LET Formative Exam 2 Gen Ed

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Level of taxing is mutual between countries

B. Goods are all imported
C. Goods come in untaxed
D. Government restrict entry of identified goods

12. What has made world business fast?

CLASSIFIED EXAMINATION A. A radio network C. Modern technology
13. Which of the following statements best explains recruitment?
FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS A. It is the process of ensuring that competent people are
B. It is a process of obtaining qualified applicants for promotion.
General Education C. It is a process of hiring and firing.
Warning: This material is protected by Copyright Laws. D. It is the process of obtaining qualified applicants for a job.
Unauthorized use shall be prosecuted in the full extent of the
Philippine Laws. For exclusive use of CBRC reviewees only . 14. Why is the Price Tag Law important?
A. To show that the product is of high quality.
1. National surveys are conducted to _____ B. To show the price and ask for more discount.
A. gets the population of the country C. To show the price and to attract buyers.
B. estimate the political gains of presidents D. To discourage & minimize price haggling.
C. guide presidents whom to appoint in the cabinet
D. assesses the perception of people on cultural issues. 15. How do you define a competitor in business?
A. A person who leads and commands a business.
2. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to: B. A rival of an entrepreneur to his/her venture.
A. function as a contributing member of the group C. A personal enemy of an entrepreneur.
B. learn to dialogue with peers and adults D. A business who is innovative.
C. satisfy his personal needs and drives
D. become an adult member of society 16. Which of the following refers to an attractive investment idea or
proposition that provides the possibility of a return for the person
3. A subordinate could not take the insults his superior does on him taking the risk?
daily. What does this relationship indicate? A. Business opportunity C. Competition
A. Subordinates feeling and valueless B. Capital D. Demand
B. Subordinates should be taken as slaves
C. The value of respect for another is prevailing 17. An owner’s drawing or personal account include?
D. Superiors are superior A. The allowance given to the owner.
B. The capital contributions of the owner made at the inception of
4. Who among our Presidents promised to “make this country great the business.
again”? C. The personal property of the owner.
A. Garcia C. Marcos D. The withdrawal of capital by the owner end of period of the
B. Magsaysay D. Macapagal profits of the business.

5. Which of the following solved the case and social strata system in 18. How many grams of shabu will not allow bonds for culprits.
the Philippines society? A. 200 grams C. 300 grams
A. Schools in every barangay B. 250 grams D. 1000 grams
B. Barangay empowerment
C. Schools for the handicapped 19. A child after birth has a right to a name. This is actually
D. Barangay high schools opened A. A right for just treatment C. A right to suffrage
B. A right for survival D. A right to his identity
6. Why are the barangay chairman assigned to settle barangay
cases? 20. A man was imprisoned for ten years. After five years, he was found
A. They know all the residents. C. They have training. innocent. What can this man demand?
B. They are competent judges. D. They have biases. A. Compensation for the years under detention
B. Punishment of the arresting officer
7. Which of the following becomes a prototype of other schemes that C. Retaliation against the accusers
defeated the real and true purpose of the CARL? D. Sanction against the judge
A. The conversion of farmlands to industrial complexes
B. The stock option scheme of Hacienda Lusita 21. Rivers in Metro Manila are the identified causes of heavy flood.
C. The conversion of agricultural to subdivision Authorities account this to
D. The voluntary offer to sell A. Waste burning in home yards C. Waste classification
B. Waste dumping on river banks D. Waste incineration
8. The Philippines prides itself as the first presiding officers of the
United Nation. Who was the personality? 22. What is the MOST likely reason for a desert plant to have a few or
A. General Romulo C. Ambassador Maceda no leaves?
B. Ambassador Elizalde D. General Yan A. To increase photosynthesis C. To increase transpiration
B. To decrease photosynthesis D. To decrease transpiration
9. Philippine mangoes were exported to Australia. Howver, very lately
a new country has produced more quality mangoes and mango 23. Piggery farms affected by FMD are prohibited from
products. This is in: A. Castrating their piglets
A. Singapore C. Korea B. Isolating their piglets from sows
B. Indonesia D. Thailand C. Butchering their piglet from the market
D. Mating their sows when in heat
10. What is implied about the place of our country in technology?
A. Filipinos have to learn more from Singapore 24. All of the following contribute to the greenhouse effect, EXCEPT:
B. Filipinos score behind in computers A. Extensive deforestation
C. Filipinos are abreast in I.T with India B. Excessive use of detergents
D. Filipinos are at par with any country in I.T. C. Frost fries
11. Free trade means ____________. D. Uncontrolled burning of wastes
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -1-
A. They are compounds of any element
25. All of the following statements about the routinary use of pesticides B. They cannot be broken down to simpler substances
are TRUE, EXCEPT: C. They always require electrical means of separate
A. It results in the evolution of exciting new types of organism D. They are compounds containing carbon
B. Due to the widespread use of DDT, a new type of housefly
emerged 37. Which is the BEST evidence that helium gas is lighter than air?
C. It may not only kill the intended insects but also those that A. Helium hast the lowest boiling point of all elements.
feed on them B. Helium atoms do not combine with other air atoms.
D. Pesticides tend to become progressively less effective as the C. Helium-filled balloons rise in air.
organisms become immune D. By volume, helium makes up only 0.0005% of air.

