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Eoi"tinc &- DAN Scon
AR...t Di~cto",- ...... CllRISTOrllER COYlE
tVPESE'HER... . . . . . . . . . JAMIE OIAMOI;.RS DoN PERRIl\

S PEe i A L t HAn K.S: Nancy Berbcrick. Timothy Brown. Christy C.lrdenas. Renae Chambers,
Tracy Hickman, Chris Laurie. Douglas Niles. Mark Schcstedl. James 1\'1. Ward. and Ken Whitman.

This dID System1{) game utilizes IllC'Chanics denloped for tile n!;"" O\. \GlOSS &: 1}1l~(,(l'\S'lt galTlf b)' Jonathan T....-etl.
Monte Cook. Skip Williartl5. Richard 8;lkcr. and I'Ner ,\dkinson.

This Wi1ards of thc (oost1) Official Licensed Product contains no O])(n Game (ontcnt. No portion of this ....-ork may ~ reproduced in
an)' form "ithout wriucn permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming Ucense lHld the d20 System Liccnse. llleaSl' ti~it

Dungeons &: Dragons. O&D. Oragonlance. thc Dragonlance l.ogo. dlO. the- d10 Syste-m togo. Wizards of the Coas\. and the Wif.ards of
the Coost togo are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coost. Inc.. a subsidiar) of llasbro. Inc. ¢ 1003 Wizards of the Coast. Jnc.
Ustd "ith permission. All rights rc:scn"td.

First Printing 2003. I'rinlcd in China. 2003 SO'o'Creign Press.. Inc. So\"reign Press and the So\ereign Press ~ are tllu\emarks
OI\ncd b) SO'.trti!" 1'Tess. Inc. Fast Forv.ard Entertainment and the Fast Fo........rd Enltminmcnl 1.0&0 are trademarks of Fast F'orll-ard
Entertainmtnt. Inc. All rights rtSI'r\td.

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WRjrtEn fr PUBLisHED BY SOLD fr Dis"tRjllu"tED IlY


Sovereign Press Fast Forward Entertainmcnt

253 Ccnter St #126 772 W. Main. Ste 205
Lake Geneva, WI 53147·1982 L:lkcGcneva. WI53147
United St3tes United Statcs
~ tABLE OF Con1'En1's
Foreword 4 Bind Spirit . 67
Krynn in the Fifth Age .. 5 Call Undead I . 67
1\1Isalon in the Age of MonaIs ".,5 Call Undead II __ .68
'Ihe War ofSouls 5 Call Undead III .68
A New ET:l 6 Call Undead [V ..68
Call Undead V 68
Races of the Fifth Age 8 Call Undead Vi........................ . 69
Humans . _ 8
Call Undead V[I 69
Civilil.ed Humans . 9
Call Undead V[[[ •. . 69
Nomads ...9
Call Undead IX .69
The Tannak (Brutes) 10 Diamond l30dy . 69
Tarmak IWcial Traits ..11 Drdb'()Il's mood 69
Dwarves . 1I Drab'Onbane .. . 70
Mountain Dwmvcs . 1I I~motional Brew 70
Hill J)o,llarvcs . 13 I~nsnare Ihe Heart . 71
Dark Dwarves . 15 Ethert':ll Fbme .. 71
Gully Dwarves 15 Eternal Repose _.... . 71
EIllcs .. . _.._ _.._ 15 Fog ofF':ar . 71
Kab'Oncsli _.. . 15 Gn.. '<1 .72
gualincs!i ..16 Mindweb _ . 72
Sllllanestl _ 17 Mistshaeklcs .n
Gnomes . 20 Part Death's Shroud 73
Kender 20 Reshape Metal . . 73
Half-Kender . 2I Reveal the Tnle Form 73
Half-Kender Racial Trails . 23 Second Life . 73
Centaur . 23 Spear of Divine Might 74
Draconians . 23 Spt':lr of Divine Wrath 74
Ogrcs . 24 Spiritual Horde. . 75
Minotaurs . 24 Spiritual Weapon 75
Classes of the Fifth Age 24 Spiritward 76
Mariner 25 Stirge Swann _... ... 76
Game Rule Infonnation 27 Stonesight .76
Prestige Classes .. . 27 Trace Magic ._ 76
Academy Sorcerer _ _ _. .27 Magtc Items. . . 77
Class Fe-atures 28 Palm's Musinb'S on the Fifth Ab'C 82
Citadel Mystic 3I The Age of Mortals 82
Kender Nightstalker . 32
Legion Mystic . .34
Ansalon 91
Climale . 91
~~~~ to~~; . ::························:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.:~~ CJlarat1eristics
lhe South ..
. 92
Master Ambassador ....38
'Inc East 93
Nomad Shaman ......40
'Ine Nol1h . .94
Rogue Knight ..43
'Ine West . _.._.._.._ 94
Solamnic Auxiliary Mage . ..45 lne Oceans 95
Spellfllch . 46
~'ora and Fauna . 95
War Mage.. . ..48
Trees and Shmbs 95
New Feats .50 Wild and Domestic Animals 96
Alternate Fonn [General]... . 50 Homelands . 97
Charming iGenCral] . 50 Government . 97
Discipline General] . 50 Cities Versus ']lle Wilds 97
Education General] . 50 Rural Living . 98
Haggler [General] 50 City Liying 98
Heroic Surge [General] 50 Life ofNobilily.. . _ _ 99
Homed Stampede [General] . ..51 Stereotypes. . 99
Improved Taunt [Generdl] . . 51
Lucky [General] . 51
Cities 100
Ak-Khllnnan . 100
Mimic [General] .. 51
Region\ll History . 101
Quick-Thinking [General] 51 Beacon .. . 101
Sharp-E~ed [Gen.crall _......... . 51 Bl6ten 106
Spellcastmg I'mdIg)' General] 51
Delphon . 108
Street Smart [General] . 51
Rcgional History .. . 110
Stubborn [General] . 51 ~'otsam . 110
Trustworthy [General] 51 Reb';onal History . [11
A World Without Magic . 52
HiJlt:..1 112
DisC(wCl}' of Mysticism 52
Reb';on:I1I·listory .. . .113
DisC(wCl}' ofSorcery . 53
Hylo . 113
Power of Artifacts .._....... .... 54
Regional HiStory .. . 114
The \Var ofSouls . 56
Kalaman 116
The Future of Magic 60 RC,l,';onal History . 117
Sorcery . 60 Khuri-Khan 117
Orders of High Sorcery . 64
Region\ll History .1 [8
Mysticism 65
Lacynos (Nethosak) .. . 119
Holy Orders of the Stars ._" 66
Mount Nt'Verm'nd 124
Mystic Domains 66 Regional History 125
~:s7t7:!:;g..~~ain ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::::::~~::~ Port Bai[for
Region\ll History
. 125
New Spells _..... . 67 Relb'Oth .. 127

2 ~ tABLE Of Con"tEn-ts
Fiona Quint; . 128 GilC"dn . 184
Rig Mcr-Krcl .. .129 Habbakuk . 185
San<.1ion 131 Hiddukcl . 186
Silvanosl(PriorI0419AC) 134 Kiri-Jolith 186
RCI,';onal HL~tory 136 Majere __ .187
Sil"anost (ciTC3 420 AC) (Sarb'3Santi] 137 11:lishakal . 188
Solanthus 140 ]\10I1.';on .. 188
Tarsis . 143 Reo", 189
Regional History . 144 Sa'l,'onnas 190
Teyr 144 Shimlre , .. 191
Regional History . .14.' Simon 191
51ith 146 Zeboirn 192
Strongholds 148 Zivilyn .193
AC'Jderny ofSorttry 148 TIle Gods ofMaboie 193
Castle Crimson .. 150 'Ihe W:llking God, Paladine ...194
Castle mh Wistan , ,152 TIle F'allen Queen, Takhisis 195
Regional Hislory . 153 Hound Spirit Template . 200
CiladelofUghl .. 1.;4 Crealing A Hound Spiril 200
TIle Bound Spirit's Vessel 202
Iccwall 159 Bound Spiril Equipmem 202
Ruins 160 Sample Bound Spiril 202
Ariakan's Rest . 160 Ob>rC "litan . 203
Nalis Aren. "The Lake ofDe:llh" . 161 Crealing:1 Titan 204
Laur.lna 162 Titan Char.leters 205
St0111I'S KL'Cp _.._........... ... 165 11le Transfonnalion .205
Wind Dallcer _ 168 ~hintaining lhe Stale of Grace ,205
Rq.,oional History 168 '111e l'-:~l1el1 205
World's Heart .. 170 Sample Til:m . 205
Rl-1.';onal History liI ChiefDonnag 205
Lamenl for the Lost Gods . In
A New l>Jace In The Universe
A World Without Gods
. In
Dra~:~l~B:~~. ?~.~.~~.~~~.~ .: : : : ~::.~::: ~:: ~~2~~
Skull Totems 208
Worship Before the War of Souls 174 Dragon, Sea . 211
The \Var ofSouls and Religion 175
Combal ..212
Takhisis. lhe One God 177 Dr:won, Shadow, .......". ..213
Dogma . 178 Brine. the Dmj:.,'on Overlord of the Sea 214
Oergy and Tempk-s ... 178 Khdlcndros, The SlOrnl Over Ansalon 215
Goldmoon 178 Mal)'SIl')"', '111e Red J\hmuder 217
Resuq.,'Cnce ofElith 180 Onysablcl, the Black .218
Rejection of the Gods 181
!(azor. a Blue Dr:won . 218
Deities & Clergy 182 1-.hrshall Alexius MOOan 219
Branchala 182 Solomir:lthnius. the MirroTL'<l Guardian .221
Chemosh . 183
Chislev... .. 183


Table 1-I:SailorLore .25 Table 1-16: ROb'lJe Knighl .43

Table 1-2: 111e Mariner 26 Table 1-17: Former Knighl l..<:vc1s ... ....44
Table 1-3; Mariner \\bp<:>ns 26 Table 1-18: Solamnic l\uxiliary r..hgc ..45
Table 1-4: Academy Sorcerer 29 Table 1-19: Spellfilch .... . ..4.7
T."lble 1-5: Cit3dc1 Mystic .32 Table 1-20: W3r Mage ..48
Table 1-6; Kender Nighlstalker .33 Table 1-21: FC".lIS 50
"TIlble 1-7; Kender Nightstalker Spells Per Day 34 Table 2-1:'Ching M:II,';C Iwms 55
T3ble 1·8: Kender Nightstalker Spells Known . 34 Table 2-2: Magic in lhe Firth Af,'C 59
Table 1-9: Legion Mystic .35 Table 2-3: Spiritual Weapons . 76
Table 1-10: Legion Seoul. . .36 Table 2-4: Duration of Ungering Aura n
T3ble I-II: U:b';on Mystic .37 l"hle 6·1: Sc:l Dragons by Ab'C 212
Table 1-12: Master Ambassador . .39 '[;'ble 6-2: Sea Drab'Otl Abililil-'S by Age .212
Table 1-13: Insightful Acclimation 40 Table 6-3: Shadow Dra.l.'Ons by Age 214
Table 1~14: Nomad Shaman ..40 Table 6-4: Shadow Dragon Abilities by Age 214
Table 1-15: Nomad Shaman TOlemic Insights.. ....43


~ IrrrR-oDvcriorr
Heroes arc needed to reclaim the land and end
the curse of those who sought to destroy ,ill who
An Age cifMortals dwelt there. 'Ille filce of the world itself has
changed with the advent of the Filih Age. Much
of the landscape of Ansalon has been altered by
the foul magic of the Dmgon Overlords. '111e
beautiful dven city of Qualinost is sunk beneath
"Now is begull what will be kllowlI 011 the Lake of Death. Lush forests have been burned
Kryml as the Age 0/Mortals. It will be the to desert wasteland. Prosperous farms are now
loathsome swamp.
filial age, I thillk. The filial, the 10llgest, The dragons who have long dwelt on Krynn
are deeply involved in this new age and with its
alld, perhaps, the best." people. Good and evil dragons fought the Dragon
Overlords during the infamous Dmgon Purge.
-Image of Fizban to Palin and V,ha And while some evil chromatic dragons appeared
Dragons qfSul11!!ler Flume to selVe the DmgoTl Overlords, most of the time
by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman they were serving themselves. A few neutral
drabTOns did what they could to help the people
of Ansa[on, while others chose to join with the
side of darkness. Many good dragons leli upon a
daring venture to seck the lost gods, while others
remained behind, olien in disguise, in order to do
what they could to ease the suffering of the peo-
ple. Traveling ,mywhere in Ansalon means meet-
FoRJOWORP ing up with dragons, especially now that lhe gods
have returned. All dragons are leli wondering
which gods to support. for the two gods to whom
the dragons paid allegiance-Paladine and
'I1Ikhisis-have filllen from the heavens.
The people of Ansalon have faced many chal-
lenges in this age and new challenges present
If ever there was a time when the people of themselves daily. 'Ille minotaur race ,It last sees
Krynn arc crying out for heroes, that time is that their manifest destiny is within their grasp.
now-the Fifth Age, the Age of Mortals. '111e elven race has witnessed the destmction of
Depending on what part of the Fifth Age you their lands and nations. The ogres have discov-
choose for adventure, you may find a world ered power in a new race of beings-the titans.
whose gods have vanished, leaving the people to The Solamnic knights have been forced to relax
the mercy of terrifYing Dmgon Overlords. You their rigid stmcture in order to adapt to a chang-
may find a world embroiled in a war that pits the ing world. 111e dwalVes fight among themselves
living against the spirits of the dead. Or you may in their deep caverns, their trials known only to a
find a world whose gods have returned and are few in the realms above. Draconians are a new
now working to regain lost followers, even as race in the world with a city of their own. '111C
they vie with each other to see who will emerge souls of the dead of lilJ mccs battle the living at
as leader of the pantheon in this new age. the (:ommand of the One God.
The opportunities for glory and gain arc m:my '111e Filih Age is in its inf;mcy. Much of the
in this age. New magic has been found in the future of this age has yet to be written. Whether
world; magic that allows sorcerers and mystics to those mortals for whom the age is named will
operate freely and independenlly without lhe enter an age of peace and prosperity or will
need to appease the gods. For those who adhere embark upon an age of darkness and turmoil is
to the old, traditional methods of performing yel unknown. You can help make the deci-
magic, the returning gods have brought with sions, for you are one of those mortals. You have
lhem lhe magic of the three moons, as well as the chance to leave your mark upon this age. You
clerical magic. Now, the users of bOlh types of have the chance to be one of its heroes.
magic eye each other warily, neither trusting the May the gods walk with you. Or not. as you
olher, both wondering if they can work together choose.
or if they will be enemies.

4 ~ i n"tR...,oDvction

Chaos, the Father of All and Nothing. has to slop Takhisis. Some, such as Sargonn:lS, had
been driven from Keynn at blTeat cost. 'nlC been so wounded by Chaos that they barely had
continent of Ansalon was so badly scarred strenb"h left to survive. 111e brods could only stare
that many called the end orthe Chaos War "lllC in bewildered ami17..cment at the empty place in
Second Cataclysm.~ Countless thousands died :11 the heavens where once had shone their lovely
the hands of the minions of Chaos-the fire drag- blue world. 1ney SC'.lrched for it. but they could
ons, the daemon warriors. the frost wights. The not sense the world or its pt..'Ople. Even Zivilyn,
thrL'e moons of silver. red. and black are b'One. who can see all times and all places, was unable to
replaced by a sinbrle. pale orb thai docs not radi- see anything except Krynn's stolen, phantom
ate magical energy onto the world. l'ne stars have future.
changed as well. the r.'l.miliar constellations no
longer adorn the night sky. TIle Wizards of High AnsALon in 'tHE AGE OF mORj"ALS
Sorcery have lost all mabrica! power. and even the As the previous abre was lall.rely characterized by
most devout clerics c.m no longer find commun- the people of Ansalon rediscovering their past.
ion with their b'Ods.
the Age ofMortals is about the people ofAnsalon
The world is changed. Ripped from ils fonner discovering their future. With the gods separated
place in the heavens. Keynn has been removed 10 from the world and terrible new thrC'.lts arriving
a far distant side of the universe and hidden from in the form of the Dragon Overlords. the people
the gods who acted as its b'Uardians. 1ne people must learn to fight for their own destinies.
of Ansalon. weak and weary from war and bereft Terrible tr.l{,'Cdies occurred during the early
of their gods. now r.1ce danb1Crous alien dragons years. calling upon some of Ansalon's races to
and a new god with the power to use the dead to dea.l with hardships they had never before had to
conquer the living. face. The child-like and carefree kender were
So begins the Age of Monals. massacred by the thousands in Kendermore when
it came under auack by the great red dragon,
J<rornn in THE FirtH AGE l\'lalystryx. The survivors were "amicted~-scarred
The world of Krynn underwent sibmificant in mind and soul by the horrors they had wit-
chanbre5 during and after the Summer of Chaos. nessed. forced to trek to the west to find sanctu-
Some land masses were dmstically altered.:IS new ary. The clven kinbrdom of Qualincsti was seized
lands rose and se-dS reccck-d. '111e thn:e moons dis- by the green overlord, Beryl, who madc her geno-
appeared. replaCt.-d by a single moon. 'Inc pat- cidal hatred of the elves known to those under
terns of the S«ITS changt.-rl. '!11e brads were b>'One. her rule. 'Ine Silv:lllesti, acting out of fC'.lr that
There was speculation as to why the brads their recently restored kingdom might also be
depancd Krynn at the beginning of the Aj,,'C of seized by the Drab>'On Overlords, encased their
Mortals. Some claimed that the gods had ned in lands in a mab';cal. illlpenetmble Shield. Believing
fear of Chaos. Others l1l;lintainL-'(1 that the gods themselves safe from the world and its problems,
left the world in order to S.IVC it from Chaos. they camc to the horrifying discovery that the
YC'.lrs would pass before anyonc discovered the Shield was slowly killing them.
truth- Krynn is a world thtlt was stolen from its Yet, in the midst of trabredy. the mortals of
creators. AnS'llon demonstrated strellbtth and innovation.
T'lkhisis. Queen of Darkness. discovered the The long-forgotten ambicnt nmb';cs of sorcery
lnC<lllS to move the world of Krynn through the
and mysticism were T(.'(lis(:overed. boiving the peo·
ethers to anolher place in the cosmos. She was pie new weapons to use in the fight ag-J.inst their
elated with this discovery. for it meant that if she oppressors. 111e LCf,';on of Stecl, a new orb"miza-
could snatch away the world. she would be its tion to champion the liberty of pt.'Ople ruled by
sole ruler. Takhisis was unable to act on her plans the Drab'Ol1 Overlords, was founded .md its num-
for millennia. however, as the other gods were bers grew, even while its membership remained
always present-ready to rcac..1 quickly to counter secret. Just when hope was once returning to the
the powerful maboic she would nt.'tX! to cast in world, a strange and powerful storm swept across
order to steal the world. 'Inc unexpected release the continent. Out of the storm came a voice. pro-
ofChaos into the world provided the Dark Queen claiming the arrival of a new brod.
her opportunity.
While the other brads joinc..-d with mortals to THE WAR..Of SOVLS
fight against the forces ofChaQS. Takllisis kept out Years after the discovering the ~n(.·w magic~ ofthe
of the battle. biding her time. ""aiting for the per- Fifth Age. sorcerers and mystics beg-.ln to find
fect moment to strike. When the mht.... gods were their spellC'.lSting powers diminishing. No amount
weakened and distracted. she used energies she of study revealed the true cause of this drain.
had saved for countless centuries to tear Krynn though spiritualists began to suspect that it had
from its place in the h(.'avcns, flinging it to the some connection with the b'1'Owing legions of
secret location she had long ab>'O prepared to
receive it. TIle other gods of Krynn were unable

AGE Of mOR..1"ALS " - ' 5

~ InTR.-ODvction
spirits who were rem:lining on Krynn: spirits who
were either unwilling or unable to move on 10 the
next stab'e of the soul's joumey.
On the night of the Great Stann, a young girl
named Mina emerged from the thunder and the
lil,mtning. speaking of a new bJOd-the One God-
and wielding miraculous powers not seen since
the mightiest clerics of old. Taking control of the
Knigtus of Ner.l.ka. Mina waged war thai con-
quered cities. nations, and brought down several
of the mighty Dragon Overlords. The war was to
end in Sanction, with the One Cod absorbing the
powers of the Dragon Overlords and using it to
enter the world. The work of heroes foiled the
One God's plans and revealed her identity 10 be
that ofTakhisis. the Queen of Darkness. who had
stolen away the world from her fellow immortals
so thai she might truly become the one true god
of Krynn.

The end of the War of Souls brings about the
restoration ofthe gods to Krynn, though the pan-
theon is now missing the two leaders of Light
and Darkness. The focused magic of wizards and
clerics works again after nearly forty years of
absence. The ambient powers of sorcery and
mysticism function unhindered by the souls that
have now continued on their journey.
'Inc lives of many on Ansalon have lx.'en
changed, perhaps forever. by the tumultuous
events ohhe war. Some ohhe villains ohhe Fifth
Age h~l\'e been dcfemed, but others remain and
new powers for evil are rising. Now is a time
when new heroes are going to be in dem'lIld to
help shape the future of the world ofKrynn.

6 c-..... InTR.-ODVCTion
Your aile (Ylle 101'1'5 II sailing s1lip rcns of ivlouru Nevennind. Minotaurs fibt!lt for
their place in society. even as they scheme to con-
Tftat oncllors at ollr pier. quer all of Ansalon.
\'V( lift Iler sails, II'~ mall her decks, '1l11~ Ab'C orMonals is;l time in which the acts

Wi.' Slrllb the portholes clear; or a single individual can have an effect upon the
entire world, even as a small stone can ripple an
entire pond. Warriors and thieves, mages and
AI/d]1'5, ol/r lislullol15t' shil/esfor h(r, mystics will find both risk and reward aplenty-
Ami)'l'J, ollr shores are. warm; and as much adventure as they can handle!
We. steer lIer into Ilarbor,
AIry port i" II storm. R.f\CES OF THE
The sailors sta"d II}'OII the docks, FiFTH AGE
TI,e sailors sflllfd i" li"e, The events orthe Fifth Age have wide-sweeping
effects on the races of Krynn. 11J.e circumstances
As thirsty as II dwlltfforgold, and philosophies of an entire race may change
Or ((mallrsfor cheap wille. during Ihis tumultuous period.
Except where specifically noted, all T"dces con-
fonn to the guidelines set forth in the
For all ti,e sailors/ol'(. her, DRAGONJ..ANCF. Cumpaign &lIil1g. Information
Alld.fl()(k to where slid moored, rebrarding these races, including Physical
Eacll mall hopi"g tltar Ill' mig//( Description. Attributes, Language, etc.. can be
found there, TIle information presented here is
Go dOWIl, all hal/ds 011 board. intended to supplement. not replace. that source-
book. All of the notes provided in Chapter Nine:
- Tasslehoff BurrfoOi. Other Eras of Play. apply to the early Age or
Dmgom of AU/UnIlI Twtligh/ Mortals. Two new player character races-the
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman brute (""armak~) and the half-kender-are a\'ail-
able for the first time.

Generations of heroes and villains have
lived, fought, and died since the def(''at of HumAns
Chnos ushered in a new age on Krynn. TIle 1ne humans of Ansalon. always the most diverse
Abre of Monals is ripe for advcnture, offering and often the most robust of mces, live their lives
players exciting challcnges that ranb>e from the the best they can manage during the trying times
perils of the Dragon Purge to the tunnoil and of the Ab"C ofrvlorwls.
danger of the \\~'1r of Souls and the return of the 111e first years after the Chaos \Var :lre a time
bro<:!s. of rebuilding, a time during which the humans of
The people of Ansalon filce an uncertain Ansalon leal'll to cope with a world that lacks
fiume, however. Much has chanb>ed-and not :111 both the magic of the moons and the clerical
for the better. Many races find that they h;wc mab';c of the bro<:ls. Some human communities
bcen forever changed by these diflicult timcs. continuc to worship the vanished gods. stubborn-
1110usands of kendcr have been emotionally ly convinct.'t! that their filith will be rewarded.
S(''arred when the great red dragon Malystryx Others invent new gods, desperately crying out to
burned Kendermore and drove the survivors to the str.lllge and unfamiliar heavens for an
the west. 'nle dven people. long di\'ided and iso- answer. Neither the old filithful nor the new gain
kited from the rest of Ansalon. are forced into anything for their struggles. No prayers :lTe
exile when both the Qualinesti and Silvanesti answered.
nations are conquered by outside forces. TIlC Although the people of Krynn do nOI know
ogres have discovered a powerful magic that this. their world has bt.'Cn ripped from its place in
transforms the greatest among them into the universe and taken to a new location. Here,
"titans"-champions of immense power who sus- dmb'Ons from another world stumble upon Krynn
tain themselves in a terrifying manner. and invade it, llu=se immensely powerful dragons
Dmconians have established themselves as a true begin a battle in order to eradicate Krynn's native
race upon Krynn and are building a nation to defy drdgons.
a hostile world. Called the Drab'On Purge. these terrible clashes
Other races live as they have for countless cen- usher in a frightening new era for humans every-
turies. The dwarves toil beneath their mountains. where. Eyes often look skyward, to witness the
The gnomes work at their Life Quests in the war- incredible sight of dragons battling. This causes
people to nee in terror, for the alien dmgons will
destroy everything in their pursuit of power. rille Although humans do not su/ler during the war
dmgons native to Krynn, both good and evil, can tIS do the elves. who end up losing both their
do liltle except figlll dcspemtely for their own sur- nations, human rC'.llms arc nonetheless hit very
ViV:ll. hard by the war. Families find themselves divided,
During Ihis lime. both major knibrllthoods reor- as the ch:lrismmic !\'Iina cills many to her side as
g.mi;r.e. 'n,e Solamnics hope to find a W:lY to bal- she P;lsses throughout northern ,Illd w('stern
tic the new dr.tgons. while the dark knibrlltS work Ans:llon. M:lllY humans witness tenible sif"rhts
10 secure alliances with these powerful cre:.lIures. that will linger with them forever. when they face
Among the human nalions. the Dmb'On I\lrgc the horrifYing spirits of the dt.'ad. who are forced
also spurs Ihe crt.'3tion of a new order of freedom to fight the living.
fighlers-the L<.'gion of SIt:el. A largely secret Since the defC'.lt of Mimi and her ~One God.~
org,mizalion Ihat works 10 fight against oppres- humans are strugr,,oiing to k<.'Cp up with the incred-
sion, the Legion ofSt<.>t:1 holds love and brother- ible changes brought about by the end of the war.
hood as its hibrllest vinues. 11\ey view themsel\·es The gods have retunled and the llloons of magic
as being independent thinkers, more modem and with them. Old ma!,rlc and Ihe new suddenly exist
~up-to-dateW in their views Ihan Ihe Solamnics or side by side. Some of the alien Dragon Overlords
Nerakans. are defeated. but others still rule vast tenitories.. A
During these years ofsorrow and turmoil. hope people twice abandoned by the gods. many
returns to the world with Ihe disC(wery of a new humans are wary of embr.tcing them again.
form of magic Ihat uses Ihe Mpowcr of the Hean- Others are angry for what th<.')' perceive as Ihe
to heal and to perfonn other (fonnerly) clerical gods' desertion and are in open rebellion against
duties. Disco\·ered by the disciple of ("Iishak-al. them. Some. howC\'er. welcome the !,rods. both
Goldmoon, mysticism spredds rapidly among good and evil. and look forward t'O rccstablishing
human populations, so Ihal within a short time, places of worship.
almost all human communities have practitioners. Humans are alllong the shortest-li\'ed races of
Through trC"dcllery, the Knights of Ner.tka learn Krynn and already a new generation is coming of
of this power and exploit it for their own dark age after the War of Souls. A new generation of
purposes. heroes-and villains-is undoubwdly among them.
For decades in Ansalon, mystic power is the
only magie available to humans. I-Onn<.'( wizards, CiviliZED HumAnS
bereft of their power, hunbrer for a new fonn of The day-to-day lives of the city dwellers are large-
maf"rlc. l\'lany s<:ck it, but none find it until-as the ly unchanged by the aftennath of the Summer of
third decade of the Fifth Ab'C winds to a close-a Chaos, although many find themselves under the
mysterious maskl.--d being known as the MShadow sh:ldow of oppression. A number of cities have
Sorcerer tcach(:s primal sorcery to Palin M:yere. fallen under the control of tl Dr:.lf"ron Overlord or
Former wizards from allover Ansalon of this are ruled by the despotic Knights of In
and seek to study with Palin. who eventually addition, there arc coTlt(.'sted aretlS being fought
founds an ACldcmy of Sor<.'Cry near his home over by two powers, which have become exceed-
town of Solace. ingly dangerous. 11ltls some humans who livc in
The practice soon sprcads and for a time. il areas controlled by a dictatorial power feci that
seems as if hope and calm have relurned to they arc better olr than those who live in lawless
Ansalon. The Dra~:"()n Purge ends in a truce and. areas. since they mtlst face crime. rialS. and r.IC-
:llthough powerful dmgons h"ve divided up lions bre:lking Ollt into open war. Of course. these
Krynn and nile it between them. they commit same humans turn a blind eye to those who arc
only spomdic deprivations-mostly against other quietly removed and imprisoned when they
rJce5, leaving the humans to live in pe:lce. But
attempt civil disobedience against an evil power's
thinKs start to go wrong. Mystics who have wield- nile.
ed Ihe Power oflhe Heart find their powers either
severely wC".lkened or bJ'Qne completely. Sorcerers Suggested Bonus Feats
discover that their newfound m:lgicil powers are The following fCl.lts are often t;lken by 1st level
fading or behaving err:.nicl1ly. In their hunger for civilized human chamcters as lheir bonus
power. sorcerers use artifilcts of the Fourth Age- Deceirfid, Defl HUll/is. Di!igmt. "ro~sligat()r, /Hagim!
long prizt.-d and hidden away-to ~IcechWpower in Affillit),. N~ti(Jlor, Nimb!~ Flilg~, Prnllluiv~, SI"l!
order to provide energy for their spells. But even Ftx7./.S (nil)' Oll~ Kl1ow!~dge skIll).
this proves dangerous. for the magic of these arti-
facts is unstable and may do more harm than nOmADS
good for the sorcerer attempting to use it. w

No one knows whal is happening with the Because the SO-C::llled Mbarbaric mces live in clos-
once reliable mabrlc. 111(.1' soon IC'Jrn the truth er hannnny and contact with the bnd than do
with the return of Ihe One God and the start of those in cities. the nomads are k-ss affected by the
the War of Souls. political upheavals of the Age of Mortals and
more profoundly altered by the changes in nature.

CHAR.I'C1"E~ C'-' 9
'"'" CHAPTER- 0nE
Nomadic humans survive in harsh environments
by continuing to use the same skills and tech- tHE tAR....JnAK..-
niques that have sustained them since the Age of
Dn.'.;ll11s. But the changes to spiritual magic are
quite damaging to primitive people. for they arc
slow to embrace new ways. Some do leam mys- Closely related to humans. but nonetheless an
ticism during the early decades of the Fifth Age. entirely dilTerent J"'dce, the Tarmak (named for
for their connection to the world and their own their mysterious homeland far to the east of
beliefs facilitate !.his type of magic. Ansalon) are a savage people who glory in com-
In addition. the alien Dragon Overlords have bat and death. 1ney were recruited by Lord
drastically altered some of the lands occupied by Ariakan before the evenlS of the Summer of
nomads. TIle nomadic people have had to adapt Chaos. After the war, their usefulness ended. the
to chanf:,red climates. such as those who dwell Mbnnes Mwere abandoned by the dark knighlS.
upon the Plains of Dust. Nomads are hardy, Some endeavored to return to their homeland,
resourceful pt.'Ople. They do what they but man)' seuled in remote parts of Ansalon.
must 10 sun,j"c. Personality: Tannak are primitive and
brutal. Force and might impress Ihem. Such
Suggested Bonus Feats concepts as mercy and compassion are con-
The following fealS are often taken sidered the province of weak-
by ISl level nomad human charac- lings. The only way to gain the
ters as Iheir bonus feal: Acro/xJlic. respect and loyalty of the
Agrk Almlt~ss. Alhlrlir, EllduTlmlY. Tannak is to prove one's
RUII, Sr(f-SulJiciml. Skill Focus strength through deeds of
(SJlroroOI). Slrolth)'. 1Ouglmm. Track. combat. preferably againsl
overwhelming odds. Brules
despise any sign of weakness.
Surrender is not a tenn they
understand, for no true
warrior would think of giv-
ing up, prefering death
Physical Description:
Male brutes stand
well over six feet
tall, the largest of
them reach seven.
\Vomen are only
slightly shorter.
~ Bodies of both
, males and females
are bulky and muscu-
lar as the strongest
humans, but their
movements have a
hint of elven grace
and their ears end
III points. The
faces of men are
heavily bearded
like dwan'es.
They wear little
clothing, in order
to show off their
body decorations, which are
considered sacred 10 them. When going into bat-
lie. they paint themselves from head to toe in blue
warpaint, which many believe has magical pro-
lective qualities. Brutes have a life expectancy
much like nonnal humans, though their violenl
(j\'es are often cut short.

10 ~ CHAP"tER..0nE
Relations: Due to their savage and alien nature. their island homes. Painted on the body, this war
the brutes are regarded as enemies by all the r-.lces paint gr.lllts a creature a +S natural annor bonus
ofAnsalon. The bnnes are glad to return the favor and fast he'dling S. When the paint has healed a
and view any stranbTCT as a potential foe. total of 20 points of damage, il loses its effective·
Alignment: Brutes tend toward neutral and ness. no longer granting either the fast healing or
chaotic alignment. They revere strength. and will the natuml armor bonus.
aa unprediaably when they have no one to com- The secret of creating this war paint is known
mand them. only 10 the Tannak. who guard it jealously as a
Tannak Lands: The true homeland of the sacred fonnula. For purposes ofcreating the paint,
brutes is an island far to the of Ansalon. consider one application of paint to have a mar-
Those brutes who have settled upon Ansalon live ket price of 500 stl and a Craft (alchemy) DC of
in remote areas where they can raise their dlil- 25. All Tannak chamaers who possess at least .J
dren far from the weakening influences of other, ranks of Craft (alchemy) know the Sl.-'CTCt of cre-
Msoft mccs.
ating the war paint.
Religion: Tarmak pay homage to unf.1.miliar -Automatic LangU:lges: Tarmak and
gods. TIley have no speUcasters of any kind in Common. Bonus Lan b'l13 b'"CS: Any. Because the
their society, though in their homcland they have Brutes have settled and traveled multiple places
an order ofclerb'Y called the Keena, who maintain throughout l\nsalon, they have picked up many
the histories, lebTCnds, and prophccies of their other lanb'1.l:1bres.
people and promote religious beliefs. No one -Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass
knows if any of these Keena C'dme with thc brutes Tarmak's barbarian class does not count when
to Ansalon. determining whether he takes an experience
Language: The Tannak speak a throaty, gut- point penalty for multiclassing (see Plo)'~r's
tural tonb'llC that only a few dark knights of the Handbook Chapter Three, XP For Multiclass
Chaos \Var were able to master. Brutes are C"dpa~ Chamaers). The Brutes enjoy brutal. savage com-
ble of learning other languages and did so during bat so the barbarian class comes very naturally to

the war. Most prefer not to the Mweak them.

tongues of other races, though they often under-
stand what is being said. DWAR.VES
'ames: I ames are composed of severnl sylla-
bles that are gained throughout a brule's life. A If the dwarven people were much changed by the
child is given a shon one-syllable name at binh, Age of ~Ionals, they are the last race that would
with more one-syllable names added during easily admit it. A people defined by their stubborn
imponant rites and events, The most powerful natures, the dwarves are often resistant to dlange
and influential Tannak possess five- or six·syllable and fight ab",inst it. Evidence of this is best seen
names. lnere is no distinaion between male and in their refusal to accept the idea that their god,
fem:lle naming. Reorx. depan<-'d the world. 111roubrll a convulted
Young Tannak Names: Awlkw3, Durku, and complicated thought process. the dwarves
Filmyk, Greizci, IIT"/.il, Krevlorn, Nurnfilr, Oolvo. honor R<--'Orx for his sacrifice in depaning the
Quelsith, Riffyu, Xulpof. world in order that his people should survive, all
Adventurers: Tarmak adventurers arc rare. the while refusing to admit that he's rcally bronc.
'!11Ose who do leave their homes and venture into Dwarven clerics still practice the god's teachings,
the world arc often ofthe younger gcneration that all the while knowing tbat there will be no results,
was born on Ansalon. As is the way of the young, and all dwarves continuc to SWe'dr oaths to Roorx,
these youths have rejected the clannish traditions though some of these might be muttered illlo
of their parents and have gone out to seck their their be-drdS.
fonune and explore the world. Older Tannak may Despite the dwarven detennination not to
adventure for revenbTC or because they have com- change their way of life, the cataclysmic events of
mitted a shame that has caused them to be the Chaos War did not spare the dwarves, nor did
expelled from their family. C\'ents of the following years.

movn'tAin DWARYES
tARmAK.-RfIciAL tR!\iTS
Usually among the last to adjust to the changes in
- +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, the rest of the world, mountain dwarves are
~2 Charisma
extremely slow to acknowledge the nC\\' fornls of
- Medium: As Medium-size creatures, Tannak magic. mysticism and sorcery, much less leam
have no spt.'Cial bonuses or penalties due to their them. Those dwarves who embrace mysticism are
size. rC!,,,,rded with distrust. Any dwarf who praaices
- Tannak base land speed is 30 f<-oct. sorcery may r:lce c-'l:ile or death.
- War Paint: The Tarmak make a magical blue
body paint from a mixture of fruits. tree sap. and
pulped leavcs, all derived from plants native to
17IOmd';I: The decades of the AbTC of Mortals F:lVor (Ex): The noblc has the ability to call in
are bOlh a time of pride and sorrow for the favors from those he knows. '10 call in a favor, the
dwarves under the mountains. A mountain con- noblc makes a filVor check (ld20 +2). He can usc
tingent routes out the dark dwarves who have this ability twice a week, calling in filvors from
long dwelt in the nation ofZhakar and restore its different contacts. '111e DM sets the DC based on
original mIme of Thoradin. Ruk-xl by the mystic the scope of the filVor being requested. The DC
prophet Sevcms Stoneham\. Thoradin m:lkes :In ranges from 10 for a simple filvor to as high as 25
alliance with the dark knights. to the surprise of for highly dangerous. expensive. or illegal favors.
all. In tmlh. Scvcrus needs the dark knights to The noble C'annot take 10 or take 20 on this
fight against the o!,,'Tcs, leaving the dwarves free to check, nor can he retry the check for the same (or
mille a valley filled with ore and gemstones. virtually the same) filVor.
TllOrbard/,,: The mountain dwarves of Inspire Confidence (Ex): Once il day the noble
1l1Orbardin. k-d by l~lrn Bel1owblT'lIlite, rebuild :Ill can use oratory to inspire confidence in allies (not
ancient alliance with the Qualincsti elves during himself). bolstering them and improving their
the War of Souls. The dwarves tunnel under the chances of success. An ally must listen to and
city of QU:llinost in order to create evacuation observe the noble for a fill1 round for the inspira-
routes for the elven people neeing the wrath of tion to take hold. The effect lasts for 5 rounds.
the dragon Beryl. 'Il1e noble ean inspire 2 allies at a time. An ally
10 the sorrow of the dwarven king. thinf:,'S do inspired with confidence gains a +2 mOnJle bonus
not b'O as planned. Whcn the enormous dragon is on saving throws and a +1 morale bonus on
brought down by the elves. the weight of the car- attack and weapon damilge rolls.
QISS (and thc hand of the One God) ,,'aves in the POSSt'SS!(JIl.J: +/ Item /OJlgsUJOT(1. +2 ,hajJI shirl,
tunnels under the clven capital. causing the rivers masterwork heavy steel shield. masterwork hand
to nood in and drown the city. forming a Lake of axe.
Death. Many dwarves dic in the tunnels. along
with the elves. The marriage betwecn a meek I-Iyhlf noble. B,lker
'nlis tragedy causes some Thorbardin dwarves \VhitebJTanitc, and Garimcth Bellowsmoke. ,1
to be unusually sympathetic to the plight of the scheming dark dwarf of thc D,lcrg<lf clan, was
elves. while others stubbornly insist the elves tre,lIed by friends and fi11llily members as a some-
brought catastrophe onto the dwarves. what startling mistake on the part of each partic~
ipanl. In time, Baker and Garimeth also came to
Tarn BcUowgranite reI,rard that marriabTC as a mist,lke, and they pilrt-
Malc Mountain Dwarf Nbl 41Ftr 6: CR 10; cd ways. Neither could know ,11 the time of their
Medium-size humanoid (dwarf): HD Sd8 parting. nor at any other time before their deaths,
(noble)+Sd10 (fighter)+20: hp 77; [nit +6: Spd 20 that the child of their union would go on to
ft.; AC 20 (touch 12. nllt-looted 18); Atk +14/+9 become one of the greatest forces for unification
melee (td8+6/17-20. +1 keen 10nb'Sword); SQ in the long history ofThorbardin's fractious clans.
bonus e1ass skill (Survival). coordimne +1. dark- 11lrn Bellowgranite-his surname was formed
vision 90 ft. dwarf traits. favor +2. inspire confi- from both matriarchal and patriarchal chms, in
dence 1/day: AL LG; SV I;ort +8. Ref +8. Will accordance with dWilrven custom given such a
+6; Str 17. Dex 14. Con 15. Int 13, Wis II. Cha rarc inter-clan union-wilS a half-breed. an exot- M

16. Height 4 ft. 11 in. ic~ in his people's parlance. With the wide-set.
SMIs tlllt! Fi:II/j~ Appnlise +6, Blufr + 12. Climb pale eyes and bowed legs of a Daergar and thc
+9. Diplomacy + 16. Handle Animal +9, dcxtrous hands and probing intelligence of the
Intimidate +11, Knowledge (nobility) +6. Sense I-Iylar. he mixed some of the best features of both
Motive +7. Survival +5. Blind-fight. Cleave, dwarven sub-races.
Improved Initiative, Leadership. Persuasive. He grcw up in the delicate towcr of Hybardin,
Power Attack. Weapon Focus (lonI,ysword). Life-Tree of the Hylar. During his childhood and
Weapon Specialization (JonbTSword) adolescence. however, he frequently made
Coordinate (Ex): 111e noble has a knack for extended visits to lightless. sprawling Daerbardin,
getting people to work together. Whcn the noble coming to know his mother's home city-three
can aid othcrs and give directions. he provides a levels of black stone corridors-very well.
+3 total bonus to the task at h,md by making an It has been spC<-1.ilated that he drew his formi-
Aid Another check. This ability cannot be used to dable strength from the powerful Daerlfar stock
assist in combat. and his capilclty for enlightenment from the civi-
Dwarf Traits (Ex): Darkvision 90 fl.. stonecun- li7..ed Hylar, Yet certainly e,lch of his parents pos-
ning, +4 bonus to ability ehecks made to resist sessed deep naws. in addition 10 these tmits of
bull nlsh and trip attacks when standing on the dwarven I,JTcatness. Therc WllS a mthless selfish~
ground. +2 r.lcial bonus on saves alfainst poison, ness and capilcity for treachery on his mother's
spells. and spell-like effects, +4 dodge bonus to part. and an absent-minded lack offorcefulness in
AC against giants. his fillher that Baker was able to overcome only

12"" CHAP'tE,,0nE
in the last days before his death. Yet it alll be seen ous st:.nes of ruin. Over the next dcc.ldes, this
that each of thL"Se wCl.lkncsscs in the parent was small band began to repopulate the kingdom. Hill
channeled into a capability of the 5011. dwarves who wcre willing were invitLod to live
Much has lx:cn made of 'Him Bellowj"rranilc's underground. Ancient tunnels were cleared. and
eme'1,rence as ale::lder during the horrific destruc- new caverns exclVatcd.
tion oflllOrbardin broubtlu on by the invasion of l1lUs it was Ihat when the War ofSouls rocked
the daemon warrior Zamk llmul and his minions Krynn, and the e1vL'S were forced to leave
of Chaos. 'lllCSC lethal forees included a host of Qualinesti, Tam Bcllowgranite was able to pro--
shadow warriors and a legion of Icthal fire drag- vide them safe p3SS3b1C. His new kingdom, an
ons. Further compliC'dting mattcrs, the invasion underground TC'dlm proof from even the power of
occurred in the midst ofthc internecine war slart- the Dragon Overlords, extended all the way
ed by Garimeth's brother-Tam's uncle-Darkend across the Plains of Dust. Under dwan'en protec-
Bellowsmoke. Tarn himself CSC"dlx:d from impris- tion. the el\-en refub'CCS were able to make the trip
onment in Daerforgc, with the assistance of a without ever exposing themsch'cs to the sky.
motley band of gully dwarves, but arrived in
H)'bardin 100 late to take part in that city's Hill DWAR.YES
defense. IndL"Cd, he found the cil)' alrc:.ldy in ruins Always more open-minded than their mountain
from the attack of the Chaos anny. He assumed cousins, hill d\'~drvCS are more inclined to in\"esti-
that both his father and the woman that he loved g-dte the teachings of mysticism. A Neidar dwarf
had been slain in the unprecedented invasion. namcdJasper Fircfor!,>c is one ofGoldmoon's firsl
Instead, he found the dwarfivom:m who would mYSlic disciplcs. Hill dwan'cs share their moun-
become his lifematc, Bclicia Fclixia tain cousins' distrust of arcane magic and shun
Slateshouldcrs. commanding a rcmnant of the sorcery. 1'ney have little tolerance for dwarves
Hylar's waterfront g-drrison. '1l1C city was barely who choose to prdctice it.
recot,,'lli7..ablc, as the Chaos onslaught had actual- The hill tribes must learn to adapt 10 the
ly mclted thc lx.'drock of the Life-Trt."C, eroding changing dim:.lte that occurs during the A!,re of
away structures and monuments that had slood J\<lortals. Their resourccri.lness and endumnce
for thousands of YC'drs. 'Ille base of the pillar had sustains them, however. with the rcsult that mosl
broken away, rendering the slender column into a hill dW;ln'es of the Firih f\ge possess gre-dter sur-
dangling stalaClite. vival skills than those of previous generations.
Baker Whitcbrrdnite was presiding over the Long prohibitLod from oc't:oming knights. some
defense of the dying city, and it was Tam's lot to hill dwarvcs are welcomed into the ranks of the
lead the survivors to safety. Tarn and Felicia spent Legion of Steel to fight ag:.\illst the Dragon
untold days tr:.lVeling through the maze ofC:.lVems Overlords.
scored through the roof of 'lllOrdbardin, finally
emer!,Ting, with seveml thousand other dwarves, Jasper Fireforge
into the Valley of1hmes, the secret !,'Totto locat- Male Hill Dwarf Mys 4/Citadcl Mystic 5: CR 9:
ed in the loriy remoteness of the High Kharolis. Medium-size humanoid (dwarf): 1-10 9d8+27: hI'
These esc:'lping refubJ'CCs were mostly Hylar, 69: Init +0: Spd 20 ft.; AC 15 (touch 10, nat·foot-
but included numerous Aghar and KiaI', and even ed 15): Atk +10/+5 melee (ldI0+4/x3. +3 (hullr-
a few Daergm. Tarn Ikllowbffanite led them all on Veil wllrtlxe); SA Spells: SQ Dwarven traits, heart's
an odyssey through thc mountains during the grace, mystic secrets, reputation +2: AL NG; SV
ye-J.r5 aftcr the Chaos War. On thc surface hc Fort +11. Ref +2 (+4), Will +9: Str 12, Dex 10,
encountercd the hill dwarves and exercised such Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14. I-Ieight 4 ri. 2 in.
skil1ful diplomacy that he was able to patch over Slul/s 1111(1 F(!(lts: Concentration +7, Craft
the schism dating b:'ICk to the time of the first (Woodcutting) +3, Diplomacy +8, Heal +11,
Cataclysm. The hill dwarves took in their cousins Knowledge (Religion) +11. Sense rVlotive +5,
from under the mount;ains and g:.IVe them shelter Spel1crari +7; Eschew M:.nerials. Martial Weapon
and food enou!"h to survivc those first harsh win- Proficicncy (dwarven war:.lXe): M:lXimizc Spell,
ters on the outside. Trustworthy.
With the coming of the Drnbron Overlords and Specilll Q'tII/r~i(!s: Dwarven trJ.its. HC"drt's GrJCC
the new st;ate of the world, lim\ recognized that (Su): Jasper may add his Charisma bonus 10
the time had come for his people to recl;aim their Reflex saving throws. Mystic St.'Crcts (Ex): Every
lost kinbrdom. He and Belioa led thcm back into time Jasper casts f71J"e kgltt u;ollllds or gnnilg light,
Thorbardin. to find that the vast undcJl,'l"Ound the spells :.lre considered Empowered (as per the
realm was virtually abandoned, haunted only by feat). Reputation (Ex): Jasper may add +2 10 any
the ghosts oflhe kingdom's great Ir.lgcdy. Charisma-based skill check when interacting with
Establishing a hC"ddquarters in what remained prisoners. peasants. and refugees or with rulers,
of the Life:rree. lam sent expedilions to all the nobles. and authorilY figures. 'me bonus is
great cities ofThorbardin. finding fCmnants ofthe applied as a penally (nLog::ltive) when interacting
other dans, linking up, and clearing cities in vari- wilh enemies of the Citadel of Librht.

CHARj\C"tERS " - ' 13

Mystic Spells per Day: 6/7/7/7/4: base DC = learned that by feeling his ~heart." and calling
13 + spell level. power from it. he could channel a force from his
Domains: Healing. Sensitivity. Mystic Spells chest and down his arms, into his fingers and
Known (. + 1 Cllstcr level) O-creale 'Zvale,; mrt! then into the body of someone injured. Jasper
minor wOllllds~ delerl mogic, guidnu,l', lighl, meud- considered it an amazing, exhausting sensation,
li/g. pu'?r./fm & dni/k, virtuI'; lSI-bless, rom/llf/JIII, and he devoted himself to perfecting his healing
mn ligh! wOll"ds~ denll/Wnldl, mngi, slone, mogi, arts.
weapoll, sOIlr/uor)': 2nd-bears enduJ'{JIl{,(" bulls He was angry with himself that he was never
s/reJlg/h, rure moderale WOUJlds, res/omlioll (lesser). able to ~cure" Dhamon Grimwulf of the dragon
see i,rois/blli/y, s/a/us; 3rd-rure senous wotmds~ scale that caused numerous problems. One such
remove blindness/deaf/ess, remove curse, set/n'llg ligh/, problem nearly cost Jasper his life. The scale was
/ollgllrs: 4th-curemtimlwolmds-' dis,em lies, diville from Malys, and it allowed her to control
puwer, res/ombon. Dlmlllon. When she directed Dhamon to slay
Possessions: Masterwork SCl.lle mail, +3 dwar- Goldmoon, Jasper put himself between
veil warax,". Goldmoon and DhlllllOn. Jasper was quickly rut
'rlC nephew of Flint Fireforgc always wanted to Jasper knew he was dying. In the distance he
be a hero. He had grown up on stories of his l,'Teat thought he saw his Uncle Flint. But he was pulled
uncle, who was one of the Heroes of the Lance. back by the Kagonesti F"cril, who also had some
Jasper knew he wasn't the fighter Flilll was: he skill in the healing arts. It took Jasper a while to
didn't have the body or the mindset for it. recover, as the wound Dhamon caused was deep.
However, he had the heart and the desire, and he It lcft physical and emotional scars, but Jasper
possessed a different gift-he could mystiClll1y heal didn't think twice about jumping back into the
others. fray against the dragons. And he never stopped
Jasper was eager to be one of calling Dharnon friend.
Goldmoon's champions and fight TIle dwarf often considered himself the
al,rainst the great Dragon Overlords that weakest ofGoldmoon 's champions, though
dominated Ansalon. He knew that he never voiced this to the others. He
struggling against the odds was risking knew he didn't possess their fighting
death. But he also knew that prowess, and it was all he could do
everyone eventually at times to keep up with them
died, so why not as they traipsed across
die mak- Ansalon. His stubby
ing a dwarven legs were no
differ- match for long
ence? human and c1ven
Why ones. Indeed, if
not die it hadn'l been
taking a for the noisy
stand to presence of the
save your kender Blister.
home? Jasper feared the
There were tall ones would
times when he have left him in the
missed ~dwarven proverbial dust.
things," as he liked to Despite his
call them. He missed trepidation about his
being on the mountains lack of fighting abili-
with granite underfoot and ty, Jasper was deter-
sky all llfollnd. And he mined to be part ofthe
missed being deep beneath stand against the drag-
the blessed earth in the com- ons at the Window to the
pany of his fellows, working Slars portal. He prayed to
the mines and sharing ale. the then-absent gods to
But he knew he wasn't grant him the strength
making a difference there. to wield his hammer
He was one more miner, as he'd never done
one more reveler, one before. And perhaps
more traveler who told his prayers were
tales of grellt dwarves. So he lefi his people, somehow answered, for he fought with a fury
embraced Goldmoon's teachings,. and discovered he'd not previously shown. 'mat night, beneath
within himself a mystical, magical spark. He the stars, he gave every measure of strength and
14'"'" CHAP"tE",0nE
courage he could summon, and he managed to dwarves. TIle Aghar live quite well in the muck
endure the terrifying dragonfear the great and filth. displaying the unflagbring cheerfulness
Overlords exuded. Jasper never felt more alive for which their race is known.
that night when he wondert.'<i ifhe'd m.lIched the Gully dwarves continue on. blissfully unaware
skills and furor of his Uncle Flint. He landed that they are in a n<.'w ab'C at all.
many blo,,"s against the dmgons.
He also di<.>Othere beneath the claws of one of ELVES
the massive beasts. He was the only one of
Goldmoon's champions who did not survi\'e the The elves of Ansalon have suffered more during
encounter with the Overlords. the Age of ~Iortals than perh:lps any other race.
Once blessed and protected by the gods. the elves
DARJ<..DWAR.YES have been brought low by a succession of catas+
trophes. culminating in the tragic downfall of
If the Age of i\'lortals has been a time of triumph their race during the War of Souls. Some in the
for the mountain dwarves who reclaimed world view the fall ohhe elves as simple bad luck,
Thoradin. it is an era of defeat for the dark but others see it as fitting retribution. the price
dwarves who once lived in the ruined kingdom of paid by the elves for centuries of arrogance and
Zhaill. their detemlination to isolate themseh'es from the
Known as dark dwarves because oftheir inabil- problems of the rest of the world.
ity to withstand sunlight. the Daewar and the
Theiwar find that the magic they had long used to K.l>Gon Es"ti
defend themselves against their enemies fails
them with the departure of the gods. Although Enslaved by their cousins decades earlier. forced
they were willing to learn the new ways of sor- to serve in the noble houses of both Qualinesti
cery and mysticism. they found it difficult to and Silvanesti. a new generation of K3b'Onesti has
altain instruction. isolated as they were. been born that is cut off from their people and
After their expulsion from Zhakar. the dark their way of life. This servitude is a benevolent
dwarves who survived ned by secret underground one. at least according to the Qualinesti and
routes to other caves and strongholds. A Silvanesti. for they believe that th<.")' are doing
resourceful people. the dark dwarves are sur- their MsavageM cousins a scrvice by r.tising and
vivors. and they nurse ambitions of retuming to educating them in a civilized and ordered society.
their homes and destroying Ihe imerlopers. To Although the Kagonesti were forbidden to use
this end. many have Ie-dOled mysticism and sor- their own language or to pass on lhe old ways to
""Y. their children. many KabTOncsti defied their mas-
The troubIL'<i times of this new age have rein- ters and did so in secret. never allowing their chil-
forced racial ster<.'Otypcs and hatreds. Most dark dren to forget the wronb'S that have been done
dwarves dislike .md distrust other r'dce.... 1"ey them and foslering the ambition to one day relum
reserve tme malice for their mountain and hill to their homeland. Many Wilder Elves dreamed
dwarf cousins. of the chance to strike out ago.linst their masters.
to once again claim their freedom. 11,e coming of
GVLLY DWARYES a common foe in the form of the dark knights and
the Dmb'Oll Overlord, Beryl. hlls caused many
'!be Aghar are able to thrive in the most hostile Wilder Elves to fig-ht on the samc side as lheir
environments and sin<.'C the War of Souls their masters. but the Kagoncsti have long memories
populations have soared. While facing many of and the dream will never die.
the same danbrcrs as other races. gully dwarves The Kagonesti who remaint.'<I in their home-
survived where others did not. mainly because land were not entirely spared suffering. Southern
they have no pride. will not hesitate to grovel. and Erb'Oth was conquered and claimed by the
will do anything they must in order to keep on Drugon Overlord known as Frost, who used the
breathing. powers of his skull totem to transform much the
The devastation C"dUSf,.'d by the Dragon PurblC island continent into frozen tundra. The Wilder
was a blessing to gully d\....drves. for it created new. Elves have adapled to the chanbred climate. how~
vermin-infested ruins throughout Ansalon. ever, and work with other mccs in the rq,rion to
Hearing of these by somc mysterious means resist the dmb'On's tyr:lOny.
known only to themselves. gully dwarves imme- Always sensitive to the energies of the world.
diately took possession of these ruins and began many Kagonesti learned the ways of mysticism
to set up housek<.>eping. during the early Age of Mortals. since its practice
Large cities that were once able to keep gully matched in many ways the Wilder Eh'cs' earlier
dwarves from invading their sewers and slums beliefs. Much rarer are those who learned sorcery.
lind that they have more pressing problems dur~ though a handful have embraced this arcane
ing the l-inh Age than trying to drive off gully magic. liking it because it requires no study and is
not part of a greater Movilizc<r organization.
'"""'-' CHAPTER.. 0nE
-0 Tale of the Lioness -€> l11eir homes were comfortable. their clothing
fine, and their meals plentiful. If they were not
In all times. a hero will arise as thoubm born of considered members of their masters' families..
the despemte need ofan oppressed people. In the they were tre'dted well and kindly. They did not
C"dSC ofQualincsti during the dark times afier the feel enslaved and often resented the sum,restion
Dragon Purge, il was a heroine who arose. She is thm they were. In the family of Kerianseray, the
Kerianseray of Qualinost, known to those who disab'TCement played out between brother and sis-
love her and those who fear her as the Lioness. ter. A sad and painful rift grew benveen them.
The of King Gilthas. the Kagonesti servant l'hey saw each other less and less frequently.
ofa Senator. no less likely a young woman could became practically strangers to each other until
be imagined as a heroine destined to forge and Kerian had reason to believe her brother, Iydahar.
lead a deadly resistance movement against the was involved with a band of outlaws who prac-
occupying dark knights who held the once- ticed hit·and·run raids against the dark knights.
proud dven kingdom captive. )-"'caring that his life was in danger. Kerian wanted
A woman of the Kagonesti. or Wilder Elves. to find him. In spite of the objection of Kin
many of Kerian's kindred have been in servitude Gihhas, she set out from Qualinost on her quest.
to the Qualinesti. Men. women, and children She set out upon a road she could not have imag-
have been taken from their Ergolhian homeland ined. Branded an outlaw for killing a dark knight
and put into the households of wealthy in self-defense. Kerian became the object of every
Qualinesti elves. '"To imprO'"c their minds," said knight's pursuit. for she must be captured and
the Qualinesti who did not do the taking them- killed, the punishment to be carried out in
selves, and who did nothing to stop the kidnap- Qualinost as a waming to others who might think
ping. they could kill a knigfll with impunity.
That they might consider themselves rescuers Unable to return to her lover or even come
and not the beneficiaries ofkidnapping. they said. near the city, hiding in the wilds of the forest.
"We will take the Kagonesti into our homes. We Kerian learned how badly used the e1ven people
will te-Jch these unfortunate. half-savage elves to were. Living the hard life of an outlaw, learning
read and write. We will give them brainful woodland skills she'd long forgotten or never
employment in our service and they will be knew, Kerian was not only able to fend for her~
gr.ueful for having the opponunity to Ie-Jm the self. but she conceived a plan to tum the band 0
higher skills.~ And so. many of the Kagoncsti ne'er-do-wells who first sheltered her into a fierce
were put into service. but others of their kind had force to resist the dark knights. In the space of a
a different word for what was done to them by long hard year ofAight and exile. Kerian changed
their city-dwelling kin - enslavement. from the king's lover to lhe. king's own outlaw.
Some ned their masters or found freedom in She fought a coven battle for Gilthas and helped
the df.'Cpcst parts of the Qualinesti forest before bring to fmition a tr~lty between elves. humans,
they could be assibrned 10 Qualinesti households. :lnd dwarves thal became the last hope for sur-
111ey btt'ew to despise the Qualinesli as effete vival of the. baltercd Qualinesti kingdom.
city-dwellers who had forgotten their llatunll Once ag.lin, though, the woman whose life is
conn(,.'(.'tion to the world of forest and river and marked by transfonnation, changes. Kerian who
S~l. In many cases. they came to consider servi- was lhe kings lover, who became the king's out·
tude as betrayal of the Kagonesti way oflife. law, at last became the king's wife and the daring
But those ofthe Wilder Kin who were 110t mis- quccn ofa people who had once called her servant.
used in service-and they were many-were. At her husband's side, she leads a nation in exile.
indl.'ed. grateful for the education they received. the hope of the king, the strength of a people.

~ALjnEsTi actLod behind the scenes. 111e nominal rulcr of

Qualinf.'Sti was the Speaker of Suns. Gihhas, con-
TIle great green dragon, Beryl. chose the sidered a weak fop and often called ~the Puppet
Qualinesti forest as hcr home. The dmgon nearly King': In tnlth. Gilthas was one of the leaders of
cxtcnninawd the Qualinesti people during the the resistance movement, secretly married to its
C'Jrly yL' of thc Fifth Age. and might have suc- leader, a Wilder Elf known as the Lioness.
a.'Cded werc it not for the discovel')' ofprimal sor· 1'11e War of Souls drove the dragon Beryl to
eery and thc aid of the human sorcerer, Palin launcll an attack against the elves. King Gihhas
Majere. Thc dmgon made an alliance with the made a secrct alliance with the dwarves of
Knights of l eraka and. through them, controlled Thorbardin to create evacualion tunnels under-
the elven nation as an occupied nation. nC3th the capital city of Qualinost. When the
Marshall Medan. a Knight of the Lily. was the dmgon came, many elven warriors stayed behind
truc rulcr of Qualinesti during the years Ie-dding to do battle, while their families escaped through
up to the War of Souls. Understanding that the
elves would never accept him as ruler, t..fedan

16"--' CHAP"tE",-OnE
the tunnels. Beryl was slain by the sacrifice of Smrbreeze. the desperate Silvanesti took
many elves, including the Queen Mother, Silvanoshei to their hearts and crowned him their
Lauralanthalasa. king.
The d....lbron'S enonnous body landed in the Not long after. as the One Cod had pl:lllned.
city, the weight causing the tunnels and sur- Mina. strange prophet of the One Cod. and her
rounding terr.lin to collapse. 'nle White-Rage dark knights entered the Shield. Silvanoshei was
River swept into the depression. flooding the city ensnared by 10\le for the human woman, who
ofQualinost and drowning almost all of the bat- duped the e1ven people into trusting her. Throub>h
tle's survivors. This crt..'3tt:d a new body of \~ter Mina's manipulation, the Shield was destroyed,
known as the Nolis AmI, the -Lake of Death. and the elves killed the drabron. Cyan Bloodbane.
Now the Qualinesti are a people in exile, The Silvanesli appeared to have won ;m impor-
together with their Silvancsti cousins. 1ney have tant victory. but dark forces were at work.
their king. but their homeland is brone and the city Mina sei7.ed control of Silvanesti. then handed
that stood as the center of their culture has been it over to the dark kniglns. who bq,ran to enslave
destroyed fore\·er. and kill the elves. 'l'ncir king. Silvanoshei. disap-
Many Qualinesti, particularly the younger gen- peared, lured away to follow his obession for
eration who are less rigid in their thinking. Mina.
learned the ways of primal sorcery during the ~ lany Silvanesti escaped into the wilderness.
Fifth Age. This magic served them well in their where they joined with Qucen Mother Alhana
struggles against Beryl and the dark knights. Staroreczc (newly restored in the eyes of her pe0-
Others made pilgrimages to the Citadel of Light ple) and ploued to rt..1:ake their homeland. In this.
to learn the healing arts of mysticism. Older gen- they were joined by many exik-d Qualinesti.
erations who clung to their belief in the old ways under the rulership ofGilthas.
rejoiced to have their powers restored to them When word came that their king, Silvanoshei.
when the gods returned alier the War ofSouls. All was in danger, Queen Mother Alhana abandoned
of these e1vcs would gladly trade their magic or plans to retake Silvanesti and led the ekes of both
even their lives for their lost homeland. nations in an attempt to recover their king. \Vhile
they were away. a fit.."et of minotaur ships sailed
SiLVAnEs'ti up the Tholl-iholll.! river. slaughtering the token
A people known for isolating themselves from the clven defenders and claiming the nation of
rest of the world. the high elves ofSilvancsti took Silvanesti in the name of the minotaur empire.
this to the extreme during the Abre of~'lortals. To Although the War of Souls is won. the
protect themselves from the horrors of the Silvanesti e1VI.."S pay a terrible price. losing both
homeland and their beloved young king, for
Dragon PUfb"C. the Silvanesti erected a magical
Shield around their land. creating a force power- Silvanoshei was slain. though he is proclaimed the
fiJI enoub'h to keep out the alien drablQns. Having hero that forever ended the threat of the Queen of
exiled the Speaker of Stars and his Queen, Alhana Darkness. 111e brrieving Queen Alhalla abdicates
Starbreeze, the Silvancsti fondly belicvL'd that at all rights to her throne in r.·1\'or of her husband's
last they were safe from the pollution of humans cousin, Gilthas. 'nle Silvancsti now try to find
and other races. as well as the draj"rons. their place in this new world, along with their
The Shield protected the nation of Silv;l1lesti, exiled cousins.
though that protection a.lllle at a terrible price. Isolatl..x1 behind the Shield. most Silvancsti held
The Aimlh. the elven ranb"Crs who scouted the on to t ....lditional beliefs about magic and the gods.
woods. beg::lIl to notice thut the Shield killed all Only a handful have since learned the new pow·
the plant and animal life in the surrounding vicin- ers of sorcery and mysticism. Most Silvanesti
ity. but even they did not suspect that the Shield spellcasters arc thankful for the return of their
was responsible for the wasting sickness that b'Odly powers. ;Ilthough 01 few feel a certain
began killing many of the elves who lived under amount of bitterness, ft.."eling that there must be a
il. Nor did the elves rt:"J.lize thm they were being way to blame the brods for their misfortune
instead of themselves.
manipulated by the disb'Uised brrccn dragon, Cyan
Bloodbane, who used the Shield to hide himself SiJvanoshei
from the ravages of the D....lbron Purb"C and to g"
his revenge on the elves. whom he had long Male Silvanesti Nbl 2: CR 2: Medium-size
hated. humanoid (elf): HD 2d8: hI' 13: In it +1; Spd 30
When an eh'en youth with a broken ann man- ft.; AC 13 (toudl II. fiat-footed 12): Atk +2 melee
aged to mysteriously enter the Shield, the elves (ld8+VI9-20, 10nb"Sword): SQ bonus class skill
look this for a miracle. which it was-a miracle of (Survival). e1vensight. fOlvor + I. inspire confidence
the One Cod. When the elves discovered Ihat the Vday. Silvanesti l ....lits: AL NG: SV Fon +0. Ref
youth was Silvanosht..-i. son of Queen Alhana H. Will +2: Str 12. Dex 13. Con II. Int 13. Wis 8,
Cha 14. Hciboht 5 ft. 5 in.

CHA""C"tE~ ~ 17
Skills nnd Fenls: Bluff +6, Diplomacy +7. Listen she tried to make this up to him. After Porthios's
+2. Ride +4. Search +2. Sense Motive +3, SPOI disappearance, Alhana bJTew more attached to her
+0, Survival +1; Run. son than ever.
