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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

s. There may be more than one possible answer.

1.Please stop making so much noise. Your sister ………………… (sleep). I ………………… (think) you should be more thoughtful.
2.The students …………………… (not complete) their homework yet but I think they …………………… (finish) it soon.
3.Don’t call me tomorrow evening. From 8.00-9.00, I ………………… (watch) Survivor and later I ………………… (go out).

4.Astronauts …………………… (not reach) Mars yet but experts say this …………………… (happen) in the future.
5.Max …………………… (turn off) the computer before he …………………… (leave) the house yesterday evening.
6.I …………………… (not shop) later this afternoon. I …………………… (go) earlier this morning.

7.Elena usually …………………… (keep in touch) with Anna by e-mail but right now she …………………… (write) her a long e-
8.Tom …………………… (not come) to the film with us last night because he …………………… (see) it.
9.…………………… your father …………………… (drive) when the accident …………………… (happen)?
10.Maria …………………… (never see) a bear before she …………………… (move) to Alaska.

2 Complete the sentences with one word to form a time expression.

1.Scientists will probably have found a cure for cancer …………………… the year 3000.
2.They go climbing …………………… a month.
3.Will your cousin be arriving …………………… Monday?
4.Jack is updating his website at the …………………… .
5.The film star began to cry …………………… the reporter was interviewing her!
6.Mary hasn’t read the newspaper …………………… .
7.By the …………………… the police arrived, the robber had escaped.
8.He was attacked a week …………………… .
9.I’m sure we’ll enjoy the film this …………………… .
10.The bus is going to arrive …………………… a few minutes.

3 Write a suitable response for each sentence using the words below. Make any necessary changes. There may be more than one
possible answer.
1.Does Alex visit his aunt in France?
He / be / to see her several times since she / move.

2.You look tired.

I / not know / why. I / sleep / very well last night.

3.When did dinner start?

I’m not sure. By the time I / get / here / people / already / begin eating.

4.Why are you late?

I / not pay attention / on the bus and I / miss the stop.

5.What time is the news on?

It / start / now. You / want / to watch it with me?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.
not work • learn • solve • make • not cover • charge • check • delete • patrol • help
1.…………………… you …………………… a reservation at the restaurant yesterday?
2.…………………… Stella …………………… her messages yet today?
3.How often …………………… the police usually …………………… your neighbourhood?
4.Mark …………………… the news at the moment because he is ill.
5.As I …………………… my phone, the power went off.
6.I …………………… already …………………… the problem correctly so the teacher didn’t need to help me.
7.I’m sure those new CCTV cameras …………………… prevent accidents in the future.
8.I’m taking sailing lessons. By the end of the summer, I …………………… to sail.
9.At this time tomorrow, we …………………… . We’re going on holiday tonight.
10.You don’t need these photos any more. …………………… you …………………… them?

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1.My computer …………………… (not work) yesterday so I only saw your e-mail today.
2.It was raining all morning but now the sun …………………… (shine).
3.…………………… the firefighter …………………… (rescue) the cat that was stuck in the tree yesterday?
4.I …………………… (travel) when I finish school.
5.…………………… the police …………………… (interview) the witnesses about the crime yet?
6.Give me that bag. I …………………… (carry) it for you.
7.…………………… the bus …………………… (leave) by 2 o’clock?
8.Beth did not have any money because she …………………… (lose) her wallet the day before.

6 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

The Mouse
There is a small gadget that almost all of us 1. …………………… (use) regularly with our computers – it’s called a mouse. However,
most of us 2. …………………… (not know) who invented the mouse. The person who 3. …………………… (come up with) the idea
for the mouse was Doug Englebart, an American engineer. After Doug
4. …………………… (finish) studying at Berkeley in California, he started working for the Stanford Research Institute. Doug 5.

…………………… (design) the first computer mouse in 1963, while he 6. …………………… (work) there. The original mouse
7. …………………… (not look) much like today’s gadget – it was a wooden box – and it wasn’t until the 1980s that the computer

mouse 8. …………………… (become) available in shops. However, since then, people 9. …………………… (buy) over one billion
computer mice. Today, engineers 10. …………………… (design) new kinds of computer mouse. Soon people 11. ……………………
(use) a computer mouse that they hold in the air, instead of putting it on their desk. But even though mouse designs
12. …………………… (change) in the future, we should not forget that it was Doug’s simple wooden device that made it possible.

