using the National Value scale
consisting of five values (religio-tolerance, humanity, patriotism-unity, democracy, and
social justice). Measurement of Wawasan Nusantara insight using Wantar17 scale.
Based on the correlation test, it was found that all values correlated positively and
significantly with the Wawasan Nusantara. The details are the religio-tolerance r (62) =
0.455, p <0.001, the humanitarian value r (62) = 0.246, p <0.001, the patriotism-unity
value r (62) = 0.794, p <0.001, the democratic value r 62) = 0.441, p <0.001, and
humanitarian value r (62) = 0.628, p <0.001. The strongest relation is on the value of
patriotism-unity or third value. This is natural because the love of the region and see it
as a unity will only be realized in the real concept of the Wawasan Nusantara. This
finding becomes a socio-psychological empirical breakthrough in looking at the
concepts of Indonesian nationhood that had been only a conversation without any
empirical evidence in it.

Eko A Meinarno: Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia in social

psychology studies. Being a writer and researcher for the field of psychology, socio-
culture, and Pancasila and Citizenship. His works in the form of books and journal
articles have been published nationally and internationally.

Putri A Maharani: Lecturer at Psychology Faculty of Pancasila University, Jakarta.

Graduate of Lemhanas course in 2015. Interested in seeing Pancasila as the theme of

Keywords: Pancasila, Wawasan Nusantara, millennial generations

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Rusli Yusuf and Irwan Putra

Lecture of Civic Education Syiah Kuala University

and Postgraduate Student of Doctoral program in Indonesia University of Education


Islam can’t be separated with each individual inner aceh community.Islam has become
breath in any action and behavior.Curently islam identified as radicalism,terorism and
foundation of khalifah.Even though in islam it self is contained Nasionalism and nation
care values.This reaserch will integrate islam values in civic education to strengthen
indonesian nasionalism.This research is using qualitative approach and make the study
case as the research method.Result of this research revealed that all this time college
student having difficult to catch on and understand the valuable of nasionalism and
nation care in the way of islam,because the weak of literacy and there is no special
material about this.Mean while this material is very important for aceh context as the
region of Shari’a islam.Integration make the college students can apply it when they
become a teacher

Keywords: Civic Education,Nasionalism,Islam Values

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Actualization of Separatist Ideology in Aceh Post Peace Agreement (Study on
Socialization of The Free Aceh Movement Symbol Through Media Social)

Rusli Yusuf, Maimun

Civic Education Department at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Syiah Kuala of


This study aims to analyze socialization of separatist symbol post peace agreement as
the struggle form of GAM ideology which is done through media social. This study is
categorized as type of descriptive study with qualitative approach and by using analysis
toward social media by delving out information from subject chosen in purposive,
namely subject which is determined based in special consideration, and the numbers of
media social account studied are 20 accounts for 2016 until 2017. In addition, this study
use semiotics analysis to analyze socialization of GAM ideology through symbol which
refer to semiotic theory proposed by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) which offer
triadic model and its trichotomy concept which are divided into three things, namely:
sign, interpretant, and object. From the result of study it is found that: GAM symbols
which are socialized through media social of post peace agreement among others are:
(1) the symbols which consist of: Buraq-lion, Star and Yellow Crescent, blue-yellow and
black flag, renchong, and Arabic-malay writing, (2) Flag; four white lines, star and white
crescent, and two black lines which each lie in the middle of white line. Information
about the symbol of GAM mostly uploaded through facebook with 60% information
about the symbol of The Free Aceh Movement, 5% in twitter and 15% in WhatsApp and
20% in Youtube and information from youtube also is shared again via facebook. Based
on this study, it can be concluded that socialization of GAM symbol through media social
of post peace as a form of struggle toward separatist ideology of The Free Aceh
Movement which is still done until one decade of peace agreement. If this socialization
is continuously done then it will potentially make Aceh return to conflict cycle of post
peace agreement 10 - 15 years ago.

Keywords: Socialization, Symbol of GAM, social Media

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Abdul Azis Wahab

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Constitutionally ideals of Democracy for Indonesia is a concept of democracy based on

the fourth principle of Pancasila. It a the idea of people souvereignty led by the spirit of
derived wisdom through the consent of and within the people representative
institution. It means that all of the foundations of democracy , i.e. the essence of
authority, the core of justice, duties and right of citizens and public responsibility must
integrate wholistically the essence of religiousity ,humanity, nationalism, democrarcy
and social justicepronounce right by the ideal of Pancasila. Therefore the
implementation of democracy in and for Indonesia, must instrumentalized and actualise
values and morality which harmonize strength responsibility, and sense for justice for
all people. In doing so democratic freedom with full responsibility of all citizens need to
be developed and nurtured sustainable. At the same time any idea and behavior tht
potensially dstruct any part of the essence of the ideal of Pancasila democracy need to
be avoided and reengeneered.

Keywords: the Ideals of Pancasila, foundation of democrarcy, the essence of

authority,the core of justice, duties and rights of citizens, public resposubility.

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Julien Biringan, Telly D. Wua

Pancasila and Civic Education Social Science Faculty Manado State University


Citizenship education is essentially an effort to pass on the values of Pancasila and will
serve as a guideline for citizens in living a quality life. The progress and development of
modernization and globalization is positive, but it can be argued internationally that the
advancement of civil society and the present state of civilization and decline in
modernization and globalization can be determined by the implementation and
implications of civic education. Because modernization in a certain period of time led to
a process called globalization, including the process of unification of various forms of
human groups into a single unit. Globalization has brought people together from
different parts of the world including in the country of Indonesia, making it difficult to
distinguish again and this is an advancement and development in the field of
technology. Citizenship education as one of the efforts to form citizens in living the lives
in line with the development caused by modernization and globalization. Every citizen
has the right to follow and enjoy technological advancement which is also a driving
aspect of modernization. However, the inheritance of the values of civic education
should be embedded in the citizens, so that it can have comprehensive implications to
make citizens who have civics intelegensi, civics responsibility, and civics participation.

Keywords: Globalization, modernization, citizenship, education, implications

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

An Analysis of Malaysian Civic Textbook through a Multicultural Curriculum

Tan Sing Yee

Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction,

National Taiwan Normal University
No. 162, Section 1, Heping East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106


This article aims to look at the Malaysian civic education textbook through the
multicultural curriculum framework, by using content analysis method. The article
analyzes the civic textbook for secondary one to five, focusing on the theme of Warisan
Kepelbagaian Budaya Malaysia. The major goal of multicultural education is to bridge
the gap so as students from diverse background will experience educational equality.
Extending from the multicultural education concept, Santora (1995) presented a
multicultural curriculum framework that can empower students in the knowledge and
skill dimension so that they can participate in a pluralistic society as a citizen. While
Malaysia is a multicultural society by nature and by discourse, the question arise as
what kind of multicultural concept is presented in the textbook and if the concept is
aligned or shaping the multiculturalism concept in the society. The preliminary findings
show that the concept of multicultural presented in the textbook is very much
highlighted to the differences of the different ethnicities, without the element of
empowering students’ participatory skills in a pluralistic society. In light of the findings,
the multicultural concept is reflecting the national discourse of multiculturalism, acting
as an agent to bring stabilization to the country.

Keywords: civic, multicultural education, pluralistic, textbook analysis

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Transcendental Study On Democracy Concept Formulation in Indonesia and Its
Implementation Post Reformasi Era

Triwahyuningsih , Siti Zuliyah

Ahmad Dahlan University


Law character as a country having Pancasila implies a transcendental value towards the
One Almighty God. The law spirited by the soul of justice and democracy principle is
purposed to preserve and uphold the human dignity. Therefore, law should be
underlying upon principles and values of democracy. Its naive when we implement law
that is isolated or going too far from the current political system, which is democracy of
The aim of the research is elaborating transcendentally about the concept of democracy
and its implementation after the amendment of Undang-Undang Dasar (Constitution)
1945. Its a normative research. The material used in this research was coming from
primary and secondary legal material by using philosophical, political, and historical
approaches. This research conclusion: (1) The Arrangement of democracy concept in
Indonesia is a religious democracy, which individual believes in God as it is stated on
the preamble of UUD 1945. The preamble was agreed and legalized in the Assembly of
Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) on 18th of August 1945.
That formulation was the agreement amongst founding fathers, becoming the legal
basis of state, spiritual soul, and resulting final concept, binding constitutionally in the
life of the state. Pancasila has become the state philosophy (Philosopchische Grondslag),
state ideology, and Indonesian views of life (Weltanschauung) (2) The implementation
of democracy in Indonesia after amendment of UUD 1945 ,which is democratic
deliberation as it is stated on the 4th verse, had been hindered by cultural, institutional,
and structural obstacles.

Keywords: Democracy, Post Reformasi, Transendental.

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

The effect of the Learning Process on the increasing of the level of understanding
of the student on State Ideological issues

B. Haryono

Universitas Sebelas Maret


The strength of materialism and pragmatism has impact on the decreasing of the level
of understanding of the student on the State Ideological issues. The objective of this
research is the sociology student at Universitas Sebelas Maret. The aim of research is to
explain the influence of the Learning Process (LP) on the level of the understanding of
the student on the State Ideological (LUSSI) issues. It designed by quasi-experimental,
conducted by pre-test, treatment and post-test. Data were collected by questionnaires.
Respondent comprised of class B of the sociology graduate student attending at the
major of The Sociology of Education (SEdu) in the semester 2016/2017. The LP given
by the treatment by focusing the any topic of the SEdu subject matter on the political
education (the culture values: Pancasila Ideology and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) and the
structure (the 1945 Indonesia Constitution and United State of Republic of Indonesia).
Findings showed that the LP has positive effect, as indicated by significant increase in
the LUSSI score in the post test more than the pre test.

Keywords: effect, ideological, treatment, understanding

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Iim Siti Masyitoh

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The development and rapidity of technology is always in line with the development and
level of human needs in order to sustain their life. Every human being has the ability to
use and utilize technology in order to have better life, to solve problems, and to connect
with other people. In addition, technology is not only used to support social life, it also
can be utilized for the sustainability of a community with various customs and cultures.
It is undeniable that technology is a component of culture. The emergence of technology
is based on the way people express their sense of beauty, artistry, and other cultures.
This present study aims to reveal the way technology is used for the social mobility of
the Dayak Segandu children in relation to the empowerment of good citizens. Therefore,
the utilization of technology is expected to support mobility and take the Dayak tribe
people to have a better and advanced life as other society, and in the same time, they are
still committed to keep preserving their own and inherited custom values.

Keywords: Social Mobility, Dayak Segandu tribe children, technology, citizen

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Discourse of Khilafah, Islamic State and Conception of Pancasila: The view of the
Indonesian Muslim Middle Class on the life of the state As well as the role of
history in shaping the character of the nation

Subandi Rianto

Department of History, Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University.

Jl. Nusantara 1, Bulaksumur, Catur Tunggal, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten
Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
Email: subandi.rianto@mail.ugm.ac.id


The development of statehood lately is colored with issues about the state of the
Khilafah, the dissolution of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, the spread of ISIS in Southeast Asia.
As well as an indication of the strengthening views of the people of Indonesia who agree
with the issues of Islamic countries. Similar issues were attempting to raise again to
enliven the already completed religious and state discourses
in BPUPKI and PPKI forums. This research attempts to discuss the birth of the
phenomenon of the Islamic Caliphate and Islamic Movement of Indonesia in the decade
of the 2000s until now. Movements that bring religious sentiments try to be banged
with the construction of thinking Pancasila. And on the other hand, discussing the
phenomenon of the emergence of a moderate class of Muslim intellectuals who seek to
compensate. These moderate Muslim intellectuals are those who understand religion
and nationality very well. The research method used is a comparative history approach.
By comparing the mindset of the exponents of todays movement with the patterns that
the founders of the nation built when meeting in the Constituent Assembly, BPUPKI,
PPKI. This research yields a thesis that civic education requires a new approach
formula. This new formula consists of a mixture of nationality history education and
religious education. So that learners are able to understand the build character process
well from various sides.

Keywords: history, islamic, khilafah, pancasila, state

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Urgency of Civic Education in the Formation of Civic Competence of students with
visual impairment in SLB Fajar Harapan

Nurul Huda

Indonesia University of Education


In the life of the nation and the state, much needed civic competence that must be
owned by all citizens, not least also for those who have physical and intellectual
limitations. Civic Education is a pedagogical effort to establish to be good citizen. In
pedagogical efforts, civic education has the primary goal of developing three civic
competences: civic knowledge, civic disposition and civic skills. Civic education not only
taught to regular students, but also to students with special needs such as students with
visual impairment. This study aims to determine how the urgency of civic education in
forming civic competence in students with visual impairment. The method used is
descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. Data collection was done by observation,
interview, literature study and documentation study. The results showed that civic
education has an important role in forming the civic competence of students with
special needs, especially students with visual impairment. So that they become citizens
who are ready to follow the flow of life of nation and state in Indonesia.

Keywords: Civic Education, Civic Competence, Students with Visual Impairment

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Yuyus Kardiman, Suwarma Al Muchtar, and Aim Abdulkarim

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Indonesia, is a religious nation, where every citizen must believes in, and practice
religion according to his or her belief. But there are some citizens who believe that a
particular religion becomes an excessive fanatic, impacting to deny and blame other
religions, which leads to social conflicts. Not because of the teachings and values that
exist from each religion, but because of their incomplete understanding, moreover there
are another people and interest who want this nation not to be peaceful. For this reason,
this paper is intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of the values of
Pancasila that contained in the teachings of every religion in Indonesia could provide
the basis and even become a spirit for the development of other lives in the life of the
nation and the state in order to create civilized society.
This literature study is epistimologically explained how every teaching of religious
values in Indonesia ranging from Islam as the religion with the largest adherents,
Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians is the implementation of the
values of Pancasila, thus axiologically giving an answer that Pancasila has systematic
characteristics, that each Sila a whole unityu, and hierarchical means every sila
Pancasila is mutually underlying, where the first precepts as the main basis.
In conclusion, that every religion regulates all aspects of the life of its citizens, the
values in each principle of Pancasila have been described comprehensively and
correlatively in every religious teaching in Indonesia, every Indonesian citizen who
carries out his or her religious values, basically run the values of Pancasila.

Keywords: Civil Society, Pancasila, Pluralistic, Religion Diversity

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education




This study analyses how the beginning period of New Order performed its duties in
liner with a vision of development that upheld Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
In his speech in 1969 before the member of Temporary People’s Consultative Assembly,
Presiden Soeharto declared education development as one of major priority in
Indonesia’s First Five-Year Development Plan (Repelita I). However, after the
representative of People’s Consultative Assembly elected in General Election 1971, it
was declared that the objective of national development was to shape a true
Pancasilaist to change the deep influence of Manipol/Usdek doctrine. To meet this
objective in education development, some innovation are made : curriculum of school
pilot project (PPSP) and school pamong system. Both policies failed to progress because
it were too costly.
Malari Incident and Bandung Student protest in 1974 prompted the government to
issue policy that emphasis Pancasila Education for all levels of school to encourage
nationalism that was assumed low among young generation. In this purpose, the
government provide Pendidikan Sejarah Perjuangan Bangsa (PSPB) and Pedoman
Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila for student in all level of education in

Keywords: New Order, Nasionalism, Pancasila Education.

Keywords: New Order, Nasionalism, Pancasila Education.

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education


Hendri (hndr270388@gmail.com), Cecep Darmawan ( cecepdarmawan@upi.edu) dan

Muhammad Halimi ( mhalimi58@gmail.upi.edu)

Indonesian Education University Bandung

An understanding about Pancasila only is not enough to strengthn the nations resilience
and integrity. Internalization is required of Pancasila Value in the life of the nation, one
of them is the Islamic boarding schools’s life. Based on recently happened there are a lot
of some people claimed that many doctrines that the Islamic boarding school as a den of
Islamic trust that sparked division and intolerance. This study examines the values of
Pancasila in student islamic boarding school’s life at Syaikhona Moh. Cholil islamic
boarding school. Data collection technique in this study is use obsevation,
documentation studies, literature studies, and interviews, by using a qualitative
research approach. The conclusion of the final results obtained in the study that Student
Islamic boarding School in Islamic Boarding School Syaikhona Moh. Cholil Bangkalan
sub district indeed instilled the values of Pancasila as a source of good relationships
with each other. One of them is the Education and Islamic Boarding School programs
wich contains of Pancasila.

Keywords: Invesment, Pancasila Value, Student Islamic Boarding School

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Development of Student Awareness through Student Learning Model
Jurisprudential In Citizenship Education

T Heru Nurgiansah, Suwarma Al Muchtar

Universitas pendidikan Indonesia


Education should be able to provide experience and experience to improve the quality
of learning for the achievement of National Education. Improving the quality of
education is very important to produce students into a generation of smart and skilled
in dealing with challenges in a changing global life. The purpose of this study is to find
out how the development of legal awareness of student traffic through jurisprudential
learning model in Civic Education. This research uses qualitative approach with
descriptive method and the data obtained through observation technique, interview,
and documentation. Subjects in this study were students , teachers and the police. Data
analysis techniques used consisted of three activities that occur simultaneously that is
data reduction , data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the
utilization of a jurisprudential learning model as the implementation of Civic Education
learning can have a positive impact on teachers in identifying the needs and obstacles of
students in learning. In addition, it can improve the quality of learning on the level of
legal awareness of student traffic as young citizens. Therefore the development of
Citizenship education as a vehicle for legal awareness education should continue and
required steps that are carried out continuously and comprehensively.

Keywords: Civic Education, Legal Awareness, Jurisprudential Learning Model

Topic: State Ideology and Civic Education

Perceptions of Indonesian citizenship teachers on teaching tolerance in schools
through citizenship education

Asep Rudi Casmana

The University of York


This study examines the teacher’s perception of teaching tolerance within citizenship
education in Indonesia. It seeks to identify the teachers’ opinion about the purpose of
teaching tolerance, and the content knowledge and the teaching method used by
citizenship teachers to educate students to be more tolerant. It adopts a mixed method
design by combining quantitative and qualitative methods. As such, 103 online
questionnaires were collected, using Qualtrics software and using a snowball sampling
technique. In addition, ten teachers were interviewed using online telephone interviews
to get more details about the reasons for supporting teaching tolerance using a
convenience sampling technique. Descriptive statistic, frequency distribution and cross
tabulation analysis, using SPSS, and coding method on NVivo were used to analyse the
results of this research. The results indicate that there are three main reasons for
teaching tolerance, which are: to let students make inter-religious and inter-ethnic
friendships; to prevent disruptive or violent behaviour in class; and to reduce
discrimination among students who are of different ethnic and religious backgrounds.
In order to achieve these goals and effectively teach tolerance within citizen education,
human rights, a sense of personal identity and a sense of community involvement are
suggested as appropriate content. Five teaching methods were identified which might
be used to transfer tolerance values. These are using a controversial issue, introducing a
case study about prejudice and discrimination, reading literature, drama and visiting
minority communities. The implication of this study suggests teachers should use these
content knowledge and teaching methods when they teach tolerance.

Keywords: citizenship education, teaching tolerance, content knowledge, teaching


Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Margi Wahono; Puji Lestari; Andi Suhardiyanto; Novia Wahyu Wardhani

Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan

Universitas Negeri Semarang


This study aims to explore, review and obtain descriptive description of the process of
transformation of local cultural values as an effort to habituate character education or
habituation for Junior High School student in Semarang. The approach of this research
is qualitative with analytic descriptive method. The data is collected through
observation, interview, documentation and literature study. Data analysis techniques is
include data collection, reduction, display and conclusions. The research findings show
that; 1) local culture contains Pancasila noble values can be used as a means of
habituation or character education in Semarang City; 2) appropriate habituation
approach can be used for strengthening character education programs; 3) schools that
implement culture as a vehicle for strengthening character education, have a better
achievement than schools that have not maximally applied school culture as a vehicle
for strengthening character education. The recommendations of this research are; 1)
education policy stakeholders at the central and regional levels should be more serious
in implementing the character education strengthening program; 2) School culture is
appropriately used to support the Character Education Strengthening Program.

