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Content Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts in planning a health

Performance Standard:

The learner prepares an appropriate plan of action in pursuing a health career.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 95% of the students will be able to:

a. Identify Health career and Medical & Allied health profession.

b. Appreciate the importance of health career in the community.
c. Choose Health Career Plan using the components and steps.

II. Subject Matter

a. Content: Planning for health Career

b. Topic: Importance of Health Career
c. Sub topic: Medical and Allied health professionals
d. Reference: Physical Education and Health Learners Manual pp. 307-317
e. Materials: Laptop, LCD Projector and Speaker ,Instructional and material and
learners Material Book
f. Strategies: Interactive Method, Group Activity, Exploratory and Role Playing
g. Values Integration: Attentiveness, Cooperation, and Valuing the planning for
health career

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review

B. Activity “ FIX ME IM BROKEN

 The class will be divided into 4 groups.
 Each group will be given a puzzle picture.
 The group will solve the puzzle picture.
 The group who will be finish first is given additional 5 points.

C. Analysis
 How do you find the activity?
 What was the picture all about?
 Are the pictures are connected with each other?

D. Abstraction
1. Discuss health career
 What is health career?
 Why pursue a health career?
 What are the components and steps in making health career plan?
2. Identify Medical and Allied professionals
 Who are the Medical and Allied Professionals?

 Who are the Allied Health professionals that we presently have in the

E. Application “ ROLE PLAYING”

 In the same group, the group will create health career plan from the
given situation in the community, through role playing .
 The group will be given 7 minutes to practice.
 The performance will be rated in the given rubrics.

4 3 2 1
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
Participation Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
in and and willing and
Preparation focused during focused during and focused focused during
and group work and group work and during group group work and
Presentation presentation. presentation. work presentation.
Convincing Competent Adequate Limited
Presentation communication communication communication communication
of of of of of
Character character’s character’s character’s character’s
feelings, feelings, feelings, feelings,
situation situations situation situation
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives
Achievement Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is
of clearly clearly established but vaguely
Purpose established and established and may not be established and
effectively generally sustained may not be
sustained sustained. sustained.
Use of Non- Impressive Good variety of Satisfactory Limited variety
Verbal variety non-verbal variety of
Cues (voice, of non-verbal cues of non-verbal non-verbal
gestures, eye cues are used in a cues cues
contact, are used in an competent way. used in an are used in a
props, exemplary way acceptable way developing way
Choices Choices Choices Choices
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
Creativity insight and thoughtfulness awareness and little
powerfully and developing awareness and
enhance role completely acceptably do
play. enhance role enhance role little to enhance
play. play role play.

F. Evaluation
Essay, ½ crosswise
Do you think you are ready to take a health career path?
Cohesiveness Expressed very Expressed Expressed few Expressed
of ideas comprehensive comprehensive ideas irrelevant ideas
ideas ideas
Grammar No grammatical Almost A few Many
or punctuation grammatical or grammatical or grammatical or
errors punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors errors errors

G. Assignment

½ crosswise , Give other 5 allied health professionals that we have in the


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