7 Write a suitable response for each sentence using the correct form of the verbs below. There may be more than one answer.
not know • take • not talk • leave • not wear • be • work • not have • go • study
1.Have you kept in touch with Thomas?
Not really. I …………………… to him for years.
2.How does Kate plan to get to the beach?
Maybe her dad …………………… her.
3.Will Maisie be hungry?
Yes. She …………………… time to eat all day.
4.Did Stan come home late last night?
I think he arrived after I …………………… to sleep.
5.Would you like to come to a party at my place tomorrow night?
I …………………… . I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.
6.Let’s meet at 11 o’clock.
Sorry. I …………………… at 11. I’ve got a meeting.
7.Is Sue in?
Yes. She …………………… for her exams.
8.I think we should go home.
I agree. It …………………… dark soon.
9.Did you describe the suspect to the police?
Yes. He …………………… a mask so I saw his face.
10.Where’s your phone?
I think I …………………… it on the bus!

8 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning.
1. We started studying English two years ago. (for)
2. Max hasn’t got a car. (own)
3. Stan remembered to bring the cake. (forget)
4. The students finished their exam. Then they went home. (after)
5. I’m going to make the sandwiches before the school bus arrives. (by the time)

9 Choose the correct answer.

1. You ...... carry my bags. I can manage alone. 3. Thousands of multiplex cinemas ...... where
a. don’t have to 30 films can be shown at one time.
b. aren’t able to a. build
c. mustn’t b. are building
c. have been built
2. I didn’t ride my bicycle to school because
it ...... repaired. 4. The project ...... yesterday but we went to a party instead.
a. had been a. could be completed
b. was being b. could have been completed
c. should be c. could complete
10 Complete the passage with the words below. There are more words than you need.
which • been • must • was • can • where • is • won’t • ought • would • who • has

Review of Breaking Bad

Television audiences seem to like villains because lately there have been many television series with villains as the heroes.
Breaking Bad is one of the best of these.
Walter White, 1. …………………… is the hero of this series, is a chemistry teacher living with his wife and son. The family lives in a
small town 2. …………………… Walter teaches and does an extra job to make more money. Then Walter learns he has got terminal
cancer. He knows his family 3. …………………… be able to survive financially without him. So, Walter decides he 4.
…………………… to do something drastic – he decides to use his knowledge of chemistry to manufacture drugs.
The acting, 5. …………………… earned the series many awards, is superb. Bryan Cranston 6. …………………… awarded three
Emmy Awards for his brilliant performance as Walter. In addition, every episode in Breaking Bad 7. …………………… filled with
I didn’t miss a single episode in the five-year series and, like many Breaking Bad fans, I
8. …………………… have been happy to see at least another ten!

11 Complete the second sentence with the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning.
1. Could Jake run quickly when he was young? (able)
When Jake was young, ....................................................................... ?
2. The students have to return the equipment. (must)
The equipment ..................................................................................... .
3. A manicurist did Susan’s nails. (got)
Susan ................................................................................................... .
4. My parents first met in 1990. (when)
The year ............................................................................................... .
5. Barbara went to the police because her handbag was stolen. (whose)
Barbara, ............................................................................................... .
6. It wasn’t right that you lied. (should)
You ....................................................................................................... .
7. Nobody invited me to the party so I didn’t go. (would)
I ............................................................................................................ .
8. It’s possible that Leah knew. (might)
Leah ..................................................................................................... .
9. Our photographs weren’t taken next to the Eiffel Tower. (have)
We ........................................................................................................ .
10. George Clooney didn’t play the role of the police officer. (was)
The role of the police officer ................................................................. .