Keywords: local culture, character development, habituation

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Implementation of Citizen Project In Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach

Eka Jayadiputra

Universitas Islam Nusantara


The gap between the values taught and the behavior of citizens today is increasingly
alarming. Student misconduct, drugs, rampant corruption practices, and other negative
behaviors that conflict with values of belief, honesty, and responsibility need the
attention of all parties, especially the education field in charge of preparing citizens. In
the learning process needs to be designed to help learners understand theory and
practice in depth through empirical practice learning experiences and encourage
learners to have cognitive competence, attitudes and skills to realize smart and good
citizenship. This study aims to describe the implementation of Project Citizen in the
Contextual Teaching and Learning approach, ie to see how Project Citizen can
implement the seven components contained in CTL, such as contructivism, inquiry,
question, learning community, modeling, reflection and authentic assessment. The
research method used is analytical descriptive method through qualitative naturalist
approach. The form of research case study to be able to describe the implementation of
project citizens intensively, detailed and operational. While the data collection
techniques using observation and interviews on teachers PPKn and some students of
class VII SMPN 1 Lembang associated with the implementation of the project model
Project Citizen. The results show that the seven components contained in CTL
(contructivism, inquiry, question, learning community, modeling, reflection and
authentic assessment) can be implemented in Project Citizen. In addition, this model
can realize CTLs objective of linking the material to real-world situations experienced
by learners and equipping learners with a number of skills and insights on citizen life
skill, such as civic life, civic skill, and civic participation that citizens must possess in the
face of challenges of the 21st century. Project Citizen also supports the achievement of
democracy learning in schools because learners are given the freedom of thought and
opinion that eventually the class really became a democratic laboratory.

Keywords: Project Citizen, Contextual Teaching and Learning

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding




The constellation of citizenship enters the round of irony in which the character of the
young society appears simultaneously between the high quality of a lofty cultural image
and the anger that comes together and explode quite often. This illustrated as a negative
excess of the ambiguity of educational practice towards the virtue of morality. In
general, the conventional education pattern is not able to answer the desire of the
community for the value of virtue and value of usefulness. The unification of elements of
local wisdom through the art of Cirebon mask dance in the realm of Civic Education is
aimed at bridging the gap between the characters ideals and the phenomenon of moral
degradation. The research method used is descriptive analysis with observation,
interview, and study documentation. The results showed that: (1) Civic Education based
on local wisdom which is reflected from the testament of Sunan Gunung Jati that is:
“Isun Titip Tajug Lan Fakir Miskin” or “I entrusted Musholla (Place where Muslims
worship) and Poor people” with the meaning of learning moral values that are on the
vertical and horizontal lines in the sense of human relationships with God and human
relationships with others, and (2) The Characterization in Tari Topeng Cirebon or
Cirebon Mask Dance consists of Topeng Panji, Topeng Samba, Topeng Rumyang, Topeng
Tumenggung, and Topeng Kelana. Which each of them represent hierarchy of human
nature and can be a material of moral learning and perfect views of life in life.

Keywords: Civic Education, Local Wisdom, Moral Value, Cirebon Mask Dance.

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

The Efforts of Civic Education Teachers in Strengthening Students’ Civic

Sjamsi Pasandaran, Apeles Lexi Lonto, Theodorus Pangalila, Rebi Alimbalu Barahama

Pancasila and Civic Education Department Social Science Faculty Manado State


The core issues of this research stem from the recent reality in the learning process of
Civic Education which gives more emphasis on transfer of knowledge process than the
process of strengthening and shaping students’ character particularly civic disposition.
The main purpose of the research is to explicate the efforts of the teacher in developing
and strengthening Civic Disposition of students in di SMA Negeri 1 Lobbo. The grounded
theory used is the notion that civic disposition plays an important role in civic
education. It means that teacher disposition is essential in the process of strengthening
civic education through civic education learning at school. This research is conducted by
using the qualitative descriptive method, and data are collected by interview,
observation, and documentation. The result shows that the important characteristic of
civic disposition strengthening process involves application diversity, score-based
learning model, core-values strengthening process, and teachers’ role model with the
dialogic and interactive process. The diversity of score-based learning model is
performed by conducted core values as the preference for both individuals and school.
Learning is given by providing dialogic and interactive learning experiences among
students, students, and teachers, as well as students and environment. This research
recommends further discussion on the development of score-based learning models
which strengthen civic disposition

Keywords: Civic Disposition, value-based teaching and learning process, core values

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Berchah Pitoewas, Hermi Yanzi, Elisa Seftriyana

Berchah Pitoewas
(Lecturer of Lampung University)

Hermi Yanzi
(Lecturer of Lampung University)

Elisa Seftriyana
(Master Student at Department of Civic Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


Dukasan is an innovative media designed as a medium for evaluation of learning of

PPKn. Dukasan is designed as a physical medium with symbols and attributes nuanced
nationality values. The aim of this study is to obtain descriptions of the learning process
(planning, implementation, assessment result, effectiveness) in the application of Media
Dukasan to improve intelectual skills for class VII at SMP Negeri 26 Bandar Lampung.
This research used mix method approach with classroom action research design
including four series activities which are planning, implementation, observation,

The result of the research showed that in cycle planning stage I get 32,5% with bad
category, cycle II get 55% with bad category and cycle III get 87,5% with very good
category. In the implementation phase of cycle I get 42% with good enough category,
cycle II get 57% with bad category and in cycle III get score 79% with good category.
The result of the evaluation on the improvement of intellectual skills of students in cycle
I get 33,3% with bad category, cycle II get score 51,1% with good enough category and
cycle III get 84,4% with very good category. Based on the results of the study showed
that during the three cycles have occured a significant change of intellectual skills
assessment results from 33.3% to 84.4%, it can be concluded that Media Dukasan is
effective in improving intelectual skills in learning of PPKn.

Keywords: Intelectual skills, Media Dukasan

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Does the teacher relate of the nations problem to the subjects taught in the
classroom? : Brief report using a Rasch analysis

Ajeng Radyati, Itsar Bolo Rangka, Fajar Bilqis, Kasmanah, Royan Nur Fahmi, Maria
Oktasari, Wahyu Eka Prasetyaningtyas

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


The teachers, regardless of the subject matter taught him must link the subject matter
with of the nation and character building. This study aims to describe the learning
conditions obtained by students in the classroom in relation to the cultivation of
national and state values. The research method used a survey of students at all levels of
education. Data were analyzed using Rasch Model. The results showed that most
teachers in the class did not touch or link the subject matter taught to students with
noble values for the nations problem to national building.

Keywords: Subjects taught, Classroom, Nations problem, Rasch Model

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Setiajid, Martien Herna Susanti, Ngabiyanto, Dr. At. Sugeng P

Semarang State University, Gunungpati Campus Semarang 50229



Setiajid, Martien Herna Susanti, Ngabiyanto, AT. Sugeng P
Semarang State University, Gunungpati Campus Semarang 50229


The research aims to describe the development program of academic and multicultural
for program participants PPG BC-3T through education boarding Semarang State
University, developm ment of design education model boarding in developing the
national character of program participants PPG BC-3T at Semarang State University,
and test the feasibility of the model boarding education in developing the national
character of PPG SM-3T program participants at Semarang State University .
Researchers use a research & development approach. The subject of research is the
participants of PPG SM-3T programat Semarang State University . Data were collected
through interviews, observation , documentation , focus group discussions, and
questionnaires. Data analysis to find factual model and hypothetical model, conducted
with interactive model with data collection step, data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing. Data analysis to test model feasibility and device effectiveness was
done by descriptiveanalysis. Design model boarding education at Semarang State
University done by integrating the national character value as outlined in the policy,
curriculum structure, programs and strategies of boarding education, assessment of
boarding life, and mentoring.
Keywords: Boarding Education , Nationality Character , PPG Program SM-3T

Keywords: Boarding Education, Nationality Character, PPG SM-3T Program

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Mukhamad Murdiono and Wuri Wuryandani

Yogyakarta State University


This study was aimed to develop a module of nationalism education for young
generation in the global era integrated in the learning of Civic Education. Educational
modules of nationalism for the younger generation that have been developed can be
implemented more widely and benefit the stakeholders to strengthen national

The research uses research and development method with the following steps: a)
conducting preliminary research to identify the need of nationalism education module
for young generation in global era, b) to describe experience of applying module of
nationalism education for young generation in Special Region of Yogyakarta, c)
designing modules of nationalism education for young generation in global era, d)
developing education module of nationalism for young generation in global era.
Subjects in this study are the students and teachers of Civic Education in Senior High
School in Special Region of Yogyakarta. The school chosen is Senior High School which
is conducive to the implementation of nationalism education and according the criteria
that have been determined. Data collections were interviews, observation, and
document analysis. Collected data were analysed inductively.

The results showed that the module of nationalism education for the young generation
in the global era integrated in the learning of Civic Education is a qualified learning
module. The quality of the modules in the category is valid according to the material
experts and the learning media. It has the meaning that the nationalism module for the
younger generation in the global era integrated in Civic Education learning is feasible to
be used in trials after a revision based on advice and input from experts.

Keywords: civic education, module, nationalism education

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Sunarto, Tutik Wijayanti, Tijan, Eta Yuni Lestari

Universitas Negeri Semarang


National education functions to develop skills, strengthen characters, and establish

national civilization. One of the government’s efforts in establishing good characters of
nation in Indonesia is by mean of education. Huge problems faced by Indonesian nation
nowadays is indicated by the degradation of character values which are owned by
Indonesian citizens. The Faculty of Social Sciences of Semarang State University has
commitment to be able to develop caring character. However, there is no one using
instrument of caring character assessment which is standardized based on pre-
observation towards the lecturers in The Faculty of Social Sciences. Therefore, it is
necessary to develop the instrument of social caring character assessment to investigate
to what extent caring character is achieved by college students.

The aim of this research is to get the instrument of caring character assessment which is
valid, reliable, and effective in its use. The method used in this research is research and
development (R and D) method aimed at developing a product and testing its
effectiveness. The procedure in this research consists of ten stages. However, this
research only reaches the sixth stage.

The first stage in this research was field study in which whatever problems happening
in the field found out. After that, planning was done in which instrument draft which
would be validated by experts was designed in this process. Before the product was
tried out, it (the instrument of social caring character assessment) would first be
validated by experts. The results of experts’ validation would be revised if it was
needed. The tryout of the product would be done in small scale, specifically in one class
of civic education course. Then, the results of a limited-scale tryout would be analyzed
in terms of validity, reliability, and effectiveness.

The results of this research revealed that some problems in creating the instrument of
social caring character assessment happened to lecturers. The problems were the lack
of obvious assessment indicators; based on indicators released by institution, the lack of
lecturers’ ability in arranging non-test assessment instrument, and the absence of
assessment module as well as the sample instrument of social caring character
assessment. From those problems, the instrument was then developed to be validated
by experts. The instrument which was validated by experts was then tried out in class.
The results of the tryout analysis were that the instrument is valid, however the level of
validity is different. Meanwhile, the instrument reliability based on the analysis using
SPSS has high reliability level.
Keywords: development, assessment instrument, social caring character, civic

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Attitude Assessment Tool at Elementary School

Wuri Wuryandani, Mukhamad Murdiono, Fathurrohman

Yogyakarta State University


This study aims to develop a proper attitude assessment tool for elementary school
students. This research is motivated by the results of needs analysis in the field about
attitude assessment tool. Based on the results of needs analysis found the data that the
availability of attitudinal assessment tools in the field is very minimal. Such conditions
will be feared the results of the assessment conducted by the teacher to be invalid. Even
the teachers found not using standard assessment instruments. If as often it is not based
on the grading appraisal develop it.
This research was a type of development research whose design follows Borg and Galls
research steps. The data collection techniques used questionnaire validation expert
questionnaires, and character education specialists. Assessment expert validation aims
to assess the feasibility of assessment tools from the assessment side. While the
validation of character education experts is intended to assess the appropriateness of
appraisal ratings with the content of attitudes to be assessed. The research instrument
used questionnaire. Data analysis used feasibility test of attitude assessment tool from
expert validation.
The results showed that the resulting assessment tools were in the form of a grid,
assessment instrument, and assessment rubric. Assessment of developed attitudes is
intended for tolerance, cooperation, discipline, responsibility, and courage. The
selection of this attitude is based on the competence of social attitudes that exist in the
curriculum of 2013 in the high class. All assessments are assessed for their validity by
assessment experts and character education experts. The result of the validators
judgment is eligible. Further validated assessment instruments will be tested for their
use on student and teacher test subjects. The hope of the attitude assessment
instrument that has been tested will be used by teachers and students in elementary

Keywords: attitude, assessment, elementary school

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Living Values Education in Civic Education Learning to Develop Students’ Civic

Kokom Komalasari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


School has an important role in the process of young generation character education.
The character education should be integrated through the living values education model
in learning activities, especially in civic education which has the mission of nation and
character building. This study This study aimed at describing a model of living values
education (LVE) in Civic Education Learning and its impact on the civic disposition of
students. This study used Research and Development design in senior high schools in
Bandung. The technique of data collection used observation, documentation, focus
group discussion and questionnaire. The analysis of qualitative data used data
collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion stages. Meanwhile,
quantitative data analysis used N-gain score analysis. The finding showed that: 1) the
living values education model in civic education learning activity is the integration of
living values into material, method, media, learning source and assessment; 2)
Implementation of living values education in Civic Education learning activities:
Introduction activities (contracts of civic education classes that have a nation character
through brainstorming and joint commitment); opening activities (apperception
through internal reflection and delivery of learning objectives); core activities
(clarification of life values, contextual learning, creative expressions of art, and habitual
values ); and closing activities (making summaries and reflection); 3) The application of
the model of living values education in civic education learning have a significantly
effect student’ civic disposition.

Keywords: civic disposition, civic education, learning, living values education, student

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Apeles Lexi Lonto, Sjamsi Pasandaran

Pancasila dan Civic Education Departement Social Science Faculty Manado State


This research focuses on exploring the correlation of emotional quotient and family
environment on the teacher performance. Emotional quotient and family environment
are two psychological and sociological strengths which influence someone’s behavior
and attitude. This research involves teachers of Civic Education in high schools in
Sulawesi Utara. Data are collected from the questionnaires distributed to 61 teachers
and 183 students by using multistage sampling technique. Data are analyzed in
descriptive and inferential methods using multiple regression and correlation analysis.
The finding shows that emotional quotient and family environment have positive
correlation with teacher performance. Teachers with stable emotional quotient, calm
attitude, and ability to control emotion can perform their professional work well. In
addition, a condusive family environment can improve teacher performance to work
professionally. This research has inplication on the recruitment and teacher
management systems. This research recommends that teacher recruitment put more
emphasis on emotional quotient in addition to intellectual quotient. Schools also need to
develop some activities which aim at strengthening the bond among schools, homes and

Keywords: emotional quotient, family environment, teacher performance

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Implementation of role playing techniques to develop the nationalism spirit of
the students through group guidance service

Sisca Folastri, Fijriani, Miskanik, Christine Masada Hirashita Tobing, Hayu Stevani

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

The attitude of nationalism needs to be developed and embedded in the soul of the
Indonesian nation, including students as the next generation of the golden generation,
that is, by building Indonesia towards the realization of a just and prosperous society.
This study aims to determine the spirit of the soul of nationalism students after given
group guidance by role playing techniques (Role Playing). The research method used
quasi experiment research with pretest and posttest one group design. The samples in
this study were 15 students. Data analyzed rasch model. The results revealed that
students had a high spirit of nationalism spirit after being given role playing techniques
through group guidance services.

Keywords: group guidance, role playing techniques, nationalism spirit

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Fostered the spirit of student nationalism in the frame of intelligent character
education through group guidance services

Solihatun, Yulinda Siregar, Sisca Folastri, Devi Ratnasari, Fijriani, Anna Rufaidah

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


The phenomenon of declining noble values of nationalism these days need to get
serious attention and must be overcome soon. Some formulas are formulated in giving
top priority in fostering student nationalism. The group guidance service is one of the
right ways to foster nationalism through a character-savvy of education frame for
students. Group guidance through intelligent character-intelligence frames can provide
a stimulus to students to change their mindset to foster nationalism against nation and

Keywords: Nationalism, Intelligent Character, Group Guidance Services

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Civic Teacher Education for 21st Century Citizenship: An Indonesian case

Udin S.Winataputra

Universitas Terbuka (Indonesia Open University)


The ultimate goals of the Indonesian national development (2005-2025) to achieve the
strong national characters, national competivenes, highly valued behavior, and morality
in accordance with the values inherently contained within the Pancasila are urgently
needed their reengeneering . It basically includes a set of central values: believing in the
Almighty One God, acting in highly valued behaviors, being tolerant, applying
cooperativeness, being patriotic, being dynamic, and having scienctific and
technological awareness. It is for those goals that nation and character building must be
revisited and reactualised. It is believed that such development will finally touch the
whole aspects of national awareness. It is believed that: (1) characters are strongly
geared to upholding the nation Indonesia; (2) characters are believed to be the ultimate
destiny as well as energy for the future generation; and (3) characters need to be
developed, nurtured, and managed meaningfully for Indonesian nation to become the
stronger united nation as civilised Indonesian community. This article explore and
discuss how Pancasila and Civic Education manage to facilitate the proces of character
building process in order for future Indonesian generation to earn good education and
be ready to face future’s challenges of the 21st Century era. In doing so, a
transformative pedagogical visions need to be reconsidered for its application in Civic
and Pancasila Education for strengthenening the process of national actualization
movement of Pancasila.

Keywords: nation and character building, the values of Pancasila, character education,
transformative pedagogy.

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Ida Rohayani, Endang Danial AR, Elly Malihah, Dadang Sundawa

Student Doctoral Program of Civic Education, Indonesia University of Education,
Bandung, Indonesia


Student’responsible characters are individual and social moral implementation

conducted by a student in his involvement in the community to provide behavioral
propriety standards. A high school student who is considered to have a self identity as
adolescents are expected to have empathetic to solve the environment social
irregularities occur. When their involvement in social order becomes part of a lesson,
then the judgment must be authentic. This study presents authentic assessment
descriptions of students’processes, products, and evaluations who have undertaken
social studies that have an impact on improving social order. Authentic assessment is
executed by giving a duration of 3 months for preparing and doing research. Assessing
students products through presentation in the class is watched and judged by other
students as an audience. Provide interpretation of good or bad value as research
judgement. This study show that students who are authentic judged have more
empathy improve their individual and social character than students who are judged
conventionally based on test. The Author is a Civic Education and Sociology Teacher
who apply the Research based-Learning model in developing authentic assessment.

Keywords: authentic assessment, learning processess, learning’s product, evaluation

Research based-Learning model, social responsibility

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Kurnisar, Sri Artati, Husnul Fatihah, Edwin Nurdiansyah

FKIP Sriwijaya University


Civic education is one of the Subjects which are compulsory in the curriculum of higher
education in Indonesia, it shows that civic education has an important role in the
Indonesia human development character. The success of civic education will be realized
if citizens have identity soulless Pancasila, able to appreciate diversity, realizing rights
and responsibilities as citizens, as well as being able to play an active role in every area
of academic life on campus including produce solutions of various problems of the
country. Thus learning education courses Citizenship must be packed in such a way in
order to be able to achieve educational goals that have been set. One strategy to teach
civic education Courses be more interesting is to take advantage of Multimedia-based
learning materials. The characteristics of learners in a digital era makes the world of
education needs to be adapted so that the development of information and
communication technology needs to be applied in the process of learning Citizenship
education courses.