Favor: The noble has the ability to call in When the Silvanesti people raised a magical
favors !Tom those he knows. To call in a favor, Shield around their land in order to keep the
make a favor check (ld20+1). He can use this Dragon Overlords from attacking. Alhana formed
ability three times per week. calling in filVors from an army made up of Silvanesti refugees and
different contacts. TIle OM sets the DC based on Qualinesli elves loyal to her and her husband. She
the scope of the favor being requested. The DC attempted to break through the Shield, in an
ranges from 10 for a simple favor to as high as 25 effort to show the Silvanesti peoplc that they had
for highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. to face the growing problcms in the world, they
The noble cannot take 10 or take 20 on this could not hide from them. Hcr attempts to cnter
check, nor can he retry the check for the same (or the Shield were constantly thwarted.
virtually the same) favor. Silvanoshei grew lip in an armed camp where
Inspire Confidence: The noble can lise orato- he was spoiled and pampered. Self-centered. he
ry to inspire confidence in allie... (not himseH), knew that the dven warriors had no
bolstcring them and improving their chances of respect for him, and he was secretly hun
success. An ally must listen to and by this. He vowed to win their respect
observe the noble for a full round for the and, during the night ofTakhisis's Storm,
inspiration to take hold. The when the camp was attacked by ogres,
effects lasts for 5 rounds. Silvanoshei volunteered to mn for
The noble can inspire 2 the Legion of Steel in order to
allies at a time. An bring back help.
ally inspired with BasiC'.llly a good per-
confidence son. Silvanoshei felt real fear
gains a +2 /'" for his mother and his peo-
morale ple, and he was frantic to
bonus on
saving throws and
a + 1 mOl"dle bonus on
/.--. save them. Takhisis had
looked into his heart. how-
ever, and she saw that she
attack and weapon , - could make use of his
damage rolls. / ~ shallow, selfish nature and
Immune to sleep
spells and effects,
I his naivete. She arranged
for him to ~fall" through the
Shield, where he was dis-
covered by members of the
+2 on saves kirath, who had always been
against enchant- loyal to Alhana Starbrceze and
ment effects, her family. Silvanoshei was
+1 bonus taken to the elven capital.
on Knowledge 'nle Shield had been slowly
(arcana) and Spellcrafi, +2 bonus on killing the elves it was supposed
Listen, Search, and Spot checks. to protect. Bereft of hope, the
Possessions: Leather armor, elves made Silvanoshei their
longsword. ruler. He proved himself an
able leader, much to the
Born to the Silvanesti queen, surprise of those elves
Alhana Starbreeze, and her husband, who had fib'l..lred to
the Qualinesti Speaker, Porthios, make a puppet of
Silvanoshei was destined to be the sav- him. He helped
ior of the elven race. Although his parents lead the military
were exiled from both their lands, deemed campaign af,,'llinst
"dark elves," Alhan::! and Porthios Mina and her
dreamed that one day their son would for~s. who had
rise to unite the Silvllllcsti and entered the Shield.
Qualincsti under his rule. Mina's anny was defeated and
An only child. Silvanoshei was she was mllde a prisoner. Silvanoshei
spoiled by his mother from the day of his birth. fell in love with her at first sight. She revealed the
Alhana doted on him and could not bear to deny tme architect of the Shield to be the green drag-
him anything. She also felt guilty for inflicting a on, Cyan Bloodbane, who sought the death of the
hard life on her son, for she and Ponhios were Silvancsti elves, and she led the elven warriors in
constantly on the mn from elven assassins, and a battle thm brought down the dragon. Following
18"'-' CHAP1"E",0nE
"€l- Elves After the War of Souls "€l- Plainspeoplc that the elves will not encroadl on
their territory but will live in hannony. He has not
The two once-proud clven mltions now lie in been very successful thus far. 'nlC Plainspeople
ruins. Captain Samuval and his bribrands have have wamed the elves to stay out of the desert.
turned non.hem Qualinesti into a lawless land. Gilthas and his followers are currently living in
traveled only by the daring or foolish. Goblins a large refubTtt camp located nC'dr the last remain-
and hobgoblins have taken over southern ing stronghold of the Legion of teel, who are
Qualinesti. 111eir forces are strong and well- friendly to the elves and remain their staunch
organized. and it is said they are under the con- allies. The Lioness and her followers. among
trol of some powerful. mysterious leader. Those them the Wilder Elves. are with Gilthas's band.
Qualinesti who have tried to venture back to their but relations between the militant elves and those
homeland to reclaim their wealth or to find out who want pe:tce are strained.
'hat has happened to lo,·ed ones len. behind Devastated over the death of her beloved son.
have either never returned or have barely escaped Alhana Starbreeze had brone into seclusion when
"'ith thcir lives. she received startling infonnation from a mysteri-
Thc onc place where neither man nor ous source that her husband. Porthios. was not
goblin ventures to go in Qualinesti is dead as she had been infonned, but that he was
the Lakc of Deuh. for it said to be alive. living somewhere in the \\'CSt. Takin
haunted by spirits both good and evil. Samar and a few trusted followers. Alhana left
induding the spirit of the green to find out if these rumors were
Dragon Overlord Beryl. whose true. Neither she nor any 0
rotting corpse lies at the bottom her party have been heard
f the lake. These spirits are from since.
said to continue to fight the ba.t- , During the lime 0
tie that brought about their upheaval and runnoil fol-
doom and will try to lure the lowing the end of the \~r.
living into aiding their C'dllSe. many elves from both
Silvanesti is under the Qualinesti and Silvanesti
control of the minotaurs. went 01T to try to find
who are shipping in fresh new lives in the
troops and minotaur settlers major cities 0
to strengthen their hold on Ansalon. with the
the land. Although the result that elven
ogres ofBlOde to the north ghettos have
are the minotaurs' sprung up in the
sworn allies. the cities or Tarsis,
ogres have recently Palanlhas,
bq,'lJn eyeing this Solan thus. and
build-up with dis- Flotsam. The
trust and suspi- humans in these
cion. cities first wel-
The elves them- comed the elves.
selves are splin- but are now
tered and fractured. starting to rq"r.ud
with no two elves ab>Tccing about what should be this sudden influx with alarm.
done to try to rebuild their livcs. A militant group Bereft of their b>OO. Paladine. whom the elves
f Wilder Elves. Qualincsti and Silvanesti advo- ahvays felt 10 be the b>OO most interested in their
cates attacking the minotaur before they grow welfare. most elves have taken to worshipping
stronger. to try to drive them from Silvancsti. This Mishakal or Branchala. with some few turning to
group is being led by the Lioness. wife ofGihhas. Chislev. Elven mages continue to align them-
the ruler of the Qualinesti. selves almost exclusively with Solinari. Perhaps
The nominal leader of the elves. Gilthas is due to the unsettled nature of their lives. more
posed to war and this has caus(:d a rupture e1,'es than usual have begun to take an interest in
bet\..-een him and his wife. Gilthas believes that maglc.
the eh'es should join together to fonn a new The elves do not distrust the gods. as do many
nation in the Plains of Dust. and that they should humans. 1be elves know that the War of Souls
not fonn it alone, but should invite all those who was not the fault of the gods and most elves place
have been made exiles by the War ofSouls to join no blame on them. though the elves never fail to
with them. He has been conducting nq"rotiations remind the gods that they should do what they
with Wanderer. leader of the I'lainspcople. can to make amt.'1lds to the elves for all of their
toward this end. trying to convince the sulTering.
("-> CHAPTER.... 0nE
the battle. Mina seduced Silvanoshei and tricked himself of thc gnomes and too stubborn to aban-
him into lowering the Shield. TIle forces of the don his conquest. the dragon Pyro is said to have
dark knights marched into Silvanesli. Blinded by boonc insane.
Mina. the elves welcomed their enemy as their In previous ages. the occasional b",ome would
savior. The dark knights soon seized control of be born who either had no interest in technology,
the elven capital. Trapped in the city and con· lacked the ability to create inventions. or whose
vinced they were surrounded by the entire elvcn inventions actually worked. These gnomes were

anny. the dark knights remained in Silvanos! until termed -mad gnomes. During the last hours of
the minotaurs arrived, defeated the remaining the Chaos War, the god Reorx lifted his curse of
elves, and encouraging the dark knight's to leave. many thousands of years on a large group of
Mina abandoned Silvanoshei when she trav- gnomes-freeing them from both the obsession
eled nonh to launch the War of Souls. She left with technology and the desire to always make it
him her horse. however, and the magical beast big{"TCr and bener. TIle inventions ofthese gnomes
carried Silvanoshei to Solace. where she ploued tend to function as designed. Not only that, the
to use him to lure the elves into a trap and bring inventions function quietly and efficiently. Thus
about the final defeat of the e1ven nation. many of their kindred consider these gnomes to
Mina's plans began to go awry. When she be -mad. Undeterred by criticism, the new
made him her prisoner, Silvanoshei at last came gnomes designate themselves '"thinker gnomes.-
to see the truth about Mina and how she had Thinker gnomes live and work along side -nor-
used him. Even then, he blamed himself. not her. mal- tinker gnomes. although a certain amount of
His love for her continued to the end. when he self-imposed segregation has occurred. since the
killed the monal Takhisis before she could take two groups have a running disagreement on just
out her wrath on Mina. Grieving the death of her what it means to be a gnome.
goddess. Mina turned upon Silvanoshei in fury Most gnomes have no interest in magic,
and slew him. thoubrh some guilds have been organized to study
Since the elves were in exile, Silvanoshei was magic in terms of pure science. Committees have
temporarily entombed in the Tomb of the Last formed in the fifth Age to study the new phe-
Heroes in Solace. He is honored as a hero among nomena of sorcery and mysticism.
the elves of both nations, who plan to build him
a fitting monument when they once regain their
The kender, oftcn called the child-race of
Ansalon. experienced a shocking and saddening
GnomES loss of innocence in the Age of Mortals. The
TIle gnomcs' frantic pursuit of tcchnolob'Y con- mightiest of all the Drngon Overlords, tbc red
tinues in the AbTC of MonaIs. Although Ansalon's known as Malystryx, decided to claim the lands
population ofgnomes remains centered in Mount surrounding Kendermore as her own. 'n1C great
Nevennind on the isle of Sancrist, gnomes can be wynn slaughtered countless kender and drovc
found in almost all parts of the continent, espe- thousands more into exile, while transforming
cially in and around rm~or cities. their fonner homeland into a volcanic min.
The b",omes who dwelt in Mt. Nevermind are Allhough the kender race had fought. tor-
said to be under the dominion of a red Dragon mente<l, taunted and been eaten by dragons for
Overlord known as ~Pyro.~ No onc has seen the centuries and had not been particularly affccted
dragon in many years and, though the gnomcs by these cncounters, somcthing about the attack
insist that Pyro remains in control. the gnomes by Malys act(.'(} upon them in a strange manner,
arc vague about details. In truth, most gnomes bringing about a drastic personality change. TIlis
pay lillIe attention to the dragon. but continue on has led many of thc wise to believe that the drag·
with their Life Quests as they have done for cen· on C'dSt some sort of curse upon the kender,
tunes. although what that curse might be and how to lift
Rumor out of Mt. Nevermind has it that somc it is unknown.
gnomes became fascinated with the dragon (and The kender who underwent this change are
its self-contained internal combustion system). said to be nf!1irled. Afflicted kender havc lost all
They began performing experiments on the drag- joy in life, becoming serious, somber, and suspi-
on and asking it endless questions. Hoping to rid cious. Kender in those areas that were spared
himself of his persecutors, Pryo devoured several Malys's wrath remain the same-taking both a
of the more dedicated researchers, trusting that delight in life and anything that is not nailed
this horrific act would serve to bring an end to down. These "trueR kender pity their afflicted
the experiments. The gnomes honored their fel- brethren. but do not understand them, while
lows as having given their lives to science. and afflicted kender grow angry and impatient with
continued to harass the dragon. Unable to rid their fun-loving cousins, who refuse to see that

20'""-' CHAP"tER.0nE
life mUSI be taken seriously. 11ms a schism has between humans and kender, since any self~
fonned between amieted kender and their nor_ M respecting dwarf would sooner pull out his beard
mal~ cousins. by the roolS than take up wilh a kender, while an
While not pal1icularly inclined toward magic. elf would never consider such an improper liai-
both true and amieted kender have shown the
ability to learn sorcery and mysticism. True "'".No maller what circumslances surround the
kender have a difficult time concentrating, whidl half-kender's birth, kender are always accepting of
pm'ents them from excelling as arcane spellcast- the child, IhouJ,>h when the child grows up,
ers. ~ lany kender, both true and amieted. are kender find Ihat the human side of the child
drawn to failh. worshipping deilies such as sometimes makes the half-kender staid and bor-
Branchala and Roorx. ing. Humans, on the other hand, tend to feel the
same aversion for half-kender that they feel for
olher half-breeds.
A half-kender's life is nOI easy. nor is it as C'.lre-
M:nings between kender and other r:.ICes are free as a kender's, but, since the half-kendcr do
unusual, but not as uncommon :IS many 1x.'Ople inherit :1 sense kender-like optimism about the
would like to believe. Most of lhese unions occur

"€> Tasslehoff Burrfoot "€> TasslehofT Burrfoot is one of the few figures in
A Legend In (and Out of) history with access to and knowledge of the arti-
His Own lime r,ct.
As to those who scoff at the notion that a
By Pa/i" M(Jj~ mere kender could play such an important role in
hislory as to help lead the gods to the world
I have been persuaded to write this monograph Takhisis stole. let me say here that while I con-
by !.he head of the Order of Aesthetics in order sider TasslehofT a remarkable kender, I do not
10 establish for all time the true facts. as I kno..... believe he is that unusual. Some of the best and
them, of the role played by the legendary kender wisest people I have known are kender, who are
rrasslehoff Burrfoot in the War of Souls. In this, I possessed of a childlike ability to see through all
lam relying nOI only on my memory. but on that subterfuge and facade to the bare truth. Perhaps
Iof the Solamnic Knight, Gerard uth Mondar, that is why so many people are uncomfortable
~o was the traveling companion of Tasslehoff around them.
Burrfool during his lime among us. As an example of this, Tasslehoff Burrfoot is
First, tel me S13te that I am certain beyond the celebrated among his own people in a way which
shadow of a doubt Ihal the kender who came to shows that they recognize this. He has been
us was indL'ed the TassIchaff Burrfoot. Hero of adopled by every kender in Ansalon. Almost all
the Lance. Queslions have been raised about this kender are now proud to claim Tasslehofi
by skeptics. who point out-quite rightly-that the Burrfoot as an ~unclc,~ and many are the tales
name 'HlsslehoffBurrfoot is a common one these and stories which are now circulating about
days and there are some who say that lhe Tasslehoff :lnd his adventures. Most of lhese are
TasslehoffI met was a namesake, not the genuine nOI true, a r."lct which has probably done much to
article. contribute to the doubt and confusion surround-
To refute this. I would first say that my r:"lther. ing Tas's visit to Ansalon in the l-ifth Age.
Caramon l\'lajerc. saw TasslehofT and spoke to TasslehoR' would have understood, however. He
him in the hours before his death and, allhough told his share of stories about his Uncle
I myself was not present. my siSler, LaUl"'d, was Trapspringer, another remarkable kender.
and she Slates that Caramon not only fCCOb'1lizcd finally, it was a pleasure to see how humbly
rras. but that they spoke together about certain astonished TasslcllOff was to find himself cele-
private matters which only the real Tasslehoff brated as a hero. To meet so many kender bear-
would have known. ing his name as an honor and a privilege was a
As further proof, I present the faet that only thrill for him (though it did make things rather
the true Tasslehoff Burrfoot. friend of both my confusing at times). He confided to me that noth-
father and of the god, Paladine (whom T:lS knew ing in his life had made him happier or prouder.
~ F'tZban), would have had access to the famous In closing, it is my belief that if each and every
/In:i<< ofTime Journeying. I myself saw the device kender who bears the name of Tasslehofl
and examined it and I can vouch for the r:"let thai Burrfoot lives his life with as much courage.
il was Ihe device mentioned in the notes left nobility, and honor as did the real TasslehofT.
behind by my uncle Raistlin Majere. and that it then the world of Krynn has nothing to fear from
corresponds to my father's description. 'Ine true the darkness, for each ofthese will bear with him
an unquenchable light.
world, they tend to be more resilient than other if attempting to p,ISS as human, Lacking the
half-brct.'<is and more likely to forj"Jivc and forget kendcr's lovc of~handling,W balf-kender are usual-
insults and Cnle! treatment. ly contcnt 10 Cllrl)' only their own belongings in tl
Pcrson:t1ity: If kcndcr are the perpetual chil- slllall pouch or knapsack. Half-kender tend to live
dren of the world, half-kender are the perpetual :llmost 100 yc:.lrs, reaching adulthood at around
adolescents. Considered more ~mllturew than 16.
kender, lacking their kender par- Relations: Half-kender
ent's utter fe-J.r1cssness and never quite fit in with any
overwhelming curiosity, race or community.
half-kender tend to fccl whether it is a kender
~Icfi out of the joke~ community, a human
when they are among community, or with
kender. Among other some other race.
races, their kender Kender find half·
blood can make kender to be ~too
them appear flighty. human w and ~not
restless. and suspi- much fun~. Humans
ciously cheerful. find the half-kender
'nms they are never 10 be ~IOO kender,w
truly accepted by and keep a hand on
either race. their pouches and
Because of this, an exact count of
there are many half- ~£ their silver, J'ust in
kender who become rJ,," r.",~
...... case. Elves hold
loners, although Ihis . half-kender in dis-
does not seem to be by ~ dain because oftheir
choice. Most have a ~impurew blood.
strong need to be Dwarves consider
accepted into a group, ,1 half-kender to be true
perhaps to find the ~par­
~ ~ ~ kender in disguise. while
enting that a kender child I ~ gnomes want 10 sludy and pos-
does not require, but a human '~l sibly dissect half-kender in order to
child does. further the sludies of the bmomish
While half·kender possess the same DepartmcntOfHllmanElfDwarfGnomcKcndcr
adeptness at MhandlingWas their kender parent. A ndOt herR acesA na tomy A nd Biological
they inherit a notion of ownership :1Od propeny StructliresrorSludyAndUnderstandinj,,>OfMating
from the other parent that keeps many of them l-IabitsBetwccnDisparateSpecies,
from being Wlight-fingcred.~ Half-kender arc also Alignment: I-Ialf·kender tend to adopt the
born with a sense of self-preservation and cun w soci:11 beliefs of humans, with an equal tendency
ning that is missing in most kender. toward law or chaos depending on thc circum-
'111C one character trait of kender that h:llf- stances of their upbringing, Possessed of the
kender inherit is ~wandcrlust.'· As the half-kender kender's innate sense of justice, independence,
approach adulthood, they arc stricken by the and fr<..'1".'dorn, the majority ofhalf-kender embrace
sallle indefinable llr~"'e to follow the road 10 the brood over evil.
end of the horizon. Half-Kender Lands: Like half-elves and half-
Physical Description: Although taller than ogres, half-kendcr C'JII no land their own. Once
tnle kender, half·kender do nOI :Ippro:leh full wanderlust sets in, they roam Ansalon. Some of
human height, and ret:lin the kender's lithe, tlgilc the wise believe that the half-kender's human
fmme. Both male and female half-kender avemge desire to find a place to ~fit in ~ is the true source
between 5 and 5 l/2 fcci in height, weighing of this wanderlust. Whatever the reason, when
around 90-130 pounds. Although most inherit the w:lI1derlust ['Ides. the half-kender lends to set-
the pointed cars of their kender parent. halfw lie perm:lllently wherever he feels most accepted,
kender can nevenheless pass easily for young whcther that is among humans, kender, or some
humans or vel)' lall kender. Hair and eye color, as other mce entirely.
well as the half-kender's skin tone. tends 10 mimic Religion: Half-kender tend to adopt the reli-
that of their kender parent, though Ihe f:lre. dark- gious belief of the parent who raises them,
er complexioned, half-kenderlhalf-Ergothian is though many find they are more drawn 10
not unheard or Brandmla than 10 other gods.
Half-kender adOI'I Ihe dress of the culture in Language: Half-kender possess no language of
which Ihey were raised, and though they may their own, usually learning both Kenderspeak and
possess a kender's Im'e for bright, clashing colors. Common in order to understand bolh sides of
they tend to dress more conservati\'e1y, especially their parentage.
22"" CHAP"tER.0nE
Names: Half-kcndcr names depend on A group of Chaos-influenced centaurs broke
whether the half-kender is raised by the human or off from the main body. Rebelling against the
Kender parent. though many half-kender end up Forestmaster. they left Darken Wood and headed
taking a nickname to represent the fact that they out into the Plains of Dust to fonn their own
do not entirely live in either world. realm. Their newly established realm is known as
Adventurers: Like kender, half-kender are Duntollik. A unique realm, DuntolHk is inhabited
drawn to wanderlust, so that most of them by both humans and centaurs working in cooper-
become adventurers. \Vhile some possess a natu- ation to actively oppose the blue dragon known
ral inclinations towards ~handling.~ half-kender as Thunder. 'n..e brass dragon that calls herself
may take up a variety of professions. often taking Splendor sponsored a group of centaur militia.
lessons in swordsmanship to become fibrhters, and a young generJ.tion of centaur foals is grow-
learning the ans as a primal sorcerer. or ing up in the dragon's service.
even studying to be a Wizard of High Sorcery. Always a people attuned with the natura.!
forces of the world, almost all centaur spellcasters
HALF-K.!onDER..~ciAL tl\!'i"ts of the Abte of MonaIs are mystics. Many go on to
- Medium: As Medium creatures, half-kcndcr become nomad sh;lmans, bUI others have learnt.-d
have no special bonuses or penalties due 10 their the ways of the Citadel of Light or have joined
the Legion or Steel.
- I-Ialf·kcnder base land speed is 30 feet.
- +I r:.lcial bonus on Spot checks. Half·kender DRjlconiAns
eyesight tends to be slightly morc keen than a TIle Chaos War that brought doom and ruin to
humans. tbough not quite as sharp as a kender·s. many on Ansaloll proved to be the salvation of
- +I racial bonus on Open Locks and Sieibrtu the draconian race. A group of displaced fonner
of Hand checks. Half-kender possess nimble fin- warriors and engineers from the dragonannies of
gers like their kendcr parent. the War ofthe Lance discovered a priceless secret
- +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws hidden in the depths of Thorbardin-magically
against fear effects. Half-kender may not be as preserved eggs containing living female draconi·
utterly fe-J.rless as true kender. but they are able to an,.
call upon an inner reserve of strength when nce- The dragonmen worked quickly to preserve
"""y. Automatic Languages: Kenderspeak,
their race, fighting goblin hordes and overcoming
many other obstacles to reach an abandoned
Common. Bonus Languages: Any ~ike humans, dwarven settlement in Teyr, which they then
half-Kender mingle with many folk. and pick up claimed as their own. Surviving draconians. who
the languages of friends and enemies alike). had long been harried and persecuted by mem-
- Favored Chlss: Any. When determining bers of other races. traveled to the new ~drJ.con­
whether a multi·c1ass half-kendcr takes ;Ill experi- M

ian nation.
ence point penalty. his highest-level class does Two new gcnemtions of draconians have
not counl. grown up in Tcyr. 11,ese young draconians are
not the the foul creations of priests and wizards.
CEntAUR... but are born to parents, who love them all the
The number of centaurs populating Ansalon has more fiercely due to the fact that their race came
never Ix.-en very large. Since they tend 10 keep to so near to extinction.
themselves and avoid contact with outsiders. cen- 1110ugh drawn towards evil by tbe design of
taur'S are rarely seen in Ansalon. and 1110st mem- their mce. many dmconians have become neutral
bers of other races considcr them to be Cft.':ltures in attitude. wanting onl)' to be left alone to live
of myth. and work in pe'J.ce. \Vhen enemies threaten their
The centaur race came to prominence during existence. the drJ.conians of Teyr are swift to
the Age of ~ lortals. whcn events forced them to react, for they require all of their people to sen'e
lea\'e their forests and become a part ofthe world. at least one tenn in the military.
taking up anns to fight ag-J.inst the tyranny of the Spellcasting drJ.conians of the !-Ifth Age are
Dragon Overlords. almost always sorcerers or mystics, shunning the
This has caused dissension among the cen- gods. As a race, the draconians felt used and
taurs. panieularly among the lart.>est group. who betrayed by Takhisis, and the draconian Ie-..der,
live in Darken Wood in Abanasinia. Some cen- GO\'emor K~lllg. renounced godly magic. Many
taurs follow the old ways and live under the dmconians followed his example and now cast
benign rule of the Forestmaster. 11lCse centaurs spells that require :lllcgiance 10 no one but them-
he quiet. isolated lives. taking little interest in the selves.
outside world. since it takes little interest in them.
saw their chance to obtain the foothold on the
OGRIOS continent they had long sought. Under the le;ld-
A race which hilS vowed to risc to the fore during ership of Emperor Chot, the minotaurs built up
the Age of Mortals, the ogres are determined to their forces and wailed for their opportunity.
brain the respect they have long felt they have 'I11e \-Var of Souls g;lVe the minotaurs of the
deserved and been denied. With their ancient Blood Sea Isles their chance. Having received
foes. the elves. suffering defeat and exile. the ogres word through minotaur spies that the dark
sec themselves as being free to spread out, acquire knights of Nc.raka had conquered Silvanesti and
and conquer. left only a small occupation force behind, the
Quick to sec that the alien dragons were cer- minotaur sailed south with the intent of wresting
tain to become the new power on Ansalon, many cOlllrol ofSilv;lllesti from both the elves and the
0l:,rrc tribes ollered their services to the Dragon dark knighls.
Overlords. an act that probably saved the ogres If the elven army had been present. there is no
from extermination. doubt but that the minolaurs would have paid
111C 01:,'l'CS of DaltigOlh established an ulleasy demly for their allempt and might well have been
alliance with the thanoi brought from Icewall driven ofT. As fate would have it, however, the
Glacier by the dragon Fros!. 'Inc two races cur- elves ofSilvanesti left their kingdom largely unde-
rently exist in a state of armed truce. fended in order to rescue their king, Silvanoshei.
Over one thousand ogres served the massive The minotaur neel sailed unoppost.J up the TllO!I-
red dragon M'llys. Following the dragon's death /1/(/111$ river, slaughtering the token defense force
during the War of Souls, the oJ:,Yfes are now are of kirath th;lI had been left behind and sending
disorg-anized and scattered. Some have decided the dark knights packing. Now the minotaurs arc
to try to survive in the harsh desolation left building up their strength within the Silvanesti
behind by Malys, while others are finding their forest, determined that they will not lose the
way back to the ogre homeland ofBlode. ground they have gained. 'Illey plan to exp;md
In the Kh;llkist mountains, :1 large tribe ofogres into the rest of Ansalon, but they are patient and
took to serving the red dragon Crematia, acting know that they must have a strong foothold on
llS gtlllrds, spies, and warriors. the continent first. 111ey foresee a time when all
111e ogre nations of Blade and Kern thrived of Ansalon will be under minotaur mle.
after the Chaos W;lr, mainly due to the rise of the Minotaurs never gave up their reverence for
ogre titans and the fact that the Silvanesti barri- their warrior-!,'Od, Sargonnas (MSargas" as the
C'adcd themselves beneath their Shield, thus leav- minot;lurs call him). MllllY of his faithful were
ing the ogre nation on their border free to expand waiting for the horned god upon his return at the
in peace. end of the \Var of Souls. Minotaur wizards of old
'nle most dramatic development for the ogres had passed on their knowledge of the arcane art.
in the Fifth Age has been the rise of the ogre in the belief that the gods would one day return,
titans. Transformed by magic into beautiful, terri- so that when the three moons ab":lin appeared in
fying ogres who possess inherent mllgical powers, the nighl sky, many apprentice wizards were pre-
the titans are revered and even worshipped by pared to take up godly magic.
their brethren and, as such, the titans have A standing alliance with the dark knights g;.lVe
become leaders of many ogre tribes. I3ccluse the minotaur nations access to sorcery and mys-
titans have to sustain themselves by bathing in ticism. and while these practices were never
elven blood, tit;ms have been offering bounties for widely embraced, they are accepted. 11lc mino-
elves and many ogres are now on the hunt. taurs approve of anything that gives them an
With the exception of the traditional 0brre advantage over their foes.
magi, very few ogres are spellclsters. Once con-
sidered rencgade wizards by the Orders of High
Sorcery, 0b'Te magic has lar!,TCly turned to sorcery CLASSES OF THE
and mysticism. '!11e mysterious ogre titans have
inherent powers given to them though their cre- FiFTH AGE
mion ritual. Some titans expand Iheir powers by
leaming primal magic. TIle Age of Mortals is a time of change. Wizards
and clerics who lose their powers early in the age.
minOTAVRS regain them when the gods return at the conclu-
sion of the War of Souls. Sorcerers and mystics
The coming of Chaos brought vast changes to emerge as new powers not seen since thc Age of
the seas the minotaurs have sailed since the Dreams. With the return of divine mabric, all wiz-
Cataclysm. 'nlC massive 1'vlac1strom centered in llrds must learn to co-exisl in a world where
the Blood Sea of lstar !,'Tew calm, m:lking it pos- magic comes from lllultiple sources. Other pro-
sible for the first time for minotaurs to sail direct- fessions, such as wllrriors ;md thieves, must face
ly through it instead of making the long and har-
rowing journey around it. 'I1le minotaurs at last
24'"'" CHAP"tE",OnE
the terrible dangers of the Dr:.lgon Overlords. all tamed to the hard life and adopt a pmgmatic out-
the while trying to survive in a land of war and look in order to survive. 10 the landlubber. such
tunnoil. an attitude C"dn seem c:tliOllS or cvcn ruthless.
Rules and infonnation for playing any of the Alignment: Mariners are often of neutral align-
dasses from the DUNGEONS f!:f DRAGONS Pltl)'l7'S ment, learning to accept diflicuh situations they
Htl1ldhook are includL-d in the DRAGONl.ANCE cannot change. l'ney are rarely chaotic, since life
C1mpoigtl Sellillg. A new base class, the mariner, is aboard ship requires structure and discipline.
presemed here. along with many new prestige Religion: Mariners are not generally deeply
dasses appropriate for any campaign set in the religious, though most are superstitious. l"lariners,
Age of Mortals. evcn those of non-cvil alignments. honor Zeboim,
in the belief that their offerings and pnlyers will
placate the capricious Sea Queen. Mariners of
good alignment may also re\'cre I-Iabbakuk. thc
Mariners live their life at sea, waking to the smell rlShcr King, while those of neutral alib'11111ent may
of salt air and falling asleep at pay homage to Chislev,
night to the sound of the whose command over
waves. Some mariners are nature extends to the ocean.
hard-working. simple sailors Background: Mariners
who love life at sea. Others are gencrally come from
ruthless buccaneers. bent on coastal·dwelling families,
gainmg personal wealth who have a 1ong·standing
through force and skill. tradition of serving aboard
Mariners may do quite well for ship. Mariners may hire
themselves while on land, but onto a ship in order to
they always long for the free- CSC'dJ>C problems on land,
dom of the ocean. either mnning from the law
Ad"-enturcs: Many individu- or trying to conceal danger-
als become mariners in order ous secrets.
to see the wide world. while Some mariners begin
others set sail in search of: their careers by being
treasure or to avent,'C them- prt:ssed into service ag-dinst
selves on an enemy. Since situ- their will. A C'dptain who is
ations can change rJ.pidly on short his full complement of
board ship, the mariner must crewmen will send out his
be prepared to face a variety of oflicers with t,rant,>:> of sailors
dangers, from hurricanes to fire, 10 ~press~ men into service. A
starvation to mutiny. 111C mariner learns to adapt man may be drinking in a tavern one night. only
quickly to changing circumstances in order to sur- to wake up the next morning with a cnlckL'<1 skull
vive. on board a ship alrc:ldy many lcabrues out at sea.
Characteristics: t\'lariners <Irc most comfort- Some mariners are sem to sea as punishment
able when in view of the sea, and often become for crimes or may be forced to serve in ships as
dispirited when they venture tOO far inland. 'nley slaves.
are quick to react to d:mb1Cr and changing cir-
cumstances. '111ey are not ruled by emotion, but
think through any briven situation. then act
accordingly. 1110se who live at sea aTe aecus-


DC Type of Knowledge Example
10 Commonly known. something that most The I(l'IIghts of Neraka have blockaded Ak·Khurman: Red Sky
people have hUld and gossip about. at Night, Sailot's Delight; Red Sky at Mom. Sailors be Wamed
(Old bit oflofe that predicts storms ,(thefe's a red sky at dawn).
20 KI'!OWI'I by select groups ofindlVJduals, I'IOt A port offlC.laJ in Gulfport 's rumored to have a weakness (01
WIdely kf\OWI'I by the general populace. dwarven ale; a stretch of coutln Khul wtuch the KI'IlghtS ofNeraka
do I'IOt patrol.
25 Known 0I'I1y by few .I"dovtduals. spoken of A Solamnic Kl'llghl whose family fO/tunf1i were bu,lt upon piracy
0I'I1y 'I'I wtuspers al'ld se<:req. back ,n t~ time of lstar. Iegel'lds of a ghost sh,p that haunts tke
dry sea ofTafS's.
30 UnknowrllO the vast majOl1ty of people, A safe war of traverSOi'll me Maelstrom of t~ Blood Sea; tke
Iona s,nce fo<aottel'l by most. IocatlOl'l of t~ sUl'lkel'l shIp of a" ,"famous ponte.
~ CHAP1'E~0nE
Races: Minotaurs are the most respected and characters. While the mariner's skills and abilities
reared mariners on Ansalon. Minotaurs are are userul to adventures on land. they are unpar-
expect<.-d to serve on board ship at some point in alleled while out at sea.
their lives.
'1l1C humans or Northem Ergoth are known CAmE R.YLE inFORJTlA"tion
ror their se:.ltnanship, with entire ramilies serving Mariners have the rollowing b"3me statistics.
on board ships. Other human cultures produce
mariners as well, panicularly those whose cities
have :lctive ports eng-aged in the sea trade. '0 Mariner Weapons oi)
Gnomes or appropriate guilds sometimes
become mariners, designing new and impressive Mariners often prerer lighter weapons that can be
ships and experimental submersibles. easily wielded on the crowded deck ora ship. The
Dwal"\'es never become mariners, and think cutlass is the ravorite or corsairs and smugglers.
anyone who chooses the lire or a sailor must be The belaying pin may be used as a weapon, ror
Cr:l7,y. they are common on board ship, and a sailor
Elves mrely become mariners, since they reel might grab one in order to derend himsel(
most at home in their beloved woodlands and
also because there is a superstition among TABLt: 1·3: "bRINIER WUPONS
mariners that elves aboard ship are bad luck. WUflOn Cost Dmc Crit "WI Siu
Other Oasses: \Vhile at sea. most mariners 8ebyI"I Pin 1 sd ld4 Xl 1 Ibs. SrnalI
work well with other classes. Rogues generally CutJ.n a sdld6 11-20/):2 Jibs. SmaI
acquire sea legs quickly and possess a broad r.mge
or skills which mariners admire. ~Iariners appre- Belaying Pin: A belaying pin is considered a
ciate the strong sword arms or barbarians and simple weapon, but is a shipboard tool rather
fighters. Clerics and arcane spellcastcrs are not than designed to serve as a weapon.
gcncrJ.lly round aboard ships, but their magic is Cutlass: The cutlass is a shan, heavy, slightly
appr<.'Ciated and utilized when available. Knights curved blade userul for both stabbing and slash-
or Solamnia r.uely associate with mariners, ror ing. It is popular with many sailors. Its heavy bas-
the knight's strict adherence to the Oath and the ket hilt gives the wielder a +2 circumstance
Measure orten conflicts with the mariner's more bonus on any checks to resist being disarmed. A
pmbrmutic view orlire. cutlass is a manial weapon.
Role: Like the bard, the mariner brings a vari-
ety or skills and :lbilities to an adventuring group,
while not specializing in anything. A mariner's
abilities work best in support positions to other


Class Base Attack F,n .of Will

level Bonus


Bonus Feat, Sailor lore. Seamanship +1
20d +, +3 +3
),d +2 +) +3 .,+<> O"ty Strike +1 d4


Bonus Feat
Seamanship +2
DIrty Stroke +2d4
"h .5 .5 .5 .2 Bonus Fe.1t
"h +6/+1 +. •• .2

""'''h +6/+1
••., .,•• .3
SeamanshIp +3
Bonus Feat, Dirty Stllke +3d4
•• ..

Bonus Feat, Seamanship +4
OJ'!>' Stnke +-4d4

16th +12/.!1J+2 .10 +10 .5 Bonus Feat

17th +12/+7/+2 .10 .10 .5 Seamanship +5
13th +1)/+-1/+] .11 .11 •• O"ty St"ke +5d4
'~h +14/+9/+4 +11 .11 •• Bonus Feat
2O<h +15/+10/+5 +12 .12 ••
26 ~ CHAP1"ER.0nE
Abilities: Dexterity is extremely important to Dirty Strike: Thc mariner is adept at maneu-
mariners. as many of their skills depend on it. vers such as hiuing below the belt. head butts.
Constitution also plays an important role. since sucker punches. etc. At 2nd level the mariner may
they must survive in all manner of harsh condi- attempt to perfonn an unexpected maneuver to
tions and face many dangerous situations. cause additional dama!,re. The opponent receives
Alignment: Any a Reflex save against a DC equal to the mariner's
Hit Die: d8 modified attack roll. If the save is successful. the
mariner causes only standard damage from the
Class Skills attack. If the save fails. the attack causes addition-
The mariner's class skills (and the key ability for al damage. Opponents must be creatures with dis-
each skill) are Balance (Dex), Qimb (Str). Craft cemable anatomy for this attack to cause addi-
(lnt). Gather Infomlation (Cha). Jump (Str). tional damage. 'ne mariner may use this ability
Profession (Sailor) ('Vis). Speak Lanbruabre (-). only once per day against anyone opponent (but
Spot ('Vis). Survival (,Vis). Swim (Str). Tumble is free to attempt it against multiple foes on the
(Dex), Use Rope (Dex). See Chapter 4 of the same day).
Player's I-!(wdhook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points:lt 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int The prestige classes found here represent impor-
modifier tant character archctypcs to C3mpaif"lTls set in the
Age of Mortals. Many characters may be
Class Features designed to fulfill one of these roll'S later in his
All of the following are class features of the C'Jreer or nmy !,rive the Dl\11 interesting NPCs to
mariner. internct with the !,'Toup-whether as allies or
Weapon and Annor Proficiency: Mariners are adversaries.
proficient in the use of all simple wC'.lpons. as well Some of the prestige classes in this chapter are
as the cutlass. net. scimitar, and trident. They are dependent upon org".lnizations or institutions that
proficient with padded and leather annor. but are are established during the early decades of the
not proficient in the use of shields. Fifth Age. 'nese are not available for play until
Bonus Feats: At 1st 1C'·e1. a mariner gets a those groups fulfill their early role in the Age of
bonus feat in addition to the feat gnanted to any Mortals. 'ne DM can infonT! the group what
1st level character. He gains an additional bonus exactly is :l\'ailable during the chosen ern of play.
feat every three levels thereafter. 'l\e feats must
be chosen from the following: Alertness. Combat ACADEmy SOR...CERJR...
Expertise (Improved Disann. ImproV(.'d Feint. A dedicated student of the Academy of Sorccl)'.
Improved Trip). Combat Reflexes. Dod!,'C locatt.'<! near Solace. this class represents someone
(r.,·lobility). Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Great who has whole-hL"3rtedly embrnced the tenets.
Fortitude. Improved Initiative. Lightning Reflexes. guidelines and philosophy of the school of magic
Point Blank Shot (Far Shot). Power AIt:lck run by Palin rvlajcre. Not every student at the
(Improved Bull Rush). Quick Draw. Toughness. Academy Ims levels in this class. nor are levels of
WC'.lpon Finesse. \Ve:lpon Focus. this class required to ~graduatcK Crom the
Sailor Lore: A mariner picks up a 10\ ofknowl- Academy. Most serious-minded student's will
edge by listening to IOC-.lI gossip in various ports infonn newcomers that nobody ever truly stops
of call or from the sea stories of shipmates. A being a student of sorcery.
mariner m:1Y make a special sailor lore check with NPC Academy Sorcerers are usually found
a bonus equal to his level + his IntelIi!,ocnce mod· plumbing the depths of their arcane studies. but
ifier 10 see whether he knows some relevant infor- many take time out from their f"CSC'.lrch to tr.lvel
mation about local people or history. far away Ansalon looking for lost caches of magic itcms or
places, or stran!,re superstitions. This check will finding new practitioners to bring into the fold of
not necessarily fC\'c-J.I true infOnT!ation. as llluch the AC'.ldemy. 1k'C'.luse of the student's responsi-
of the time the mariner has heard the infonn:llion bilities. these e:\(cursions generally do not last
from someone who heard it from somebody else. more than 6 wt."Cks.
who heard it from a friend. who heard it from a ~Iost AC'Jdemy Sorcerers were pfC\'iously sor-
guy. etc. The mariner may not take 10 or take 20 cerers. thou!,,J\ some are old enough to have once
on this check: this sort of knowledbre is essential- plJcticed High Sorcery. Sorcerers such as Palin
ly random. TIle DM will detennine the Difficuhy ~ lajere. Vlin ~ lajere. and the young Emma Xcla
Oass of the check by referring to Tablc I-I. stand out as examples ofthe Academy's standards
Scamanshi!): Mariners receivc a competence of excellence and cooperation. Such sorcerers are
bonus to all Balance. Climb. and Profession beacons of hope in the fight 3f"rainst the Kni!,rJU's
(Sailor) checks. TIle bonus increases as they g'Jin of Nemk:l and the Dm!,1Q1l Overlords.
Ac.ldemy Sorcerers still exist even after the Class Skills
destruction of tile Academy, since other (smaller) The Academy Sorcerer's class skills (and the key
schools of sorcery have been established in other ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con),
are.lS, Most fonner instructors :It the Ac:.ldemy Craft (Int), Decipher Script (1m), Knowledge
survived the school's demise and are determined (arc-.lna) (Int), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic
to pass on their teachings to a ne-.... gencr'.ltion. (Cha). See Chapter 4: Skills in the PlnYI'rJ
Hit Die: d4 "'1II11/~ for skill descriptions.
Requirements Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier
1b qualify to become an Academy Sorcerer, the CLASS FEA1"VR..,.ES
character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Any non-eviJ. All of the following are class features for the
Spellcraft: 8 ranks. Academy Sorcerer prestige class.
Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks. Weapon and Annor Proficiency: Academy
l-eats: Any two metamagic or item creation Sorcerers (fAin no additional proficiencies in
feats. weapons or annor.
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane Spells per Day: An Academy Sorcerer contin-
spells without prepar.ltion. ues training rigorously in arcane magic. ThUs.
Special: Admission into the Academy of when a nC\v Academy Sorcerer level is gained,
Sorcery or secondary school of sorcery (with the the character gains nC\\' spells per day as ifhe had
Dl\rs approval). and acceptance by a mentor also br.lined a level in an arcane spellcasting class
within the institution. he belonged to before he added the prestige class.
He does not, howC\'er, gain any other benefit a
character or that class would have brained (meta~ P)'romo//ry: As Aeromoll()'. but the bonuses
magic or item crl,.-ation reats. and so on) except ror apply to fire and heat~based spells and spell-like
an increased effective level or spellca.sting. An abilities.
Academy Sorcerer who had more than one Sp«tmnlllJlry: As AeromOl/f)" but the bonuses
arcane spellcasting class must decide to which apply to light·based spells and spell-like abilities.
dass he adds the new level ror purposes or spells and illusions or the figment subrype.
per day. Summom;/g: All Conjuration (summoning)
Arcane Thesis: Beginning at 1st level and spells and spells with the Mqxmo/wlI descriptor.
again at 4th. 7th and lOth level. the pl'Of:,'T'cssive which the charactcr casts. are treated as being one
study and mastery or the Academy's ~rious dis- level higher ror the purposes orspell effectiveness.
ciplines starts to show rruit. Each time an Tm//snllltl1ti()l/: 1'nis thesis grants a +2 compe-
Academy Sorcerer gains this ability. he may tence bonus to all Croft (Alchemy) skill checks. In
choose an thesis rrom the list below. Ir any addition. all transmutation spells that affect non-
given thesis is taken multiple times. the compt.'- living targets are treated as being one level higher
tence bonuses incrCllse by the base ;lmOUnl. For ror the purposes or spell effectiveness.
example. an Academy Sorcerer who wishes to Academy Resources: Academy Sorcerers l..'::ln
take Aeromancy ror the second time sees his +2 benefit rrom one or the largest collections or mag-
competence bonus increased to +4 and the + 1 to ical knowledbfC and materials while they reside or
the Des increasl..'(j to +2. attend the Academy (or other DM-approved
Aeromlm0': 111is thesis bTf'J.ntS;1 +2 competence institution). Arcane research and item erClltion
bonus to saving throws vs. wind or air-based takes only hair or the normal time. In order to
spells and spell-like abilities. and adds + 1 to the receive the benefit or lhese resources. the
DC ror saving throws and to caster level dll..'Cks to Academy Sorcerer is required to spend a substan·
overcome spell resistance with any air-bas<."<1 spcll tial amount ortimc (at least halrofeach year) aid·
the character casts. ing in the training or other sorcerers.
O)'()mnllry: As Aeromnllc)'. but the bonuses Cooper.ttive Study (Ex); An Academy
apply to ice and cold-based spells and spell-like Sorcerer with this ability has learned that the
abilities. sharingorknowledgc and research with his rellow
OO'/;/o/j')1l: This thesis grants a +2 competence sorcerers is crucial to the mastery or wild magic.
bonus to Search skill checks. and Search becomes The ability increases the bonus provided by any
a class skill ror the character. In addition. all div- Aid Another actions made to help with the Craft
ination spells cast by the character that target (alchemy). Knowledge (arcane). Spellcrafi. or Use
non-living cre'J.tures or objects are considered to Magic Device skills. 111C tOlal bonus is +3 at 2nd
be one level higher ror the purposes or spell effec- level, +5 at 5th level. and +7 at 8th level. Up to
tiveness. three additional sorcerers with this ability may aid
EI«tromollry: As Aeromollry. but the bonuses a single character. each making their own Aid
apply to lightning and electricity-based spells and Another check. but the total bonus gained by the
spell-like abilitics. recipient may not cxceed + 10. Ir all spellcastcrs
Ellhnname"': This thesis grants a +2 l..umpc- involved have this ability. choose one to be thc
tence bonus to all Craft skill checks. and the char- recipient orthe Cooperative Study.
acter gJ.ins a bonus hem Creation reat. Research Breakthrough: At 3rd Icvel and
Gtomamy: As Aeromm/(y. but the bonuses at 61h and 9th level, an Academy Sorcerer
apply to stone and carlh-based spells and spel1~ unlocks a new discovery or un<.uvers a new tl..'Ch-
like abilities. nique during his magical studies. He g;lins a
Hydromollry: As Aeromolley. but the bonuses bonus metamab';c reat.
apply to acid and water-based spells and spell-like


.... ..
Om ~- 'on Will

... ...
"" "" "" Special Spells Per DOI'1JKnown

, ., .2 Atu~ lh6is, ~my r~rcn ..-, level of WShng class

2 •1
.1 .1 .,.1
R~uch ~a.through
..-1 ~ of WSI,ng dass
..-1 level of wsMg class

,• .2 .1 .1 •• Atune'lhesis ..-1 ~et of e'l(ISbn& class

• .,
.2 •1 .1
.,•• C~rat,Vf' sludy .-4 +1 I_I ofwsMg class

7 .]
.2 ., Reseuch breakthrough
Arone thesis
+' ~el ofex,st,n& class
+1 I_I of e.istlng class

,• ••
10 ., .. .,

., .,
Cooperative study..-6
Reseafch breakthrough
Arcane thesis
+1 level of e.istln& class
+1 level or ell,sting class
+1 level of e.isling class

CHA",-AC1"E~ ~ 29
Ex-Academy Sorcerers: An Academy Ci1'ADEL mvs1'ic
Sorcerer who violates any of the school's tenets
to the point of hamling another student or who AbIClltS of compassion in a troubled world, the
uses his skills for the purposes of evil loses all Citadel l\ilystics arc those individuals who have
resource benefits and cooperative study benefits slUdied at the Citadel of Light under the tutelabTC
he may have brained. and may no 10nbICr advance of TIle First Mastcr and those who work at the
as an Academy Sorcerer. Citadel itsclf 111ey use their skill at healing and
the power ofthe heart to administer to the needy,

"€' Realms of Primal Sorcery "€' Transmutation is the manipulation of non-liv-

ing matter, with which a sorcerer can rum lead
Primal Sorcery is arcane magic drawn from the into gold or water into wine.
world. \Vhile sorcerers can learn many different
types of spells. many have found it advantageous -£> Spheres of Mysticism "€'

to ~~ali7..e in a certain area. The teachings of

Palm s Academy of Sorcery state that primal sor- Mys.ti~m i~ the magic oflife. Its spells work only
cery can be divided up into specific categories. on hvmg bemgs or on the spirits of the depaned.
known as "realms.~ These realms are described Goldmoon taught at the Citadel of Light that the
below. magic of mysticism fits into specific categories
Many sorcerers of the Fifth Age who obtained known as Mspheres." These spheres are described
their training either directly from the Academy or below.
from an Academy-taught sorcerer. will often Many mystics of the Age of Mortals. who
learn spells that fall under one of these realms obtained their training either directly at the
(though there is no actual game benefit for doing Citadel or from a Citadel-taught mystic, will often
so. unless the player takes the Academy Sorcerer learn spells that fall under one of these groups
prestige class). (thou~'h there is no actual game benefit for doing
Aeromancy is the elemental magic of air. deal- so wlthout taking the Citadel Mystic prestige
ing with wind. vapors. and movement of air, as class). Many of these groups relate directly to a
well as elemental creatures of air. mystic's chosen domain.
Cryomancy is the magic of cold and ice, cre- Animism magic allows the mystic to manipu-
ating walls of ice, areas of freezing cold, and late or learn from the natural world. Animism
inflicting damaging frostbite. spells affect only animals, beasts, plants, and ver-
Divination allows a primal sorcerer to gain min.
knowledge from the present, past. or future. He AJteration allows a mystic to alter the foml 0
can project his mind through time and space. living matter from simple enlargemem or reduc-
EI~ctro,:"ancy is the magic of static electricity
tion to radiC'.llly changing a creature's shape.
and 11ghtlllllg. capable of producing a anything Channeling allows the mystic to increase his
from a devastating lightning bolt to a mild shock. physical prowess by converting divine magicil
~nhane::ement is magic that imbues non-living
power into strength, speed, endurance, etc.
objects WIth arcane energy, from enhancing the Healing magic repairs wounds, cures diseases,
s~1arpness of the edge of a sword to causing the
nelltralizes poison, and restores health to living
tIp ofa staITto glow with light. bodies.
Ceom:lIlCY is the elemental magic of the earth. Meditation. the counterpart of Channeling,
allowing a sorcerer to raise walls of SlOne, cause allows ~hc mystic to increase her mental and psy·
~hol~b'lcal prowess by converting divine energy
the ground to shake, or summon earth elementals
to baltic. IntO Illcreascd concentration, inspiration, etc.
Hydromancy is the elemental magic of water. Mentalism allows the mystic to read the
Sorcerers with knowledge ofthis school can walk tholl~hts of others. project his own thoughts, or
the waves, cause rivers to dry up, or sink enemy domlllate another's will simply through the
ships in horrific whirlpools. power of the mind.
Pyromancy is the elemental magic of fire. Necromancy deals in the essence of life and
allowing the sorcerer to raise defensive walls of death, allowing the mystic to drain life force from
name or hurl balls of fire at his enemies. others or use the ambient energy in a corpse to
Spectramancy is the magic of light and color, give it the mockery ofJife.
allowing the sorcerer to create illusions. darken a Sensitivity allows a mystic to see the auras 0
room. or make himself seem invisible. living creatures and understand what the auras
Summoning is the magic of folding space. mean, including how those auras are in flux due
allowing a sorcerer to cross great distances with- to past and future events.
out moving or bring an object or CTealUre to his Spiritualism. the counterpart to Necromancy.
own location. allows the mystic to affect and interact with the
spirit world. including incorporeal undead.

30 ~ CHAP"tE,,-0nE
whether they are refub'Ces from the tyranny ofthe Spells per Day: A Citadel Mystic continues
Dragon Ovcrlords or nobles and b'(wemors of the her commitment to divine mabric. 'nlllS. when a
free peoples seeking counsel and aid. new Citadel Mystic level is brained. the character
Mystics are understandably the most likely gains new spells per day as if she had also brained
dass to become Citadel Mystics. 'nle class also a level in a di,rine spellcasting class she belonged
attracts some ranbTCrs. monks, paladins and other to before she added the PrestibTC class. She does
spiritually inclined individuals. but levels in mysti- not, however, g<lin any other benefits a character
cism are usually required. h is not uncommon for of that class would have brained (metamagic feats,
multi-classed charactcrs to takc this class. as grad- tum undead. and so on) except for an increased
uates of the Citadel come from myriad back- effective level of spcllcasting. A Citadel Mystic
grounds. who had more than one divine spellcasting class
NPC Citadel M)'stics are sent out by the lead- must decide to which class she adds the new
ership to positions all over Ansalon. while oth- level for purposes of spells per day.
ers remain at the Citadel to help train students. 'ecromantic Restriction:
Citadel l\ Iystics are found an)'where there are Citadel l\ Iystics are forbidden to cast
free people and often serving at risk to their necromantic. death, or spells.
li,'(':$ in areas under conStant threat. Jasper either from the domains of those
Fireforge is a good example of a Citadel spells from the Necromancy
l\I)'Stic. school or spells with the Evil or
Hit Die: d8 Death descriptors. If the
Citadel M)'stic alre:tdy knows
Requirements spells that match this descrip-
To qualify to become a Citadel tion and knowingly casts them.
Mystic. the character must h..lfill all she risks losing her status as a
of the following criteria: Citadel Mystic (see ex-eiln&1
Alignment: Any good. M)'Jlic. below).
$aves: Base Will Save +4. Domain: At 1st level. the
Skills: Heal 8 ranks. Knowledge Citadel Mystic masters another
(religion) 8 .....mks. Diplomacy .. of the various fonns of mysticism.
"",k>. She may choose a new clerical
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 2nd domain from the following list:
level divine spells without prcpam- Alteration, Animal. Channeling,
tion, including at two different Good, Insight. Meditation.
spells from the Conjuration (heal- Mentalism, Plant, Restor:llion,
ing) sub-school. Sensitivity. or Sun. The Citadel
Special: Graduation Mystic gains the granted power for
Citadel of Light. this new domain and. if she h.1S
mystic levels. she g'.lins the domain
Class Skills spells as bonus spells on top of those
The Citadel Mystic's class skills (lllld she already knows. However, she
the key ability for each skill) arc does not brain any additional spells
Concentration (Con), Cr:lft per day from the bonus
(lnt), Diplomacy (Cha), domain.
Heal (\Vis), Cit:ldel Mystics who
Knowledge (reli- already possess the
gion) (Int). Sense Sun domain as a
Motive (\Vis) mystic. or who
and Spellcraft add it as a bonus
Ont). Sec domain. add
Chapter 4: their Citadel
Skills in the Mystic levels to
PIa)'"S Hm"lboo/t for skill descriptions. their mystic levels for purposes oftuming undead.
Skill points at each level: 2 + lnt modifier. Heart's Grace (Su): Citadel Mystics learn to
achieve a strength of spirit and commitment that
Class Features enables them to weather any trial. At 4th level
All of the following are class features for the and 3!,'3in at 8th level. the Citadel Mystic chooses
Citadel Mystic prestige class. a saving Ihrow t)'J>e (\ViIl. Reflex. or Fortitude) to
Weapon and Amlor Proficiency: Citadel which she may add her Charisma bonus. She may
Mystics gain no additional proficiencies in not choose the same saving throw twice.
weapons or armor.
RepuL1tion (Ex): TIle Citadel of Light has a Just prior to the War of Souls, many kender
reputation for defending and representing the nightstalkers dIme forth to insist lhm the dead
poor, downtrodden, and unfortunate. as well as were Macting funny." that their own undead com-
being an inspiration to the rulers of the free peo- panions were leeching away what little mysticil
ples of Ansalon. Any Citadel rVlystic may add the energies the kender possessed. Of coursc, nonc
listed Reputation bonus 10 her Charisma-based paid any attention 10 the kender nighl'slalkers. If
skill checks when interacting with prisoners, they had. Ihey might have discovered the truth
peasants, and refilgees or with rulers, nobles. and about what wns transpiring with the dead on
lluthority figures. l11is bonus is applied :IS n penal- Krynn.
ty. however, when the Citadel Mystic is interact- Kender rO!,'l.les, bards, and nobles make natural
ing with enemies of the Citadel (such as the kender nightstalkers. M;lOY nightstalkers also
Knights ofNeraka). rnulticlass into mystic to supplement their abili~
Class Base Attack F," 'of Will

I."" Bonus
Save s.~
Save Spe<iat Spells Per Day/Known

, ,0 .0 Bonl.lS domain +1 level of existing class

. ., ,0
,) ,) Reputation ..2 +1 level of eXIstIng class
) .) ,) Mystic secret +1 level of eXIsting class
, "
•5 .)
" Heart's grace +1 level of existing class

, " .)
•• " ".5 Mystic SIXfet +1 level of existing class

, ,5
,5 .," Reputation +4 +1 level of existing class

., .5
., Mystic SIXfe! + 1 level of existing class
",) ., Heart's grace
Mystic se<:ret
+1 level of existIng class
+1 level of existing class
10 ,) Reputation +6 +1 level of eXIsting class
" " "
Mystic Secret (Ex): At 3rd level and then m ties. Fighters. barbarians, paladins, sorcerers. wiz-
every other level 'Ifter thm (5th. 7th, and 9th lev- ards. and monks very rarely become nightstalk-
els) a Citadel Mystic grows in her nbility to shape e".
and channel mystic energy. Each time she gains a Kender nightstalkers roam about Ansalon
secret, she may permanently modify one of her searching for new undead ~friends:' orten travel-
spells known with either the Empower or Extend ing in company with other kender or members of
metamagic fem m no additional incrcase in spell other races. Small groups can often be found
level. She does not need to have the specific roaming the bleak countryside of Nightlund or
metamagic fems in question to benefit from this scmnpering about from gravestone to gravestone
ability. in hlrbYC cities such as Palanthas. Gwynned. and
Ex-Citadel Mystics: A Citadel Mystic who Kalaman. hoping to find an interesting soul or
turns to evil or betmys the philosophy of the two whose grief has bound them to this world, in
Citadel of Light loses all reputation and HenrI's hopes of garnering knowledge and putting some
Grace benefits she may have gained. and may no of the unhappy spirit's to rest.
longer advance as a Citadel Myslic. In addition. Hit Die: d6
any reputation bonus she may have had is instead
applied lIS a penalty to her Charisma-based skill Requirements
checks with authorities and leaders nmong the To qualify to become a kender nightstalker, a
free peoples, including the Knights of Sol amnia, chamcter must fulfill all of the following criteria.
until she restores her relationship with the Alignment: Any Good.
Citadel of Light. Race: Kender or half-kender.
Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Diplomacy 7 ranks,
KJ;n DER.. n i GHTSTA L"'ER.. Gather Information 8 ranks. Sense Motive 6
The kendcr nightstalker. in typical kender f.1sh- r.mks. Spot 6 r.mks.
ion, exudes curiosity lllld wonder. However. Feats: Great Fortitude. Iron Will.
unlike most of his brethren. the nightstalker goes Special: Must have encountered an undead
one step further in his quest for knowledge-he creature with an Intelligence of3 or greater.
actively seeks Ollt and consults the dead by latent- Class Skills
ly tapping into mysticism. 'Il1e kender nightstalk-
er searches for those souls whose reb'Tets and sor~ The kcnder nightstalker's class skills (and the key
rows bind them to Krynn.•md prevent them from ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex),
departing to the next stage of the soul's journey. Concentration (Con). Craft (Int), Diplomacy
(eha). Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex).
Gather Infonmltion (Cha). Hide (Dcx). Listen
32"-' CHAPTER..0nE
(\Vis), Move Silently (Dcx). Open l....ock (Dcx), the effect going for its durollion. 111is ability is
Profession (Int). Scarch (Int). Sleight of Hand used at a caster level equal to half the Kender
(Dex), Spel1cr:.lfi (Int), Spot (\Vis). Survival (\Vis), nibrtltstalker's chardcter leve1.
Use Magic Device (Cha, exclusive skill), and Use Aura of Innocence (Su): At 2nd level. the
Rope (Dex). innate innocent nature of Kender subtly afleas
Skill Points at Each Level: 4+lnt Modifier. their magic. Any hostile incorporeal undead with-
in 30 feet of the nibrt1tstalker muSl succeed at a
Oass Features Will saving throw (DC 10 + nibrt1lStalker level +
AU of the following arc class fc-.ltures for the Charisma modifier) or be affected as if the night-
kender nightstalker prestibJC class. stalker had cast SllI/flllllf)' on himsel[ Any incor-
Weapon and AmlOr Proficiency: Kender poreal undead that succeeds at its saving throw is
nighlStalkers gain no additional proficiency in any immune to the Kender nibrtustalker's Allm oj
weapon or annor. III1/O«lla for 24 hours.
SpeUs: Beginning at 1st lL'VcI, a kcnder night- Whispers of the Dead (Su): At 3rd level.
stalker gains the ability to C'JSt a small number of whenever a kcnder nibrt1tstalker is in an enclosed
divine spells. To cast a spell. the Kender night- area (SUcl1 as a mansion. dungeon. or caverns)
stalker must have a Wisdom score ofat least 10 + where five or more creatures have been killed. the
speD's level. so a Kender nightstalkcr with a lingering essences of the dead speak to him and
\Vooom of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. whisper the secrets of the surroundings. granting
Kender nightstalker bonus spells are based on him a +2 insight bonus to all Listen, Search. and
\Vooom. and saving throws against these spells Spot checks. 1'nis bonus increases to +t at 6th
ha\'e a DC of to + spell k'Vel + the Kender night- level. ad +6 at 9th 1C\'c1.
stalker's Wisdom modifier. When the Kender Spirit Companion: At 4th level. the kender
nighlStalker gets 0 spells per day of a given level. nightstalker's CJl.1>loits have piqued the interest of
such as 0 1st level spells at 1st level. he gets only a like-minded spirit-literally. Tne nightstalker
bonus spells. (A kender nibrt1tstalker without a gains a ghost cohort (see the template Ghost in
bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of the Moml" MOJllIIII) that faithfi,lly follows him in
that level.) '1l1e Kender nightstalker's spell list his travels. l1le base creature must be of the same
appears below. Similar to a mystic. a Kender alignment as the Kender nighlStalkcr and begins
nighlStalkcr has a limited repertoire of spells to with 3 HD less than the kender nibrtustalker's
choose from the Kender nibrtltstalker spell list, but character level. '1l1e brt10st must be one of the fol-
he is not required to prep:lre them. lowing rdCCS: human. elf. dwarf. b'llome. kender,
At 6th. 8th, and 10th level, the Kender night- half-QbJTe. If a nibrtltstalker's spirit companion is
stalker may choose to learn a new SI>c1I in place of pennanently destroyed, then he cannot gain
one he already knows. '1l1C new spell must be of another one until he acquires another character
the same level of thc spell being replaced. and level. At 8lh level. the Kender nightstalker gains a
must be two levels lower than the maximum level second spirit companion. Spirit companions
of spell that the kendcr nightstalker com cast. advance just like nonnal cohorts.
A Kender nightsl'alker's C'dster level is one-half Necromantic Resistance (Su): Beginning at
his Kender nightstalker level. 5th level. the Kender nightstalker g:.lins a +4
Tum Undead: At first level, the Kender night- sacred bonus lO all S:lVCS ag::linst necromancy
stalker brains the ability to tum undead that func- effects.
tions like a b'ood-aligned cleric. Spirit Beginning at 7th level. :1
Death Sight (Sp): Oncc per day per class level, Kender nightstalker's bond with his spirit com-
a kender nightst:llker C'.ln drleellilidelllf as per the panion strenbJ1hens so th:lt he may confer his skill
spell, but docs not have to concentr.lte to keep bonus for Open Lock and Sleight of Hand checks
onto his companion whenever it is manifested.

0", BneAttad: fort
•• ..... Will

..,...." ., ., Special
,,~ ,,~

..,•• Turn Undead, Death S.ght
ALIta of Innocence

.•• ...
.) .)
),d ., .1
.1 .) .) WhISpers ortlle Dead +2

...'" ..
.) .1 Spirit Companion tI)
,~ .)
., ., Necromantic Resistance
WhISperS of the Oe.,d .....
., .,., ...,
.5 .5 Spml Hilndling

., .)
.) .1 .1
SPirit Companion (2)
WhISperS oflhe De~ +6
Spectral SymbiosIS
'''' .1

CHAI\J\C1"ERS c-..... 33
Spectral Symbiosi...: At 10th level, a kender LEGion mystic
nighlstalker's potent abilities in spirilual magie
bolsters and strengthens his spirit companions, Legion mystics are the spiritual backbone of Ihe
granting them 2 more Hit Dice eaeh. '11CSC hil Legion ofSteel. Such mystics seek (0 embody the
dice are generie undead hil dice, and affect the ideals of the lefl behind by Sara Dunstan,
ghost appropriately (see the MOllsl" MnllliO~. founder of Ihe Legion. by drawing on their faith
Furthennore. should a spirit companion be forced and commilmelU to the spirit of their Order in
to make its rejuvenation check upon destruction. order to work miraclcs. Composed of both for·
the nightstalker may opt to allow the spirit com- mer Skull Kni!,'hts and aspiring young mystics
panion to use the nightstalker's Will save bonus seeking to rid Ansalon of dark mysticism. Ihe
instead of the spirit companion's Hil Die total. Legion mystics work tirelessly to lum evil upon
Should the spirit companion fail and be dcstroyed itself and protect the weak and innocent.
permanently. the kender nightstalker must Mystics are the most likely c1laraeters to take
attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15). If the levels in this class. The divine spellcasting require-
saving throw fails, the kender nightstalker loses mellls m(:an non-spellcasting characters will n(,'ed
200 experience points per nightstalker level. A to acquire mystic levels before satisfying them.
successful saving throw reduces the loss by hair. Mystic/rol,,'ucs and mystic/nobles are common
to 100 XP per kender nightstalker level. The multiclasscd options.
experiencc point loss caused by the destruction of High-level NPC LCbrion mystics arc found
a spirit companion can never result in lcvelloss. among the Legion Elders, disseminating informa-
tion abollt the activity of the Dragon Overlords
TABLE 1-7: KENOER NICHTSTALkER SPELLS PER DAY and the Knights of Neraka. One Hibth~level NIlC
I..rvd 1st 2nd ]rd 4th Legion mystic may sclVe as mentor to a player
1st 0 character L(.'gion mystic. providing help on o(:ca-
'00 1 sion or sending the hero to address threats to free
]rd 1 regions or to recover intelligence from the Skull
4th 2 0 Knights..
5th 2 I Hit Dice: dB
6th2 1 0 Requirements
7th] 2 1
To qualify to become a Lq,,';on mystic. a charac-
Ith] 2 1 0
ter must fulfill all the following criteria.
9th] 2 2 1
Alignment: Any b'OOd.
10th] ] 21 Base Save Bonuses: \Vill +6
Feats: Iron Will.
TABLE 1-8: KENOER NICHTSTAUER SPELLS KNOWN Skills: Sense Motive 6 ranks. Heal 6 ranks.
I..rvd 1st 2nd ]rd 4th Knowledge (Religion) 6 ranks.
lsI 1· Spellcasling: Ability to cast 2nd level divine
2nd 1 spells without prcparmion.
Special: Must possess the Lcgton knuwlet4,rc
3rd 1
,. class ability.
4th 1
5th 2
,. Class Skills
6th 2
, The Lq,rion mystic's class skills (and the key abil·
7th 2
, ,. ity for each skill) arc Bluff (eha), Conccntration
1m 1
, 1 (Con). Craft (Int). Diplomacy (Cha). Gather
''''' 1
, ,
1 Infonnation (Cha). Heal (Wis). Knowledge (reli-
gion) (Inl). Listen (\Vis). Profession (\Vis). Search
·Provlded lhe ~ender niilhlsul~rt hu suffk~1 Ch~tlsm~ (Int). Sense Motive (\Vis). Spellcraft (Int) and
to h~ve a bonus sprlt of this level. SPOI (\VlS). See Chapter 4: Skills in the l'tayer's
Handbook for skill descriptions..