12 Complete the sentences with the phrases below and a suitable relative pronoun.
students take their summer holidays • graduated from Harvard University in the USA •more than 37 million people live •
real name is Gordon Sumner • was the first university in the UK
1. Natalie Portman, ………………………………………… , became a famous film star.
2. The rock star Sting, ………………………………………… , taught English before becoming a singer.
3. Tokyo, ………………………………………… , is a very expensive city.
4. In Australia, December and January are the months ………………………………………… .
5. Oxford, ………………………………………… , is over 1,000 years old.

13 Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

1. Stan really must …………………… his eyes tested.
2. I don’t know …………………… phone this is.
3. Midnight is the time …………………… the date changes.
4. You …………………… be Janet’s daughter because you look just like her.
5. Alex didn’t pay back the money which he …………………… borrowed from me.
6. That is the room …………………… he used.
7. Alice was hit by a car …………………… she was crossing the road.
8. The suspect is …………………… interviewed now.
9. My glasses aren’t here. I must …………………… left them on the bus or at home.
10. Jake is so popular – I’m sure he …………………… be chosen for class president this year.

14 Complete the responses with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Have you finished reading that book yet?
No, but I …………………… (finish) it by tomorrow.
2. Why is your hair wet?
I …………………… (just / come) from the pool.
3. I bought you tickets for the concert.
Thanks. How much …………………… (they / cost)?
4. Why didn’t you ride your bike to school today?
It …………………… (repair).
5. Is this book yours?
No. It …………………… (not belong) to me.
6. I’m so hungry!
Really! How long …………………… (it / be) since you last ate?
7. I found this pen on the ground.
It’s mine. It …………………… (must / fall out) of my bag.
8. When did you talk to Harry?
Last night. I called while he …………………… (study).
9. Isn’t that Sam?
No, that …………………… (can / be) him. He’s in Australia.
10. Are you wearing your black dress for the party?
No, I’m getting a new dress …………………… (make).

15 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Make any necessary changes.
shoot • hurt • not give • consult • paint
1. That was a dangerous thing to do. You …………………… yourself.
2. Several film scenes …………………… in Paris next week. The director is already there.
3. Our new house …………………… at the moment but we should be able to move in next week.
4. Don’t you think your parents …………………… before you decide to have a party at home?
5. That film star …………………… an important role for over a decade.

16 Complete the second sentence with the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning.
1. How long do you plan to live in Paris? (going)
How long ............................................................................................. ?
2. I haven’t got a date with Jack tomorrow night. (meeting)
I am ...................................................................................................... .
3. When you come, they will have started playing tennis. (be)
They ..................................................................................................... .
4. The children promise not to eat any sweets before dinner. (won’t)
The children promise ............................................................................ .
5. You met my uncle, the opera singer, yesterday. (who)
My uncle, .............................................................................................. .
6. The teacher has not returned our tests yet. (been)
Our tests .............................................................................................. .
7. The dentist checked John’s teeth this morning. (had)
John ..................................................................................................... .
8. You are not allowed to leave your bicycle in front of the steps. (must not)
Bicycles ................................................................................................ .
9. It was wrong not to ask Brenda to join the team. (should)
Brenda ................................................................................................. .
10. I studied in a school with a swimming pool. (where)
The school ........................................................................................... .

17 Choose the correct answer.

1. You won’t achieve your goals ...... hard.
a. whether you had worked
b. unless you work
c. if you worked
2. If you had worked out more frequently, you ...... strengthened your muscles.
a. had
b. would have
c. will have
3. If the gym offered a yoga class, ...... ?
a. would you join
b. do you join
c. will you join
4. The policewoman ...... us to stay away from the building.
a. warned
b. suggested
c. admitted
5. My father wanted to know where ...... .
a. did my boyfriend live
b. was my boyfriend living
c. my boyfriend lived

18Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. The critic said he …………………… (not think) the documentary was very good.
2. The teacher told us …………………… (not talk) during the exam.
3. Cara would buy a new car if she …………………… (have) the money.
4. The team won’t win the match if they …………………… (not get) enough practice.
5. Jake would have made money if he …………………… (work) this summer.

19 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use 1-3 words.

