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Lesson Plan in

Physical Education
Content Standard
The learner…
 Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote
societal fitness.
I. Objectives
At the end of 2 sessions, 97% of students should be able to:
a. Compute and identify their BMI and give its implication on their fitness and
b. Realize the importance of keeping track of their own fitness data in
relation to improving personal fitness necessary in influencing others in
the society; and
c. Record their own RHR, Training Heart Rate, and CR Training Zone.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Other Dance Forms (Cheer dance and Contemporary Dance)
Sub-Topic: Body Mass Index and Weight Management, Physical Activity and
Exercise Defined
Reference: Physical Education LM, pg., 144-148
Materials: Laptop, projector
Strategies: Interactive Method
Values Integration: Attentiveness, Cooperation, and Valuing the healthy
eating habits and exercise
III. Learning Procedure
A. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review
B. Activity: “Heart Rate Log and Me and My Tummy”
 Each learner must have their Heart Rate Log Template, they will
record their resting heart rate in beats per minute.
 Teacher will conduct an up-beat music warm-up like Zumba and
students will follow. After the zumba, students will record their heart
rate in bpm and they will write it on the HR Log Template.
 Next, they are going to compute their BMI with this formula: BMI=
W(kg)/H2 (m2)
 Students will have to find out their classification on the given table.
C. Analysis
 To which of the four classifications do you belong?
 How can the intensity of your exercise activities help in the
maintaining healthy lifestyle?
D. Abstraction
Body Mass Index and Weight Management
 How can you define overweight and obesity?
 What are the risk diseases that we can get if we are classified as
obese? How about if you are classified as overweight?
Physical Activity and Exercise Defined
 What is the difference between physical activity and exercise?
 How does exercise prevent such diseases especially cardio-
vascular diseases?
Cardio-Respiratory Training Zone
Compute Using this Formula:
MHR= 207-(0.7 x age)
E. Application: “Cardio-Respiratory Training Zone”
 Individual student must prepare ½ crosswise paper.
 They will compute their RHR, HRR, and MHR with the given
formulas and calculate and identify their Cardio-Respiratory
Training Zone.
F. Assessment
1. ______ refers to bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles.
2. ______ is a type of physical activity that requires planned, structured,
and repetitive bodily movements.
3. DOST-
4. BMI-
5. FNRI-
6. MHR-
7. RHR-
8. HRR-
9-10. _____ and _____ both used interchangeably to describe situations
in which the body is higher than that recommended for optimal health.
G. Assignment
By triad, in a 1/8 illustration board make poster that practice and supports
active and healthy lifestyle.

Content= 15 points
Creativity= 10 points
Neatness= 5 points
TOTAL: 30 points

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