Kender Nightstalker Spcll Lis. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Kender nightstalkers choose their spells from the
following lisl: Class Features
1st_cun! kg/II 'lVOlmds. d~nlhwnlch, dismpl All the following are class features of the Lq"rion
ulld~ag. ~II/I~ ~. roy 0/o!f«h1onoll. mystic prestige class.
2n -rollS«m/~. CUn! modernl.e 'lVOunds. ghoul Weapon and Annor Proficiency: Legion mys-
IOuch. I~er res/om/ioll. tics do not brain any additional weapon or annor
3r<Lcun' smOlls woll!lds, hall Il!IdN1/1, spellk w/~h proficiency.
d~nlj vampini: IOuch. Spells per Day/Spells Known: A Legion mys-
4 th _GIn' cnlicol wounds. death WIIrd. nertlmliu tic continues to develop his divine talents, much
poifOIl, n'stomtion. of which come from deciphering Skull Knight

34 C'oo.> CHAPTE,,0nE
mysticIsm. Thus, whcn a new LCbrlOn mystic level Legacy's Strength (Su): At 2nd level, a Lef:,oion
is g:.lined, the character gains new spells per day mystic g::lins the ability to literally drmv strenbT1.h
(and spells known. if appliCllble) as ir he had also from sclf-knowledf:,'C, Once:1 day. he may add his
g".!ined a k'Vel in ;I divine spdlcisting class he Ch;lrisma bonus or Intellif:,>'Cnce bonus, whichever
belonged to before he addc:..od the prestige class. is higher, to his Strcllf:,>th score as all enhancemcnt
He does not, however, g.lin any other benefit a bonus. "("is remains in effect for onc round for
character of th;lt class would ha\'c gained (tum cvery level of Lq.oion mystic he possesses.
undead, bonus fc:lts, and so on) cxcept for an Legacy's Awareness (Su); At 3rd k'VeI, a
increased cffect'ive level of spcllClSling. A Legion Legion myslic learns to be alert to d:mgcr and
mystic who Imd more than one divine SpeIlClSI- il~ustice, He adds his l--<'l,rion mystic level 10 all
ing class musl decide 10 which class he adds the Listen, Sc-drch. Sense Motive. :lI1d Spot skill
new 1C\,e1 for purposes of spells per day and spells checks. and g-.!ins an insi(,'tu bonus 10 his Inili:lti\'e
known. c11ecks equal to his Wisdom modifier.
Legacy's Courage (Su): At 1st 1C\'e1. a I~rlon Legacy's Virtue (Su): At 4th 1C\'e1. a Legion
mystic learns to cmbody thc ideal of having mystic learns 10 embody the ideal of rcspect for
courage to do what is right, and accepting thc all fomls ofvirtue. He f:,':lins immunity to compul-
consequences. Hc f:,'Olins immunity to fe-.Jr. and sions and chonn effects, and those allies within a
those allics within a 30 ft radius of him who are 30 fL radius of him who are aware of his presence
aware of his presence f:,'Olin a +-I bonus to S<1Ving g-.!in a +-I bonus 10 sa\,ing throws af:,'Olinsl manns
throws ag-dinst fe-dr, and compulsions.


am BneAtlKk Fort
, '"
"" .,
,,~ Special
leg~cy's (oura~
Spells Per Day/Known
.1 '-lorenstlng dns
., .1 .)
.) legacy's strength +1 Ieve-I or ",sting cI~ss

•, .)

•• .,
.1 ..
.) legacy's ~wafeness
legacy's VIrtue
legacy's JustJCe
Ieve-I or exIsting dass
Ieve-I or ex,st,ng class
I_lor ex,st,"! class
~ CHAP1'ER- 0nE
Legacy's Justice (Su): At 5th level. a Legion Skills: Gather Infonnalion 10 ranks. Bluff 6
mystic gains the ability to mete out justice and ranks, Survival 6 ranks.
deliver others from falsehood. Once 3 day, he SllCCial: Must possess the Ugion klHRlJ/dge
may attempt to smite evil, adding his Wisdom class ability.
bonus to his attack rolls and his character leveltD
his damage rolls. If he strikes a non evil target. the Class Skills
ability fails and is used up for the day. In addition. l"e !..eb';on scout's class skills (and the key abili~
the Legion mystic may dis«m lies once per day ty for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy
per point of Wisdom bonus (if any). (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Cather Infonnation (Cha),
Ex-Legion Mystics: A Legion mystic who Hide (Dcx), Jump (Str), Knowledbte (all skills
turns to evil or makes an attack upon the Legion taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession
of Steel, a member of the Le~';on, of any of those (Wis), Sense Motive (\Vis), Spot (\Vis), Survival
whom the Legion protects loses all of his class (Wis) and Swim (Sir). See Chapter 4: Skills in the
abilities and may no longer advance as a Legion Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
mystic until he has atoned (see the alollmlml spell Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + lot modifier.
in the Player's Hnndhoot)
Class Features
LEGion SCOUT All the following are class features of the Lq,';on
Legion scouts are members orthe;on ofSteel
scout prestige class.
\Veapon and Armor Proficiency: Legion
who act as the eyes and ears of the Legion.
scouts do not brain any additional weapon or
Legion scouts are sent ahead of Let,';on forces to
annor proficiency.
regions and areas which the Leg;on of Steel has
targeted for an operation or are sent to investigate Region Farniljarity (Ex): A Legion scout
makes an effort to bTCt to know the places within
the region, becoming acquainted with the local
which he operates as intimately as possible.
customs and current events. Legion Scouts are
master trackers and clever nCf,'Otiators, adept at Whcther he moves within infonnation circles or
paving the way for the Legion's other knights and through the wilderness. his skill benefits from this
hcightcned familiarity. Beginning at 1st lcvel and
This class is ideally suited to rangers and ag-ain at 3rd and 5th levels, he may choose :1
rogues, who find that their skills and abilities region from the following list: Abanasinia,
BIOde, Blood Sea Isles, Estwilde, I-Iylo, lcereadl,
make qualifying for the class much easier.
Kern, Kharolis. Khur, Lemish, Neraka, ightlund.
Fighters, barbarians and even some nobles also
ordmaar. Northern Ergoth, Palanthas (city),
find the life of a Legion scout appealing.
Plains of Dust. Qualinesti. Sancrist, Sanction
Spellcasters such as mystics and sorcerers typical-
(city). Schallsea, Silvanesti. Solamnia, Southern
ly adopt one of the other Legion prestige classes,
Ell,l'()th, Teyr, Thorbardin, l"rotl. Zhakar.
as this class does not offer as much mab';cal devel-
TIlereaner, all of the Legion scout's Legion
knowledge checks, Gather Infonnation c11CCks,
Nrc Legion scouts are usually well-estab-- and Survival checks in that region are made with
lished individuals who set up cells in towns and
a +2 competence bonus. TI1C same region may
cities and then move on, often serving as the con-
not be selected twice.
tact person for the player heroes in Legion-
Face in the Crowd (Ex): The Legion scout is
watched cities or dangerous areas.
Hjt Dice: d8 adept at blending in with the locals in any area in
which he spends time. At 1st level. the Legion
Requirements scout gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and
DiS(,,"lIise checks when trying to pass himselfoffas
To qualify to become a Legion scout, a character
a local or commoner. He must spend at least 24
must fulfill all the following criteria.
hours in the city or area in which he attempts this
Alignment: Any good.
Base Attack Bonus: +6 deception. in order to familiarize himselfwith the
Base Save Bonuses: ReOex +6 current events and patterns of society.
Feats: Track


Base Attack F,rt R. Will


Bonus ,,~ s.~ ,,~ Special

•• .1 .1 1st region familiarity. face in the crowd

'"., ••., •• Sneak awd. -tld6, fifth column

• ••
., ... .. .) 2nd reg;on familiarity, Silfe haven
F!r In the Ointment
3rd region familiarity, sneak attack -+2d6

36 ~ CHAP1"ER-OnE
Sneak Attack (Ex): At 2nd level the Legion or followers in his chain ofCOlilmand. Once used,
scout gains the ability to strike at a foe's vital the bonus only lasts for 24 hours. at which point
points for additional damage. '111is ability func- the clement of surprise is lost and the process
tions in all ways like the rObtUe ability. and if the must be startl..-d over. If the check is a failure, the
Legion scout alre-Jdy possesses this ability from Legion scout may not attempt the check again
levels in I"ObtUC or another class. the bonus dice until at least a month has passed (or the target is
stack. The bonus starts at +ld6 and inCfe-JSCS to replaced).
+2d6 at 5th level.
F'lfth Column (Ex): At 2nd level. the Legion LEGion SO"CEI~"'''"
scout has IC'Jmcd how to effectively pass himself Legion sorcerers are members of the Legion of
off as a guard. soldier. or local militia in any town Steel with a background in sorcery and arcane
in which he spends at Ie-JSt 24 hours. He br.lins a infonnation gathering. Acting on information
+4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and DiS{,tUise skill gained by fonner Knib>hts of the Thorn, the
checks (does not stack with Face in the Crowd) Legion of Steel now actively seeks out those
when doing so. In addition, so long as the ruse is whose magi<:al ability enables them to support
in place. any Gather Infonnation skill checks Legion agents and counter the sorcery of enemy
made to discern troop movements. military plans. organizations.
prisoners. and other nuggets ofinfonnation gain a This class is primarily suited to sorcerers,
+2 insight bonus. although any class with the ability to use arcane
Safe Haven (Ex): At 3rd level, the Legion magic without preparation (such as bards) would
scout is able to quickly establish ;1 relati"ely secure be an excellent candidate. The spellcasting
and defensive location within a city or area upon requirement rules out many classes, though mul-
arrival for as many individuals as the Legion ticlassed sorcerer/rogues and sorcerer/rangers
scout's class level plus his Wisdom modifier. Any make good Legion sorcerers.
such sequestered individual br.lins a + 10 circum- NPC Legion sorcerers are alien high-level
stance bonus on Hide checks to avoid being Knights or agents residing in cities and areas
found by authorities and SC'.lrchers while hidden. either controlled by or threatened by a Dragon
The Legion scout cannot benefit himself from Overlord or Knights of the Thorn. In some
this bonus. instances, Legion sorcerers may also be found in
Establishing the s;lfe haven requires a success- free lands where their abilities may be useful to
ful Search check. with the DC dependent on the player heroes seeking arcane infonnation or
size of the community - 'nlOrp, Hamlet or knowledge. Some of the oldest Legion sorcerers
Village: 30. Small or Large Town: 25, Small or are ex-Thorn Knibrhts, inspir{.-'(\ by the Legacy of
Large City: 20. Metropolis: 15. If the authorities Sam Dunst:m and now working :lg'dinst their for-
are gener-Illy evil or despotic, the DC is increased mer brethren.
by +2. If the authorities arc absent or tnlsting, the Hit Dice: d4
DC is reduced by ~2. A safe haven only lasts as
long as the Legion s{.'Out remains in the town and Requirements
for one additional day for every day he prepared 'Ib qualify to become a Legion sorcerer, a charac-
the haven ahead of lime, up to a maximum of a ter must fulfill all the following criteria.
month. AJignmcnt: Any good.
Fly in the Ointment (Ex): At 4th level. the Base Save Bonuses: Will +6
Legion scout has :I{.'(l"ired ,m uncanny ability to Feats: Spell Focus (divination)
discern the weak points in an authority lIbture's SkiDs: Gather Information 6 ranks, Knowledb>e
organization. With at least one week's prepara- (arcana) 6 ranks. Spcllcraft 6 ranks.
tion. a LCb>lon seout lIlay lIlake ,Ill opposed Bluff Spdlcodsting: Ability to cast 2nd levcl arcane
check vs. the Sense Motive of the oflicial, noble, spells without preparation, including at least three
or authority fib'lIre in qucstion. He m:IY not take divination spells.
to or take 20 on this check. If successful, the Special: Must possess the ugio1l k"ow/~dge
Legion scout br:Jins ;1 +2 insight bonus on all class ability.
attack rolls, skill checks and initiative checks
against the authority fibtUrc and those undcrlinb'S


Base Attadc
$aYf '"
S.w S.w Special Spells Per O..,/Known
Share d,v,"a1oon
Canny speolkraft
+1 Ie>rel of n,slmB class
+1 level of txis!ln, dass
) +1 +1 .1 .3 Confound d,V,"'tIon +1 level of n,sl,n. class
5 +2
.1 .. CO'rert sptllcnft
COIlnttf divin,llon
+l1t¥tl of txlS!ln, class
+1 level of msllnl class

CHARftC1"ERS '"'-' 37
Class Skills from the sC1)',i/gspell) even when no saving throw
'111e Legion sorcerer's class skills (and the key is normally allowed, and including attempts made
ability for each skill) are BlufT (Cha), 10 view the immediate arca in which he is locat-
Concentr.l1ion (Con), Crali (Int). Decipher Script ed. This ability has no effect on such spells as
(Inl), Diplomacy (C1UI), Gather Information dde,1 good or disrem lit'S, however, which contin-
(Cha). Knowledge (all skills taken individually) ue to aflect him as normal.
(Int). Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Covert 5pellcraft (Ex): At 4th level the Lebrion
Motive (\Vis). Spcllcrafl (Int) and Spot (Wis). See SOf(.'Crer masters the art of casting some of bis
Chapler 4: Skills in Ihe Player's Handbook for spells wilh subtlety to avoid dete<,.1.ion by other
skill descriptions. sorcerers. He may choose a number of known
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + 1m modifier. spells equal to 3 plus his Intelligence bonus to
perm:mently modify with the Silent Spell metam-
Class Features llbric feal. Spells modificd in this way do nOI usc
All the following ,He chlss features of the Legion up a higher-level slot, nor do they take longer to
son.'Crcr prestige ehlss. <"lSt.
\"eapon and Anuor Proficiency: Lebrion sor- Counter Divination (Su): At 5th level. Ihe
cerers do not gllin any additional weapon or Legion sorcerer's talent in foiling attempts to
,HlnOr proficiency. divine his location improves to the point where
Spells per Day/Spells Known: A Lebrion sor- he can attempt to identify the source and identi-
cerer continues to develop his arcane talents ty of the divination. When he is the target of any
throughout his life. Thus, when a new Legion divination spell. the Legion sorcerer may make a
sorcerer level is g<lined. the char'lcter g<:lins new Will save of his own (DC 15 + diviner's cllster
spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as level) as a st:l1ld1mlaction. Success indicates that
if he had also g;tine<1 a level in an arcane spell- the Lebrion sorcerer knows the identity and cur-
casling class he belonged to before he added the rent location of the diviner. Failed attempts to
prestige class. He docs not, however. g<lin allY identify the source may not be retried. l1)is abili-
other benefit a character of that class would have ty is aflected by such spells as nomicleelion and
g.lined (mctamagie or item crelltion fe'lts, and so fi,Lfe visioll. which will conceal the diviner's iden-
on) excepl for an increased effeclive level of spell- tity just as if the Legion sorcerer were attempting
casting. }\ Legion sorcerer who had morc than to scry him or her.
one arcane spellcasting cl<lsS musl decide 10
which class he .Idds the new level for purposes of m ASTER.. A rn BASSA DOR..
spells per day and spells known. The master ambassador represents the individual
Share Divination (5u): A 1st-level Ler"rion sor- who has the ability to conduct sensitive diplo-
cerer has developed his ilrts of mabrical inquiry m,uic missions. handle diflicult negotiations. and
and divinatory talents. and e.1l1 morc casily sh.ue formulate cffective bTQvernment policy-all skills
the results with his allies. \Vhen casting any div- Ihat are highly valued in a war-torn world. Such
ination spell as 11 filII round aClion, the Lebrion a pcrson may be the representative of princes in
sorcerer can extend Ihe eflt.'Cls of the spell to a foreib'll lands and alien hostile courts. He mily bc
number of other individuals of his choice in a 30 a<' in the interests of his liege or for his own
foot radius e<Jual to his caster lcvel. '1l1e caster is cnds, if the the ambition of the master ambassa-
still considered the center of the spell's elT'ect dor eclipses his loyalties. Whatever his cause, his
radius, so that any results of the spell depend on skill in diplomacy remains keen.
the castcr's location, not the individuals sharing All master ambassadors are experienced in
the spell. political intrigue, in drafting agreements and
Canny Spellcr'dft (Ex): At 2nd level, the treaties, and in understanding a foreign mindset.
Legion sorcerer le:m1s 10 .lpply his own quick- The master ambassador has the ability to lead tI
thinking and knowledge of :lfC~llle magic when kingdom to riches or into min with the turn of a
dealing with his enemies. He may add his phrase.
Intelligence bonus (if any) to his caster level Nobles. rogues and bards make the best master
checks when attempting 10 overcome a target's ambassadors because they havc substantial skill
spell resistance and 10 his own saving Ihrows vs. backgrounds and their abilities complement the
spells and spell-likc abilities. I-Ie loses Ihe second diplomalic nature of this class. Clerics, mystics,
benefit if he is flat-footed or otherwise surprised wiz:lrds, and sorcerers arc also good candidates,
or unaware (such as whcn he is blinde<1, panicked though their allegi:mces may often be divided if
or unconsciolJs). they arc also bound to an arcane or religious
Confound Divin:ltion (SII): At 3rd level, the agenda. vVilderness-oriented chlsses such as bar-
ability ofa Legion sorcerer 10 reCOb'11ize and resist barians or rangers arc rarely suited for the role of
external divin.ltion becomes second-nature 10 a m1lster ambassador, usually due to social
him. He is allowed a \Vill saving throw to resist requirements.
or block scrying attempts used upon him (sllch as

38 ~ CHAPTE",-OnE
Master ambassadors are ideal adventurers Class Features
becduse they are always being sent to other lands All the following are class features of the master
and regions to engage in diplomatic missions or ambassador prestib'e class.
to act in the service of their liege lords. NPC mas- \Veapon and Annor Proficiency: Master
ter :unbassadors .Ire often found in forei!,,'l1 courts ambassadors g:lin no additional proficiency in any
manipulating the afl:'lirs ofloeal nobility or reprL'- wC"d.pon or armor.
senting .1 nation's interests in times of crisis. As Favored Embassy (Ex): A master ambassador
the eyes and ears of their mIers, master ambassa- becomes intimately familiar with the politic-dl are-
dors are excellcnt L'OTltacts for advcnturing parties llas to which she is assigned. and learns to adjust
seeking to hcar ncws of home. to the unique customs and quirks of courtly life.
Hit Dice; d6 Beginning at 1st level. the master ambassador
chooses one political environment, usually
Requirements the capital city of a kingdom, to which she
To qualify to b(,"COme a master ambassador, a has been assi!,,'l1ed as an
character must fillfill all the following critc- ambassador. Whenever
oa. /I.::li' she is in the chosen envi-
Alignment: Any non-chaotic.
Languages: Able 10 speak, read, and
? ronment, she gains a +2
bonus to all Diplomacy.
write in two languages outside of Common Gather Information, Knowledge
and own racilll language. (nobility and royalty) and
Skills: Blufl' 4 r.mks, Diplomacy 8 ranks. Sense Motive chL"Cks.
Gather Information 4 ranks, Knowledgc At 4th level, 7th level,
(nobility and royalty) 8 ranks. Sense and 10th level the master
Motive 8 ranks i ambassador may add addition-
Special; Must have held a diplomatic /J: OIl favored embassies, or
office or position in which some courtly (~: increase the bonus of an exist-
or political matter was resolved ing embassy by +2. A master
through the eflorts of the chanlcter. ambassador may also auempt to
abandon an existing embassy in
Class Skills
The master ambassador's class skills
(and the key ability for C"..lch skill) are
I. filvor of a dilTerent one. This
process takes a month, during
which time the mastcr ambassador
Appraise (Int), BlulT (Cha), Decipher loses all favored embassy bonuses in
Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), the court that she is abandoning.
Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), 'illC master ambassador must then
Forgery (Int). Gather lnfonmltion make a successful Diplomacy check
(Cha). Intimidate (Cha), (DC 20 + former f.'wored embassy
Knowled!"TC (all skills taken indi- bonus). Success indicates that she bas
vidually) (Int), Listen (\Vis), l.'$tablished a new filVored embassy
Sense Motive (Wis), Speak wilh a bonus equal 10 that of the previ-
Lan!,,'lJab"C and Spot (\Vis). See ous favored embassy.
Chapter 4: Skills in Ihe Even in times of war, conflict
Player; Ha1/dbook for and revolution, the master ambassa-
skill descriptions. 'I dar does not lose her favored embassy
Skill Points at Each bonus. due to her keen understanding of
Level: 6 + lnt modifier.


Class Base Attack Fort R,r Will
,""" Bonus Save Save Spel:ial

2 .,
.0 .0
Favored embassy. insightful acclimation
Retinue ...1
., .,

.3 .., .,
, .,
Bonus language
Favored embassy

.2 .2
Retinue +2
Bonus language

, .,.,
7 .5 .2 .5 Favored embassy
8 .2
.3 ., Retinue +3
Bonus language
10 .7 .3 .3 .7 Favored embassy

the changing political climate. However, the diffi- master ambassador already has the Leadership
culty of any diplomatic actions in such an envi- feat, she still guins the leadership score bonus but
ronment may worsen. gains no additional benefit.
InsighdUl Acclimation (Ex); A master ambas- Bonus Language (Ex): 111e master ambassa-
sador needs to be receptive \0 new and different dor needs to be extremely well versed in lan-
ideas, cultures and belicfs in order to have any b'1JabTCS in order to C'drry out her duties in foreib'll
success in her career. \Vhcnever she is interacting COUltS. At 3rd level, and a!"rain at 6th and 9th lev-
with somebody f.·om :l different culture. race, els, she can choose a new lan!,,'l..mge.
political backj"JTound or reli!"rion than her own,
she may attempt a Sense Motive check to gather nOmAD SHAmAn
or llssernble information from the individual's Nomad shamans are the spiritual heart of the
body language, non-verbal cues, :l\litude. and cul- nomadic tribes of Ansalon, guiding their people
tural quirks. with an acute awareness of the spirit world and
This resembles a bard's bardic knowledge abil- the wisdom it engenders. Many nomad shmnims
ity. but is more immediate and direct. and have known since childhood that they are calle(l
requires at least ren minutes of engaged conver- to this high purpose, while others come to accept
sation or close observation of the individual to this great responsibility with reluctance.
work. 'nle DC of the Sense Motive check The shaman's main duty is to the work with
depends on the kind of information the master the dan chief to guide the people, acting as the
ambassador is trying to learn, and is summarized chiefs dosest and most trusted adviser. The
below. TIle information gained must have some shaman also provides spiritual support, comfort
cultuml, 10c;\1. or tr.ldition-related context, and and inspiration for the dan's members.
will rarely be more than" few key points, but is Mystics and druids m,lke good nomad
often enough 10 give the master ambassador a shamans, due to the nature of their bac4,JTound.
sense of the individual's back~,'Tound. Rangers and barbarians may ultimately foHow the
path of the shaman, but 1110st other dasses are
either too intent on their own affairs or do not
DC Type of Knowledge
have the required mindset.
10 Common. known by at least a substantial NPC nomad shamans may be found in any
minority of the subject's culture tribe or dan in the Age of Mortals, serving the
20 Uncommon but available. privately known nomad chieftains and acting as spiritual counsel.
or of some relevance to subject's culture Hit Die; d8
2S Obscure, carefullY'guarded or somewhat
unfamiliar to subject's culture
30 Extremely obscure, possibly highly secret Saves: Base Will Save +4.
or taboo in subject's culture
Feat: Alertness
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks. Knowled!,,'C
Retinue (Ex): Most master ambassadors (religion) 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
choose to tmvel with a support staff that may Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level divine
consist of uides. bodyguards. experts. and advi- spells.
sors. At 2nd level the master mnbassador ellec- Special: Must have been raised in a nOlllad
tively gains the Leadership feat, and her leader- culture and belong to a nomad tribe or clan.
ship score g.lins a + 1 bonus. 111is bonus increas-
es to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 8th level. If the


Class Base Attack Fort 'of Will
Level Bonus Sive Save Save Special Spells Per Day/Known
1 .0 .0 .0 .2 Spirit sight. totemic insight -+ 1 level of existing class
2 .1 .0 +0 .3 Turn/rebuke spirit -+ 1 level of existing class
+1 ..
.3 Totemic insight
Spirit body l/day
-+1 level of existing class
+1 level of existing class

5 .3
+2 .5
Totemic insight
Spirit body 2/day
+1 level of existing class
+1 level of existing class
.2 .,
.5 Totemic insight
Spirit body 3/day
+1 level of existing class
+1 level of existing class
10 .7
•• .3
Totemic insight
Spirit body 4/day
+1 level of existing class
+1 level of existing class

40 '"'-' CHAPTER..OnE
Class Skills Class Features
The Nomad Shaman's class skills (and the key 'lbil- \Veapoll and AnnOT Proficiency: Nomad
ity for e:Jch skill) are Concentmtion (Can), Cmft shamans are proficient in light armor and shields.
Qnt), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha). Heal 'nleY arc proficient in weapons based on their
(\Vis), Knowledge (n.lture) (lnt), Knowledbre (reli- home rCbrioll, as foI1ows:
gion) (Int), Profession ('Vis), Spellcrafi Qnt). Swim Desnt: Dagger. heavy lance. light lance, scimi-
(Str). and Survival (Wis). See Chapter 4: Skills in the tar, shortbow, shortspear, whip
PI(lyer's Hl/ndbOON for skiII descriptions. FOTest: Blowgun, club, greatclub, hand axe,
Skill points at each level: 4 + Int modifier shortbow. sling, throwing axe
'/III/tim: Battleaxe, club, bITeataxe, hand axe, tin!,'llish between them due to the somewhat
light crossbow, light pick, shortspear blurrt..>(l and indistinct outline of an ethereal crea.-
At!OIlU/n/US: Battleaxe, blowgun, handaxe, short- ture.
bow, shortspear. sickle. throwing axe Totemic Insight (Su); Beginning ll\ 1st level
Plains: Club. !,ITcatclub, light lance. shortbow. and at every other level thereafter (3rd. 5th. 7th
shortspear, spiked chain. whip ,md 9th level) a nomad shaman acquires wisdom
A nomad shaman's spiritual and tribal oaths ,Illd supernatural guidance from the spirits that
prohibit her from using non-tribal wellpons or visit her in her waking dreams. ll1ese insights
armor heavier than light armor. If the nomad brr<tnt various benefits and abilities, depending on
Shlllllllll is 'Ilready under restrictions from anoth- the kind of spirit that taught or provided the
er class. she must continue to adhere to those in insight. Every time she g-ains this llbility, the
addition to those from her nomad shaman class. nomad shaman chooses a new totemic insight
Spells per Day/Spells Known: A nomad from the table below. Her class level plus her
shllman continues to explore and gain insight Wisdom modifier determines which insights she
from divine lll'lgiC. 'I1U1S, when a new nomad may select.
shaman level is gained, the character gains new Tum/Rebuke Spirit (Su): At 2nd level, a
spells per day (and spells known, if II mystic) as if nomad shaman gains the ability to turn or rebuke
she had also gained a level in II divine spel1casting unwanted spirits and other incorporeal threats as
class she belonged to before she added the pres- a cleric of her level turns unde'ld. ~Spirit ~ in this
tige class. She does not, however, g:.lin llny other case refers to any naturally or unnaturally incor-
benefits a character of that class would have poreal or ethereal undead, outsider, or cre'lIure.
lfdined (bonus metamagic feats, w,U SllflPC, and so She Cllllnot destroy a spirit with this ability. how-
on) except for an increased effective level ofspell- ever - those that would othenvise be destroyed
casting. A nomad shaman who had more than are turned for twice the duration. Evil shamans
one divine spellcasting class must decide to which may bolster spirits as an evil cleric bolsters
class she adds the new level for purposes of spells undead. Nomad shaman levels do not stack with
per day and spells known. cleric levels (or mystic levels with the Sun
Mystics who acquire this prestige e1ass choose domain) for turning of unde'ld: the abilities oper-
new known spells from the dmid spclliist. not the ate independently of one another.
cleric spell list, when they advance in effective Spirit Body (Su): At 4th level, the nomad
spellcaster level. TIley may also draw upon the shaman's connection to the spirit world bL'Comes
druid spell list rather than the cleric spell list strong enough that she Illay briefly extend her
when substituting previollsly known spells as physical and spiritual efforts into it. She g:.lins the
described under the mystic class in the equivalent of the gllOsl loudl item quality (sec
Dmgon/allce Cnmpnigll Se"iug. dL"Scription in the Dungeon Master's Guide) for
Spirit Sight (Su): At 1st level, a nomadic the purposes of striking. grasping or defending
shaman can see ethereal creatures as Cllsily ;IS she against incorporeal creatures and objects. As
sees material creatures and objects. She can dis- such. incorporeal creatures may be attacked with+
out the 500AJ chance of damage avoidance, her
armor is not ignored when she is attacked by all


... Wis mod. Insight Effoct
Arlce5tral knowledge Gain 4 .aroks in anyone Knowledge, Craft or Professiot'l skill in which you have
no ranks.
2 Animal cunning +2 bonus to Initiative checks.
3 Gift of the land +2 bonus to Survival checks in your tribal terrain type (forest. mountain, etc).
4 Animal awareness +1 bonus to listen, Search and Spot skill cheds.
5 Ancestral prOVidence +1 bonus to Will and Refie~ saves.
6 Gift of the wild +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when in your tribal terrain type.
7 Arlimal fury Gain the rage ability of a barbarian of you. class level. If you already possess this
ability. you can lJ5e it one additional time per day.
8 Ance5tral might Add +1 inherent bonus to Strength, ~xlerity or Constitution ability score
(choose one).
9 Gift of the elements Gain energy .esistirlCe of 5 + Wisdom bonus against any two energy allad
forms (cold, fire, electricity, acid, elc). If you already possess energy resistance of
lhaltype, il increases by your Wisdom bonus. Energy resistance will change
appropriately if the Wisdom modifier changes.
10 Vision of the spirits Gain true seeing as a spell·like ability. usable l/day at your caster level.

42"'-' CHAPtER..0nE
incorporeal erC<lture, and her damaging spells Because he is hunted by his fanner brethren.
have their usual effect. As a side-eflect this abil- the rOb'llc knight olien develops a reputation as an
it}'. incorporeal ereatures arc able to gr'.lSp and outlaw. 1'1ight from pursuit forces him to travel
affect her and her equipmcnt for the dumtion. extensively, with the result that rob'lIC knights can
The ability lasts thr<.""C rounds plus one additional be found anywhcre. NPC fOj,.'Uc knights are either
round per point of Charisma bonus.•md may be opponents of knightly heroes, or associates and
used a number of times per day as described in allies of heroes of a less chivalrous bent. &-eking
the advancement table. out and bringing to justice a knight who has brone
Ex- 'omad Shamans: If for :my re3son the J'Ob'lle can make up an extensh'e series of ad"en-
nomad shaman violates her spiritual and tradi- tures.
tional taboos, she loses access to all of hcr dass Dhamon Grimwulf is one of the most famous
abilities and m:ay not advance levels in this dass examples or the rogue knibrtu.
until she atones (see nlOlfmtml spell description in Hit Dice: dtO
the P1a)'er's Handbook). Vio1:ltion includes
using re5lricted weapons and wearing Requirements
heavier annor, using her shamanic abili· To qualify to become a rogue knighl, a char:aeter
ties against her own people, and olher must fulfill all the following criteria.
acts of defilement. Base Attack Bonus: +5
Base Save Bonus: Fortitude +t
RpGV E !<-n i G H"t Feats: Armor Proficiency
Rogue knights are fonner mem- (heavy), r-.lartial Weapon
bers ofone of the knightly orders l'roficiency (anyone), Honor-
of Krynn who ha\'e broken their bound (see below)
sacred vows and tum<.'<1 to vil- Special: r-.lust have
!iany. Whether they have brivcn in once been a member of an
to evil and corruption or aban- order of knighthood. SUdl as
doned their oaths out of disgust or the Order of thc Crown or
shame, the rOb'lle knight is often a Ordcr of the Lily. In addition.
lOnnented figure whose path the rOb'1.IC knibrtu must h.we
leads eithcr to redemption or to broken or bctJ'ilyed an
certain doom. oath as described under
Fighters. paladins, :lIld nobles the Honor-bound feat
make excellent rob'1.le knights. and required aIOI/t'lf1e1l1

Many rob'lle knights also h.we (allhough completing alolll!-

l1Ielll is not a require-
levels in rob'1.le, thoubrl1 often
they acquire these once they ment).
have left their order. Clerics, Class Skills
mystics and rallgers arc some-
what less suited, however, depcnding The fOb'lIC knight's
on the knightly order to which the class skills (and the key ability ror
rogue knight om:c bclollbTed the each skill) arc Blufr (Cha), Craft
knibml may already have levels in (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disb'1.lisc
these classes. \Vi7~'trds, sorcerers, druids and bar- (Cha), Gather Information (Cha),
barians are not alien rob'1.le knights. Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Str),
Knowledge (nobility and royahy) (Int), Profession


Om Bne AtUd: Fort 'of Will
1 ., ","" s.~

.., s.~
Honors price. desperatf' slllkf' +1d6
.2 .0
., .1 .0

,• ., . .••
.1 .1
One prOVIdence ("'thaI damagf' 10 subdual)
Desperale sttike +2d6

, ., .1

.,.,., .,
+6/+1 .2 .2 Onf' prOYl~ncf' (slablllzatlon)
+1/+2 .2 .2 Desprratf' slrikf' +3d6

•• +&/+3 .2 .2

+10/+S ., ., .,
.1 0,1f' prClY1df"lKf' (cllucal hilS)
Desperalf' strike +4d6

CHARi\C"tE .... ~ 43
(Wis). Ride (Dex) and Sense Motive ('Vis). SLoe Dire Providence (Su): A rogue knight's tragic
Chapler 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for fate manifests with time into an unC'J.nny ability
skill descriptions. to survive ag.linsl the odds. TIle following class
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. fC'.llures manifest over the course of severallc\'els
and are considered supcmatu......1abilities.
Class Features At 3rd level, when a l'"Ob1Ue knight lakes dam-
All the following are class features of Ihe rogue age which would reduce him to 0 hit poinls or
knight prestige class. less, he may make a Fortitude save (DC equals
Weal)Oll and Annor Proficiency: ROb"Ue damat,re deah) to halve the damage, This ability
knights are proficient in all siml>le and martial may be used once per day.
weapons, all types of armor, and shields. At 6th level, the rogue knight's ability to recov-
Honor's Price (Ex): A rogue knight is a victim er from unconsciousness and shock improves.
ofbroken oaths and foresworn promises. His lack TIle percentage chance for his condilion to stabi-
of honor exacts its price. He suffers a pcn:llty to lize when below 0 hp. and 10 waken after becom-
his Charisma-based skill checks equal to his class ing unconscious, doubles to a base 20%. A char-
level whenever he deals with his former brothers acter attempting to stabi!i7.£ him using the Heal
in the order to which he belonged and any other skill g<lins a +4 bonus to her skill check.
knighthood that rel.'Ob"li7.£S his order as one of At 9th level, the rOb'ue knight may make a
honor and duty. COllversely, he gl-lins a bonus to Fortitude s'lVing throw with .1 DC l.'qual to the
any Charisma-based skill checks (.'(!uallo his class original modifit.'<i attack roll in order to avoid crit~
level when dealing wilh the underworld, crimi- iC:II hits. If sm::ccssful. the rob'l.le knight only suf.
nals, and olher dishonorable or unsavory charac- fers nOlTTlal damage. If thc save fails, the critiC:ll
lers. hit damab"C is multiplied nOlTTlally.
Desper-die Strike (Ex): Abandoning his oaths
and avoiding the retribution of his order has Ex-Solamnic and Dark Rogue Knights
given rise to a deep-seated despe......tion in the Rogue knights who have class levels in any of the
rogue knighl, and he becomes C'Jpable of extraor- Knight ofSolamnia or Knight ofTakhisis/Neraka
dinary ferocity when surrounded or OUlnum- prestige classes will find thai many oftheir spcci:11
bered. When the rogue knight is flanked by two abilities are lost to them. Like the blackguard. a
or more opponents, he adds the listed bonus 10 rogue knight with prior experience as a Solamnic
all ofhis damage rolls in mclee combat for as long or dark knight gains additional abilities depend-
as he remains flanked. At 1st 1C\'e1 this bonus is ing on how many combined knighdy class levels
+ld6. increasing to +2d6 at 4th level, +3d6 at 7th he had prior to acquiring the rogue knight pres-
1C\'el and +4d6 at 10lh level. This bonus stacks tige class.
with any Olhcr damage bonus, such as a rOl,"Uc's
sneak attack, and has no effect on any opponcnt
that is immune to critical hits. such as undf,.':ld,
007.£S, plant's or constmets.


Former Knight Levels Extra Ability
1-' Hardhearted (Su). The rogue knIght gains a morale bonus to saves vs. fear and despair·
inducing ~s eq~1 to hIs Charisma bonus.
The rogue knight gains a -+-2 bonus to Bluff, listen. Sense MotiYe. Spot and Survival checks
used against members of their former krugtrthood. and a +2 bonus to InI\.atrve checb ......hen

In combat ;p,nst them. ThIS is an atr<lOl'din'IIY ability;
Fate's Hand (Su). The rope blight adds hIS Charisma modj~ as a rTIOf3le bonus to all saYIng
throws, and he rmy sn'\l~ ~ once pet day. He adds hIS (harlSlTlil mod,~ ft( positiYe) 10 hos
attack d and deals 1 exira pow'll of cbmage pet rogue kn'ght class level aga,nst lawful

The rogue knighl pins an additioNl+2 bonus to Bluff. IJsten. Sense Motnooe, Spot and Survival
checks used ala.nst mernben of theor bmer knighthood, and an +2 bonus to

. InI\.atrve checks ......hen .., combat WIlh them. Th,s staeb WIth the level ]-4 abilIty. a~.
A. Sobmr'llC or darlt krught WIth th,S level of expenence who turns from the llghl or da~s IS truly GlSI to
the winds offate. Mud! as a blaclcguard may trade levels in pal~in for levels In blad<guard, a rogue kn,ght
of th,s stature ,mmed,ate gams a level of rogue kmght lOr t!Very level ofSobmmc or darlt knight prest,ge
dau that he trades in. Levels m RosefThom Knight are lost first. (ollowed by Sword/Skull Knight and theI1
Crown/Lily Kmght. Traded levels do not count as knight levels (or the purposes of ema abilities. above.
From the ranks of thc Solarnnic Auxiliary
SOLAmnic AvxiLiARY comes the Solamnic Auxiliary m'lgc. '111e
mAGE Solamnic Auxiliary mage uses his magic-.l.1 might
to aid the Knight,s of Solanmia in thcir light
- "Hollor ill ",agic, 1Iollor it/life." abF3inst foes such :IS the Dmgon Ovcrlords and
the Knights ofNemka. Chief'lmong thcir enemies
Solamnic Auxiliary mab'CS are arc-J.oc spcllC'olStcrs are the Knights of the Thom.
woo work to support the Kniglus of Solamnia. The Solamnic Auxilimy mage is espt.'Cially hard
Although wizards had previously served the pressed to live up to the standards of the Knights
knighthood in an unofficial C'.lpacity ever since of Solamnia. as thcy have a tendency to distrust
the days of Huma, the knights remained reluctant arcane magic. As such. Solamnic Auxiliary mages
to fonnally introduce wizards into their ranks. must work hard to e'dm the respect of the Knights
This changed after the War of Souls. when the of Solamnia. 111cir afC"dne studies are centered on
Knights of Solamnhl finally :Icknowledgcd that the ideals of the Knights of Solamnia: loyalty.
lhey would do well to have members of a morc courage. and justice.
di\'erse background. 1ne Solamnic Auxiliary mages pay homage to
While they honored tradition and did not open two mages who C'dmc before them and who
their ranks to spell-eastcrs. they did cre:lIC an aux- helped to p.we the W'ly: l\'lagius, who was friend
iliary. which any While Robe Wi7.ard who follows to Huma'Onbane in the 11lird Dragon War.
the Solamnic ideals may join. Members of the and P.dlin Majere. who traveled with his knight
Solamnic Auxiliary wear the symbol of the brothcrs prior to the Chaos War. Both of these
Kingfisher. arc supposed to be afforded the same famous mages are considered to be honorary
rt'.Spect as Squires of Crown. and must swear the Solamnic Auxiliary mages.
Solamnic Oath. Ell $ulnros DIn IHilhos (~ 'Iy honor Duc to thc fact that Solamnic knights have
is my life). always been loyal followers of the bJOds-many of
them retaining their faith in the b>OOS e\'en during
their absences-only those arcane spel1castcrs
who practice brodly magic are welcomc 10 join.
This may cause some dilliculty for the {,1OOd-
alignt.'<l wiz-'lTd. who must swear to put thc intcr~
csts of thc knighthood aht.'3d of those of thc
Orders of High Sorcery.
Solamnic Auxiliary mab'CS stand rt.'ady to sup-
port lhe Knights of Solanmia with thcir arcane
magic and arc shining examples of honor. virtuc.
and chivalry. 'nleir livcs as mcmbers of the
knij:,'tllhood are not casy. howevcr. for they are
not fully at:ccpled by their fellow knights. cspe-
cially by some of the morc conscrvativc members.
and IllUSt work extrcmely hard to gain thc truSI of
their L'Omradcs.
Hit Die: d4.
1b qualify to become a Solalllnic Auxiliary Mage.
a ch:m.lcter must filllill all thc following criteria.
Alignmcnt: Lawful Good
Skills: Concentr.uion 8 ranks. Knowledge
(nobility) 4 ranks.
Feats: Honor-bound. Iron Will.
Spells: Must be able to cast 3rd·ll.'vel arcane
magic spells.


Class Base Attack Fort Ref WiM
l.e¥eI Bonus Save $aYe $aYe Speci;ll Spells Pfl" Day/Known
1 ..0 +0 +0 +2 MagIC orloyalry ,I Spt'lJcaster level
2 +1 ..0..0 +1 Heroic InItiative +1 +1 Spt'lJcasler level
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 MagIC or Cou~~ +1 Spt'lkaster level
.. +2 +1 +1 +.( Heroic Imtiatwe +2 +1 Spelknter 1.M
5 +2 +1 +1 +.( M;lglC or Justice .. 1 Spe!kaster 1.M

CHA!V'C"tER.:; C'o..> 45
Special: I'<t,>s thc Knight's Trials and bc accept- C:lm widespre:.ld notoriety due 10 use of their own
ed as a mcmber of the Solamnic Auxiliary. signature spell cffccts or quirky behavior which
they adopt in their activities.. such as leaving
Class Skills behind scraps of bad rhymes in broad daylif"rtu.
The Solamnic Auxiliary mabte's class skills (and Duc to thc spcllcasting requirement. sorcerers
the key ability for each skill) are Concentration and mystics make good spell filches. aerics ::and
(Con). Crali (lnt). Diplomacy (eha). Handle wi....ards must be carefill 10 address any needs of
Animal (ala). Jump (Str). Knowledbte (arcane) their orders. but are also excellent choices. Bards
(1m). Knowledbte (nobility) (lm). Knowkdbte (reli- and rangers arc good candidates. as are rogues
gion) (1m). Profession (\Vis). Ride (I:>ex). and who take levels in a spcllC'.lSting class. Most other
Speller-Jft (Int). classes either bck the temperament or prerequi-
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + 1m sites for the spellfilch's lifestyle.
Modifier. A spcllfilch adventurer might be hired to
r<'''CQver stolen magic items. steal a spellbook from
Class Features a powerful wiz'lrd. enter dark ruins to sc:uch for
\Veapoll and Annor Proficiency: Solamnic forgollen treasures or he may simply accompany
Auxiliary mages do not gain any additional a group of merccnaries for a share of the 1001.
weapon or armor proficiency. NPe spelllilches are typically found in larb'C
Magic of Loyally (Su): From the Knights of cities. as mcmbers of a thieves' guild or acting <IS
the Crown. the Sohlllll1ic Auxiliary Ma.l.rc ICllrtlS independent librents. A spell filch who oper:lIes in
the virtue of loyalty. At the beginning of combat. the country-side might have his own b'TOUP of fol-
the Solamnic Auxiliary mage may choose one lowers. who loyally servc him.
ally with whom he has an oath of loyalty or serv- Hit Dice: d6
ice. \VhenC\'er the mage is using magic to prol<.'Ct.
defend. or support that ally. the saving throw DC Rcqui.-ements
of his spells is increased by +2. In addition. all To qualify to become a spellfilch. a character
saving throws the Solamnic Auxiliary mage must fulfill all the following criteria.
makes abrainst mind-influencing eff<.'Cts when Alignment: Any nonla\vfUl.
defending or prolecting his desif,,'llated ally f"tUin a Base Save Bonus: Reflex +5
+2 bonus. Skills: Bluff 6 ranks. Hide 6 ranks. Knowlcdb'C
Heroic Initiative (Ex): At 2nd Icvel. a (arcana) 6 ranks. Spcllcrafi 6 ranks
Solamnic Auxiliary mage gains a + 1 bonus on ini- Feats: Silent Spell
tiati\'e dlCCks. lllis bonus increases to +2 at 4th Spe.Ucasting: Ability to cast 2nd-level ar("Jnc
level. or divinc spells.
Magic of Courage (Su): From the Knights of Special: Sneak attack +2d6
the Sword. thc Solamnic Auxili,lry ml1bte leams
the virtue of coumge. He becomes immune to Class Skills
fear effects. ,md may ,ldd his Wisdom modifier (if '11e spellfilch's class skills (and the key abilily for
positive) as a sacred bonus to his Spcllcrafi check each skill) arc Appmise (Int). Balance (Dex). Bluff
when attcmpting to identify and counlerspcll any (Cha). Climb (SIr), Concentration (Can). Cmf!
fear-based spells. (Cha). Decipher Script (Inl. exclusive skill).
Magic ofJust icc (Su): From the Knights of the Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Inl). Disb'1lillc
Rose. the Solamnic Auxiliary mage lemls the (Cha). Escape Artillt (Dcx). Gather Information
virtue of justicc. The Solamnic Auxiliary maf"rc (Cha). Hide (Dex). Jump (Str). Knowledge
may desif"",ate one opponent per encounter that (arcana) (Int). Listen (Wis). Move Silently (Dcx).
the mab'C and the Knights of Solamnia arc seek- Open Lock (Dcx). Profession (\Vis). $carcll (Ilu).
ing to bring to justice. Abrainst this opponent. all Sense Motive (\Vis). Steib.}u of Hand (Dcx).
of the Solamnic Auxiliary maf"te's spell save DCs Spellcrafi (Int). Spot (Wis). Swim (Str). Tumble
are increased by +2. 1'''e mage must be aware of (Dcx). Use Magic Device (Cha). and Usc Rope
the identity of the opponent. and the op~nent (Dcx). Sec Chapter 4: Skills in the for skill
must be aware of the mage's presence. 1ne effect descriptions.
lasts until the end of the encountcr. Skill Points at Eacll Lc\'el: 4 + Int modilier.

SPELLFiLCH Class Features

Spellfilches are rogues with some measure of All the following arc class features ofthe spclUilch
magic.!1 skill. blending wiz.'lrdry with larceny. prestige class.
Some see Ihemselves as thieves with good Weapon and Annor Proficiency: Spclllilchcs
stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, are prolicient in all simple weapons. light armor.
while others pursuc a life of crime to satisfy their and medium armor. At 1st level. the spelllilch
own greed or ambitions. Spellfilches tend to be brains proliciency in one sm,lll or tiny exotic
/lamboyllill. with II love for Mshowing oW'. Many wC'.!pon of her choice.

46"-' CHAP"tER.0nE
Spells per Day/Spells Known; A spdlfilch cess and cffect. She am choose to expend a spell
continues to mastcr her magical talents. Thus. slot (or a prepared spell, in the C'dse ofspellalSters
when an cven-numbered who prepare spells ahead of time) to enhance a
spell filch level is g-ained. the particular action or check. Using this ability
character gains new spells count's as a move-equivalent action. Every other
per day (and spells level, the scope of this ability increases, as
known. ifappropriate) described below. No aspect may be used
as if she had also more than once per day.
gained a level At 1st level, the spell filch may gain a
in a spellcllst- competence bonus to a single skill check
ing class she eqllHl to the level of the spell slot. Any of the
belonged to spellfilch's class skills may be enhHnced in this
before she manner. Any skill so enhanced is considered to
added the prestige be a sllpernatur<ll ability for the P\lrpoSes of
class. She does not, mag'iclil detection and other effects.
however, gain any At 3rd lcvel. the spcllfilch may add 1d6
mher benefits il character to her sneak attack damage for cvery level of
of that class would spell slot cxpended. For example, if she
have gained (bonus cxpends a 4th level spell slot she adds +4d6 to
metamagic feilts, turn her sneak attack damage. Beamse it is a move
undead and so on) action, the spellfilch must usually
except for an .......... already be in position in the round
increased that she makes her sneak attack.
effectivc lcvel 111e effect is in place for only one
of spcllcasting. attack, and if the attack miss-
A spellfilch es, the expended slot is wast-
who hlld more ed.
than one speJ1- At 5th level, the spcll-
casting class must filch may add a
decide to which bonus to her

class n ext
she adds Reflex sav-
the new level ing throw equal
for purposes of to the level of spell
spells per day and slot expended. This
spells known. bonus lasts for a number
Spellwisc (Su): A spell- of rounds equal to her caster
filch develops her maf:,rical tal- level, or until she is required to
ents to aid her in her mundane skills. make a Reflex save, whichever comes
to the point of adding to her level of SllC- first.
TABLE 1-19: SPEllFllCH
dus Base Attack Fort 'of Will

"'" Bonus
Exotic weapon proficiency.
Spells Per Day/Known
+1 level of existing class
spellwise (skills)
1 .1 .0 .3 ., Signature spell l/day

,• .,., ..,•• .,.••

3 .1 .1 .3 .3 Spell wise (sneak allack) ... 1 level of existing class
.1 Signature spell 2/day

, •• .1 Spellwise (evasion) ... 1 level of existing class

., ., Signature spell 3/day
., .1
., ., Spellwise (uncanny dodge) ...1 level of existing class

., ., .,
., Signature spell4/day
Spell wise (opportunist) ... 1 level of existing class
10 .7 .3 .7 .7 Signature spell S/day

CHAIV\C"tER/i"'" 47
At 7th level. the spellfilch may add a dodge
bonus to her AC cqual to the level of spell slot
expendcd. This bonus lasts for a number of ~/ dOli i emr tlboul your IItllIle. Red. I dOli i WIIIII 10
rounds equal to her caster lcvel or when next Imow your lItllfIe. ffYON survive yourfirsllhree or so
attacked (whichever comes first). btlllles. dim IIlllybe I'lllcant your lItuNe. Nol befim:. /
At 9th level, the spell filch may add an insight used 10 leam Ihe lItlNleS, bul II was tI goddamned
bonus to her next llttack of opportunity t.'qual to Wtlsle q/Ili!lt>. Suo,} tiS I'dgel 1o Imow fi puke, lle'd up
the level of spell slot expendcd. 11,is bonus lasts tlmllHe ON me. 71/t'se dfiYs I do,,'1 boliler.~
for a number of rounds equal to her Cllster level, . Horkin. Master-At-Wizardry
or until she makes an attack of opportunity, Brolhen til AnNs hy Mtlrgtlrel Wcis (5 DOli ?emil.
whichever comcs first.
Signature Spell (Su): Each spellfilch develops War mages are the masters of magical wllrfare.
a trademark or modus opcrandi. something using their arcane might to turn the tide of banIe.
which marks the spcllfilch's work as hcl' own. \Var mages usc their talents for a variety of ClUS-
'l1'e ultimate expression of this is the signatlll'e es and against a variety offoes. dating back to the
spell. 11,e spellfilch choose~ one spell which she time orMagius and beyond.
knows of a level no more than one less than the \Var mab'CS are found in many groups through-
maximum spelllcvel she Clln cast. For example, if out Ansalon, whether they are White-Robed
she cml cast 4th level spells, she lllay choose a Mages fighting for the Whitestone forces. B1ack~
known spell of 3rd level or less. This spell Robed MllgCS lighting for thc drllgonarmies,
becomes her sibrnature, and she may (''lISt it spon- Thorn Knights in the service of the Knights of
taneously without preparation as a spell-like abil- Takhisis. or Legion Sorcerers fighting abrainst the
ity. It does not use up a spell slot and may be cho- forces or the Dragon Overlords. War mages may
sen with a metamagic feat applied (which will also be independc11l operators, acting as merce-
modify its level. so it must still be one less than naries, joining the ranks of various military organ-
the maximum spell level). The signature spell is iz,,'ltions.
either a divine or arcane spell, depending on the Wizards lllld sorcerers :ue the most common
primary spellCllsting class of the spell filch. classes that take the war mage prestige class.
At every other level, the number of times a day Sorcerers lire valued for their ability to cast spells
the spell filch may cast her sibJ'TUuure spell incl'cas- on the ny. and to not be bound by l\ spellbook.
es by one. In addition, when she reaches a level at Wizards are valued for the variety of spells they
which her number of times per day increases, she can cast. Bards can also take the war lTI:lge pres-
lllay Opt to switch out her signature spell for tige class. singing war ballads 10 inspire their allies
another, which replaces the previous signature white also using magic in their defense.
spell. However. the new spell mllst belong to the 1ne mage Raistlin Majere once studied as a
same school of magic as the previous one. war mage when he and his brother CaralTlon
Therefore, a spellfilch could not switch out dmk- served liS mercenaries. Perhaps the most f.'lIllOUS
ness (an evocation spell) for hasle (a transmutation of all war mages is the wizard Magius. who
spell). fought at HlilTla's side during the Third
Sigmllure spells enable other spelleasters to Dragonwlu.
more readily recognize and identify the spell- Hit Die: d4
filch's handiwork. For the purposes of using Requirements
Spellcmft to identify the signature spell, the iden-
tifYing spellcaster gains a bonus to his skill checks Skills: Conce11lration 8 ranks, Spcllcraft 8
equal to I + the Charisma modifier (if positive) of mnks.
the spellll1ch. The aura of a sib'lllllUre spell is Felll.<i: Combat Casting, Eschew Materials,
lilways one degree brreater (faint becomes moder- Weapon Focus.
ate, moderate becomes strong, etc) when viewed SpeUs: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.
with spells such as deleel lfItlgir.



Base Attack Fort
,. Will

, +,

.0 .,
Save Special
Arcane aegis (1 ally). battle magic +1
Spells Per Day/Known
+1 level of e~isting class
., +,
, ., .l .,
., Arrno<"ed spellc.asting (.5%). metamagic +1 level of e~isting class
Arcane aegis (2 allies), battle magic +2 +1 level of e~isting class

• .,+, •• .,+, •• Armored spellc.aSling (.10%). metamagic +1 level of existing class

5 •• •• Arcane aegis (3 allies), battle magic +3 +1 level of existing class

48 ~ CHAP1"E,,-OnE
Mab'C for purposes of deter-
mining spells per day when
he adds a new level.
Arc:lIlc Aegis (Su);
'nlC war mab'C may desig-
natc one ally within 30 ft
and add his Charisma mod-
ifier (if positive) as a momle
bonus to the ally's AC.
Every other level (31 3rd
and :11 5th le\'el) the number
of allies so aided increases
by I.
Batde Magic (Ex): At
1st level, the War lage
inCTe'dSeS the effectiveness of
his combat spells. Any spell
cast by the War Mage that
causes damaf:,'C gains a + I
.,,/ bonus hit point per die of
, j damabre. AI 3rd 1e\'cl, this
bonus increases 10 +2. and
al 5th level. this bonus
increases 10 +3.
Annored Spell casting
(Ex): A W;lr mage is betler
able th:m other characters
to cast :lrcanc spells while
we<lring annor. At 2nd Ic\'cl.
the war mage reduces the
arc::mc spell r... ilurc chance
for any 3nllOr he wears by
-5%. At 4th level. Ibis :lbili-
Iy incrc:.1SCS to -10%. 11,ls
ability slacks with the bene-
fits of other classes that
have this ability. such as the
;...__.... .L..... ....I Knight of the 'l1lOrn. (Note
Class Skills that this docs not lift the tlrmor n."Strictions of
The war ma~,'"C's class skills (and the key ability for other classes, such as Wi7..ards of High Sorcery.)
e'Jch skill) arc Conccntration (Con). Craft (Int). Metamagic (Ex): A war mage learns to use his
Heal (\Vis), Knowledge (any) (Int), Profession spells to maximum eOcctiveness :llpinst his ene-
(\Vis), and Spel1craft (Int). Sl.."C Ch,lpter 4: Skills in mies. At 2nd level and again at 4th, the W,lr ma!,'C
the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions. gains a bonus rnetamagic fe:n. sck.,<;ted from the
Skilll)oinls at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int. following list: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell.
i\'lodifier. Maximize Spell. ,mel Widen Spell.

Class Features War Mages and Muhiclassing

Weapon and Annor I)roficiency: War m:lgcs Wiz:.uds of High Sorcery and Knights of the
gain no additional proficiency with any weapon 1l1Om may freely multi-elass with the w"Jr mage
or armor. prestige class without penalty.
Spells Per I>Jy: A w~r mage g:.lins new spells
per day as if he had also b1;1ined a level in whateo.'- nEW FEATS
er spcllcasting class he belol\bted to before adding Many of the fe-dis presented in the Dmb1(lnlance
the prestige class. He does 1\01, however. gdin any
Campaign Setting offer idC'olS aboul a chamCler's
other benefit a character of that e1ass would have
personality and general nature. as well as offering
gained (increased familiar powers, metamagic or
specific advantab<CS. 111C theme continues with
item creation fe-.lts. and so on). the fe-oils listed below. allowing for excellent role-
If a chamcter h:ld more than one spellcasting
playing hooks for bolh player chamcters and
dass before taking the prestige class. he must
decide to which class he adds l.."3dl k'\,el of War
Benefit: All Knowledge skills are class skill for
ALTER-IIATE fOR.m IGEnElVld yOli. You get a + I bonus on all skill checks with
YOLI have learned how to assume the fonn of :1Il any two Knowledge skills of your choosing.
animal or humanoid, much as a silver, gold. or Special: YOlt may only (;Ike this feat as a Ist-
bron7.c dragon can. level character.
Requirements: Drabron (Adult 3bre or older).
Caster Level 5th HAGGLE R.IGEnElVld
Benefit: You are able 10 assume a single specif-
ic a1lemme humanoid or animal (ann ofiVledium You are ;1 talented negotiator.
Si7.c or srnaller once per day. This ability Iknefit: You get a +2 competence bonus on all
functions as a po/)'moTjJh spell cast on yourself al Appraise and Bluff checks.
your casler level. except you do not regain hil
poims for changing fonn. You can remain in HER.oic SVR.GE IGEnElVld
yOUf alternate form until you choose to return to
You may draw on inner reserves of energy to per-
your natural form. Conn 'Idditional actions in a round.
Special: This feat may be taken morc than Benefit: You may take an extra move or anad
once. each time adding to the number of times action. either before or after your regular actions.
you may change fonn each day (e\'cn for silver. You may use Heroic Surge once per day for every
gold. and bronze dragons). four character levels you have attained. but nC\'er
more than once per round.
Others find your company appealing. HOR.nED STAmPEDE
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy
and Bluff checks. ICEnEivul
You arc naturally adept at using your horns in a
DisciPLinE !GEnElVld charge.
Requirements: Minotaur. Str 13+. Power
You maintain composure even in life-threatening Attack
situations. Benefit: When you use your horns in a charge
Iknefit: YOli gain a + 1 bonus on Will saves action. you m.IY increase the damage die of your
and a +2 bonus on Concentration checks. horns to 2d8 plus I 1/2 your Strength bonus.
Normal: Without this fcal. a minotaur who
EDVCATion IGEnEIVILI uses his horns in a charge action deals 2d6 dam-
a~,'c plus I V2 his Slrcn~,'lh bonus.
You have received at least several years of formal
schooling in which you were an excellent student.


General Feats Prerequisite Benefit
Alternate Form Dragon (Adult age or older) Assume hum<lnoid form
Caster level 5th
Charming +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff ched.s.
Discipline .. 1 bonus on Will saves and a .. 2 bonus on Concentration chec.ks.
Eduution +1 bonus on all skill checks WIth <lny two Knowledge skills
Haggler ..2 bonus on all Appraise and Bluff checks
Heroic Surge Take eldra move or allack actIon l/d<ly for ~r'f ~

character levels
Minot<lur. St, 13+. Power Attack Horn auack when used with <I ch<lrge increues to 2d& .. 1
1/2 Strenglh bonus
Improved Taunt Ch<lrism<l ll+. the T<lunt See leld
exception<ll <lbillty
.. 1 bonus to aU saYIng throws
Mimic +2 bonus on D' and ~rform checks
Quodc·Thinking .2 bonus on lOIllal've and a .2 bonus on <III Spal rneoch
Sharp-Eyed +2 bonus on Search and Sense Motrve checks
Spellc.1sllng Prodigy Pnma"1 spellc.1stlnB s<:ore is elfKtiYely incre<lsed by 2
Strm SimlA ..2 bonus on <Ill Bluff <lnd G<llher Information c:hed:s
Stubborn 1 bonus on Vlill saves <lnd <I .. 2 bonus on Intimidate chech
Trustworthy ..2 bonus on DIplomacy and G<lther Information checks

50"" CHAP'tE",0nE
arC".lne spdlc-.lstcrs) as 2 points higher than its
impR..OVED tAvnT IC,n'MeI actual value. If you hilve more than one spcllC".lst-
You arc espt.-cially skilk'd in the art of enraging ing class. the bonus applies to only one of those
individl}als throub,h insults lllld jeering. classes.
Prerequisite: Charism'l 13+, the Taunt excep- Special: You may only take this fC:lt as a Ist-
tional ability. level character. If you take this fc:lt morc than
Benefit: On it successful Bluff check versus an once (for example. if you arc a human charncter).
opponent's Sense Motive check. the opponent it applies to a different spelleasting c1ilSS each
suffers a -2 penalty on attack rolls and AC. The time. You C".ln take this fc:u even if you do not
taunt alters the attitude of the opponent to ha\'e any spellC'.lsting classes yL'1.
become two dL'gJ"CCS more Hostile. A Friendly
target becomes Unfriendly and Indifferent STR..EET SmARj IC,n'MeI
becomes Hostile. (See the DlIlIgf'OlI MIlS/ITS Gllide.
Qlaplcr Four. NPC Altitudes.) You have leamL'<I how to keep infonned. ask
Dunnion of luunt is I round plu, charisma questions. and intemct with the underworld with-
bonus. l""ice that if the Bluff check exceeds the out raising suspicion.
Sense Motive check by to or more. 111is ability is Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Bluff and
only effective once per encounter. Gather Infonnation checks.
With this ability you may choose to target a
crowd versus an individual ta'l.<el. If you make a STV 8 80 R..n IC,n'MeI
successful Bluff dlC..'Ck \'crsus DC 10 + 1 for every You are exceptional hL":ldstrong :lnd bull-headed.
2 targets in the crowd. (so a crowd of 10 people It is difficult to SW:ly you from your intended
would be DC 15 and 40 people would be DC 30). course of action.
their attitude shifts one dCl,1fCC for the worse. Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on Will saves and
Special: Close friends and long time m:quain-
a +2 bonus on Intimidatc checks.
tances oCtile taumer are entitled to a +4 familiar-
ity bonus to resist the alli.-'Cts of the t:UlI1ts
if they are directly targeted. tR..VSTwORjHY IC,n'MeI
You project a fricndly dctnC".lnor.
Lvc~Y ICEO'MeI Benefit: You b>':lin a +2 competence bonus on
Diplomacy and Gather Information ChL'Cks.
You man3b'C to survive situations throUbrt1 sheer
Benefit: You receive a +1 luck bonus to all sav-
ing throws.

mimic IC,n'MeI
You possess a natural talent for impersonation.
Benefit: YOli gain a +2 competence bonus on
Diguise and Perform c!l(.'cks.

~iCK::"tHinJ"nG IC,n'MeI
You rC'.lct quickly to diIl1b'Cr.
Benefit: You bret a +2 bonus on Initiative and a
+2 bonus on all Spot ch<.'cks.

You have an eye for small details.
Benefit: You (f.lin :1 +2 competence bonus on
Search and Sense Motive chL'Cks.

You have an exceptional gift for magic.
Benefit: For the purpose of detcnnining bonus
spells and the saving throw DCs of spells yOli
cast, treat )'our primary spcllcasting ability score
(\VlSdom for di\'ine spcllc.lSters. Intelligence for

C H A R.l'CtE R.S "'-> 51

"YOll brtYa)'t'd 1IS,"snid NlIitari, aCClIsius, A WOR,..LD WiTHOUT
")'(JII sided wit" TaklJisis,"saiJi LlIllitari,"alld lI'e
nearly lost the Ollt' c/Jallce we /lnd to mil/'ll 10 thi' mAGiC

world." As Krynn b,..&ran its "lfth Age, the Ab"C of
Mortals. magic both arcane and divine
"YOII bt'tra)'ed our wors/ripper Pllli","sdid underwent drastic changes. TIle brods had
SoUllari strrnly,"8)' her commalld, )'011 mllniemi departed the world once before. following the
Mm." Cataclysm. but at that time, the power of the
Dalamar lookedfrom olle shilrillsgod to tire Wizards of Hibrl1 Sorcery remained. Alier the
Chaos War, the gods of magic were in the same
/Ie.xt alld II'hmlle spoke, Iris sollis l'oi(( was soft alld situation as the other gods. Their world had been
Mtrer."How could )'011 possibly Imdmtl1frd! How stolen and none knew where to find it. Wi.....ards as
would)'011 kl/oll' wlmt itfiels like to lose (t'"Y~ well as clerics IOSI their power. A cryptic message
left for mortals after the defeat of Chaos offered
tllillg!" hope to wi7....m ls:
"pt'r/raps," said Lllllitari, "11'e ,mdersumd "mer Thar may bt olner mllgic. II u up 10 you 10find Ii.
tl/OII )'Ou thi"k." With the loss of the gods. magic appeared to
Dalamar krpr silmt, made 110 rl5}1Otlse. have completely left the world. Only the mabric
residing in artif.1C'tS cre:ued during pfe\'ious ages.
"\tlhar is ro ih.~ dOlle witlr/lim!" Llmifllri askeli. and the innate mabtic ofcreatures such as dragons
"Islrf to Ixgil'fPI bllck his life!" remained. Bereft of brod1y magic. wizards and
"ulIlrss )'Olt gh'e me back the magic,"Dallllllar clerics ill first lacked the heart to look for alterna-
tives. After a time, however, a few realized thai
i"terpoSld,"dOli i bod,er." longing for the old days was not going to bring
", say \1'( do flOt," saill salillari."He llSld tht' them back. TIley were living in the here and now.
dt'ad to 1I'0rk Ilis b/llck arK He does /lot de5t'rw our '111<: people had fallen prey to terrible'Ons.
mercy." '111e world nceded the help of magic. Wi7..ards
and clerics set out to find it and their SC'.lrches led
"I say we do," Nuitari said coolly."if)'OIl rtstOrt'
to the discovery of a new fonn of clerical magic
Pali" to life mId oJfrr M", rhe masie,)'011 /IIltst do rlre and :m power so ancient that it had been
samefir Da/amar. Tile bala"Ct' tlllISt be mai"taillrd." lost to imtiquity.
"\'(filar do )'011 say, Co/lSi,,?"Solillari askt'd '11e discovery of mysticism and sorcery did
much to restore the confidence of IX'Ople aeross
trmitari. Ansalon. The establishment of the Citadel of
"\'(fill )'011 accept tIIYjildgelllfllt?"s/Je asked. l,ight and the Academy of Sorcery helped 10
Solillari and Nuitllri eyed t'ac" otlrer, tilt'll botll rekindle the sense of community and provide
lIodd,d. centers for further education and stlldy, Although
many wizards and c1crics still felt cmptiness
"This is II!)' decree. Dalamar s1lall be n:storcd to inside whcre their faith in the gods had once
life alld tire ",ag;c, but Iw //lust It'a1'e tile 1!JlI'er '1 resided, they were prepared to move forward
High Sorw)' l,e ollce oCCllpied. He will I,e"aftl/·tll bt: with their lives. rebl'felting what had bccnlost. but
ready 10 embr:lce what had been newly found.
barredfrom CIItry there, He /III/st retllm /(l tile 1I'orld
<1 tire fil'illg and befirced to make "is 11'0)' lIIlWIIS -E> Loss of Spellcasting "0
thelll. Pafi" Mcyere will also be rfstort,d to life. Wi'
willgmm him the masie, iflre wams it, Art' tlrest' With the absencc of the gods, all character c13ss-
terms satiifaaor)' to )'011 {Jorh, COl/sillS!" es that make use of focused (god-granted) magic
have their effective spellcaster levels reduced to O.