1. A: Are you sure you didn’t break any bones?
B: Yes. It …………………… hurt a lot more if something were broken.
2. A: Can you make it to the film tonight?
B: I can’t come …………………… finish my homework.
3. A: What can I do to help?
B: If I cook, …………………… wash the dishes?
4. A: Why were you running?
B: If I …………………… run, I would have been late.
5. A: Who called?
B: My dad. He wanted to know what time we …………………… coming home.
6. A: Why aren’t you sitting on that chair?
B: Sue warned …………………… sit on it because it was broken.

20 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
1. “Where did you buy this costume?” my friend asked me.
My friend wanted to know ...................................................................................................... .
2. “Don’t leave the country,” the police officer said to the suspect.
The police officer warned ...................................................................................................... .
3. “I’m not going to bed now,” Emily said.
Emily said that ....................................................................................................................... .
4. “Do you want to go for a boat ride tomorrow?” the guide asked.
The guide asked me .............................................................................................................. .
5. “Alice didn’t win the competition yesterday,” the coach said.
The coach announced that .................................................................................................... .
6. I suggest you make a reservation.
If I .......................................................................................................................................... .
7. Max will call you if he doesn’t get home late.
Unless Max ........................................................................................................................... .
21 Complete the passage with the words below. There are more words than you need.
would • unless • have • had • which • if • whose • who • since • been • ever • were
Every year in Cottbus, Germany, there is an international competition in gymnastics. 1. …………………… you had gone to the
2012 competition, you would 2. …………………… seen a very unusual performance. It was given by a woman 3.
…………………… was old enough to be your mother’s grandmother, 86-year-old Johanna Quaas. A video of her performance,
4. …………………… went viral on YouTube, has 5. …………………… watched by over three million people. Johanna, 6.

…………………… career in gymnastics began when she was in her thirties, has won 11 medals 7. …………………… she first
started competing. Although Quaas still enjoys performing, she told a reporter that she 8. …………………… stopped competing
so others would have a chance to win! However, this old lady is a great gymnast. If she wanted, she 9. ……………………
probably still beat much younger women. What’s more, if there 10. …………………… an Olympic Games for people over 70,
Johanna would certainly win a gold medal.

22 Complete the sentences. Use 1-2 words.

1. He told me ……………………………… buy the gift alone because he wanted to help choose it.
2. Martin ……………………………… go to school unless he feels better.
3. Jenna works in an African village ……………………………… there is no water.
4. My brother wanted to know if ……………………………… borrow my computer.
5. Are all the students ……………………………… take part in the festival next week?
6. Sammy was invited to the party so he ……………………………… been there.
7. I am ……………………………… my old computer checked by a computer expert today.
8. Alice ……………………………… wear the dress yesterday but she is wearing it today.
9. I ……………………………… left for school by the time my father gets up.
10. The firefighters came almost as soon as the fire ……………………………… started.

23 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Frances suggested …………………… (take up) yoga because I …………………… (never / do) it.
2. …………………… the salesperson …………………… (talk) on the phone when two customers …………………… (enter) the
3. Brenda …………………… (bake) a cake now and I’m sure it …………………… (be) ready in an hour.
4. The tour guide advised us …………………… (take) our umbrellas because it …………………… (rain).
5. You left the wedding early. If you …………………… (stay) till the end, you …………………… (see) the fireworks!
6. Unless the invitations …………………… (send) immediately, they…………………… (arrive) late!
7. Jack can’t find his homework. He …………………… (think) that the dog …………………… (may / eat) it!
8. Jean …………………… (not able to / study) last night because she …………………… (look after) her sister.

24 Complete the second sentence with the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning
1. I’ve never seen such a bad film. (worst)
This must .............................................................................................................................. .
2. When I arrive, are you going to be at the station? (waiting)
Will you ................................................................................................................................ ?
3. During dinner, the burglar alarm went off. (eating)
The burglar alarm .................................................................................................................. .
4. “How often do you play football?” the coach asked. (I)
The coach wanted to know ................................................................................................... .
5. First the instructor showed us what to do and then we went scuba diving. (been)
After we ................................................................................................................................. .
6. I suggest seeing a dentist. (were).
If I .......................................................................................................................................... .
7. He won his first gold medal in 2012. (when)
The year ................................................................................................................................ .

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