Keywords: Character, Civic Education, Utilization Of Multimedia

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Discovery Learning Model’s For The Development of Honest Character and
Student Responsibility

1Nanang Sunarya 2Cecep Darmawan

Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung SMP Negeri 35


The learning model is one of the factors that affect the achievement of learners in the
classroom. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the discovery
learning model learning as honest character development and student
responsibility.This study uses Classroom action research. In the execution of PTK
consists of three cycles, each cycle consisting of four phases: planning, implementation,
observation, analysis and reflection. Based on the results that can be recommended that
by applying the learning discovery learning model is an alternative to develop the
character of an honest and student responsibility. Aspects of responsibility consists of
the following study in earnest, complete any given task on time. Honest aspect consists
of not cheat when doing daily tests.

Keywords: Keywords: Discovery Learning Method, honesty character, responsibility.

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Fostering Independence of Hope Family Program Participants (PKH) as Civic
Engagement Implementation (Case Study in PPKH Garut)

Fostering Independence of Hope Family Program Participants (PKH) as Civic Engagement

Implementation (Case Study in PPKH Garut)

Universitas pendidikan indonesia


This article describes developing the independence of participants of Family Hope

Program (PKH) in civil society to participate in the development of social welfare and
poverty alleviation they receive as the embodiment of civic enggagement. today, which
plays a role in the development of not only the government as the main actor, but must
be supported by the civil society sector as well. depart from the background, this paper
leads to Grow Independence Participant Program Family Hope (PKH) as
Implementation Civic Engagement. This study was conducted using qualitative design
with descriptive method and case study approach. the results show that the so-called
civil society is poor but they do not want to help, there are still many disparities in the
data collection and penyaluranya, there are still people who care and contribution for
each other, his nation and his country. the success of government programs in
development both in social and poverty alleviation has a very close relationship with
civic engagement such as the existence of independence that does not only rely on the
government program. independence or independent behavior is a tendency to decide
for themselves actions (activities) undertaken and not determined by others. the
activities in question may include: thinking, making decisions, solving problems; carry
out duties and responsibilities, choose a favorite activity. in short, an independent
person is a person whose almost all thoughts and actions are determined, governed and
controlled by himself and not by others. independence can also be called ones
dependence on oneself (self-dependent), not dependent on others (in others) in
thinking and acting.

Keywords: Independence, Family Hope Program, Civic Engagement

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Sitti Uswatun Hasanah1, Suwarma Al Muchtar2, Dadang Sundawa3

1Doctoral Student of Civic Education SPS, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung,
2-3 Lecturer of Civic Education SPS, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung,

sittiuswatunhasanah@student.upi.edu, suwarma@gmail.com


Corruption in Indonesia has been colossal like a disease that is difficult to cure. If these
circumstances remain that way, sooner or later it is certain will destroy this country.
Certainly, the effort to fight against corruption is not the responsibility of law
enforcement or the government only, it is common responsibility of every single
component of a nation. Hence, efforts to eradicate the corruption should be involves all
related stakeholders, which is the government, private, and public. Anti-corruption
education for students is very important to provide an adequate knowledge about the
intricacies of corruption and its eradication along with instill the value of anti-
corruption that is honesty, concern, self-reliance, discipline, responsibility, hard work,
simplicity, courage and justice. Certainly, it has to be a special attention for all parts,
whether it is the city/district government, leader of the university or lecturers,
especially lecturers of civic education subject, considering the importance of anti-
corruption character owned by the students as a successor of this nation in West
Kalimantan. This study shows that from 12 colleges in West Kalimantan which
participated in Training of Anti-Corruption Education Trainers were not all of them
have applied anti-corruption education into a special courses neither integrate it to
another course, specifically civic education due to the conduct of anti-corruption
education was requested in the form of compulsory/optional courses or inserted in the
relevant courses. Thus, establishing student’s anti-corruption personality while
developing their spirit and competence as the agent of change for the life of society and
state which fully protected from corruption threat remains far from expectation.

Keywords: policy, value, education, anti-corruption, citizenship

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Development of Interactive Learning Media on Civic Education Subjects in
Elementary School

Reza Rachmadtullah, Nadiroh, Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Zulela MS

1Postgraduate Student of State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

2 Department of Environmental education, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
3Department of elementary education, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
4Department of elementary education, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to develop interactive learning media on civic education learning in
elementary school. This research used Research and Development method. The
research procedure used Rowntree model which has three stages: planning,
development, and evaluation. The instrument used in this study are questionnaires to
determine the feasibility of media in terms of expert validation and field trials, and then
followed by using tests to measure student learning outcomes. The preliminary study
results state that the development is done in a hierarchical order. The evaluation
process is carried out in three stages, the first stage of expert judgment being handled
by media experts and civic education materials. The second stage was by evaluating
small group of ten students. The results of the test stated that interactive learning media
is feasible to use. To see the effectiveness of the developed product, the step is then
followed by testing a field group of 30 students. The result of t-test analysis shows the
difference of learning result between pre-test and post-test. Judging from the average
score, it indicates that the developed media is effective in improving the learning
outcomes of civic education in elementary school.

Keywords: interactive learning media, civic education, elementary school.

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding



Post Graduate State University of Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to develop interactive learning media on learning Pancasila and
Citizenship Education in Elementary School. This study uses the Research and
Pengembangan.Prosedur studies using models dick and carey which has ten stages,
namely: (1) Analysis of needs and learning goals; (2) analysis of learning; (3) analyzing
the learner and the environment; (4) formulate the performance objectives; (5) develop
instruments; (6) develop learning strategies; (7) the development and selection of
learning materials; (8) implement formative evaluation; (9) revising learning; (10)
designing and implementing a summative evaluation. The instrument in this research
using a questionnaire to determine the feasibility of the media in terms of expert
validation and field testing and subsequent use test instrument for measuring the
tolerance of students. The evaluation was done in three stages, the first stage of expert
judgment the do by media experts and material Pancasila second
Kewarganegaraan.Step conducted an evaluation of a small group of ten students. The
test results stated that interactive learning media fit for use. To see the effectiveness of
the products developed followed by latest field group with 30 students. Result-test
analysis showed differences in learning outcomes between pre-test and post-
test.Judging from the average value, indicating that the media developed effectively
used in improving tolerance and Students in Learning Pancasila Pancasila and
Citizenship Education in Elementary School.

Keywords: Learning Media Interactive, Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Tolerance

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Generating Value within Learning Activity: Integrating Storytelling with
Reflective Practice in Civics and Character Education Class at College of Education

Isnarmi Moeis*, Junaidi Indrawadi*, Rita Anggraini*, Fatmariza*

Prodi PPKn
Universitas Negeri Padang


The study aims to analyze the classroom practice wherein the candidates of teachers
acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes of good citizens as well as having competency
as teachers of Civics Education at senior high levels. The core of the practice is
storytelling that integrated with reflective practices time after time. This study designed
with classroom ethnography approach.. Findings signify that repetitively use of
reflective practice incorporated with learning strategy contribute on rising the students’
awareness and responsiveness of rights and obligations as citizens. In addition, the
study enriches reflective meaning for generating values, citizens’ manners and
Key words: storytelling, reflective practice, self-awareness, learning process

Keywords: storytelling, reflective practice, self-awareness, learning process

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Dadang Sundawa, Susan Fitriasari, Dede Iswandi and Dwi Iman Muthaqin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Innovation is a process in creating something that has value quality more than ever
before, science is dynamic is always evolving with the change of time and society.
Information technology is one of the factors that can change the society, its existence
could positively impact and also the negative. Social changes that negatively affect can
be detrimental to society. Related to the hoax that spread in the society the impact can
be very dangerous for the survival of society. The conflict between individuals to
conflict between groups is the impact of a hoax or a hoax news. One of the goals of
education is creating mankind learned and character, with the creation of mankind
learned and critical-minded then expected to avoid the danger of hoaxes that spread in
the community. Innovation research study entitled implementation of the Learning
Model analysis of Jurisprudential Inquiry As a Hoax News prevention efforts among
students. In this study researchers tried to introduce the learning model of
Jurisprudential Inquiry, a model that is capable of improving the mindset of students a
student that has critical thinking so that it is able to analyze social phenomena existing
in the community, related to the existence of the phenomenon of hoaxes then this
research find out how effective learning model Jurisprudential Inquiry could affect the
thinking of students in analyzing his righteousness news thats in the community

Keywords: Jurisprudential Inquiry Learning, Innovation, Hoax.

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Reconstruction of Character Education Model in Higher Education Via Project
Netizen I Love Products Indonesian
Nurul Zuriah, Mohammad Syaifuddin, Marhan Taufik

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang,



Abstract: National character education has a strategic role in national development. To

fullfill this required a grand design and development of character education model as
part of efforts to build the character of the nation. This article contains the results of
higher education research "Reconstruction of a National Education Character a Model
Tripilar Education center to strengthen the sense of love and pride of Indonesian
products (I Love Indonesian Products - ACPI)", by integrating character education at
Civics education through Research and Development. The objective of the research is to
develop and develop character education model that can strengthen the love and pride
of Indonesian products based on Tri pillar of Education center in Higher Education.
Method of reconstruction of education the character is implemented in three stages,
namely: a. Concept, b. Product, and c. Trial through action research and quasi
experiments. Through this reconstruction, the results are presented as follows: (1)
Character Education Model based on Education center through ACPI Project Netizen,
designed based on ADDIE theory; (2) learning outcome of product in the form of basic
character value developed from moral knowing, moral felling and moral action (3)
Product and Publication of reconstruction result of Character Education model

Keywords: Reconstruction, Character Education, Netizen Project, I Love Indonesian

Products, Civic Education

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

Reconstruction of Character Education Model in Higher Education Through
Project Netizen I Love Products Indonesian

Dr. Nurul Zuriah,M.Si., Dr. Mohammad Syaifuddin, M.M., Dr. Marhan Taufik, M.Si

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang,


National character education has a strategic role in national development. To fullfill this
required a grand design and development of character education model as part of
efforts to build the character of the nation. This article contains the results of higher
education research "Reconstruction of a National Education Character a Model Tripilar
Education center to strengthen the sense of love and pride of Indonesian products (I
Love Indonesian Products - ACPI)", by integrating character education at Civics
education through Research and Development. The objective of the research is to
develop and develop character education model that can strengthen the love and pride
of Indonesian products based on Tri pillar of Education center in Higher Education.
Method of reconstruction of education the character is implemented in three stages,
namely: a. Concept, b. Product, and c. Trial through action research and quasi
experiments. Through this reconstruction, the results are presented as follows: (1)
Character Education Model based on Education center through ACPI Project Netizen,
designed based on ADDIE theory; (2) learning outcome of product in the form of basic
character value developed from moral knowing, moral felling and moral action (3)
Product and Publication of reconstruction result of Character Education model

Keywords: Reconstruction, Character Education, Netizen Project, I Love Indonesian

Products, Civic Education

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding

The Effect of Traditional Game Boy-Boyan on The Character of Student

Sari Rejeki Utami (1), Disman (2), Sapriya (3)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154


The purpose of this research is to explain the effect of using traditional game boy-boyan,
which is a West Java’s traditional game, as a games of learning on the character of
student citizenship of fourth grade students of elementary school. This research using
non equivalent group pre-test and post-test desaign. The effect analysis is done by
identifying the results of the the character of student citizenship as measured by the
test and non-test techniques, then comparing the pretest and posttest result.
Participants of this research is students of fourth grade in SDN Pasanggrahan I
Sumedang. Sampling is taken by nonprobablity sampling technique. The results showed
that there is an effect of using traditional geme boy-boyan on learning on the character
of student citizenship. Its showed that character of student citizenship is better after
learn through traditional game boy-boyan. In the end, it can be concluded that
traditional game boy-boyan as a culture and local wisdom of the Sunda region can be
used and developed as an ethnopedagogy that is able to develop the further potential of
students, especially the character of student citizenship.

Keywords: the character of student citizenship, civic education, tradisional game from
Sunda, traditional games boy-boyan, elementary school, ethnopedagogy

Topic: Teacher of Civic Education and National Bulding


Delila Kania

Pasundan University


The enactment of the Citizenship Law No 12 of 2006 has brought up some different
consequences, especially towards the status and legal position of children of an
This research is descriptive-qualitative which is a literature review in a form of an
analysis of previous research journals relevant to the topic of this research.
For that reason, this research uses the approach of juridical normative. It means an
approach done or shown to written regulations and other legal materials, meaning an
analytical approach to the Legislation No. 12, 2006 on Indonesian Citizenship.
Children are subjects to law who are not yet capable of taking legal actions on their own
and therefore have to be represented by their parents or legal guardians who have legal
capacity. Children get the right to have dual citizenship until the age of 18 years. The
concept of legal capacity in the Citizenship Law is determined when a child is at the age
of 18 (eighteen) years old, where he or she is given the freedom to choose his or her
citizenship status. The age is considered the age of consent at which a child can take a
stance and be able to understand the consequences of the choice or decision he or she
makes. The concept of legal capacity is closely related to the ability of a citizen to be
responsible for his or her decision when he or she chooses the legal status of the

Keywords: legal capacity, the right to choose citizenship, age of consent

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights
Women and Nature: From Social Construction Towards Enforcing Human Rights
over Living Space (Case Study of Rembang Women Movement Rejects Mining

Abdul Kodir; Dia Puspitsari; Margi Wahono; Arif Prasetyo Wibowo

Jurusan Sosiologi, Universitas Negeri Malang, abdul.kodir.fis@um.ac.id;

Jurusan Sosiologi, Universitas Airlangga, dia.puspitasari@gmail.com;

Jurusan Politik dan Kewarganegaraan, Universitas Negeri Semarang,


Pascasarjana Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,



A fundamental understanding of human and natural relations occurs in Rembang,

Central Java, Indonesia. This is related to environmental conditions and local
communities, especially women who live on the slopes of the North Kendeng
Mountains, Rembang. This study aims to explain how to distinguish womens knowledge
of nature. In addition, this research aims to explain the human rights that are not only
attached to themselves but also their right to the living space. This work used
qualitative research methods. This research uses a critical paradigm and is analyzed by
social construction theory and citizenship rights. Primary data in this study were
obtained and collected directly from research subjects in the field. Observations were
made by making notes that occurred during the field and focused to describe the
phenomena observed by researchers. The results showed that the social construction of
Rembang women of nature as ibu bumi’(mother earth) became the knowledge acquired
by a theoretical process as explained by Berger. Through the process of internalization,
the externalization and objectivation of ibu bumi’ analogy are formed into social
construction. In addition, this study also shows that there has been a shift in
understanding of human rights. The struggle of Rembang women not only strives for
their land for their economic interests but rather a struggle to protect their living space
from the threat of environmental damage.

Keywords: Women, Neture, Social Construction, Human Rights, Living Space

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights
Promoting Social Justice through Philantropy : Women`s Activism as a Civil
Society (A Reflection on the Rise of Yayasan Sahabat Ibu in Yogyakarta)

Ahmad Arif Widianto (a*), Nur Hadi (b), Irawan (c)

a) Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial

Universitas Negeri Malang
b) Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
Universitas Negeri Malang
c) Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
Universitas Negeri Malang


The emergence of womans activism as a civil society is driven by a hight sense of

humanity to overcome the various social inequalities that have so far been difficult for
all other citizens, especially women who often threaten by patriarchal social, economic
and political structures. This sense of awareness of womans problem is then translated
into various social philanthropy programs to reduce various forms of gaps and
weakness of society. This paper discusses how women activism, in this case is Yayasan
Sahabat Ibu (YSI), have participated to solve various social problems, especially related
to women. By operating qualitative method and theory of civil society and social justice
philanthropy, this paper reflects on the rise of YSI and It`s role in promoting social
justice. YSI as women activists involved in reducing existing social inequality through its
activism in the philanthropic movement. YSI mobilizes the available resources and then
distributes it to the needy. The transformation of the organization is followed by a
paradigm shift and activism orientation from charity to productive empowerment as an
effort for long-term struggle. YSI activists are then able to develop their movement by
organizing themselves and transforming into non-governmental organizations
concerned in empowering women by educative (PINTAR) and productive economic
(PRIMA) program.

Keywords: Women`s Activism; Civil Society; Philanthropy; Social Justice

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights
The Change of Former Female Migrants Lifestyle in Sragen Indonesia

Ratih Rahmawati¹, Argyo Demartoto2, RB Soemanto3

¹Postgraduate Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas

Maret Surakarta
2Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas
Maret Surakarta
3Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas
Maret Surakarta

¹ratih013@student.uns.ac.id 2argyodemartoto_fisip@staff.uns.ac.id


Abstract. Former Female Migrants are identical with less skilled workers having
minimum knowledge and skill thereby relying on only remittance to fulfil their life
need. This research aimed to find out the change of former female migrants’ lifestyle in
Sragen, Indonesia, analyzed using Garner’s social change theory. This qualitative
research with case study approach processed the data in-depth and comprehensively
through observation, interview, and documentation. The result of research showed that
former female migrants used remittance excessively until it is used up rather than used
it as business capital. Originally, it could improve their family economy, but after they
come back home, they should adapt to environment in their origin area in which
husband relies for their life on their wife’s income when they become migrants, children
begins to need more attention from a mother, and household need increases. For the
sake of their and family’s life former female migrant takes a strategy to enable them to
maintain their family wellbeing just like that when they became migrants. The strategy
taken by former female migrants is to utilize their remittance optimally for business
capital and creating a social network containing productive activities that can increase
their income. The activity is conducted in group, including goat breeding, food catering,
vegetable-processed food, and handicraft production. Former migrant women who have
a business group had equal rights in employment so as to have a lifestyle change was
effected in the former migrant women. Their rights when productive activities were
carried out because it can access knowledge, information, and capital assistance

Keywords: Lifestyle, social change, former female migrants

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Supriyono*1, Yadi Ruyadi*2, Katiah*3.

Indonesian Education University


This research study is motivated slice many researchers to the phenomenon of traffic
accidents that occur in adolescents due to lack of awareness to appreciate each other
among road users. In addition, knowledge of traffic signs are still minimal in youth is
also the factor of frequent accidents. The purpose of this research is to formulate and
assess models traffic youth awareness through triangular theory approach legal system
in order to create a mental revolution movement. The method used in this research is a
case study (cases studies) with a qualitative approach. The results of this study are
coaching model traffic awareness raising teenagers so it can be used to anticipate traffic
violations with a professional, intelligent, moral, and modern.

Keywords: Awareness, traffic and mental revolution

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Piil Pesenggiri: Local Wisdom - Based Democratics Education In IAIN Metro

Tubagus Ali Rachman Puja Kesuma



The existence of IAIN Metro, in the midst of a pluralistic society, becomes a strategic
condition of democracy regeneration as one of the revolution agenda of nation
character in Jokowi – JKs leadership Jaw. This descriptive - analysis approach study by
using Interactive Model Analysis is intended to investigate and analyze the existence of
local wisdom in the democratic life of students at IAIN Metro. The result shows that Piil
Pesenggiri that consists of the pillars of Juluk-adok, Nemu-nyimah, Nengah-nyampur,
and Sakai-sambaian have as equal as the values of democracy; those are pro bono
publico, pro patricia primus patrialis, tolerance, responsive and mutual respect. In
general, the democracy life of IAIN Metros academic community basically looks good.
However, specifically, there are some weak indicators of democracy values, as
evidenced by the frequently anarchic and slanderous demonstrations, the lack of
respect for legitimate power, and uncritical criticism. Therefore, the synergy of local
wisdom in democratic education is expected to contribute in shaping the character of
well-applied and intelligent students in higher education.