"Tiley arc to mt',"said Nuirari. TIlis cannot be overcome in any way except
'Alid to //It','' said solillari. through the use of the Leech Item feat (see
"Alld are tlley satiifactory to )'011, Dalamar!" Power of Artifacts and Leeching hems, below)..
trmitari asked,
Dalamar Iwd wlrat Ire lI'allfe,i, alld rl/Or was al1 DiSCOVER.Y OF mvs"ticism
he cared about, Asfor tlrf resr, Ire would rerrtm to r/rt' Goldmoon-fonner Hibrt1 Priestess of Mishakal,
IIwld. someday, perhaJls, Ire wOllld mit' rlrt' 1I'0rld. the b'Oddcss' d10scn prophet during the War of
"TllfJ arr, Lndy, '/i, said. the Lance-felt the loss of the gods deeply. The
death ofher husband and one of her children dur-
ing the depr<..>dations of the Dragon (A'erlord,
-Dragons ofn 1/1I1J1"sn~11 )\10011
l\lalys. only exacerbated this sense of loss.
M:ug.lret \\leis & Tracy Hickman

52"" CHAP"tER.. Twa

mAGic C""-'
Leaving the leadership of the Que-Shu Tribe to Skull began using its new-found mystic powers to
her surviving daughter. Moonsong. Goldmoon create a false -Vision- in order to bind members
depaned on a final quest to the Inn of the Last to the Order.
Home. where she planned on joining her beloved
husband in death. DiSCOVER.Y Of SOR"CER"Y
On her journey. she met a stran("rcr who left her The power of mysticism was disco\'ered only five
with words that caused her to question henel[ years after the disappt:'.!rance of the gods. Those
This stranger reminded her that the gods had cre- who had once pr.ictict.-d arcane magic had yet to
ated evt."f)'thing and everyone and that they had find any power to rephlce their own lost arts. The
thus left traces of their divinity behind. Even ifthe Orders' of High Sorcery still remained. but since
gods were gone. their gifts remained. and would their members lacked the magic that had once
always rcmain. 111e stranger. later called "'n!e given them power. there was little left for them to
53("rc by Citadel mystics. is rumored to be the SIl- do except catalo!,>'\.Ie anifilets :md talk wistfully of
ver dm{,'On Mirror-though this h:1S ncver bt."Cn rimes gone by.
substantiatcd. As the years passt.'(1, the wizards began to sever
Impresst:d by this encounter, Goldrnoon con- their conneclions to the Orders and turned to
tinued on ber qucst. She :lrrived in Solace just as other pursuits. A few of the dedicated, such as
two battlingdr.lgons brought ruin and ~le~truction Palin M:~crc and Dalamar the Dark continued to
to the town. Goldrnoon used her skill III herbs scarch for thc power that had left them and they
and medicine to treat the many people who were were e:lbrcr to learn the lessons I:lllbrlll by the mys-
injured in the conflict. She C"dme across a young terious Shadow Sorcerer, who brought them
hill dwarf who had been mortally woundt.od. knowledge of the ancient power of sorcery.
When she was told that this young dwarf was the Dal:lmar pmcticed the an of necromancy III
nephew of her fornler companion, Hint l:;'jrcforge, secret in his hidden Tower. Palin Majere wanted
Goldmoon felt the loss of her c1eriC".i1 powers all to bring his knowledge 10 the world and he pre-
the more keenly. Kneeling beside the dwar{ sented what he had learned to the Orders of High
Goldmoon remembered the words of the
Sorcery. . .
str.mger, words that reminded her of the divine Contention followed as some wlthm the
spark that resided in ever>:thing. Goldm~n Orders who refused to use to -wild- sorcery
searched inside of herself, calhng upon her faith, dashed with those who hoped to reg::tin even a
her memories of l\lishakal's presence, and found fraction of their fonner power. Palin and the
what she latcr described as the -{,rlow. Ft.'Cling the Master of the Tower worked hard 10 restore
power spre::lding through her. she re::lc~ed out unity, but their errorts were generally in vain.
and allowed the wannth to now from hcr mto the During this time, the Shadow Sorcerer showed
body of the dying d\\~.irf. TIlat d:ly, :lS she per- a dark knight named '111eo Dmwde the secrets of
fonned a mimcle amidst the destruction wrought sorcery. Once '11ll."O Dmwde understood the.basic
by the Dm{,'01l Purge, Goldmoon re<li~C?vert:d principles. the Shadow Sorcerer ~rdered ~1l.11 to
her faith and the healing powers of lllystlctsm. return to the knighthood and rebUild the Kmghts
Over the next few years, Goldmoon traveled of the 111Orn. as the Knights of the Skull had
across Ansalon. bringing word of this new mabric regained their fonner glory by infiltf1.lting the
10 the pt:ople. She g.lint.-xI an ever*b1fowing num-
Citadel to steal thc St.>(;rets of mysticism.
ber offollowers, ea("rcr to learn all thcy t..'()Uld from With I1ghting continuing among the members
her. Goldmoon traveled to Schallsca where, with of the Orders of High Sorcery, Palin M:~ere C".imc
the :lid ofJaspcr F'ireforb"C-the dwarf whose heal- at last to realize that the Orders no IOllbrer h:ld
ing had restort..od Goldmoon's r.'lith-she built the medning or purpose. He fonnally dissolved the
Citadel of Light. a place where people could 1C'.!fll Orders of High Sorcery in a meeting known as
how to use the power of the heart that dwelt the Last Conclavc.
within them and a symbol ofhopc for those who Inspired by the success of Goldmoon and the
stood against the Dragon Overlords. Citadel of Librlu. Palin returned to Solace to build
As word sprC'.!d that the mimcle of he-oiling had the Academy of Sorcery. Like the Citadel. the
returned to the world. the dark knights who once Academy would stand as a center for ledrning this
wielded c1eriC".!1 magic in the name of Takhisis -new~ mabric in a new world. Unlike the Ci.t~del.
craved such mimclcs for themseh'cs. 'Iller scnt which attained harnlOn)' between the splntual
three agents. posing as members of the ~....-gion of aspects of m)'sticism and the religious aspects of
Steel, to inl1hrate the Citadel. Each wleldt.od an the past. the AC".idcmy was built to purposefully
artifact remaining from the Fourth Age that shed the -rigid order- of the past and cmbmcc the
aUowed them to conceal their dark hC'.!rts from free and independcnt nature of primal sorcery.
the mystics. Within a few months, tht.'SC three As time passt.od. however, wielders of magic of
agents nmnab'Cd to glean the secrets of mysticism all kinds beg.1Il to SL"'t." their power inexplicably
and brought the knowledge back to the Knights start to W:IIlC. 'Inis included the power of the
of Ncmk:l. Within a few yeaTS. the Order of the Dragon Overlords. Later it would be discovert."<!
that Ihe souls of the dead, under the control of were quick to lock them lip for safe-keeping in a
Takhisis, were leeching mab,ric to give to the One secret vault in the Tower, le;wing them under the
God. None knew at that lime, and no one could b,'llardianship of the Master of the 'lower.
explain what was happening to the m<lb,ric. Another Cilche of tmlb,riCill artifilets lay in the
One who was increasingly upset by her loss of mageware store of jerll1a of the Red Robes in
power was the green dr~lgon. Berylinthranox. Palanthas. A shrewd barbrainer,jenna became one
Fearing that her stronger cousins would use this of the wealthiest people in Ansalon almost
weakness to take advantage of her, Beryl sel out overnight.
to try discover who was taking her magic and Other members of the Orders of High Sorcery
why. The 1110st obvious answer lay in the set Ollt to acquire as many magic llrtifilCIS as they
Academy of High Son:ery. She sent her dr.leoni~ could, as the trade in these artililcts exploded.
ans there to roOl it out. Even those artifacts once considered "beginner~
11le dmconians attackt..d Ihe Academy and. in pieces. enchanted with the simplest of spells,
the process, captured Palin Majere. In an efJort to would now fetch astronomiC'<11 prices. \Vizards
protect the Academy's secrets. Palin's son. Ulin, searched through texts in order to try to find out
set ofr a blast thai took au! many of Beryl's min- where artifilcts might be bidden. Some went so
ions, but also destroyed the Academy. fill' as to hire adventurers to set out on searches
Beryl's dark knights tortured Palin, trying to for these rumored artifacts. which were often
gain information from him ~lbout the loss of located in dark and dangerolls places. Kender
mab,ric, P::llin knew no more than the dragon. were suddenly in great demand, as wizards who
however, and eventually she decided to release h;ld once threatened the little nuisances with
him, hoping that he would lead her to the s(.'Cret. instant death now took them to their hearts.
Palin returned to his home embittered and crip- oflcring to pay handsomely for a peep inside their
pled to find his ACi1demy in ruins. He beCiune pouches.
estranged from his loving wife ;l1ld children and Fonner wi......ards seeking to regain their lost
eventually left his home, tr.weling to visit Lauran;l power were not the only ones who coveted these
in Qualincsti. hoping there to find some peace magic artifacts. The Shadow Sorcerer discovered
from his torment. that it was possible to literally leech the energy
Instead, he found the kender, Tasslehofl' residing within m;lb,,;cal artifacts and use it to
Burrfoot. and the magical Device of Time boost the power of primal sorcery and mysticism.
journeying, which would eventually lead Palin to Once news of this discovery began to spread. the
an understanding of the truth. already thriving trade in mab,,;cal artifilcts
Palin was slain during the \Var of Souls, his increas(.-x! exponentially.
soul bound to his corpse by the divine power of Using the potential energy within a magic arti-
the One God. Even then, his spirit fought the filet comes at a price. If a primal sorcerer or mys-
One God and helped to bring ;lbout her downfall. tic is not careful, he can permanently drain the
Upon their return, the bro<ls of magic rewarded magic from the item, mining it as a power source.
him by restoring his life to him. 111ey would have Even if only a lillIe of the power stored within a
also restored his m::lgic, but P.tlin rejected their magical artif.'''ICt is Il!l'du:d (the process of siphon-
afTer, choosing instcad to focus upon his f:.tmily, ing rmlb,rical energy, sec sidebar), the abilities a
who had often taken a second place to his magic. magic item may possess will fall dormant until
Currently busy trying to quell the turmoil that the enerb'Y has completely regenerated itself
swirls in and around Solace, Palin has no plans to Not all magical artif.1cts from the Fourth Age
rebuild the Academy, though otbers may t;lke up proved to be suitable for leeching. i\rbgic items
the CilllSe. such ;IS scrolls and potions ,ue too delicate and
;ue often destroyed in the process, with the wiz-
POWER.OF A Rj"i FActs ard b,>T<lllted only miniscule amounts of energy.
Early in the Fifth Age of Krynn. wizards discov- Some wizards were adamantly oppos(.-x! to
ered that although the divine rmlb,ric of the b,rods It.'cching. considering it blasphemous and waste-
was no longer aVllihlble 10 them. the mab,ric might fill. particularly if the item was destroyed. 111ey
yet be found inside artif:.lctS. Staves, wands. rings, were few in number, however. as Palin discovered
cloaks swords, and olher items that had been during the War of Souls, the power inherent in
m;~or artifacts enabled wizards to cast spells from
enchanted with magic1.ll energies during the
Fourth Age still possessed thosc powers. 'n)C their memory, just as they had prior to the Fifth
demand for these artif:.lCt's increased and so did Age-so long;ls the wizard knew how to proper-
the prices cha'l,TCd for thcm by those wizards for- ly leech energy from m;lgic items. enerb,'y from
tunate enough to have somc in their possession. the artif.1et could be used to resurreCI those latent
Perhaps the greatest number of artif:.lct,s was powers once ag-.lin. This ma}' be a sad process for
located within the Tower of High Sorcery. Once many wizards, for once cast. the spell will vanish
the discovery was made that these artif:.lcts still from the caSler's memory, just as it had in the
possessed their powers, the wizards of the 'lower days of yore. except that now study will not cause
it to return.
54 ~ CHAP"tER. Two
mAGic ~
Variant Rule '0
'0 the ring, however, until it has reac1u..'<1 0 potential.
"Leeching" Magic Items Note that Ihis rule docs not :lpply to staffs or
wands. which are by already "charged" items.
If you choose to allow leedlJilg in your Items that reJch 0 potential must make an
DRAGONLANCE campaign, the following niles are immediate Fortitude saving throw (bonus equal
provided: to 2 + V2 its C'JSter level) ag'Jinst a DC of 20.
All magic items have a magic potential, which Attended magic items usc their own savin
is the energy stored within the item during its throw. even if their owner's saving throw is bet-
creation. 'lnc mabrical potential of the item is ter. Failure of the saving throw means that the
etennined using the following ch:ln (rounded il'em has pennanently become non~magical and
down): cannot recharge itsel[ Staffs and wands, unless
they automatically recharge, automatically fail
this saving throw (as do scrolls and potions,
...8l£ 2-1: lUCHINC MACIC ITEMS which is why they are instantly destroyed). Major
Type Potential artifacts automaticall)' pass this saving throw, as
.....1TlOf & Shields 1 per SOl) 5d value they contain so much magical energy that the
Weapons 1 per 500 sll value leeching process could never fully deplete it. An
PotIOns 1 per 50 stl value. ,tern IS destroyed item with a 0 potential cannot be leeched until it
Rmp I per l000!id value has restored some of its potential.
Rod, 1 per 1001) sd value Leeching can be done only by those capable 0
Sooll, 1 per level of the spell upon the
casting divine or arcane spells. In order to do so,
the player must possess the following feat(s):
scroll, Ittm IS destroyed
1 per charlt. don I10t aulomatiolly Leec:b Item [Metamagic]
recharge (unlMs the staff automat'U111y You are capable of leeching the magic from a
recharges itself) magic item in order to increase the effectiveness
Wands 1 per 2 cha'ltS (round down). does of your spells.
nOI automatically re<:harge Prerequisite: Spellcaster 1C\'el 3+
Wondrous lIems 1 per 1000 SIt value Benefit: For every point of mabric pot'ential you
Minor Artifacts 5 per cnter I~I drain from a magic item you are able to increase
Major Artifacts Variable; these items should h,lV(' a your effective spel1C'JSting level by one. You can
potent,al determined at the OM's only attempt to leech an amount of potential
mabric from an item up to your attribute modifier.
determined upon the base class of the character
(Intcl1ibrcnce for wizards, Charisma for bards and
Intelligent items :lnd all lll:~or artifacts may sorcerers. Wisdom for clerics, dmids, mystics, and
actively resist being leecht.od. rt-quiring the indi~
paladins) in a single round. 11lis eneq,,'Y must be
vidual to make a Will saving throw. 'n1C saving
used to cast a spell the following round; otherwise
throw DC = Itcm's Ebl'Q, for Intellibrcnt items; or
the energy is wasted.
DC = base 20 + I for every effective enhance- A character's effective spellC<lster level can
ment bonus, including all spt.'ciaJ qualities, +5 for never be nmde higher th:lll his spellcaster level
every additiollill special :.bility it provides; effec-
plus his primary spellcasling attribute modifier
tive enhancement bonus includes base enhanct....
(see above). (For example, a 4th level wiz:ud with
ment bonus (i.e. +3) and {.'(Iuivalents based on
an Intel1ibrcnce of 14 could not mise his effective
item qualities (such as + I for SIUJCR or j/flmilliJ.
spcllcaster level higher than 6th.)
Items, ex~pt for potions, scrolls. most staffs. Leeching :1I1 item is considered a move-equiv-
and wands, will slowly regenemte lost potential,
alent action that does not provoke an Attack 0
recharging at a mte of 1 point every 24 hours.
oils and potions are autom:HicllIy destroyed
by the leeching process. while staffs and wands Improved Leec:h Item [Mctamagic]
are destroyed only if completely dmined. Note You are able 1'0 draw more magic from an item,
thai staffs and wands offer potential power at only sacrificing spet.'<I for r'JW power.
their current level of charb"CS. not their ma.ximum
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 7+, Leech Item.
potential. Benefit: As a full-round action, provoking an
If a magic item is dr'Jined of V4th of its total
Attack of Opportunity. you can draw vast
JX.ltenlial. it will ce<iSC to perfann nonnally until it amounts ofenergy from an item in order to use it
has completely rechaq,,-ed. For example, a nilg of to cast a spell the following round. You can drain
Jom ofnunNmml has a 40 potelllial maximum.
a number of potential points from an item up to
Once it has been dmined down to a 30 potential, your primary spellcasting auribute modifier
it no longer grants the wearer the benefits of a
(Intelligence for wizards, OlarlSma for bards and
Jom of muuonml spell until it has recharged
sorcerers. \VlSdom for clerics. druids, mystics. and
back to 40. The spellC'.lSter can continue to drain

mAGic ~ 55
paladins) plus one-half your spel1caster level One of these hearts was the heart of a young
(rounded down). (A 7th level wir,md with an child. Whether Takhisis caused the stonn that
Intelligence of 14 can dmin up to 5 potential killed all the occupants of the ship in which the
point's from an item in a single round.) 111e ener~ child and her (1mily were sailing or if the Dark
gy must be used to cast a spell within the follow- Queen merely took advantal,'"C of the situation is
ing round or else the energy is WllSted. nO! known. The only survivor of the storm. the
A character's effective spel1caster level child clung temlciollsly to her boat and in her
can never be made higher than his spel1caster despair and terror, the little girl cried out.
level plus his prim'll)' spellcasting attribute mod- 'nlkhisis answered.
ifier (see above). (For example, a 7th level wi,.md The Dark Queen wrapped the young girl in a
with an Intelligence of 14 could not raise his protective embrace, shielding her from storm and
effective spel1C"J.ster level higher than 9th.) predator illike, crooning a dark lull:lby thm filled
Note: This feat is only usefiJ1 to spel1casters the child's drcams. Seeing the potential within
who efli..'Ctive levels are lowered by specific mag- this child. the Dark Queen guided the craft to the
iClJI effects or conditions (sllch as the spiritual one place where she knew that the girl would be
drain that O':CllTS during the War of Souls). For t:lllght two vel)' important lessons-filith in the
spellcasters who are not hinden.'<1 the Improved gods and strength and purity of purpose. '1l1e
Leech Item btTants them more energy than they girl's teacher would be the Dark Queen's greatest
can normally use. enemy. the fonner cleric 6f Mishakal, Goldmoon.
While Goldmoon raised the young brirl, leach-
Quick Leech [Mctamagic] ing her filith in the old brads and how to tap into
You can quickly leech magic from an item, but the powers within her heart. 'nlkhisis continued
yOli cannot dmill as much as nomlal1y possible. to rebuild her strenl,Tlh and ensnare other hearts.
Prerequisites: Leech Item, Spellcaster level 5+ With amazing reslr:lint, the Dark Queen whis-
Benefit: You can choose to leech an item as a pered to her chosen, never tmly revealing her
free action, instead of a move-equivalent action identity, insinuating herself into their souls. She
(for Leech Item), or as a move-equivalent action selected her chosen with care, looking for those
instead of a flll1~rolind action (for Improved with strong wills, those with the potential for
Leech Item). Use of Quick Leech only allows l,tTeat power. 'nlese included a former priestess of
you to keep half of the potential leeched rather Sarg,ls in Mithos who wanted the power to build
than the full amount drained from tbe item, TIle an empire, a dark dwarf who wanted the means
remainder is lost. to help her truc love gain a throne. and a former


When the QUI..-cn of Darkness slOle the
world away during the triumph over
Chaos. she discovered that she had
expanded nearly all of her power. Weak
and exhauS\(..d, '11lkhisis retreated 10 the
depths of the Abyss. hiding herself from
even her most loyal followers in order to
regain her strength and make her plans
for dominating the world.
While she slumbered. she remained
aware of whlll lVas happcning in the
world, sending out wisps of her con-
sciousness as a spider sends out fibments
of cobweb, feeling every touch, aware of
every snag, In this fine, invisible web.
Takhisis e,lptured the spirits of the dead.
who had becn trapped within the world
after Takhisis stole it. unable to continue
their voyage liiong the River of Souls.
Drawing upon years of suflering and fear.
each spirit helped revitalize the Dark
Queen and added to ever-growing power,
11l.khisis found another way to increase
her strength, her wisps of consciousness
finding hearts into which she could insin-
uate hersel(

56 ~ CHAPtER-- TW0
Black Robe wizard who sought to n.'g'"olin the Once Takhisis had molded Mina's he:lrt and
power he'd once held. All these and others fell soul, the Dark Queen decided it was time to
prey to the Dark Queen's whispers. return to the world. She knew that she would f.1.ce
As people throughout the world died. each resistance ifl\lina brought word that Takhisis had
spirit was Cl.lptured within Takhisis's web. Kender, returned. for there were those who would ne\'er
Solamnics. minotaurs, gnomes, eh-es-each life follow .lOyone who represented the Queen of
lost increased the Dark Queen's power. Yet, that Darkness. Inste-old, 1\lina was to go forth and bring
was not enough. The Dark Queen needed more word of the One God. perfonning miracles in her
power if she planned on returning in her full name. TIllis. while Takhisis would lure many to
glory. She sent the spirits of the dead on a quest her C:lUse who would have never otherwise
10 gather more power by draining magic from embract...od the side of darkness. she would be ablc
sorcerers. mystics. and magic artifacts alike. At to use her power to punish those who had once
first. the draining was subtle. Many thought it was hanned her so b1fie\'ously. Mina would lead :1 cru-
merely the bJ'fOwing pains of Ic:.nning the new sade to unite the world in worship of the One
magic or a lingering aftereffect of the Chaos War. God, convening them through faith or the sword.
Few tmly understood what W;IS happening. Once Milla was prepared to begin her crusade.
To her chosen. Takhisis revealed the SL"Crcts of the Dark Queen sent ;1 rnessaf:,re to the world,
how to control the spirits she h;ld ensnared. The tnunpeting her return by unlC"olshing :1 storm
Dark Queen did not revc:.ll herself in this. but unlike any bcfore seen on Krynn. 111is storm e:lr·
acted through the spirit's themselves, to kt.:cp her ried within il Ihc spirits of the dead that 'Hlkhisis
chosen from realizing who was truly L'Ontrolling had goltherl.'<i over the dCC'.ldes, and it also colrried
their heart's. She revealt.'<i to them the Sl.'Crets of a message-those who were deemed the enemies
necromancy, enabling them to d.....olW upon the of the One God would be made to pay for their
magic stolcn by the spirits in order to use magic. sins. Dl'"olgons, both b'OOd and evil. he-olrd a \'oice
While others found their magic mysteriously in the stonn and thrilled to know it to be the
malfunctioning. the Dark Queen's chosen were "oice of;1 god. In T~lrsis. the sea rose to fill the
able to perfoml mimcles. She worked with her empty bay, colusing haullled hulls to ride the
chosen through messages she passed along by the w,,\'es. In the 1\ lissing City, eh-en ghosts th;1I once
spirits. except for one, whom Takhisis h:ld dl.'Cid- clung to the city were s,...·ept away. And in
rd would be her herald, the young girl 1\lina. Neraka. a unit of dark knights encountered a
One night, while the others on the Isle of young girl. who emerged from the stonn and
Schallsea were lulled to sleep by the crooning lull- promised to koad them to victory over Ansalon.
aby of the Dark Queen. Takhisis called Mina to Within a matter of months. Mina broubtlu
her, drawing upon the one force that she knew down the Silvam.'Sti Shield and tricked the
Mina could not resist-Mina's love for Goldmoon. Silvanesti ekes into proclaiming their faith in the
Takhisis promised to reveal to Mina the might of One God. She destroyed the green dragon Cyan
a god. 1ll;lt night Mina disappe-olred from the Bloodbane, killed the Dragon Overlord
island, swept away by the spirits of the Dark Khellendros, sei.."ed control of the dark knights by
Queen and taken to where the Qut-'Cn slumbered. bringing down their leader, 'I'argonne, and h;ld
In the darkness, the Queen revt~olled herself as conquered many cities ;llong her P;lIh-;I path Ihnt
a god, proclaiming that she alone of the old gods led to Sanction. Evel)' life thaI was lost in Mirw's
had chosen to remain with the world. that only cnlsade addL'<! to the power of'Hlkhisis.
she truly loved the world enoubtl1 to stay behind With the strength of the One God behind her,
when the others had fled. Because she h;ld been Minn W;IS llllstoPp;lble. In S:lIlction, Mina sum·
weakened during her battle to rid the world ofthe moned forth 1'akhisis, using the DrabtOn Overlord
angry god Chaos. she had been forced to sleep. in skull totems that the spirits had stolen. With the
order to restore her power before she could power of the drolbtOll spirits inhabiting the skulls
return to bring pt."ace to the world. combined with the power of all the spirits of the
The Dark Queen chose her words carefully. dead and dying, Takhisis was finally restored to
playing upon the knowledge that Goldmoon had her full glory. In the heavens, a single ere glared
instilled within the young girl. To SC"oll 1\lina's loy- down upon the world as the true identity of thc
alty and belief. the Dark Queen offered the one One God was rC\'l.'3k-d to all.
thing that Mina \vanted more than any other. For Yet. for all her plouing, the Queen of Darkness
)'ClJ'$, Mina had watched her belo\'ed adopted had overlooked the one weapon that would be
mother bJ'fOW old, losing her reolm)' and her vit;ll- used to bring her down now. as it had brOUbrilt
ity and losing her desire to remain in the world. her down in the past-the power of love. Lo"c for
Mina w;lllted nothing more than to restore her a friend caused TasslehoffBurrfoot to travel from
mother's youth. to keep her forever young and Krynn's past into its future, now in the b1fip of the
forever by her side. Takhisis promisl.'<! to do this. Dark Qut:cn. Be<::luse 111sslehoff was from the
and without rt'Scrvation Mina offef(~d Takhisis her past and he had dit'<! in the past. ifhe were to die
soul. out of time, oul of place, his death could COIll-
plclCly unravel cvetything the Dark QUL'en had '0 Unreliable Magic During the Fifth
donc. Mina scoured the land of Ansalon. scarch- Age and the War of Souls '0
ing for a kender named T:lSSlehoffBurrfoot, a fC:lt
which proved f;u more diflicult than allY could As the number of spirits trapped in the world
h:lVc ever expected. continul..'<! to incre-.lSC during the Fifth Age, both
11,e powcr of love helped defeat l:'lkhisis in the magic of sorcerers and the the mystics began
many other ways. including the power of l\'lina's to :lct in strange W::lYS, At first. the malfunctions
own love for Goldmoon. Her grief and preoccu· were extremely subtle and difficult to detect.. A
pation over Goldmoon's demh c-.msed 1ina 10 let spell didn't work quite as well as expected. a
the kender escape once he was in her grasp. magic item took longer than normal to activate.
Goldmoon's love and faith in the gods caused With the passage of each decade in the Age 0
them 10 her dying pmrer and launch their Mortals, magic f"OTCW more and more unreliable.
SL"3rch for the world. as the spirits of the dead leeched it to send to the
After many adventures. the kender helped Dark Queen, Following the night the Storm a
guide the lost gods back to Krynn. With the assis- the One God struck Ansalon, nearly all magic
lance of the grcat archmage. Raistlin Majere. was affected to a great degree.
Tasslehofl'Burrfoot began to leap back and forth If you want to include rules for the unreliable
Ix.>twcen the past that only he could rL"ad1 and magic ofthe Fifth Age in your campaign. you can
the future he had never imagined would come to choose to use the following variant rules. These
pass. Guided by the presence of Raistlin. rules require that the variant rules for Leechin~
Tasslehoff manab'Cd to stitch together the world's MaI,,';c (see above) be used. as well.
past and present. enabling the gods to find their
lost world. Magic Growing Weaker
AI the moment of Takhisis's greatest triumph. In the first decade following the theft of the
when she planned to enter the mortal world and world. sorcery (for those Ihat know how to use it
reign as the sole god over both the spiritual and at this time. which is very few individuals) and
temporal. she found her way blocked by her mysticism works unadulterated. However. fol-
brother, Paladine, who had sacrificed his own lowing the first decade, magic of all types
I"rodhood in order to maintain the balance. becomes more and difficult to use effectively.
Takhisis the terrible truth. She had been All spellcasters from the second decade of the
stripped of her immortality. Furious. Takhisis Fifth Age until the end of the War of Souls,
turned upon Mina, intending to take out hcr mb'C except those with supernatural or spell-like abili-
on her hapless disciple. ties, must make a Concentration check in order
The ehren princc Silvanoshei acted to save the to cast a spell.
woman he loved. Picking up the broken shaft of a 11,e DC of the skill check is determined by the
draI,,1Qlllance, he hurled it at the Dark QUl..'Cn. following chart. Note that even success during
Bereft of her vast powers. tmpped in her mortal these periods is not guaranteed. as the draining 0
form, the Queen of Darkness was struck down magic is unstoppable, an effect of the spirits thm
and died in Mimi's arms. As she dkxl. the Dark cover the world. '111e loss of effective level is sub-
QUl..'Cn told Paladinc bitter words of truth. tmcted rrom the spe1lC:lster's level in their spell-
Mlf I h,roc losl everyllui/g, so I/{roc yO/l. '17Ic world casting class when determining the effects of the
IiI tvhid, yOIl IIX/k so ,,/lid ddiglil (011 m-vcr go blld, spell. Irthis reduces the caster's level to a point he
10 IIII! WilY I~ U·IIS. I l/tnJ/! dotll' II/III !llIlllJ. til I"I/sl. would normally be unable to cast the spell. then
Soll/I'I!I/Y yo/( will know Ilu plllil oft/etllh. Worse tlllm the spell will not work. For example, a l5th·levcl
Ihol, BrolheT, )'011 willlmuw Ihe plllil ofIffe." sorcerer trics to <''l.lst a WId' oj/ire (a 4th-level
Grasping Takhisis's fallen sword. Mina spell). During the years of 10-19 SC, his effective
avenged her beloved Queen's dC:lth. slaying level at casting the spell would be that of a 14th-
Silv:lI1oshei. She had it in her power to slay level sorcerer in regards to range, damage. and
Paladine, but she chose not to. the like. From 20-29 SC. his effective level would
'lim witl fiellhe pmil ofdeolh. Bill 1/01 yel. Nol be 13th and during 30-36 SC. his effective level
/lOW. So Illy Qllem wislll'lll~, fllld I olx)' II/rlosl ,ew- would be 10th. However, during the War 0
es. Bill kllf)".{} Ihis. wrelch. III Ihe JIm' of t'Vny elf I Souls, his caster level would be that of a 5th-level
meel. I sholl see )'0111'}flee. The 11ft ofe'/Jny elf I II,Je sorcerer, which is too Iowa level in order to sue-
w,lllx )'0111' l(ft. Alld I WIll lake mOlly••. 10 pttyftr Ihe cessfillly cast a 4th-level spell.
olle.' A character's effective level can never be
Lifting up the body of her fallen Queen, Mina reduced below 1st due to the effects of magical
disappeared into the night. her loyal minotaur drain by the spirits of the dead. . .
companion Galdar following close behind. Lt.'eChing does offer some relieffrom the dram~~~
'me gods had returned to Krynn. bringing with effect.s lIpon magic, However, during the decadf
them the magic ofold and releasing the spirits of leading to the War of Souls. e.'en magic items
the d<'':ld to once more flow along the River of and artifacts are affected by the drain upon
Souls. But their return h::ld come m a great COSt-
58"-' CHAP"tE",- TW0
ma!,rlc. Starting during the first de(:ade, consider using. In the previous example, if the ghost was
magic items to have one less point of potential for anacking a 7th level sorl,."erer, the first magic lost
every two after the theft of the world. (For exam- would be 3 3rd level spells from the 4 she can cast
ple. in the ye--.J.r 19 SC, all magic items have -9 each day, for a total of9 spell levels.
points of potential.) 'nlis drain upon the item's A spellcaster stmck while l,.'aSting a spell must
potential has the same effect upon the magic make a Fortitude save ag-J.inst a DC of 10 + V2
item, just as if it had been leeched. thus if an item undead's HD + undead's Charisma modifier
loses a quarter of its total potential, thcn it ceases (unless noted otherwise) or find that the spell she
to function. If the dmin reduces the magic to O. is C'dSting is drJ.ined before the spell actiV"J.tes (the
then the item must make a saving throw. or the levels of the spell being used is the first drained,
magic within it forever drained. instead of the highest known spell).
DC Years S~.
10.spelllw.! 10-19 SC (393..0402 Aq _l~c:uter~

15 + spelllev'tl 20-29 SC (403....12 Aq -2 dfi:d~ aSller ~

20 +spelllev'tl )0.)6 SC (413-417 AC) • 5 d"ecti'tl! !;asm IewI
2S + spelllev'tl )7-33 SC (41&-419 Aq The War of Souls _10 ~ aster IewI

Power Stolen by the Spirits If the undead attacks a magical item (see the mles
e spirits ofthe dead are the source ofthe magic for attacking items held in the Plo)'m Htl/1I1booi).
drain in the world. st'ealing it from the living and the item must make a Fortitude saving throw
from magical artifacts in order to bring it to the against a DC of 10 + 1/2 undead's HD +
Queen of Darkness. undead's Charisma modifier. or else be drained 0
The living dead are also able to drain away magic potential equal to the undead's H D +
magic Any undead with energy drain or the undead's Charisma modifier. Unlike normal
supernatural capability of inflicting ability score leeching. the item may use either its own saving
loss. can drain magic with their toudl. Mindless throw bonus, or the bonus of its wielder (if it is
undead. such as zombies and skeletons a.mnol. held), whichever is better.
All such undead the following special ability: Spell energy loss remains for 24 hours, or until
removed with a spell, SUdl as reslomli'rm. After 24
Magic Drain hours. the amiCled creature or magic item must
A wraith striking a sorcerer in the midst of cast- attempt a Fortitude S'lVe. 11le DC is 10 + one-hal
ing a spell drains the magic before it a.m be sum- the undt.."3d's HD + undead's Charisma modifier.
moned. A ghost hovers over a sleeping mystic, If the saving throw succet.-ds. the spell loss is
drawing the energy from the unsuspecting young restored with no harm to the erC'J.turc or item. I
woman. A horde of wights swarms a knight, hun· the save fails, the spell loss is restored. but the
grily draining llla!,rlC from his armor and his creature permanently loses I spel1colsting level (as
ancestral sword, just .1S they drain the life from his if they had bccn ener!,'Y drained. sec DUlIge01l
body. Moster's Guide). M:lgiC items that fail their saving
During the Fifth Age. up until the end of the throw regain their magic.l potential. but have
War of Souls, the undead of Ansalon have pennanently lost an amount or potential equal to
become pamsites, draining •• 11 magic they come the undC'dd's HD + the unde••d·s Charisma mod-
across in order to siphon it to their Dark Queen. ifier.
The undead have a supcrn:uural ability to draw
magic from anything they touch. whether living
creature or magic-dl item, although they cannot
drain the innate ma!,rie from certain living crea-
tures, such as dJ"'J!,rons. draconians, or the few sur-
viving Irda that room the land.
Magic dmin requires a successful melee attack-
mere physical contact is not enough. A barbarian
head-bulling a wight would not be dr-Jined of any
magic he possesses.
Each successful magic draining attack :J!"rainst a
spellcaster siphons away I spell level per H D of
the undead creature. For example. a 9 HD ghost
drains a total of 9 spell levels of energy for each
successful attack. These spell levels are taken from
the highest level of spells the caster is capable of
two gods, the rulers of the Gods of Light and the the robes sil"Tnirying their allegiance to the gods of
Gods of Darkness, would no longer gaze down magic was deemed a renegade and could be tar-
from the heavens. geted for death.
If such edicts are passed, this will present a
tHE FV1"VRJ; OF mAGiC problem for those who practice sorcery, for by its
free-flowing nHture, sorcery disdains the estab-
The War of Souls left many casualties, but two lished mles of magic. Because they do prefer to
that will tnlly have an effect upon the world for operate independently, sorcerers often find them-
many generations to come are the death of the selves 'lcting alone, disdaining the company of
Dark Queen, Takhisis, and the loss of Paladine other sorcerers, which will leave them danger-
from the Gods or Light. ously vulnerable if the Orders of Magic decides to
Many people turned from the gods during the focus their efforts against them. The Academy of
decades of their absence. Entire generations have Sorcery is gone, its students and teachers scat-
been raised all the stories of the second aban- tered to the corners of Ansalon. Some enterpris-
donment, when the bT()ds fililed to protect the ing sorcerer may decide to rebuild it, but if so,
people from the ravages orthe Dmgon Overlords. that person has not yet stepped forward.
Now that they have returned, the gods find that A sorcerer's greatest weakness is his independ-
they must take an active p,lrl in the affairs of the encc but th<lt is also his gre<ltest strength.
world to try to win back their followers. Sorcerers lack a cohesive organization to unite
TIle three gods of magic, Solina!"i, Lunitari, and them. But with independence comes freedom of
Nuitari, r..,ce an easier time in rebuilding the ranks thought and movement. A sorcerer is not
of their followers than do some of the other gods required to wear distinguishing robes that let
TIle Orders of High Sorcery were dissolved for everyone who sees her know immediately that
only a little over a decade, and many surviving she is a wizard. Sorcerers owe allegiance to no
wizards still remember the ways of brad1y magic- one, are not required to follow <lny rules or risk
or have passed the knowledge to a new genera- their lives taking a test.
tion, However, they still luck u cohesive Order, Perhaps a group of sorcerers will one day band
where they can feel sufety in numbers and enjoy together to form an organization equal to that of
the bonds of brotherhood, Most feel strongly that the Orders of High Sorcery. Perhaps sorcerers
the Orders of High Sorcery should be restored, will find acceptance among the Orders of High
for they remember well how those who pr.lcticed Sorcery or perhaps they will continue to get
mabric in the past were persecuted. Many wizards along without either, as has happened thus fin
lost their lives during the Age of Despair, even during the Age of Mortals.
with the protection of the Orders. Now. without
the Orders, they feel exposed .llld vulnerable. Dalamar the Dark
TIle only other gods who alrendy huve follow- Male Silvanesti Wiz 7/Black Robe 10: CR 17;
ers waiting for them are Mishakal and S.lrbralmas. Medium-size humanoid (elf); HD 17M; hp 47;
Goldmoon ensured that the teachings of Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (touch 13, flat-footed
Mishakal were kept alive in the teachings of the 14); Atk +13/+8 (ld4+5/17-20, +3 kem doggeij;
Citadel of Light, while the minotaurs have never SA Spells; SQ Black Robe Order Secrets, Moon
losl filith in Sarbrannas. Magic (Nuitari), Silvanesti traits; SV Fort +9,
But for every one of the filithfill, there are Reflex +12, Will +19; Str 14, Dex 16. Con 10,Int
countless numbers who have either lost their fitith 20, Wis 17, Cha 12.
or renounced it. The brads face many obstacles in Skills ond Fellls: Bluff +5, Concentration +19,
their return. not the smallest of which is the fact Intimidate +16, Knowledge (Arcana) +31,
that mortals have learned how to survive without Knowledge (History) + 15, Knowledge (Local)
the brads und believe that they can continue to do +15, Listen +9, Search +11, Spellcraft +31:
so, rather th:m place their faith in higher beings Channing, Combat Casting, Empower Spell,
who h.we ;'abandoned" the world twice. As Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Maximize
Takhisis told Paladine before her death, the world Spell, Scribe Scroll·, Spell Focus (nccromancy),
is a different place, and it will never go back to the Undead Battery,
way it was before. Black Robe Order Secrets (Su): M'lgiC of
Betrayal, Magic of Darkness, M'lgic of Fear,
SOR..CERY Magic of Hunger, Magic of Pain.
The filture for those who wield the power of sor- Items: +3 kem dogger, +4 Ring of Pro/ection, +4
cery is uncertain. With the return of the gods of Clonk 0/ ResiSlrlllce, wond 0/ lighlning boll (caster
magic, the old Orders of High Sorcery will almost level: 10th).
certainly be reestablished. The Orders were once Spells Known (4/6/5/5/5/5/4/3/2/1): 0 -
very militant about ensuring th:lt arcane magic delecl JIIagic, moge /IflJl(/, pn:slidigllolio1/, rmd IllflKi0
was codified and controlled. Anyone practicing 1st - calise flar, c!lflnll pers01/, moge 1117f10!; lI!ag)e
magic who had not taken the Test and been briven lJ/issJ1e, prolcClioJ/from goor/, my 0/cJifCeblefllt'flt; 2nd
- cOlJ/fl!mll! "ndem/, dorkJICss, deleel Ihollg/IIS, ghoul
60 ~ CHAP1"ER.. Two
MAGic "'-'
louch, Im(}{'A, prol«Iioll from mtrgy. 3rd - tlispt'l Takhisis for godhood, Raistlin net..'<icd someone
magiC, fin-boll. hold jxI"SQlI, vOn/pine louch; 4th he could count on to remain behind to assist him.
-balow mrg. Do/flJllors lightlling /,ma, t/immsiofl Raistlin retained Dalamar as his apprentice,
door. mlil(rdl~b, [RnTy'sJ RmemOlllC elln01ICl'r, 5th - Da.lamar was now forced to make a hard
hrrol mdullllmelll, roll~ ofroll/, dirmi.ual, hold mOl/- choice. He reali7..ed that Raistlin's quest would
stir, (Monlmlntilm 's) pri-uole solid","" 6th - glolx of bring about devastation to the world and. in the
ir.:ulnemhility. grmur disjxl magic. end. he joined with Tanis Half-eh'en and
[.""ordnliOlilnt's} IlImbmlio1l, tnu smi/K- 7th - Caramon Majere to stop his Shnlafl
grrO!U nrrm/l' sight. gTr0lu teleport, !timId wish: 8th Following Raistlin's sacrifice that he makes to
- polymorph PIty o!yecl. jXr.ur WfJrr/ slmr, 9th - wiJh. save the world. Dalamar became Master ofTower
Noll': As an experienced Black Robe wizard at Palanthas. He opened the Tower to students
and fonner Master of the Tower of Palanthas. and many Red and Black robes came there to
Dalamar has access to an incredible array of study. He and Jenna. dauf:,rtller ofJusl'arius (Helld
spells. He has knowledge of all arcane spells list- of the Red Robes) embarked on a love affilir that
ed in the Plo)'crJ HmJdhook and in the Dmgrlllkmce was as mueh about forwarding their mutual :unbi-
Camptl/'gll SellinK (except for namt.'<! spells. such as tions liS it was about romance.
FiJtom/fI11111111S S Porinlor /I1{OgriiS S Liglll qfThllll). \Vhen the Ch:los war broke out, Dahllllar
joined with thc othcl' Heads of the Conchwc to
The dale of Dalamar's binh is uncertain. his name battle Chaos. He was critically woundL'<I in this
having been removed in disgnlce from the fiunily fight, and rcturTllxlto the Tower shatterL'<I in both
records. He was born in Silvanesti to House body :md mind. for the loss of godly lnabric affcct·
Servitor. Despite his gift for the use of maf::;c. L'<I him dL'Cply. He broke off with Jenna and shut
Dalamar WllS forbidden from joining House himself up alone in the Tower.
r-olystic by the c1ven caste system. The Shadow Sorcerer found Oalamar and
Dalamar fought in defense of his homeland taught him the llrt of nccromancy. In reality. the
during the War of the Lance, but he and many Sorcerer was Takhisis. but she kept her true iden-
others were forced to flee the invading Dragon tity conC'C'dled from him. She planned to use him
Anny. Dalamar traveled to Southern £J1,.'Oth. to aid her in the upcoming War of Souls.
where he gained skill in the magical arts. The Tower of High Sorcery mysteriously dis-
Upon hearing that his homeland was freed appeared from Pal::mthas. reappeared in
from the grip ofthe evil dragon. Cyan Bloodbane. Nightlund. Spirits of the dead flocked around the
Dalamar returned to Silvanesti. He assistl"d his TO\l,.·cr. in response to Dalamar's summoning,
people in banishing the lightmare that had twist- 11J.inking himself their master. he unknowingly
m and tonnented the fonnerly beautiful forest. became their prisoner.
Because he made use of the magic that was for- Realizing the truth. Dalamar joinL'<i with Palin
bidden to him by his caste. he was exiled from to del» Takhisis during the War of Souls. Her dis~
Silvanesti and forever branded a ~dark elf" ciple. Mina. killed both Dalamar and Palin. only
Dalamar mourned the loss of his homeland. to realize once they were dead that she nl,>eded
but exile freed him to pursue his other love: them to help her Ioc:lte the time-traveling kender.
magic. He traveled to the Tower of High Sorcery 1asslehoff Hurrfoo!. Mina resurrecled their bod-
at Wayreth, where he took the Tes!. '!11c god of ies, kept them as her prisoners, l1leir souls float-
dark magic. Nuitari, looked into Dalamar's heart ed free. howcver.
and claimL'<i him liS his own, Dalamar was given Foreseeing that Mina and her archrival. the
the black robes. D:lhllllar has alwllYs rem:linL'<I Dragon Overlord Malystrx. would battle to the
faithful to Nuitari to the exclusion of all other de-dth. Dalamar madc de-dis with both of them to
gods. including TJ.khisis. try to rCf:,"l1in his life. fil,ruring th:lt he will side with
Imprcsst'<l with D-J.lamar·s skill in magic and in tile winner. At the end. he even attempted to slay
intrigue, the Conclave asked him ifhe would vol~ P"dlin to advance his ambition. His treachery was
unteer to spy on the powerful reneg-dde mage. discovcred and thwarted. Because he had done
Raistlin Majere. whom the Conclave feared as a some f:,rood during the War of Souls. the gods for-
threat. Dalamar understood the danf:,TCr. but he ga\'e him and offered him a return to life and
rould not foT'f:,'O to study at the fL'et of one of the magic. Dalamar has his patron god. Nuitari. to
greatest m3!."CS to have ever lived. He llgrcOO to thank for his salvation.
accept the assignment and traveled to the Tower Now that the f:,'Ods have returned. Dalamar is
of High Sorcery in Palamhas. making plans to reconvene the Conclave and try
Raistlin knew he was being spied upon and to re-open the Tower of High Sorcery at
Dalamar was severely punished. Raistlin was Wayreth.
impressed with Dalamar's power in magie and
unimpressed with the Conclave. Planning to
embark on a dangerous scheme to challenge

mAGic"" 61
Palin Majere The i\'laster of the Tower of Palanthas.
Male human (civilized) $or 7/Acadcmy Sorcerer Dalamar the Dark. recognized that Palin was
IO/i\'laster Ambassildor I: CR 18; Medium-size I>owerfid in magic and he knew that Cammon
humanoid (human); HD 17d4+ld6+36: hp 82: was making a mistake in preventing his son from
Init +5: Spd 30 ft.: AC 13 (touch 13, f1:u-footed fulfilling his true nature. Dalamar brought
c.u~llnon and Palin to the Tower. and there
10): Atk +12/+7 melee (ld6+2/x2. +2 qllnrtt'r-
slllJ1f or +1 t (ld8/19-20, light crossbow); makes certain th:tt Palin takes the Test.
SQ Favored embassy. insightful acclimmion, sum- 'n1C spirit of Raistlin i\lajere interwned in
mOil familiar: SV Fort +7, Renex +8, Will +l4:Slr Palin's Test. mud1 to Dalamar's shock and dis·
14. Dc:.: 16. Con H, Inl 20, Wis 14, eha 16. pleasure. Raistlin tempted Palin into following
Skills 01111 Fents: Bluff + 15. Concentration + 18. down his dark path. Palin refused. though he
D<.'Ciphcr Script +14, Diplomacy + 13. Gather bclievc..-d that his refusal might well cost him his
Information + t t. Intimidate +8. Knowledge life. When P'Jlin was granted the White Robes
(arcane) +22. Knowledge (history) +6, and gifted with the famed Staff of i\ lagius.
Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +13. Listen +5. Cammon at last became reconciled to his son's
Se3rch +8. Sense Motive + 10. Sleight of Hand decision.
+6. Spellcraft +21. Spot +7. Use i\ lagic Device Palin was one of the heroes of the Chaos War.
+10: Combm Casting. Educalion, Enlar'b'C Spell. joining with the mysterious woman. Usha. whom
Empower Spell. Leech Item. Persuasive. lloinl he mistakenly believes 10 be the daughter of his
Blank Shot. Quick Thinking. uncle Raistlin. and the kender TasslehoffBurrfOOl
Spninf P'dlin has had all knowledge of spells to defeat Chaos.
stripped from his mind by a divine aet b)' all three Arter the banle. the image ofFlZban appeared
gods of m:lf,.ric. His effecti\'e caster level has been to P:llin. telling him that the gods had sacrificed
pennancntly reduced to O. It might be possible for themsclves to save the world and that now they
Palin to tcmporarily overcomc this reduction were entering upon the Firth Age. the Age of
throuf,rh leeching ma!.rlcal items. though the sor- i\lon:lls. Later. Palin would discover that this
cerer has dlOscn to give up magic forever. imab'C he saw was nothing more than an illusion
Favored Embassy (Ex): Palin has become inti- of T;lkhisis. who h:ld, in f.'let. stolen away the
mately filllliliar with the politicdl arena to which world and hidden it from the mher gods.
he is accustomed-the town of Solace-and b~ins After the Chaos War. llalin and Usha were
a +200nus to all Diplom;ICY. Gather Infonnmion. married. llley lived in Solace to be ne-dr CarJlllon
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) and Sense :llld Tika. llalin and Usha had two children. Ulin
Motive checks. and Linsh:t Majere.
Insightful Acclimation (Ex): A master P';llin was bJTievl."d to find out Ihal the magic he
ambassador needs to be recepti\'e to new ;lIld dif- loved had depart(.'(\ along with the gods. When
ferent idC<IS. cultures and beliefs in order to have was approached by the Shadow Sorcerer :lnd the
any succc...s in his C:lrcer. \Vhcllcver she is inter- Master of the Tower of \Vayreth. who olTered to
acting with somcbody from a diflerent culture. teach him to lise the ~wild rnagic~. Palin accept-
«lce. political backl"JTound or rcli!,.rion th,lrl his ed. not knowing th:tt the Shadow Sorcerer was
own. she may attempt a Sense Motive check to l:'lkhisis in disguise and that she was planning to
g:lIhcr or assemble information from the individ- usc him to ;lid her own plans to return to the
ual's body language. non-verbal cues. attitude. world.
and cultuml quirks. Palin was eager to bring this new magic to
Items: +2 qUl/rfers/if!! light crossbow. other wi7-<uds. He beC'.lme the Head of the White
Robes in 7 SC and Head of the Conclave thirteen
P,llin Majere was born in Sohlce in 362 Ac' the years later. Upon Te:llizing that the Orders of
third son ofTika and Cammon M:ljere. 1~llin had High Sorcery had little meaning in Ihe Fifth A!,.<c.
two brothers. 'Hillin and Shinn. and two sisters. he officially dissolvc..-d the Conclave and founded
Laura and Dezra. the Academy of Sorcery. locawd near Solace. to
1:l:.llin·s two older brothers. Tanin and Stum1 teach the new m:lbrlc.
Majerc. were very much like their father-physi- When Takhisis began using the souls of the
cally strong. skillc..-d in thc use of weapons. bois- dead to stC::11 the magic. causing magic to f.'lher
terous and !,.rood-naturt.-'d. Palin took arter his and beh:lVe ernttiC:llIy. the Academy fell on hard
uncle. the infamous mage. Raistlin Majere. times. '11e Dragon Overlord BeI)'1 was among
Intelligent. introspective. quiet-mannered. llalin those who suffered from the loss of magic. Beryl
shO\...·ed a girt for magic. much to his fmher's dis- C'~PIl~red P'dlin and made him prisoner. torturing
tress. Fe'drful thm he would lose his beloved son him III order to try to force him to reveal what
the same \V1ly he lost his twin brother. Caramon was happening to the magic. Palin had nothing 10
did all he could to prevent Palin from studying tell. however. for he himself did not know. At
magic and keep him from taking the Test in the length, convinced that he was telling the lruth.
Tower of High Sorcery. Beryl freed llalin in hopes that he would C\'entu-
ally lead her to discover the truth.
62"" CHAP"!".",- TW0
III A G i c '""'-'

mAGic ~ 63
Palin was a ch:l1lged man after his ordenl. He he had relocated to Nightlund. The Tower
returned to find that the ACHdcmy had been remams hidden away. sealed by the gods for
destroyed in order to keep its secrets from Bel)'!. some future owner.
His tlnbYCfs had bt.'Cll broken ,111d had not healed The gods of magic placed the burden of
properly. leaving him with only limited lise or his reforming the Orders of High Sorcery 011(0
hands. He felt cstran!"TCd from his wife and his Dalam.u·s shoulders-a task that the dark elf has
fiunily and took to spending more and morc time ea/:,"Crly accepted, for he plans (Q be not only the
away from Solace in a desperate search for the Head of the Black Robes. but the Master of the
magic. Orders and the Tower of Wayreth, as well.
When the kender, T:lsslehorf Burrram, arrived Dalamar knows he must have help for this goal
bearing the wondrous Device of Time and he has lllrned to the one other person in
Journeying, Palin again remembered whm il was Ansalon who is close to being his equal in magi-
like to wield the magic of the gods. Palin decided cal power-jenna of the Red Robes. D:lughter of
to try to lise the Device to journey back in time, jllstarius. the former Head of the Red Robes,
only to find that time did not exist beyond the jenna is now one of the wealthiest people in
start of the Fifth Age. Palin sought to exphlin this Palanthas, known for her politiC'.l1 s.wvy and her
myslcl)' and it would eventually lead him to skills at diplomacy, as well as her abilities in
understand the tmth. mal"ric. DalarnaI' and jenna were formerly lovers,
During the War of Souls. Palin and Dalamar but the flame ofthcir relationship has faded. leav-
joined forces and at last came to realize that the ing the two with a respect for each other. and a
One God WllS aClUally Tllkhisis. Both defied knowledge of the other's strengths and weakness-
Takhisis and were slain by Mina, the disciple of es. They know th'lt they can work together in rel-
'nlkhisis. Mina realized, too late, that she would ative harmony. though each keeps a close eye 011
need the wizards in order to find the kender with the other, well knowing that each has his or her
the time-traveling device. Mina raised their bod- own secret plans.
ies and kept them as grm."Some prisoners. She The reformation of the Orders of High Sorcery
could not imprison their souls, however, and requires that the three Heads of the Orders work
P·.llin's soul eventually found a way to thwart the well together. for they will have to f..,ce incredible
Qut.>cn of Darkness. odds as they seek to rebuild their shattered
Palin was nearly slain by D'llamar, but was organization. Palin M~ere would have been the
saved from treachery by his uncle Raistlin. Palin's perfect fit, but he has turned down the oflered
life was restored to him by the gods of magic. post not once, but several times.
who also oITered to give him back the godly Without Palin M~ere, Dalamar and jenna still
magic that he had so longed for. Palin had by need to discover who will be the Head of the
now learned that life with his wife and filmily \Vhite Robes. Dalamar wants to find someone he
meant more to him than the mabric and he C',lll manipulate and control. thus ensuring that he
refilsed the gods' oITer. will become the Master of the Orders and of the
Palin returned to Solllce, where he was 'Ibwer of Wayreth. Jenna knows that the balance
received with joy by his wife. For :1 time. he between good and evil must be stabili,, that
helped his sister Laura nlll the Inn of the Last whoever is chosen must be a match for Dalamar's
Home. but events in SOlllce have forced Palin to power and serve as a check 10 his ambition. As of
take an 'lctive role in trying to nlllintain law lind yet. they have not discovered anyone capable of
order in the city that has now become a haven for becoming the Head of the White Robes.
outlaws and adventurers. Considerable eITort will be required to refonn
the Orders of High Sorcery. but both Dalamar
ORPERIi Of HicH SOR..CER,y and jenna know that without the Orders and the
Following the loss of the three gods of magic and balance they represent, the people could be filced
the arClne magic of high sorcery. the Orders of with yet another m'lgical cataclysm, such as they
High Sorcery were eventually disbanded. Upon suflered during the Lost Battles. 'nlC Orders were
the gods' return, however, Solinari, Nuitari, and originally formed in order to tame the wild magic.
impose stnlcture and establish laws to prevent
Lunatari immediately befPm to lay the ground-
work for re-establishing the Orders. Resurrecting the magic from raging out of control and endan-
the dark elf. Dalamar, and the former Head of the gering the world. The longer the Orders remain
White Robes, Palin iVI~ere. the gods oITered to inactive, the more magic can continue to r::1b"C filr-
relUrn their magic to them. Dalamar agreed. ther and further out of control. Since Takhisis was
while Palin demurred. preferring instead to focus behind the return of wild magic, jenna and
on his l:'lmily instead of the magic that had con- Dalamar both fear that her manipulation of the
sumed his life and nearly brought :lbollt his min. filbric of m:lgic and sorcery could have far reach-
Although the gods gave Dalamar back his magic, ing eITects that might prove extremely dangerous.
he was punished for his misdeeds by being for-
bidden to return to the Tower of Palanthas. that

64"-' CHAPTER.. Two

mAGic "'-'
mvs1"icism doing what they Cl.m to help the suffering. ease
pain. and defend the weak.
Although a newly rediscovered magic. mysticism ~ Iystics c-.m be found in most areas across
is perhaps the least obtrusive and therefore con- Ansalon. Many succeed to their calling without
sidered the k"3St dangerous of bOlh arcane and fonnal training. urn people are capable ofdraw-
divine m:l&';c. ~ Iystics are relati\'c1y safe from per- ing upon the power within their own heans. using
secution by anyone. ~Iany go their W1ty in pe3cc. it to effect dl:mges upon the world around them.
~ Iysticism is a very personal magic. for it requires
a practitioner who is attuned to her own
-€> Additional Options -€> thoughts, her- own beliefs. her own desires. A
Gene.-alist Wizards mystic's faith relics on inner faith. rather than
faith in the i"JOds.
iThe Wizard of High Sorcery prestige class as pre- Being a cleric n..-quires an individual to search
sented in the DRAGONLANCE Campaign Selling for a higher power, a power that exists outside of
requires that all wizards entering the Orders 0 them. outside of rC:Ility. Mystics must SC:lrch
High Sorcery be specialist mages. 'nlis reOccts inward. pL"Cring into the depths of their own
the magical specialties of the three Orders. hearts and souls. finding fitith in their own placc
However. not all mages who take the path in the order oflhings. 'nlerefore a person Cl.mnOl
choose to speciali7..e in a school of magic. be both :1 cleric in serviL'C of the b'Uds :md :t mys-
This option allows a wizard to take the \Vizard tic in tune with his own personal power.
of High Sorcery Prestige class without the '111e two larbTCSt oq"r:mizations of mystics in the
requirement of a specialized school of magic. If a land are the Citadel Mystics of the Citadel of
character docs so. he does not receive the Light and the Skull Knib,hts of the Knights of
Enhanced Specialization benefit at 1st level. All Neraka. 1l1CSC have few members. compar.nivcJy
other benefits are received as nomml. speaking. Most mystics are solitary practitioners.
Dalamar is an example of a non-specia1i7.ed The Citadel Mystics are trained based upon the
....;zard who became a Wizard of High Sorcery. teachings ofGoldmoon. who was the firsl known
individual to discover the power of the heart that
resided within her. Goldmoon incorporated many
of the teachings of the goddess ~Iishakal into the

Citadel teachings. Since the mystics who studied Sargonnas has always been the prima!)· btocl or
under Goldmoon are already learned in the ways the minotaurs. many of whom rought at the side
of the broddess. Mishllkal will probably first of the brocl ag-..inst Chaos. Now thm the mino-
approach the Citadel Mystics to find new follow- t'aurs are launching their crusade of manifest des-
ers. Given the n<."ed for healing she sees in the tiny. the Horned God is sure 10 find many of his
world. Misllakal will likely approve of those who choscn people nlshing. cheering. to his standard.
continue 10 follow mysticism. as well as those E.ach dcity of Light. Balance. and Darkness..
who choose to follow her teachings. will r<--build their churdles from among those
1nc Skull Knights were not overly dismayed to who convictions match the ethos of that deity. It
lose their (amler goddess. Takhisis. ThL'}' had not may be years before the Holy Orders reach even
worshipped her for many )'ears. having instead a fraction oflheir fonner strength, but it is certain
turned to mysticism. which suits their net.-ds well. that the gods will take a far more personal inter~
They plan to continue to use mysticism. for they est in this new world lhan they did pTe\'iously.
have concluded that they prefer to operate inde-
pendent of any god.


mYSTic DomAins
1'ne following domains are available only to mys--
Each god plans to work to create a c1eriC:J.1 order ties. in addition to those presented in other
dedicated 10 the worship of that particular god. sources.
All the gods know that this will be f.1r more diffi-
cult in this day and age than in all previous ages. CHAnnELinG DOMAin
The faith of the people has been shaken. In Deities: None (mystics only).
their ,'iew. the gods have abandoned them twice- Granted Power. All Transmutation spells that
first after the Cataclysm and once again following affect living creatures are cast at + I caster level.
the Chaos War. TIle gods might protest that they Jump I
should not be held responsible for the actions of 13e<u's Endu......nce 2
Takhisis in stc-..ling away the world. but Gilc-..n Hastc 3
has counseled that the gods should accept the Stoneskin 4
blame and shoulder the responsibility. Making Heroislll. Grc:.ncr 5
excuses is demeaning and. in tmth. they should Tenser's Trnnsfonnation 6
Ret"rencrntc 7
have kept a closer eye upon Takhisis. for all them
Iron Body 8
knew that she was capable of trc-dchery and DlimlollIl Btxly 9
bet.....yat. 1lle gods understand the anger of the
people and all of the gods, even those of SEnsi1"ivi"tY
D:lrkness. must work hard to alleviate that anger Deities: None (mystics only)
and persuade their followers thm they are here to Granted Power: All Divlllation spells with a
stay. T::lIlgc of Personal are cast at + I caster level.
11le brads understand the yearning in the mor~ Deathwatch 1
tal heart to believe in some greater power. '111C See Invisibility 2
gods S,IW this exhibited when Takhisis returned in 1bngues 3
the bruise of the One God to find larbTC numbers Discern Lies 4
of people eager to give their faith to her. 11lis Analyze Dweomer 5
yearning is the key that will be used by the bl'Q{!s Leb'Cnd Lore 6
Arcane Sighl. Gremer 7
to open the hearts of the pt.'Ople onl.'C again. Discern Location 8
Slowly. but surely. the Holy Orders of the Stars Foresight 9
will be rebuilt.
11le Knights of Solamnia remained tme to
their filith even in the absence of the gods. 'nley nEW SPELLS
have welcomed back the gods without rancor. 11lC spells herein arc presented in alphabetical
The sacrifice of Paladine has provided the order.
Knights of Solamnia with proof that their chosen
brods are willing to sacrifice themselves for the Bino Spjl\.i"t
good of the people. ecrom,IIlCY
The Citadel Mystics were taught from the
Level: Or 7. Sor/Wiz 7
transcribed Disks of 1\:lishakal. which provided Components: V. S. F
them the core of their beliefs. As the Disks con- Casting Time: 1 minute
tained the teachings of all the gods of good, many Range: Touch
Citadel Mystics find themselves drawn to the Target: Corpse
teachings of the Gods of Light. most particularly Duration: 10 ye:trslcaster level
to the goddess rvlishakai. Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

66 C'oo.> CHAP"tER. TW0

mAGic ~
BI;I(/ Spin! will tie the spirit of a recently deceast,.d /)I1I1l1110rS jlt'sll wmmed be!l/'{/fll M';lIIs II/lilt!.
creature to a physic:JI item, preventing the spirit Blood f';'fpl fhe gr/~l' <heelis, won"ed fiN' dill! IJ;"bs.
from passing to the River of Souls and entering I-h'r lips ptll1ell. drr:w ,;, bretJ!h ,;, II .r/livenilg gn.rp. He
the afterlife. 'nle subject must have been dead no quivered oud stl'nwl af I/Cr 10lick Lift n'fl/metl fo flit:
longer than 1 round per caster levcl. lV/'PSt', fo /JlI buf fhe I)'es. TIle I)'es nWl/lli,ed vocllllf.
You C'Jn bind the soul to any non-living item. mlpfy.
including the t.lrbTCt·S own body. Once bound, the
soul cannot be returned through dONe, mist'dNd, CALL VnOEAO i
m;,mmfllioN, restllTtxtioll, fme resu1TnlioJl. or even
Conjuration [~ee text]
a mimde or a w'.'rh. Only a dirpel mllgic cast upon Level: Cl,. I. Sor/Wiz 1
the item binding the spirit. the destruction of the Components: V. S. F/DF
vessel, or use ofthefm:dom spell will release the Casting Time: 1 round
spirit from its binding (which is then still dead). Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
If the spirit is bound to its own body. the body Effect: One called creature
is not ambulatory. unless an {f!ll;!/{ffe dmd spell is Dumtion: 1 round/level (0)
C'Jst upon it. 'nle body must be mostly intact if it Saving Throw: None
is to be {ffl/;IIt1fetJ, but for the purpose of this spell. Spell ResisL<lIlce: No
the skull is the key focus that becomes the vessel.
The spirit is not solely confined to the vessel: it This ~pell calls an undead
can travel away from the vessel, although it can- creatll1'e. It appears where you
not physically intemct with the mortal world. desib,rnate and acts immediate-
Although the spirit can lcave the vessel, you ly. on your turn. It atlack~ your
maintain control over the spirit, as long as the opponents to the best of its
vessel remains in your possession. ability. If you can commu-
If the vessel is destroyed, the spirit is released nicate with the creature,
from its binding. At this point, the spirit is you can direct it not to
allowed a Will savc (DC 20). If the spirit suc- 'Iuack. to attack particular
ceeds at the saving throw, it can remain in the enemies, or to perform
world. manifcsting as a ghost. If the spirit fails other actions.
its saving throw. then it is swept away into the A c:.llk-d undead cannot
River of Souls and COlrricd on into the next colll or otherwise conjure
life, 'Ine spirit can choose to automatically another crealll1'e, nor com it
fail its saving throw. if it only desires to use any tdeportation or
travel to the .Ifterlife. planar tr,wel abilities (with
Focus: A material object to serve as the exception of Ethereal
the vessel. The material lmvel). Creatures cannot be
object lllUSt either be called into an environment
worth 100 gp value per that doc'S not support them.
leveVHD of the crea- which granted is rare as
ture being bound. unless undead are not depcmhull
the vessel is the spirit's upon environment for survival.
original body, at which But. in areas where Ethereal
point. it's skull must be tr.IVc! is impossible. ethereal crea-
intact and undarnabrcd. tures (such ;IS ghosts) cannot be
SIll' k"elf beside '111e spell calls one of the crea-
Dalamar's body. CllIsp';'g tures from the lst-lcvellist on the
olle houd over t/le med/Jllii)1/ accompanying Call Undead
slit wore Il1VlfNd Iler neck. slle table, You L,Ill choose which
placed I/I!r ofher 11/1111! 011 file kind of creature to C'Jll. and
mnge's morltll wOlil/ds. Till: sfIln'ug 1"t'S you can change that choice
looked up vl/mllt/y. e;lch time yOll cast the spell.
Sufily. "I"HI' 1n.'/5,'ffI Iv .J,:',~. For this spell, the undead called llre swept
along the River of Souls that permeates the world,
Wake. love, for this time wake. traveling on the waves of ether. appearing as
Your soul. my hand does take. de~ired. \Vhen the ~pell ends. the creatures return
Leave the darkness deep. to their rest.
Lc:.wc your endless sleep. AIHUlI' Pocus: A burial shroud.

mAGic ~ 67
CALL VnOEAO ii '-€> Call Undead '-€>

Conjuration [sec text for ca/lulItlcntl ~ 1st level

Level: CIT 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Skeleton (Tiny, Small, Medium-5ized)
Effeet: One or more called CTt."atures. no IwO of Zombie (Tiny. Small. Medium-5ized)
which can be more than 30 ft. apart.
2nd level
This spell functions like call tindcnt! I, except that
you can call one undead creature from the 2nd- Ghoul
level list or Id3 creatures of the same kind from Skeleton (Large)
the ISI-levcllist. Zombie (Large)
CALL VnOEAO iii 3rd level
Conjuration [see text for mlluudend IJ Ghast
Level: Clr 3, SorlWiz 3 Ghost (I HD/level)
Effect: One or more called creatures, no two of Skeleton (Huge)
which C'J.ll be more dutll 30 ft. apart. Vampire (1 HDllevel)
l1lis spell fitllctions like col/lIndend f, except that Zombie (HUb'C)
you can call one undclld from the 3rd-level list.
