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Honors Original Sonnet Name: _____________

Due Date: __________

Compose an original sonnet in one of the Renaissance forms we studied in class. You MUST at minimum use the Shakespearean form. You
receive extra credit if you write a sonnet in the Petrarchan form. Use the rubric below for guidance.

Sonnet 5 4 3 2 1-0
14 lines The poem has 14 lines The poem does
not have 14 lines
Rhyme Scheme The poem perfectly The rhyme scheme The rhyme scheme The rhyme scheme The poem does
follows the digresses up to one or two digresses a few digresses many times not follow the
Shakespearean rhyme times and a slant rhyme is times and a slant and a slant rhyme is intended rhyme
schme used in its place. rhyme is used in its not effectively used. scheme.
abab cdcd efef gg place.
*Or Petrarchan if
attempting EC
Iambic The poem perfectly Iambic pentameter is Iambic pentameter Iambic pentameter is Iambic
Pentameter follows iambic attempted, but one or two is attempted, but a attempted, but many pentameter is not
pentameter. beats are off. few beats are off. beats are off. followed.
Function of The quatrains provide The quatrains somewhat The quatrains refer The quatrains or the The sections of
Sections examples of the topic provide examples of the to the topic while couplet do not perform the poem perform
while the couplet sums topic while the couplet the couplet the intended function. no function.
up the main idea. sums up the main idea. somewhat sums up
the main idea.
Word Choice Word choice is Most of the word choice is A few parts of the One or two instances of Word choice is
impressive and impressive and thoughtful. poem use precise and impressive not thoughtful,
thoughtful. impressive word choice are precise or
wording. evident. impressive.
Meaning/Thinking The overall message and The overall message and The message and The message is clear, The message is
meaning of the sonnet is meaning is somewhat deep, meaning is but cliché and/or not shallow and/or
deep, important, and important, and complex. thoughtful but not deep and meaningful. cliché.
complex. unique or complex.

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