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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies


This chapter presents compilation of related literature and study of recognized experts,

writers and researchers, both of which have significant relation to the problem of investigation.

The proponents are conducting a feasibility study and design in Barangay Mambog to evaluate

if it is suitable location for sanitary landfill of Municipality of Botolan otherwise, find a suitable


Related Readings

Republic Act 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act 2000

mandates solid waste segregation at source. It also mandates the local government units

(LGUs) to create their respective Solid Waste Management Boards, formulate their ten-year

Solid Waste Management Plans, building of materials recovery facilities (MRFs) and final

disposal facilities (such as Engineered Sanitary Landfills). Sanitary landfill is a landfill that

utilizes an engineered method of land disposal, primarily for municipal solid wastes. It is an

"engineered" method of landfilling means that garbage is handled at a disposal facility that is

designed, constructed and operated in a manner protective of public health and the

environment. The legislation also puts particular emphasis on the 3R policy of waste

avoidance: reduce, reuse, recycling as well as resource recovery, and sets a target of at least

25% diversion rate among local governments.

Criteria for Siting a Sanitary Landfill from Section 40 - The following shall be the

minimum criteria for the siting of sanitary landfills: the site selected must be consistent with

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