Id3 creatures orthe same kind from the 2nd-level 4tJl level
list, or 1d4+ 1 creatures of the same kind from the Ghost (2 HD/levels)
1st-level list. Mummy
CALL VnOEAO iv Skeleton (Garg'dntuan)
Conjuration [see text for mil undead IJ Vampire (2 HD/levels)
Level: CIT 4, SorlWiz 4 Zombie (Gargantuan)
Effcct: One or more C"dlled creatures, no two of
which can be more than 30 ft. apart. 5th level
Ghost (3 HD/levels)
This spell functions like cnll tltIdend /, except that Skeleton (Colossal)
you can call one undead from the 4th-level list, Vampire (3 HD/levels)
Id3 creatures of the same kind from the 3rd-level Wraith
list, or Id4+ I creatures of the same kind from a Zombie (Colossal)
lower level list.
6th level
CALL UnDEAD V Ghost (4 HD/levels)
Conjuration [sec text for col/uudend IJ Vampire (4 HDllevels)
Levcl: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Effcct: One or more called creatures. no two of 7th level
which can be more than 30 ft. apart. Ghost (5 HD/levels)
This spell functions like colltmdend /, except that Vampire (5 HD/levels)
you can call one undead from the 5th-level list.
Id3 creatures of the same kind from the 4th-levcl 8th level
list. or Id4+1 creatures of the same kind from a Ghost (6 HD/levels)
lower level list. Devourer
Vampire (6 HD/levels)
COlyuration [see text for mil tmdend IJ 9th level
Level: Clr 6. Sor/Wiz 6 Ghost (7 HD/levels)
Effect: One or more called creatures, no two of Nightwing
which L-an be more than 30 ft. apart. Nightwalker
This spell functions like coIl tlndend /, except that Vampire (7 HD/levels)
you can call one undead from the 6th-level list,
1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 5th-level
list. or Id4+1 creatures of the same kind from a
lower level list.

68'" CHAP"'E",- Twa

mAGic "'-'
CALL UnDEAD vii and fire of all kinds. However, you also become
vulner<lble to all special attacks that .Iffect con-
Conjuration [see text for mlllllJdead 1) structs.
Level: Clf 7, Sor/Wiz 7 You g:.lin a +S enhancement bonus (Q your
Effect: One or more called creatures, no two of Strenb>th score and a +6 enhancement bonus to
which can be more than 30 11. apart. your Constitution, but you take a -4 penalty to
your Dexterity as well (to a minimum Dexterity
This spell (unctions like callulldead I, except th,lI score of I). and your speed is reduced to three-
yOli C'.lll C'.lll one undead from the 7th-level list, quarters normal. You have an arcane spell failure
Id3 creatures orthe same kind from the 6th-level of 25% and a -4 armor check penalty, just as if
list. or Id4+ I creatures of the same kind from a you were wearing breastplate armor. You cannot
lower level list. cat or drink (and thus L"annot use potions), nor
can you play wind instruments.
CALL UnDEAD viii Your unarmed attacks strike as if you were
Conjuration [see lext for mIl /l"deat! 1) wielding a mace appropriate to your size (td6 for
Level: Clf 8. Sor/Wiz 8 Small characters and IdS for Medium characters),
Effect: One or more coilled crcntures, no two of and you :lre considered armed when making
which eml be morc than 30 fl. apart. unarmed llttacks.
Your weight increases by a factor of five, caus-
'l1lis spell functions like mt/undead I, except that ing you to sink in water like a stone. However,
)'Oll mll call one undead from the 8th-level list. you could survive the crushing pressure and lack
Id3 crcanlres of the same kind from the 7th-level of air :11 the bottom of the ocean-at least until the
list, or Id4+ 1 creatures of the same kind from a spell dumtion expires.
lower level list. Arr:mu Malenal ComponCII/: A flawless dia-
mond. worth at Icast 5.000 gp in value.
Conjuration [see text for enll wlllcad ~ DRfiGon's BLOOD
Level: Clr 9, SorlWiz 9
Effect: One or more called creatures, no two of Transmutation
which C'.m be more than 30 ft. .lpart. Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S. M/DF
nlis spell functions like mlilmdelld I. except th.1I Casting Time: 1 standard action
you am call one undead from the 9th-level list, Range: Touch
ld3 creatures of the same kind from the 8th-level larget: Creature touched
list. or Id4+1 creatures of the same kind from a Dumtion: 1 round/level
lower level list. Saving Throw: Fort (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell enables you to temporarily take on the
Tmnsmutation characteristics of II drab'On, granting you a resist-
Level: Channeling 9 ance to lhe effects of dragon fear, drab'On magic,
Components: V. S, M, XP and dfllb'On breath weapons.
Casting Time: I standard action l:Or the duration of the spell. the protected
Range: Personal crellture is unaffected by a dragon's frightful pres-
Target: You ence ability. 111e protected creature also receives
Dumtion: t min./level (D) a + t resistance bonus for every 5 levels of the
Saving Throw: None spellcaster (+4 maximum bonus at 20th level) on
Spell Resistance: No (harmless) all saving throws to resist any of the dragon's
spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities
111is spell tmnsforms your body into living dill- used against you or the designated target. The
mond, which grants you seveml powerful abilities spell will only protect ab'Hinst a single type of
and resistances. dr:Il!On (red. white, l!old. etc.), 3S dcsiLrn:lte<1 when
Yuu g<tilL ••h'"'Ug<;; '<;;OUl,;liUll \5/Il,.'git.. ."'0 d
the spell is cast.
spell resistance of 20. You are immune to blind- Arcane N/(flt'nal ComponeJ/l: A dragon's scale of
ness. critic-dl hilS. ability score damab'"e, denfrless.
the type to be protected against.
diselSe. drowning. electricity. poison. polymo1'pll-
ing, stunning, llnd all spells or att:lcks th,1I affect
your physiology or respiration, because you have
no physiology or respiration while this spell is in
effect. You take only half damage from acid, cold,

ITlAGic ~ 69
DR.,fl.GOnOAnE I3dlif(f'rtw("(': 'n,e enchanted creature re:lcts
morc l~cg.llively towards others, becoming bel-
Transmutation lib"Crcnl. Their attitude on the Influencing NPe
Level: ell' -I. 1"1;11 4. Sor/Wiz 3 Attitude 1;lble (see NPC Attitudes in the DllIIgi'OlI
Components: V. S.l\I/DF Mtls/ers GlIlil~) shifis to Ihe ne....t less f.'lvor:.lble
Casting Time: 1 action reaclion (helpful to friendly. friendly to indiffer-
Range: lbuch ent. indifferent to unfriendly, or unfriendly 10 hos-
l;trget: Wt.."3pon touched tile). 'Ole effects of the friendship will last 1 hour
Duration: 1 round/level per {lint consumt.."(\ (\Vill nl~eales).
Saving Throw: "on (itcm. harmless) DrpI'l!SS/OIl: Enchanted creatures suffer a -2
Spell Rcsist'.l.ncc: No morale penalty to saving throws, attack rolls. abil-
ity checks. skill checks. and weapon damage rolls
When you cast this spell upon :I wC'..I.pon. you for 1 hour per pint consumed (Will halves). Each
imbuc il with the ability to inflict incrC'..I.scd hann pint consumed stacks with previous effects,
agJ.inst any dr:t~:'On creature. although cadl hour afier the first reduces the
First. the wL-apon automatiC'..I.lly bypasses any efft..'Cts by 2. rIlms. if3 pints were consumed, then
damab>C reduction the dragon might possess. 111is the creature suffers a -6 penalty the first hour, -l
not only includes a dragon's natural damage the second hour and -2 the third hour).
reduction. but also any other damage reduction Fmr: '1l1e enchanted creature becomes pan-
the drabron has g.1ined through magic or super- ickt.'(I. dropping everything it holds (induding the
natuml mC'..I.ns (such as spells or magic items that brew) and fle<..>jng at top speed away from the
b'l'ant damage reduction). source of the fe-..I.r. as well as away from any other
Secondly. the amount of damage inflictt.'<! by dangt.'TS it encounters. along a random path. It
the weapon on a successful cntiC'J.l hit is increased cannot take any other actions. Additionally, the
by one. TIlUS. a weapon that normally inflicts x2 crc:.lture takes :1 -2 morJ.le penalty on all saving
damab'C on a successful critical x3 d:ull:lb'l'. throws. skill dlt..'Cks, and ability checks. If cor-
lnirdly, the wC::Ipon remains unaffected by any nerc<l. the cr(.';lturc cowers and does not attack.
dr:.IL'Oni:m death throes-a sword blade easily typic.1l1y using the total defense action in combat.
slides free of a baaz dr:.lconian's petrified corpse 'Ine lasts for 1 minute per level of the spell-
or remains untoucht..'() by the acidic meltdown of clster (Will neg.nes).
;1 dCC(.';lsed kapak draconian. Fn'mds/llp: Thc enchanted creature reacts
Amlll~ AIlllenil! Compolll!1ll: '1l1rec drops of more posilively towards others, Their attitude on
dr.lgon·s blood. the Influencing NPC Attitude Table (St.."C NPC
/\uitucles in the DUlIgeoll1l'fns/er's Gmile) shifis to
Emo"tionAL BR...EW the next morc fi.vorable reaction (hostile to
Enchantlllent (Compulsion) [Mind-Aflccting] unfricndly. unfriendly to indifferent. indiflcrcllt to
Level: Brd 4. Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 friendly. or friendly to helpful). Creatures will
Components: V, S. F react normally in combat. however. '111C effects of
Casting Time: I minute the friendship will last I hour per pint consumed
Range: Close (25 fi + 5 fi.l2 levels) (Willneg:lles),
Target: One g:.lllon (8 pints) ofliquid/5 levels /-loft': The enchanted creature brains a +2
Duration: See text morale bonus to saving throws. allack rolls. abili-
Saving Throw: Sec texl Iy checks, skill checks. and weapon damage rolls.
Spell Resistance: Yes which lasts about 1 hour per pint consumed (Will
ncg.lIcs). Unlike tlrprl'mfJl/, the effects do not
You cm enchant a g;.tllon of any liquid. inltlsing it stack.
with CmOtiOlUlI encrb'Y that ;Iffects anyone who RlIgr: '111e enchanted creature gains a +2
drinks il. 111e emotion Ihat affects those who morale bOll us 10 StrcllbJ1.h and Constitution
drink the liquid must be determined at the time of scores. a + I bonus on \ViIl savcs, and a -I
the crc:.ltion of the emo//olltll bn7lJ. penalty to AC. '1l1ey arc compelled to fight heed-
'1l1e spell does not take effect until at le' .. full less of danger. 1ne effects last for 1 minute per
pint of liquid is consumed. at which I>oint the Icvel of the SpellC:lster (WiJI negales).
creature may make a \Vill saving throw to reali....e RcgJ.rdlcss of the type of effect of the nl/ol/oNn!
that the emotions are not merely a natuml effect brew, once the effects wear off (if the first saving
ofthe liquid. Typically, the spell is C.1St upon alco- throw is failed) :It the end of the duration. the
hol. which makes creatures more susceptible to affectt..'(} crt.';lture must make a Fonitude saving
the mind~affectingaspects of the spell, throw. Success on the saving throw means that
1'nere are currently six known types of {'mo- the creature is da.......J ed (-I penalty to altack rolls)
l/olIlIl/nrd): for 1 minUle per Icvel of the spellcaster. Failure
means that the creature is having one heck of a
hanb'O\'cr. suffering the effects ofbeing sickened (-

70 r.u CHAP"'E"- Two

.mAGic ~
2 penalty 011 Mtack rolls, saving throws. skill
checks, and ability cht.'Cks) for 10 minutes per
level of tile spcllc:.lsler. Necromancy
Le,'e); elr 8, Sor/Wiz 8
EnsnA"E "tHE H EA,,"t Components: V. S. M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Range: Touch
Le\'e); Brd 5, Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6 Target: Corpse
Components: V. S Durntion: Pennanent
Casting Time: 1 standard :lction Sa,'ing 'lbrow: None
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 1C\'e1s) Spell Resistance: No
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: Pennancnt You encase a corpse within a nearly indestructible
Saving Throw: Will nq,t3tes shell of amber. prevcnting the body from decom-
Spell Resi.stance: Yes posing and protecting it from hann.
Thc corpse is protected as if under a Imlpoml
As chann /J"SO", howt....'cr. thc target's attitude .rIma spell. No effect or force C'dn hann the body
becomes Helpful (sec Diplomacy skill. Playrr! within the amber coffin. nor can the body be
Handhool<) and the cffects arc pennancnt. affected by any magiC'dl spell. The body is
unaffected by the ra\'ages of time.
untouched by decay or rot. As 10llg as
the body remains within the amber
Necromancy coffin, it cannot be mig,1, "SIIITUt-
Level: Clr 4. Sor/Wiz 4 rtf. amlorled,
Components: V. S, M/DF The amber coffin is trdnslucent
Casting Time: I standard and extremely resist:ll1t to dam-
action age. 'nle coffin is I inch thick per
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 1C\'el of tile caster. stretching out
lVlevcl) from thc body in thc center of
Area: IO-ft.-radius sphere the coffin. '!l,e coffin has 30 hit
Duration: Instantaneous points per inch of thickness.
Saving l1ltow: Fort p:lrti:11 with a hardllf..'SS of 15. If the cof-
Spell RcsistlUlcc: Yt.'S fin is dcstroyt.·(i, the body with-
in is relcast.'<! from the spell.
You summon a blast of spec- dL'C'J.y and decomposition set-
tral flame that can have a dev- ting in as nonml1. from that
ast:lting eflCx..1 upon tarbrets point onwards.
both living and dead. A yeetlom spell cast
When used against living upon the amber coHin will dis-
creatures. l'I!u'nwljlllme blasts pel the coHin. tiS will the appli-
away at the psyche of those cation of a "illlted wi.rll, mimc/e.
caught within the explosion. or wisll spell.
Within the blast. all living ArrllNe Mlllen(11
creatures suflcr the loss of Id4 Compouellt: A chunk of amber
+ I per 5 levels of the c::lster's containing the prcsef\'ed body of
\\~sdom (Fortitude save for haH). an insect or some other creature.
Against ulldead opponents. the
(Ihrrenl jl'IIIU tears away at the soul, FOG OF FEAR...
burning away any sense of identity. '!lle Necromancy [Fear. Mind-AifL'C1ing]
flame deals Idol + I per 5 lcvels of the caster Le\'el: C1r 4. Sor/Wiz 5
Charisma loss. Unde:ld brought to 0 or lower Components: V. S, M
Charisma are instantly destroyed. their souls cast Casting Time: 1 standard action
bllck ;nto the River orSo"lo.
Kangc: i\kdlum (WU Il. + W Il./Ievel)
Although thc b>ilOStly flames of cerulean :md Effect: Cloud sprC'J.ds in 30-ft. radius. 30 ft. high
emerald arc :lpparent. Ihey arc truly a manifesta- Duration: I min.l1t.'\'cl
tion of spiritual energ)' on the Ethereal Planc. Sa\'ing 'Ibrow: Will partial; see text
Thus, the spell is equally effective :tg'dinst corpo- Spell Resistance: Yes
real and incorporeal foes.
Against nonliving, but non-undCOld targets. This spell gener-lles a bank of fog. silllil:lr 10 a fog
(th~aljlamr has no effect.
dOIl'1, except th:lI its "apors are bluish-green and
Arrollr ft'/Illrn'nl (;()mjXJlfml: A 5iker candle that
affects the mind of any living creature Ihat
has been blngd by a cleric.
bremhe in the fumes. Living creatures with 3 or minOWEB
fewer HD are panicked (no save). t\ living crc:.l·
lUre wilh 4 10 6 1-1 D is panicked. unless it suc- Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
ceeds on ;I Will Sllve (in which case it is fright. Level: Clr 4. Sor/Wiz 4
ened for the dur.J.tion of the spell). t\ li\'ing crea· Components: V. S. M/DF
ture with 7 or more HD is frightened for the Casting Time: 1 standard action
duration ofthe spell. unless they succeed Ihe \Vill Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 fi/le\'e1)
save (in which case. they :tre shaken for the dura- Effect: Incorporeal webs in a 2Q-fi.-radius sprL"3d
tinn). Duration: t round/l(..~..el (D)
Unlike a fog doud, the fog 0/ftar movcs away Saving 'Ibrow: Will negates; see text
from you ;II 10 fect per round. rolling along the Spell Resistance: Yes
surface of the b'TOund. Figure OUI the c1oud's new
spre-Jd each round based on its new point of ori· You ere-Jte an intangible web that ensnares the
gin. which is 10 fcct f.·lIther away from the point minds of any who are rnpmred within the web.
of origin where you C;lSt a spell. Any living crc:.lIurc that enters the web musl suc·
Like ajOgdolfd. thefogoffiarobscurcs all sight. cecd at a Will saving throw. or else be mentally
includingdarkvision. beyond 5 feet. 111ejOgofftlir paralyzed and unable to take any physical
is heavier than aJogdofltl. tending to sink to the aClions. Afll.'Cte<l creatures have elTective Strcnb>1h
lowest level of the hmd. even pouring down den and Dexterity scores of 0, but may take purely
or sinkhole opcninj"rs. It cannOI penetmte liquids. mental actions. Unfortunately. while paralyzL'CI. a
nor can it be cast undenvatcr. creature is helpless. Enemies may take adv:1l1l:1-
Arrlllu A'/lllt'nol Compollelll: A shroud t'aken geoUS :utacks :lgainsl helpless creatures. or even

from a corpse thai has already bccn burit,'d. deliver a usu~llly lethal coup de grace.
Each round. creatures ensnared by a mt;lIhl)~b
GR...EED arc allowed 10 make a \Vill save in order to [em·
porarily break frcc. TIley may aCI as nonnal that
Enchantment [Mind-AlTecting] round. bUI if they do not move out of the area of
Level: Clr 3. Sor/Wiz 3 elTect. Ihey are susceptible to falling prey to the
Components: V. S HU;Uf-dlt:b on Ihe next round.
Casting Time: I slandard action Arcallt: Malmol Com/J'()11ntl: A fly trapped in
Range: Oose (25 ft. + 5 ft.12 le"e1s) amber.
Targets: Any number of creaturcs
Duration: I min/lcvcl (D) miSTSHACKJ,.ES
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
You cause all living cre-Jture within range to suc· Components: V. S. M
cumb to the base desire of greed. !-or the durJtion Casting Time: 1 standard action
of the spell. the victim becomes t'lIlhmlll'l! (as per Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft/level)
the spell) with a single physical object, as desig- Area: Cloud spreads in a 20-fl.-radius, 2-fl.-hibrh
nated when the SI>c1! is cast. Enthr.ll1ed creatures Duration: 1 round/level
will give their undivided attention lll)Qn the Saving Throw; Reflex partial; see text
object. ignoring their surroundings. Creatures Spell Resistance: Yes
with 4 or more H D or with a Wisdom score of 16
or higher remain :lw:tre of their sUITOundinb'S :md A dense, he-Jvy mist arises from the ground. ten·
are allowed another saving throw to break the drils of fog re-Jching up to ensnare the unwary.
enchantment if they witness actions Ihat they Creamres within the area of effect are unable to
oppose or are driven by their grm/to perfonn ,Ill move. The cre-Jture rnn brrnk free and move half
action that would violate their alignment (SUdl as its nomml speed by using a full-round action 10
an affected paladin turning hostile towards a make a Strength check or an Escape Artist check
comrade who has possession of the item that is against a DC equal to 13 + casler's level. A crea-
the source of the grml). ture that succeeds on a Reflex save is nOI
Creatures rnughl up in gn-td h;l\'c an indilTer- ensnared. but can still only move at half speed
enl attitude lowards anyone and anything that is through the arL"3. Each round on your lum, Ihe
not Ihe material object of their greed. Any other muts!laddt:$ once more attempt 10 entangle all
who attempts to take Ihe object from them auto-- creatures thai ha\'e avoided or escaped ensnare-
matically trib"brers a hostile reaction. which Cdn ment.
causc- even life-long friends to fall to fij"rhting Arralle Mnlenil! COII/po"enl: A silk handkerchief
amongst themselves. twisted and tied into small knots.

72 ~ CHAP1"ER... Twa
mAGic ~
PAR.t DEAtH"S SHR.OVD crude work of an. Res/ltlfr meltll also pcmlits you
to change the Sh:lpe of a metal door, making an
Divination exit where none exists or to seal 3 door shut.
Le'-el: Clr 4. Sor/\\rlZ 4 While it's possible to make crude coffers, doors,
Components: V. S, M/DF and so forth with "shtlpe meltll fine detail is not
Casting Time: I standard action possible. unless the character possesses at least 10
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) ranks or more in a suitable Craft or Profession.
Area: 30-ft.-radius spread 111ere is a 3(Nc d13nce that any shape including
Dunnion: 1 min./levcl (D) moving p'drts simply does not work.
Saving Throw: None ATrtllle Altllmol Compollntl: A set of al1isan's
Spell Resistance: No tools.
You cause all ethereal creatures and objects with~ ~VEAL tHE tR.VE Fo~
in the 3.rt.'a of effect to become visible on the
Material Plane. As tong ~lS the crealures or objC<.'I.s Abjumtion
remain within tile are'l. treat them as if they had Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
manifested (sec manifestation under the ghost Components: V, S
entry of the MONsler Mml/((J~. Casting Time: I standard action
The manifested creatures and objects arc Range: Medium (100 ri. + 10 ft.llevel)
translucent. clearly visible and Qullil1(.'<! with a Area: 10-ft.-radius sphere
flickering blue rndiance. Att'acks made ag.linsl Duration: lnstantant.'Ous
manifested creatures are made at a + 1 Saving 111roW: Fort llCbratcs
circumstance bonus, although attacks Spell Resistallt.'C: Yes
from corporeal sources still have a 50%
chance of missing entirely. You forcefully CIUse all
As long as the ethereal creatures or shapeshifters in the area
objects remain within the area of efft.'Cl., they can- of effect to revert to their
not return completely natural forms. When
to the Ethereal Plane, the spell is C', any
however, nothing creature with the
prevents them from shapechanb'Cr sub-
moving out of the type. or those
area of effect, While under the effects
manifested, they can of an olIff s<!f. p0ly-
also interJct with the morph. polymorph {Illy

~bterial Plane.
objicl, shtlpechange, or
Arctlne Mtllmol similar Transmutation
Componenl: A translu- effects. must make an
cent mirror made of immediate Fortitude savmg
quartz within a silver throw. or else be forced back into
frame. their natural shape.
'Ille enforced transformation is
~SHAPE painful. 11lose who fail their sav-
ing throw and forced back to
Transmutation [Earth] their naturAl fonn suffer a
Le\'e!: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz tcmporary loss of 2d4
6 Constitution. Until the
Compone.nts: V, S, shapeshifter regains the
WDF lost Constitution, he is
Casting Time: stan- unable to shapeshift.
dard action Spellcasters are unable to use polymorph-
Range: Touch lilg magic of any fonn until they reg-din their lost
Target: ~Ietal object touched. up to I cu. ft. + I Constitution as well. as a vertigo attack prevents
cu. ft/IC\'el them from complcting the spell (trem the subject
Duration: Instantaneous as dazed for 1 round).
Sa\<ing 'nuow: None
SpeU Resistance: No SECOnD LiFE
Like slolle shtl~. you can form an existing piece of Necromancy
metal into :my shape that suits your purpose. For Level: Clr 6
example, you can make a metal weapon, reshal>C Componellts: V. S, 1\1, OF
metal armor to a more suitable size, or fashion a Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: "Iouch
Target; Living crell1ure touched
Duration: One day/level or unlit discl1,ugcd You summon forth a bolt of comscllting divine
Saving 111mw: None (harmless) cnerb')', which yOll ean hurl spear-like at .m
Spell Resistance: No (harmless) enemy. Only evil ,md ncutml creatures arc
hanne<\ by the spell; good creatures are unaffect-
A specialized fonn of rollI/liKe/H)', this spell ed.
enables you to prOlt,;:t yourself. or a creature YOli must succeed at a mnged touch attack in
touched, from an unexpected death. order to strike an enemy, at which point they are
If brought down to -10 hit points or lower. entitled to make a Will saving throw, If an evil-
dying bealliSC of massive damage. att;lcked by a aligned target f:.,ils the saving throw, living crea-
t1mlh spell or effect (stich as phtmll/smal k,l/er,ji,,- tures arc instantly killed and undead creatures arc
ger o/t!efll!J, etc.), or any other means of unnatural destroyed. Non-good extmplm,.lr creatures are
death. this spell inst:llHly takes eflect. brinbring the instantly banished back to their home plane.
dead character back to life. Creatures so bllnished cannot return for at least
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. '111e 24 hours. '111C banishment effect has a sHving
subject of the spcl110ses one level (or I Hit Die) throw modifier of -4. 'n1Ose who succeed at the
when it is raised. just as if il had losl a level or a saving throw arc not slain, destroyed, or ban-
HD to an energy-draining creature. Irthe subject ished, but they do suller dllma&l'C. The spell deals
is 1st-level, it loses 2 poilllS of Constitution 6d8 points of damage to evil creatures. half of
instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, which is force damage and the rest is holy dalll~
it can't be raised). A character who died with age (Will save for half).
spells preparL>d has a 50% chance of losing any If 11 neutral creature is slmck by the spear 0/
given spell upon being r..liscd, in addition to los- divine mig/II, they arc not aflectcd by the slaying
ing spells for losing a level. A spellcasting creature aspect orlhe spell. but it de,lls 3d8 points afforce
thnt doesn't prepare spells (such as a sorcerer) has damage (Will save half).
a 50% chance of losing any given unused spell Creatures whose HD exceed your c:.lSler level
slot as if it had becn used to cast a spell, in addi- are unaffected by spear q/droille migliJ.
tion to losing spell slots for losing a level.
A r..lised creature has a number of hit points SPEAR..-OF DivinE WRfi'tH
e<lwlI to its currcnt Hit Dice. Any ability scores Evocation [Evil, Force]
damaged to 0 are raised to 1. Normal poison and Level: Clr 5
nOffillll disease llre cured in the process of raising Components: v, S, DF
the subjL-'Ct, but magical diseases and curses are Casting Time: I action
not undone. 'Vhile the spell closes mortal Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft.llevel)
wounds and repairs leth.ll damage of most kinds, Target: Non-evil creature
the body of the creature ta be raised must be Duration: Instantaneous
whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing Saving TI1roW: Will partial; see text
when the creature is brought back to life, None of Spell Resistance: YL'S
the dead cre-Ature's equipment or possessions are
affected in any way by this spell. You summOn f0l1h a bolt of comsC'J.ting divine
A creature who has been turne<1 into an energy, which you can hurl spear-like at nil
undead creature or who died of mllural c:.mses enemy. Only good and neutral cre-AttlreS arc
(sllch as old age) can't be raisL>d by this spell. harmed by the spell: evil creatures arc unaffecte<1.
Constmcts, elementals, outsiders, and undead YOli must sllca-ed m a ranged touch aWlck in
C'An't be raised. order to strike an enemy. at which point they arc
Maleno! Compollenl: A mixture of quicksilver entitled to make a Will saving throw. If a !"l"Ood-
and at least 5,000 gp worth of diamond dust. alibrned target lilils the s'lVing throw, living crea-
which must be placed within a crysl<ll vial and tures are instantly kilk>d and undead cre<ltures .He
kept on the person of the individual upon whom destroyed. Non-evil extraplamlr creatures are
the serolltl!ift spell has been cast. instantly b.lI1ished back to their home plane.
Cre;l\ures so banished cannot return for at least
SPEAR..,OF DivinE miGH't 24 hours. The banishment effect has II saving
EVOC1.ltion Worce, Good] throw modifier of -4, Those who succeed at the
Level: Clr 5 saving throw lire not slain, destroyed, or ban-
Components: V, S, DF ishe<l, but they do sufler damage. The spell deals
Casting Time: I action 6d8 points of damage to good creatures, half of
Range: Long (400 fL + 40 fl./levcl) which is force damage and the rest is unholy
Target: Non-good creature damage (Will save for half).
Dumtion: Instantaneous
Saving l11roW: 'Vill partial; sec text
Spell Resistance: Yes

74"" CHAP"!"E",- TW0

IIlAGic '"'-'
If a neutral erc:lture is stmek by the spt'(Jr of All living creatures within the cff(."Cts of the
tliv/ill! might, they are not am."Cted by the slaying spin/utllilordl' arc simultantollsly aff<.'Ctt'<! by the
aspect of the SI>eIl, but it deals 3d8 points afforce effects of afttlrspell, unless they succeed at:1 Will
damab'C (\Vill save half). saving throw at a -5 penalty.
Creatures whose H 0 CXCt.."t.'<! your caster level 'lllOugh intangible, the sheer number of spirits
are unaff<."Cted by spt!flr ofdh',,,/~ wrath. reduces visibility. obscuring all sight, including
darksight. beyond 5 f(.'Ct. A creature within 5 feet
SPiRj"tVAL HORPE has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss
Necromancy chance). Creatures further :l\vay h:lve tot:1I con-
Le,'cl: Or 9 CC"dlment (500b miss chance, ;md the atlacker C'dn't
ComponcnL<;: V, S, ~I, DF, XP use sight 10 Joe-dte the tafb'Ct).
Casting Time: 10 minutes During the early Fifth Ab'C, leading up to the
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft/le\'c1) end of the War of Souls. the drnining effect upon
Effect: Intanb>ible sh<.'Ct of spirits that sprc::l.ds up magic possessed by spirits of the de-old drastictlly
to 20 ft.long/k'\·e1 (see text) increases the effectiveness of this spell. for within
Duration: 10 minutcsllevel the area ofeffect ofthe spin)uol hon/~. magic ceas-
S,1\'ing Throw: St."C text es to function (e."cept for Nccromancy-effects),
Spell Resistance: No just as if within the effects of an OIltimngirJMd
J\lntmnl COII/pollmt: A (.'ensor filled with
You summon forth a horde ofspirits. who roll for- incense made from ground dust from five differ-
ward like an inexorable tidal wave of de-dd souls. ent types of intelligent undead (\'ampires. liches,
The ethereal spirits manifcst, clearly visible on the mummies, etc.). which is burned to Cfe"dte the
i\laterial Plane, as a wall of spirits that moves for- spin)unl honlt'.
ward from the point specified, up to the maxi- XP Cast: .5.000 XI'
mum range of the spell.
Within the wall of spirits. living beings find
themsch-cs filled with an unbearable chill that E\'OC.':ltion (Force]
saps away the life force. Each round living crt."3- Level: elr 2. War 2
rures remain within the wall. th<.')' must make a
Fortitude saving throw or hike I point of tempo- As per the spin/unl U·t'tI/KJ1I spell in the PIII)'t'r's
rary Constitution loss. HfI1ulhook however, as the dcities of Krynn are
different. so arc their spin/lII11 -:t,;mjJOlls. 'Inc ch;lrt
below outlines the various deities ;Ind their spin:
1111I1 Wt'll/KJlIs.
Duration: I minute/levcl
Deity Spiritual Weaporo Spell Resistance: No
Br.lndlala "Leaf Blade.· ra~
Chemosh "HalW'Ster of Souls,~ SI(:Ide You summon a swann of stirges. batlike creatures
Ch,slev "Green Protector,~ spear that feed upon the blood of living creatures. "le
Gllean "SaBestaff',~ quarterstaff'
spell summons 1 swanns of Id4+4 stirges for
Habbakuk "Kingfisher's Helm: SCImItar
every 5 spellcasting levels (ma.x..imum 4 swanns),
which you can direct to atl:lck any creature with-
Hiddukel "Vengeance Strike,~ dagger
in range. '11l(~ stirges obey your directives. moving
Kiri·)olith "Sacred Defender: broadsword
as you desire. howevcr, each swarm remains
,Majere "Merciful DisCiplinlto" Baunllel togcther. At the end of the spell. the stirges dis-
Mishakal "HeahnB Strike." ql.larterstaff appear.
Morglan "DIsease Cloud." heavy Aail Anmll' Malmo! ComjJollellt: A stirb"C's pro-
• Paladlne "M.ghty Protector.~ IorlBsword boscis.
Reo... "Reon:'s StrenBth,· Wilrhammer
Sargonnas "Horns of Fu,.,.: greataxe S'tonEsicH"t
Shtnare "I_led DeliBht,~ light m<tCe Divination
Sorrl()n "FlamlnB Stnke," heavy Aall Level: Clr 3. Drd 2. Sorl\Viz 3
• Takhisis ~Crusher or Hope.~ heavy mace Components: V. S, F/DF
Zeboim "Tllad: trident Casting Time: I standard action
Zivllyn "Enlightenment Cane," quarterstaff' Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 rt.llevel)
Area: Cone-shaped emanation
SpiRj"tWAR.P Dumtion: Concentration, 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Abjuration Spell Resistance: No
Level: Clr 6. Sorl\Viz 7
Components: V. S, M/DF You are C'dpable of seeing through Cl.lrth ;md
Casting Time: 10 minutcs stone as if it were not prcsent. enabling the caster
Range: Close (25 rt. + 5 rt/2 levels) to see clearly what lies on the other side of the
Area: 20-rt.-eubellevel (S) earthen barrier. This spell C'dnnot be used to see
Duration: 24 hours through metal; metal support (for buildings) or
Saving Throw: None veins ofore in the earth appear nonnally and CJ,n
Spell Resistance: No obscure the sloIIl!Sighl (which does make this a
handy spell for miners). Crystal and mineral
When you cast this spell. you create a metaphys- deposits, however, are affected, appearing as hazy
ical barrier that prevcnts ethereal creatures from areas of color (depending upon the type of min-
passing into the ar<..'a of effect. When casting the erai or crystal). Underground water sources also
spell. you dict;lIe the area to be prou..>eted. For the can prohibit slollcsigllt. as the spell does not allow
next 24 hours, thc protected arc;1 c:.ll1not be one to see through water.
cl1lert'(l by ethcrcal or int'Orporeal crC;lturcs. nor '111is spell does not augment natural vision. SO
CJ,n any within the area of effect (.';Ist any spell or if an individual ellllllot normally see in the dark.
use llny ability that accesses the Ethere-.Ii Plane. looking through a wall into a pitch-black room
Magic items, such as hags of holdi1lg and porlah!~ only reveals a pitch-black room. However,
holes also do not function, as the spi,ilWlIfrJ pre-
enhanced vision. such as low-light vision or dark·
\rents any and all access to the Ethereal Plane. sight, functions nonnally with this spell.
Astral travel or spells that access other planes of Arroll~ fonlS: A piece of perfectl)' clear quartz
existence (such as the various summo1l spells, Illtrol crystal.
IT'fIWI. and the like) will function nonnally.
An'fllu Mouno! ComjJo1lnll: A special mixture tlV\CE mAGiC
of fragrant oils. grave dust. and powdered gold
dust. which must be spread around the area to be Divination
aff<.."Cted. Le\'el: Brd 2, Clr 2, Dr<! 2, Sorl\Viz 2
Components: V, S, F/DF
S1"i"'-GE SWA",-m Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 fl. + 5 fL/2 levels)
Conjuration (Summoning) Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Duration: Concentration, up 10 1 hour/level (0)
Components: V. S. M Saving 111roW: None
Casting Time: 1 round Spell Resistance: No
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 rt.llevel)
Effect: 1--4 swanns of stirges

76 ~ CHAP"tE",- Two
mAGic '""-'
When you cast this spell, you are able to tr::lck the be a /,,>ift from the /,,'Ods. the smith placed the b'Cm
linj:,'cring aura of magic. even after it has left the into the pommel of the blade before presellling it
area. D<.'J>Cnding upon the stren!,,'th of the magic. to Kalith Rian.
you may be able to trace the magic back to its Wielding the bladc in battle, Kalith Rian slew
source. whether it is a creature. spelL or magiC'Al the great red drab1On. Firefang, but he himsclf\\'as
item. slain in the battle. The blade was passed down
Once the spell is cast. the lingering threads of through many generations. until it was eventually
magic are clearly visible to your sight. For spells b';ven to the first Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun. a
that have been cast upon creatures or mab>ical memenlo of Mbonds between the two peoples.
items. these glowing threads will lcold off into WI Slor rcmaim:d one of the Qualinesti's
trails. which enable you to follow either where it greatest tredsurcs. Prior to the Cataclysm. the
has come from or where it is going. In are'.Is Speaker would sometimes give the blade to
where there have been many spells or magic elven paladins to strike a blow against the
items. the threads C'.l.n become a tangle. Queen of Darkness. After the Cataclysm, the
For yOli to pick out one panicul:lr thread. you elves fean:d that it might fall into the hands of
must rirst identify it with a SpcllcraH check. the unworthy ,md hid it aw.IY in the secret cof-
(Nlake one check per thread: DC 15 + spell fers of QuaIi nost.
level. or 15 + half c'lster level for a nonspdl Losl Sllir reemerged during the War of
elfecl.) Souls. it was wielded by tbe Golden Gel1cml,
Threads lin/,,'Cr long after their oriJ:,,;nal sour<.-e Laumna, who llS<''<I the blade's enchantmcnts
dissipates (in the C'dse of a spell) or is dcstroyed to strike ,I deadly blow against the Green
(in the case of a maJ:,';c item). 111<: IcnJ:,'1h that a Menace. Bct")'lIinthr.mox.
thread linb'Crs depends on its original power: LMI SlIIr is a bastard sword, a weapon
rarely wielded by elves. Of simple desib>T1. the
sword has a shining stt.ocl blade unblemished
Origin,l Strength Duration of Ungering by rust or nicks. "Ole only ornamentation on
"'~ the blade is a star sapphire. about the size of a
Faint (()'2nd Itvel sptl"k. ld6 mlnUIt'S man's fist. set into the leather-wrapped pom-
tffects; m,nor mag" items) mel of the sword.
Modtrate (3rd.51h level spells, ld6. 10 mlnutt'S WI Slor is a +5 drogrll1 !X11l~ l1/lghty d~11V­
d'fecl$; moderate mag" Items) illg !xulnrd r.wrd 11'1e blade automatiC'dlly
Strong (6th·8th Itvel sptl"ls. ld6 hours grants its wielder the Exot'ic We-.l.pon
efl«l$; mInor artifacts)
Proficiency (two-h.mded bastard sword) and
Cle-dve fe'dtS. '11(:= blade's true power. howev-
Ovtrwhtlmlnll (9th level spells: ld6 days
er, lies in its ability to enthrall evil creatures
~or artif.r,cts)
that s<.'C the st:lr sapphire. Under sunlight.
when l--OJI Stnris held overhead. any evil cre-d~
The thrCOlds of magic are not affected by ter~ ture within 300 ft.'Ct must make a Will saving
rain. and thus if the thread Ie'dds where you throw (DC 21 + wielder's Charisma modi-
cannot b'"O (such as up into the air m1(1 you rier). or else be j(1S(:ri/(/led (as per the Bard's
are unable to ny) your ability to follow it filscinatioTl ability) and unable to perform
may be limited. .my action except for stare at the bTCmstone.
'Illis is a filll~round adion C3ch round that the
mAGic ITEms wielder wishes to maintain the f.'lscination. If
the wielder lowers thc sword. however. the fas-
Los. Star cination is broken.
An ancient blade of e1ven desib>T1. WI Slor is AuTO: strong conjuration and enchant-
one of the brrC3test treasures of the Qualincsti. ment: Cosl" /..LW/: 18th: Wdghl: 10 Ibs.
II was crafted for the c1ven paladin. Kalith Rian.
who wielded the blade in battles ag-dinst the min- Abyssal Lance
ions ofTakhisis in the First Dragon War. The /~ and grrolu dn/grllI/OllffS proved to be a
Legend holds that the blade was crdfted specif- pivotal weapon that swung the momentum ofthe
IC3lly for KaUth Nan. \Vhen Ihe smith W'oCI' \."UII- \\Tar of the L;: from the eid", of E.vil to t1,,~ .ide
strueting the sword. he witnessed a flashing star of Good. for the evil dragons could not stand
streaking through the night sky. Compelled to agdinst the might of the holy dragonlances.
search out where the star had f..tllen. he se'.Irched Ariakan. son of Ariakus. the founder of the
throughout the nigill. He \vas unable to rind it. Knights ofTakhisis. possessed a brilliant military
On entering his forge the next morning. he saw a mind. And although an uneasy truce would unite
glowing sapphire lying amidst the smoldcring the dark knights :lnd thc Solamnics in the war
embers of his forge rire. Believing the sapphire to ag:.linst Chaos. Ariakan plann<.'<1 for:t time whcn
the two armies would tum upon one another.
"'-' CHAPTER... TW0
Realizing that the dra/"ronlances were keys to vic· divine might of evil. Good beings that try to
tory, Ariakan sct his /"JTeatest wi....ards and clerics touch or wield a greolt'r ahYSIIlllolICl' do so only :It
to cr.lfiing unholy versions of the dr.Jgonlanc(.'S, :1 price.
with the result that abyssnl Inllces (sometimes 1,;lrb'Cr and more powerful th:lIl the lesser
called D:uklances) were forgt:d. Only a few of flh)'SIIflllllll't!, the greffier ahyJStlllallCl' is more than
these powerful lOals of evil were created before 15 fcct long, with a Iart,'C black shield set at the
the Chaos War. After the gods disappeared. the base of the shaft. The shield (or cowl) is embla-
ability to crl'atc new DOCS was lost and. without zoned with five dragon heads. necks cul"\'ing up
the help ofTakhisis. C'.lllnOl be recoverl-d. from the of the shaft to the outside.
'1l1ere arc 1'.\'o types of nbyssollol1ffS. just as A grmler abyssnlloll« is a +3 drngo1f bmu I",,"
there arc IWO types of dragonlances-Icsser and that emits a dark radiance that seems to absorb
b'l"Catcr. The only difference between the n\lo is light. Like a lesser oh)'ssnl IOllce. it bypasses the
that ahJ'ssol/olll'a are dmgoll bnll~ we'.lpons. tar- d:uu;lge reduction of dragons as though it were
geting good dragons instead of e\~1 ones. an epic weapon. A gyral" abySS/lllalln has a hard-
Only a few of these weapons were ere-dIed dur- ness of 23 and 70 hit points. When used abr:J.inst
ing the months leading to the Chaos War. and bJ'O<>d drabrons. a grenl" nh)'ssoIIOlIl't! deals I point
ahhough it is believed lhat they still exist. their ofpermanent Constitution dr-,tin with every hit. in
whereabouts remain a mystery. addition to the lance's normal damage and the
Lesser Abyssal Lance: .:\ lasH" ah)'M01 1011« bonus bane damab'C.. If the wielder scores a criti-
can be (Te;ued only through a rimal b';ven to cal hit against a good
Ariakan dragon, the lance
by the _ ....

k •• ~:.:::::::::::::::::=.~ __•..,
Queen. 'Il,e dark rilUal requires the mre dmgoll- deals a number of points of permanent
sletltakcn from one of the few nalUml wellsprinb'S Constitution drain equal to the wielder's charac-
in the world and also the blood of one diflerent ter level.
metallic dragon, infused with the essence ofd;lrk· A gn,,,trr IIbYSIIJI Innct' bestows two negJtive
ness. levels on allY b'OOd creature attempting to wield
A lesser flhyssallfllla is about 10 feet long. with it '111e negative levels remain as long as the
:1 barbed head of rust red set on a black shaft. A weapon in hand and disllppear when the weapon
SImI]] flare. carved to resemble :1 snarling dr:.1b'On is no longer wielded. 'nlC nebrative levels never
spitting flame, provides some prot(:ction to the result in actual level loss. but they cannot be
wielder. ovcn.:ome in any way (including restoration spells)
A lesser ahyssolllllm! is a + I dragoll wwe II/lice while the wellpon is wielded.
that emits a dark r:.ldiance lhat has the ability to /111m: strong: conjuration: Caster Level: 20th:
absorb light. In addition to its dragon bane prop- Pn:,-cqllisilcs: divine instruction; Nf{lrJ:cl Pnce
erty, the lance bypasses the damage reduction of EqlliVlJlI'III: 105.210 stl.
dr:IJ:,"Ons as if it were an epic weapon. A lesser
flh),JStII IlIIm: has a hardness of 17 and 40 hit TIle Glaive of Grimwulf
points. The true name of this ancient weapon is
A less/'r 1/h)'SIIlllollre has a mab';c enhancement unknown. its origins shrouded in mystery until it
bonus of only +1, which is supcrcedt.'I1 by the nat- was<.·d into the hands of Dhamon Grimwulf.
ural enhancement bonus of the dmgo1l51eel from '111c blade was b';ven to him by the bronze drag-
which it is made from. on known :L'I Shimmer after she had rescued him
/111m: strong conjuration: Caster Lev~/: 8th: from drowning. Dhamon C".I.lIed the weapon sim-
I'ff"qllisiks: divine instruction: Moriel Prire ply the Gllliw. up until he was compelled by a
Eqllmllml: 15, 210 sll. cursed SC'.I.le. planted in his leg on the orders of
Greater Abyssal Lance: A gyroler oh)'SJI11 dark· the Dmgon Overlord Malystryx .to use the
Ilmee C".I.n be (Teated only through a ritual given to weapon abF3inst Goldmoon. The moment
Ariak:m by the Dark Queen. Thc dark ritual Dhamon struck down Goldmoon, the weapon
requires the rare drogolalal taken from onc of the began to rebuke him, burning his hands as the
few natural wellsprings in the world and also the holy energies within it rebelled ag.l.inst such
blood of five different metallic dragons. infuS(.'I1 usage.
with the essence of darkness. This weapon is an Dhamon lost the Glnnx to Rig 'Ier-Kell. who
unholy weapon, imbued with their power by the plannt.'(] to using it to avenge the death ofShoan.
his first love. Rig wielded the Gloive. until his
78 ~ CHAP"!"E",- Twa
death at the hands of Sable's minions in the city Road Block
orShrentak. when the ClnM fell into the hands of Appearing as a simple length of woven rope.
Num Bint-Dr.tx. '1l1C Chaos Shadow Dragon about 20-rect in length, a roml bloci is another
would ag:.lin hand over thc Glniv~ to Dhamon. magiedl tool first dcvclopt.'<I by the ogre shamans
The GllIIve disappcared aftcr it was used to dcfeat of Kern in order to b';ve their mamuders an advan-
the Chaos Shadow Dmgon. tage over the Silvanesti elves.
TIle Glnr",t's haft is five-fect in lenbtth. intricate- When placed upon the b'Tolmd in a relativel)'
ly can·ed with birds of prey in night. The IarbJC straight line (there can be slight curves or crooks.
axe~head affixed to the haft is secun..'CI. by ;1 silver but it must remain relatively straight) and the
spearhead on the top. '1l1e entire WL'3pon i~ sur- command word is spoken. the rope instantly cre-
prisingly light and wcll balanced. Cf"dftcd ofsll:er- ates a 11,:nll ofstOll~. ten·fcet tall. twenty-fcct long,
blue adamantine. The brlai\'C is a +3 holy lmghty and r."e-fL>et thick. Once created. the wnll o(stOIl~
ckuulitg wTjJnIglnf.Ji', is non-magical and pennanent. HowL'\'er, ror the
The weapon's :ldamantinc compOSItion first fi\'e minutes of its LTcmion. the ambient
enables it 10 natu•.Il1y bypass thc hardness when magic of the wall prevents any spell of-Ith-Ievel of
sundering weapons or attacking objects. allowing lower from functioning within ten·fcct ofthe wall.
it to ignore any hardness of less than 20, When Aum: modenne conjurntion and moderate
wielded in battle. the Glnn.'t! of Gnim.l!utf brlows abjuration (first 5 minutes after CTe'dtion): Coster
\\;th a fierce. pale blue nldianee. although the Ln:d 11th: fu1WjuiJlii'S: Craft Wondrous Item.
light is not bright enough to provide true illumi- glolx of ,irvulllembllily. 1lJlll! of slOIlr, Mllliet Pnee:
nation. 6.050 stl: lI~ight:-.
Alter it's ahcrntion at the hands of Nura Bint-
Ora;.: and the Chaos Shadow Dr'db1On. the Glnn.~ Helm of the TItans
of GnimJ.lIItf is no 10nbJCr a holy weapon. but :m This helmet, sized to fit an Ob'T'C's he-dd (3 Large-
onnrrhic weapon, sized humanoid). is intriC"dtely carved bronze in a
Aum: moderate cVOC'.Ition (Good as hol)~ classical style. with a nosci.'\.Iard and d1CCk~
Chaotic as n.\"Iomn/lfj. strong nccrom;mcy and guards that rcach the collarbone on mo~t
transmutation: Coster 1..rv<1: 18th: Wright: 7 Ibs. humanoids. l"'e smooth dome of the helmet IS
Collar of Hounds inlaid with solid b1Qld dccor:ltL"<I with the twisting
desib'" ofTahkisis's five-headed dr.Jb1Qll holy sym-
These collars were first dcvclopL'<I by the 0b'Te bol. while each cheek-b'lmrd is inlaid with silver
shalmllls of Kem in ordcr to help them control designs of ogre timns.
the wild hunting dogs of Kem. When placed When the helm is placed upon the head and
around the neck of any C:lIline and the proper the proper command word spoken. the helm will
command word is spoken, the collar compels the attune il'self 10 the wearcr. While worn. it f,,'l1l1lts
animal to obey thc commands of whoever ;lcti~ the wearer a +4 competence bonus on Charisma
vatt.'d the colillr. '1l1C canine obeys willingly. as the checks and all Charisnm·basL'(1 skill checks as
magic within the collar (.':luses the canine to vicw they rehltc to dealing with 0bll·cs. a +2 compe-
the individual liS Friendly. TIle collar does not tence bonus on similar checks when dealing with
convey ;lllY ability to communicate, one Wily or broblinoids. and a -4 (.'Ompetcncc chL-ck when
the other. so most (.':.mines will be able to respond dealing with anyone dse. '111e wearer ('':.1Il under-
only to commands they have been taught to stand. spe'lk. and rCild 0b1(e. If the Weilrer is not
obey. such OIS Mfctch,~ ~:ltt;lck.~ :md Mhccl." all 0b'Tc. the helm b'Tants them a +2 deflection
TIle 0b'Te shamans accidentally discovered bonus to AC and darkvision with a range of 60-
another, more sinister use to the collar. \Vhen fLocl.
placed about the neck of ;Iny humanoid, the col- Of,,'TCS who wear the hdmet g:.lin ;111 of the ben-
lar C'.Il1SCS a jolt of pain that deals Id4 points of efits above. but inste:.ld of the ;Ibility to spL'3k and
electriC:ll damage to the humanoid who refilses to understand 0b'Tc. the helm acts as a /wlm of ogn'
obey anyone-word COlllmand given to them by t~/ep(lthy. It enables the wearer to use deltel
the person who activated the collar. '1l1e coUllr thoughts on ;lIlY Ob'TC within a 5~mile mdius. ~s
does not mentally compel the person to obey the well as enabling the we::lrcr 10 send a telepathiC
commands, but they will suITer if they do not. mes"at.JC to :lIlyonc whm.e surfacc thoughts are
When the collar is initially plaCt.'CI around the being read (allowing I'wQ-\V'JY L'Ommuniallion).
.....earer's neck. he is allowed a Will saving throw 1'lle wearer C"dn also send a command to up to
(DC 17) to avoid having the collar attunL-'d to him. 100 ogres with whom the helm-wearer has
Only the person who places the L'OlIar on an indi~ attuned (specifically communianed) and knows
\>idual C'.In remove thc coll:lr. their names. which acts as a sllggi'SIIOn (as per the
AlIm: Slight enchantment and slib"" e\'OC'dtion; spell by the same name). "111e commandl..--d ~es
Cmt" Ln:~/: Sth; Prr1Wjuislii'S: Cr.lft Wondrous receive no saving throw to resist the suggi'SIIOI'.
Item, chaml (lIIi",nl. shocii11g grasp. suggestloll" ahhough any Ob'Te subtype cre:ltures that arc not
Morlul Pn"a Equn.'Olmt: 45.000 stl: Weight: 1 lb. considered -true~ ogres (such as half-Qb'Tcs, ogre
MAGic'"'-' 79
mabri, and minotaurs) arc allowed the saving MillO s Kiss is a heavy mace, made of solid
throw ("ViII save, DC 15) to resist the command. gold, including the haft. The head of the mace
Ogre titans arc unaffected by the suggestion power comes to four ridged points, equidistant around
of the helmet. the head. The haft is ;lbout two feet in Icngth and
Aura: modenne divination and enchantment; is surprisingly heavy.
Coster Level: 12th; Prerequirites: Cnlft \VondroliS Millo:r Kiss acts as a +5 gllost tOllch ImllOly I,etroy
Item. deter! thougllts, sllldd. suggestioll, tongues, cre- lIIore ofWOlllldlilg. So long as the mace is grasped,
ator must be an ogre; Mnrket Pnce: 116,000 stl. it grants its wielder II constlmt dent/lwntcll (as per
the cleric spell) and offcrs them protection as if a
Sword of Tears dcntll wnrd had been cast upon
'Ine sword o/tmrs is a long, slim, gleaming sword them.
with a jeweled handle lmd no crossguard. 'nle '111C tme power of the mace is
most noticellble jewel is the great dark ememld in known as the kiss 0/dMt;"
the center of the hilt, which flashes when it If the weapon
strikes ;1 foc. When the weapon bites into flesh, i ,
those nearby can hear a wail from the sword that used
is powerful enough to cut stone and armor alike. to strike the fatal
Sargonnas created this weapon to be blow (the attack mllde with this weapon
wielded by him or a dark champion brings tbe victim to -I hit points or lower) to a
during the Age of Dreams. victim, the mace simultaneously casts deoth knell
For a timc, Huma and nuilllote dl'fld 11le victim is allowed a saving
wielded the sword throw (Will DC 20) to resist. If she fails the sav-
lmd used it against the ing throw. she is instantly killed and then resur-
great dragon, \Vyrmfather. rected liS a zombie under the mace wielder's con- and the minotaur Aryx used trol.
the sword against the Coil and the Magori As the m:lce :lbsorbs the life force of the killed
during the Chaos War. individual. it heliis the wielder of IdB hit poims
'nl(~ sword is intellibTCnt (Int 14. Wis 12, Ch:l (which cannot exceed the wielder's maximum
12, Ego 15) and whispers to its wielder's mind in natuml hit points), grants a +2 profane bonus 10
an attempt to twist the wielder to its own design. Strength, and the eRective caster level of the
TIle wcapon loves only death ;md destruction wielder is increased by + I. The bonuses 10
and tries to make a bloody warlord out of its Strenbrth and caster level last for 10 minutes per
wielder. Huma was strong enough to overcome HD of the creature killed. At anyone time, the
the weapon and lise it for good, but not all who maximum Strength bonus imparted by the mace
wield it arc that strong. 'nle sword will replace is + 10 and the effective caster level increase is +5.
one wielder with a better one, if it gets the TIlere does not seem to be a limit to the number
chance, 'nl(~ sword fceds on the life force of crea- of ".A>mbies that the mace can animate lind con-
tures it slays, but it cannot feed on crcatures of the trol.
Chaos subtype. AJlrtl: Strong necromancy; Cn.rter Level: 20th;
The rdJord o/tenrs is a +5 keellS'"dJord o/Iift stm/- Weigllt: 10 Ibs.
lilg. Whcn wielded, the user can usc the Combat
Reflexes and Improved Sundcr feats as often as Device of Time Joumeying
desired. The sword is evil. and if its bearer is not J7ly IlilJe is thy UWII,
evil, the sword will attempt to control the bearer. 'l1lOugh across it you tmvel.
Allrtl: strong necromancy and modemte trans- Its expanses you see,
mutation; Coster Level: 17th; Prerequislies: Craft Whirling across forever.
Magic Arms and Armor, keeu edge, eflag)' drllli,. Obstmct not its flow.
creator must be evil; Market ?nee: 109.315 stl Grasp firmly the end and the beginning,
Turn them forward upon themselves.
Mina's Kiss All that is loose shall be secure.
Ivli,ln S Kiss is a powcrfill artifact rel>Ortcdly now Dcstiny be over your own head.
being wielded by the fomler high priestess of the
dead goddess. Takhisis. No one is sure how Min;l Perhaps one of the best-known artifacts remain-
came by the mace, for during the War of Souls. ing from the Age of Dreams, the Device of Time
she was typically seen wielding II morning star. Journeying was puq>ortedly forged in the mystc-
Tales of Mina are now spreading from tavern rious place known as the Anvil of Time and kept
to tavern across Ansalon, with some reporting in the possession of the Master of the Tower of
High Sorcery in Wayreth. 'nle device was con-
seeing her in one place in the company of 11 mino- Structed to enable travel through time.
taur and others reporting seeing her somewhere Restrictions imposed upon the stream of timc
fill" removed in the company of darkly handsome (possibly by the High God himself) prevented
stranger. All the tales abrree on only point and that the bearer of the device from altering past or
is the remarkable weapon she wields. future events, so that those who used it were
80"-' CHAP1"ER.. TW0
IIIAGic "'-'
mere observers. Use of the device is restricted (0 expanses you sec C,llIS<,'S the back phlte to drop to
only the First R:lce5 (elves. humans, and ogres). fonn two sph<.'fCS connected by rods. \Vhen
since the introduction of what arc known as the, Whirling across forever. she twists the
Grey-slone ..-.lees (kender, gnomes, b''l..LIly dwarves. lOp clockwise. which causes a cllain to drop
minotaurs. ctc.) might pose a danbrcr to the down. Obstmct not its flow. reminds her to make
timestrcam. as the inherent Chaos of their cre- certain thai lhe dlain is clear of lhe mechanism.
ation introduces an element of unpredictability Grasp finnly lhe end and the beginning, instructs
that might affect an alteration on the Aow of time. her to hold Ihe d<.'Vice by eadl sphere, and, while
For many countless centuries, the Device of speaking the next verse, Tum them forward upon
Time Journeying remained hiddt."fl away in the themselves. she rotates them forward. All that is
Tower of Wayrcth, until it was given to Cammon loose shall be secufC. The chain winds itself into
Majere by Par-Salian. who hoped that by travel- the body. Holding the device overh<.>ad. the indi-
ing inla the past. Cammon would re-.dize thaI vidual mUSI chant the final verse. Desliny be over
Raisllin was beyond redemption. your own held. while visualizing lhe time and
When the kendcr known as Tasslchoff place to which she wants to trnvel.
BurrfOOl dccid<.:d that he could not allow his When :lcti\'ah.'<I. the Device of Time
friend to travel b:1Ck in time alone, Tasslehoff joumeying tdeports any individual wilhin a 10-
jumped into the stream of time, thereby throwing foot f"'.J.dius. including Lhe one who activat<.'<1 the
both p,ISt and future into Ch,lOS. device. lhrough time and sllace. ,1l1e I>crson who
'1l1e lldvcntun.:s of 'I1lsslehoff BurrfOOI Ihrough activates the device will a ways be tdeported. A
time have well been documented. although the person may not usc the device LO teleport others.
truth of TasslehofT's journeys are a subject of but not himsel[)
scholarly debate. Tnere is no doubt but that The individu-
TasslehotT's possession had a sif:,>TlillclIlt impact als who arc teleport-
upon the Device of Time Journeying. ed appear in either
Originally. the device the desired timc or
could tr.msport mul- in the desirt.'tI place.
tiple individu,lIs rarely both. Only by
throu~h time. making a successful
though it would ~ Use Mabric Device
only allow a sin- check (DC 20) can an
KIe individual to return. "- individual choose both Ihe
When the device broke. ..'S.! lime and place desired. For every hundred
stranding Tasslehoff in the years backwards in time traveled. Ihe DC
Abyss, the powers of the device were a1ter<..'d increases by + I to pick both the time and place.
when a mad f:,>Tlome named Gnimsh<.'<1 h- while the DC increases by +2 for every decade
allowing more than one person 10 use the device trn\'elcd forwmd in time.
at one time. Typically, time is linear and individuals are
When the device broke during the War unable to truly affect the flow of time. unless one
of Souls. Takhisis saw to it thai another b>Tlome, ofthe GreyslOne Races tr.lvcls throuf:,'h time using
Conundmm. repaired it. Whether or not its prop- the device. al which !x>int the influcnce of Chaos
erties have been further expanded remains 10 be is introduced into t lC timc stream. Given the
""".111e device has a number of ways of protecting
recent event's of thc War of SOllls. however, it is
almost a certainty that the Gods of Magic will
itself and its owner. to ensure that the individu'll ensure thai the Wi7,ards of High Sorcery. past.
who uses the dcvice will return to his proper time. present. and future. arc Illildc aware of lhe threat.
Anyone attempting to steal the device is afft.'Cled Since the artifact was in the possession of
by an flJllipllllly spell as cast by a 30th-level sor- Tasslehofl- Burrfoot when he returned to the past
cerer. Iflost. strnyed. or f:,-lven to som<'''Olle clse. the to be crushed bene-.1th lhe foot of the primal god.
deYice will automatically return to the last indi- Chaos. no one knows where this artifact is now.
vidual to activate the device. No known spell or The Ot..-vice of Time Journeying has a stf"'.J.ngc
restmint C'.J.n stop the device from rClurning to (and unknown) relationship with gnomes. and at
that individual. 1'ne device takes care that it docs least twice in the device's hislory has bt.-en
not make ~a scene when il relurns. but slips

repaired by m<.>tnbers of that race. If somehow

unnoticed into pocket or pouch. residing there broken. a C...i ll (TInkering) skill check at DC 25
quietly until discovered by the wielder. can restore the artifact 10 working order.
The Device of TIme Journeying apIX'3rs to be This artifact is exlremely powerful and could
iljcwdaJ "'-"C/JICr Ihal can be folded down into a potcntially havc $eVen:: n ..nificut;OI.... upon" ctIl11
non-<lescript ooking pendant. In order to proper- paign. Careful thoubrtu should be plact.'tI before
ly be activaled. a special chant must be spoken. introducing this artifact into a campaif:,>Tl.
which not only Iclls the individual thc proper way
of unfolding the pendant into the sccpler. bllt also
activates thc magical properties of the device.
While repe:lting the IIrst verse. l"y lime is thy
own. the individual must hold the \>cndcnt in her
hands. tuming the face up toward lcr. Whcn the
person says thc phrase. 'illOugh across it you trav-
el. she movcs thc faceplate from righl to left. Its
Library of Potlanthas. Each entry has two dates
PALin's mvsinGs on listed. The first. annotated with A.C. or All
TH E Fi fTH AGE CnlnclliLI ("After the Cataclysm"). is the common
usage which begdn at the dawn of the day the
His thouglm dr!ftt'd back afill' duadts, to ti,e gods dcstroyed Istar. 111e second date. denoted
by S.C. or &cumilis ColodliiS rSccond
chaos War. He had wimessed blues flyiug IIext to Cataclym 1. was first established by Nathal thc
golds, some with riders, some alolll, a/llmired lI1/der Chronicler, one of the Aesthetics of the Grt';)t
tlll~ same banner. There wtre liD fl,i/ dra,golls theil, as Library, who believed that the dcstruction
wrought by the Chaos War rivaled that ofthe first
far as Palill was cOllcum:d. There were simp9' dragoll Cataclysm. Historians are equally divided
champiotls WilD fimgllt to sal'e Krymr. More Im"'""5 between the twO dating systems, with many still
died tllall dragotl5 d,Qt day. Knights of So/at/min "lid prefering to use the All Cnlodius timcline. believ-
ing it is easier to calculate the passage of years as
Takhisis bot/l-their loyalties were cast aside drlrillS a continuous flow rather than breaking the time-
thefight. Alld whw tlu: battle was Ol'e!; tile kllights, line into smaller portions.
alice enemies, were buried side by side ill a tomb ill It should also be noted th;1I various races have
their own methods for calculating the passage of
Solace that honoredfallen heroes. time. '111e elves still prefer to use the oral method
Kry"" /leeds /lew champiolls, Palill thol/gllt. if of passing history through stories and sonb'S.
this is indeed the Age of Mortals, thetl mortals II111Sf using the SC'dsons and key moments of IC!,"Cndary
accomplishments to tr.lck the passage of time.
reclaim the /alld. 'l'ne dwarves tend to begin their own records
- The Dawmilg ofn New Age with the founding of the city in which they reside.
a method that can lead to some confusion when
Je:m R:lI>e
comparing the histories of two different cities.
The gnomish method for detennining datcs and
times is so complicated that even the gnomes do
tHE AGE OF not compk.'tely understand it. for it involves a
complex fonnula that takes into consideration the
1I10lQ'ALS rotation of planets, position of the stars., seasonal
turnings, the length and width of the sun's shad-

The A~.e of Mortals is an Ab<C where. for ow. and a hundred thousand Olher variables. '111C
decades. there are no gods to answer the book detailing how to calculate dates takcs up
prayers of mort'als. II is an ab<C where mor- more than a hundred volumes and is still in com-
tals search for Olher magics to replace those they mittee.
believe are lost forever. It is an Ab<C where terrify-
ing alien dragons conquered the land, beginning 384 AC (1 SC) - The Year of Changes
a reib"" of terror and death that forever chanb't..'<1 The Losl Heroes' 'lomb. '111e Last Heroes' 'lomb
the world. is constructed ofb[ack and white marble and con-
The FIfth Ab'C ofKrynn was dubbed the Ab'C of tains the bodies of those lost in the battle with
Mortals, for it is ;m Age where mortals, not gods, Chaos. Knights of 'Hlkhisis are honored side-by-
are the true driving force for chanb'C. Since the side with Knights of Sol amnia. The body of Steel
gods' return, the Age of Mortals has taken on Brightblade, son of Hero of the Lance. Stunn
additional meaning, referring to the filet that two Brightblade and the Blue Lady, the fonner
of the most powerful brods lost their brodhood and Dmgonlord of the Blue Amlies. Kitiara, is placed
became mortal. within. in blTeat ceremony. for though he was a
This Age has seen many changes come to dark knight. he sa.crificcd his life to the world
AnsaJon. The elves, one of the firstborn r::ICCS. are from Chaos. His body is laid to rest alonb'Side the
now without a homeland. Ogres have discovered Hero ofthe Lance. Tanis Haif-EJven. and those of
a terril)ting new power that grants them the hope his cousins. Stunn and Tanin. the two sons of
of a return to their fonner glory. Some kender Cammon and lika Majere. who perished in the
have tasted fear, sorrow, and hopelessness. initial days of the Chaos War and whose bodies
Thinker gnomes have begun to cmue simple, were moved to the tomb.
usefi.ll inventions that can accomplish incredible A l~illa is 80m. '111e child of the Qualinesti
things. DwaIves have emerged from their ewes Speaker of the Sun. Porthios. and A1hana. the
and caverns to help other races. The minotaurs daughter of the fonner Silvanesti Speaker of the
are in the act ofaccomplishing their manifest des- Stars is born. Named Silvanoshei. he represents
tiny-the eventual rulership of Ansalon. the hopes of a unified elven peoples. ahhoub,h
Fol1owing is a timeline of the Fifth Age. 'nle Qualinesti is territory claimed by the dark
summari7A.-'<1 entries have been taken from the knights.
records kept by the Aesthetics of the Gre;lt
The COllI/IlK. of Gretll Dm~~Jls. '111C red ~ragon 387 AC (4 SC) - The Year of the Purge
Malystyrx arnvcs at the MIsty Isle. s(:clllmg to Till: Dmgofl Pwge lJt'g/lI.1. Malys uses a. ritual to
come from somewhere filr across the ocean. absorb the spirits of df';lbron she defe-.lts 111 battle.