Keywords: Piil Pesenggiri, Democratic Education, Local Wisdom

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Media Literacy for Elementary School Levels in Extracurricular Activities of
Journalism as Strengthening Civic Education

Yenik Wahyuningsih

Progam Pasca Sarjana Progam Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Universitas Negeri



In the 21st century, strengthening in civic education is important, especially for the
millennial generation. As social beings, in addition to the crucial issue of today, they
need space to actualize the value of nations character in implementing civic education
through communication and his work. Although at the elementary school level they
have obtained subjects of civic education. but this is not enough, need reinforcement as
a role model. One of them through extracurricular activities is journalism, this is a
means to develop interest and talent balanced with media literacy program. It can help
children understand and actualize the value of civic education. This research study used
a combination of research methods with concurrent embedded strategy model, with a
total sample of 27 students who participated in extracurricular activities of journalism
at different grade levels, namely third, fourth and fifth grade in an integrated Islamic
elementary school in Surabaya. This media literacy activity has a positive impact on
them. The results of the research show the work of media literacy results in the
anthology of poetry, comics, short stories and photography which contain portraits of
the life of the people they meet and adjusted to their point of view, as many as twenty-
one of twenty-seven children have adaptive behaviors such as respecting their non-
Muslim friends and not bullying .
Keywords: Civic education, Media Literacy, extracurricular activities of journalism,
millennial generation

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Measuring the Nationalism of Employees in Foreign Companies: a Rasch Analysis

Sisca Folastri, Yulinda Siregar, Solihatun, Christine Masada Hirashita Tobing, Devi
Ratnasari, Cindi Marisa

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


The spirit of employee nationalism in foreign companies varies greatly. This can be seen
from the way employees think and act in the work. This study aimed to (1) know the
spirit of nationalism of employees in foreign companies (2) measured the nationalism of
employees based on long working for foreign companies. This research uses survey
method and data analysis done by Rasch model. The sample in this research is 110
employees. The findings of the study reveal that (1) the nationalism of employees in
foreign firms is in the medium category (2) employees who have long worked in foreign
firms had moderate nationalism compared to employees who have recently worked
high in nationalism.

Keywords: Nationalism, Employee, Foreign Companies, Rasch Model

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Civic Education in the Context of Democracy and Pluralism (A Glimpse of
Muhammadiyah Experience)
Asep Purnama Bahtiar

FAI Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta:

S3 Sosiologi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung


In the process of establishing the nation-state of Indonesia, education has been able to
present itself as an institution and its system becomes the arena of regeneration of the
nations youth, the students “boemi poetra”. In summary can be said, education is a
major factor in the growth of national awareness.
Through education embodied the ideas of freedom and independence, physical and
mental that affect the independence and structuring of early democracy in a pluralistic
Indonesia. At that time when colonialism and imperialism remained in the archipelago,
the existence of private schools such as those founded by Muhammadiyah (1912),
Taman Siswa (1922), INS Kayutanam (1926) plays an important role for seeding the
seeds of nationalism among the natives.
An effective education system, says Mochtar Buchori (2001) always try to understand
the time and also try to meet the demands. Every mature education system always tries
to prepare the communities it serves in developing new insights to accommodate
seemingly upcoming changes.
Still in this context, Civic Education (Cived) needs to be pursued on a more substantive
level, not just complementary or just adoptive. As an element of the national education
system, Civic Education will always be tangled and even intertwined with the space and
time that the place of the education, including the dynamics of democracy and
The reality of a pluralistic Indonesian society in the various aspects of life and the
multicultural reality present around us is an intrinsic part to be considered in Civic
Education. The improvement and strengthening of Civic Education at all levels of
education, both public and private, becomes urgent to do as it will support the
strengthening of democracy and pluralism maturity. The reality of a pluralistic
Indonesian society in the various aspects of life and the multicultural reality present
around us is an intrinsic part to be considered in Civic Education. The improvement and
strengthening of Civic Education at all levels of education, both public and private,
becomes urgent to do as it will support the strengthening of democracy and pluralism
In this context we also need to learn from Muhammadiyah that has helped build
democracy and maintain pluralism through its educational institutions from basic to
university level. This is interesting because thousands of Muhammadiyah schools and
hundreds of universities are open to other faiths. Even in eastern Indonesia such as East
Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua, the majority of students are Christian and Catholic.
Therefore, relating to democracy and pluralism is not only taught in PPKn subjects or
courses but is also practiced in its openness in receiving learners from outside the
Islamic community.

Keywords: cived, democracy, pluralism, Muhammadiyah

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Devi Eka Ariyani (a), Kristina Setyowati(b), Rutiana D Wahyunengseh(b)

a)Postgraduate Program, Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political

Science, Sebelas Maret University Jalan Ir. Sutami No.36A, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa
Tengah 57126


This paper discusses the research experience to be conducted on access of inclusive

health care in Ponorogo District. The inclusive health care access is a form of shackling
free program intended for all schizophrenics or other terminology called Persons in
Psychiatric Problems (ODMK). The objective of shackling-free program is to eliminate
the existence of shackling and neglecting practice toward mental disorder in order to
obtain health care. The existence of auxiliary community health center on Mental Health
is essentially very helpful in health care access, however, this past year, it precisely
turned into public health center, breaking MOU RSJ of Lawang with RSUD Ponorogo In
2015 related to medicine and referrals and limited of health facilities in community
health center or regional hospital, and negative stigma from society that resulted some
of the people have not used optimal health care, so there are still people with
schizophrenia or ODMK had to be shackled, isolated and chained. Access to health care
for schizophrenic patients is strongly influenced by predisposing factors, support and
the need toward health care. This relates to the demographic characteristics, the
sociocultural and the trust of health care. In addition, economic conditions, the
availability of health care facilities, the quality of services provided, the availability of
resources and affordable health care facilities also affect access to health care. The
results of this pre-study survey found that the Free Shackling Program conducted from
2014 to 2017 has not been fully accessible to the public, 126 of the total number of
ODMK patients shackled , 96 have been released and 30 are still forced to be shackled.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the inhibiting and supporting factors of the
inclusive health care access in the shackling-free program. This study uses a qualitative
approach. Data is collected by observation, documentation and in-depth interview
method, and the analysis is done by descriptive-analytical process.

Keywords: access;inclusive health service;schizophrenia or ODMK;shackling-free


Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights
How to Build Political Knowledge in School? A Pedagogical Effort through Civic

Beti Indah Sari; Wibowo Heru Prasetiyo

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Building political literacy within formal education has become urgent for the
democratization process in Indonesia. Socialization of democratic values is the mission
of civic education, both at the international level and in Indonesia itself. It has given
civic education a central position to create smart and good young citizens in case to
developing democratic citizens. This urgency became the foundation in this research to
find alternative learning model for institutionalization process of demograpic values,
especially in improving the students political literacy. This research describes the
learning process of civic education teachers in SMAN Mojoagung, Jombang, East Java
using quasi-experimental method. The population of the study were students of SMAN
Mojoagung in the academic year 2015/2016, while the sample were class XI SMAN
Mojoagung students, collected using purposive sampling technique. The selection of
students at the high school level was based on the idea that they have rights as voters
when there is an election. The right reflects the praxis of political participation which is
the output of democratic education. The output can be obtained if the input in the form
of political knowledge has been successfully transferred to the students. The instrument
used in collecting the data was an objective test, while the data was analyzed using the
test of data gain normality that was normalized (N-Gain). The results of this research
showed that 1) there is a significant difference of political knowledge between students
who used comic as their media and those who did not use comic media, 2) there is effect
of using comic as their media can increase the political knowledge of the students.

Keywords: civic learning, comic media, learning media, political knowledge

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights


Dr.Drs.H.Harpani Matnuh,M.H
Prodi PPKn FKIP Unlam Banjarmasin


Teachers are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching,
guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating early childhood education on
formal education, primary education, and secondary education. As the professionals in
the field of education, teachers have a great responsibility and responsibility in
achieving the goals of national education. In order to uphold discipline and maintain
school as well as orders in teaching and learning processes, teachers have the right to
sanction their students who violate religious norms, morality norms, decency norms,
written and unwritten rules set by teachers, educational unit level regulations and
regulations legislation under the authority. The Act No.14 Year 2005 on Teachers and
Lecturers as well as Government Regulation No.74 Year 2008 on Teachers firmly
mention that teachers who have the certificate of educators are entitled to basic salary,
allowances attached to salary, additional income professional allowance, functional
allowance, special allowances, and benefits additions related to their duties as teachers
who are set by the principle of the award on the basis of achievement and legal
standards in carrying out his profession. Objective conditions that occur are teachers
are exposed to violence, threats, discriminatory treatment, intimidation, and unfair
treatment by the students, students’ parents, society, bureaucracy, or other parties.

Keywords: Legal protection, teacher professionalism

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

The Role of Law Related Education Against Victimization in Illegal Investment

Dwi Iman Muthaqin

Indonesia University of Education


People always evolving with the times. Economic development is a matter that cannot
be rejected by any members of Society. Society has always had the need to sustain life
and to gain prosperity, one way of earning more money. However, everthing must be in
accordance with the rules, violations of the law will result in a high risk for people who
do not heed the law. Illegal Investement is an activity that can be detrimental to society.
Material losses and psychological impact was for crime victims. Victimization in the
illegal investment is closely related to the relationship of trust between the perpetrators
of the crime and its victims. Factors that appears more because the victims are attracted
towards the investment will benefit. The precaution is do a law related education in
society. by doing these things then we will find out how an education can foster
awareness of law and build thought in the community about the dangers of illegal
investment so that people do not back in the Illegal Investment.

Keywords: Law Related Education, Victimization, Illegal Investment

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

Human Rights Education Establishment for Elemenetary School in Kendal
Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

Vita Santa Kusuma Chrisantina, Sugiyo, Wahyu Hardyanto, Suwito Eko Purnomo

Universitas Negeri Semarang


Indonesia as a developing country has a high number of human rights violations to

children. Due to the high number of human rights violations, it is needed a new system
through education system. Inline with United Nation recommendation about human
rights education, this research has a focus on establishing human rights education
model adopted from UNICEF curriculum and adjusted to ideology, philosophy and
national issues.
Experiment research with animation film model was made with blender 2.78b
application. The test was conducted to 40 (forty) elementary school teachers. The result
showed that human rights education had an important role in increasing knowledge,
information, skill and awareness of human rights. This research was conducted to give
contribution in establishing human rights education for elementary Kendal regency
school. The aim of this research was to minimize violations and human rights abuse into
children in Kendal Regency.

Keywords: human rights education, elementary school, children violation

Topic: The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights

M Yahya Arwiyah1, Runik Machfiroh2, AMA Suyanto3,

telkom university


Character education has not become a culture that is a pattern of behavior and
demeanor that has been formed automatically become a living part in an educational
community. The aim of this study is to get the real picture and analyze about
management model of character education development on the students through
dormitory in University X, so that the research method used is case study with
qualitative approach. Management model of character education on higher education
through dormitory can be integrated with organizational culture in it that can be done
as integrated with all curricular activities, extracurricular activities and life culture in
dormitories that complement and complete each other with five base values that
appointed as values of university and become the orientation of character development.

Keywords: character education, higher education, dormitory, management

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

An emerging idea regarding a State Defence: "Gotong royong" as a practice of Civic
Virtues based on Go green concept in Glintung Village

Jagad Aditya Dewantara

Indonesian Education of University


The Indonesian nation up to now has not been able to realize a developed, just and
prosperous society in accordance with the mandate of the Preamble to the 1945
Constitution, this is because the Indonesian people are still experiencing social capital
deficits (social capital) and low implementation of community civilization
values(civility).gotong royong is a reflection of the civic virtue of the Indonesian nation
which means that gotong royong is an activity in which there is citizen involvement for
the welfare of community groups. this study aims to describe the practice of gotong
royong based on go green in Glintung Village as an effort to form the concept of virtue of
citizens. This research uses qualitative approach research method with grounded
theory research design. the results of this study successfully internalized the concept of
virtue of citizens (civic virtue) based on go green through mutual assistance activities.
The results also show that the practice of gotong royong based on go green can be a
broad model of state defense. the practice of gotong royong on the basis of go green
Village Glintung managed to maintain the noble values of kampung culture and can
improve environmental conditions in a broad sense, while still absorbing modern
values to enrich the socio-economic aspects of society. the results of this study can be a
discourse in learning Citizenship Education in Indonesia in the object of study citizens .

Keywords: Defend The Country, Gotong Royong , Go Green, Civic Virtues

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Tabanga Community in Ternate City)

Syahril Muhammad

Dosen PPKn Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

University Ternate


The internalization of the values of Rasai cultural wisdoms by Tabanga community in

Ternate City is an effort to instil a sense of brotherhood towards others. This Rasai
culture has been built not relying on the same blood, culture and religion. Rather, it
relies on the recognition, appreciation, and mutual agreement among parties. This is an
effort to minimize and avoid negative impacts of intolerant attitudes among social
groups. This study focuses on the assimilation and adaptation processes among social
groups with multicultural basis which characterize the people of Ternate. This study
aims at analyzing the assimilation and adaptation processes among social groups
through the internalization of the values of Rasai cultural wisdoms in Tabanga
community in Ternate City; analyzing the inhibiting factors of the internalization of the
values of Rasai culturaln wisdoms in knitting the tolerance attitudes among social
groups; and analyzing the impacts of Rasai culture of Tabanga community in Ternate
City. This study applied ethnographic approach. The results of the study show that the
assimilation and adaptation processes among social groups through the internalization
of the values of Rasai cultural wisdoms in Tabanga community in Ternate City are able
to knit the tolerance attitudes among social groups. This is evident in the embodiment
of mutual cooperation attitudes and collaboration among social groups either among
religious groups or among ethnic groups in Tabanga community of Ternate City. The
inhibiting factors of the internalization of the values of Rasai cultural wisdoms in
knitting the tolerance attitudes among social groups include the dominance of kinship,
the low level of education achievement of the community, and not yet built a model of
multicultural society-based attitude building in Tabanga community of Ternate City.
The attitude of openness of Ternate community in responding the existence of Rasai
culture is so strong. In addition, such culture is one of the instruments to strongly
develop a peaceful civilization of the future of North Maluku.

Keywords: internalization, cultural wisdom of Rasai, tolerance, knitting

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Study of Civic Disposition Based On The Way Of Life of Kuta Traditional Society In
Keeping The Balance Of Nature

Trisna Sukmayadi, M.Pd and Drs. Supriyadi, M.Si

Pancasila and Civic Education Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Indonesian citizens who are multicultural have various local wisdoms. Local wisdom
becomes a strength to build the character of nation and civilization. One of local wisdom
which is kept until now is the way of life of Kuta traditional society in keeping the
balance of nature. This study aims to reveal the way of life of Kuta traditional society in
keeping the balance of nature so that they can live with nature. It uses qualitative
approach which type is case study. The methods of data collection used are literature
review, interviews, observation, and documentation. The result of this study indicates :
(1) the Kuta traditional society orients to a proverb which says, “plant trees in
mountain, plant bamboos in slope of mountain, make valley as pond, and make flat
ground as house”, in order to avoid the forest damage, water well damage, and human
misery; (2) the way of life is implemented in building a house, cultivating, and keeping
the forest well; (3) the way of live is inherited by oral tradition and good figure of Kuta

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Civic Disposition, way of life

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

PKC-KO as a new approach and strategy to foster nationalism for society through
education: a systematic review based on implementation of the model

Ifdil Ifdil1, Prayitno Prayitno 2, Itsar Bolo Rangka3, & Achmad Suwandi3

1Universitas Negeri Padang

2Ikatan Konselor Indonesia
3Universitas Indraprasta PGRI


Over six years of character-savvy learning through group activities (PKC-KO) was
developed in Indonesia. The PKC-KO develops by Prayitno is a non-classical method
that can be implemented inside and outside educational units on various lines, levels,
and types. The contents of learning activities directly and dynamically lead to the
appreciation and the realization of intelligent character values, including the noble
values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, in real life, personal, family and group,
community, nation and state. By carrying transformative learning through the
activation of the dynamics of human life, namely Thinking, Feeling, Being, Acting, and
Take Responsible (BMB3), learning through this activity leads to learning outcomes that
enrich the insight, skills, values, and attitudes (WPKNS) participants. This activity can
be done anywhere, anytime, cheap, cheerful, effective and efficient

Keywords: PKC-KO, counseling, BMB3, WPKNS, learning

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Conservation of Water Resources based of local wisdom for building the character
of environmental care

Yuni Harmawati, M.Pd

Universitas PGRI Madiun


Environmental damage on a global scale has reached an alarming level, while its
recovery efforts have not been able to keep pace with the rate of damage. Water is a
vital material for every living being. However, its existence is often not grateful, wasted
and misused. The inappropriate water management causes so many losses. Its
neglected preservation causes problems when the amount of water overflows in the
rainy season, but cannot be utilized. When the dry season comes, the amount is not
much, and to get it requires more sacrifices. This research aims to explore the
conservation of water resources based on local wisdom to form environmental love to
have a good impact in the preservation of water resources in the tradition of alms of the
earth. This research uses qualitative approach with case study research design. The data
collection techniques used by reseachers include: observation, interviews and
documentation. The analytical techniques used in this study include triangulation of
sources and triangulation techniques. The results show that: The value of local wisdom
has relevance to the nations character building. Therefore, efforts to explore the value
of local wisdom is a strategic step in the nations character building. Local wisdom is a
prevailing and believable value in a society and a benchmark for behaving in everyday
life as a power to deal with the power of a foreign culture. Earth alms tradition teaches
about how humans should maintain good relations with the surrounding environment,
which is to preserve water resources in order to remain sustainable.

Keywords: Conservation of Water Resources, Local Wisdom, Character of

Environmental Care, Earth alms tradition

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community



Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan FKIP UAD


This study aims to determine the relationship between anti-corruption education values
with Pancasila values, and how to strengthen anti-corruption education, as an effort to
actualize the values of Pancasila. The research used qualitative method. The object of
research is a reference in the form of books, previous research results that discuss
about the values of Pancasila and anticorruption education. Methods of data collection
through literature study. Data analysis is descriptively qualitative, with measures of
data reduction analysis, data display, data analysis, and inference. The results show that
there is relevance between anti-corruption education values and Pancasila values.
Honesty is relevant to Gods value and humanity. Concern is relevant to the value of
divinity and humanity. Independence is relevant to the value of unity. Discipline is
relevant to the value of unity. Hard work is relevant to the value of justice.
Responsibility is relevant to the value of the nine. Simplicity is relevant to the value of
humanity and justice. Courage is relevant to the value of democracy. Justice is relevant
to the value of humanity and the value of justice. The strengthening of anticorruption
education at schools can be done by (1) the introduction of corruption phenomena, such
as what is corruption, corruption causes, and consequences, (2) the promotion of
resisting corruption, (3) demonstrating possibilities against corruption, (4) essentials
that are readily included in the general education curriculum, such as values and
capacity strengthening.