26. Not all micro-organism are harmful. Which of these are done by 38. Which of the following should be avoided in conserving energy
yeasts? while simplifying work?
A. Promotes the rising of bread for baking A. Use a circular arm motion
B. Cause milk to become cheese B. Work with jerk action
C. Cause Yakult to be milky C. Work slowly but surely
D. Encourage disease food D. Work with natural rhythmic movements

27. Noise can be a pollution of the air. When is it a nuisance? 39. When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you tend to hold your
A. noise above 140 dB cause pain in the eardrum free hand away from your body in order to ____________.
B. noise caused by percussion affects hearing A. be ready to grab something in case you fall
C. sound waves can be destructive to the ear B. change the weight of your body and load
D. decibels (dB) can be loud or soft C. change the mass of your body
D. change the center of gravity of your body and load
28. Tides, caused by the moon’s gravity, create a frictional force that is
gradually slowing down Earth’s rotation speed. One million years 40. Which explains why work is done when blowing a balloon?
from now, scientist may discover that compared to today, Earth’s A. The balloon moves outward as the blowing force is exerted on
A. day is longer C. day is shorter it.
B. year is shorter D. year is longer B. The force of gravity on the balloon increases.
C. The balloon has potential energy which is changed to kinetic
29. Which of the following should you expect to be true about the rate energy.
of cellular respiration for a group of students who are the same age, D. The balloon is filled with air which has weight and occupies
height and weight? space.
A. Boys would have a higher rate of cellular respiration than girls.
B. Athletes would tend to have higher rates of cellular respiration 41. Which of the theories of learning, language and literacy emphasizes
than non-athletes. comprehension as students read?
C. Non-athletes would have higher rates of cellular respiration A. Reader Response C. Sociolinguistic
than athletes. B. Interactive D. Constructivist
D. Africans would have a higher rate of cellular respiration than
Asians. 42. Which TYPE of reading is CHORAL READING?
A. Reading aloud to students C. Buddy
30. Without the process of meiosis, we can infer that offspring from B. Shared D. guided
sexual reproduction would
A. Have a high degree of genetic variety 43. If I could speak Spanish, I ____________ studying next year in
B. Have twice the assigned number of chromosomes. Spain.
C. Be identical A. will spent C. has spent
D. Have a number of mutations B. would have spent D. would spend