Khellendros (Skic. fonnerly the mount of the Bille enabling her to b'l'OW stronger with C' dr:lbron
Lad}'. Kili.lm) returns from his tnlvels in the she kills. Other dmb'Ons also k'anl the ritual and
Ethere:.11 Se.l. begin to seek out :llld destroy Krynn's n:ltive
PI/lnll/has is Allnr/wi When Khcllcndros dragons. The mctallic dr:lgons withdraw to the
attempts to attack the 'lower of I-lib,h Sorcery in Dr:lb1Qn Islcs. Chromatic d"'Jgons endC'J.vor to
Palanthas. a robed figure appears to dcstroy the purchasc their lives by scrving the Dragon
Tower of High Sorcery. Simultaneously. Astinus's Overlords. Khellendros the Blue claims territory
ItrmochrQ/los. in the Great of Ages, disap- around Pal:lnthas.
pears. along with the great historian. 11le dark T7te [ksolo'''oll. Malys constructs a totem of
knights offer their ·protection- .IJrdinst the drag~ skulls taken from those dr.q,rons she slays. She dis-
on. Terrified, the citizens accept the yoke of the covers thal this tott.'tn gives ht.... incredible power.
dark knij,,'tll rule in return for pe::lce and safclY. which she uses to create the Desolation. mvaging
385 AC (2 SC) - The Yea.- of Sorrow the pastoral plains and forests in the area in which
she resides. VolC'J.nic mountains erupt from the
Ritvnt;i"t!'s LOJt Qu~sl. Rivcnvind and his two ground. creating a desolate landscape of jagged
daughters travel to Goodlund to \'erify the rumors peaks and ruins. From her mountain pe'J.k. t\ lalys
about a massive red d.....I1.'011 terrorizing the e-J.stem O\'crlooks her new realm with sadistic pleasure.
A ~ol Mode ,i,
Dnrlmns, lhe dark knib,f\ls
uncaring of the many li\'cs that were shattered
almost O\'emight by the transfonnmion of the
strike a deal wim Khellendros, Ifhe allows them Dairly Plains.
to relain control over the cit)' of Palanthas. tht.")' Khellendros the Blue constructs his own totem
will ensure that he is paid a l"Cl,'Ular tithe in treas- :md CfC'J.tcs the Blue \Vastes in \\'cstem Ans:lIon.
ure and prisoners. As Kitiam once desired the city The KII"ghls' Amml. Remaining Knights of
fOr her own, the blue drab'Oll accepts the offer. for Takhisis rebuild their order near Neraka. Lcd by
he plans on presenting the city to her as a brift the charismatic Lady Mirielle Abrena. a survivor
upon her MretumM from death. of the Chaos War. they fonn alliances with the
Ubi, Maj~ &m. A male child, destined to chromatic df'J.I,,1Qns residing in the Khalkist moun-
become a talentt.-d sorcerer. alchemist, and dmg- tains.
on mabTC, is born to Palin and Usha !'vlajere, Tlu' !.Lxt011 qf Skel. S:lr:1 Dunstan. surrogme
386 AC (3 sq - The Year of Destruction mother of Stccl Brib,fltbl:lde. receives a vision of
her son. Steel Brightbl:ldc that le-Jds her to found
The Kemler Flight. Malystryx. a red dr:1b'On of the Legion of Sleel, :l knighthood baSl..--d on the
immense size. destroys the are:1 around the Bay of concept of ncutral justice.
RaHfor. Riverwind leads a kendcr :mny llg:linst
Malystryx. Riverwind :md his dllugilicr. 388 AC (5 SC) - lnc Year or
Brightdawn. an: killed during the attack. along Transfonnation
with much of the kender army. Rivenvind and Goldmoofl:r EPIPluUlY. Goldmoon receives a
Goldmoon's surviving daughter. Moonsong. is mystical vision telling her to look within her heart
SC'JITt...d physic:llly ilnd rncnt:llly by her or~lca1. for healing power. \Vhcn she comes upon a mor-
Although Riverwind and Brightdawn arc killed. tally il~ured dwarf. she diSt.'OvefS ,Ill ullwppcd
they manal"re to destroy the nest of cg!,'S they dis- power that cn:lbk.os hcr to once more pcrfi.Jrm
OO\'cr within Malystryx's biro prevcnting the b'l'C:lt healing magic.
dragon from spawning a new gener:llion of terror. The Grt'l'II A'ft'!/(/l·/!. A massive b"l't.'Cn dr:lb'Oll,
~'Ioonsong leads the remaining kender. many of
Bcryllinthr.lllox. attacks Qualint.'Sti :IS she joins in
whom h:we also been ch:lngt.'(1 by the terrible the Df'J.b1Qn PurbTt:. She hunts down :md destroys
tragedy. west to safet)'. dragons throughout the Qll:llinesti Forest an~ the
The firm'" Appears. A bard C'Jlling himself the High Kharolis. althoubrt1 she does not yet I)(:gm to
Herald tmvels across Ans:llon. sprc:.lding stories creme a dmgon totem.
ofKrynn's past.. He arrives in a timely mal.mer in The l...egtoJl E.xp(lll(/.s, Small. secretive bands of
places where his stories may have some Impact people gather in cities across AnsalOll under the
upon thinb'S yet to come. banner of the Legion of Steel. 111CSC people
Missli'g s;,odO'"W$. lne shadowpeople. a race pledge to scrve the downtrodden and to aid one
that dwelt under Sanction for countless ages. dis- another in a battle :lbrainst the Drab'On Overlords.
appear-Ie'J.ving behind no apparent reason why
or where they have gone. It is beliC"ed thm the
shadowpeople vanished sometime during the
Chaos War. but wh)' the}' left and where they
ha\'e gone may remain a mystery for many ye-J.fS
to come.
LiFE in "tHE ACE OF mOR.-'tA~S r....... 83
389 AC (6 SC) - The Year of Darkness the Great Swamp bmshes the boundaries of the
Dark Kllighls ExjxJIIIl.111e dark knights spread Silvanesli Forest. Beryllinthranox has yet to create
outward from Neraka, where they have estab- a totem, although the number of her kills quickly
lished their headquarters near the mincd Temple begins to rival that of the three grenler dmgons.
to their missing goddess, Takhisis. ScltwlJ/ic Knig/lls' CommY. Lord Cunthar dies.
A DmcoflttJII Noliim. Draconians claim the city Liam Erhling becomes the new Grand Master
ofTeyr, establishing the first (and only) draconian and produces the revised Measure, born of Lord
nation. The .draconians rebuff attempts made by Gunthar's drC'<lms and completed by Lord Liam
the dark kmghts to ally with lheir rormcr com- (;lhhough he wilt claim that it was completed by
rades after discovering that thc dark knights had Gunthar before he died). The new Measure
secretly attempted to destroy them. 'nlC draconi- stresses reliance upon one another, with f.'lith and
ans have only one goal and that is to establish tnlst placed in one's brethren. 'nle new Measure
themselves as a race and a nation. emphasi"..cs thai a tme knight lives with honor.
The BlOCk Dragoll Anives. Onysablet the Black instead of merely talking about it.
turns New Coast and BtOdehelm into a swamp, 393 AC (10 SC) - The Year of the Twisted
laying claim to a vast swathe ortand in the heart Forest
of Ansalon. Sable's Swamp quickly gains an omi-
nous reputation, for the Black Dragon Overlord Gninbllllgh Anses. In Darken "Vood, a Ireant
uses her magic to experiment upon nil living twisted by the aftereffects of the Chaos War cap-
things, twisting them into abominations that I'llres the Forcstmaster and begins to twist the
mindlessly serve her. Darken Wood with its poisonous power. DC'.:ra
MaJere and her father, the Hero of the Lance,
390 AC (7 SC) - The Year of Abandoned Caramon M,~ere, travel to the forest to help the
Hope centaurs fight this foe. Mter dealing with a cen~
The PUlVer of Ihe Heart. With help from thc tam rebellion, they manage to destroy
mysterious Sage, Cold moon further explores and Crimbaugh ,Illd frce the Forestmaster. Cammon
develops her powers of mysticism. Hearing of is wounded in the assault, but he is brought back
this power, people travel to the Que-Shu lands, from the brink of death by the Forestmastcr's
begging Cold moon to train them in the art. magic.
Poh"" Lends Ihe White Robes. M:lgcS disab'TCC 394 AC (11 SC) - The Year of Isolation
about the role of magic in this uncertain era.
Some are bitter over the loss of mngic and llban- The Purge Conbillies. Krynn's native dragons
don the Art completely. Palin Majere tries to hold continue to fight for their lives, while the Dragon
together the old Orders, becoming the Head of Overlords spread filrther devastation :lcross the
the White Robes as he continues to search for the continent. TIle wise try to figure Ollt why these
"new" magic he believes still exists in the world. alien dragons appear intent upon the destmction
of the land. Most come to believe that the drag-
391 AC (8 SC) - The Year of Newfound ons are Ollt to extenninate all the peoples of the
Light world, leaving them undisputed masters.
The Citadel 0/ Lighl. Coldmoon and Jasper The Silvn"esli Shield Fearful of the destmction
Fireforge found the Citadel of Light on the Isle of of their forest beC:lUse of the devastation C'<lused
Schallsea. Pilgrims from around the world gather by the Dragon Overlords and the Dragon Purge,
to learn the new arts of mysticism. the Silvanesti elves raise a powerful magic:ll
A New Red Another red dragon, Pyrothraxus, shield over their realm. 'They do not realize that
claims Mount Nevermind as his domain. He docs instead of keeping out danger, they have locked
not reaJize that it is near-impossible to tcrrorize their greatest foe, the cunning green dragon,
the ever-curious gnomes, who proceed to use Cyan Bloodbane, in the forest with them.
him as a test subject for many of their inventions The blJ/ Is Rebmlt. Cammon and Tikn Majere
and experiments. He retrems to a distant ClIVe, complete the rebuilding of thc Inn of the Last
where he slowly goes insane. Home in Solace.

392 AC (9 SC) - The Year of Change 395 AC (12 SC) - The Year of Frost
Reolms Rising. Malystryx, Onysablel, and All Unwelcome Frosl. Gellidus the White
Khellendros continue to hunt down and slay the known <IS Frost, captures Southern Ergotb. Using
lesser dragons within their claimed realms. As the power of his tlmgoll lotem, he C:lllses much of
each dead dmgon continues to increase the the island to be buried beneath a glacier.
power of these three b'Teat drabrons, they increase
the boundaries of thcir rcalms. Soon, the
Desolmion of Malystryx encompasses all of
Coodlund and Balifor. The Blue Wastes of
Khellendros reaches the g<lICS of PaInnthas, while

84""' CHAP1"E ..... THREE

396 AC (13 SC) - The Year of Acceplance 400 AC (17 sq - The Year of Southern
&/IIJ(IOIIJUl untls Hylo. An amictcd kendcr
named Billee Juniper (known as Belladonna) Polar Drugrml. Twin white dragons, Cryonisis
daims rulership of Hylo. A sun'ivar of Ihe Kender ("Icc") and Frisindia ("Free-a"), capture lcewall.
Flighl. she begins conflict with the goblins that AJlhough they are unable to build a skull totem,
live south of Hylo. they do manab'C to dominate the far southern
Th~ UII/y Crysn1l1o. Lady Crysania. fonner region.
R{'\'cred D-.lughter of Paladine. travels to the Isle
of Sancrist to advise the Solamnic Hif:,rh Council. 401 AC (18 sq - The Year of Desolation
Having leamt.-d to use mysticism, the elderly Th~ lJao/n/ioll. By order of Solamnic Hibm
priestess convinces the Grand Master. Lord Liam. Command, parties of knights and adventurers are
to send veteran Sword and Rose Knights to sem to explore the Desolation. Few return alive.
Goldmoon for training. Those who do report that Malystryx's Peak, the
lofty mountain in the center of the Desolation, is
397 AC (14 SC) - The Year of Thunder and the red dr.ll,,'on's lair.
Splendor A IJarh Dist:r)'I)(!f'jJ. Khel1endros ("Skie"), the
S!nmdflllflllS omllyesltJ. StenndunulIS, known as great blue dragon, makes a hideous discovery. In
Thunder. :l massive blue dragon, n1bTt.'S across the his qucst to find a W:lY to bring back the spirit of
Plains of Dust. Humans and centaurs band his deceast.'<1 partner, Kitiam, he discovers hc can
together to form the n:nion ofDuntollik in hopes fuse the body of a human with the essence of a
of standing :lbrainst the dragon. Iyesta draconian. The crC'.ltures, which Khellendros calls
("Splendor"), a brass dmgon, rises to ch:ll1enge dr.lgonspawn. are powerful and utterly loyal to
Thunder. TIle IWO dmgons end up splitting the him. In .secret, Khel1endros begins to create an
realm belween them. The humans and centaur of anny of dmbTQnsp:l\vn.
Dumollik side with Splendor. establishing a cen·
tral headquarters in the ruins of the l\lissing City. 403 AC (20 sq - The Year of Shadows
Shadow SoI"r'UU. A mysterious figure known
398 AC (15 sq - The Year of cw Visions only as the Shadow Sorcerer emerges from the
11ri' Vision R~/lInlS. The Vision returns 10 the Desol:uion with magical powers, which she
Knights ofTakhisis. While many believe that the teaches to Palin l\lajere and (in secret) to Dalamar
return of the Vision renects the strenb'1h of their the Dark. While many perceive this to be new" M

absent goddess. the "Vision" is, in reality nOlhing magic. it is actually a return to the ancient
more th:1O trickery, concocted by the mystics magic sl:r.lwned by Chaos at the begin.
and sorcerers of the dark knights in order to ning of time.
dupe people into joining.
lAa/n ofStlm DlIlIs/all. Sara Dunstan, 405 AC (22 SC) - The
founder of the Legion of Steel. dies. Ye3l" of Loss
Her Icgacy lives on as the Legion of Beryl ill Qlla""uSI1:
Steel continucs to grow and Bcryl's forces ally with
spre:ld across Ansalon. the dark knights that
occupy Qualinesti and
399 AC (16 SC) - The spread throughout
Year of the Northern the Qualinesti forest,
Conquest slaying and C".lpturing
Norlnml Dmgolls. A red many elves.
dragon named Fenalysten A &~/
(Cinder) seizes a panion of Exodll.1. The leader of
the Estwilde and 'Thratl. the Qualinesti. known as
while a (,'l'een, the ·Puppet King".
Lorrinar (Fume) Gilthas. son of the
takes the nonh· Heroes of the
eastern foresl and a greal Lance. Tanis and
black wynn, l\ lohrlex Laurana. works
rPitch-), conquers with his wife. The
southern Nordmaar. Lioness and the
Queen mother,
Laur.lna. to establish a resistance
movement, harmssing the dark
knights and the dragon's minions.

LiFE In tHE ACE OF m.OI\jA~S ~ 85

Gilthas secretly aids people targeted by the dark fighl. Using an el"rg from a fire c1mgon, they c:.mse
knights for death, helping them to escape to safe a massive explosion that destroys many ofBeyrl's
havens. dr::lb'"Ol1 minions, but also causes much devasta-
tion in the dwarvcn realm. Severus and his fol-
407 AC (24 SC) - The Year of Conflict lowers are cast out sent into exile.
Sum!')1 ill ClIlIOS. Wizards of High Sorcery bat- He Arade1!lY ofSorm),. Armed with the power
tle for power, some Ilsing mysticism and sorcery, ofsorcery, Palin M:gere, formerly the Head of the
while others wield the maf,';c of old they have White Robes. returns to his home in SOhK'C.
found trapped within mabriC<11 artifacts of the where he beb';ns construction of an academy
Founh Age. where students can come to le,lrn the primal art.
With the help of friends ,md magic. the shell of
408 AC (25 SC) - The Year of the Green the Academy is built in less than a year ,md the
Menace first students :'Irrive to begin their lessons.
Qlltlllilesti BQWS to the Gmw. Beryl1inthmnox
succeeds in creating a totem and causes the 413 AC (30 SC) - The Year of Uneasy
Qualinesti Forest to become an overf:,'Town jungle. Calm
She conquers Qualincsti by demonstrating: her Drago1l Purge Ellds. Malystyrx. content with
power to steal the life force of the elves. Faced her new realm, fears that some of the Dmgon
with the prospect of extermination, the elven Overlords may f:,'TOW strong enough to prove 11
Speaker of the Sun. Gihhas c:'lpitulatcs to the threat to her. She visits each of the other Dragon
Green Menace. Overlords. proposing lin end to the Dragon
Alhana and Porthios, outcasts from e1ven Purge. The five agree to divide Ans:'llon between
lands, vow to free Qualinesti and to bring down them and to ,lid one ,mother agIlinst incursions of
the Silvanesti Shield, so th,ll their son. any other l"JTeat wynns. The five Overlords are
Silv:moshci, may rule a united elven nation. Malystryx of the Desolation. Gellidus of Ergoth,
Khdtenclros or the Bille Waste, Beryllilllhranox of
410 AC (27 SC) - The Year orthe TemlJCst the Qllalinesti Forest. and Onysablet of the Great
'lefTOr of tilt' Deep. The Dimernesti sea elves. Swamp.
who live in the underwater kingdom of '1111' Sprf!{l(ltilg Serret. When visiting
Dimernost, are attacke<l and conquere<! by a mas- Khellendros. Malystryx discovers the dragon-
sive sea dragon known as Brine. He becomes a spawn. She forces Khellendros to reveal the
sixth Dragon Overlord, although few on Ansalon secret of creating these creatures. The other
(including the other Dr::lgon Overlords) know of Draf:,'"On Overlords :'Ilso Ie:.lrn the secret, though
his existence. Sailors speak of a monstrous sea each discovers his or her own unique methods for
se'l>cnt who allows no one to approach :'llly- creating the dragonspawn. Each begins to build
where near the stretch of open sea ofT Ansalon's an army of these creatures, though Khellendros's
south-eastern coastline. are lhe most experienced, as some of his dragon-
LiflShtl o/the Rose, Linsha Majere, b'T:.mddaugh- spawn were created decades prior.
ter of Cammon and Tika M<tiere, daughter of Thomdlil Rl'bom. A year and a half after their
Palin l'vhgere, becomes the first non-Solamnic exile. Stonehaml ,lnd his followers reach the cor-
woman to be welcomed into the ranks of the rupted dwarvcn realm of Zhakar. where they
Knights of the Rose. She is ,Issigned to the quickly ovclthrown the dark dwarves who dwell
Clandestine Circle. ;1 covert branch of the there. \,yith his mystic powers, Stonehand brings
Knighthood. :.111 end to lhe unnatural plague has spread
through the dWllrven kingdom for centuries and
411 AC (28 SC) - The Year of Dissolution unites the re:.llm under his leadership. The ancient
The Lasl Cone/me. Palin Majere, the Shadow dwarven kingdom of Thoradin is reborn.
Sorcerer, and the Master of the Tower at \,yayrelh
discuss the finure of maf,';e. Patin holds the Last 414 AC (31 SC) - The Year of New Hope
Conclave and dissolves the Orders of High Ho"Ocs 0/ ti,e Heart. Heroes openly challenge
Sorcery, the grem dragons for dominance of AnS'llon.
Magi,. Sln"kes Bad... Palin M:.gere and his allies Chosen by Goldmoon, Dhamon Grimwulf. a for-
use the power of sorcery to S:lve the Qualinesti mer Knight ofllikhisis, gathers to his side a rJ.g-
elves from the wrath of Beryl. Fresh from that tag l,,'TOUp of heroes who set forth to battle the
success, Palin plans to establish the AC:.lClemy of Draf,'On O\'erlord~.
Sorcery in his hometown of Solace. All Dryllflll Arrivt'.f. An orphaned girt is C'.lst up
on the shores of the Citadel of Light. She has no
412 AC (29 SC) - The Year of Retreat mcmory ofhcr parents or her past. Named Mina,
TI/Or/xmltil Sealed. Beryllinthr.mox tries to con- she is adopted by Goldmoon as hcr protcbrC, for
quer Throbardin. The dwarves seal their fonress. GoldmOOIl believes that the young orphan has
but :.1 reneg<ldc band of dwarves. led by the the potential for grelltness and may have an
Daewar prophet. Scverus Stonchand, vow to important P:'lIt to play in the filture.
415 AC (32 SC) - TIle Year of BClr.tyal Alh:ma Starbree'/.e .Illd her .mny desperutely
Golt/moon Fallcll. The former d:lrk knight try to enter the Shield, but are continually
tumed champion of light. Dhamotl Grimwutf, repelled.
falls under the control of Malystryx. At a meeting 418 AC (35 SC) - The Year of Fading
at the Citadel of Light. Malystryx compels
Dhamon to strike down Goldmoon with his Ogn- MfJ.SSOcreJ. 0b....e villab'CS throughout the
enchanted glaive. Goldmoon's apparent dC-.llh is a Khalkists fall under attack by their fanner allies,
blow to the followers of lil,rlu. His fonner com- the dark knibmts, who are working to establish
rades tum ag-.linst him and hum him down. supply lines bc..'1.w(.'Cn Ner.lka and Sanction, where
GillhmuJ.l Rediscuvm!tl Pm1icipating in a daring they are planning a major offensive.
altemp' 10 rescue a group of prisoners destined 10 Ogn- AI/ocRs. Elven settlements outside the
become dra!.'Ollspawn for Khcllcndros. I)alin Silvanesti Shield are besieged by ogre r.tiders. The
Majere discovers Gilth:mas. Ihe brother of ogres are attacked by the dven forces of A1hana and PonhlO5. among the prisoners. St'arbree-.-.e. who has been trying to find some way
Gilthanas has spent dCC'ddcs searching for his losl to pierce the Silvanesti Shield.
Io\"e, the silver dragon D'Argcnt. Allying himself 1"e ogres quit the field, disappearing into the
with Palin and the olher Champions of agre lands, dragging away many elven captives
Goldmoon. Gilthanas finds D'Art,-ent serving as a from the battles. Scouts following the ogres dis-
Knight ofSolamnia in Ergoth. After fending offan cover that the prisoners are taken deep into ogre
attack from the Drugon Overlord, Gellidus territory. where th<.1' :l\vait a dark fate at the
(~Frost-). the two k-ave in order to discuss hands of the ogres.
whether or not they do have a future together. Mogie Omllimn FllfltiJK. The power of both
mysticism and sorcery continucs to fade. Even
416 AC (JJ sq - The Year of Triumph artifacts from the C'.trlier Ages begin to show the
IXnln of lUi Owrlonl Tnanks 1'0 the efforts of effect of the waning enerbrlcs. Sorcerers and mys-
the Heroes of the Heart. Brine. the Sea. Drubron tics search desperutely for the cause.
(h'erlord that rules over the Dimemesti. is killed. mlJllilg of the Overlords' Power. rille Dragon
freeing the Dimemesti of the terror th:u has kept Overlords also begin to be aware of the waning
them confined to their ruint:d city. power of their own mab';c. Beryl blames this upon
A Stn1r~ Against Mnl),s. Malystl)'X. attempting Malys and urgc5 her Gray Robe allies to increase
to !xa»1l~ a brad. g:llhers tOf"rether the other the intensity of their search for the fabled 1bwer
Overlords. demanding their most potent treas- of High Sorcery in Wayreth, believing that the
ures. As she attempts to use the magic, the power stored within will enable her to overthrow
Champions of the Heart strike. disrupting the rit- Malys. lcaving Beryl the supreme Overlord and
ual. With help from Khellendros. who has his ruler of all Ansalon.
ow~ plans. Malys is struck by a dT:lbron1:mee, 419 AC (36 SC) - The Yea..- of the TItans
which sends her crashing into the se:l.
Khellendros seizes control over the magic. using Rise ofthe O,gno 1i/flIJS. In the lands of Kern and
it to tear a hole into the Ethereal Sea and disap- BIOde. a new bn:,.ocd of ogre arises. B1uc-skinned.
pearing into the other realm 10 search once morc wielding powerful magic, bemniful as in the days
for the spirit of his beloved Kitiara. Goldmoon before they were cursed. these powerfill are
returns. reborn by the sacrifice of her loyal friend. cal1ed Titans. Transformed through a ritual that
Jasper Fireforge, and Dhamon Grimwulfis grant- requires a Iarb1C amount of dven blood. ogre
ed absolution for at lC:lst one of his many sins. shamans seek to regain somc of their lost glory.
As rival chieftains bl.'brln to (.'Ompetc with one

417 AC (34 SC) - The Yea..- of Whispers another for the Mhonor of unde'b'Oing the tmns-
F{{t/ing "'{{!le. Mab';C bcbrlnS to r:lde throughout formation. unrcst brC',lks out in Kern. where a
Ansalon. Spells bC(..'Omc more difJicult to Cdst. and growing rebel movement amollb'St the lcads
artifacts from thc prcvious AgL'S appear to mal- to a connict with the Ob....c titans and their sup-
function. rll10se who havc dealings with the dC:ld porters.
find that they arc growing incrcasinbrly restless The ClflIuleJtille Circ/~. Linsha Majere. a Knight
and disturbc..'<J. though no one dis<..'Overs the tnle of the Rose. has been working for a secretive
reason. org..m ization of the Solamnie Knights known as
A Dying Foml. Observers of the Silvanesti the Clandestine Circle. 1-or eight ycars. she oper-
Shield have discovered that the once verd:uubnd ates undercover in Sanction. establishing herself
near the shield has hq,"Un to wither. Plants and as a mercenary. \Vhem she drdws the attention of
animals on both sides of the shield are dying and HOf,,"3.n Bibmt. the Oandcstinc Circle urges her to
do not respond to even magic.l) hcaling. ~ bny undermine Bight's :lllthority in order for the
elves who live Il(,:ar the barrier fC".lT that the same Solamnic Knights. who do not trust Bight, to ff.lin
fate will bcfallthe entire Si!vanesti Forest. control of Sanction.

LiFE in 'tHE ACE OF mOR...·tALS ~ 87

420 AC (37 SC) - The Vear of to use as his own. Dhamon defe-J.u the shadow
Transfonnation dragon, but in the process becomes a dragon
A "NrdJ" f/iJiolf. General Abrena. hC::ld of the himself-a d.....lgOn unlike any other in Krynn.
dark knigl\ls. is ass:lssinated. Sir Morham J-i/11ffl/l,il SoIner. 'lib Majere, beloved wife of
Targonne succcl.-ds her and officially changes the Cammon f\ lajere and a Hero ofthe Lance herself.
order's name to Knights ofNeraka. He moves the dies of natural CJ.uses. Her fimerdl draws crowds
headquarters from Icrnka to the city of Jelak, from all over Ansalon. wishing to pay their
which he views as being more ~mooem." He respects for one of the last Heroes. Her husband.
orders the dark knights to keep up their siege Caramon. is disconsolate and his children fear
against Sanction. desiring to add thai city's that he will not long survive the passing of his
wealth 10 the already overflowing coffers of the beloved wife.
Knighthood. ShndtrdJS o/Iht Dtnd Across Ansalon, more and
Thl' Amdmry Dt!s/ro)'1'I!. Beryl orders her min- more people are reporting seeing spirits of the
ions to allack the Academy of dead. Unlike the undead. these spirits do not
Sorcery in Solace. As dragons Sl.--em to be clinbring to life through magic or brrief.
deslfOy the buildinb'S, dmconians but appe-J.r to be tnlpped. 'Il,e spirits represent all
1001 the Acndcmy. searching for living creaturl.'S. from animals to mortals 10 dmg-
mabrical artifilClS to bring back to ons, yet all S{,'Clll tOrmellled, hunb'T)' for
Beryl. Most of the students and mas- something they cannot btrnSP.
ters CSClpc unharmed, thanks to the 421 AC (38 SC) - The Year of
quick thinking of Ulin Majerc. the Greal Stonn
whose rCSC'drch into alchemical for-
mulas emlbles him 10 destroy the TIll! Night 0/ B/{J{J(/. In :l single
ACJ.demy, t:lking many of Beryl's night. a massive coup manages to
minions OUI in the devast:uion. overthrow the corrupt and decadent
Horrified by the terrible power minolaur emperor. Chot Es-Kalin.
he unwilling unleashes. Ulin as rebels strike against him and
swears to never rC\'eal that it \....J.S all the clan families who sup-
he who destroyed his father's ported him. Within days. a
Academy. leaving people to believe new emperor establishes him-
thai the destruction was the result self. a fonner officer in Chot's
of anacking dragons. elite guard. General Hotak de-
Palli, K,ill",p/K,l At orders from Droka. His claim is hacked by the
Beryl. a group of Gmy Robes kid- power of the Temple of
naps the sorcerer. l>alin Majere. Foremnners, a priesthood who
during the mid on the Academy. worship the spirits of dead
For months, he is torturl.'(\ and minotaurs, led by his wife.
held in a small. cramped cell. as the High Priestess
Beryl's minions try to force him Nephcra.
to reveal why magic is fililing. He The Greal
is un;lble to supply the answers, Slonn. A m:lssive
for he knows no more than they storm sweeps
do. Beryl at last detennines that tor- across Ansalon,
ture will not work llbrainst him. She extending from
order him set free in the hope that the west pan of the
he will unwittingly Ie-J.d her to the continent to the cast. Out of this
answer. stonn, a young woman named
Palin returns to Sobce with his hands f\ (ina emerges. Fonner protege
crippled-a constant reminder of his tor- of Goldmoon. Mina proclaims
ment. TIle destruction of his Academy, herself Ihe servant of a nC\'o' god.
combined with the torture he underwent and the the One God. f\ (ina begins to gather an
loss of the magic causes Palin to fall into depres- anny composed of both the living and the dead.
sion. He alienmes his wife and family. Many ofhis Alining DmgrJ1lJ. As the Great Stonn de-J.I'S,
friends fear thm he is sct to follow the dark path metallic dragons across Ansalon are found to
of uncle. Raistlin Majere. ha\'e disappeared. No one. not even the few
Th~ Shfl{lottJ Dmgol1. Dhamon Grimwulf. for- remaining metallic dragons have any idea what
mer dark knight, fanner Champion of Light, is has happenl.oO to the missing dragons. althoubrl1
attacked by ;l powerful shadow dragon. who some dragons report hearing a voice in the
claims to have been born from the shadow of Stonn. a voice that spoke in an ancient tonguc
Chaos :md who plans on stealing Dhamon's body they had not hC;lrd since the departure of the

88"" CHAP"!"E,,-THREE
LiFE in THE AGE OF moRtALS '""'-'
As Mina begins her conquest across Ansalon. A &arl MUlli,g. Gilthas and his wife. the
few good dragons remain to provide any defense Kagonesti rebel known as the Lioness, meet with
against the relentless Army of the One God. dwarven leaders ofThorbardin. Fearing an llltack
AjJfrofll1la ofn {kat! HmJf A slranb1C kcndcr by Beryl thai will wipe Oul the eh'en nation. they
emerges from the Tomb of the Last Heroes. arrange to create tunnels that will enable a mass
Oaiming to be Tasslehoff Burrfoot. the kender exodus of Qualinesti refugees from Qualinos!.
bears a magical artifact known as the Device of Death ofDmgr)lls. The brass dragon. lyesta. and
limeJoumeying. He says he has arrived to attend the blue dragon. Stenndunuus. are both killed.
the funeral of his friend, Cammon tl.lajcre, who Iyseta by a strnnge anny ofbn.lles led by an enig-
dies shortly after his meeting with Tas. matic figure working with Thunder. and
Bound by an oath made to the dying Carnmon, Stennudros by the Rose Knight, Linsha 1\ l:Jjcre.
Gerard uth Mandat. a Knight of Solamnia. takes The weapon used to kill these dragons is an evil
TasslchofT to Palin who is visiting Laurana in artifact known as IlbylSllllallnJ. Linsha is declared
Qualincsti. !"J.lin seeks to understand the conncc- to have tUnlL'<! a!,.rr1insl the Solamnic Kni!,.>illS and
tion between 11lss1choff and the current stme of labeled a deserter and betr.lyer. forcing her to
the world. Ik-alizing that part of the key esC:lpe the Missing City on the tmi! of
may lie in the necessity for missing dmbron em,rs. accompa-
Tasslehoffto die when Chaos nied by the brom....e drllgon.
stepped on him, Palin Cmcible. revealed to have
tries to find a way to been Hogan Bight of
send lllsslehoff back Sanction.
in time. Deslmrlio!l oj
MisslilK the Cliadel. The
Palin uses green Dra!,.ron
Device Overlord.
Tim e Beryl,
Journeying attacks Ihe
10 trnvel Citadel of
back In Light.
time. only hunting for
10 find that the artifact
Krynn's wielded by
past before TasslehoIT
the Chaos Burrfoot.
War beyond " '.......,...1.. ThOUb.Jl she
no longer does not
exists. the
Ta! Flees. artifact, she
Not particularly destroys much
wanting to go of the Citadel in
back to die beneath the attempt.
the foot of Chaos. Having long fcared
TasslehofT' esc:.lpes Palin. just such an auack. resi-
heading for Schallsea. del1ls of the Citadel and
where he hopes Goldmoon will ncibrhboring villages and lowns
talk Palin out of sending him back (0 seck refuge in caves and most survive
die. P.alin follows. hoping Goldmoon will provide the attack.
him with answers to his myslerious discovery. Riwr ofSoIlIs. Goldmoon sees Ihe river of souls
GoIdmooll j Tnm.rjOT7IJalioll. When TasslehofT' Aowing northward. She Aces the Citadel just as
arrives at the Citadel of Light. he and P-alin find the dragons atlack. leaving many of her followers
that the elderly Goldmoon has regained her to think she has gone mad. She travels north in a
youth and beauty. People celebrate this as a mira- gnome submersible {the MNS iJldeslnlClllbll/. fol-
de. but Goldmoon feels instinctively that some- lowing the ri\'er of souls.
thing is wrong and she refuses to accept a body Ran/e. Palin and TasslehofT' are saved from the
that does not feel like her own. destuetion of the Citadel by Dalamar the Dark
Stolm Magic. Both Goldmoon and 11alin dis- and tf'dnspon.ed to the Tower of High Sorcery in
cover that is the souls of the dead who have been its secret location in Nightlund.
stealing the mllgic. causing it to work emltically Foil of Ihe Shield Mina and her Anny of the
or not fit all. Neither of them know why Ihe d(.~d One God manab'C to pierce the Shield surround-
want the magic. however. or what they are doing ing Silvanesli.1\lina channs Silvanoshei, the e1ven
with it. king. With the help of the One God. Mina reveals

LiFE in tHE ACE OF mOIQ"A~S "'-' 89

to the elves th:lt the tmitorous l,,>'Tt.'C1l dr.ll"tOn. Burrfool. the gods discover the location of their
Cyan Bloodb:me. is the true power behind the missing world. 'nlC t:ods convene and reach a
Shield. CYdn is killed and the Shield is destroyt.-d, decision on how to punish Takhisis.
but Silvancsti comes under martial law. Mina Stmctioll Cttptlfrrd Mina and her annies scize
Ie-.wes Silvanesti. traveling northwest to finish the Sanction. Silvanoshei finds Mina al last. who
war in Solalllnia. promptly puts him under arrest and holds him
The OImewd 'nle Silvancsti king. Silvanosht.'1. captive. sctting a trap for the elves.
obsessed with Mimi. flees his people and oc1,.';ns a Takhisis orders the souls of the de-dd to steal
despemte journey to try to find her. the magical totems of Malys. Beryl. and
Fnll of Ihe Grrell IHmo«. Laurana, the Colden Khellendros-planning to usurp their powerful
General, and Marshall Medan. the dark knil,,'ht, magic to assure her hold on the world.
work with eh'en volunteers to kill the mibrtllY Bolh ElfdJ Agoi1JJI th~ Mlildl~. In an effort to
green dl".lbtOn. Beryl. 111e elven Speaker. Cilthas. regain his life. Dalamar the Dark makes deals
leads his pt:ople to safety. In her death throes. with both Mina and Malystryx.
Beryl fill1S onto tbe city of Qualincsti, collapsing Fall of the Red Enraged to discover that this
the tunnels beneilth it. 'Ine waters of the \Vhite "One God~ has stolen her skull totem, the l"rreat
Ra!,J"C river flood the city. forming what the elves red dmgon. Malystryx. flies to Sanction to avenl,,'C
sorrowfully call the Lake of Death. The exiled the insult.
Qualinesti risk crossing the Plains of Dust to seek Mina. wielding a dragonlance, and the mino-
refuf:,J"C with their long estranged cousins in taur, Galdar, riding the blue dragon, Razor. join
Silvanesti. battle with the hUbfC red dragon.
Tllr Death of Co/dmooll. In Nigbtlund, Meanwhile, the spirit of Palin M~ere and the
Goldmoon confronts Mina. her adopted daugh. blind silver dmbron, Mirror, take advantage of
ter. in the Tower of High Sorcery. When l"lina Takhisis' preoccup:nion with the battle to destroy
reveals that the One God is Takhisis and th:1I the the dragon totem in Sanction.
goddess wants Goldmoon to serve her. r.,'lalys dies, taking Razor and Mina with her.
Goldllloon rebuffs the Dark Queen-angering Furious over the destruction of the totem,
Takhisis. Goldllloon dies in Mina's anus. Takhisis blames Mina. who lies near de-.nh.
Filial Pm)'"- Having almost given up SC'drdling Takhisis has plans for Mina, however. and she
for their lost world, the gods hear Goldmoon's ~forgives'" her-healing her wounds.
pmyer and reluctantly tum' to the infamous wiz- Sih;otlali &.ri~(l Hearing that her son is
ard Raistlin Majere to aid them in its recovery. being held captive by Mina, Alhaha Strabrce-...e
Am!JerCo.Dill. Mina places Goldmoon's body in ignores the council of Gilthas and leads the com-
a magic:.ll coffin of amber. She discovers Palin and bined Silvanesti and Qualinesti forces to Sanction
Dalam:lr hiding in the Tower and slays them both to save her son.
with her m:ll,,';c. 111is angers 'Hlkhisis, who is The minotaurs attack Sih'anost from the south.
searching for the kender :md the mal,,';c:.11 Device routing the remaining forces of dark knights and
of Time Journeying and who knows that Palin gaining a foothold on the continent of Ansalon.
and Dalam:lr :lre the only two remaining people Relllm of Ihe Cm DmgollS. Tasslehoff and his
on Krylln who can idemify the kcnder. Mina companions travel to the solitary plane where
binds the wizards' spirits to their mab';cally ani- Takhisis h;lS imprisoned the metallic dragons.
mated corpses and takes them with her on her Tasslehoff frees the dragons and voluntarily
journey to Solanthus. returns to his proper time, where his de:uh com-
Fall of!lIt' BIlle. Mina, the priestess of the One pletes the Stream of Time.
Cod. confronts Khellendros in his own lair. In a Death ofa Quem aJld Relltnt oflhe CoI!J. As the
dis:Il,,>'Tt."Cment over his betrayal by the One God. Dark Queen m:lkes her triumphant entry into the
Khellendros S£.'Cks to take out his rabJ"C on Mina. world, she is thwarted at the last by the other
only to find his own bre-dth we-dpon tumt.-d b:ICk gods. who have returned to exact their punish-
upon him. Malys soon apppears to strike the final ment upon her. 111roUgh Paladine's sacrifice, the
blow. Laws of Balance are maintained.
FoIl of SoIallthll..J. The Anny of Souls attacks When Takhisis tries to kill Mina. whom she
Solanthus. "ne Solalllnic Knights cannot with- blames for her failure. Silvanoshei slays Takhisis
stand the horror ofbattling the dead and are driv- with a broken tlmgolllnll«.
en from the city. Mina and her forces occupy Mina slays Silvanoshei then gathers her dead
Sohmthus. All major cities of Solamnia are now queen in her anns and. vowing revenge upon the
under the control of the dark knights. Mina turns now mortal Paladine, she departs, bearing her
her eyes toward Sanction. dead.
Collllcil of !l1t~ CtxlJ. With the help of the l'ne brOOs reclaim their world. bringing with
deceas<..od Raistlin M:yere, who est:lblishes a oon- them the return of divine magic and the three
nt.'CI.ion with the time tr.weling kender. Tasslehofl' moons of High Sorcery.

Dalamar the Dark n.'t.'Slablishcs his rc1:llionship continent. 'l1lOse who went by old maps often
with the brod Nuilari and is returned to lire. Palin found themsclves in places where they did not
r-.I:tjcre is also gmnted back his life. but he for- want to be.
swears mab';c fOfL'Vcr and bI'QCS back to his fiUlliJy. TI1C War of the Lance forced pt.'Ople to \"Cnture
from their homelands. Humans. elves and
422 AC (39 SC) - The Year of Re\'clations dwarves joined together to fibrllt the Queen of
Th~ Here 01/1/ II,~ Nuzo. Ansalon is now facing Darkness. 'rhe annies of both good and evil
the dawn of a new era. '111c gods howe rClumed. required accurate maps :md. following the war.
Three of the Dragon Overlords have been new tr.lde routes were established :llong roads
brought down during the War of Souls. bUl the opened up by mardling troops. Once more com-
changes th.lI came about during lhal terrible war merce flowed belween cities and nations.
are not easily undone. Both mibrf1ty elven nations Prosperity lasted until the Second Cataclysm.
have fallen and the elvcs are without a homeland. when Chaos was released from prison. giving
The minataur nation has al last g:.lincd a foothold Takhisis the dlancc to steal the world.
on the co11Iinenl of Ans:llon and from there When alien dragons sdzed conlrol of Ansalon.
appear poised 10 launch their camp·.. ign of mani- they used their magic to reshape the land. hoping
fest destiny. New threats arc rising. Old scores to make it uninhabitable and Ihus C'\'entually caus-
remain to be settled. ing the ex:tennination of allihe people who lived
1",c people of Ansalon S(.'Ck heroes with upon it. In addition. the shifting of Ihe world 10 a
Slrength and cournge 10 b'l.lide Ihem Ihroubth this different place in the universe caused climates to
Age ofMona!s. Destiny lies in Ihe hands oflhose change.
willing 10 grasp il. Verdanl forests were trdnsfonncd into harsh
deserts. lracts of ~vannah were sunk beneath
swamps. and temperate lands were ice·bound.
ArrSALorr The facc ofthe continent chanf"TtXI once ag.!in and
the people of Ansalon strum-rlL'C! to deal with yet
Located in Krynn's soulhem hemisphere, the more c:.lIadysmic alterations to thcir world.
continent ofAnsalon is approxim:lldy 1.300 miles
from east to west and less than 1.000 miles from
north to south. Ansalon has a wide variety ofbreo-
graphic formation and dim:lte. brought about by Ansalon is a hllld of extreme e1im:ltL'S. Far 10 the
the c'lIastrophic changes it has under~,'une ovcr south, in Icewall. arctic bli"3..:trds r.lf,,"C. To the
timc. north. the sweltering he:ll of the Nonhcnl Wastes
During the prosperous Ab'C of Might. mcticu- is legendary. Like the shifting IandS<.,:.pc. thc cli-
lous re<:ords were kept and nearly the entire con- mate of various regions around the (:ontincnt
tinent had been mapped. Then the Cataclyslll have undergone vast ch.mgt-'S.
stmck. ripping llpllrt much of the l:ontinent. creat- With the destnlction causL"(1 by the first
ing new seas and sinking old ones. In the d,uk Cataclysm. tbe movement of land and the cre-
days that followed Ihe C~.wdysm. lllany of the ation of new se.IS cauSL'C! entire weather systcms
inhabilants of Krynn were focused on trying to to shift. bringing precipitation to previously dry
stay alive. i\'lany maps and recol'(ls oflhe old con- lands. turning lush lands into deserts. and creating
tinenl were deslroyed and no one had time to Iry new wind patterns and storm syStems.
to salvage Ihem. In the Age of Mortals the Dark Qw.". Cn took the
What is known is Ih,lt the Cataclysm brought world to a new 10C'J.tion in the cosmos. whieh
devastation to Ansalon. Nl..·w mountains and seas ag.lin c:.luscd new changes to dim~lt(.,'S around the
were fanned. causing severe climate chanb'CS. world. 11le alien dragons continued to alter the
People suffered from droughts and flooding. dimate, generally for the worsc.
Unexpected Slonns C'.ltIsed havoc with planting Following the deltbs of some of the dmb1'Qns.
seasons. Old tmding rollies were blocked or sank people ha\'e notic(.'d that the damaf,,'C appe' 10
benCillh stn.mgc. blood-tinbTtXI waters. Disease and be reversing itself. but this is happening slowly
stanration \V'".llked the land and the pl.'oplc had no and may take scvcml b"Cnerations to accomplish.
gods 10 tum to for help. "'be only detailed records of Ansalon's climate
The people ofAnsalon pro\'(.'d to be strong and chanf,,'CS are to be found with the gnomes of
resilient. 1'bey persevered and m'lde ncw lives. ~ lount NC\·emlind. who periodic:.llly check differ~
Old roads and trade routes were abandoned and ent regions around Ihe continent for such data as
new ones forged. Fewer people had the or a\'erage rainf.·dl, stonn frL'quency. average temper~
the will to travel in these dark d'lys. however. ature. lightning strength and othcr anomalous bits
Strnngers were viC\ved with suspicion. of weather~related infonnation. All SUdl infonna-
Know!edbte of Ansalon and what layover the tion is passed on to those b'llomes whose Life
horizon became the subjL"Ct of wild rumors and Quests consist of attempting to forOC'.lst the
!a\'em gossip. 1\ laps of local areas were n.ue and weather. These gnomes are held in the hibmest
no one h'ld yel dmwn up a nC\v map of the entire
liFE in "tHE AGE OF mORj'A,LS ~ 91
respect by the gnomish community for the In general. large bodies of water will cool ne;tr-
that their predictions are almost universally inac- by lands by creating cooler air currents and bring-
cumte. ing precipitation. In some unusual C'dSes, such as
Before his passing, the Aesthetic Bcrtrcm of the Bay of Bailfor, the temperature of the air will
the Great Library of Palamhas sent out a number actually rise as the volcanic C'J.rth beneath the bay
of historians to record the details of every day life raises the temperature of the water and releases
during the Age of Mortals. These dedicated sulfuric gases into the air.
scribes recorded changes and peculiarities of Mal"ric is the prime source for anomalies in cli-
Ansalon's climate. Not surprising, many of the mate and topob'l'llphy. TIle damage done to the
most interesting descriptions C'dlllC from areas environment by the Dragon Overlords is slowly
surrounding Dral"ron Overlord territories. includ- receding. bll! it could take dec.ldes before nature
ing reports of thick layers of snow f.1.11ing on hot is completely healed. '111e wars of Ansalon may
deserts and perpetual thunderstorms raging in also have a devastating aflect upon the character-
arid lands. Additional references to the climate of istics of the continent. Dragon Wars, the destmc-
various loc.ltions were also documented and may tion of the Towers of High Sorcery. the horrific
be found in the Library. effects of a Dmgon Orb on Silvanesti and the
'nle people who live in a region are probably sinking of the city of Qualinost are all examples of
the best resource of infonmnion regurding the the land of Ansalon being altered by the destruc~
weather in that region. Reliance on the knowl- live forces of war.
edge, instincts and experience of the IOC'dl popu- 111e following is an examination of the lands of
lace is genemlly the best way for strangers to Ansalon immediately following the end of the
leam about the climate and to be able to predict War of Souls, bel"rinning at Abanasinia and pro-
the wC'dther for that region. ceeding counter clockwise around the continent.

CHARJlctER!S"tics tH E SOV"tH

Most of a region's characteristics are determined Abanasinia is locdted on the southern shore of
by its elevation, latitude, and amount of rainfall. the mouth of the New Sea, which rllns west to
However. other filctors must always be taken into east from the Str-tits of Albroni, nearly splitting the
considCr"dtion when dealing with the terrain and continent in two. '1l1e ruggt.x! terrain is nonethe-
climatc. less excellent f.1.rmland, being blessed with warm

Ansalon o

Climate Variations


bree'L.eS C'Jrried from the strong southbound cur- quagmires ofl.he region have few points of eleva-
rents of the Straights of A1goni. Ab::masinia has tion above SC'.1 level and cause unbearably humid
sultry summers and cold winters. with heavy summers and chill, fog·bound winters.
snowfall. The Isle ofSchallsea is located in I.he middle of
South are the woodlands of the Qualincsti. 'l'ne New Sea. A hilly region of green grass and sand
Kharolis Mountain Range helps keep the wann dunes. Schallsea experiences hot summers tem-
sea air trapped to the west over Qualinesti. 'l'ne pered by sea bree....e s with occasional snowfall in
fading magic of Bcryllinthranox still promOles the higher ek'Vations during the \\~nter months.
some thick plant growth throughout the rt.'gion.
Much of the bc:luliful forests have bt..e n cut and
burned by marauding raiders in an effort 10 drive The New Sea ends near the city ofSanetion at the
out the elves. Some of this land has lx.-en taken base of the Khalkist Mountains. Active volcanoes
o\'cr by squatters, who are further clearing the known as the Lords of Doom provide constant
land for f.'mus. heat through winter and summer. Geysers in the
11,c Nalls Arc", or MLake ofOeath created by
rel,rion help make up ror the lack of rain filiI.
the fall of the Dmgon Overlord onto the city of The Khalkist Mountains continue south,
Qualincsti Cllsts a pall over this part oCthe rCbrion, branching into many :lnllS. Seated in the southern
C3using a perpetual chill in the air. The SUIl n.rely ranges arc Blade and 'l1lOradin, the rugged 0brre
shines on the accursed lake. for Sir-mgc foj,,"S risc and dwarf realms. Here the summers are cool due
in the night and hang over it during the day, blot- to the high elevation. 'Ille mountainous teIT'Jin
ting out sunlight. '111e air is heavy with this mist. receives little rain, which keeps the air dry.
Thorb:udin, c:.lSt of Qualinesti, has short sum- Winters are cold and long. Deep snow blocks
mers and long winters. though the dwarves who many passes between mountains during I.he win-
live all their lives underground rarely venture out- ter months.
doors long enough to care, Underbrround r.1nning The southern tip of the Khalkists ends at I.he
is promoted during the summer months by the northern borders ofSilvanesti. The Shield erected
use of quartz crystals that beam the sunlight into by the Silvanesti elves to protect them from inva-
formerly dark Clverns. sion drained the life force ofall ofthe plants along
Farther south, the region of Kharolis is blan- the border. Wherever the Shield touched. trees
keted by the unnatural greenery created by Beryl. died and grass turned brown and withered away.
The rampant vegetation has raised the humidity New life is just bc!,rinning 1.0 come back to that
level in the summer so that it is practically area. but il. will be many years before the lush
unbearable. lne mabrically enhanced forests grow vegetation that once grew there is restored. Wann
sparser the farther south one tr.wels and the winds from I.he Bay of Bailfor dash with I.he
region brradu:llly retums to plains of scrub trees Sl.rong artic winds of the south. harsh
and cotton grass. Cold winds from lcewall across winter st'onns. TIle spring and summer months
Ice Mountain Bay clash with the warm air cur- are cool and refreshing.
rents above this region to create heavy snow- North of Silvancsti and east of the Khalkist
stonns in the winter and violent thunderstonns Mountains arc the rormer lands of Malystryx.
during the summer. Khur is a desert wasteland with rew water
Farthest to the south lcewall Glacier, a land of sources. 'lllC volC:lIlocs thm rumble beneath the
bli;r..zards and fn..'Czing tempcmturcs. is covcrt.'d stC'dming Bay of Hailfor keep the surrounding
yC'Jr round by snow and ice. TIle glacier extends lands warm and damp. 'Ille parched sands of I.he
to the south pole of Krynn. surrounding regions grCt..-oily absorb I.he moisture
The brlacier's northern border ends at the P1:lins and release it before it COdn be ul.ili.....ed. 'Inc terrain
of Dust. an artic desert created during the surrounding the Bay of Bailfor to the east stretch-
Cataclysm when the elevation of the southern es into the Desolation.
portion of Ansalon was suddenly raised. D-Jrk-red Savannah grass grows along the coast of the
sands extend hundreds of miles from toast to west Desolation. Inland. jagged outCToppings of
with no foli3I,"C or trees and little precipitation. scorched rocks. rugged mountains. and deserts of
1be summer temperatures of the P1ains of Dust black sand give the Desolation its name. The
reach 90' to IOO'F (32' to 3S'q and winter tem- Goodlund r...lounl.ain range runs through the mid·
peratures drop as low as -7S'F (--60' die of the Desolal.ion. lne mountains and volca-
orth of the Plains of Dust. the balmy sea noes of that range are among the highest eleva-
bree-.res of the New Sea give rise to verdant grass- tions in all of AnSo110n.
lands that end in the east in the dank, unnatural Continuing north along the eastern edge of the
swamplands crC::lIt-o by the dragon Onysablet. Khalkist is the nJgJ"rcd region of Neraka. A land of
These swamplands extend for hundreds of wide valleys to the nonh and dense mountains
miles along the shore of I.he New Sc::1, ending at and volc:.lIlocs to the south, this country has
the Khalkist Mountains. The extensive bogs and
dement summers and mild winters. SC'<1ll1 minfi.ll c:l111e to be here. 'lllOse who have ventur<.'<! into
and the hC'.It of the thirteen V01CIll0e5 surrollnd- that rebrion to explore have not returned to
ing NCr'db kc."Cp the region ;Inc! and barren. explain.
Northeast of Ncraka is the 0b'Te nation of Kern. South of Nightlllnd lay the plains of11uot. A
-nlis 1:1Ild has dry southern reaches briving WilY to land of rock-strewn ridges and marshy bogs.
more lush and verdalll hllld to the north. Sullr)' 11,rot experiences frCClucnt thunderstonns in the
winds from the Northern COllman Ocean brinbtS summer and blizzards in the winter.
copiolls amounts of rainfall 10 this rCbrlon. Solamnia is Ioc-.l.too to the west ofThrot in the
Stretches of pine forest. exotic ferns. ilnd green base of the verdant Ving-.Iard river basin. Lush
jungle undergrowth conce-J-] humid bob'S and plains and rich soils make Solamnia ideal for
swamps. buzzing with swarms of annoying fanning. The solllhern portion is IOC-.Ited in a
insects. b:md oftcmper:ue weather that allows this region
E.1S1 from the northern lip of Kern is the Blood to enjoy three months of summer with ample
Sea. dotted with sever.ll islands. The island of minf.,t1l and thrt."C months of mild winters.
Sain1Um is a harsh rocky land with ft'w trees and l\ larking its northern border is an immense.
liule vcgcl:uion. Other Blood Sea Isles include burnoo- out (".Illyon. Known as the Footprint of
Karthay. ~Iithas and Kothas.large islands thaI are Chaos. this c-.!nyon was crc-.lted when a wing of
covered in scrub plains with dense tropical rain- fire d....Ib,ons bI3st<.'<1 the land during the Second
forests. Summers are swehering, but the wintcr Cataclysm. Bc..')'ond this landmark are the t....lck-
months are pleasantly wann. less deserts of the Blue Wastes. the remnants of
Khellendros' realm that run into the arid
tHE nO","H Northern Wastes. In the north of Solamnia. sum-
1ne northern most point of Ansalon is found in mers are hot and winter \'ery mild.
thc lush <'''quatorial plains of Nordmaar. This
region. thick with verdant foliage, has a tip that is
the closest point on Ansalon to Krynn's <'''qu:nor. In the northwcst of Ansalon is the island of
'!11e intcrior lands of Nordmaar arc expansivc Northern Erbroth. Roub..,ly split down the middle
b'T".lSSy plains. 'l1lc heat of this l"ebrion pairs with by the Sentinel t\'lounmins. this region was large-
the oppressive humidity during both thc summcr ly ullIouched by the effects of the Drabron
and winter. Overlords. Northern Erb'Oth. to the west of the
South ofNordmaar are the Grc-.lll\loors.tnlClS ranf.,'C. is a land oflllsh brrassy mC'.Idows and hills.
of tropical swamp and jungle underb'TOwth. '!1\C It has a mild climate. but must contend with
insulfcmble heat. humidity. and insc<.1.s make this strong sea winds from the northwest.
jungle inhospitable to most creatures. East of the Scluincl Mountains arc the thick
To the west is Teyr. Its high ele"ation in the forests ofHylo. Cool br<''C7.£S roll down from the
northern barren reaches of in the Khalkist mountains. keeping the summers mild and the
Mountains brings little rain and mild summers. winters s(''e only light. wet snows.
Dense copses of woodlands are scatter'''' :lbout The Isle of Sancrist. home to ivlount
the region. Nevennind. enjoys the refreshing sea breezes that
Continuing across the Astivar mountain range serve to cool the geothermal act'ivity that penne-
to the Wl..>st is the region of Estwilde. Like 'Teyr. ates the rugged northern terrain of this island.
Estwilde shares tcmpcmte summers and winters The sOllthern ponion ofSancrist gives way to the
with heavy snowf.1.11. In the north of Estwilde. the broad-Icilf forests and fertile grasslands of
thick woods of Lahue back up against the fill' Gunthar. 'Ill{~ Isle of Sancrist has mild winters
northern spike of the Khalkist Mountains. and pleasant summers.
Estwilde's southern b'l':lSslands are located in the Southern Erbroth. long unqer thc dominion of
basin between the Khalkist Mountains to the cast the overlord Gellidus. has been tnlllsfonned into
and thc Darg.Iard mountain nlnge to the west a l:md of blizzards :md cruel frost. Glacier-like
and arc gencrally dry year round. conditions continue to exist over this land. where
On the west side of the Dargaard Mountains is the dmgon continues to reign unopposed. l1\e
Nightlund. 'Inis region was once cursed by deserts in the nonh are now frozen tundra. their
Takhisis with a magical perpetual twilight that winter winds cl:lshing with Ihe wann air brought
stunt<.'<! the b'T'Owth of many plants and trees. 'Ine in by the Straits of Algoni. This creates a perma-
land is now frcc from its dark enchantment and nent storm known ;IS -'"me Gale- that constantly
the summers in lightlund are once more hot and pummels the wesWnl shores ofSolamnia. making
sunny. Ample rainfall makes the spars<.4y populat- tr:wclthroub-tl this region hazardous. The mouth
ed n...g ion perfect for fanning. A forest of cypress oft\lort, LIke has been frozen over. prevent-
trees sprang up in the middle ofNightiund almost ing ships from sailing into and out of the bay.
ovcrnight in the early days of the Age of l\ lonals. The Last Gaard Mountains that extend north
No one knows how or why the strange trees to west through the region offer little protection
from the frigid climate. The previously b'f:lSSy

lands to the west ofthe mountains are now windy
plains. South of the plains lie the desened isles of
EnSlar and lostar. whose meager popukllion was The characteristics of a region la'1.'Cly determine
wiped OUI by an allack of shadow-wights. the type of plants and animals thOit prosper there.
In the northern reaches near the equator, dry
tHE OCEAnS lands abound with an assortment of various scrub
The Sirrion Sc:.1 is home to the isles ofEr!,'Olh :lOd grasses and cacti. In the tropical climes of
S:lncnst. \Varm currents moving in a clockwise Nordmaar and the Blood Isles. rainforests are
din."Clion from the north through the Straights of homc to a Ilumber of exotic plants :md animals
Albroni tempcmte w;lters soulh, w<II'11ling yct to be discovered. Further south in the tem-
southern lands and dashing with the cold winds perate farmlands of SolOltllnia, Nightlund and
from lccwall G1:1cicr. Cold lliT currents rise from Estwilde, forests of Ollk, alder, and silver fir domi-
south to north '1lang the wt.-st COllSl of Ansalon. nate portions of the landscape, In the higher tem-
The South Simon Sea. with its Slonny wC'dlher perate OIltitudes j,"fOW juniper, pine, cypress trees,
and rough waters. is especially difficuh to navi- and rhododendrons.
gate. In the dry, mountainous regions of Neraka and
As the SIr:lighlS of Alb'Oni drive the W'J.ters of 8IOde, the b"f;ly O'.l.k. rugged pines, and gnarled
the Simon south. some currents are diverted dwarf root shrubs grab tight to the arid soils. The
inland to the New Sc-.l. Crc-.ltt:d during the first Desolation is home to stinging nettles. barbed
Cataclysm. the New Sea (,."ncompasses the central cacti, and poisonous plams.
portion of the continent, pennitting trade via ship The lush forests of the fonner c1ven lands flour-
to many ports throughout the fonnerly land- ish with O:lk. chestnut. birch, and elvcwien. In the
locked cities of Ansalon. '11lc.~ weather on the N(."\v fetid swamps of BlOde grow huge bloodwoods
Sea is gcncml1y C'Jlm :lIld c1C:lr. In the summer and wt.'cping lilies, home to thousands of insects.
months, sailors may encounter the occasional Further sOllth. the artic desert of the Plains of
stann. \Vinlers arc mild. '111C waters of the SC:1 Dust has dwarf birch and 11l1ic willows. '111cse
help feed Sable's Swamp. i\'lueh of the land under give wOlY to thc frozen wastelOinds of thc Iccwall
a portion of the SC'.l. was raist:d to crt.":lte the gbcier.
Far 10 the north of Ansalon is the Turbidus tR-EES Ano SHR-VBS
Ocean. Strong oce.lIl currents flowing from cast AnsaJon shares many of the same trees and
to west bring warm waters and powerful prevail- shrubs as other lands. But the continent also has
ing winds that make traveling to the distant lands many indib't.'!lOUS plants. Here follows a number
like TaJadas nearly impossible. except for the most of unique, useful. or familiar plants known to the
skilled and determined sailors. inhabitance of Ansalon.
On the east coast of the continent is the BlnrRlhonr. I-ound in the temperate lands of
Courmin Sea. A warm air current runs from the Hylo, the blackthom is a very common type of
Northem Coumlin south. \V:ml1 waters flow into hedb'"C' It flowers before its leaves apl)car, and its
and around the Blood Sea Isles forming the Blood bittersweet. berry-like fruit. ClUed a sloe. is a
Sea of Istar. Prior to the SeL'Ond Cataclysm the f:.lVorite of the kender of thllt region.
center of this sea was a perpetual maelstrom that 111e flowers of the blackthorn cOIn be made
stirred up the rL'<f sands of the SC'd. giving it its into exceptional healing tonics for headaches :md
name. After the Second Cataclysm the Blood Sea nausC'.l.. The blackthorn's small ovallea\'es freshen
became eerily still. The warm water of the Blood breath and the bark-boiled OInd c11ewed-reduccs
Sea now lazily meanders along the west coasts of fL"\'(..'f. '111e sloes are good to cat fresh or to use in
the continent. flowing south into the Southern jellies. syrups. and wine.
Courrnin. £hx-.vinr. Sometimes known as c1fi't'iIIow. the
Around the eastern coast of the continent, the eh-ewien is a Iaq.-e shade tree with broOid. round-
wann waters meet the currents of the Southern ed crowns ofdrooping brandlcs. Its long elliptical
Courmin, causing roubm W'dVes and harsh stonns. lC'dves lIre a light )'ellow-I;.JTccn in the summer
The currents of the south move counter clock- months, turning to a dil7..z:ling ycllow in autumn.
wise, running from east to west along the south- In the spring, tiny whitc flowcrs fill the air with a
east coast of Ansalon. Warm air carried to the wondrous perfume. 'Ille bark of the c1vewien is II
south trdvcls with the temper:.lIe currents along yellow-orangc color that begins to peel and tums
the coastline. 'Inc water is carrk'<f into and Ollt of to reddish-brown as it ab'"Cs.
the volcmic Bay of Bailfor. heating the water. Cops(''S of these trees arc found prt.'dorninantly
These balmy w:ners and hCOItL'<f air collide with in Qualinesti and Silvllnesti where the cool condi~
the artic air south of Silvanesti causing strong tions of the south and rich soils encouT".l.b'C
Slonns and violcnt SC'.lS. growth. These trees can grow to be 70 fcet in
height. Collcctions of eh'cwien can be found
through the tcmperate mountain ravines of

LifE in "tHE ACE Of mO","A~S " - ' 95

Ansalon. where the wood is harvested for use in usually through hunting or tending livestock.
constnletion of anything from houses to W'lgons. These animals are part of a larger cycle in which
It also makes excellent firewood. every animal is prey to another. Every follower of
Kmibolle: In the Vingaard River V'llley of Habbakuk understands this l.)'cle and knows that
Solamnia grows a pale purple flower known as the rabbit. fox. and wolf arc all part of the cycle of
knitbone. Kni!bone has dark black roots. tongue- nature. If anyone is endangered, there will be dire
shaped leaves. and contain a glutinous juice. It consequences to all.
blooms during the late spring and early summer '111e common man may understand the cycle.
months. but imposes his own laws upon it. Humans make
Dried petals of knitbone can be crushed and animals their property. Their livestock is kept in
brewed into a tea to relieve coughs and sooth captivity and predators are killed for following
indigestion. The juice of knitbone can be their hunting instinct. Herd animals are penned
processed into a thick, gummy paste. When this tip and wild animals are tamed.
paste is applied to open wounds. it helps by seal- Elves respect all life. including the lives of ani-
ing the wound and stopping the bleeding. mals. 11ms elves have an excellent relationship
klflljomm: Mmjoram is a plant with creeping with animals. who often willingly serve the c1ves
roots thm sends up woody stems ,lbout a foot as mOUlllS for travel, for carrying messages. spy-
high. branched above with purplish green leaves. ing upon enemies, and so on.
This herb. named for the god M~ere. is used in a Horses arc the mount of choice for both elves
number of remedies for casing indigestion and and humans. The desert barbarians of Khur excel
C'J.raches. M,lIjoram tea has been known to help in trading and raising horses that are fleet of foot
cure colds. In the kitchen, mmjoram is used as a and sturdy enough to deal with the harsh condi-
spice for all types of foods. tions of the sandy wastes of their homeland.
The Knights orSolmnnia breed horses for war,
creating physic:.l1ly powerfill steeds trained in
combat and also light horses with incrC'Jsed stam-
ina for mainwining specd over long distances.
Most traveling merchants and trade caravans uses
horses to carry themselves and their wares to
neighboring lands.
More exotic mounts can be found in as
Ansalon as well. The elves have long had a tradi-
tion of friendship with j,,'l'iffons. riding them into
battle and across the Plains of Dust.
The Darkenwood in Abanasinia is home to a
small llumber of winged horses. who I'3rely tet
themselves be seen by humans. much less tamed.
Dwarves prefer beasts that are as industrious as
themselves. Using the j"rreat white wonns called
Pallemvood: The larbTCst native tree of Ansalon urkhan, the dwarves harness the appetite of the
is the vallenwood. These trees. thm stand any- creatures for solid rock to carve tunnels through
where from (wo to three hundred fl.'Ct in height, solid rock in short periods of time.
are found only in a four mile swath of forest in All races keep animals as pets or for usc as
southern Abanasinia. The five-lobed, h<lnd- fillnilillrs. TIle noble classes of humans keep l,,'l.l3rd
shaped leaves are yellow-green. changing to a dogs. falcons, rare birds, and caged exotic beasts.
dark blue-green <IS they mature. In the £'111. the Among the kender. small animals arc very popu-
lewes turn red-gold <lnd take on a transparent lar. including mice. ferrets and hamsters. who can
quality thm is extnlordinarily beautiful. White. hitch a ride in a pouch or travel seated on a shoul-
nocturnal flowers bloom across the v.lllenwoods der. Ogres keep hUbTC, savage mastiffs, intensely
during the spring months. loyal to their masters. no matter how cnlelly
'Inc upper boughs of these massive trees are treated. Elves encourage songbirds to nest in the
home to the inhabitants of the community of leafy bl'3nches that form their houses. although
Solace. who build their homes in the thick the elves do not consider these animals to be pets.
branches, one hundred fect above the ground.
WiLD AnD DomESTic TIle Woodshapcrs of Silvanesti use their art to
AnimALS sculpt the trees and foliage of their realm into del-
icate dwellings. cmfiing every supple branch and
Life on Ansalon is largely dependant on the ani- fragile leaf into a work of living art. In Qualincsti.
mals of the world. Most of the people of Ans.llon homes may be created out of intertwining vines,
require anim.lls as food in one way or another. while buildings with delicate spires are magic:.llly

96"'" CHAP1"E",- THREE

constructed of of shining marble. In Solace. the that has lasted scvcrJI ye-Jrs now and seems like-
residents live hi!,tll above the ground in homes ly to last severdl morc, just in time for the ne.'l:t
built among the boughs of massive vallenwood election.
trees. 'l'l1e home and hearth of each race is as var- The dwarves of lllOrbardin elect thanes. each
ied and diverse as the races themselves. thane acting as a representative for his or her
Dwarves li"e deep within the earth. cre-Jting respective clan in the Council of Thanes. A king
undc'1.'l'ound kin!,.rdoms with complex tunnel sys- with veto power presides over the Council.
tems. The broomes of Ansalon dwell deep inside This is a stark contrast to the monarchy of the
the heart of an active volcano. Once in:letivc, the High Thane of 'l'noradin. in which their mler
\'olcanic home of the gnomes came to life with holds sway over all.
the emergence of the Chaos beasts during the ~llost nomadic clans of Ansalon are ruled by a
Second Cataclysm. now giving the b'nomcs an powerful leader who has proven his right to lead
endless supply of natural energy. throubrll contcsts of strenb>th and endurdnce.
The homes of the tme kender of Hylo are a Might makes ribrill in the civiliz,1tion of the
mf'TT)' mish-rnash of tree forts. unfinished I..-difiecs. minolaurs, where all emperor rules wilh an iron
and buildin!,'S crcmed out of any thing that c;mlC list and supreme authority, but may be challenged
to hand. '1l1cir cousins. the amicled kender. prefer to battle for his posit'ion in the circus, although
solid buildinl:,'S thai ofTer protection from the dan- the current emperor has takcn steps to m:lke the
gers of the outside world. title hereditary.
