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| i i | i f | t > 30211 presentations At loz | 2045 Presentations will be in reverse alphabetical order of the last name. Pick an analytical technique, type of interaction or key concept in chemistry beyond the ‘molecule (eg. lock-and-Key, induced fit, cooperativity, self-eplication, macrocyclic/chelate effect, dynamic combinatorial chemistry, information transfer, etc.) Pick a recent (22014) article on the topic Make ONE slide describing how the analytical technique / type of interaction / key concept ‘was used to study supramolecular assemblies Be prepared to speak for about 2-3 min ‘The presentations to take place on the 20.03.19 and 21.03.19 ‘Send GDP the article (PDF, Last_First_topic.paf) a week before the presentatior ‘Send GDP the presentation (ppt or pptx, Last First_topic.ppt) 36h before the due date Tips on making the presentation: fa sales tos edesearchpreseniaton ResenrrPresantton pt slides 13 - 28, due 40211 presentations Presentations willbe in reverse alphabetical order ofthe last name. Pick a recent (+2014) article by a 2016 Noble Prize in Chemisty laureate or dealing with the concept of molecular machines Make THREE slides describing the topic Primary reseern peper Be prepared to speak for about 4-6 min ‘The presentations to take place on theC4.03.18) ‘Send GDP the article (POF, Last_First_topic pat) a week before the presentation is due Send GDP epretetaton por PX Las Fro pp) etre ed dat 2 Tips on making the presentation: nines sigs editesearh-resenintonRessarchPresertation pt sides 19-28

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