31. Patients suffering from malfunction of the kidney are now assisted 44. We should work for the total ban ____________ of pesticides that
by a machine that serves as artificial kidney called are harmful to man.
___________________. A. by the use C. with the use
A. homeostatic machine C. hemoscope B. on using D. on the use
B. pacemaker D. hemodializer
45. Because the moon rotates on its axis at the same time as it _____
32. Child caring requires mind growth through proper intake of food. around the earth, we see the same side always.
What elements is needed & why? A. revolves C. is revolving
A. Protein builds cells of the brain B. revolve D. has been revolving
B. Carbohydrates should be present always
C. Fat produces strength of the body 46. The Rizal Day celebration reminds us about heroes worth
D. Minerals should be present in all food ____________.
A. Appreciating C. Emanating
33. After two pregnancies some of these mothers loose a pair of teeth B. Emulating D. Reading
or so. What could be the cause?
A. Lack of iron & other minerals in diet during pregnancies. 47. The hunters wear bright colors in order to be as ____________ as
B. Diet during pregnancy lacks sulphur possible.
C. Too much sweets in the diet A. Courteous C. Covert
D. Poor brushing habits B. Conspicuous D. Conscious

34. A soda acid type fire extinguisher is recommended for putting out 48. He was excused because all he said were white lies. This idiomatic
fires which involves burning: expression means ____________.
A. Painted woodwork C. Fats or vegetable oil A. Lies are written in white pages
B. Dry chemicals D. Insulation on wires B. Lies recited are excusable
C. He recited the lines in public
35. Which of the following is heterogeneous? D. Lies are really not that harmless
A. Rain water C. Sea water
B. Clean air D. Kerosene 49. As head of the family the father is the principal bread winner. What
does it mean?
36. Which of these characterizes organic compounds? A. His earning determines the economic condition of the family.
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -2-
B. It is his duty to give economic support to his children. A. P176.00 C. P166.00
C. He is responsible to support the wife and children. B. P196.00 D. P276.00
D. He should manage the family budget.
62. How many cubic meters of sand will be required to fill a reclamation
50. The hostages are free. They paid their way! What do these area of 6 hectares with 1.5 meters depth?
statements tell us? A. 90,900 cubic meters C. 110,000 cubic meters
A. They escaped after paying. B. 90,000 cubic meters D. 100,000 cubic meters
B. They were released after paying.
C. They were freed after negotiation. 63. There were 15 recipients of the jackpot prize. What prize will each
D. They had a peaceful negotiation. of them receive from a prize of P45,000,000.?
A. P2,500,000.00 C. P3,100,000.00
51. Choose the sentence that expresses the thought clearly and that B. P3,000,000.00 D. P45,000.00
has no error in structure/spelling.
A. The farmer did plow, plant, harvest his corn in record time. 64. Four mangoes cost P29.00. At that price what will 2 ½ dozen
B. The farmer plowed, planted and harvested his corn in record mangoes cost?
time. A. P217.50 D. P870.00
C. The farmer has plowed, planted the harvested his corn in B. P188.50 E. None of these
record time. C. P348.50
D. The farmer plowed, has planted and has harvested his corn in
record time. 65. Mr. Obama owns a 10 ½ hectare tract of land. He plans to
subdivide this tract into ¼ hectare lots. He must first set aside 1/6 of
52. The line, "Under the bludgeoning of chance, My head is bloody but the total land for roads. How many lots will this tract yield?
un-bowed" depicts the person's: A. 30 D. 45
A. optimism C. courage B. 35 E. None of these
B. confidence D. determination C. 42