Keywords: anticorruption education value, Pancasila value, introduction of

anticorruption, anti-corruption promotion, general education curriculum

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Jamaludin1, Imran2, Sunarto Amus3, Zumrotin Nisa’4

Studi Program of Civic Education, Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tadulako, Jalan Soekarno Hatta Km.9
Tondo Palu Sulawesi Tengah Email:jamaluntad@gmail.com


This research aims at discovering and reviewing the information of pattern of acts and
public opinion on the values of Uventira local wisdom. This research employed
qualitative approach using ethnography method. To Kaili has a mythical beliefs of the
invisible city Uventira which constructed as zone of the supernatural creatures. The
existence of Uventira has an impact on human thought and action in maintaining the
balance of nature. Uventira is a symbol of environmental movement because it is able to
change and develop the human mindset and action in carrying out its sense of
responsibility and love for nature. This kind of attitude promotes ecological and
citizenship awareness.
Keywords: Uventira, Environmental Movement

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Saiful (a*), M. Nasir Basyah (a), Akhyar (b)

a) State Ideology and Civic Education, Tearcher Training and Education Faculty of
Universitas Syiah Kuala
b) State Ideology and Civic Education, Tearcher Training and Education Faculty of
Universitas Abulyatama


The National Movement of the Mental Revolution (GNRM) as mandated by the President
of the Republic of Indonesia (Ir. Joko Widodo) on the official speech at the Regional
Representative Council on 14 August 2015. The National Movement of the Mental
Revolution becomes a new life movement which is capable to change the way of
thinking, work and attitude and behavior of better Indonesian citizens based on the
values of State Ideology (Pancasila) and the 1945 Constitution of the State of the
Republic of Indonesia. The National Movement of the Mental Revolution becomes a
breakthrough movement that obstructs the way of thinking, the workings and a life-
oriented way of life for a sovereign, self-reliant nation and state in developing future
Indonesia. This study is the result of FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with community
leaders in Aceh, involving Academian / education figures, religious leaders, cultural
figures/artists, youth leaders, women figures, political figures/representatives of
political parties, dissident figures, media figures/press, and netizens. The National
Movement of the Mental Revolution contains five movements, namely: The Movement
of Serving Indonesia, the Movement of Clean Indonesia, the Movement of Orderly
Movement, the Movement of Independent Indonesia, and the United Indonesia
Movement. However, in this FGD only discussed three movements, namely: Indonesian
Movement, Serving Indonesia Movement, Clean Movement, Indonesia Orderly. FGD
results show that: First, the leaders of the people of Aceh strongly supports the mandate
of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo on the National Movement
of the Mental Revolution, so that with the National Movement of Mental Revolution, it
would be able to realize Indonesia that is able to serve the people well, a cleaner
Indonesia, and a more orderly Indonesia. Secondly, the people of Aceh expect the
National Movement of Mental Revolution to become a movement that is able to develop
character education of the young generation of Indonesia in the future who have
knowledge, expertise, and high morality. In accordance with the values contained in
State Ideology (Pancasila), with integrated value of divinity, humanity, unity,
democracy, and justice in various aspects of the life of nation and state.

Keywords: National Movement of Mental Revolution; Character Education; Young

Generation of Indonesia

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

CULTURE OF SCHOOL FRIENDLY CHILDREN : Challenges and Expectations into
Development of Student Character Education in Manado (North Sulawesi)

Ruth Sriana Umbase, Apeles Lexi Lonto, Yoseph D. A. Santie

Social Science Faculty Manado State University


The Governments policy on child protection and character education has not been
implemented synergistically at the educational unit level, because at the educational
unit level there is still a diverse perception of "character education models and
disciplined ways of character". At its practical level, the facts about the existence of
Child Friendly Schools sponsored by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child
Protection have been established in various districts / municipalities in relation to the
formation and fulfillment of District/City Eligible Children indicators. However,
teachers understanding of childrens rights in both the Convention on the Rights of the
Child and the Inadequate Child Protection Act has led to a false perception of childrens
right to protection in schools. The establishment of Child Friendly Schools was also not
fully integrated with the school culture. This encourages the need for assessment in
order to identify inhibiting factors as well as to support the synergy of establishing
Child Friendly School and Character Education. In this research have used Qualitative
Research Method. The results showed that there are factors supporting the synergy of
the establishment of School Child Friendly and Character Education of learners are:
first, the existence of the determination of the government to conduct a mental
revolution, especially in the field of education; second, the synergy of policies /
programs at the ministry level; while the inhibiting factors are: firstly, there is still a
lack of knowledge and understanding of teachers about childrens rights, character
education, positive discipline, and various regulations related to Education and Child
Protection; secondly, teachers continue to maintain the old paradigm that when
children are "loved" the child becomes spoiled; thirdly, there is still a wide variety of
teachers views on school violence, some being passive-not hitting but omitting, apathy
or ignorance of importance have carried out teaching duties, on the contrary there is an
extreme active-hitting, threatening with exams and values, intimidating students
behave in discipline; fourth, there are still some teachers who assume that the task for
character education is the responsibility of the Civic Education teacher. Fifth, there are
schools that have declared themselves as Child Friendly Schools but the indicators have
not yet appeared on the school culture. Thus, to realize the effectiveness of the
development of the Culture of Child Friendly School and Character Education, it is
necessary to build a paradigm shift towards equalizing the perceptions of educators
through socialization and Training on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and
Training of Child Protection System for Headmaster of Child Friendly Schools, so as to
create synergistically of development of student’s character education with the Child
Friendly School movement in a Child Friendly School Culture.

Keywords: Child Friendly School Culture, Character Education, Synergy Policy and
Child Friendly School Movement

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Development of Values Transformation Modes of Local Wisdom of Baduy Culture
to Form Student Character through Civic Learning in Elementary School (A study
of Attitude of Elementary School Students in Kasepuhan Citorek Adat Area, Lebak
Regency, Banten Province)


Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education


The development of science and technology has influenced peoples mindset and
orientation at all levels. The rapid development of information technology also influence
the behavior of some people, including the character of the students. Having a good
character means having the ability to communicate and behave in a manner consistent
with the values prevailing in society. The superior value of local culture as a regional
potential needs to be passed on to the next generation. Therefore, the transformation of
the value of local cultural wisdom through the learning process needs to be well
designed to produce the character of learners in accordance with national education
objectives. Research subjects were teachers and learners in five elementary schools
with experiments conducted at two schools. This research is carried out through the
steps of: a) collection of data and information, b) planning, c) initial product
development, d) initial product testing, e) revision of the main product, f) main product
testing, g) product revision operational, h) field testing operasonally, i) final revision.
The data collection in this study used questionnaires, attitude scale test, observation
guidance, interview guidance, and instructional device sheet. The technical data analysis
using preliminary studies, model trials and validity tests. The conclusion of the research
is that there is a difference between groups of students who carry out learning with
cultural value transformation model with group of students who do not use the model
of cultural value transformation. The value transformation model through Civic learning
has proven to be effective in shaping the character of the students.

Keywords: Transformation Model, Value, Local Wisdom, Culture, Character

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Peace Values on Pancasila and Civic Education Textbooks in Senior High School

Wulandari, Diana; Murdiono, Mukhamad

Yogyakarta State University


This study aims to analyze peace values contained on Pancasila and Civic Education
Textbooks in Senior High School. This research method using content analysis with
qualitative approach. The object of this study is Pancasila and Civic Education textbooks
in Senior High School which published by the Education and Culture Ministry that used
in 2016/2017 academic year. Data collection technique through observation, recording,
and analyzing with analysis sheets. The research procedures include data collection,
data reduction, data analysis, and inference. The results show content of peace values
on Pancasila and Civic Education textbooks in Senior High School consists of respect for
self, respect for others, gender equality, non-violence promotion, compassion, global
attention, ecological attention, cooperation, openness and tolerance, fairness, social
responsibility, and positive vision.

Keywords: Textbooks, Peace Values, Pancasila and Civic Education

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Lisnawati and Dadang Sundawa

Indonesia University of Education


Character education is an education that teach about human behavior values. Family is
first and primary environment for a child because its task is to lay the first basics for
child development before they come into broader environment. Thus, the role and
function of family become crucial and responsible for child growth and development.
This study aims to reveal character education model in family to create good citizen
with sub focus comprising character education values, character education model and
obstacles in character education. Qualitative approach by using case study method is
done in this study. This study use data collection technique with interview, observation,
documentation and questionnaire. The result of this study shows that the character
values inculcated in family including religious, independent, responsible, sanity, honest,
love each other, and low profile. The character education model provide habituation,
exemplary, advice, story and law. Parent’s obstacles in applying character education in
family including the influence from outside home environment and parent and children
relation which is less close.

Keywords: Character, Family

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Sutiyono and Suharno

Postgraduate of Yogyakarta State University


The study of the nations character is a serious problem facing Indonesia. News
demoralisasi and degradation of characters that occur in the younger generation due to
the decline character of the nation due to the rapid flow of globalization. The
development of information and communication technology accelerates the
mobilization of various interests between countries. These activities, bringing the
consequences of the emergence of new characters due to the meeting of several
different cultures. This resulted in the erosion of the original of character of Indonesia
Padepokan karakter is a character education model developed by the Department of
Civic Education at Semarang State University. Padepokan Karakter is a locus or
container resulting from research reflections that depart from the weaknesses and
obstacles in organizing character education that is integrated into the subjects.
Padepokan karakter has a goal to strengthen the character of the Indonesian nation as
an effort to preserve the culture.
The purpose of this research is to rediscover the character of Indonesian nation that
developed in Padepokan Karakter. The research method used qualitative descriptive
method. This study aims to describe some of the character of Indonesia nation found
from Padepokan Karakter. Informants in this study include policy makers and policy
The results of the study found that the character of the Indonesian nation developed in
Padepokan Karater includes religious character, honesty, responsibility, discipline,
democratic, logical thinking, nationalism, confidence, helpfulness, obedience to the
rules, and caring. The character is the result of development obtained from Padepokan
Karakter. This collection of character development results, needs to be disseminated to
promote the character of the nation as an Indonesian identity.
The implications of the research results will facilitate educators in an effort to
strengthen the character of the Indonesian nation. thus it is necessary to develop a
model of strengthening the nations character through Padepokan Karakter in some
formal educational institutions.

Writter’s description:
1. Sutiyono (Student of Pancasila and Civic Education From Yogyakarta State
2. Suharno (Lecture at Pancasila and Civic Education From Yogyakarta State University)

Keywords: Character Education, Padepokan Karakter, Character of Indonesian Nation

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Prophetic and patriotic values: basis of citizenship transformation towards civic

Dikdik Baehaqi Arif and Syifa Siti Aulia

Pancasila and Civic Education, Ahmad Dahlan University


This article is based on the conditions of education processes and output in Indonesia
that are more oriented towards the formation of students personal intelligences, and
neglects the effort to integrate the diversity of personal intelligence into the civic
intelligence. Education gives birth to a knowledgeable, capable, creative, skilled, and
good human being, but does not become a citizen and state administrator of good and
intelligent, and has noble character, who is aware of his rights and obligations. Pancasila
and Civic Education learning should not be related only to the personal intelligence of
citizens but it must shift in order to give a role to the formation of collective intelligence
of citizens in the public sphere. Citizenship intelligence requires the need for a citizen-
based transformation process based on prophetic-patriotic values. Civic intelligence is
born as a link between prophetic values and patriotic values of citizens. Civic
intelligence based on prophetic-patriotic values will give birth to citizens who are
collectively citizens and good, intelligent, civic virtuous citizens, and have a
commitment to change and promote the common interest above personal interests. To
achieve the goal of civic intelligence,Pancasila and civic education learning in schools /
colleges needs to transform by raising and reinforcing the prophetic values sourced
from Allahs revelation, God Almighty, in addition to the patriotic values of citizens in the
project-based learning process.

Keywords: civic intelligence, citizenship transformation, prophetic, patriotic, civic

education, project based learning, civic virtue

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Kita, Masyarakat, dan Pancasila: a nowadays service-learning program to prepare
the Indonesian good citizen

Rista Ayu Mawarti, M.Pd (a*); Dr. Yuniastuti, SH, M.Pd (b); Suparlan Al Hakim, M.Si (c)

a) Law and Civic Education Department, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri
Malang. Semarang 5 Malang, 65145, Indonesia.

b) Law and Civic Education Department, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri
Malang. Semarang 5 Malang, 65145, Indonesia.

c) Law and Civic Education Department, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri
Malang. Semarang 5 Malang, 65145, Indonesia.

This article discusses Kita, Masyarakat, dan Pancasila programs implementation as part
of the Pancasila Education course in college. This activity was constructed by lecturers
of general compulsory subjects (MKWU) of Pancasila Education in 3 classes of
engineering faculty students at Universitas Negeri Malang in academic year 2017/2018.
The aim is to give students a complex learning practice of Pancasila values and deepen
understanding of their role as the good citizen who is the part of society. The method
used is qualitative with Participatory Action Research design. The results showed that,
1) Planning of the program was conducted by deliberation to decide the concept and
procedure of implementation of the activity; 2) Implementation of the activities carried
out with observation stages, implementation of the program in the community, prepare
the reports, publications on social media, and presentations; 3) Form of program
development conducted by the students can be categorized into socialization,
entrepreneurship, and social service; 4) The results of the evaluation show that the
existing programs potentially contain the values of service-learning concepts that help
students to do social activities in the community as a form of awareness and Pancasila
values implementation. Moreover, through the existing programs implementation, the
students have been able to learn to reach the main point of Pancasila that is gotong
royong (cooperation) which will become the strength for the Indonesian good citizen in
facing all the challenges of the nation and the state.

Keywords: Service-learning; Pancasila; Good Citizen

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Kama Abdul Hakam, Encep Syarief Nurdin, dan Asep Dahliyana

Lecturer of Civic Education Department of General Education

Faculty of Education Social Sciences Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The purpose of writing this article to illustrate the implementation of character

education policy in Indonesia. The research process uses a quantitative approach by
conducting a survey. The developed instrument adopted from the Center for Policy
Analysis and Synchronization of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education and
Culture. The research population is the students who take the course of Character
Education Policy Analysis in Higher Education. The sample of research is doctoral
student of General Education Study Program at Postgraduate University of Education
Indonesia. The element of the general education doctoral program students who
responded consisted of 21 students. The results showed that the implementation of
character education in Indonesia is only at the level of 2.65, meaning that it is only seen
in the environment of educational institutions, has not reached the stage of habituation
let alone the culture within an institution.

Keywords: public policy, character education, general education.

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Values of Indigenous Meeting (Sangkep) Bali Indigenous Peoples in the
Establishment of Civic Disposition

I Made Darsana, Elly Malihah, Muhammad Halimi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Deliberation is deeply embedded in personal nation Pancasila Indonesia as stipulated in

the fourth principle, which provides guidance to the Indonesian people to always be
consulted. Deliberation is an activity that is very important in making a decision for the
creation of justice for all elements of society are involved in the deliberations. In Bali
there are indigenous peoples habits customary deliberation in conference activities
(sangkep), which aims to discuss various issues relating to the sustainability of the lives
of indigenous people of Bali as a religious activity, mutual cooperation, customary
justice and others. In this study used a qualitative approach with case study method.
The object of this research is sangkep activities in Bali with sources of indigenous
peoples traditional leaders and communities. The values that exist in society have an
important role in shaping the attitude and character of its people, through traditional
conference activities (sangkep) cultivation of knowledge and the values of democratic
life continues. Deliberation in the traditional meeting activities (sangkep) there is the
value of respect for the opinions of others, so that the activities of the meeting it also
provides education to the community in shaping the good citizen and intelligent.

Keywords: Bali Indigenous Peoples, Civic Disposition, Deliberation, Indigenous Meeting


Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Sanusi and Irwan Putra

Lecturer of Civic Education Syiah Kuala University

and Postgraduate Student of Doctoral Program Indonesia University of Education


Currently College Student was dominated by the milenia generation (Gen Z),Gen Z
known having different character with the previous generation (Gen Y).Gen Z
considered as generation with diversity uphold,equation and tolerance (civic
values).Obviosly in real practice there are many of Gen Z didn’t understand even as the
intolerant perpetrators in community.Research have purpose to reinfoce the civic
values in milenia generation using blanded learning method in study of civic education
to create good and smart citizen of milenia generation.This reaserch is using kualitatif
approach and cause this study case as research method.Result of this learning method
could create parcitipative and interactive learning between the lecturers and the college
student.The use of this method could create college student start to know and
understand meaning of appreaciate each other,even less they that living in the world of

Keywords: civic valuse,Blanded Learning,Generasi milenia

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Affirmation of Nationality Character Through Learning of Citizenship Education
Based on Local Wisdom

Tolak Totok, Samsuri

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Today, the issue of national character becomes one of the priorities that must be
instilled in the younger generation in every educational institution. Therefore,
educational institutions have a significant role in equipping learners into a generation
that has a strong national character. Education becomes a cultural transformation. Thus,
education should be the main central in maintaining the values of the ideal life and
develop a culture that became the identity of the nation. In the era of globalization, the
character becomes the focus of attention as the acculturation of culture between
countries. The original characters of the region become the right tool in instilling the
values of local wisdom in the next generation of the nation. The values of local wisdom
need to be revitalized again to actualize the character of nationality with socio-cultural
values. In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No.
22 of 2006, Citizenship Education is a subject that focuses on the establishment of
citizens who understand and are able to exercise the rights and obligations to become
Indonesian citizens who are intelligent, skilled, and characterized as mandated by
Pancasila and of the 1945 Constitution. These limits, indicating that Citizenship
Education is an educational process, not just teaching or transfer of knowledge, but also
about attitude to shape character and personality. The purpose of this paper is to
provide a deeper knowledge and insight about the affirmation of national character
through the learning of Civics based on local wisdom. Writing method used in the
preparation of this paper, the library or library research. With the learning of
Citizenship Education based on local wisdom is expected to instill national character in
the learners, so that the love of culture and the country is getting stronger.

Keywords: Learning, Civics, Local Wisdom, Nationality Character

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Preservation of local wisdom culture (local Genius) as a means to characterize to

Hasbi Ali1, Ruslan2

1Prodi PPKn FKIP Unsyiah, 2Prodi PPKn FKIP Unsyiah


Actualization of multiple variable of nations life as an effort to develop citizenship to

actualize good character society and to have understanding about citizenship can be
done through the preservation of local wisdom culture of local communities. The
preservation of local wisdom culture is one of the efforts undertaken to empower the
community so that they will not be disconnected from their own cultural value in line
with the rapid flow of globalization and modernization. The current pace of
globalization and modernization is feared to undermine the local culture that has grown
and developed in the lives of local communities. The results shows that nowadays
people in Simeulue district have abandoned their local wisdom culture, even the young
generations have been widely suspected that do not know it. Currently there are only a
few cultures of local wisdom that still exists and is preserved in Simeulue Regency such
as Nandong, Gelombang (wave) Dance, Randai Dance, Marangkul, and Debus.
Meanwhile, there are many more local wisdom cultures in Simeulue district that want
to be re-preserved by the Aceh Traditional Assembly (Majelis Adat Aceh) of Simeulue
Regency.Therefore, the assembly of Simeulue District continues to strive to preserve the
local wisdom culture in order to be preserved in the life of the local community. To
achieve this goal, it is done by way of re-inventory, socialize, and re-internalize local
wisdom culture that has ever grown and developed in society in Simeulue district.
These efforts are undertaken in close collaboration with local institution supported by

Keywords: Keywords : Local wisdom culture, Characteric Nation

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community





This paper elaborated the main components of citizenship competence with local values
as a way to survive and revive the local identity within national sphere in the 21st
Century. Particularly the local values derived according to local wisdom teachings
which have been living values in Yogyakarta society. Civic competency components
have been developed as an instrument to evaluate the achievement of civics teaching
and learning which conducted the values in current curriculum. Yogyakarta as one of
special provinces in Indonesia has many traditions, history, and local wisdom
For that purpose, the study explored using local values as content and goal for civic
teaching and learning. Indicators of civic competence used to evaluate the achieving
internalized that values.
The research and development model has been conducted in civics classrooms in the
secondary and senior high schools, in Yogyakarta. Technically, first, identifying local
wisdom teachings as living values both formally in some regional regulations and
traditions. Secondly, developing the local wisdom teachings as contents well as national
contents through learning in schools.
The conclusions, firstly, the local values as well as national values integrated in the main
content for developing civic competences. The competence covered knowledge,
dispositions and skills. Secondly, local values strengthened the national values both as
teaching materials and civic education objectives as seemed in the achievement of
component of citizenship competence as implemented in schools.