Humans live ;lllywhere and everywhere ad:lpt- 'l1le Knights of Neraka rule through dictator-
ing to the world, 3S is their nature. ship, controlling all forms of government and the
Draconians and minotaurs prefer to dwell in daily lives of the people in the belief that free will
forts. residing in buildings created with sturdy leads to anarchy.
wOCld and stone. TIle Drabron Overlords rule as cmel despots.
Ogres live among the ancient mins and mn holding a callous disregard for the lives of their
down cities of their old civilization. reminders of subjects. 'Ine dragons lay dow11 harsh, e>:acting
their fall from brr.:lce. laws. Punishments for breaking even the most
Goblins and their kin live in huts and caves in minor laws are torture and death.
a state of squalor. The goblins oflnrotllive in anarchy. believing
Gully dwarves live in sewers and p1:ICCS no in survial of the lIucst and every goblin for him-
oilier race would dream of inhabiting. self.
The kender of I-Iylo nominally live under an
GOVER.-n m En1' oligarchy composed of Belladonna and a handful
The free lands of Ansalon are la'l.'Cly comprised of amicted kender. In truth. most tme kender
of republics and feudal states. Larger cities tend to actually rule themselves, Cll:isting from day to day
lean toward feudal monarchies. Many villab"CS and without the guidance ofanyone, much to the frus~
towns across the continent have a variety of 6'0'1- tration of the olib'"3rchy.
clllmclltal bodies. Cities involved in a high
amount of trade are generally run by merchant Citi ES VE~VS tH E WiLDS
lords or guilds, which mle over a council C0111- 'l1le pt.'Optc of Ansalon can generally be divid(.,(!
prised of representtltives of the general popuhlce. into three groups: city dwellers, country folk, and
Some mlers arc ek'Cted. while others must pass barbarians. The distinctions between the three arc
complcx tests of mind and body. In monarchies. a not always c1e:lr. An aristocrat may consider a
person's linage will often be the detennining fac- peasant as little better than a savage, while a
tor in his or hcr chance to rule. wealthy famler lllay fashion himself something of
The brovemment in the draconian city of Teyr a rustic aristocrdL
is comprised of a civilian tribunal with civili:m Race plays a major factor in how one pt..-rson
representation and representatives of each dra- may perceive another. In most human lands, a
conian regiment. wel1-educated, well-drcssed minotaur is still con-
The gnomes of Mount Nevennind elect rulers sidered to a MCOW.M Dwarves classify kender as
b)' a popular vote. which was once handled by a ranking somewhere below barbarian status.
committee who went about polling every gnome. Nearly ninety percent ofthe people who dwell
Although members of the committee could be in Ansalon are considered country folk-those
bought or swayed, this was felt to be part of the individuals who \",·ork on farms either to raise
process and no one complained. The invcntion of crops to feed themselves and their f.1milies, or to
steam-powered voting machines has thrown this support othcrs by bartering their goods or selling
procedure into chaos, so that the b>Tlomcs cur- them in nearby vi1tab"CS or cities. City dwellers
rently have no 6'(wemment, but are :l\vaiting the barter or sell Iheir goods to the f.1rmers. in a
outcome of ballot counting, a state of confusion never-.ending and mutually beneficial cycle.

LiFE in tHE AGE OF mOR:rA~S "'-' 97

Outside this cycle are those who live in tribes burn their houses, but crops can always be
that are self-suflicient. who have no need or replanted, houses rebuilt, whereas lost lives can-
desire for outside influences. These include not be regained.
human nomads, wandering kender. ilnd Country life is simple and physically demand-
Kagonesti elves. The accumulation of wealth ing. Holi(hlys break the drudgery and daily rou-
mellns little to such pL"Ople, who are content to tine and are bTfeat1y anticip<lted. Locil filfmers
take life as it comes. asking for no more th,111 will gather at the nearest village or noble manor
whm they need to survive. house for cclebmtions such as Harrowing, May
Day. the beginning of planting season, Yule, and
R.y~AL LivinG H,lrvest I-lome.
Nomads follow herds of caribou. elk and decr Since most children work in the fields. few
across flatlands and prairies. Hunting and gather- attend formal schools and many cannot read or
ing take up much of their time, although most write. In some inst,mces, however, educated par-
tribes generally have tribal holidays, which may ents may take advantage of winter days of inac-
be celebrated with feasting, chll1cing, and exhibi- tivity to educate their children. A noble might
tions of martial and athletic prowess. Such cele- fund a school for the children or a local mystic or
br,ltions may mark the changing season, such as cleric may establish a school in the neighbor-
spring and harvest time. They may indicate life hood. Certain bright and ambitious mrdl children
passages for members of the tribe, such as a may teach themselves.
child's passage into adulthood, a wedding, or ,1 The nominlll leaders of such commonwealths
fimera1. Nomads may prepare tribal members for usually pay tribute to a prince or noble, who in
an important hunt or for going to war. They turn will assist in the defense of the lands against
dwell in tents or other impermanent stntctures larger scale allacks. 'Il1e wise nobleman looks
that may be taken dowll swiftly and moved in after and cares for those under his protection,
order to follow the herds. knowing that the wealth of a nation residL"$ in a
Country folk are the backbone of Ansalon, breadbasket.
raising and tending and harvesting the crops that
feed not only themselves and their neighbors, but CiTY LivinG
also those who dwell in the cities. '1l1CY sell Ie a '111e supposedly ~easy~ and glamorous life of the
piece of land, clear it, and may work the land for city may lure away many a gullible farm boy or
generations. cultivating crops that yield bTfains, brir1. Finding food is as simple as visiting the local
fmits, ,md herbs and tending to herd animals that marketplace. Residents are protected aga.inst
provide wool. milk, and meal. dragons and invading armies by sturdy walls. 'Ille
COlintry folk dwell in permanent homes made taverns arc always open, making every day a hol-
of sod. thatch, or fieldstone. They labor-day in iday. There arc fortunes to be made in the city,
and day out-raising crops that usually consist of where everyone is rich and happy.
barley. potatoes, oats, peas, and bc,U1s in the City dwellers know the tntth: life in the city is
spring and wheat and rye in the fall. Some own far from glamorous. Finding food is C'dSy enough,
the land on which they work. In most instances, if you have coin to buy iL The walls surrounding
however, the property belongs to wealthy nobles, the city keep outside threats at bay, but they also
who allow the farmers to live there and take what keep ill the stench of refuse, the reek of unwashed
they need in return for a share of the harvest. In bodies, and disease. Thverns may lure the suscep-
lands under the mle of the Knights of Neraka or tible to find solace at the bottom of a jug ofdwarf
other dictators, the farmers are slaves. forced to spirits. Thieves and pickpockets, footpads and
work fields that belong to the knighthood in assassins, thrive in the crowds and anonymity of
return for barely enough food to keep them alive. city life.
Most fimners live within a few miles of a vil- City life is often rigidly stratified by class:
lage or small town, where they can travel to tmde lower, middle, and upper middle classes, and the
their grain, milk and foodstuffs for locally crafted noble or ruling clnsses.
items such as tools and spun cloth. If they arc The lower class consists of unskille<1 laborers,
lucky, they will have the protection of the local bL1,'gdrs, tramps. refilgees, b'Ypsies, etc. The mid-
authorities or the militia of a local noble to keep dle class includes skilled laborers, artisans, erafts
them safe from the attacks of bandits. goblins and people and guardsmen. Upper middle class is
other predators. TIle hlfger the settlement, the made up of those who have we,llth enough to be
more likely that it will employ soldiers that will able to employ others.
protect the residents. In limes of war, fimners will In past ages, country folk were forced to make
often be warne<1 to leave their hmd and dwellings all their own tools, fitrniture and household items.
to seek the safety of a stockade, fortress, or city As citiL"$ developed. they becmne home to cmfts-
walls. Enemy troops may steal their crops and people who specialized in making certain types of
goods of a higher quality thnn could be made by
the unskilled. Blacksmiths, chandlers, shoemakers.

98""'" CHAP"",,- THREE

potters. skinners. oil merchants. past!)' cooks, coal A noble is expected to aet in a number or differ-
sellers. menders. millers. saddle makers. Wl.'avers. ent roles: diplomat. military commander, landlord.
tailors. and butdlcrs arc ;1 fC\y of the professions politician and locI! adjudic.ltor. With wc..-;t!th and
found within the city. power comes responsibility. 'Illerc is no denying
Unfortunately. the skilled laborers are not the howC\'er that alllucnce and prestige havL" adV1U1-
only people who find a place in the city. DmwTl to t:l!,'CS. Nobles may consider thL'mselves to be above
the prospect of e::lSY profit are those individuals certain laws simply because or their place in socie-
who are re::tdy 10 lake adv:lnt"b'C of their fdlow ty. 'lllL")' can alford the best accommodations and
man. ~"3rs. cutpurses. (hub'S, and scoundrels provisions when abroad. Common rolk arc taught
skulk in tlle shadows ofany substantial town or city. to rcspeel them and hold thL'!n in the hibrhcst
ready to pounce on an unsuspcCling prey. csteem. either becmse the noble has e.lmed thm
In some cities. local laborers and craftsmen have lo\'e and loy'".ilty or because failing to shO\y respect
banded togt.... hcr 10 fonn b'llikJs. In most instances. can lead to unrortunale consequences.
such (,'uikis can be benefICial-seeing to it that The homes of nobles are nonnally casdes or
apprenlK:es arc well-treated and fairly paid. for mansions set apart from lhe dwellings ofcommon-
example. or working \\~th city nden;; to affect polit- ers. In many instances. these dwdlinb'5 can ael as
ical change to benefit guild llu:mbCl"s. fortresses in case the rq,:ion is atlacked. with the
Generally membership in a b'llild is voluntary. noble lord summoning those under his protection
although those nl."\vcomers who want 10 establish to seek shelter \\~thin his walls. In large cities, an
themsel\'es in a city will often find it well to join. entire section ohhe city may be set apart solely ror
en'n if it means an outlay or cash. [n some the homes and mansions or tile nobility, usually
instances. ho\\'lL"ver, b'llild m(.'!nbcrship is mandato- round high on a hill or in some other prominent
ry and an individual who n..fuses to join and tries to Ioc-.ation. Most mansions or manor houses are tim-
practice hL'!' cr.lft independently may lind hersc..-Ir ber. rmOle<! with long galleries ror walks.. g.uncs.
fAcing heavy fincs or L'VL'll arrest and imprisonment. and disphl}~ng art. Castles :Ire built or stone and
Often !,'1Jilds influence the daY4to-day lire ora cily serve the dual function orrOltress and dwelling.
Usually this is ror the bettcnnent or the people, but Many people occupy the noble's (".astle, rrom
may occasionally be used ror their own ends. For staff and scn':lJlls. squires and pab'CS. ladies-in-wait-
example. a merchant's t,.'1Jild may make demands on ing, clerics that SClVe the spiritual needs orthe ram-
how city funds arc used or IX'fSuadc their mL1nbcrs ily, and visiting friends and relatives who may stay
to incrC'.lSC prices. A thieves b'1Jild may l.'\fen hold a ror months m :1 time. Rooms and rood must
<.ity hostage, thrcatening 10 inCJ'C".lSC activity ir cer- be provided ror all or these J)(.'Ople. as well as sta-
tain demands aren't met. bling ror horses. Tapestries, ortt..'!l hand-st....w n by the
A city w::lIch is ccntml to kc..'Cping pC-.lce in laf1:,TC noble lady and her retinue. adom the walls :md pro--
<.ities. ThL" confined living c..'Olulition5, dark and nar- vide color and w:lnmh. Weapons :llld shields are
row streets, and constant influx or visitors make ror displayt'd on the walls. FUnliture is well made and
unsettled and possibly danbtCrOus living conditions. may be e1abor.uely C.IIVL'(1, ofien dL'COr.lted with lhe
In laf1:,'Cr c..;tit..'S, small am1ics orsoldiers lTlay be gar- ramily erL'Sl or symbols that represent lhe fillllily or
risoned olltside the city walls, fC<ldy ror any threat thc nation.
against the geller.11 populace. '111C main meal is an c1abomte arElir, with a
number or IUles or etiquette that must be rollowL-'d
LiFE OF nOBiliTY to properly cl~oy the meal and show the proper
lllOSC individuals born to noble blood comprise respect. Entertainmelll such ilS music or singing is
less than rour percent or Ansalon's population. In always providt..-'d during the main mc.ll. which may
many places. the nobility is filr removL'd rrom thc be taken at midday or in the evening.
destitute and impoverisht..>d. A rew nobles live lives STER..-EOTYPES
or isolated luxury, rarely. ir (.'\fcr. consorting with
anyone outside their own small world. Such Jx.'ople Lire on Ansalon is diverse in nature and most or its
fail to comprehend the complaints or the lower people do not fit neatly into ster<.'Otypcs. Not all
dasscs. because they have tl(.,\'cr expericnced lire barbarians arc ~noble~ savages, nor are all f:lnllCrs
beyond their walls. jolly peas:.lllt5. All members or the aristocr.ley are
Other lllemOC'fS or the nobility arc much more not greedy and COmlpl. Some barbarians are cruel
in,"Ol"oo with the li"es of thooo who look to th...' Tll and mindless brutes. Some filnnt'!"S are and
lOr protection. 'rhey take their obIi!,>rltions scriousIy. b:ld-tempcrcd. Some nobles arc rib'htcous and pro--
ofim \~siting the ,~l1a1;,,'CS and towns and ranns that tective. dL'lllanding only the best ror their people
&lJ \vithin their jurisdiction. ll'le)' \\~11 regularly I'L"Ild and doing what they can 10 make the lives or the
the poor and the sick. brin!,ring roOO and aid. and commoners easier. Crc:lting dm.....acters that are
will take an interest in the !,'t.'!ll."f':.ll welfare or thcir complex and interesting by avoiding the stL'n..'Otyp-
people. often interceding ror them with those high- ieal c:anCIlh~ce play and m:lke ror more L'rljoyabk
er in such .as princes. kin!,'S. and emperors. gammg expenences.

LiFE in "tHE ACE OF mOR....TAlS ~ 99

The min tlmr drll/ched the lIor/Mo"ds of AI/saloll and tions of religion are ceillralto life within the city.
Sages, nobles, professional merchants, and expert
was sllCh a misery to the salal/lllic KlliglJf5 would craftsmen make their homes within the paved
have been we/come to the cll'cs ill (he sOl/th, WilD were streets of these large communities. Unllble to
just starring theirjOlIn/CY throliSh rill: Plaills eif Dust. b'l'OW their own food within the city, they rely on
those b'Oods that are shipped in from outside
The QJwlillesri dl'cs had always gloried ill the SlIIl. communities.
Their Tower was the Timoer of the 51111; their killg, the Although the structure is the same, the system
speaker if the 51/11. The suns fisht banished the dark~ may change from place to p\;lce depending on a
number of filctors-including alignment and race.
/less and the terrors of the "igllt, brought life to the In evil cities the Vill'lgeS are under the rule of a
roses and warmth to tll(~ir hOl/5es, The dlles had fOiled minor lord who puts slaves 10 work in the tend-
ing of crops, hUlHing and fishing. taking the
evm ti,e 1It'11' Sill', that had appeared '!ftcr the Chaos goods for the promise that the individual may live
War,for though its light seellledfeeble, pah~) alld sickly for one more day. Larger towns under the influ-
at times, it colltilll/cd to brillg lift to their land. ence of evil offer protection from outside threats,
but olTer little prott..><;tion from the threat within.
III the PlaillS of D1/5t, the SU/I did lIot brillS life.
Thieves' guilds. slave rings. and tyrants lIsually
The SUII brought dearJ/. have a controlling grip on the inhabitants of the
Neller biforc had the elves wrsed the 511/1. NOII~ city, taking the hard earned coin of the craftsmen
and merchants who are unfortlllul!e enough to do
after DillY afiw days'travel/hroIlS" the empr)" harsh business there.
land III/der the strauge, glaring rye tif this SUlI-all On the war-torn continent of Ansaloll. it is
eye thar was "0 10l/ger pale aud sickly hiltfierce and unfortunately common to find a number of com-
munities formed by the collection refugees fleeing
miforgivillg as the eye tif a vengifid goddess-the from destruction wrought by overwhelming
ell'es grew to hate the slm and cursed it bleakly as it forces. Refugee towns, such as Sad Town located
near Solace or the amicted kender community of
rose with malevolent vi"dietil'lness every momi"x. Charred in the Desolation, do not have the luxu-
DrngollJ oJa Von/shed Moon ry of protection or the farmlands so very neces-
- Margarct Wcis & Tracy Hickman
sary for a very civilized existence. TIley eke out a
living day by day using only their skiJIs and wits
CiTiES to defend themselves and their families in any
way they can.
11le settlements and cities of Ansalon are as Of the tmly self-sufficient communities there

f9 varied and uniquc as the folk that dwell

there. Each larger community is resting on
the shoulders of smaller communities. inter-
arc few, but they do exist to an extent. The dra-
conian city ofTeyr is one such city that relics lit-
tle on the outside world for its livelihood. TIley
changing services and goods. The most common provide their own food, shelter. and proteetion-
type of community is that of the hap or village. knowing thm when it comes down to it they can
Comprised of hunters, woodsman. farmers. trap- only depend on themselves in the end.
pers, homesteaders, and other folk who tame the
wilderness, the community of the rustic village is
fonned. Thorps and hamlets are the lifeblood of
A K.:" K!i U R..-ffi A IT
larger communities by supplying the raw materi- Small City, 9,876
als, livestock, and foodslUff necessary for shelter 1ne walled city of Ak-Khurman is sealed at the
and sUlvival. tip of a peninsula stretching out into the Bay of
Larger towns usually sit within a sea ofvillages. Balifor, setting it just across the bay from Port
haps and agricultural communities. They offer Balifor. This city of Kilurish merchants and
protection to the communities of the countryside pirates is currently one of a handful of cities capa-
in a number of different ways. Walled towns, cas- ble of continuing large amounts of tmde across
tles, and forlS offer protection to the surrounding the bay. Hundreds of squat sandy stone buildings
populace from outside threats. while locoll law with grey shue roofs sit cmmmed against one
enforcement 'and city guards usually ofTer protec- another in a maze of crooked streets. Slate grey
tion within the city. Towns are a central gathering towers with gold crenellations and a small yet ele-
place for individullis to trade their goods and gant palace overlook the walls oftbe city. Up and
services. Skilled craftsman and laymcn ply their down the dusty streets the sounds of new con-
trade within the relative safety of their protected struction can be heard as the residents of Ak-
communities. Khurman expand the number of available homes
Larger communities. brrand cities, and metrop- and businesses. The alliance between Khur and
olises depend on trade from surrounding towns. Neraka has forced a number of tribes south
Commerce. institutions oflearning. and org;miza- esC'Jping the mmpabring Neraka barbarians.

100"-' CHAP"tEI\.Fovl\.
The city is home to the Mikku tribe. a tribe the Knights of Nemka had plans for Iheir harbor
named for the fifth SOil of the grCl.lI Khur leader town. For a ye:lT the d:lTk knif:,rhts had a blockade
that once united all the tribes. 'nlC Mikku tribe is on Ihe city trying to prevent the continuing SC'd
known not only for its love of dancing and music, trade. but the Mikku found ways around it.
but also for their light fingers and stealthy dispo- Eventually the presence of the Legion of Steel
sition. Kanji Mikku (human male Rog7/Sor6: AI.. and the inability to stop the crafty merchants
Lt,~, the Khan oCthe city. is onc oCthe wealthicst from trading C'duscd the dark knil,rhls to retreal. at
smugglers in Ansalon. He is known for his ~hon­ leasl openly. 1ne Legion ofStcel has remained in
orable ~ methods of doing business. Ihe city, while the dark knights in the city now
Knights from the Legion of Steel walk openly operdte clandestinely, using the same tactics the
up and down the streets. stopping people and Legion has used else>.vhere with a surprising
chauing with merchants as they keep a lookout amoulll of success.
for dark knights :md 'emkan spies.
l. Kemaa el Nan. Called MKcmaa cI Nan M
• RJ;:cionAL H is"tOI\..Y
meaning the Plaza of the Dead, bc..'Cause it was Ak-Khurman began its life as a den for pirates and
once the site ofa number ofpublic executions. the thiC\·es in the years after the Cataclysm. A nearby
plaza is now a center of trade and entertainment. selliemelll of the Mikku tribe invaded the bud-
Butcher.;, bakers, fishmongers. and other mer- ding village just after the Lighthouse was built.
chants line the streets around the square. The sur- Yet, to the surprise of the pirates and smugglers,
&ce of the plaza is cremed from great slabs of the l\'likku joined them, offering to assist them in
smoothed stone in the mosaic of a gre-dt bear (the moving their stolen goods inlO the hands of
symbol of the Mikku tribe). Khurish merchants.
Celebrntions are held within the square. When the Green Dragon armies moved into
Dancers and musicians perform concerts. and the city during the War of the Lance. the schem-
street magicians display incredible feats through ing Mikku used their skills and wiles to actually
slight of hand. Spectators to these festivals arc make revenue off the invading anny. They soon
often the targets of pickpockets and con artists. realized that the COSI of keeping thcm was more
2. Flowing l-lagon. 'l'ne tavem of the Flowing expensive than kicking them OUI. so they eventu-
Flagon is located midway between the Harbor ally joined with the other tribes in driving out the
and the PI37_1 of thc D<.-ad. A long window looks occupying forces. During the Chaos War, a num-
OI.It into thc street affording a vicw ofthe foot tmf- ber of bizarre cmb--like creatures crept from the
fie going by. "n1e b:lck h:llfof the t:wem is in shad~ bay. destroying the buildin(,,'S and killing hundreds
ows. A number of known smugglers and of citizens.
swindlers frequcnt thc phlce. 'n1C l-lowing "':I&'On The tribe recovcr<.x1 from thc devastation and
is owned by Feriik Strong:mns-a half-o("JTc of took a look around. 1',c world had changed.
Khurish persuasion (h:llr-ogre male Ftrll; AL N). Slowly refugees from the cast, mostly Plainsmen,
3. Khunnan Tor. '111e talk'St structurc along the st:lrtOO arriving looking for a place to rest, bring-
shore is thc Lighthouse of Khurrnan 'lor. It is also ing with them tales of a marauding rt.x1 dmgon.
the oldest structure in the city. Created to (,,'lJide "n1is news, along with news of invading barbar-
s:lilors and smugglers, the city of Ak-Khurrnan ians out of Neraka. gave the opportunistic tribe
grew up :uound it. "l1,e lighthouse is two hundred the idC'd to profit from the :ldversity. 111(:)' begl;lll
feet high and the light is visible from thirty miles a plan of constmctioll creating new homes and
away. Mirrors are uscd to refk>ct and increase the business for the expected increase in their popu-
intensity of light. The lighthollse W:1S fortunately lation.
missed during a number of attacks by dragons D<.'Spitc the incident of a dragon attack once or
during the Dra(,,1Qn Purf:,>e. twice, Ihe city was lefl on its own ~llld expanded
4. Harbor. 'n'e harbor of the city is bustling every day. Now that the War ofSouls is over, Ak-
with activity. "n1C Ix..od of the harbor has been KlllInnan is busier and more profitable than ever.
cleared of at least a dozen sunken ships that h:ld
made navigating the vohuile w:lters of the bay dif-
ficult. 'ne wharves arc w:uclu.-d closely by the BEACOIl
Legion of St<.'C1. but they havc le:lmed not (Q Village, 425
intrude in the Khan's business or that of his The port village of 8e:lcon was founded in 310
sailors. Fishmongers line the shore with the catch AC by mariners from Saifhum, who sought to
of me day as gulls circle overhe-dd, crying at the reinforce their ties with Ackal Province in
people below. Northern Ergolh. Beacon was settled partially by
5. Legion of Steel Fort. 10 the northeast side seafaring Ackalites who left Ergoth to seek a
ofme waterfront is the fOri of the Legion of Steel. home free of imperial threat.
This squat stone edifice holds :l g:lrrison of the These mariners hoped to use Beacon as a waysta-
knights. Ak-Khurman :lccepted Ihe assistance of tion near their Solamnic trading partners. many of
the Legion of Steel when it bee-dme e\'idelll Ihat whom are located in Gumhar on the isle of

Ci-r-i '5, S-r- ....O nGHOLDS l'r ~i ns. " " I0 I

~ 'CHAPTE~Fov~
Sancrisl. This waystation WllS to serve as tI stop- thickest offof,I'S. '111is magical teehnology includes
ping point between the port city and a ma/:,rical stone that lights up a complex set of
GUlllhar. mirrors. The Lighthouse is owned by Talith Reg-
"111c m;\riners established relations with the Sol (half-elf male S01"7; AL NG), a half-
I0C31 Ackalitcs and soon befriended them. 111i5 Dargonesti elf who 10nf,I'S to swim in the sea, but
friendship would not last, as the mariners soon is unable to since he cannot breathe w,ller.
grew tired of the restrictive social codes thai the 2. T'uminglight Tavern. The Turninglight
Ackalites insisted on applying to them. Amongst Tavern is the only tavern in Beacon, with a wide
these codes were restrictions on mariner women. v:lriety of clientele, ranbring from local farmers
many of who captained their own vessels. ilnd businessmen to cutthroats and cutpurses.
The mariners dcciclc.>(\ that this venture had 111e tavern's claim to (line is its "Lighthouse Ale",
become 100 costly. They rcared hostilities. and which reputedly bestows vif,'Or and cour.lbre.
knew that they were olltnumbered. It was soon while making one more appealing to the opposite
decided that the mitiorit)' of the mariners would gender. The owner, Silus Mllrgoth (human male
leave Be,lcon, turning the city over to the ComS; AL N), claims that he brews the ale in a
Ackalitcs. The mariners had TWO provisions on secret location where the magic.:l1 light from the
this aj,.lTcemenl. The first was that any mariners lighthouse f,'l"Jnts this brew its special qualities. In
who were left behind would be allowed to live in reality, Silus simply adds a bit of cream to the ale.
pc.:lce in Beacon. The SL'<:ond was that the light- 3. Harbor. Beacon's harbor is home to the
house would remain in operation, so vessels loc.:ll f\ckal pimtcs who attack ships rounding the
could still find their WilY around Northern Ergoth north capes of Northern Erbroth. '111e harbor is
at night. 'me Ackalites agreed to this arrange- open un any ship that seeks a port for the night,
ment, and soon members of sever;ll of the although the ships must pay a tariff to the pimtes.
Ackalite tribes found their home in Beilcon. An old dock built by the original mariners who
Beacon has f,'Town since the time of its found~ settled Beacon li{."S in the harbor. The dock has
ing, and now has over 300 people as residents. f.1.l1en into disrepair and is f,TCnerally considered to
l\'lost residents are descendents of thc orif,rinal be unsafe.
mariners and the tribes of Ack,llitcs that settled in 4. Constable's Office. As the town of Beacon
Beacon, although there are somc who have corne f,'Tew. they realized that they needed to have a
from other lands. Perhaps the most notable of constable to maintain order. 111e townspeople
these is an amieted Kender named Arlot were pleased to find Daervin Bol-Shun (human
Nightstrike (afllictcd Kender male Rog9: AL CN). male Marl3; AL N). an ex-c-.Iptain from the
Arlot is often found with other peoplc's posses- Erf,'Othian Empire who recently retired from mil-
sions. \Vhile many blame this on a kender's natu- itary life. Unbeknownst to the townspeople,
ral aflinity to "borrow" items, Arlot is very much Daervin WliS disch,lrged without honor from the
aware of his llctions. Arlot has a tendency to military for ~HctS unbecoming an officer".
break out of the constable'sjail cells. Daervin's office serves llOt only as the jail/or pris-
In the last few yellrs, the magic of Be,lcon's oners, but also as ,111 entry point to an under-
lighthouse began to fade. As the War of Souls b'TOund tunnel that goes to Ihe Turninglight
approached, it had filded to near-nothingness, 1iwern. Dllen'in uses the jail to provide a safe
and it was thought that the lighthouse would haven for his business associates. 'mose who pay
have to be abllndoned altogether. The end of the him the ,Ippropriate fee find that they can avoid
War of Souls saw the return of magic, and the troublesome situations by an escape route. 1l1Ose
light from the lighthouse shines nearly as bright who are enemies of his business associates often
as Solinari. find that they arc jniled. whether the charges are
Recently, a ship from Saiflmm has come to legitimate or not. 'nle townspeople are unaware
Beacon filled with refugees. Those on board of this and assume that he is doing a good job.
claim to have seen massive minotaur fleets cross-
ing the Blood Sea. Fearing that the minotaurs Ohamon Grimwulf
may be seeking to invade Saifl1um, many resi- Mllie human (SpcCi:ll, see notes below) Ftr
dents boarded a vessel and have come to the very 5/Knight of the Lily 3/Rog 3/Rogue Knight 9:
same waystation that they built in the first place. CR 20; Medium-size humanoid: HD 5d10+5
The townspeople of Beacon ,Ire uncertain how to (Ftr) plus 3d 10+3 (Knight of the Lily) plus 3d6+3
handle this odd set of circumstances. (Rog) plus 9dl0+9 (Rogue Knight); hp 119: Init
1. Lighthouse. The most notable structure in +8; Slxl 30 ft.; AC 22 (14 touch, 18 natfooted);
Beacon is its lighthouse. The lighthouse stands Atk +26/+2V+15/+11 melee (1dI0+7/x3 plus
approximately three stories tall. and its light can 2d6 ag'linst lawfiJl, and vorpal effects, the GIt"'lJe of
be secn for miles llround, serving as a reference Gnimvlfijj 01' +23/+18/+13/+8 ranged; SA
point for ship capt,lins who are rounding the isle Demoralize, desperJte strike, sneak attack +3d6;
of Northern Ergoth at night, most he'J.ding to the SQ Dire providence. evasion, former Knight of
realm ofGunthar on Sancrist. The light from this Nernka, hardhearted, honor's price, tr.lpfinding.
lighthouse is magical in nalure, and pierces the tr.lp sense. plus keen senses and immunities (as
102"-' CHAPTER..F0UR
shadow dmgon, S<..--e below); AL; SV ,"ort hits is not vulncr.lble to sneak attacks. Thc I'ObtUe
+15. Ref +12. Will +7; Str 19. [)ex 19. Con 13, Inl must be able 10 s(''C the talbret well enoub,h to pick
15, \VIS 13. Cha 17. out a "ital spot and must be able to reach a vital
SMIs dlul F~nlJ: Oimb +9 (+ JO as :l dml,:on). spot. The rogue cannot sneak attack while striking
Disable Device + I0 (+6 as a dragon). Disguise +8. a creature with concealment or striking the limbs
Escape Artist + 10 (+6 as a df3bJOn). Hide +10 (+6 of a creature whose '~tals are beyond reach.
as a dr.agon. special-). Intimidate +18. Jump +17 Dire Providence (So): A rogue knight's tragic
(+18 as a draf:,'On). Knowledge (nature) +5. fate manifests \\~th time into an uncanny ability to
Knowledl,,'C (rdil,,>ion) +5. Listen +7. Move Silcmly sUivive ag".linst the odds. When a I'Obrue knight
+10 (+6 as a dral"lQo). Ride +16 (+12 as :l'On). takes dam3!,'C that would reduce him to 0 hit
Search +8, SPOI +7. Survival +7, S\\~l1l +12 (+13 as points or less. once per day hc may make a
a dr.agon). Tumble +15 (+11 as a dr.lI,,'On): Blind- Fortitude save (DC equal to the dam3!,>e d<'''alt) to
fight, Combat Expertise. Combat Rcncxes, halve the dam3!,"C, His ability to recover from
Diehard, Dodge. Honor-bound-, Improved unconsciousness and shock also improves. '1,e
Initiative. Mobility. Spring AttilCk. PCrcentab>e ehan<.:c for his condition to stabili.....c
Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus when below 0 hp. and to waken after becoming
Oonl,,"Sword). Weapon Specialization unconscious, doubles to a base of20%. A character
(lon~,'"Sword). attempting to stabilize the rOb'\le knight g':.lins a +4
Dcmomli....e (Ex): A Knight cin:ulnst:mce bonus to her skill check.
of the Lily g.lins a +2 profime At 9th level. the rogue knight no
bonus on Intimidate checks 1011&>er nt.,'<..,<!s to make a check to
made to demoralize an avoid dying from massive damage.
opponent in combat. If the Additionally. he always getS a saving
knight's du:<...k is successful, throw against spells or spell-like abilities
me targel is sh:lken for 2 that cause instant death, even ifone is not
rounds. nonnally allowed.
Desperate Strike (Ex): E......LSion (Ex): [f exposed to any
Abandoning his oaths and effect that nonnally allows a Reflex
2\ming the retribution of save for halfdamage. the rogue takes no
his order has b';vcn rise to a d:unage on a successful sa\~ng throw.
deep-sealed desperation in "otnlcr Knight of Neraka (Ex):
the rogue knib,fu, and he TIle rogue knight gains a +2 bonus to
becomes C"dJT.lble of o.1raor- Blut[ Listen, Sense Motive, Spot. and
dinary ferocity when sur- SUl'\'i\':t1 dlecks used against mt..'tll-
rounded or outnumbered. bers of their former order (in
When the T'ObtUe knib-tu is Dhamoll's case, the Knights of
flanked by Iwo or more Neraka) and a +2 bonus to
opponents. he adds +3d6 to Initiative checks when in combat
aU of his damab"C rolls in ag:linst them.
melee combat for as long as Hardhearted (Su): '11e rOb'llC
he remains flanked. This knight guins a morale bonus to saving
bonus st:lcks with :my other I throws ag::linst fear and despair-
dam:lbte bonus (such as a r inducing effects equal to his
rogue's attack) when ""......... Charisma modifier (+3).
appropriate. but has no effect on :lny opponent Honor's Price (Ex): A rGb'lle knight is a victim
that is immune to l.TitiC".lI hits, SUdl as unde.ld, of broken ooths and foresworn promises, and
oozes. plants. or constructs. honor has ex-.leted its price upon him. He suffers a
Snt.-ak Attack (Ex): If a rogue's talbICt would be penalty to his Charisma-based skill checks equal to
denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he his class level in his fonner knighthood (-3 penal-
2ClUaIly has a bonus or not). or when the roguc ty) whenever he with his fomler brothers in
Banks her target, the roguc's allack de-dis +3d6 thc order in which he bclonged, and any other
points of extr.l damage. If the attack scores a criti- knighthood that recognizes his order as one of
cal hit. this ext'.l damage is not multiplied. Ranb'Cd honor and duty. Conversely, he gains a bonus to
anacks can count as sneak attacks only if the taf"bICI any of his Charisma-based skill checks when deal-
is within 30 fl."Ct. \Vith a sap or an unanncd strike, ing with the undl.·rworJd. criminals. and other dis-
rne rogue can make a attack that deals sub- honorable or unsavory characters.
dual damage inste;.ld of nonnal damage. He C.Ulnot Trapfinding (Ex): ROl:,tUes C".ln use the Search
use a weapon th;lt deals nonn:11 damab'C to deal skill to locme traps when the task has a DC higher
subdual d:umlge with a slleak attack. A rogue C"dn than 20. Finding :1 110nmagicaJ trap bas a DC of at
sneak att:lck only living creatures with dis<.:crnablc least 20. hibmer Wit is well hidden. Finding a magic
anatomies. Any crC:lture that is immune to critical tntp has a DC of25 + the level of the spell used 10

Ci-riES, S-r"'OnCHOLDS & ~ins "-' 103

~CHAPTER... FovR...
create it. Rogue<; can use the Disable Device skill to Dhamon fell in love with Feril. a member of his
disann magic traps. Disabling a magic Imp has a company. He hoped that they could build a life
DC of25 + the k'Vel of the spell used 10 cre:lte 11. together, but fate intervened.
A rogue who beats a Imp's DC by 10 or morc with \Vhen Dharnon cmue across a woundL..cJ dark
a Disable DcviL"C check ean study a trap. fibnJfC out knight. Dhamon tried to give comfort to the
how it works. and bypass it (with his party) with- dying man. The dark knight ripped a red dmgon
out disanning it. sC:Jle from his chest and lhrust it into Dhamon's
Trap Sense (Ex): TIle robrue has an intuitive leg. The scale cursed Dhamon, causing him to
sense that alerts him to danger from Imps. giving come under the control the evil Dmgon
her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves mllde to avoid Overlord, Malys the Red.
tt<IPS and .1 + 1 dodge bonus 10 AC i1b",insl attacks Unable to help himself. Dhamon committed
by traps. many evil acts under Malys's direction, including
the attempted murder of Gold moon. Final1y. a sil-
Ohamon Grimwulrgrew up in the small village of ver dmgon .md the mysterious shadow dmgoll
Hartford, near the Vingaard River in Solamnia. pooled their magic and broke Malys's hold on
l11e son ofsheep-herders, Dhamon b'TCW dissatis- Dhamon, although they weren't able to remove
lied with mundane chores and menial labor. He the scale. which had now turned black. Dhamon
spent his youth dreaming of a life of adventure led his company to the \Vindow to the Stllrs por-
and excitement. When a childhood friend left to tal. where they risked their lives in a campaign
squire for a Sohunnic Knight. Dhamon was deter- against the Dmgon Overlords.
mined thm he would one day wear a knight's 'nley could not kill the powerful dragons. but
spurs. Dh,unon might have followed his friend's their valiant efforts brought hope to the suffering
path, except for a chance encounter with a b1TOUP people of the world. Sadly for Dhamon, the only
of dark knights who had camped within sight of woman he had ever loved, Feril, left him. plung-
his family home. Wmching the Knights of the ing DhlimOIl into despair.
Lily spar, Dha1llon realized it was an opportunity Dhamon continued his battle :lgainst the drag-
to leave the lire of;1 shepherd behind forever. He ons, but a series of tr:.lgiC events convinced
ignored his father's warnings the dark Dhamon th,lt the fight was hopeless. Eventually.
knights were evil and oflered his services to them. he decided to live only for himself and to take
TIle young man proved to be naturally adept what pleasure he could from the world before the
with the sword and learned the Blood Ollth and dragons killed him. He fell in with a smlll1 of
the Code of the Knights of Takhisis. Dhamon thieves led by an ogre mage. Maldred. The twO
rose in the nmks and was paired with .1 blue drag- cut a swath of terror across the mountains of
on named Gale. Valued as a skilled tnIcker and a Blode. Dhamon kept telling himself this was the
talented field medic (in a time without he-,ding life he wanted to lead. Meanwhile, the dragon
magic). Dhamon enjoyed the accolades that scale in his leg was clusing him increasing pain.
came his way and carried out his assignments Maldred eventually betrayed Dhamon, who
without question, lImil the day he met an e1dery discovered to his horror that the mysterious
Solamnic knight and challenged the old man to a shadow dragon was using the scale to turn him
duel. into a drAgon. The shadow dragon was dying and
Dhamon expected an easy fight. but the old intended to replace Dhamon's mind with his
man was skilled and relentless and handily defeat- own. Dhllmon fought the shadow dragoll and
ed the younl"rer knight. wounding him severely. defeated it. but the damage had been done-his
Dhamon was certain the knight would finish him body had changed into that or ,I dragon.
oIT. but his enemy spared him and then tended to Now in dragon form. Dhamon and his com-
his wounds. \"'hile DhamQn mended, the older panions continue their quest through Ansalon to
knight expounded on all the virtues of the rid the world of the remaining Dragon Overlords.
Solmnnic Knighthood. Dhamon saw the dark
knights for what they tmly were. When the dark Male adult shadow dragon (unique, see notes
knights came upon the two and killed the old below): CR 20; Large dragon (shadow): HD
Solamnic. Dhamon abandoned his Order and 19dI2+57; hI' 180; Init +4; Spd 80 ft.. fly 150 ft.
vowed to change his life. (poor); AC 31 (touch 9. flat-footed 31); Base Atk
Destiny led him to the Tomb of the Last +18, Grp +25; Atk +23 melee (2d6+5, bite); Full
Heroes where he met Goldmoon, mystic of the Atk +23 melee (2d6+5. bite). +18 melee (ld8+2.
Citadel of Light. She saw through bis rough exte- 2 claws). +18 melee (ld6+2. 2 wings). +23 melee
rior to his good heart and Ufbred him to take .1 (ld8+7, tail slap); Space/Reach 10 ft./IO ft.; SA
stand against the Dragon Overlords. Dhamon breath weapon, spell-like abilities. spells; SQ
accepted the calling. He became the le-J.der of blindsense. damage reduction 5/magic, darkvi-
Goldmoon's company ofheroes and guidL'd them sian 60 ft .. immunity to energy drain. sleep. and
across the ['lee of Ansalon in pursuit of a means paralysis. low-light vision. shadow blend. spell
to battle the Drab10n Overlords.

104 ........ CHAPTER..F0UR

CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS ft Rgins ""
resistance 22; AL N; SV Fort +16, Ref +11, Will concealment. Artificial illumination. even :1 lighl
+17; Str 21. ))ex 10. Con 15, Int 15. Wis 13, Cha or ronllimol/lome spell, does not negate this abili-
II ty. A dnylighl spell, however. will.
Skills and Fe-Jts: As Dhamon Grimwulf. "'ole: Dhamon is a unique shadow dragon. He
Breath We-.lpon (Su): 40-fi. cone. damUbre 3 Cdn shnpechOlJgt'. at will. back and forth between
negative levels energy drain. Reflex DC 24 half; his human and dmgon fonns. While in dragon
Fort DC 24 to regain levels after 24 hours. fonn. he gains all the extmordinary and supemat-
Frightful Presence uml abilities of a
(Ex), 180-fl. dragon. but loses
radius. HD 19 or all of his own (and
less. Will DC 22 vice versa). Only a
negates. few abilities remain
Shadow blend constant. regard-
(Su): During any less of which fonn
conditions other he is in (skills and
than full daylight. feats rem;lin the
the shadow drag~ same, although
on C'dn disappear certain skills arc
into the shadows. modified bec;ltlse
giving il ninc- of his physical
temhs conce~ll­ form, immunities.
ment. Artificial and keen senses).
illumination, even The above statis-
a ligtu or continu- tics represent
al flame spell, Dhamon as he
does not nCg".lle appears following
this ability: :1 day- the events of the
light spell, howev- Dhnmon Sogo by
~. \\~II. Jean Rabe.
Spell·like PosHMi()lu: +4
Abilities (Sp): chnil/ mOl!, the
3/day-mirror Glnive ofGnnrwu!f
imngr. 21day-
dimmsir)fl door.
Casler level 5th;
save DC 13+ spell Small City. 7.742
level. Blaten is the pri-
Spells: As 5th mary city in the
level sorcerer. ogre lands of
Sorcerer Spells BIOde. Nestk>d in a
Known (617/5: defensible place
spell save DC = _ _oJ high in the moun-

23 + spell level): O-dtJu, deleel mtJ'l;ic, lighl, flltlge tains. it is lorded over by the aging Chieftain
hUI/d, mlfl mogic, ,.Wslofla; 1st-duJllouch, eXfk'tlt: Donnag. who rules with a proverbial iron h'llld.
lima nlnol, hypnolism, obsamilg lIliJt. 2nd-bbiJd- The majority of occupants are ogres; most of
nm!det!fileM. hold fk'r:Ion whom were born in the city. lnere is a mix of
Immunities (Ex): All dragons are immune to other races. including dwan'es. gnolls. and
sleep and pa....a1ysis effects. Shadow dmgons arc humans (most are slaves and common laborers.
also immune to energy drain attacks and effects. but some who are spies and reasonably successful
Blindsight (Ex): A dragon can ascertain crea· entrepreneurs).
tures by nonvisual means (mostly by hearing and lany thousands of years ago, the cily of
scent. but also by noticing vibration and other Blaten was impressive. with lofty towers. sprawl-
environmental clues) with a range of 180 feet. ing manors, and ever·bustling markelplaces. Ten
Keen Senses (Ex): A dragon sees four times as thousand ogres live amongst the same streets
well as a human in low-light conditions and twice built by their ancient ancestors. Delusions of
as well in nonnal light. It also has darkvision with grandeur lead them to believe that by walking the
3 ran!.I'C of 600 fL'Ct. same sunken cobblestone streets, and sleeping in
Shadow Blend (Su): During any conditions the same place as their forbearers. they C'dn cling
other than full daylight. a shadow dmgon can dis- 10 the prestibte and power of those bygone days.
appear into the shadows. giving it nine·tenths TIle city began f:.llling into ruin long before the
Cm:lclysm. when f:.lctions of ogres slruggled ror
control or sections of the mOllntain range. Both
CiTiES, ST1\.OnGHOlDS fr ~ins ~ 105
thc \Var of the Lance and the Chaos War result- llle palace itsclfis a tower more thilll 220 feet
ed in further deterior.ltion. when the grem drag- tall. rising high above all the other buildinj"rs in
ons were loosed upon the land, and when the B16ten. Recently. the entire stmcture was repaint-
fiery abominations of Chaos wrecked havoc ed, the smooth. round tower now a pristine ivory
across the continent. white. '1~lpcstrics and banners depict'ing the rise
During the early part of the Fifth Agc. the and glory of the of,J'fc titans and the eventual
Ogre Chieftain Donnag united ncarly •• 11 the 0b'TC reclamation of dominance by the 0bJ'fe nations
tribes, quietly eliminating the creaturcs and men have been hung from the windows.
who sought to topplc them. He concentrated on Inside the tower. there is <In audience chamber
bolstcring the city's army and keeping a few tradc where nomlal 0bJ'fes may petition the 0bJ'fe titans
routes active. but he made no effort to restore the for filVOrs and requests. but the vast majority of
bllildinbrs or to improve the lot of the common the tower has been made off-limits to any by the
citizens. Some say he loved thc crumbling facades 0brre titans. their entourages, ;Illd their slaves. 'ille
that rise above the weed-lined streets. and that he palace is guarded by the best warriors in the city.
preferred to keep his people downtrodden, and that rooms within and below are further pro-
believing they would be e'lsicr to control that tected with glyphs and other mabrics, particularly
wlly. those that protL'Ct the towcr from being invaded
Then. in the months bcfore the \Var of Souls. through the usc of tdeportation or alteration
Donnag was apprO<lched by the leader of the maf,rics. Donnag has filled the place with works of
Ogre Titans, Dauroth. who offered to transform art takcn by his anny in mids and purchased or
the aging Donnag into onc of the 0bJ'fe titans. othenvise acquired from merchants. Chicftain
Although Donnag's son. a powerful ogre mage Donnag (male 0b'Te titan. Ftr 12/Sor 7; AL NE).
who callcd himselfMaldred, tricd to dissuade his 2. Grim Kedar's. A place of powcr and mys-
filther from the course. the craving to maintain tery, this shop in the Old Quarter is patronized by
his power and to extend his life proved too ogres seeking cures for a variety of maladies. 'ille
tempting, and Donnag underwent the transfor- walls of the main shop are lined with jars and
mation. boxes 11lk.>d with powders. unb1llelll's, salves. and
Bloten has always been one of thc seats of things best left unnamed. The two tables are
power .lmonbyst thc 0b'Tes. but now Donnag and almost always occupied by 0b'TCS sipping one of
the other of,'Tc titans plan for it to become the Kedar's teas. which arc said to ward off diseases.
capital ofthc entire world. The titans have begun The back room of the shop is where the real heal-
to rebuild and rcstore the crumbling city to its ing mllbric happens. 111e tables here are high and
former gloly. forcing shIVes to clean the walls and long and meant for the seriously injured. Grim
applying fresh CO,ltS of pain\. 'Ill(~ titans them- Kedar-for a price-would trem any wounded
selves arc rebuilding the W.1US and ruined build- brought to him. He was known as the most
ings of the city. and slowly but surely. Bloten is accomplished healer in all of B1ode. and perhaps
once more beginning to gleam with a hint of its one of the best in all of Ansalon. second only to
fomler glory. It is cmirely possible. if the titans Goldmoon. Grim. however, passL-'d from the
continue the pace they have set. that BJOten may world (some say foul play was involved), and the
become one of thc most beautiful and evil cities shop has been inherited by his young nephew
in all of Ansalon. Kalz·et. Ka]z'et is slight for an ogre. and he is
Of,J'fe f,ruards stationcd along the wan and lit quick to avoid any physical conflict. He c1,lims to
three g<ltes monitor travel into and Ollt of Bloten. know only a little of the healing ilrtS. Kalz'et is
111ey typicilly will not allow non-ogres to enter much morc accomplishcd than he claims, having
unless their palms are well greased with steel studied long at Grim's sidc. He is velY careful to
pieces. '111ere are rumors ofother entrances under SclcLi which pat'icnts receive the full measure of
the city. but the tales say the labyrinthine tunnels his magic. Kalz'et Kt.,<lar (male ogre Clr 9: AL
arc lllled with fearsomc creatures. NE: Healing +10. Brew Potions +9).
1. Donnag's Palace. 111e building in the best 3. The Bucket. Sell-swords looking for work,
repair in the city is the largest and is home to thc and robrues looking for infonnation find thcir
ogre Chieftain Donnag. [t occupies an entire to Ihis rundown tavern. 'lllOugh ogres make up
block in the very center of Bloten. the land it cov- the bulk of the patrons. the barkeep is known for
ers being the equivalent of two square blocks in serving all races. For a few ext"l coins. he ushers
most human cities. 'Ille tower originally marked people into one of three b.1Ck rooms-wherc deals
the supposed birthplace of the llrst Of,'TCS, but are brokered and goods change hands.
after the fall of the ,lIlcienl 0b'TCS beneath thc 3. Hanugar's Chuck, A block south of the Old
Curse of Paladine. the original purpose of the Quarter, this shop is situated in one of Bloten's
building was lost to the fallen Of,'Tes. Not ones to cleaner alleys. Hanugm is 11 human. ;1 former slave
let anything go to waste. the ogres quickly movL-'(1 who claimed his fi·L.oedolll when his master died in
into the tower, making it a residence for their a tavern brawl. Though hc could have left for
chieftains. friendlier hl1lds. he elccted to stay in the city. An
accornplishL-'d gambler, he parlayed some of his
106"" CHAP"tER.FeUR
winninb'S into this business. which c::llen; primari- homes and squalid shacks. TIle non-ogre popula-
ly to the non-ogre races in the city. It is pari dry tion of Bloten resides in these slullls. A number of
goods store, lmd part annory. At limes he also small establishments and shops are allowed to
sells boots and books - ilnd just about anything remain under the heavy taxation of the ogres.
else he C'lll lILxlllirc from visiting adventurers. Each owner has his or her own reason for staying.
Hanug;u (male human Fir 3; eN) is a weathcred- but for many it is a choice betwt.'Cn running a
looking. middle-a/".-ed man with coal black eyes business or becoming a slave performing physical
and stark white hair. labor. or worse. In this slum. along a row ofdilap-
4. Courts of Victory. A great dusty area of idated shops. lies the tavern known as the Hairy
5nul11 towers and open pla7Als located at the Hound. No sign bJT;lCCS its doorway. but its loca-
entrance of the DOllnag's Palace. In ancient times. tion is known to almost al1 the inhabitants of
these plazas were the center for artistic and cul- Bloten. The food is expensive, but the ale is cheap.
tural festivals. Prominent bards would entertain Shain Bartis. the Mad (male human, Ftr3/Clr of
and enlighten crowds ;lI1d great lilCmry works Sirrion 8; CN). a recently reformed priest of
were performed for the enjoyment ofhundn..,,<ls of Sirrion. runs the establishment, although he has
ogres. Now. the courts are used for diversions of kept his return to his fonner god a secret. Some
another sort. Houses of ill repute. rundown tav- believe him to be mad (hence the sobriquet) to
erns••md gambling houscs are thc latest enter- stay here. for he h.1S no apparent reason to remain
tainment. Constant street brawls. debauchery of under the oppressive reign of the ogres, but they
all types, and decldenee make the Court of '1fe ghld he does. Secretly. since the return of the
Victory worth visiting in the eyes of any ogre. gods. Shain has begun to sponsor the formation
Donnag encourages the self-indulgence. believing of slave riots and escapes. and there has becn a
thm the satiation of base appetites appeases the marked increase in the number of str.tnge. appar-
surly nature of the 0b'Tes, making them easier to ently random series of arsons throughout the city.
5. Momag's 'Ibwer. This tower, 10cat(.>(1 in the DELPH on
southern end of the city, is s{.'(.'(md in size only to
Donnag's Palace. Its grey stone exterior does not Large City 18,751
show the renovation that much of the city has 'nle m~estic city of De1phon is the second hur.,rest
begun to display. The tower is home to thc oldest city in Khur, located in the territory of the Waya-
and most powerful 0b'Te shaman in all of Blade. Lu tribes. 'nle Weya-Lu descended from thc sec-
Mornag the Decrepit (male ogre mage Mysl5: ond son of Keja. the btfeat Khan that united the
AL NE). An inspirational and innuential mcmber plainsmen after the firsl Cataclysm. This honor-
of the 0blTe community. his power has gnJdgingly able and independent tribc has been at odds with
earnt.-d him the respe<..1. of even the 0blTC titans. the Khur tribe of Khuri-Khan for centuries.
although he despises them as abominations. A The city of Delphon is in the base of a dry.
fonner priest of1;tkhisis. he knows that his Dark dusty valley surrounded on three sides by sand-
Goddess is dead but he still believes that it is the stone cliffs. Carved into the clifls opposite the
duty ofall 0blTes to honor her memory, something opening lie the remains of an ancient 0b'Te
the ogre titans refuse to do. He can orten be found fortress. The fitcade of the magnificent fortress is
loudly preaching against the rise of the ogre nush with the sandstone cliffs. Great thick
titans. but because of his status in the community. columns, massive doorways and intricate mosaic
Donnag and the other titans are unable to touch carvings cover every inch of the portico.
him. although if he continues to preach ag;tinst Throughout the city of ancient marble towers
them, he find himself succumbing to some and sandstone buildinb'S a number of cisterns.
"infimlit'y of the aged.~ can.lls. dams and aqueducts can be st.'Cn lining
6. Warehouse District. In the north of the city crowded streets. A series of underb'TOund sprin~'S
are m.tssive. llllSlere buildings. '!1le newly refur- provides precious water to the inhabit.mts of the
bished warehouse district is bustling with activity. city. A complex series of twisting streets and
Ogres wander back and forth. unloading ship- winding passage W'lyS identified with road signs
ments of weapons. armor. and other supplies for marked 011 slate cover the valley from one end to
their wars. Cre.lIed in the last year, the new C011- the other.
stmction stands out in contr.lst to the city ofbro- The influence of the Green Dr.lgonanny that
ken spires and turrets. 'Ine thirty square and squat occupied the city during the W;lr of the Lance
buildings me.lsure ,lbout three hundred fect on cm be seen in the faces of the cities residents. The
each side, and are lined up into three roughly descendants ofliasons between the WeY<l-Lu tribe
even rows. Donnag has posted b'll:1.rds around the and the soldiers comprise the largest part of
warehouses at all hours of the day and night. Delphon's population. Following the War of the
7. Hairy Hound. The southeast section of the Lance, the mercemlTies and soldiers that made up
city has seen very little renovation. The slave the bulk of the Green Dragon forces simply inte-
quarter of Bloten is a collection of nlmshackle gratcd themselves into the community. Kasmir di

CiTiES, ST,,-OnGHOlDS fr ""il\S ~ 107

Kyre (human male Bbn7/Rgr6; AI.., NG). grand- 3. Hidden Garden Cafe. Nestled in the shade
son ofa local hero of War ofthe Lance. rules over of Fort Kyre is <l unique cafe. A number of green
the etty from within the great sandstone fortress. vines and desert plants cover the exterior of a
I. Fort Kyre. Named Fort Kyre in the aftermnth well~kllown shop. 'Ille Hidden Garden Cafe is
orthe WIU ortlle Lance the building is truly awc- one of the most expensive and prestigious rest;lll-
inspiring. 'nlC interior of the fOrl houses a num- rants in the city, A side porch nrea covered in lush
ber of elegant chambers with running water and foliage blocking the relentless sun gives the cafe
underb'TOlllld pass:lb'C ways ICilding to various its name.
locations around the city. Beneath the fOltress The Hidden Garden specializes in a celestial
and the city arc a complex series of catacombs mixture of lamb, couscous, and sliced lemon
with fresh water springs that provide water 10 the served beneath conical clay pots that looked like
city. The springs fortunately survived the dmnag- clay hats. The elite of the city take their me;lls
ing eflects irlhe Desohnion on the desert's fragile here quite frequently.
ecosystem. The only noticeable e/Tect that the 4. KJlam eI Rugs. Khursian mb'S are prized
IOC'dls have discerned is that the water now has a throughout Ansalon for their dur::lbility and exot-
slight taste of ash. ic designs. Kharn el Ruj;,'S is the largest mg mer-
Kasmir eli Kyre and his family reside in the Fort chant in Delphon. His shop, located near the
and are treated as rOyillty. The honorable marketplace of Delphon. is always busy.
Kyre family is respected by the most Hundreds of C'Mpels are stacked from
powerfill merchants of the tribe and floor to ceiling. filling lhe air with the
adored by the citizens ofDe1phon. aroma of wool and fresh dye. 111C owner of
2. The Tower of the Eye. Tower of Kham el Rugs. Kilheem Starrez
the Eye: The grandest com- (human male Brd6: AL N). is ;1 gra-
plex in De1phon is home to cious host offering coffee and
the illustrious Seers of the mint tea to all prospective
Waya-Lu. The Seers buyers. His assistants are
have been an integral quick to pull down a number of
part of the mgs for display in an explosion of
tribe's culture wool fibers.
since their Kilheem is also known to hire
creation. mercenaries to protect his
Weya-Lu himself was C',lr.lvans as they travel
said to be gifted with through the inhos-
the insight and wis- pitable desert.
dom of the gods ,md
his traditions have been hon-
ored and carried down through
the j;,'enemtions.
The Tower of ruins of
Delphon existed
the Eye actually \'1I~"'~J.~ long before the
refers to the cen-
tral tower in a arrival of the
complex of five Weya-Lu.
stone towers. Four smaller The rem:lins
spires sit at each corner of a of the ogre
ten-foot stone wall with <l fortress had
central tower looming two hun- bcen a forbidden
dred feet into the <lir. Surrounding the central pla(.'C in the days prior to lhe Cataclysm. The
tower is a plaza constmcted of alternating pink ancient stories handed down over the genenuion
and white, diamond shaped stone tiles. 'nle said the mins were home to a bJ'fcat evil. But when
smooth red stone walls of the tower are bare with \Veya-Lu left Khuri-Khan he claimed he received
the exception of four glass windows in the shapes a vision of the ancient stronghold and scnled his
of eyes slaring into the north, south. east ;md tribe there.
west. On Audience Day. the Seers of Weya-Lu The Weya-Lu tribe are a proud. honomble,
see visitors who may receivc divine instruction and independent people and have harbored
for monetary donations. resentment against the Khur tribe for centuries. In
Among the other tribes of Kbur, the Seers of 351 AC. a young Solamnic Knight named
Weya-Lu ;1fe said to be nothing but charlatans Morg-,lll di Kyre. tormented by personal demons,
:llld fr:mds. The \Veya-Lu, however, "rive thcm came to Khur by accident on his way to Ncraka
the utmost respect. Since the return of the gods it on a personal vendetta. Delirious from Ihe inlense
has been rUlllored that the Seers have been much heat and on the verge of death. he was captured
more accurate in their predictions. by hunters of the Waya-Lu tribe and taken to

108'"'" CHAP1"ER..FeUR
"0 The Outcast Prince of Blode -f> known as Dhamon Grimwulr. I was to befriend
him, and to manipulate him. testing his mettle for
My name is Maldrcd. and thou!,'h at first glance I the drJ.f,ron. The dragon never told me why, nor
may not seem it, I al11 an 0f:,JTe. Well. technically. did I ask. All th3t was important was that I
an £>b>re-magi. 0brre·magi are a rare breed ofogre, accomplish this task to the dragon's satisfaction
naturally gifted wilh a strong connection to the so that BlOde would remain safe from Sable. So. I
ancient mab';c now known as sorcery. Some say hid my true nature from Dhamon. wearing the
that we arc actually closer to our l1\IC ancestors human guise I had spent years perfecting, and we
than any other ogres, despite the claims of the so-- became friends.
called "titans:' But, this is nOI the reason I am I betrayed my only fricnd. Not once. but many
writing this. times over. each time telling myself it was for the
My father is ChiefDonnag, the king ohhe ogre greater -good, ~ to save BIOde. The more that we
kingdom ofBlOde. Since my birth. he has ensured journeyed together. the closer we became. He
that I would feel a responsibility to my people, to became my brother and my best friend. which is
our kingdom. I sharpened my skills with both why my betrayal hurt him so. Not only had J
blade and magic. throwing myself completely betrayed him to the shadow dragon. but I had
into honing myselrinto the perfect tool necessary lied to him from the beginning about my true
to keep BIOde safe from outside threats. For many nature. Although he eventually c-.une to under-
years. this was one ofmy greatest prides, for I was stand just why I had done what I felt J needed to
easily able to pass myself off as a human, which do. we would never again share the same close-
enabled me to travel across Ansalon. seeking out ness. When the shadow dragon was defeated. his
anything that could help. Then, c-.une Onysablet, dark plans thwarted by Dhamon's indomitable
the Black Dragon Overlord more commonly spirit, Dhamon became the shadow dragon. He
known as Sable. and that wingless sivak. Ragh, whom he had
During the Dmgon Purge, Blade often found saved in Shrentak. new off and I was left alone. to
itself caught bctwecn the Red MarJ.uder, return to BIOde. I had lost everything I had gam-
Malystryx to the east. and Sable in the west. Very bled. The shadow drJgOn was gone. his proteo-
quickly, these two established thcir territories, tion no longer an option. and Sable still lived.
which began to expand and push our people into When I returned to BIOde. I found that in my
the mountains. Even whcn Malystryx and the absence. a great change had swept through Ol,.'l'e
other Dragon Overlords called a halt to the society-the '"return of the titans.~ I had read the
Dragon Purge, securing their realms. we knew histories. I have been to the Great Libr:.lry, and I
that it was only a matter of time before one or the knew that these so--called "titans~ were little bet-
other of those great. bloated beasts would turn ter than power-hungry tyrants claiming a con-
their attention once more towards BlOde. Of the nection with a romanticized leb'Cnd that only
two, Sable was truly thc gre-.itest threat. for fools could believe. Yet, apparcntly. most ogres
although Khur belonged to Malys, she kept to the are little better than fools. Even my father bOllf,rtlt
Desolation. Sablc's swamp litcmlly crept up our into the belief of the titans. and though I tried my
doorstep. TIle abominations she created were a hardest to dissuade him from following the titans,
constant threat. Stmnge diseases nourished and he rebuked me. I was CISt out of BIOde, the king-
swept through Blode like wildfire. Every force dom I had spent my entire life trying to protLoct.
sent against Sable was disastrous. '11Ose who and my filther eagerly embraced the belief in the
were not killed were turned into yet more abom- titans, even unde'l,'Oing the tr:.msfomlation. the
inations that she sent against us. Only the threat so-called ~rebirth.~
ofMalys truly kept Sable from conquering BI&!e Now. all I C'J.n do is wlllch helplessly as my
uuerly, but the sly Black W'JS working on it. people are onL"C more deceived, once more blind-
Desperate times called for desperate measures. ly following false promises of glory. I hllve come
There was another dragon known to haunt the here to the Great Library to record all th:lI I can
Kalkhist Mountains. a shadowy dragon that had of these events, for I hope someday to return to
been involved before in actions 3f,rainst the BI&!e and create a free country once and for all,
Dragon Overlords. My father sent me to find this even if it means my life. Hopefully. history shall
shadowy dragon, to offer whatever was necessary one day show me triumphant. show that the
to protect Blade. Gladly did I take up this cause, ogres can rise above our past. The Dark Queen.
little realizing what it would eventually COSt me. our pl"Obrenitor. is gont::. lOW is the time for us to
I found the shadow dragon. whose incredible strike our own future and cast off the past. I have
power seemed unreal. Yet. the dragon seemed to nothing left to lose.
be dying, its unnatural body incapable of sustain-
ing its life force for much longer. The dragon
agreed to protect Blade in would serve his cause.
or course I af,rreed to serve him.
He sent me to Sanction. telling me that I must
search out a human with a black and silver drag-
on scale imbedded on his right thigh, a man
Ci"tiES, S"tR.OnCHOlOS fr R,yin.s "-' 109
their encampment. Under the healing touch of -E> Lord Toede -E>
their Seer and her daughters he made a slow
recovery. Lord Toede was born to the mling dan of a smaIl
Just as he was prep'lring to leave, a Green hobgoblin tribe. Bribrfll, industrious. ellf,>er. llnd Cllll-
Dr.1b'Onarmy detachment arriv(."i:! to collect its ning, the young Tocde dcposed his mling matemal
tribute of horses from the settlement to take back parent in order to throw in with Dragon Highlords.
to Khuri-Khan. \Vhen the proud young man who By the time of the War of L.'lnce, Toede was con-
owned the horse refused. he was run through trolling the hobgoblin tribes in the Solace area. He
with a spear. Enmged with the actions of the traded his baule-re'ddy fellow hobgoblins for a post-
ing within the Dmbronamlics as a ~FewmasterM or
dragon army officer. Morwm attacked ;mel
beheaded the man in one stroke. Within group leader. 'Ibede was allached to Lord
Vcmlinaard's command, and becdme a tmsted advi-
moments the rest of the ot1icers ;111d \VcYll~Lu
sor to the dmgon Highlord.
warriors were battling one another. In the end the Toede prospered in his new I>osition. and
\Vaya-Lu won and looked upon Morg.m as an M
encountered the fabk-d ~Heroes ofthe LanL'C while
avenging spirit. overseeing slave ClnlVallS in the Solace area (indeed.
Morgan became known as ~thc Deliverer" and in later years. he has claimed to have been instru-
remained with the Weya-Lu lC3ding them in the mental in introducing Raistlin to Fizban). His lead-
fight ag;:linsl the Dr.l!,,'Ol1aTmies and the Khur. ership skills also proved 10 be unmatched, such that
Uniting the tribes not allied with the Green his fonner page. Sestun. learned from him and
Dragonarmy. i\llorgan spent the next five years became King of the Gully Dw:uvcs of Pax Tharkas.
ambushing patrols. nliding supply st:l\ions and Following the death of Lord Vcnninaard. Toede
kidnapping emissaries from Neraka. Aftcr the was repostc."C! to the city of Flotsam as Highmaster.
War of the Lance. he worked just as hard on try- effectively a military govenl0r. His duties there
ing to ensure that the Green Dragonarmy desert- included a brier. brevet. assignment as command 0
ers and those that swore al1egi:mce would hnvc a the local Dragon \ (thoubrh nOI as a Highlord in
s:lfe haven in Delphon. the Ime sense ofthe word, a fine l)Oint that was par-
Morgan became a hero to the frt:''C tribes of the ticularly galling to him). It was during this period
that the Heroes of the Lance passed through his
desert before an unfortunate ,lccident took his
city, and Tocde showed his wisdom by keeping
life. However. his legacy lives on as his descen- clear ofthem. Toede's initial mle as Highmaster was
dants rulc the noble Weya-Lu and the indepcnd- cut short through an ill-fortune<! kender hunt, which
cnt city-state of Delphon. resulted with Tocde confronting an angry dragon
and dying as a result of lhat confrontation.
fLOTSAm Due to politic rivalries and wagerings in the
Abyss, de:.uh was nOi a Clreer...e nding injury for
Large Town. 2.349 Toecle, and the Highmaster was restored to life with
In the northwest corner of the Desolation. along the order to strive for and attain nobility. After a few
the shores of the Blood Sea. resides the city of false stmts. during whid1 he sent ancient demons
Flotsam. A city noted for its ramshackle :Ippear- rnlck 10 the Abyss, ovcrthrew tyrants who had taken
ance. Flotsam seems more dilapidated and run command of Flotsam, founded a new school a
down than ever. The city has becn a number of political thought. and supported TCSC'drch into the
things since it was first established: a pirates den. ancient lrdai. Lord Toede fronted a broad...b.."lSCd
a flourishing fishing village. a dragonanny base, coalition of races and retook command ofl<lotsam.
and a repeated target for the wicked whims of Toc'<ie's victory C',mle with a price-the Abyss no
Malystryx. Now th,11 MalystlYX is b'One. Flotsam longer llpparently wants his soul, and no other gods
is once morc attempting to rebuild. although SL'Cmed willing to admit him to their afterlife. As a
many of ils one time inhabitants havc long since result, it seems impossible 10 kill the Lord ofFtotsam
moved on to "safer" pastures. and keep him dead. Toede has been slain at lea:>! a
111e town is located in the bottom of a vale of dO"zen times. and sometimes has remained dead
bare, rolling. hills 1I1l11 end in a collection ofblufls and/or missing for up to a year before retuming to
power. ~lotsam itself has sulTcrecl under numerous
at the waters edge. The city Wr.lpS in a horseshoe
auacks (including a flattening or two by the mon...
shape around the Blood Bay. ending in a massive
strous dragon Malys). but most of the survivors
spur of stone known as the 'Rock' on its eastern agree that Flotsam is a safer city with Toede than
side. A r.llllshackle line ofjetties extends into the without him.
mouth of the harbor that leads to the Blood Sea. Toede has ,Ittained everlasting life, but bas not
'lne wall surrounding the cily. built by the gained everlasting youth. He is now ancicnt even by
Dfllgonarmies. has been demolished. along with human standards, ;U1d the years have not WOOl well
much of the surrounding fimn homes. Sparcs on him. He is currently interesled in finding ways 0
fields arc left untended and oveq,'l'own in areas, maintaining both his power and lifc, and rq,l'aining
The shops. homes and buildings within the his youth. Anyone interesled is advised 10 conlact
town are in a sad state. The original buildings him at the mins of his Manor in Flots:un. but is
were comprisL>(\ of a number of material that thc wamed that he does not tolerdte fools-or kendc."f-
Blood Sea had disgorged after Istar sank dcep gladly.