53. Thomas Carlyle said "The man without a purpose is like a ship 66. A swimming pool is an equilateral triangle in shape. One side is 11
without a rudder a waif …" It could be interpreted as: meters. How many meters rope are needed to enclose the pool?
A. direction can never come into one's life A. 55 meters C. 44 meters
B. one's life doesn't need to be controlled B. 45 meters D. 33 meters
C. there should be sufficient energy in one's life
D. there should be a strong driving force in one's life 67. Which of the next three terms in the progression 1, 4, 16, …8
54. About a thousand people GATHERED, THEY WERE THERE A. 64,256,1024 D. 65,257,1025
PROTESTING the construction of a nuclear B. 67,259,1027 E. None of these
power plant. C. 66,258,1026
A. Gathered, protesting against
B. Gathered to protest 68. What is the sum of all the two digit numbers which are divisible by
C. Gathered for the purpose of protesting 5?
D. Gathered - they were protesting A. 945 D. 1050
B. 950 E. None of these
55. Angel is taller than ANY GIRL in her class C. 960
A. Angel is taller than any other girl in her class
B. Angel is the taller than other girls in the class 69. During a recent shopping spree, Tomas and Nena bought some
C. Angel is taller than other girls in the class new accessories for their apartment. Nena chose a crocheted throw
D. Angel is the taller girl in the class pillow at P24.95, and Tomas purchased a rural landscape painting
for P135.00. How much did they actually spend if they paid 7%
56. She had ILLUSIVE dreams of instant wealth. sales tax on their purchase?
A. Beyond comprehension A. P171.15 D. P159.95
B. Moving swiftly B. 139.25 E. None of these
C. based on false ideas C. P148.75
D. tending to slip away
70. Which of the following will give the same value as a a (b + c – d)?
57. The EQUINOX usually occurs on or close to March 21 and A. ab-ac+ad C. ab+ac-ad
September 23. B. abc-d D. abcd
A. Time when heavy rains fall
B. Time when days are longer than the nights 71. If x=3 and y=2, then 2x + 3y = ____________.
C. Time when days are shorter than the nights A. 12 B. 10 C. 14 D. 5
D. Time when day and night are equal length all over the earth
72. A pancake was cut into 8 pieces. Three brothers ate one piece
58. The reporter was accused in court because of his news story. The each. How many part of the cake was left?
story was: A. ½ C. 5/8
A. Full of distorted facts C. Tainted with malice B. 2/8 D. ¼
B. A narration of facts D. Too personal to take
73. How many twenty thousands are there in one million?
59. A field commander gave his orders. He meant drop previous order. A. 500 C. 100
Which message was heard? B. 50 D. 1000
A. negative! Delete! C. Repeat! Repeat!
B. Over! Over! D. Copy! Copy! 74. Of 50 students enrolled in the subject Curriculum and Instruction,
90% took the final examination at the end of the term. Two-thirds of
60. Respect and reverence is in these lines. Choose one: those who took the final examination passed. How many students
A. I have but one life to give passed the exam?
B. Have faith in Divine Providence A. 33 C. 34
C. I die just when I see the dawn break
D. Love your country. It's the home of your people B. 45 D. 30

