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Effective Communication and Collaboration: IEP Meeting

Micayla Chapman

Regent University

Effective Communication and Collaboration: IEP Meeting

January 29, 2019

Annual IEP Draft Meeting

 Student [name omitted] has an IEP meeting today to discuss what his current IEP entails

and what the teachers, parents, and case manager think is the best course of action for this


 Student came to the meeting with his parents and Taekwondo instructor as a guest

o Taekwondo is an important aspect of his daily life and has significantly improved

his confidence in and out of the classroom

 The purpose of this meeting is to go through a draft of his IEP which is done every year

to keep the program up to date

 We first went through his current scores and grades and used this as a starting point to

discuss his progress/strengths/weaknesses

o Ms. Correia (my cooperating teacher) said that he has improved since the

beginning of the year and his scores have reflected an improvement in his reading

comprehension and skills.

o I said that even though I have only known him for a short period of time, he is a

good student and I can tell that he enjoys learning. His presence is engaged in the


o Ms. Correia also discussed how his reading levels, though they have improved,

are not at 7th grade level. It is for this reason that she suggests that he continues

using his accommodations.


o His math teacher said that she has seen him excel in class. The student loves math

the most.

 The next topic of discussion was his use of accommodations and how they impact his

learning experience.

o The student said that the read-aloud helps him understand the material because

without he feels lost and struggles to keep up.

o His math teacher continued to suggest that the read-aloud will be helpful him to

continue to use in math for word problems and instructions.

o Ms. Correia said that the read-aloud option is vital for his experience in English

class. He never has an issue with using it and he is always prepared to use the

read-aloud because he brings headphones and never makes a huge deal about his


o I said that he is very respectful in class and his accommodation is never an issue

because he just uses it without calling attention to it.

 The parents said that they are glad that he is continuing to improve, and the teachers

reassured them that he is progressing.

o The parents were attentive to the words of the teachers and case manager which is

a reflection on their care for their son.

 His case manager said that he can tell that his confidence has improved, and he is more

willing to advocate for himself

o His experience at Taekwondo has significantly improved his confidence

o According to his Taekwondo instructor, a big part of the program is “citizenship”

meaning that the students have to provide evidence that they are being “good

citizens” and represent positive characteristics. The final goal is to help kids be

good role models for others. This evidence is shown through signatures and

recommendation letters by his teachers and members of his community.

o He exemplifies respect and helps his classmates at appropriate times. His math

teacher said that after he finished his work, he helped to explain to a struggling

student the math concepts for that day. The other student had a better

understanding of it and the student said that saying it out loud helped him process


 Lastly, we discussed that his accommodations would stay the same since the read-aloud

is significantly helping him. He does not seem to need any other updates to his

accommodations currently.

 We concluded the meeting and overall it went well because this is a good student with a

solid support system.

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