Dance Rubric - Grades and Reflection

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20 points 18 points 15 points 10 points

Effort/ Students try Students try, but Students are not Students are not
Engagement their very best not their best bad at the good at the
with the activity activity, but it activity
isn’t their strong

Performance All of the Most of the Some of the Rarely any of the
students students students students
movements are movements are movements are movements are
in time and are in time and are in time and are in time and are
crisp and clean crisp and clean crisp and clean crisp and clean

Attitude Students Students seem to Students attitude Students attitude

attitudes are have a positive is poor most of is very poor.
very optimistic attitude but the time but they Students do not
and they keep a motivation is seem to be try at all in the
happy mood lower throughout giving some activity
the activity effort

Reflection All of the Most of the Some of the Rarely any of

questions on the questions on the questions on the the questions on
reflection are reflection are reflection are the reflection are
answered in answered in answered in answered in
detail and detail and detail and detail and
answered to the answered to the answered to the answered to the
best of the best of the best of the best of the
students abilities students abilities students abilities students abilities

Effort/Engagement Performance Attitude Reflection

Seth 18 20 15 20

Isaac 20 20 15 18

Thomas 20 20 20 20

Kate 20 20 18 20

Blake 18 20 18 20

Abby G. 20 20 20 20

Amber 20 20 15 20
Nevaeh 20 18 15 20

Holly 20 20 18 20

Ms. Recchia 20 20 20 20

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