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Job Description and 4 Characteristics of a Lifeguard!

At the cheapest level, a lifeguard is proficient in first aid skills, rescue swimming, and
public relations. At the larger level, a lifeguard is a skilled EMT who preforms a vast
array of skills in several situations that may not really involve lifeguarding in the original
sense. These skills can include training in Code 3 Emergency Driving Techniques,
Personal Water Craft Rescue, police, ATV operations and many other advanced skills.
The amount of skills and experience that you'll require to be able to be hired depends
directly on the lifeguard position required and the lifeguarding environment you desire to
enter. For instance, someone who is enthusiastic about becoming a deckhand or
Lifeguard training near me
operator on a high-speed rescue boat in Huntington Beach will require different
qualifications that someone who is interested in a lifeguarding job at a nearby pool.
Physical fitness is a cornerstone of an efficient and effective lifeguard. Although in no
way are you experiencing to be an Olympic Swimmer, you must have the ability to swim
at a reasonable pace at extended periods of times. Along with solid swimming abilities,
you have to be very comfortable in the water and manage to tread water for extended
periods of time. You must also have sufficient strength to rescue, tow, and support
victims for brief to moderate periods of time.
We've all seen it; the beach that's filled with tens of thousands of people doing a variety
of'interesting'activities, all wearing bikinis and board shorts. The sun heats the beach to
a slumber-inducing temperature of 90F and there's a constant sea breeze in the air. In
an environment like this, it's an easy task to let your eyes relax and join the masses that
are aimlessly'people watching'at the beach. Not for lifeguards.Despite all these
distractions, it is vital that lifeguards remain focused and diligent within their duties. It
can take LESS when compared to a minute for a drowning that occurs, so it's imperative
to possess the capacity to focus on the job at hand.
The capacity to remain calm and confident in a stressful environment is just a MUST for
lifeguards. One moment you're routinely scanning the pool and telling little Johnny not to
perform, the next moment you look across the pool deck and you witness an elderly
man suddenly grab his chest and fall unconscious to the ground. Is it possible to
respond effectively and keep composure in this'life or death'situation? Or are you going
to crack beneath the pressure?
As a lifeguard, the public expects a great deal from you. Whether someone wants to
learn the water temperature or someone is complaining about a child kicking sand
within their face, you've to connect to the public in a specialist and friendly manner. As
your experience as a lifeguard increases, your ability to resolve the public's inquiries
and conflicts will improve. It is essential to keep an optimistic attitude and stay focused
on the more expensive task accessible, specially when an angry beach goer is trying to
distract from your own duty with his/her complaints.

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