Keywords: civic competence, local values, local wisdom, good citizens

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Preservation of Bancakan Tradition in Strengthening Indonesia National Identity

Ridwan Hasyim (a*), Rahmat (b)

a) Civics Department, School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education

Jalan Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Civics Department, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Indonesian national culture is a part of local cultures. The sociocultural wealth of

Indonesian society that plural and composite are giving the culture exists that different
in each region. One of them is "Bancakan" tradition that are developing by the society of
Gegesik Lor, Cirebon village. In todays global openness, the culture preservation is a
right way that we can do to maintain the existence of national identity. This article
discusses about the preservation of "Bancakan" tradition that are done by the society of
Gegesik Lor village as one of the factors that strengthen the national identity. This
research does to know how the preservation of "Bancakan" tradition that are done by
the society of Gegesik Lor village, so it can strengthens the national identity. This case
has attracted us to do this scientific research. The approach that we use is the
qualitative approach with case study method. The research that are done found that the
preservation of "Bancakan" tradition can strengthen the national identity because it has
the value of mutual assistance, togetherness, and solidarity that are part of Indonesian
identity. The preservation of "Bancakan" tradition is through education in the family
and society. People who held the "Bancakan" tradition invite and give information to the
children about the significance, purpose, and meaning about "Bancakan" tradition. It
also gives the folklore as the effect if this tradition is not done.

Keywords: The Preservation of "Bancakan" Tradition, Local Culture, National Identity

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

A leadership model in shaping civilization of citizens through a water
conservation program

Khabibatul fatkhi

Universitas pendidikan Indonesia


Model Leadership style is one way that is done by the leader to improve the moral
motivation of its citizens, RW chairman is unlikely to achieve goals well if the citizens do
not get a good leadership style. Leadership style can be realized by the
cooperationwhich is good between leaders and their citizens. Therefore, leaders should
be able to improve a rule that can increase the feeling of environmental love to its
citizens, with the rules set, with the rules and style of leadership that both villagers
glintung will obeythe rules are set, the community will obey the rules and do not
perform activities outside of its work activities, so that with there his style of leadership
can improve keasadarn akan kampungnya, This research type is a case study research,
using the methodresearch data triangulation, data collection techniques is through
interviews, observation, and document studies. the technique of data analysis is done
qualitatively, and this research is done to all community of kampong glintung malang
counted 35 people. the findings of preliminary research data show that the leadership
style that can be based on the opinion of the glintung community is categorized in
accordance with the reality in the village of glintung malang .

Keywords: Leadership , Civic Virtues, water conservation

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Values Local Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples Cisitu Lebak Banten In Effort to Build
Nation Character

Yudha Dana Prahara(*a), Kokom Komalasari(b), Iim Siti Masyitoh(c)

a) Civic Education of departement, School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University

of Education, Jalan Setiabudhi, No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
b)Civic Education of Department, Faculty of Social Science Education, Indonesia
University of Education, Jalan Setiabudhi, No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.


Sundanese culture has certain characteristics that distinguish the other culture that is
known as religious society. In the Sundanese culture the magical balance (in the science
of customary law called religio magis) is maintained by way of performing traditional
ceremonies, while the social balance of the Sundanese is done by mutual cooperation.
One of the surviving Sundanese culture is the tradition of Ceremonial Ceremony on
Indigenous Peoples of Cisitu Lebak Banten. This ritual is one example of local wisdom
from the matters of custom which in it there are some activities full of positive values
such as: Ngarasul, Pongokan, Ngalaukan dan Balik Taun. Tradition is actually contains
the positive values of nation character. This article discusses the Local Wisdom Values
of Indigenous Cisitu Lebak Banten in the effort to build the character of the Nation. This
issue has drawn our attention to scientific research. The method used is qualitative
method with Ethnography study approach. The research found that the Serentaun
Ceremonial Ritual Process Ritual has a variety of community activities that contain the
values of local wisdom in harmony with the values of Indonesian character, especially 5
(Five) main characters in implementing the strengthening of character education (PPK)
by the government within the framework of the National Movement of the Mental
Revolution (GNRM), is: Religious, Nationalist, Independent, Cooperative, and Integrity.

Keywords: Value of local wisdom, Culture and Tradition, Nation Character

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Optimization of Civic Education as the Strength of the National Character in
Multicultural Community

Arie Supriati, Mardan Umar

PPKn Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Manado


Civic Education has a strategic role in fostering the character of nation that has a
diversity of tribes, religions, races and classes. Therefore, the optimization of Civic
Education becomes an important agenda that needs to be evaluated and developed
continuously. This is very urgent, because the development of technology and
information and the development of an increasingly complex era to impact on all
aspects of the nations life. This study will discuss the conditions of multicultural society
and nations challenges and discuss how to optimize Civic Education to strengthen the
character of the nation, especially in a multicultural society. The purpose of this study is
to describe the conditions and challenges of the multicultural community and to
formulate the steps that can be taken in Civic Education to strengthen the nations
character in a multicultural society. The method used is descriptive qualitative with
data collection through observation techniques, interviews and documentation to be
analyzed according to content (content analysis). This study is expected to produce
measures to optimize Civic Education in strengthening the nations character in a
multicultural society.

Keywords: Civic Education, character, nation, multicultural

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Umi Chotimah (a), Alfiandra (b), Emil El Faisal (c), Sulkipani (d), Camellia (e)

a. Universitas Sriwijaya
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih, Ogan Ilir
b. Universitas Sriwijaya
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih, Ogan Ilir
c. Universitas Sriwijaya
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih, Ogan Ilir
d. Universitas Sriwijaya
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih, Ogan Ilir
e. Universitas Sriwijaya
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih, Ogan Ilir


This study aims to identify the local wisdom values of the people of South Sumatra in
strengthening national integration. The background of this research is a variety of social
events are nuanced intolerant, so potential cause disintegration. That Indonesia has
values that characterize unity in diversity that becomes capital to realize national
integration. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with case study
method. The social situation is community in South Sumatera covering community’s
tribe of Komering, Ogan, Pasemah, and Palembang which consists of bridal couple,
bridal parent, adat chairman, and government element. Data collection techniques used
are the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis
methods using qualitative methods consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and
data verification/ withdrawal of conclusions. The findings of the field show that in
general the values of local wisdom of the people in the fifth marriage’s cistom include
divine values, such as praying in every process performed, then the value of unity,
which can be seen from the cooperation in the process of preparation and marriage
implementation. And the value of democracy, which can be seen from the deliberation
or mutual help that is internalized in the process. Thus, the values of local community
wisdom are basically values that are generally available in every region that can
strengthen national integration. Based on these findings, it is expected that the
community will always internalize the values of local wisdom in the life to realize
national integration.

Keywords: Values, Local Wisdom, Integration, National

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Nur Hadi

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences,

Universitas Negeri Malang


Since the Tambora Mountain erupted in 1815, some of the surrounding kingdoms are
buried alongside the existing cultural heritage. For a long time, the area around
Tambora became desolate from the dynamics of civilization. The landscape formed
around it most are savannas and steppes. Community at the slope of the mountain re-
formed and developed slowly. The twist of modernization and globalization coincides
with the development of the community, even by accelerating the fundamental social
The objective of this research is about Virtues, Characters, and Civic Community. The
approach used in this study is qualitative-ethnographic.
The results showed: (1) Tambora Village Community in Dompu, NTB is an tradition
community that based on dryland farming life. The natural environment that far from
center of Dompu and Bima City, has left this village isolated for a very long time since
the eruption of Mount Tambora. Since 2014, related to the remembrance of the 200-
year since the eruption of Mount Tambora, conducted in 2015, the asphalt road to the
village was built. This has very important influence, both positive and negative for the
development of community character education; (2) Actually modern education like the
Primary School has long existed. The existence of these schools has had an effect on the
changing cultural traditions of the community. But there are elements of modernity,
that is the opening of road access and the sudden use of modern means of
transportation that is changing the cultural tradition frontally, especially the character
of the community toward negative and very worrying. It takes care of many parties,
especially the education managers to control the changes of hedonist and materialist
lifestyles, especially for the younger generation to return to the identity as a human
being who cares about the harmony of the natural and cultural environment.

Keywords: modernization, education, tradition, mountain community

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Muhammad Mona Adha1, Dasim Budimansyah2*, Sapriya2, Dadang Sundawa2

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Muhammad Mona Adha1, Dasim Budimansyah2*, Sapriya2, Dadang Sundawa2

1Citizenship Education Doctor Candidate, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung, Indonesia

Festivals can be in the form of cultural festivals, music festivals, food festivals, sports
festivals, costume festivals, photo festivals, kite festivals, even festival of thought ideas.
One very important thing of the festival is the gathering of citizens from various places
and various backgrounds as a form of commitment of citizens. The festival provides
space for communities, stakeholders, industry players, artists, volunteers, and
participants to interact in a very dynamic and rewarding time span. The success of a
festival is judged by the strength and strategy undertaken to create harmonious
togetherness perceived by the visitors, generating a sense of concern for the big event
being held, and the creation of personal satisfaction as a good citizen. This study aims to
find the form of active participation of citizens, cooperation between government and
stakeholders, connectivity between individuals and the involvement of other parties in
producing a successful festival and able to realize social cohesion for the community.
Qualitative research with ethnography method is done during the cultural festival of
Lampung Krakatau Festival XXVII 2017 in Lampung, Indonesia. Data collection was
obtained from in-depth interviews to 14 respondents involved in LKF 2017. The results
showed that the festival has provided space for citizen participation, increased
knowledge, gained social experience, and added personal skills to the surrounding
environment as a form of civilized citizenship and strengthened cohesion social (Long
and Perdue 1990; Rao 2001) society. Behind the indifference of citizens to have an
attitude of responsibility, therefore the extent of citizens activities can bring himself
innovate and creativity to the maximum to build themselves and society.

Keywords: Keywords: civic virtue, engagement, festival, festival as a media, Lampung

Krakatau Festival, participation, social cohesion.

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community



UNJ (Universitas Negeri Jakarta)


Character building is important to develop children citizenship. This research provided

information of character building methods which used by teachers to urban elementary
school students. The research used qualitative data which were gained from teacher
interviewed and observation. The results show that the character building was done
throughout variety methods: lecture, group session, role play, habit, exemplary, story
and dialogue. The implication of this research shows that teachers have to create a new
creative way of teaching by combining those methods with urban students

Keywords: Character Building, Elementary School Teachers

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Baharudin Sabda Prasojo & Dasim Budimansyah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Conventional education which emphasizes learning only on the transfer of information

rated no longer appropriate to the needs of students. In fact, students need knowledge
and skills that they can use when they work or start their own businesses. Civics
Lessons will bring up a practice habituation to be a Good Citizen. Citizenship education
is designed as a learning curriculum that aims to develop the potential of individuals to
become Indonesian citizens were noble, smart, can participate, and responsible. In
achieving the learning objectives require civics, learning strategies and learning model
that could provoke the students to be creative and have a happy life helping others as
outlined in the civic activities of charity. The research methodology used namely
research and development. With hope this model can be used by many other Civics
teacher. Civic Charity Charity is a term Citizenship Education. This activity initiated the
concept of learning by doing and experiential learning that has been integrated in the
learning civics. The concept of this event each class will design, prepare, implement and
evaluate social service activities with the objectives of the orphanage. Practicing
theories that have been presented in the classroom to life directly in the community.
The activities committee consists of students of the class. Financing and operating funds
requires students to go to their own (entrepreneurship) without any financial
assistance from their parents by way of selling food, beverages and wearable items they
have at home. The values embedded namely a sense of clever grateful, work hard to
achieve the goal, form the soul of entrepreneurship, the importance of sharing, love to
help others, creative, independent, responsibility and social care.

Keywords: Civic Education, Civic Charity, Social Care

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Need Analysis to Develop Anti-Corruption Behavior of Early Childhood Through
Through Parenting Education Model

Uswatun Hasanah & Tarma

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This articles publish need analysis results as part of research and development is to
develop a parenting education model to improve the parenting of anti-corruption
character in early childhood. Research was found that parents do not know the
character of anticorruption, not aware of the anti-corruptive behavior performed by the
child, has not been able to apply the method of parenting to develop anticorruption
character of early childhood. It means that is necessary a model of anti-corruption
parenting education.

Keywords: character education, parenting education, anti-corruption behavior

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

The Exploration of Character Education Ideal Concepts in the Environment of
Salafi Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia.

Tanshzil, SW1 & Rendra, Agus2

Indonesia University of Education


Moral degradation undergone by the Indonesian nation recently, becomes a common
problem that gives rise to a collective commitment to handle it. The various elements
are involved in handling this recent issue. In particular, one of those is the Salafi Islamic
boarding schools (pesantren). Basically, pesantren is viewed as an Islamic educational
institution that grows indigenously within Indonesian society. This study aimed at
determining the core concept of character developments in Salafi pesantren in
Indonesia, which consisted of character values that have been taught and models as well
as methods of character education. This study employed a qualitative approach and
sepecifically used the case study method in one of Salafi Islamic boarding schools, KH.
Zainal Mustafa Tasikmalaya Bandung Regency. In this present study, the data was
collected using the interview technique involving 16 informants, observation,
documentation and literature review. The results showed that the values taught at the
boarding school contained elements of complex values, starting from the elements of
divinity values, humanity values and individual excellence values. The core model of
character education implementation at the Salafi Islamic boarding school is holistic and
it was implemented through a process of learning, habituation, exemplary Kyiai (Islamic
scholars), ektrakulikuler and cooperation with the community as well as students’

Keywords: Character education concepts, Salafi Islamic boarding schools, Indonesia.

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

The Conception of Building a independent Soul of Citizen according to Ki Ageng

Suryo Ediyono, W. S. Rondli, F. A. Lazzavietamsi, A. I. Ito, Rafzan

sebelas Maret University

Muria Kudus University
TKIP PGRI Tulungagung
Jambi University


This research explores the concept of building an independent soul owned by the
Indonesian nation, through the independent spirit to achieve independence in August
1945. After 73 years of independent Indonesia free from colonialism, are we really free?
The meaning of freedom is to be an independent human being is a matter of soul which
has a deeper meaning than merely independent thinking. Indicators of a nations and
countrys independence may be fulfilled. Therefore, the purpose of this study is explored
by the concept of building an independent spirit of citizens according to Ki Ageng
Suryomentaram. The approach method is used the factual by qualitative philosophical,
i.e. philosophical investigation by following Ki Ageng Suryomentarams way and
direction through interpretation, holistic, heuristic, and reflection of the researcher. The
result is the idea of independent soul of citizen according to Ki Ageng Suryomentaram,
that is the meaning of freedom of thought, word and deed of citizen based on the feeling
of freedom from colonized feeling as the essence of independent soul. The independent
soul is the basis and purpose of a just and civilized nation-building through a defensive
spirit of "I have a state" as a manifestation of an independent soul. Finally this research
can be used as a reference in the implementation of civic education in the content of
love towards the nation. Excavation of philosophical values contained in the teachings
of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram can strengthen the identity of the values

Keywords: Citizen, Independent soul, Ki Ageng Suryomentaram

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Junaidi Indrawadi, Maria Montessori, Isnarmi Moeis, Fatmariza

Universitas Negeri Padang


Character building values are part of the value education. Character building value will
be successful if it can touch the moral feelings (moral filling) learners without any
violence either physical or verbal. Thus learners are touched to change gently and
humanely, so there is a desire to change towards the better coming from within the
learners without any coercion. The reality of the field showed that the coaching done by
the teacher was accompanied by shouting and harsh words. This phenomenon appears
especially in the schools on the coast of Padang City. This article aims to analyze the
forms of character building of learners accompanied by verbal violence in some coastal
elementary schools of Padang City. The research approach used is qualitative method.
Instrument of data collection through observation, interview and FGD. The research
findings show that in the character building of students, the principals, teachers and
education personnel in schools still display words containing verbal violence, such as
moral emphasis using the word "animals", calling students with titles other than their
names. The obvious impact of this way is the lack of respect and sympathy of the
students to the teacher so that it is further away from the goal of character education

Keywords: verbal violence, character building

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Fostering Environmental Virtue for Children : A Learning Strategy in Bandung

Wibowo Heru Prasetiyo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Everybody has rights and obligations related to the environment ever since they were
born. The rights have to be balanced with moral obligations whenever a global
catastrophe happens over territorial boundaries (Nagra, 2010). The response to this
phenomenon is expected to create an environmental education that is capable to
enlighten children about sustainable environmental management. In order to reach that
goal, it is necessary to sharpen their environmental virtue. One program that had tried
to attempt to realise the goal is School Urban Farming in Bandung. This study used a
qualitative method in approaching the program, with the author being actively involved
in the program (participant as observer). The respondents were chosen using the
purposive sampling technique, while the data was collected by observation, interview,
and document analysis. Stages of qualitative analysis by Milles and Huberman (2012)
was referred to support the theory approached in this study. The data was then
analyzed using the triangulation method. The results showed that School Urban
Farming was effectively able to teach children about ecology and build ecological
mentality in their minds. School Urban Farming was proven significant in improving
value orientation of the environment, which might be able to generate environmentally
significant behavior. Thus, it is also proven that the program helped institutionalized
civic virtue in the environmental field through learning process.

Keywords: civic virtue, environmental behavior, environmental virtue, school urban


Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Maria Montessori, Ideal Putra, Frenji Malta

Universitas Negeri Padang

Gambling is a behavior that has many negative impacts in ones life. In fact gambling is
not only done by adults and in the places that have been determined, but also done by
high school students in the neighborhood around their schools. This article seeks to
explore and analyze how gambling is happening and done by high school students along
with the factors that contribute to the students behavior. This research uses qualitative
approach with case study method at one of Public high school in Pesisir Selatan district.
Data were collected by observation techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation
studies. Informant of this research is students who often play gambling in the
neighborhood around the school, teachers and principals, parents of students who often
gamble and some people in the community around the school.. Data were analysis
through four stages that is, data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion.
The results showed that the behavior of gambling conducted by high school students
has lasted long and had an impact on student’s development and the students’ progress
of the studies. This could be happens because of some people in community around the
school provide students with various gambling facilities from which they can get profit.
Efforts by schools to deal with gambling by students are often unsuccessful especially in
the absence of awareness from the community to jointly overcome them

Keywords: Gambling, behavior, high school students

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community



State University of Jakarta, Indonesia


For develop student character of elementary school, is required by some factors which
supporting one of them of community of school. In the school in teacher learning
obtains use one of them is material teach in the form of pictorial child storybook
(Wordless Picture Book) based on character. Based on result of the former research
which entitles Increase teaching materis is in the form of pictorial child storybook
(Wordless Picture Book) based on character to uplift skill to tell a story class 2nd
graders of elementary school in region Setiabudi South Jakarta-Indonesia, producing a
Wordless Picture Book as book of enrichment which can be used by teacher to develop
value of student character other than skill tell a story at subclass 2nd graders of
elementary school. Various relevant research results such as: The former research
concerning WPB entitles The Production and Use of Wordless picture book in Parent-
Child Reading: An Exploratory Study within a South African Context by Adrie le Rouxs.
Other research committed in the Malaysia state by Marina Mohd Arif entitles Reading
from the Wordless: a Case Study on the Use of Wordless Picture Books. This research
promote that WPB can use to develop character. With using picture of the action to
develop character. By using design research method R & D (reserach and development)
of Borg and Galls. Research instrument used more had the character of qualitative.

Keywords: Character, Wordless Picture Book.