61. The price of glassware was P160.00 per set. After a day the price 75. If the scores of 10 students are: 76, 80, 75, 83, 80, 79, 85, 80, 88,
raised by 10%. What was the final of price glassware? 90, the mode is
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -3-
A. 79 C. 80 91. Si Dr. Jose Rizal ay sumulat ng aklat na itinampok sa iba’t ibang
B. 85 D. 88 bansa. Ang pangungusap ay nagamit bilang:
A. Panuring C.Tuwirang layon
76. If the scores in a Mathematics test of 45 students are arranged from B. Pamunod D. Paksa
the highest to the lowest, the 23rd score is the
A. Mean C. median 92. Aling pamamaraan ang ginagamit ng guro na nagsisimula sa mga
B. variance D. mode halimbawa patungo sa paglalahad?
A. Pabalak C. Patuklas
77. Write this ratio in its simplest form: 3 dm to 20 cm B. Pasaklaw D. Pabuod
A. 20.3 C. 30.20
B. 20.30 D. 3.20 93. Sa panahong ito __________ sana muna ng mga magulang sa
pagkuha ng mga insyurans.
78. What is the range of the following: 86, 70, 83, 90, 85, 78, 79, 81, 87 A. Pahalagahan C. pakaunawain
A. 12 C. 16 B. Pakaisipin D. pakaayusin
B. 15 D. 20
94. “Kung sa langit ay nabubuhay, ang sa lupa’y namamatay Ano ang
79. What is the cube root of (32 x 3)? dahilan na kinatatakutan ang oras ng kamatayan.” Ang saknong ay
A. 9 C. 27 nagpapahay ng damdaming:
B. 3 x 3 D. 3 A. maging matatag C. maging mapagbigay
B. maging mapagpasensya D. maging matapang
80. Change the following percents to decimals: 23%, 5%, 3%, 3.5%.
A. 2.3, 500, .30, 30.5 C. .23, .05, .003, .035 95. Siya ay MAY KUTSARANG PILAK nang ipinanganak. Ano ang
B. 23, 50, 03, 3.05 D. .023, 5.00, 3.0, 03.5 ipinapahayag nito?
A. Marami siyang kagamitang pilak.
81. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pangungusap na walang simuno? B. Siya ay mayaman
A. Ang dumating ay hari. C. Gustong gusto niya ang kutsara.
B. Balak niyang umawit. D. Siya ay mahilig sa pilak
C. Magsumikap ka nang umunlad.
D. May tao pala sa silid. 96. Ano ang kahulugan ng idyomang ginamit sa pangungusap na
“Marami sa mga magsasaka ang INALAT dahil sa patuloy na
82. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang may wastong gamit ng tinig ng pagbuhos ng ulan”.
pandiwa? A. Nawalan ng pag-asa C. Nagalit
A. Ang hinog na papaya na kinuha sa puno ni Marie. B. Nanibago D. Minalas
B. Kinuha ni Marie ang hinog na papaya sa puno.
C. Kinuha sa puno ang hinog na papaya ni Marie. 97. Kung kilala ang Cebu sa kanyang Sinulog, kilala naman ang Kalibu
D. Papayang hinog ang kinuha sa puno ni Marie. sa kanyang ____________.
A. Dalampasigan C. Ati-atihan
83. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang HINTAY KA? B. Kadayawan D. Dinagyang
A. Tay C. Intay
B. Tayka D. Teka 98. “Kung anong bukambibig siyang laman ng dibdib”. Ito ay isang uri
ng ____________.
84. PINASYALAN ng mag-anak ang Enchanted Kingdom noong isang A. tula C. bugtong
buwan. Ano ang pokus ng pandiwa? B. tugmaan D. salawikain
A. Sanhi C. Direksiyon
B. Tagatanggap D. Tagaganap 99. Sino ang nangungusap sa quotation? “Ang pag-ibig ay hindi pag-
ibig kapag nagbabago kung nakakakita ng pagbabago”.
85. “Magtatrabaho ako at ikaw ay mag-aaral upang makatapos ka ng A. Genoveva Matute C. Robert Frost
pag-aaral.” Anong uri ng pangungusap ito? B. Wlliam Shakespeare D. Jose Rizal
A. Tambalan C. Langkapan
B. Payak D. Hugnayan 100. Saan tumatalakay ang akdang Ang Sampaguitang Walang Bango?
A. Pagtataksil sa asawa
86. Anong kayarian mayroon ang pangungusap na “Ang pagbaha ay B. Nalantang bulaklak
mapipigilan at masusugpo ang polusyon kung matatanim tayo ng C. Mapanlinlang sa kapwa
mga puno”? D. Kawalang malay ng mga babae
A. Payak C. Tambalan
B. Hugnayan D. Langkapan

87. May padalang tulong ang pamahalan para sa kanila.

A. Pabalana C. Paari
B. Palagyo D. Palayon

88. Ano ang uri ng pangungusap na UMAARAW NA.

A. Panawag C. Sambitla
B. Pormulasyong panlipunan D. Penomenal

89. Alin ang pinakatamang pahayag?

A. Tiningala niya ang langit.
B. Tinitigan niya ang langit.
C. Sinulyapan niya ang langit.
D. Tinitingnan niya ang langit.

90. Aling pangungusap ang wasto ang pahayag?

A. Pinapirma sa aking ng pangulo ang resolusyon
B. Pumirma ako sa resolusyon ng pangulo
C. Pinapirmahan sa akin ng pangulo ang resolusyon
D. Pinapirmahan sa akin ang resolusyon ng pangulo

DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -4-

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