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Fatmariza, Susi Fitria Dewi, Isnarmi Moeis

Universitas Negeri Padang


Social injustice is a common problem facing by the Indonesian citizens. In addition

social injustice occurs between regions, social classes and also occurs between gender.
Gender inequality has caused various problems to women as citizens who tend to be
positioned as second class. An effort that can be made to break up the gender inequality
chain is through civic education. This aims of this article is to describe a gender-
responsive civic learning process in order to raise the awareness of gender equity
among the civic education’s students department. This qualitative research used
participatory action research approach where the subjects are the civic
education’students department who attend the Perspective Gender class on semester of
July-December 2017. The results showed that there are three stages of gender equality
awareness of the students. First, to accept the issue of gender inequality within society
and the state. Second, responds the gender inequalities for various reasons. The last,
analyze gender inequality and giving solutions. The result of the research concluded
that there has been a change of gender equality awareness of students throughout the
process of recovery. This condition is assumed can be one of the efforts in breaking the
links of gender inequality and social injustice, because social injustice is basically rooted
in gender inequality.

Keywords: Social Injustice, Gender inequality, Awareness, Civic Education

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Siti Dewi Maharani, Atikah Syamsi

1. Siti Dewi Maharani, Prodi PGSD Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang

2. Atikah Syamsi, Prodi PGMI IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


This study discusses about the internalization of character education for children in the
creative aspects and values, as well as concern for the environment communicative
approach to environment learning in school. The method used is a qualitative approach
to the strategy of inductive-empirical, that starts with the data collected from teachers
and students of class IVA based on real experience be it speech or conduct research
subjects as well as the ground situation there is to be formulated into the concept of a
general nature with the aim of to serve what was then analyzed using the technique of
interpreting that this study could improve the learning situation is the responsibility of
the author with a focus on the application and implications of Character education for
children through the environment learning with a sample of SDN 238 Palembang grade
The results of this research is the implementation of character education for Children
with environment learning in SDN 238 Palembang 4th grade uses five phase consists of
stages generating interest (engagement), exploration, an explanation, elaboration or
extension and evaluation can be done in simple ways, namely by visit any place or any
environment that can be used as a learning resource. As for the implications that the
author got from the observation results include the increase of some positive character
values such as caring for the environment by inviting them to visit the surroundings and
learning resources whatever is closest to the school, either paddy or learning resources
and other simple, so that with the approach of environment learning, children
motivated, more creative, confident, able to communicate well and began to emerge a
sense of concern for the environment.

Keywords: Environment, Learning, Character Education, Children

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Baduy Ethnic Becomes one of the Governments Constraints in Improving
Indonesia Rank in the World Economic Forum

Eko Wanidison1, Muslikha 2 , Achmad Hufad3, Anwar Soleh Purba4 , Chandra Perwira
Negara5 , Ryan Taufika6, Wewen Darmawan7

Posgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Education is one of the important factors to improve the status of Indonesia in

international forum. The development of the era directed that every country in the
world requires every citizen to study. So, in this case the government gets constraints in
that regard. Baduy ethnic in a very closed education and even health and technology of
course. Bedouin ethnic groups are generally divided into two groups, namely Baduy
Dalam and Baduy Luar. Universally, uneven education will lower the countrys ranking
in international forums. Closure of Baduy tribe In making the government look for
strategy in overcoming the problem. As continues to invite the Outer Baduy to continue
to portray themselves to emphasize the changes to the Baduy tribe. The research uses
qualitative methods, case study type and data collection through observation,
documentation study and interviews on some village leaders and residents. The
findings of the research, namely: 1) Baduy closeness to Formal education, 2) Baduy
ethnic is still closed will access health, 3) Baduy ethnic is still closed to the technology.

Keywords: Baduy ethnic, government constraints, World Economic Forum

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Lifestyle Transformation in the Society

Abdul Latief and Muhajir

Al Asyariah Mandar University

and Muhammadiyah University of Makassar


This advancement in information technology and globalization has caused such a

profound change in the life of mankind with all its civilizations and cultures. These
changes also have a profound impact on the transformation of existing values in society.
So great influence of technological progress to the cultural values embedded in society,
both urban and rural (modernization). Technological advances such as radio, television,
and even internet telephony not only hit the urban community but also have been
enjoyed by people in remote villages.
This research about the transformation of lifestyle in the society which aimed to
describe the social lifestyle of people as the impact of information technology and to
find out the factors affect the social lifestyle of the people.
This research uses qualitative research method. Sampling technique is by determining
its own characteristics and data collection techniques are done by using primary data
and secondary data through observation, interview, and documentation.
Based on the results of research, it can be concluded that the development of
information technology has an impact on changes in social lifestyle in Tellulimpoe
Village. The changes can be seen from the style of dress, speech, and attitude of society.
And the factors that influence social change in Tellulimpoe Village is with the existence
of advanced formal education, open society system layer (open stratification).

Keywords: lifestyle, society , transformation

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Moral Literacy and Social Climate with Perception Teachers Character Education
In Elementary School

Prayuningtyas Angger Wardhani, Yulia Elfrida Yanty Siregar, Reza Rachmadtullah, Zulela

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The aim of this research is to know the effect of moral literacy and social climate with
teachers perception on character education in elementary school, the number of teacher
is 200 teacher. The technique used to analyze data is statistical regression technique
with correlational method. The results showed that there is a positive influence
between (1) moral literacy with teachers perception on character education in
elementary school (2) social climate with teachers perception toward character
education in elementary school (3) moral literacy and social climate with teachers
perception on character education in Primary School. It can be concluded that research,
there is influence of moral literacy and social climate with teachers perception on
character education in elementary school.
Keywords: moral literacy, social climate, teachers perception of character education in
elementary school

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Yulia Elfrida Yanty Siregar, Zulela MS, Prayuningtyas Angger Wardhani, Reza

Jakarta State of University


This study aims to determine the relationship of self-regulation and emotional

intelligence with the of Building chacter Grade IV Elementary School students, with the
sample of many 150 students. The research method used is survey method and using
correlation technique. The result of the research shows that there is a positive
correlation between (1) Self Regulation with of character building (2) Emotional
Intelligence with building character (3) Self Regulation and Emotional Intelligence with
Results building character. Means the results of research, it can be concluded that there
is a relationship between self-regulation and emotional intelligence with the building

Keywords: Self Regulation, Emotional Intelligence and Building character

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Model of Economic Civics Development in Establishing Independent Character in
Islamic Boarding School

1Febriyanti, 2Idrus Affandi, 3Endang Danial AR

Department of Citizenship Education, Indonesia University of Education


This study aims to explain how the program of character building independent in
islamic boarding school. Efforts to create independent character aims to have strong
character, not abstinence, high personality of discipline and hard work so that arises the
competitive spirit of society, especially in economic activity so that the level of welfare
of society increases. The research uses qualitative approach with case study method.
Determination of research informant through purposive sampling technique. Data
collection through observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Data
analysis includes data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing and
verification. The technique of testing the validity of the data using source triangulation.
The findings of this research indicate that there is a program of character building of
self-reliance in islamic boarding school that is model program of “Ahlak Plus
Wirausaha” (APW) role to assist level of economic level of society which is proved by
existence of alumni from model APW program open shop business and open job field,
students who have independent character in entrepreneurship with the power of
spiritual spirit and berahlakul karimah, have a high creativity, and are aware of their
rights and obligations as citizens and muslims who completely.

Keywords: Economic Civics, Independent Character, Islamic Boarding School

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Dasim Budimansyah, Nugraha Suharto, Iik Nurulpaik

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Improving the 2013 national curriculum and strengthening character education in

schools remains a challenge for Indonesia. The role of school leadership remains an
incomplete issue. This study aims to examine the influence of school leadership on the
strengthening of character education and the character of students as authentic
learners. This cross-sectional survey collected data from 1,062 students and 154
teachers from 28 randomly selected junior high schools. Using the educational
production function model, the study found that the quality of school leadership had an
impact on teachers ability to develop character-based learning and consequently on the
growth of student characters as authentic learner. The results show that character
education will be more successful with the guidance of the principal as an agent of
change, whereby they are able to influence teachers to change their instructional
behavior toward character-based learning.

Keywords: : authentic learner, school leadership, strengthening of character education

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Akmal, Rita Anggraini

Universitas Negeri Padang


The objectives of the research are: (1) to map the condition of character education of
Senior high school students, (2) to know the effectiveness of character education policy
implementation through legal awareness, and (3) to find the effective model of
character strengthening education based on legal awareness in SMA/SMK. Qualitative
and quantitative research methodology, student population of SMA/SMK is 700
students. Qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques were used. Result of
research: The condition of character education mapping of students is moderate. For
the implementation of the character education policy has not been effective and based
on legal awareness, the causesare, among other things, the character education policy is
a very forced program, not rooted from self-awareness of the students so that students
in the program are less serious. The effective model for strengthening character
education based on legal awareness needs to be adjusted to the condition of the
learning process of students at school and outside school. Supervision actions by local
government and school need to involve parents, communities figures, religious figures,
and intellectuals leaders that can be found in the school environment. From the aspects
of: (1) the substance of the character education program, (2) the structure of the
regulation made: there are some overlapping regulations among characters education
policies structure

Keywords: student character education, legal awareness policy analysis

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Reflective Core Values of Sundanese Life: An Integration Inculcates the Value of
Delays in the Environment of Pasundan University

Asep Sjamsulbachri, Deni Zein Tarsidi

Universitas Pasundan Bandung


The reality of Indonesia that has a diversity of ethnic cultures and cultures and different
religions, one of the second largest ethnic is Sundanese which certainly has a unique
value of civilization but still sticking in the corridors of the Unitary State of the Republic
of Indonesia. This research uses phenomenology method, with data collection technique
through observation, interview and documentation analysis. The moral values of
Sundanese culture that are implemented in campus life can create harmony among the
leaders, lecturers, employees and students, so that the harmonious atmosphere among
students in their campus life when they come from various ethnic and religious and also
different culture, even many foreign students study here, both undergraduate-
postgraduate degree. The existence of Sunda Core Value crystallized in the motto
luhung elmuna (high science), pengkuh agamana (strong religion), jembar budayana
(cultural fields) for every graduate, its distinctive mission of maintaining Sundanese
culture and glorifying syiar islam, appearing in campus atmosphere, tolerance of mutual
respect among them and Silih Asih (Love each other), Silih Asah (mutual competition),
Silih Asuh (Alternate care) reflects the atmosphere of life spiritually Pancasila, which
became the Core Value Nation of Indonesia.

Keywords: Core Values, Community, Sundanese

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Siti Awaliyah, A. Rosyid Al Atok, Nisa Arafiyah Tri Wulandari

Universitas Negeri Malang


Efforts to improve good characteristics on the young generation are done through
school lines from elementary to senior high schools. To achieve this goal, the
government issued regulation of education and culture minister No. 23 of 2015 on the
character building that must be implemented by all schools. This paper will discuss
about the forms of character development activities in junior and senior high schools,
responsible parties, and obstacles encountered. The form of character development
activities consist of: 5S habit (smile, greeting, greet, handshake, polite), creation of clean
and green environment, improvement of faith and devotion, singing national songs,
reading habits, praying in congregation, flag ceremonies and anniversaries of the
national day, collection and distribution of charity, activities to commemorate religious
holidays, development of student potential, peer tutors, and the orientation of new
learners. The parties involved are the head master, teachers, employees, learners,
parents/ guardians, and the surrounding community. Constraints faced are
communication between the parties and the motivation of the learners.

Keywords: character development, The Regulation of The Minister of Education and

Culture No.23 of 2015, habituation, green school, polite

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

The Role of Local Wisdom in Strengthening Nation Character

Wina Nurhayati Praja, Dasim Budimansyah, Elly Malihah, Iim Siti Masyitoh

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia



The Role of Local Wisdom in Strengthening Nation Character

This research is motivated by waning soul, character, and personality as a nation of
Indonesia. Currently, many of the behaviors of citizens who are displayed are not in
accordance with the character of the Indonesian nation. The Indonesian people are
identical with Religious, Nationalism, Mandiri, Gotong Royong, and Integrity. Therefore
it is necessary strengthening character education based on local wisdom, so that local
culture in Indonesia is not only limited to name and place. Rather, the values of local
wisdom become a source of reference to values, morals, behaviors of a person to act. So
with the local wisdom menguman to be used as a reference in the behavior of social life,
nation and state can strengthen the character and the soul of the Indonesian nation.
This research uses qualitative approach with case study method. Because to see and
observe phenomena, events, somewhere in characterizing character values as
strengthening character education. From this research is expected that cultural
education and character of the nation must be comprehensively grounded as a cultural
process. Therefore, the local values of wisdom are not only implemented within the
community. Rather it should be grown in the school environment. Because the school is
the only place that is the most important place for the community to receive and
transfer science and penglaman that always give a big influence in life. School is
identified with second home after family environment. Therefore, in schools need to
utilize the values of local wisdom available in the surrounding environment to be a
teaching material for students in understanding a phenomenon / events or in finding a
solution of each problem.

Keywords: Keywords: Local Wisdom, Character, Nation Character

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Strengthening Nationality Insight for Young Generation Through Tadarus Buku
Activity (A Case Study in Asian African Reading Club Community)

Hendra Saeful Bahri (a*), Sapriya (b), Muhammad Halimi (b)

a) Civic Education of Department, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Setiabudhi, No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
b) Civic Education of Department, Faculty of Social Science Education, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Setiabudhi, No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.


The strengthening of nationality insight for the young generation is an important thing
and should always be done in absolute continue in line with the dynamics of the process
of nation and State life. The current strengthening of nationality insight is still
concentrated in schooling through civic education learning. But actually strengthening
nationality insight for the young generation could be through a community, one of them,
namely the community of Asian African Reading Club with its main activities i.e.,
tadarus buku. This study aims to explore and analyze the activity of tadarus buku in
soundness of the insights of nationalities for the young generation. The approach used
in this study i.e., qualitative methods case studies. Determination of informants in this
study using a purposive sampling technique. The collection of data through observation,
interview techniques, the study of the documentation and study of literature. Data
analysis includes the reduction of the data, the presentation of the data and conclusions
verification and withdrawal. As for the findings of this study show that the activity of
tadarus buku on Asian African Reading Club can strengthen nationality insight for the
young generation, that is because the books are read in the Asian African Reading Club
themed national anthem and the strength of brazing in discussing related topic that is
already by the participants of the readers of the book.

Keywords: Nationality Insight; Young Generation; Tadarus Buku

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Prevention of Corruption through Anti-Corruption Education

1) Dr. Arnie Fajar, M.Pd. 2)Dr. Chairul Muriman S.SE.,SH.,MP

1) STKIP Pasundan Cimahi

2) STIK- PTIK Jakarta


Corruption has become a commodity of public discussion and has become a social
epidemic that infects the working mechanisms of bureaucrats and the political and
social life of Indonesian society. Various efforts have been made through the rules of
legislation. Combating corruption can also be done through formal education channels
that can play a role to prevent corruption as a preventive strategy. In this case the
students serve as a target as well as empowered as an environmental press to avoid
permissive to corruption and together rise up against corruption. This study aims to
measure the effectiveness of the implementation of Anti-Corruption Education learning
by using Anti-Corruption Module from KPK and through PPKn subjects at primary and
secondary education level. The method used is quasi experimental (Quasi
Experimental), while the instruments used are the questionnaire, observation, and
interview. The study sites were divided based on the modules used in the learning
process. First, locations that use KPK Modules are Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Malang,
Banjarmasin. Second, the locations that use PPKn are Palembang, Bandung, Tangerang
Selatan, Semarang, and Makassar. The result of analysis shows that the perception,
attitude and knowledge of elementary, junior and senior high school students no
significant difference between the groups introduced through PPKn and those using the
KPK module, except in attitude aspect in senior high school students, the group
introduced through PPKn is better than the group which uses the KPK module. Based on
the above findings, it is recommended that: 1) anticorruption learning using the KPK
and PPKn Modules can be an option for schools to implement them; 2) anticorruption
learning through PPKn should be maintained and enhanced; 3) anticorruption learning
through the KPK Module can be implemented through two strategies. First, stand alone
as one of the subjects. Both are applied through integration on various subjects.

Keywords: corruption, anticorruption education, PPKn

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Teachers as agents of change in learning Budi Pekerti education according to the
thought of Ki Hadjar Dewantara as an effort to prepare young citizens

Christmas Astriani (1*), Samsuri (2*)

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta



Globalization had a considerable impact on the social development of children, where is

the world appears boundless. The world like a big village, so we will be very easy to get
many information. Children will get diverse information through easily accessible
media. Children need readiness as a foundation in dealing it. One of them through
education. Schools as a formal educational institutions have an obligation to provide
character education. Teacher as agent of change has a duty to give cultivation of
character as the foundation when the child becomes a citizen. Students need knowledge
of citizenship and civic society, including developing values, skills, and understanding.
Thus expected the students will become a competent, confident, and committed citizen
to devote and devote himself to his country. Long time ago, Ki Hadjar Dewantara
proposed a concept of Budi Pekerti education to preparing children as citizens. As a
teacher in his time, Ki Hadjar Dewantara had experience how to educate children in the
school he founded, namely Perguruan Tamansiswa. Budi Pekerti education must
include the nation spirit for instant by giving examples, repetition of good habits, action,
and physical psyche experiences. The learning method used among system (ing ngarsa
sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa, and tut wuri handayani). This quantitative
research aims to measure teachers perceptions of Ki Hadjar Dewantaras thoughts about
Budi Pekerti education as an effort to prepare young citizens. Pre-research results show
that some teachers at Perguruan Tamansiswa have understood and implemented a
character education on their students.

Keywords: character education, teacher’s perception, young citizens

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Character Values in the Superflex Learning Model

Huriah Rachmah (a*), Rudy Gunawan (b), Jajang Hendar Hendrawan (c)

(a) Social Studies Education Program, Pasundan Scholl of Higher Learning and
Permana 32B, Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia
(b) Social Studies Education Program, University of Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr. Hamka
Buncit Raya 17, South Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia
(c) Social Studies Education Program, Pasundan Scholl of Higher Learning and
Permana 32B, Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia


This paper was taken from the results of research conducted by researchers in 2016
and 2017 at Cimahi inclusion school. The purpose of this study is to produce a learning
model to help teachers in overcoming students who have emotional and behavioral
disorders (EBD). Background teachers from general education for teachers apply the
same education to EBD students in the classroom. Research is done by using research
and development method. In 2016 resulted in an agreement with teachers to conduct a
limited model trial. In 2017 conducted a limited trial in three Cimahi inclusion primary
schools. Based on the results of the research, found the character value that can be
raised after doing the superflex learning model. The values that arise are self-contained,
have curiosity, solve problems of social problems, social thinking and social
achievement. This character can help EBD students to be more confident in associating
with their environment.

Keywords: Character Value, Superflex Learning Model

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

The Formation of Student Character through the Novel History of Pramoedya
Ananta Toer in History Learning
Rudy Gunawan (a*), Desvian Bandarsyah (b), Wildan Insan Fauzi (c)

(a) History Education Program, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka.

Tanah Merdeka KP. Rambutan Ps. Rebo, East Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia
(b) History Education Program, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka.
Tanah Merdeka KP. Rambutan Ps. Rebo, East Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia
(c) History Education Program, University of Indonesia Education
Setiabudhi, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


The use of historical novels used in conjunction with textbooks and primary sources has
made learning history more enjoyable. The function of the historical novel is the
resurection of the past, the ability to revive the past which is the subject of the story and
able to provide historical information. Learning from past experiences can help shape
the learners character to instill an understanding of past community developments to
the present day, to foster a sense of nationality and love of the country and to have a
sense of pride as a citizen of Indonesia, and to expand public relations among nations in
the world. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. In this study,
researchers will describe the picture of what it is to the reality studied. Researchers
chose the historical method as a research method and litelatur study as a research
technique. After studying the novel Pramoedya Ananta Toer learners can learn the
characters raised in novels such as humanism values, justice, divine values and life-

Keywords: Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Student Character, History Learning

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Sabar Narimo, Novia Wahyu Wardhani

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Tolerance is a condition which must be preserved in society heterogeneous.Without any
tolerance so conflict not be able to minimize especially conflict of the difference.Thus, it
was easy the community heterogeneous in on sheep and broken down split.In the
present, tolerance have started to faded in the life of the community so need to be
reminded and encouraged back that this nation is having many local knowledge who
teaches how wonderful tolerance among the ethnic, among religions, classes, and
between regions to reach life is, harmonious, and balanced in social, performs the
people, and state.One local knowledge that can be examined back is teposliro.Culture
java continuously maintained by the community java in sudiroprajan surakarta.Thus
the life of the people there heterogeneous with two ethnic namely Jawa-Cina and three
religion namely kristen-Islam-Konghuchu can run well.

Keywords: tolerance , culture , teposliro , sudiroprajan

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Setiawan Gusmadi & Samsuri

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Post tin mining in Bangka Belitung causes environmental destruction, changes in

agricultural land, forest degradation, changes in river flows, and changes in fishermens
fishing practices decreased by mining on the coast. Awareness of the importance of
restoring environmental functions throughout the mining area is done with planned
activities through environmentally concerned communities. The dedication of
environmental caring character is implemented in order to bring about a responsible
society in the protection effort through good governance to support sustainable
development. The purpose of this research is to know the strategy of non-governmental
organizations, the developed programs, and the obstacles faced in increasing
community participation to care for the environment in Bangka Belitung. This research
approach with case study method and data obtained through interview technique,
observation, documentation study, and literature study. The results in this study
indicate that: 1) strategies by providing examples and customs that the community
cares about the environment by providing activities that support community discipline
in a variety of facilities to improve the character of environmental care. 2) the program
directly integrates environmental cares with activities to restore degraded forest lands
and reforestation of coastal mangrove forests provides an effective method for changing
community behavior. 3) obstacles in increasing public participation ie; low public
awareness of environmental attitudes, lack of public knowledge of the negative impacts
of mining, low public interest in following activities that enhance environmental care.
Non-governmental organizations are expected to be examples of activities that transmit
the environmental character of the community in Bangka Belitung.

Keywords: "Ecological Citizenship, LSM, Karakter Peduli Lingkungan" "Ecological

Citizenship, NGO, Character Caring Environment"

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Strengthening Nation’s Character through Saprahan Local Wisdom as Civic
Culture of Malay Sambas society in Kalimantan Barat

Hemafitria1; Dasim Budimansyah2; Udin Winataputra2; Iim Sitti Masyitoh2

1Postgraduate student of Civics SPS Doctoral Program , Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Bandung, Indonesia 2 Lecturer Civics Study programs and the SPS, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This study is intended to identify the characters values that grow and develop in
Sambas Malay subculture through local wisdom Saprahan tradition and the process of
functioning the character values through Saprahan tradition as civic culture of Malay
Sambas society. This study is based on the tradition phenomenon which is merely a
habit activity without extracting its value and the process of functioning values into life
characters. The phenomenon of social life has shown quite critical degradation even has
disturbed the social-cultural order that makes the daily behavior of society deviate from
the character of the nation in the Pancasila philosophy. The importance of
strengthening the characters value has great contribution in managing relationships
between society members to create a harmonious relationship among them. Thus, a
harmonious relationship in this research is one of the final objectives of the character
realization originated from the values of local wisdom. This research applied a
qualitative approach with ethnography method on Sambas Malay society which covers
society figures, religious figures, youth leaders, Malay traditional leaders and Sambas
district government apparatus. In this study, data and information collection is done
through participatory observation, open and in-depth interview, and documentation
studies. Data analysis techniques include three activities that occur simultaneously:
data reduction, data presentation, conclusion/verification. Research findings show that
Sambas Malay society have a high concern with the activities of Saprahan tradition. The
continuity of performing tradition acculturated in social life has true values of character
building. The character values include the values oriented towards religious value,
social value, economic value, knowledge value, art value, language value and technology
value. Finally, these values are empowered in society life through various social
activities and even regarded to be behavior standards. Moreover, applying the local
wisdom of Saprahan tradition in Sambas Malay society can represent the formation of
civic culture in society, which is expected to realize good and smart citizen in
accordance with the values of Pancasila.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Nation Character, Saprahan and Civic culture

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

The Hospitality Character Education at Bandung Tourism of Higher Education

Teddy Chandra

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The aim of this research to find out about The Hospitality Character Education at
Bandung Tourism of Higher Education (STPB). This qualitative research done
naturalistically. The data collected by interviewed, observation and documentation
study. The research subject is all of the STPB relevant stake holder, and writer self as a
research instrument. The result of the research describe as follow: the programme
implementation of educational process related to hospitality character education can be
observed on study programme curriculum, teaching plan, the hospitality character
educational development programme, the school culture, and the implementation of the
general education. Eventhough the hospitality character education programme already
exist, but there is a several problem need to be fixed so the programme is running

Keywords: Key Word: Hospitality, Character, Education.

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Amrina Rosyada, Endang Danial AR

Post Graduate School of Education University of Indonesia



This research aims to determine attitude of nationalism coaching students through

extracurricular activities hizbul wathan to build the character of students in SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang and and various problems faced by schools in the process
of fostering. As the research method, this study used the case study with a sample of 15
respondents. Then, to collect the data, this study used observation, interview and
documentation techniques. Next, the result was analyzed by using qualitative method
with data triangulation analysis technique. In addition, the result of research showed
that to build the attitude of nationalism to the students joining hizbul wathan could be
done through various activities that fostered patriotism and good social relation in
society. Hizbul wathan activities at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang were conducted
through routine activities held in schools. The activities included holding a flag
ceremony which was followed by all students to foster the character and attitude of
loving their homeland, going camping to make the students get accustomed to be
discipline, independence and care each others and also using Indonesian language
during hizbul wathan activities and other activities. This study also found that there
were some problems faced by the school in the fostering process; they were the lack of
hizbul wathan instructor and coach, the facilities and infrastructure especially an
inadequate field to support the activities, and also the lack of focus which came from
some students who joined another extracurricular beside hizbul wathan.

Keywords: Fostering, Attitude of Nationalism, Extracurricular, Characters

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Aprillio Poppy Belladonna, S.H.(a), M.Pd and Ecep Rohmat, S.Pd. (b)

STKIP Pssundan Cimahi


This study was based ontheconcern about ethical and moral degradation which showed
the characterdeterioration of citizen. One of the efforts that can be taken to stop it is
through the reinforcement of character educationby inculcating values ofLocal Wisdom
conducted by the society of Desa Mekarsari Bandung which is the implementation of
Huluwotan Traditional Ceremony. The results of the present study show: (1)
Huluwotan Traditional Ceremony is local wisdom having the main purposes to
expressgratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, to encourage cooperation and kinshipby
preserving art and culture through environmental conservationby cleaning up springs
and growing plants. (2) Equipment used in Huluwotan Traditional Ceremony is a
symbol and has life values that can build a good character. (3) The core values which
are present in Huluwotan Traditional Ceremony can be seen from the purposes, the
preparation and the implementation of Huluwotan Traditional Ceremony having a
religious value, a beauty value, a community value, a discussion value, a goodness value,
and a Sundanese genlte value that loves each other (silih asih), reminds each other (silih
asah), and guides each other (silih asuh). Those values are as life views that can form
the nation character.

Keywords: Character Education, Local Wisdom, Huluwotan Traditional Ceremony.

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Ghina Aisyah (a), Prayoga Bestari (b)

a)Student Citizenship Education Graduate School of Education University of Indonesia

b)university Education Lecturer Graduate School of Education University of Indonesia


This research is motivated by the problems associated with legal awareness because a
lot of people who commit traffic offenses which raises the number of highway accidents,
The lack of public awareness in complying with and implementing legislation of traffic,
making the rate of accidents in the city of Bandung has increased, problems related to
traffic violations, among others motorcyclists not wearing a helmet, riders who do not
carry drivers license, a motorist who did not using a seat belt, disobeying traffic signs, to
overcome these problems, one of the ways used by Polrestabes bandung with
implementing E-ticket . This study aims to describe the implementation of the e-ticket
in the city of Bandung in increasing awareness of traffic rules of law as a moral
citizenship (civic virtue), this study used a qualitative approach with descriptive
analytical method. The findings in this study indicate that the implementation of the E-
ticket in the city of Bandung in increasing awareness of the law of traffic rules as moral
citizenship (civic virtue), has been performing well, but still found a variety of problems
one of which is still a lot of people who do not understand about technology than that,
more people want a ticket manually, because by implementing e-ticketed people in
charge to pay by bank. It needs the support and encouragement from various parties
that exist in society and also Polrestabes bandung that e-ticketed in performing well.

Keywords: Implementation of E-ticket, awareness of the Law, Civic Virtue

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Perception towards Accounting Profession and Parental Influence to Predict
Students Career Choices

Badingatus Solikhah, Trisni Suryarini, and Samsul Bahri

Accounting Department,Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Central Java,



This study aims to obtain empirical evidence on the influence of student perceptions
about accountant profession and parental influence toward students’ career choices to
become a public accountant. Based on Theory of Reason Action, this study also
examines the effect of both independent variables on career choices behavior through
intentions as an intervening variable. The population of this study is undergraduate
accounting students and accounting profession institute students all over Semarang
City. The respondents are students of 6th semester and above from 10 universities. The
total size of incidental samples is 300 students. The data was analyzed using descriptive
statistical analysis, path analysis, and Sobel test. The paper finds that the majority
accounting students are interested in becoming a public accountant after they complete
the study. Based on these results it can be concluded that partially, students perceptions
of public accountant profession have a positive effect on intention, parental influence is
not the consideration for the students behavior intention. The results of this study
indicate that behavioral intention can mediate the influence of student perceptions
toward students career choices as a public accountant, but behavioral intention cannot
mediate the effect of parental influence on student’s behavioral to choose their career.
Keywords: Students Career Choices, Indonesian Public Accountant, Students
Perception, Parental Influence, Intentions, Theory of Reason Action

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Psychological Aspects of Citizenship Characters Development

Luthfi Fathan Dahriyanto

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Semarang


Mental aspect is one of the basic aspects of human psyche. According to some
psychologists the term mental is defined as anything related to the state of the mind,
such as thoughts, feelings, and sensations (APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2015). The
mental aspect of man is the perfecting of the human self, other than the physical aspect,
so these two aspects cannot be separated. These two aspects change with the growth
and development of the individual. As a result of these changes, cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects of the individual have progressed. Psychology explains these
changes in the study of developmental psychology, which studies the growth and
development of humans from birth to old age.
The development of individual behavior from infancy to old age is described thoroughly
in developmental psychology, so knowledge of developmental principles becomes a
basis for making policies or rules relating to humans. These principles have long been
applied in education, such as educational planning that is based on the talents, skills and
intelligence of children (Suparwoto, et al., 2005).
This predictive ability can be utilized to perform development programs that fit the
stages through which the individual goes. The principle of developmental psychology
also affirms that the mental aspects of human beings develop in line with individual
changes so as to direct such changes the role of educational institutions is very
important. This study will find out some basic modalities that are very important and
play a role in human life. Such modalities as presented by Ancok (2003) will affect
whether a country will experience progress or failure.

Keywords: psychology, citizenship, character, development

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Social Engineering of a Civic Virtue and Local Wisdom Values : A Model to
Character Education in Higher Education

Nurul Zuriah and Hari Sunaryo

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang,



Abstract: The development of the nation’s character is very important in Indonesian.

The general objective of the research is to construct and develop a civic virtue and local
wisdom-based character education program model in higher education. The research
was conducted in three universities: UMM, UNS, and UPI. A Qualitative and quantitative
research approach with development research design was employed. The techniques of
data collection adopted were references, observations and questionnaires with Delphi
technique. The data were analysable using the mix between descriptive qualitative
research and library research, accompanied with heuristic, critical, interpretative. The
result in the second year is in the form of a draft of the social engineering construction
of a civic virtue and local wisdom values-based education model where it was variously
applied in each high education, depending on the policy and nomenclature prevailed in
each higher education. But, as synthesis and collaboration, the social engineering draft
of the nation character education model is developed into an Input – Process – Output
plot. Some models of character education developed in higher education in Indonesia
are best practices of the character education resulting from the social engineering and
the integrative synergy from all existing components and involve many parties in the

Keywords: Keywords: social engineering, character education, civic virtue

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Ethical Values in Indonesian Proverbs as Character Education Investments

Rika Widawati (a) Ahmad Fuadin (b) Welsi Damayanti (c)

(a) Departemen Pendidikan Umum FPIPS UPI
(b) Departemen Pendidikan Umum FPIPS UPI
(c) Departemen Pendidikan Umum FPIPS UPI


Proverb is a cultural heritage that became one of the enrichment of Indonesian literary
works. Similar to other types of literary works, proverbs contain moral values that are
believed to be a vehicle of character education for youth learners. The purpose of this
study is to analyze the ethical values in proverbs as a material and means of character
education and photographing the existence of these proverbs among students. This
study uses qualitative descriptive method, which is a series of activities or data
collection process through document analysis / literature study and field survey with
questionnaire spreading. The expected result of this study is to document the ethical
values in the proverb as character education and to photograph the existence of the
proverb in the students. Example of findings: 1. Water rippling marks are not deep (air
beriak tanda tak dalam) = people who talk much and arrogant usually not much science
or stupid. 2. Water calm swept away (air tenang menghanyutkan) = quiet people usually
have a lot of knowledge.3. Calm water should not be suspected there is no crocodile (air
tenang jangan disangka tiada buayanya) = the silent person should not be mistaken for
not daring or fearful. Ethical values according to those proverbs are that quiet is better
than speak too much.Speak politely and speak in accordance with the capacity of our
knowledge. Notice also the place where we speak and with whom we speak. These
examples are expected to be character education materials for students and can provide
improvements for their ethics.

Keywords: Ethical values, Proverbs, Character Education

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

The Role of Civic Education Teachers in Shaping the Character of Environmental
Awareness of Learners.

Lili Sukarliana, Deni Zein Tarsidi, Ina Kumalasari, Delila Kania

PPKn Universitas Pasundan


This research generally aims to know how far the role of Civic Education Teacher in
shaping the character of environmental awareness of learners in SMA Sumatra 40
The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach.
Qualitative research with descriptive approach to studying problems in society and the
prevailing procedures in particular societies and situations, including on relationships,
activities, attitudes, views, and ongoing processes and influences, Influence of a
phenomenon. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview,
documentation study, and literature study. Subjects and research are teachers of
Citizenship Education and students class X SMA Sumatra 40 Bandung.
The results of the study showed that students of class X SMA Sumatera 40 Bandung, it is
revealed that: 1 the role of Civics teachers and shaping the character of the nation one of
the environmental awareness, especially the younger generation, in internalizing the
values of good citizens in various problems Community (civic affairs). 2 Supporting
factors and inhibiting factors in shaping the character of environmental awareness of
class X students in SMA Sumatra 40 Bandung is family environment, because after all
the family is the first environment to teach children to maintain and preserve the
environment 3 Efforts to increase citizens awareness of the environment Can be built
through three approaches. The three approaches are phsyco-pedagogical development,
socio-cultural development, and social-political intervention (environmental

Keywords: Civic Education, Teacher, Character, Environmental Awareness

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community


Dian Agus Ruchliyadi1, Sapriya2, Kokom Komalasari2, Rahmat2

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


It is important to build the character of the nation in order to maintain and maintain
existence as a nation. To build the character of this nation among others is through
Citizenship Education (Civics). Civics is an appropriate vehicle in fostering the moral
and character of the nation, especially students in schools to develop civic intelligence,
civic responsibility, and civic participation. In order for all the characteristics of citizens
in this new multidimensional paradigm of Civilization to be realized, the historical
aspect of nationality as a nation of citizens should not be forgotten. The struggle of the
Indonesian nation in this context is one of them can be seen from what was done by
Prince Antasari who never gave up against Dutch colonialism in Banjar War from 1859
until 1863 (continued until 1905).

Through life history research of Prince Antasari as the object is expected to be found the
values of character that is useful for the younger generation or learners through its
implementation in the education process, especially on Citizenship Education.This study
aims to examine and organize the values of the characters from the life of Prince
Antasaris struggle to be integrated into the goals of Civic Education. This research uses
qualitative approach. The data were collected by documentation and interview. Data
analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.

The results of this study indicate that the value of character possessed from the history
of life and the struggle of Prince Antasari, namely monotheism mengkakan God, gentle,
sharp view, determination and fortitude, no fear of events, wide-ranging, democratic,
national-conscious, dislike of his descendants, most villagers, not tired and exhausted,
hate the relevant invaders are integrated into the Citizenship Education which aims to
raise awareness and insight of learners about their rights and obligations in life society,
nation and state as well as improving the quality of himself as a human being.

Keywords: integration, character values, civic education

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Politeknik Negeri Pontianak)

Baidhillah Riyadhi, Zulfikar, Sofyan Sauri, Nelly Mujahidah

Jurusan Akuntansi, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak


This paper has discussed about Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) and its impact to the
Students’ entrepreneurial skill of Politeknik Negeri Pontianak. The research has
employed the Policy study method to analyze the case which taken place at Politeknik
Negeri Pontianak. Politeknik Negeri Pontianak is a provider of vocational Institution
that has constituted its activities on principles that consist of : the devotion of the
Almighty God, Discipline and entrepreneurship . The conclusions of the finding are: 1)
LDK is place for the Da’wah activist within the campus’s community, 2) the LDK
activities have been supported by the Management of POLNEP and their policies 3) The
activities of LDK has impacted the character building on students with the presence of
the religious principle, discipline principle and entrepreneurial principle.
Keywords: : LDK, Policy, Entrepreneurship .

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Dikmas Lantas Program: Civic Virtue in Traffic

Titi Alawiyah (a), Dasim Budimansyah (b)

Civic Education Departement, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan

Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia


In the city of Bandung traffic violations are still quite high and continue to increase
every year. Traffic violations are mostly committed by adolescents. The purpose of this
study is to find out how the implementation dikmas lantas program in order to foster
awareness of traffic discipline in the city of Bandung as the embodiment of civic virtue.
This study uses a qualitative approach with case study methods to explain the
implementation of dikmas lantas program then in the city of Bandung. The subject of
this research is the traffic police unit (Satlantas) Porlestabes Bandung, students and
teachers of Civic Education SMK Pasundan 2 Bandung. Technic of data in this research
uses observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study shows that
community education programs in the field of traffic are effective to foster discipline
awareness in traffic. This program must be implemented continuously in order to create
the discipline of traffic in the city of Bandung.

Keywords: Dikmas Lantas Program, Civic Virtue, Traffic

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

Village of Lega Cimahi)

Lili Halimah, Cucu Cahyani

Program Studi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Pasundan.


The Punk Community is a society of young people whose lives are primarily freedom
and not full of binding stresses without a heavy mind and without thinking about the
fate of their future. The punk community is synonymous with a moral problem, often we
see punk kids clustered at crossroads, at crossroads, asking for money by way of singing
and so on. Many events that occur from the punk children. Our perception of many punk
children is negative. This research is expected to reveal how the punk childrens daily
life in the community like other young people around his residence. The focus of the
study is to observe, observe, and interview daily how their lifestyle in the community.
The research used qualitative method with phenomenology approach. The results of
this study indicate that the lifestyle of punk children in Kampung Sawah Lega harmony
side by side with the surrounding community, they participated with various
community activities. The punk community here, has a high interest to develop a
positive attitude to improve their life insight. Punk communities are easier to join or
socialize with new communities, because they are different from street punk kids who
live in clusters from one place to another. Street punk children are more difficult to join
the surrounding community and even limit or keep a distance with the community.

Keywords: Keywords: life style, punk community, society

Topic: Virtues, Characters and Civic Community

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