110"" CHAP"tER..F0UR
CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS (r Ryins ~
beneath its W:ltcrs. 'illC wooden buildings that dering through, with the watchful eye of every
remain arc situat<.-d in l:,rroups with spots of black- merchant on him or her. lX:gg.lrs and street
ened ruins where dr:lbron fire had taken its 1011. urchins b'O rrom person to person. asking ror any·
Only the stone buildings, of which there are pre- thing that can be spared and rob"llCS :lIld
cious few. have survivt.'<i. albeit with blackened scoundrcls keep a sharp eye out ror;1Il easy tarbrel.
scorch marks. 'illC stones of tbe town's oncc 5. Brown PeliC'du Inn. On the C<lSt end orlown
paved streets h;lVe lx-cn pried up to be used in is a latbre. deserted three story stone building. 111e
oc\v construction. sign etched and painted into the rront or the
I. City Hall. l...oaltt.'C! on the northern end of building displays a brown pelican. '111e old Brown
town is a complex of large. scorclu.'<i slone build- Pelican Inn is now used as a shelter ror dragon
ings. Fonncrly the barracks for the drnbJOn annies altacks. The basement or the inn has iI hidden
during the War of the Lance. the buildint,"S now underground room where a number or f:.unilies.
serve as the City l-Iall. Mayor Aylesworthy women. and dlildren can hide during an attack.
(human female Exp7: AL L runs the city coun- The Brown Pelican has been resistant to the fire
cil. overseeing the needs of the citizens on a day- or the dmgons. but none are sure or how long it
to-<l.ay basis. '''e ffit..'3bOCf city council does what will hold. It is hoped that with Malystryx gone,
it can to make sure that the city is supplied and the basement will no 10nb'Cl' be a necessary sanc-
that Imdc continues. TI1C)' work closely with a tuary, but the residents or 1'1otsarn have learned
\"Oluntecr b'l'OUp or citi7.£ns, led by the mysterious not to place ,my bets on thaI.
"Silv<""f Fox.~ TIle b'l'OUp keeps lookouts ror dmgon
Oybys, assists in hiding residents rrom outside R..!-cionAL H i s"to "-v
threats and guides trdde car-lvans into and out or It·s been said that flolsam was ere-dted rrom the
the region. parts oflsmr thai the Blood Sea couldn't stomach.
2. The Rock. Standing high above the town, Following the Cataclysm. the dL"Stmction or the
the Rock was a place or prominence in flotsam. legendary city or Ist;lr left miles or debris along
A number or buildinb'S. including the Saltbrce-I'.£ the newl)· creatL"(! shores or the Blood $c-.I. Pieces
Inn and the Lord's Manor '-louse, once sat upon orhomes and temples. relics. trash and other odds
the Rock overlooking the town. But now all the :tnd ends washed up on shore rrom the destmc-
buildinb'S arc bronc, by a numlx.... or drugon tion. Bec:IUse or prevailing winds and the currents
attacks. '111e wind-swept SUrfilCC is now used as :1 or the new sea. most or it S(.'Cmed to h,we ended
lookout by the Vigilance Force to kt:cp watch ror up in the Blood Bay.
dmgons. Rumor has it that the Lord's Manor Anract<..'(\ to the possibility or lost riches. a
House, which was built by the hobbroblin l..ord number or people made their way to Blood Bay
Tocde. who established himselr as mayor rollow- and discover<..'<! a trove or building materials, but
ing the War or the Lancc, was positioned on top precious little else. '111ey used the CISt ofT materi-
or a number orsecret rooms that had been carved als to construct a villab"C or their own, simply and
into the Rock. Rumors persist th..t the S(."Cret honestly C'dJling it Flotsam.
chambers still exist, undarnag<..'(\ by the dragon "lOtS,1ll1 prospcr<..'{1 from ;1 fishing village into a
attacks, but as yet. no onc has cit her discovered small city as the Blood B;ly W;lS round to be a per-
them or has returned alive rrom the attcmpt. fect stop for sailors traveling the Blood Sea. 111e
3. The Jetties. '111C largest and best maintained crowds in Flotsam had alw,lys been a tough
Inn in Flotsam is the Jetties. It appears to be more bunch. as pirates milde it their headquarters.
nothing less than a sprawling (."Ollection or older Rcg:lrdless. Flotsam continll(.'(1 to prosper.
homes shoved together and connected with rick- 111en the dragonanniL"S :urived during the War
ety hallways. But the b<..'(\s are salt. the rooms are or the Lance and many or the sailors left ror the
nC"dt, and the ale is the best in the region. northern ports. From there "lotsam began to
Bridb'Ct Stubbletocs (amict<..'(\ kender remale change ror the worse. When J-1ighlord Tocde
RagS; AL NG), an aging afllicted kender, is the took control. the city began to die.
resident cook and maid. A number or scars run During the Chaos War. the d:lrk knights took
down the side or her raec and she is rricndly but the city and reluctantly tUrtl<..-d it over to the
cautious or strangers. AItcr the destruction or Dragon Overlord Malystryx when she destroyed
Kcndennore, Bridget made a home in Flotsam the rertile lands to the south. -111e docks. wharves.
with her son, only 10 have him die in a dmgon and warehouses or the once prosperous port city
attack on the lown. were deslroyed and tWO newly built piers took
4. Marketplace. The marketplace or Hotsam their place to service the f.'1ltering number orships
generates the mostlr.tffic in Ihe city. just after the that make stops here. 111e city of I~otsam is bare-
gambling dens. taverns. and houses orill repute. A I)' hanging 01\.
motley collection or fishermen. farmers and
Khurish merchants mill around their respective
booths and stalls. yelling to prospective cus-
IOmers. The occasional kendL"f can be round wan-

Ci"tiES. S"tR..OnGHOLDS Ii Ryin.s ~ I I I

years just prior to the Chaos War has tllrned into
HiLLFflL a center for entenainmelll in Hillsfill. A prosper-
Village, 675 ous cattle farmer, known 10 most simply liS ~The
The fortress town of Hillfi.1 is one of the most Butcher" (human male Exp7/Ftr2: AL NE), once
important cities in Northern Ergoth. Its strategic owned the shop and the fields behind the shop
placement guards both the steep banks of the where he tended his herds. Something of a gam-
AJu1l3tai River and the nearby mouIHain pass blcr, he opened up the back of his store for week-
through the Sentinel Mountains, guarding the ly fights in which contcstants and spectators
later from invasion by the barbaric Ackalitc would place bets on the outcome.
Tribes of the north. TIle sport became so popular among the local
111is Ergothian stronghold overlooks the sheer soldiers that he had to move the proceedings out
clilTs along the southern banks of the Alunatal into his fields. Prom there, the nOlOriety of the
River. A granite bridge spans the river and le'lds brawls grew and the enterprising business man
to the g:.ltes of the fortress where no less than a abandoned the butcher trade, sold his clltle, sur-
legion of soldiers arc stationed at all times. South rounded the field with a number of stands, and
of the fortress is the small rum,red village ofHillf.,tl. began charging admission. The Crimson Field
The vilhlge is a ragtag collection of shops. holds nightly challenges, ranging from soldiers
houses of ill repute, and gladiator pits. It seems to who are looking to settlc a scorc with onc ~lI1oth­
exist simply for the ple:clsure of the soldiers gar- er to condemned prisoners who are given the
risoned in the fortress. About five hundred resi- choice of imprisonment or the pit. Fights to the
dents make their homes in the shadow of the fort death are rare, but not unhcard-of and occasion-
that protects the south from invasion, not includ- ally the Butcher has been known to stage deaths
ing the soldiers or the random itinerants that by hiring strangers to "die~ and then take their
seem to find their way to the village. money and leave.
1. Hillfal Keep. The walled fortress of Hillsfal 4. Shady Oak. Found along the main street of
Keep towers over the banks of the Alunata!' Four the village is the Inn of the Shady Oak, Outside
stone towers stand on each corner of the fort and thc rustic building is the stump of an ancient oak
twenty foot walls of the keep are manned at all tree, the wood of which was used to build the
times. The main gate opens up into the courtyllrd Inn. A sign above the door displays the illustra-
of the keep where the majority of the soldiers are tion of n young boy sleeping in the shnde of a
housed. The fort within the walls can withstand green tree. lne Shady Oak is the lnrgcst inn in
siege for a number of months, but since it's cre- the area, nm by the aging proprietress, Marantha
ation it has never been tested, Stawert (human female Rog3; AL N).
The soldiers of Hillf:11 not only man the walls, The exterior of the building is run-down and
but lllso do a number of tasks. from patrolling the the wood is parched. Inside the accommodations
surrounding areas to protecting the village to the are slightly better. It's been said that there are
south. The keep maintains a number of training number of dark dealings within the Shady Oak
fields where !lew soldiers are instructed in fight- and Ihat if anyone needs anything that is the
ing techniques and veterans can keep their skills place to find it if they are willing to pay the price.
sharpened. 5. Cayle's Rest. To the west of the Fort and
2. Dancing Dagger. Near the center of town is along the banks of the Alunatal River one can
the oldest tavern of Hillfa!' The Dancing Dagger find the upscale establishment ofCaylc's Rest. In
is the 10C'..1I hangollt of most ofT-duty soldiers. stark contrast to the businesses of the village, this
Opcn all hours of the day and night the tavern inn was hand-crafted by a dwarven expert.
has long had a reputation for drawing a rough Aunniks Feldspar (dwarf female Exp7/FtrS; AL
crowd. The collection of so many soldiers in one NG) built every beam and barstool with her own
are:l makes them think they have the nlll of the two hands. A labor oflove. Cayle's Rcstlooks like
place (and they are not often wrong). something one would find in the noble scction of
Berbin Tallow (human male Ftr3/RoJ:,t2: AL Pa1:mthas.
N), the owner of the alehouse, allows many free- This three-slory inn fe:ltures a full dining area,
doms within his tavern as long as he is paid cozy rooms, and flagstone passages, with fmgmnt
enough to look the other way. Among the rau- flowers year round. A small g.uden outside fea-
cous revelers there Can be found many corrupt tures an odd looking statue of a battle-raging
businessmen, rouges, and ex-soldiers that fre- dwarf: thai seems ou! of place in such serene set-
quent the tavern, looking to part some poor sol- tings. Rumor says that the dwarf was Aunnik's
dier from his earnings. 111ere are a number of husband, the mysterious 'Cayle' that the inn was
bllCk rooms thai are much more comfortable and named for. but AUllnik doesn't talk about it. 'Ine
can be purchased for more privlue meetings. soldiers of the fort are respectful of the dwarven
3. Crimson Field. Located on the outskirts of matron and keep a protective eye on the place.
the village to the south is the largest of three glad-
iator pits. What started liS a butcher shop in the
CiTiES, STR-OnGHoL.os Q< Rgins ~
~GiOnAL H is1"oR...Y 2. Hullabaloo. A sylvan glade on the edge of
the city is the prefcrn..--d spot for larJ;,'C·sC:lle kendcr
Prior to the Cataclysm, Hillsfal was a small sta- cclebrJtions. Two kendcr druids. Thistle and
tion cstablished by Ert,'Olh to collect tolls from Mistle Springtoe (kender females. Drd7: AL NG).
merchant car.l\'ans traveling from Gulfporl watch over the grove, nmking surc that none of
through the mountain pass towards Solamnia. the nora or fauna is h;mned. "111e twin sisters are
During the reign of Emperor Redic I, the toll sta- the guardians of the grove. At night the ghlde is
tion was destroyed by a horde of Ackalite barb'lr- said to shine with fey lights that sparkle and
ians. Eventually Ergoth mllicd their soldiers and dance among the attendees. Kender weddings
Slopped the miding warriors. but Hillsfitl \\~.lS in and gifi-of-life days are observed here and music
mins. from the glade can be heard in even distant parts
In 230 AC. ErJ,,'Oth buill a fortn..'SS on top of the of the city. Afflicted kender do not enjoy
ruins of Hilisfal to protect from the advances of Hullabaloo as it offers little in the way of protec-
Ackalites along the northern borders. Over time tion. but the pair of kcndcr druids protect not
the village ofHiIIsfal developed 10 serve the needs only the wildlife. but the kender within the glade
of the soldiers. Since the Chaos War. there ha,re as well.
been few signs of the barbarians. Rumors have it 3. Roving Bazaar. In true kender fashion, even
mal shadow-wiJ,,>hts wiped many of them from the market places of a kender city do nOI stand
existence and that the tribes arc still trying to still for long. The Roving Bazaar is unlike any
rebuild their strength. hobbled by the loss of their market place on Krynn. l11cre is no st.'t location
memories of their fallen comrades. for the marketplace where kender meet to swap
interesting items. trade services for food. and
HYLO swap intefCSting tales and personal possessions.
Today the colorful tents and silk stands of the
~ Gty, 19,563 Roving Bazaar may be at the crossroads of Dead
Founded around the cr..lshed ruins of the first
End \Vay and tomorrow it lTlay be at the 101' of
Oooting citadel. I-Iylo has J;,'1'Own into the Iaq,.TCSI
Sliders Hill. All marketplace stands arc portable
collection of kender on the f.'lce of Ansalon. and merdmndise is 1Q;lded onto two wheeled
Nearly twenty thous:lIld kender bustle to and fro carts that can be rolled up and down cobble·
among the hills and lush forests ofthe port city of stoned streets.
Hylo. 111e city itsclfis a confusing lllaze ofstreets 4. !'-mder's Guild. One thing Hylo is famous for
and alleys that circle and swirl through a labyrinth is its Finders. All kender consider themselves to
of trees :tnd buildings of all types. In tniC kcnder be something of a finder. but thc kender of the
fashion. the buildings follo\\l no set patlem or Finder's Guild consider it an art. 'l1u:5e kcnder arc
standard architecture. 'nlerc arc temples built
older. experiene<-'<! kender that have survived the
with dwarven columns. ;lle houses buill with del-
perils of wanderlust and liv<.'<! to tell about iL
icate elven spires. shops and homes eraftL-d in the
111ey have bits of knowledge (both real and
styles of ancient Sohllllllia and Erbroth or built in
kender tales) that thcy dmw upon. plus an innate
the boughs of SOTTle b'Tcat tree. sense for finding lhinb"S thal comcs from a lifetime
Along the shore of the Bay of Monsters
of experience. Findcrs arc generally hired to
(named such Ollt of a fervent wish by the kender
locate objects that have gonc missing or have
that there were some. not bl:(.":.luse there are any been lost for centuries. M~lllY of thcm work sim-
monsters in the bay). arc lines ofshops and wood- ply for the thrill of the chasc. though some appre-
en piers. Docks of every sh;lpe. size ;l1ld color
ciate the benefits of ("..Ish or valuable trade.
extend out over the placid waters. tlccommO(hlt~
111e Finder's Guild building is actually a collec-
ing a number of dinerent types of vessels from
tion of smaller buildings all <''Qnll<.'Ct<.'<! with a
Acblite logging ships to gnomish stC"..llllcrs. series of kender-sized h;lllways. f;llse doors and
In the remains of the citadel. the current ruler dC"..ld-end corridors. Getting into the Guild is
of Hylo. an amict<.-d kendcr known as Belladonna, never as easy as it st.'ClllS. nor is J;,'Ctting Ollt. '111e
looks down over her p<.'oplc, wondering how best labyrinthine Guild is so convoluted th;lt it is said
to protect them from thrC:lts of the outside world
that it has become the Life Quest for an entire
and detennined to do what it lakes to k<.'Cp them
family ofJ;,ttlOlllCS to 3CCl1mtely map it out-almOSI
safe, no matter what the cost. as futile a task .IS m;lpping out the Ma:l..c of the
I. Grand Palace. Loc-Jted at the center ofHylo,
Citadel of Light.
towering over the rest of the city is the Oying 5. Flying Fish Market. Fishing is an important
citadel that crJ.Shed three thollsand )'ears :Igo. An part of the livelihood of many kender in Hylo.
immense hill suppons the entire structure. with Along the mismatcilL-d docks of Hylo are the
the citadel leaning on the hill at an awk\vard
l-lying Fish Markets. named for the method by
angle. approximately 12 dct,1"fCCS to the west. which the kender transfer the fish from the docks
Belladonna had a wall constructed around the to the shore and to the stalls. All manncr of fish
mtire hill. which many of the true kender think is
are tossed throuJ;,'h the air from one kt.'odcr to the
a great idea. enjoying the practice in climbing.

Ci"tiES, S"t",-OnGHOLDS Ii" Ryins, " " 113

next. making every morning look like spawning + I, Listen +8. Move Silently + 16, Search +5,
salmon swimming up stream. Never truly s:ltisfied Sense Motive +6, Spot +6. Tumble +8, Usc
with n~un~ane tasks, the laboring kendcr sing trail Magic Device +4; Combat Reflexcs. Dodge.
SOIlf,'S In tllnc to the rhythmic passing orthe fish Ex?tic Weapon Proficiency (blowgun), Mobility,
from the ships to the waiting swlls. POInt Blank Shot, Precise Shot.
Sneak Attack (Ex): If a rogue's target would be
~GiOnAL HiS1"OR.-Y denied bis Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he
Since the crash landing of the nying citadel (that actually has a bonus or not). or when the rogue
went from high to low, hencc the name of the nanks her tarb>et, the rogue's attack deals +4d6
town) in 2600 Pc. the kender ofHylo have had a points of extra dam;lge. If the attack scores a crit-
relatively peaceful existence. In 2200 PC Ihey ical hit. this extra damage is not multiplied.
were annexed into the Erf,,'Othian Empire. but Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if
hardly noticed the change. It was only after 400 the target is within 30 fcet. With a sap or an
years of steadily inCTl..'asing taxes and arrObr:J.nt unarmed strike. the rogue can make a sneak
greedy imperial governors that the kendcr attack that deals subdual damage instead of nor-
declared their independence from Er{,'uth. mal damage. She amnot use ;1 wenpon that deals
After the Cat;lclysm many kender villages were normal damage to deal subdual damage with a
swept away ,mel drowned when the Sirrion Sea sne;lk attack. A rogue can sneak attack only living
came inland. forming the Straights of Algoni. The creatures with discernable llnatomies. Any crea-
Cataclysm scarred the kender ofHylo emotional- ture th,lt is immulle to critical hits is not vulnera-
ly. 'n,ey couldn't understand why the gods had ble to sneak attacks. 111e rogue must be able to
punished them along with Istar. but within three see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot
generations the kender who had not been direct- and must be able to reach a vital spot. The rogue
ly afTected by the tragedy had forgotten and by cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with
250 AC the kcndcr had returned to their normal concealment or striking the limbs of a creature
happy-go-lucky SelvC5. whose vitals are beyond rC'<lch.
During the War of the Lance a small invasion Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect that nor-
force trying to rC'<lch the southern deserts was mally allows a Reflex S,lVe for half damage. the
blown ofT course and landed north of Hylo. The rOb'ue takes no dam'lge on a successful saving
invasion force proceeded south through the throw.
woods until they came near Hylo. The kender, Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): BelIndonna
led by Kronn Thistleknott, son of Kronin cannot be flanked: she can re:lct to opponents on
Thistleknott. taunted the army and had them opposite sidcs of her as easily as she can react to
charge the capital city in a blind rage. As invasion a ~i~lgle attacker. This denies another roguc the
force closed in on the city, hidden kender forces ability to sneak attack the character by n;mking
rose from behind them and massacred the attack- her. unless the attacker has at least four more
ers. rObl'lJC levels than the target does.
After the Chaos War. the city of Kendennore Trapfinding (Ex): Rogucs am use the Search
was destroyed. sending thousands of llfllicted skill to lacme tmps when the task has a DC high-
kender to Northern Ergoth and swelling the pop- er than 20. Finding a nonm,lbrical tr.1p hilS a DC
ulation of Hylo. 111is beglln a period of civil of at least 20. higher ifit is well hidden. Finding a
unrest as true kender tried to fibrure out wlmt was magic trap has a DC of25 + the level of the spell
wrong with their afHicted cousins. In 397 AC uscd to create it. ROb'1les can use the Disable
Belladonn'l. an afllicted kender, took control of Devi.ce skill to disal'm mabrie traps. Disabling a
magl(~ trap has a DC of25 + the level of the spell
Hylo, declaring that ~tme~ kender are unable to
defend themselves properly from the harsh reali- used to create it. A robl'lJe who beats a tmp's DC
ties of the outside world. by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can
~tud~ a tmp, figure out how it works, and bypass
Belladonna It (WIth her party) withollt disarming il.
Female amicted kender Rog 8/Ftr 2: CR 10; Tmp Sense (Ex): 111e rogue has an intuitive
Small-size humanoid (kender); HD 8d6+2dlO; sense thm alerts her to danger from traps, giving
hp 42; [nit +4; Slxl 20 fl.: AC 18 (touch 14. nat- her a +2 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid
footed 14); Atk +8/+3 (ld6-1/19-20. short traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against ,lItacks
sword) or +15 (l/x2. +2 bkr..vgfllJ); SA Sneak by tT'lpS.
attack +4d6; SQ Evasion, trapfinding, trap sense Amict'ed Kender Traits (Ex): + I racial bonus
(+2). improved uncanny dodge; AI.. N; SV Fort to all saving throws: +2 mcial bonus to Spot,
+5. Ref + 10. Will +4; Height 4T. Open Locks. Sleight of Hand. Climb, Hide, lump,
Slulls fS Fenls: Appraise +7. Balance + 10, Bluff and Move Silently. .
+10. Climb +5, Diploma,,'y +10, Disable Device
+5, Escape Artist +9. Forgery +6, Gather Born BillieJuniper, the kender female that would
Information +7, Hicle +16. Intimidate +4,Jump lmer become known as Belladonna was only a
small child when the Dragon Overlord Mlllystrx
I 14 ~ CHAP"t."FeUR
CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS &:' Ryins '"""
attacked and burned her villabfC. Bclladonn:l was
the only survivor. The trauma of watdling her K.!:ILAmAn
&mil)' and friends bum to death in the drab'On's Large Town, 3.45 t
flames sc:.lrred her soul, as the fire scarred her loe port city of Kalaman, 1000.ued along the
body. Innocence and joy-me hallmark of the northern coast and east ofthe desert wastes ofthe
kendcr race-were destroyed in the names. Billie Blue Sands. is slowly returning to life. The spirit of
Juniper would become an -amietcd- kcnder- this fanner lordcity of craftsman and tradesmen
embiltcred. wary. distrustful. and anned with the was broken in the afiennath of the Chaos War.
\ieY.' thai life is serious business. TIle occupation by the Knights of Takhisis. and
Billie Juniper made her way to Hylo. along the subsequent enslavement of much of the male
wilh many other kender refugees of the dmb'On. population prior to the Chaos War, left Kal:llnan
She tried to lit into the daily routines of life of a dying city. To make matters worse. the perpetu-
other, lruC- kender, but like so many of her
M al twilight of Nightlund expanded o\'er the city,
afflicted brethren, she found this impossible. 111C suffocating fertile croplands. bringing with it
two different types ofkcndcr could nol b'Ct along. nLmors of unde:.ld creatures that wandered the
Upon hearing that the Dl"J.b'Oll Overlord in land and the sea. "111e once bustling city began to
Southern Erb'Oth mi~"'lt pose a threat to I-Iylo, the collapse in on itself, covered by a shroud of
alllicled kcndcr in the city wante<! to form a gloom.
standing army in order to protect their pt..'Ople Now, however. Kalam;m is celebrating. "nle
and their territory. '111e true kender considered sun is shining down. not only on Kalaman, but
joining the army ,Ill interesting diversion and so it also throughout the entire region of Nightlund.
was, for a while. Then all the drilling and saluting Life has returnt'<! oncc again to this fair city.
and standing guard duty began to get wdioliS. Instead of the dnlb grey ofeternal dusk. the city is
They abandoned their duty for more interesting decked out in an arr::ty of colors as the people
pursuits. leaving the army made up mostly of throw off the darkness ;md tile depression with a
aillicted kender. glorious display of fervor and relief. flags hang in
At this time. BillieJuniper changed her name to the streets and outside windows. Streets are
Belladonna. a deadly poison that she considered cleaned. fresh g"olrdens are being planted and
S)mbolic of her deternlination to rid the world of reconstruction is in full swing.
the Dragon Overlords. (She also CO"olts her blow- Lord Genton (human male. Ftrl2: AI.. L I).
gun darts with various poisons. perhaps the true current leader and cx-commander of the Kalaman
....-ay she C'"olmcd her nickname.) Her fibrluing and militia, is beginning a campaign to attract people
leadership skills gained her the respect of her fel- back to Kalaman. With the assistance of a rein-
\ow kender. When Hylo was threatened with vigonned council of guildmasters. Kalam;m is
attack. the kender needed a leader who could opening up new businesses and calling for ,lble
command the military and o11,,'<lnizc the defense fibfhters to bolster their city b'\13rd. Sea patrols
of the city. Believing that the current Ie-older. have pickt'!! up outside the harbor, discouraging
Fallana Windseed. was jnadequate. Belladonna the pirates that have b{,'Cn controlling the seas
seizl."<.i control. olltside of Kalaman for many years.
She expelled the Windseed family. who had I. Castle Kalaman. 'lowering above the center
ruled Hylo for generations. much to ire of the of the city is one of the most beautiful stmctures
Windseeds ;ll1d their supporters. Belladonna in northern Ansalon, Castle Kalaman. "111e same
began making plans to move ag;.linst the Dr,lbron architects and builders that created some of the
Overlords that were threatening Hylo, inviting larbTCSt merchant buildinblS in the thriving days of
afllicted kender and true kender seeking adven- Istar cmfied the castle. 11,e castle is comprised of
ture to join her. Initially. m,llly kender-normal sweeping par.lpcts. ekog:mt. buttressed walls. and
and afflicted-rallied to her C:luse. slender golden spires reaching skyward. The C'.lS-
Perhaps the threat of this force intimid;lt{,'d the tie stands out as ;1 luminary in a city that larb'Cly
Overlords or perhaps they had other business consists of bl'fay square stone buildings.
more important than slaying kender. for the The courtyard surrounding the castle is
attack never materiali7..ed. Belladonna has lost marked with newly refurbished marble statues
some credibility among the kender of Hylo as a and budding gardens. a reflection of the current
n::sult. TIle return of the b'Ods and the dl.-ath of state of the city that Castle Kalaman overlooks.
Malystryx have limher undermined her authority. 2. Open Air Market. At the height of
Many kender. both afflicted and true kender. have Kalaman's might. the Open Air Market was con-
come to resent her harsh and uncompromising sidered to be one of the grcat'est attractions in the
rule. Belladonna still wields control of Hylo. but North. Colorflll stalls and tents supplying goods
she is finding that maintaining her control is from every location imaginable could be found
extremely difficult. here. Maps, exotic spices. jewelry. clothing. food.
livestock and even curious items rctrieVf..-d from

Ci"tiES, S"tR...OnGHOLDS & R,yins "-' 115

treacherous ancient mins were all sold there. Kalaman, which he considered his home away
Shops for different services lined the streets offer- from home. He is completely versed in all mar-
ing everything from blacksmithing to bathhollses. itime manners concerning ships and sailing. He
Now however the market and the surrounding em predict which way the wind will blow and
area is a nlr cry from the prosperous market of how long you'll be able to ride it. An accident at
old. It now consists mostly of farmers lTom loall sea left the elf with only one arm, so he decided
villages trying to sell their crops of corn and to take his e<lrnings and open up a seaside shop.
wheat or the occasional traveling merchant seIl- The Emerald Merm'lid sports the sign of a
ing his wares. Market Day, which has not been voluptuous, slightly elven looking mermilid seat-
held for a number of years, is starting to be held ed on a b1Tt.'en rock. Inside. the shop is filled with
once a week with hopes of increasing it 10 three all manner of shipping equipment: ropes. sails.
times a week soon. Many of the abandoned busi- belaying pins, raking tools, caulking irons and a
nesses along the side streets are now finding own- number of other supplies essential to ilny ship-
ers with merchants looking to capitalize on builder. Amroh's prices are fair and for a few extra
Kalaman's promising future. coins he cml usually find passage for any b1TOUP
3. Mer-Kane Maps. One oCthe longest running on a sea going vessel with a tmsted crew and Cilp-
businesses in Kalaman, Mer-Kane MilpS has been tain.
creating and selling maps since before the
Cataclysm. Loe-dted in the business district at the R.!;GiOnAL HistoRY
edge of the Open Air Market. this shop, special- Three hundred years before the Cataclysm
izing in cartography, has a wide variety of maps- Kalaman was nothing more than a simple fishing
both local and far-nung-diagmms of popular village. Its loaltion caught the eye of a group of
towers and buildinb'S, illustmtions of mountain wC'dlthy Istarian merchants who were looking to
ranges and ancient cities, nautical Ch'lrtS ,md a devclop a new port city that would allow for eas-
number of other records and diab>T:.lms. -nle shop ier access to the lands of Knightlund and
is somewhat cmmped, but well tended. 'Inc walls Solamniil. In time, the city of Kalaman developed.
and even the ceiling arc covered with maps from evolving into one of the largest port cities in
locations all over Ansalon. Shala Mer-Kane Ansalon. After the loss of Istar during the
(human female Rog6; AL NG), the present Cataclysm, and the eternal pall cast over the
owner, inherited the business from her father. She newly renamed Nightlund, Kalilman's trade slow-
has been known to have a soft spot for kender, a ly declined until Palanthas became the primary
failing her f.1ther does not share. port of the north. Despite the decline. Kalaman
Those familiar with the Mer-Kane family remained a strong city and did enough tmde to
know that they are masters of calligraphy and maintain itself and its people.
cartography. They have been known to do the Kalaman felt during the War of the Lance and
occasional forgery job for the right person or a was unfortunately the first city in the war to wit-
cause they consider just. ness the might of Dark Queen's nying Citildels.
4. KaJaman Hamor. The harbor of Kalaman Eventually the Whitestone Forces liberated
was designed to accommodate ships ofevery size Kalaman. but not after much destruction to thc
and style. The docks are set apart and extend far city. This did not deter a city of cmftsman and
enough into the harbor to allow for the unload- builders, who restored the city to its might. just in
ing and loading of multiple ships simultaneollsly. time for a second Cataclysm.
Only the largest war bonlleys would have trouble During the Summer of Flame, the Knights of
finding space among the plelhom of docks and Tahkisis conquered Kalaman and the city sulTered
piers. The mouth of the harbor is wedged greatly for it. Many of thc men of Kalaman were
between two massive breakaways ofstone. At the hauled away to scrvc as slaves and others ned.
end of each breakway, on either side of the har- This left the city nearly defenseless during the
bor entmnce, two beacons are lit nightly to help Chaos War. But a general of the Kalaman militia
ships find their way in. rallied his remaining men and fought along side
Wharfside, mnning along the bank where a the occupying force to defcnd the city. After the
sailor would usually expect to see rowdy taverns fight. the militia forced the knights out.
and houses of ill-repute, there arc only drab grey Then the darkness of Nightlund crept upon
warehouses. The Istarian merchants that founded the city until it was smothered in an eternal t\",i-
Kalaman decided to make sure that the goods light. After almost thirty years of the oppressive
being delivered had top priority at this port. The darkness and dealing with ICb';ons of wandering
warehouses is now being deared of derelicts and undead, Kalaman became all but deserted. TIle
rogues to make way for new business. small perccntabI'C of nobles and ruling dass of
5. Emerald Mennaid Supplies. Just behind the Kalaman left the city to the commander of the
wharehouse district is a well-known supply shop city guards. -!11e remaining guild masters and lay-
owned by Amroh Oakseed (elf male MarlS; AL men of Kalaman remained and persevered
CG), a Qualinesti elf. The aging elf has been a through the dark times.
sailor since the Cataclysm and setded down in
116'"'-' CHAPTE"FoUR
CiTiES, STRQnGHOLDS q. Ryins ~
Now they have bt:cn rcwardt.'(\. In the after- 2. Grand Souks. The Gf"Jnd Souks is the
math of the War of Souls the twilight was lifted largest market in all of Ansalon. Nearly a square
and the return of the gods has given the p<.'Ople of mile of sprawling twisting alleys, side streets and
Kalaman a rcncwt.'<! hope Ihal their city may rise narrow passageways wind throughout the Gf"Jnd
once ag-.lin. Already. people have begun to flock Souks. The streets are overflowing with fabrics.
to the city. some returning to the homes they left. rugs. spices. mealS, olives. saddles. leatherwork,
others looking for new opportunities. ironwork and clothing. The market is alive with
the sounds of merchants. beggars and hawkers
K!tvRj-KtiAn Cllling for attention, and the smells of roasting
meats and sweet incense fills the air.
Uuge Gty, 22,424 The customs here differ from other parts of
To the e".lSt ortlle Khalkist Mountains are the dry Ansalon. Merchants pride themselves highly on
sandy wastes of the fierce nomads of Khur. their work and take offense at the slightest insult.
Surrounding the 1:1rJ,,'CSt known oasis in the region That doesn't mean that haggling is out of the
is the great City of the &tnds. Khun-Khan. The question. In faa it's expected and items will
capital of Khur shines like a sand-tinted jewel in always stan at triple the actual COSL Khurish mer-
an endless wasteland. a crossroads between the chants are boisterous and are renowned for their
sparse remote settlements and cities of the tribes expressive tones and grand gestures while striking
of Khur. a bargain. While working with a rostomer. some
The great walled city is a mixture of square of the finer shops will share a cup ofstrong. black
buildings built of glazed Ian bricks and sturdy cir- kefre-a drink brewed from the tough bark of the
rular towers topped in round domes of golden shrubs found throughout the desert-in silver cups
hues. Crooked. narrow streets teem with ped- and honey cakes for dipping.
dlers, tribesmen, merchanlS, bcg&'llrs and shroud- 3. Temple Walk. The people ofKhur worship
ed women hurrying from place t'O place under their own aspects of the gods, not recognizing
lhriving date palms. those of the outside world. They believe the gods
Unfortunately Khuri-Khan is a city in disarray. of outsiders are minor deities in the grand scheme
Ponions of the city are in ruins and the once of the heavens. A number of temples dedicated to
grand I\dace of the Khan is damabred in places. the Khurish aspects of the b'Ods are 1000ted along
The destruction from dec-.l.des of occupation from a district known as the Temple Walk.
the GrL-en Dmb'Onamlics following the War ohhe The largest and strongest of all t'emples is that
Lance, of attacks from fire drab'Ons during the of Kargath the Warrior. It is believed that the
Chaos War and the assaults by Malystryx and her Khurs see Kargath as a neutral aspect of Kiri-
minions have left the city in sh;lmblcs. 'l1\c news Jolilh. 11ley embmcc the courage and bf"J.very of
of the Red overlord's dellth brought days of ceIL-- the god, but not necessarily the lawfulness the
bration to Khuri-Khan and thc city is wild with Solamnics associate him with. 11lere is a temple
excitement. dedicated to Rakaris the Hunter, where priests in
1. Khuri yl Nor. Khuri yl Nor, also known as blue and green robes teach the skills of hunting
the Palace of thc Setting Sun, stands upon the and Ihe lessons of maintaining Ihe balance of
highest hill near the middle of the city. Oncc, the nature. Scholars assume that Rakaris may be
palace was lhe city's showpicL'C. 'lllC golden ,mother aspect of Chislev or Habakkuk.
glazed bricks of the structurc would glow with an 'Illerc is a sm,lller shrinc dedic;l\ed to Torghan
ullnatuml light. chanbting to different shades of the Avenger (believed to be Sarb'Onnas), with a
orange and pink as the rays of the sctting sun number of followers. Since the War of Souls.
reflected upon it. Gr;lceful arched doors sur- TO'1,man has discovered an incn..'l1se in worshipers
rounded in flowing cerumic patterns and win- among the Khur. The venbrcful tribe is always
dows of glittering glass were dazzling to behold. looking to vanquish :my other tribe that stands
But now the palacc has bL'Cn gutted and aban~ ag;:linst them and now that Malystryx is gone they
doned. Repe;lted att:lcks by Malystryx have left have a chance to rise to grC'J.tness '1g:.lin.
the palace in ruins. 'n\C opulcnt iron g:.lIes sur~ The last temple stands apart from the others
rounding the building havc lx.-en locked and for a number of rC'J.SOns. 'OlC only temple crafted
barred and the city guard occasionally checks the of pure white marble, the Sanctuary of Elir-Sana
palace for fO!.'UI.:S lmd the homdCS6. slands out like a diamond in tht: sand, surround-
The ruling family ofthe Khurs lives in a spmwl- ed by the buildings of the sandstone colored city.
ing complex of civic buildings and lofty towers The eleg-.l.nt stone pillars and decor speak of
ne>."t to the palace. The complex is ironically dee- dwarven workmanship. Stranger still. the
omted in dragon motif. the symbol of the Khurs. S,lIlauary is only open to women. The followers
In the months following the War ofSouls. the rul- of Elir~Sana the -daubrluer of the Sky·Father-
ing family has begun to make repairs to their maintain the only -all women" section in the city.
grand palace in hopes of rctuming their home The healing skills of the Elir-Sana are legendary.
and their city to ilS fomlcr glory.

Ci-tiES, S-tR,..onCHOLDS fr Ryins C'-' 117

and the white.. c1ad pricstesscs arc gr.mtt-'d ,I Each tribe follow(.-'d one of Keja's seven sons. 111e
reSI)I..'Ct second only to that givcn to the ruling eldest son, Garmac. continued to rule in the city
filmily. of Khuri-Khan, to the disgust of many of his
4. Akhur et Nor. Fonnal education is a rela- brothers who felt that the tribes should retllnl to
tively new concept to the city of Klluri-Khan, their nom~ldic ways.
cemr:.llizcd lco.lrning was never a concern of lsohned from the outside world, the sepal"dle
nomadic tribes. You learned what you needed to tribes of Khur stakt-'d out new territories of their
know from your elders and that was passed on own and warred among themseh'cs for a number
fmlll general ion to generntion. However. during of l,,'cncrations. During the War of the Lance. Ihe
the fornlalion ofthe city following the Cataclysm, Khur tribe was approached by Dragon Highlord
a traveling scholar was discovered w·.lndcring the A....dkias looking to lure the fierce warriors inlo
deserts on the verge of death. He was takcn to joining the Dr:.Ib1Qnannies. lne Khurs. looking for
Khuri-Khan were he became enchanted with the 'lIl upper hand ag.linst their neighboring tribes.
culturc. Waming (0 repay his debt, he founded accepted the alliance. allowing Green
Akhur et Nor, an academy of learning known as DrabTQnarmy troops to reside there.
the Acadcmy of thc Rising Dawn. Unforlun:lIdy.the troops look control of the city
Tne schohlr coll\'inced the Khan of the power and hq,ran seizing the critiC-oIl water sources
of the spoken word and the worth of the wrillen throughout the deserts for their dragons.
word. Ft·w Khurs ever attended the academy, but Salah. one of the mightiest warriors of the
the doors are open to all who wish to learn and Khur tribe. rose to replace the Dragon Highlord
beller themselves. For a small mOlllhly fee, a cur- who had been executed for failing to conquer the
riculum of reading. writing, math and the moral fierce and detennined tribes. As Salah-Khan, he
virtues of the Khur is taught. A handful of seized :III powcr in the region in retaliation
Khurish scribes. bards and seers have gmduated ag;.linst the other tribes for hundreds of years of
from the school. disdain agdinst the powerful Khur. This shift in
S. 'Ibi~ty Stallion. Along one of the busy power dev,ned Khuri-Khan to the status of capi-
streets of the Gl".lnd Souks is a tavern popular tal, and since then it has been the seat of power.
among visiting merchants to Khuri-Khan. 111e During the Chaos War ,I number of fire drag-
Tnirsty Stallion is like many other taverns found ons th,ll esc:.lped from the Lords of Doom tr:.lV·
scattered throughout the Grand Souks. It is con- dcd into the desert wastes, destroying everything
structed of yellow brlazcd sandstone and squt.'C'".£cd in thcir path. '11cn.less than three yC'drs after the
betwccn two other shops along a crow(k-d phw.a. disappc.:arance of the moons, Malystryx attacked
Above the door is a sign of a horse head and a thc city, laying wastc (Q the palace and claiming
tank'lrd of mC<ld. all of Khur as her own. Since the red Overlords'
'Ole interior of the '1l1irsty Stallion is always demise. Sahim (human male Bb9; AI.. l\T), first son
smoky and dark. 111e sofi swaying sound of the of Salah, has ullit:d the Khur tribe with
punboi, a popular Khurish instrument of double looking to draw upon its strength a!"Yainst lhe
reeds and wood, can be heard playing throughout othcr tribes of the region.
the d:ly. Exotic dancers dressed in silk wraps and
sCdrves dance about the room b'lring their jew- LACynOS (TIE1"HOSAK)
ek·d midrifls ,IS they sway to the droning music.
Female patrons ,Ire nOI allowed in the 'nlirsty Large Cit)', 20,457
Stallion and are barred from entry at the door. Thc city of Lacynos, or MNethosak~ in Kothian.
6. Horse Bazaar. Outside the city walls (Q lhe dates back prior to the year 2485 Pc.
wcst of the city is the largest Horse B'17..;mr in Emperor i\'lakcl MOgrcbanc~ officially made
Ansalon. Horsemen from a number of different Lacynos the pcnnanent seat of power in the twin
tribes arrive daily 10 sell and bartcr horses or look kinbrclollls ofKolhas and Mithas.
for suitable studs for bret.-'ding. '111c name, history. "le popuhnion of L,lcynos is made up of scv-
and lineab'C ofeach horse is known by the traders. eral thousand minotaurs, about half as many
'111e Horse Ba7.a ar is one of the busiest places in human pir.ltcs. and a large number of slaves.
Khuri-Khan. Slaves are primarily human, although the mino-
taurs have also enslaved elvcs. dwarves. and even
""GiOnAL His"tolQ' OJ,'''''.
'111e city streets of L-acynos are paved with dirt.
Following the Cahlclysm, the nomadic and scat- which turns to mud easily enough in the rain.
tered barbarians of the wastelands west of the Lacynos is made up of crude wooden buildings.
Khalkist l\ fountains were united under one leadcr la'l,'Cr than most in Southern Ergoth. organized
named Keja. This leader of the Khur tribe united into blocks. Ladders are used outside the build-
all the people into one Khanate.. It was during this ings mther than stairs inside, with square holes in
time that the city ofKhuri-Khan was born. A b'Ctl- the rooffor egress. Lacynos also has several stone
eration later, following the death of Keja. the buildin1.'S, which dwarves remark as -unimpres-
Khanate beg.ln to fracture into separatc tribes. R

si"e (althoubrll not to a minotaur's mind). The

118"" CHAP"tER..FOUR
noble houses of L~l<.)'nos ;lre built from stone and 10 fl.'et :lbove the watcr level. Moderate stonns
marble. ;llld all h:IVC marble pathways r:lIhcr than ilnd major gales make it diflicult to stand on the
the usual dirt and mud found elsewhere in bre-akwater at times.
Lacynos. 2. Harbor. '''e harbor is filkod with a dozen or
111C city has had a long history. dating b:ICk 10 more ships, including heavy minOl3ur war gJ.lleys,
its founding prior to 2485 Pc. Lacynos has been as well as lighter and faster pir:tte ships. A small
home for the emperors of the twin kingdoms ncct of fishing boats also calls this harbor home.
since thai lime. Various inc-.unalions of the <..'Olise- TIle water of the harbor is thick and brown. and
mn have been built. only to have betler ones built .1 horrendous odor emanates from it. All manner
later on. or to have them destroyt.-d. or garbage floats in the harbor Willers: broken
Lacynos was the center of the worst C'.tnh~ pieces of lumber. barrels. sewab1C. and an occa~
quake in minotaur history in 1m PC. when hills sional body.
Cdl on communities. and even the sturdiest of 3. City Wall. A solid stone wall. 30 fcct tall and
structures collapsed. 1nc gmnd ;1I'(:na of Emperor 10 feet thick. surrounds Lacynos. The wall is nOt
Tremoc toppled. killing thousands who Wl.. ..c in reall)' necessary for defense. as thre'J.ts would
attendance for the g.ll11CS. come from the sea. However, several fonner
!star forces in 1543 PC conquered Lacynos. lllinotaur chieftains decided that Lacynos would
and the ernJX.'fOf was slain. l\linotaurs were led have a wall. having both an abundance of stone
back in dlains to Istar. LatCT they were rclUmed and slaves that needed a purpose. l"e 101' of the
in exchange for captured Istari:ms in l\lonhosak. wall is protected from the outside bY:l three-foot-
Lacynos would ag" be conquert..od by Istar circa high barricade running along the outer rim of the
93 PC. after the l'rochunation of Manifest Virtue. city wall. lllerc is no rim on the inside of the wall.
Lac)'nos wouldn't be frl.'C from Istar until Wooden ladders descend from the inner side of
the Cataclysm severed the minotaur 1:1Ilds from the wall to the city streets every 100 feel or SO
mainland Ansalon. Lacynos would then become along the wall's lenbtlh. In three places, the wall is
a pon city. protl.'Cl.l..od from the Maelstrom by the crossed by heavy wooden gJ.tes, which stand
Homed Bay. open from dawn until dusk. 111e g-J.tes are closed
Chot Es-Kalin oc'Callle emperor of the empire at nibrllt. and cm only be openl..od upon personal
in the before the War ofthe Lance. a reign order of the Emperor.
that would last until just before the War of Souls. 4. Towers. $eveml towers are 1Q<.::ucd :It inter-
Chot expanded the empire to several other vals along the city wall. with two bl'\.liIrding the
colonies. Chot's p1:1I1S met an obstacle in the entrance to the brCOlkwater. '111C towers stand
Chaos \Var, as the Mab10ri C.1I11e from the depths atop the wall (or brcolkwatcr), rising another 40
of the Blood Sea, and invadl.od r'l'lithas. including f{.--et above their foundations. Each of these towers
LaC),110S. \Vhile the minot:lurs prevailed. half has :1 wooden door at its foot. '111e towers are
their numbcr was lost. cylindric.11 in shape. and iI stainvay spirals up the
Chot eventually brrew old and fill. :lrld his reib'11 inside Willi orthe towcrs to a platform just below
becamc corrupt. He el~oyed luxurk'S that no the roor. from which a hatch may be opem.od to
othcr minotaur emperor had ever cnjoyed. All his allow ell\rance to the upper platform of the tower.
challengers were dispatched, despite being A three-foot-high wall surrounds these flat plat-
younbTCr and in better shapc. though quictly whis- ronns. '111e six towers :Idjaccllt to the harbor each
pered (and quickly silencl.x1) nllllors of poison and h:lVe a larl"TC be'lcol1, consisting of a bright oil~
cheating spread throug-hout the the empire. burning lantern :md an arranf,,1Cl11el1l of mirrors.
Just prior to the War of Souls, a COliI' kod by Each be-.lcon casts .1 cone-shap{.'(1 beam.
General Hotak de-Drok.1 (minotaur male 5. Market Squares. '111e market squares are the
Ftr9/Legcndary Tactician 6) ensued, resulting in busiest are-J.S or Lacynos during daylight hours.
the death ofChot Es-Kalin, and the destruction of These shopping districts smell strongly or fish,
House Kalin. Hotak looks now towards Ans.llon. which is the market's most common commodity.
and is preparing to invade. Alrcoldy, troops have Smoked. ClOned, and fresh varieties (as well as
seized Silvancsti. and elf slavl.'S return to Lacynos. not-so-frcsh) {.kJ.n be found here. You C'"J.n find
The colors of Hotak now fly over Lacynos, and other common b"OO<ls :IS well. such ilS wool.
the city is bustling with 'lctivity. preparing for weapons. annor (mainly Ie-J.ther). shields. and
invasion. Ruk of the empire, formcrly done by jewelry. Minutaurs h.we .1 prcferen{.~ for silver
challen!,,>e in the Circus Games, is now by succes- jewelry in JYJ.nicul:lr, and many pil.'CCS of surpris-
sion. With his wife. a prie;tess of the Forerunners, ingly fine crJftsmanship C'"J.n be discovered among
by his side. Hotak reigns supreme. the cheap junk th'lt is the nann. Prices in the mar-
1. Breakwater. A solid stone barrier extends ket are generally rour times the wonh of a given
into the water from both side; of the h'lrbor. The item. However. bargJ.ining is CXpl.'CIed. and those
bre-J.kwater is -10 fl.oct wide at the top and 60 feet who don't are looked upon with scam by the
wide where its base enters the \\~ater. The top is shopkeepers. E:ldl market square is an open
e.xpanse of mud. cO\'ered with a chaotic collection

Ci"tiES. S"t"OnGHOLDS Er ~ins ~ 119

of stalls, tents, and booths. While the squiues are eighty minotaur f,,'u::lfds come to take the slaves
not crowded during the day, there are a fair num- into the city. An ildditional forty guards who are
ber of minotaurs and their slaves walking about. permanently <lssigned to watch over the slaves in
At night, the stalls are boarded up, and lhe mar~ the pit aid these guards. At dusk, this process is
kel square becomes near deserted, .'lave for the reversed. 'nle &'lmrds at the pit maintain a post at
minOhlUr guards who patrol the area, protecting the bottom of the ramp with ten guards, while
the goods of Ihe shopkeeper. the remaining thirty guards are deployed around
6, Shipyard. The shipyards are becoming the rim of the pit. In the event of an uprising,
busier and husier as the minotaurs prepare for there :lre seveml retaining walls that can be col-
their eventual conqucst of AnSillon. Several Iarf"tC lapsed to drop tons of c<lrth onto the mmp, bul)'~
f"ralleys arc being constructed in this dl)'dock. ing any mob tl)'ing to charge upward. Lately,
Lumber lies in vast stacks on the wharfbeside the many Silvanesti elves hilve joined the nll1ks of the
shipyard. General Hotak de-Droka has ordered slaves kept in the slave pit.
that work continue through all hours. Torches 10. Coliseum. 11le Coliseum has been com-
illuminate the shipyard all night long. pletely rebuilt, and is a testament to the glol)' of
Approximately 200 human slavcs are working on the Coliseum prior to the Cataelysm. The
these vcssels, commanded by a do:.. .e n minOlaur Coliseum is home to the Games. where minotaur
overseers, eilch wiclding a barbed whip. warriors and shIVes alike fight against one 'Uloth-
Discipline is brutill, and any human who filils at er and against various other ereat\lre.~ for glory in
his task is whipped to death and thrown into the combat. Various monsters arc used for the b"3mes:
harbor as punishment for his weakness. mantieores, ogres. kyrie, draconians, dmgon-
7. Emperor's Palace. The Emperor's P.lbce is spawll. and even a hydr:J (a crowd fiworite). 'I11e
the most imposing building in all of Lacynos. 'Ille arena floor is a hard surfilcc of packed dirt, and is
palace was built by Emperor Makel "Ogrebane~, surrounded on all sides by a sheer 20-foot-high
sometime around 2485 Pc. Each Emperor has wall of smooth stone. Stands surround the arena,
added on to the mansion, making it resemble a with privatc boxes for minotaurs of importance.
collection of slllall buildinf,,'S, haphazardly thrown U. Pits of Doom. Sometimes the arena games
together. A 20-foot-high brick wall with a row of are moved to the Pits of Doolll, whether it be for
spikes .\1 the 101' surrounds the mansion. The the execution of a special prisoner or if the
walls of the Gre,lt Hall of the pillace are lined emperor decides to treat his subjects to a particu-
with marble columns. Silken and woolen tapes- larly cruel spectacle. A great, semicircular g,lllel)'
tries hang behind them. 'nlC tloors are also done stands east of the pits. l11C capacity is large. even
in marble. No fi.lrniture is in this room. save for though it a.mnot hold as many individuals as the
the massive oaken throne. A p,lir of cl)'stal doors areml itself can. The Pits of Doom arc actually
are hidden behind one of thc tapestries. and lead one large bowl, superheated by a deep geother-
to the lushly vegetated garden outside, which is mal source. 'I1le base of the bowl is made oflava
surrounded by a 10-foot high brick wall (without with a thin crust. FieI)'. liquefied rock shows
spikes or other bilfriers). 'nle pa1:lce has a variety through the areas where the crust has broken.
of rooms that serve various functions, from a Rising 40 fL'Ct from the lava itself are islands of
kitchen to the Emperor's living qmlrters. The black rock, which are connected by a pattern of
palace also includes a dunf"tCon level. The pahlce bridges that are 20 feet wide, but without any mil-
is guarded by several Imperial Guards, whose loy- inf,,'S on the sides. These bridges ilreh high over
alty to the emperor is absolute. the lava pits. so a fall from one of them ends with
8. Central Square. 'nlis area is the vel)' same certain death. 'nle heat rising from the lava is
area where Emperor Chat Es-Kalin had givcn his extremely debilitating. Often. slaves are set on
coronation speech when he became cmperor. one of the ishl1lds, and given a minute to run
Once, a massive statue of Chat was the center- across a bridge to another island. One of the
piece of this square. \-Vith the rt:cent coup, the monsters of the arena is usually unleashed on the
statue has been pulled down and destroyed. The poor soul on the bridge. A chilse ensues, which
remainder of the square is made of marble, with often leads to the death of the slave.
marble sealS that encircle the area where the for- 12. Temple of the Forerunners. After the "sac-
mer statue once stood. A new stiltue of Emperor rifice" ofSargonnas against Chaos in the Chaos
Hotak is being built in its place. War. the vast marble-walled lemple of Sargas
9. Slave Pit. This deep pit In the ground is used was converted into the Temple of the
as a pen for the many slaves of Laeynos, and lies Forenl1lners. This temple now houses minotaur
outside of the city proper. The sides of this pit arc priests and priestesses who follow the path of
steep, reaching nearly 100 feet high, and eonsist their ancestors. These ancestors f" power to
of soft. crumbly dirt. Climbing the sides is nearly the clergy in return. The Lady Nepherra (female
impossible. TIle night hours find seven hundred minotaur Mysl5: AL LE) is the High Priestess of
slaves here. although that number drops to two the Forenlllner filith, keeping private chambers
hundred during daylight hours, as the rest are within the Temple. With the return of Sargas.
taken into the city to work. EveI)' mor1l1ng,
120 ro.., CHAP1"E",FeuR
CiTiES, STROnGHOLDS &' Ryins ""
there has been clashes between the followers of and for 5 rounds thereafter. While spc;:lking, the
the Forerunner faith :lnd those who follow the legendary tactician can fight but CilllllOI CdSt
God of Vengeance. spells, activate magic items by spell completion
13. Shrines to Kiri:Jolilh. While Sargonmls is (such as scrolls). or activate magic items by magic
the primary god the minotaurs worship, Kiri- words (such ,IS wands). Affected allies g" a +3
Jolith is worshipped as well. There arc a few morale bonus on saving throws ag;:linst chann
smaller shrines 10 Kiri-Jolith sa.ltIered throughout and fear effects and a +3 morale bonus to attack
LaC}'J1os. althoub'fl most have been in disrepair and we-J.pon dam3ge rolls. Inspire courabTC is a
since the Chaos War. One shrine. however, is still mind-affecting 3bility.
being maintained. although nobody knows who Leaden;hip Bonus (Ex): The legendary tacti-
does it. cian gains a +3 bonus to his leadership score.
enabling him to attract more powerful cohorts
General Hotak de·Droka and followers.
Male minotaur Ftt9/Legcndary Tactician 6: CR Rally Troops (Su): 'l'ne legendary tactician's
15: HD 9dlO+36 (Ftr) plus 6d8+24 (l4.>endary presence is enough to grant any allies within 30
Tactician): hp 137: Init +6: Spd 30 ft.; AC 26 (I-t feet a second saving throw abrainstftnrand charm
touch. 24 flatfooted): Atk +20/+15/+10 melee effects that they ha\'e already succumbed to. Even
(ld10+13 plus wounding. 17·20/x2. +4 kml hal- if they fail the second saving throw. any finr
lord r.t;ord o/WOlllldtiliJ: SA Inspire courage (+3. effects are less severe: panicked characters are
3/day). natural attack: SQ Direct troops. hard only shaken. and shaken characters are un3ffect-
march. inspire cou....lge. lC'.Idership bonus (+3). ed.
rally troops. rout enemies. minotaur traits; AI.. Rout Enemies (Su): TIle legendary tactician
LE: SV Fort + 17. Ref +9. Will +9: Sir 24. Dex 14, can direct his troops to take better advantage of
Con 19. 1m 13. Wis 15. Cha 17. attacks on fleeing foes. By exlloning his troops
SluTls olld Ft:nls: Bluff +9. Climb +12. and pressing the attack. the legendary tactician
Concentration +9, Diplomacy + 12. Intimidate can drive his troops forward. urging them to fol-
+11. Knowledge (history) +7, Listen +8. Sense low their enemies. All allies within 30 feet of the
Motive +7, Spot +7. Swim +11: Alertness, Blind- legendary tactician gain a + I momle bonus to
Fight. Combat Reflexes. Exotic Weapon attack and dam3gc rolls on any attacks of oppor-
Proficiency (bastard sword). Improved Bull Rush, tunity they take against a fleeing encmy.
Improved Initiative, Leadership, Power Attack, Minotaur Traits: Natul"'J.1 armor +2: +2 racial
Scem, Weapon Focus (bastard sword). Weapon bonus to Intimidntc, Swim. and Usc Rope checks.
Speciak,..ation (bastard sword). POSSf!SSir)lls: +2 b11'Oslplnlc ofro11mllUul, +3 heavy
Natural Attack (Ex): A minot.lur may use his sled shield +4 kem baslortl J1tX)rI1 of'lI.)oll1l1li11g, +2
horns as natural weapons to make a gore 3tt3ck, cloak ofresislol/f'(!.
dealing Id6 points of d,lmage plus the mino{;lur's
Strenb>1h modifier (ld6+7)). If the minotaur Perhaps one of the greatest milit'lry commanders
charges. his gore attack deals 2d6 point'S of dam- produced by by his clan. perhaps even by the
age plus I 1/2 tim(:s his Strenbrth modifier minOl'aur mce, Geneml Hotakinemoni de-Draka,
(2d6+ 10). A minottlur can atWck with a weHpons is the epitome of wh,lt many see as a true emper-
at his normal attack bonus and make a brore attack or. 11,e eldest son of General NelllOll, a decorat-
as II secondary attack (-5 penalty on the attack roll ed commander slain during the SUlllmer of
and half his Strenbrth bonus on the dnm'lbte roll). Chaos. Hotak joined his father's Icgion soon after
Direct Troops (Su): AS;l filii-round action, the the latter's death. A driven. determined youth. he
legendary tactician c,m give compelling direc- rose to the rank of dekarian (an officer com-
tions. He C'J.n bestow a +2 competence bonus on manding ten fighters) within;l year. then to a alp-
either attacks or ski11 checks to all allies within 30 tain. following a battle agJ.inst sea barbari'IllS.
feet. TIlis bonus lasts for 2 rounds. Stationed on the eastern borders of the imperi-
Hard March (Su): '111e kogendary t.lctician can um during the height of Emperor Chot's drive for
exhort his troops to march f.1ster. An)'one travel- expansion, the dar~ brown-furred Hotak C'J.rne<!
ing with the lCl,tendary tactician g'J.ins a +4 morale the rank of first hekturian (an ollicer officially
bonus to Constitution dlf_'Cks required for making commanding one hundred warriors. but senior to
a forced mardl or any other task requiring any other mnking: hekturians there) by his twen-
extended exertion. Animals are not affected. ty-fourth year of abTC. Now the protege of the
Inspire Courage (Su): TIle legendary tactician present commander of the Rearing or Black
can inspire courabTC is his allies (including himself) Warhorse legion. Genel"'J.1 RObTl13r. the young,
three times per day, bolstering them against fe-Ar ambitious officer became part of the staff. where
and improving their combat abilities. To be affect- his insights into military stl"'J.tcgy C" to the
ed. an ally must be able to he-J.f the legendary tac- forefront and C"dmed him much honor.
tician spe-J.k. The effect lasts as long as the ally
hears the legendary tactician continue to speak

Ci ... iEs. S"'",OnGHOLDS fr R..vins ~ 121

Returning to the imperial capital. Nethosak. \Vhen fearsome wounds forced his command-
alier three years, Hotak was reunited wllh his er to retire, it did not surprise anyone that Hotak
young bride and distant cousin, Nephera. whom W,IS appointed general. Under him, the W;uhorse
he had married five years before. Already blessed legion became the foremost in the empire. sent
with a son. Anlnor, they soon added to their fam- wherever the throne needed a viclory badly.
ily another lllllle, whom Howk named Bastion. \Vhen Chot again attemptcd to strengthen what
Already II prized scion of Droka. for the first little foothold the minotaurs had on the cominelll
time there were indications oftbe I-Iousc's inten- of Ansalon, it was f-1ot'lk who waS sent to keep
lion of b'Tooming him for the throne. Hotak was the peace. Four times over the next several years
presented to the emperor at a special ceremony he defeated the 0b'Tes in and .Iround Sargonath,
and even sat with Chat during the games. His including the Battle of Zygard, ;\ m,~or ogre set-
ambitions even b'Teater than those of his clan, the tlement nCilr the minot.lllfS' colony. He then wcnt
young, upcoming oflicer may have overstepped ag:linst the commands of the throne, ousting the
his bounds for, shortly alier. he W.IS transferred knights from their last strongholds there and
from his beloved Warhorse legion to scouting making peace with the Gnllld Lord of Kern.
duty on the mainland of Ansalon. \Vhile the move proved valuable to the imperi-
But if the emperor sought to dissuade Hotak of um. it won no filvor from Chot himsclf. Now
imperi'll inclinations, he failed utterly. Stationed blessed with a third son. Kolot. and already dcco-
at the troubled new colony of rated more than any active officer, Hotak became
Kleth on the Kern peninsula. an outspokcn critic of Chot's policies, pointing
Hotak turned a sudden ogre out thc carelessness dccisions and cormption he
incursion illlo a filII rout of the thought rampmlt in the aging emperor's domain.
minotaurs' ancient mas- Despite such criticism,
ters-this despite what Chot made no outward
some termed the treach- move to oust the ever morc
ery of the minotaurs' popular commander,
allies of the time. the although the \Varhorse
Knights of Neraka. legion did olicn find itself
Although the young assigned to the most
colony had to be dangerous regions of
abandoned in the end the imperium. Nephera.
due to other reasons, now high priestess of
Hotak's valiant efforts the Forerunner sect,
in saving the colonists often lIccompanied her
and slaughtering the husband wherevcr he
ogres earned the ofllcer was sent, acting as
honors that for him more an unollicial
than made up for the loss counselor and
of an eye and enabled using the grow-
him to return to the ing influence of
Warhorse legion sec- hcr faith to bolster
ond only to its com- Howk's political and
mander. military ambitions ill
Sent once more to home.
strengthen the \Vith renewed
expansion of the ties planned
eastern and between the
southern borders Knights of Ncraka
of the imperium, and the empire, Chot has once more sent the
Hotak leli behind his family, including his new Warhorse legion 10 the forefront. Hotak's loyal
infant dllughter, Maritia. Through a series of force now marches to join the Nerakians, but
bloody campaigns against barbarians. pirates, and although he has never disobeyed the commands
others, Hotllk earned continual accolades. Stories of the throne in the past, the general is not at all
ofhis military prowess reached back to Nethosak. pleased, especially as his orders send him 10 the
House Drob, with the particular assistance of forefront of the fighting. Already having the sup-
Nephera. spread those stories wherever possible. port of many of the high~caste minotaurs of the
111e hero of Kleth became spoken about in all realm, he has beb1J.lll to wonder if it is time for a
political circles even though he had never once change. time to challenge Chot for the throne-
indicated interest in filcing the emperor in impe- one way or another.
rial combat.
CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS q. Ryins ~
Lady Nephcrr:l de·Oroka But if not an emperor, an emperor's consort
Female minotaur Mysl5: CR 15; HD 15d8+45: would do. Her marriabTC to Hotak solidified short 4

hp 113: Inil +2; Spd 30 ft.: AC 17 (14 touch. 15 Iy after with the birth of their first son. Ardnor,
flatfooted); Atk +14/+9/+4 melee (ld6+3. +2 Nephcra bec.ulle her husband's most vocal pro-
light 1Illla/rod ofIII/oilier (Jllt/lightinil: SA Natural ponent, keeping his name and honors circulating
attack, spells; SQ Minol:lllT (mils; AL LE; SV Fort ;Imong the high-ranking in the capitol. Influential
+9, Ref +5. Will +9: SIr 13, Dcx 14, Con 16. Int ollicers and councilors were invited to dinners
17, Wis 19. eha 16. and Nephera apIX'ared at nC'J.r1y every imperial
SGills 0"'/ Fenl.r: Concentration + 11, Diplomacy function.
+8, Gather Information +12. Heal +10. As her mate rose in mnk. so too did l ephera's
Intimidate + t 1. Knowledge (arcana) +8. status rise. Even as the wife of a first hekturian.
Knowledge (religion) +13. Sense Motive +13. she enjoyed influence and station of one much
Spellcrafl +9: Empower Spell. Extra Turning, higher. In addition to Hotak. Nephcra also
Greater Spell Focus (necromancy). Improved groomed Ardnor for the future she planned. In
Turning, Leadership, Spell Focus (necromancy). c"crything, her eldest-and obvious fa\'orite-
Natur.l1 Attack (Ex): A minotaur may use his n:ould follow in his father's footsteps, succeeding
horns as natural wC".I.pons to make a gore attack. hml everywhere, That nonc of this would be
dealing Id6 poims ofdamage (plus the minotaur's directly achieved by his own merits did not con-
Strength modifier). If the minOlaur dl:uges. his cern her.
gore attack deals 2d6 points of damage plus I 112 But as Hotak gained command of the
limes his Strenb"h modifier. A minotaur can Warhorse Iq,,;on, Nephera herself gained power
altack with a weapons at his nonna! attack bonus that would change the direction of her life as
and make a gore attack as a secondary attack (-5 much as, if not more than. her husband's career.
penaJty on the attack roll and half his Strength Touched by a "ision, which she claimed the work
bonus on the damage roll). of a god, Nephera created the Forerunner Faith.
Minotaur Traits: Natural annor +2; +2 racial Preaching thai the ancestors and deceased loved
bonus to Intimidate. Swim, and Use Rope checks. ones of minotaurs silently guided their living kin,
Mystic Spells K"(TJ:" (6/6/6/6/6/6/6/4); base she built upon the void left by the departing gods
DC = 14 + spell 1C\'c1): 0 - (71" mil/or 'WOllfllls, to create a following that quickly spread to every
drt«f. mogir. gllidofl~, /iiflid Imilor 'twlII/ds, light, corner ofthe imperium. As hib,), pricstess, she dis-
mmdmg, r-ead magic, rrsistOflfY, t,irtut!", 1st - !Jmu, played for her followers almost magical abilities
mUMflar, dent/miatell, dttl'rt mlllend~ shliM offillill:
that grew with time and brought sllspicious
2nd - augury, dflrlml'SJ, death km'll~ dt'st'fTatt', glances from those 10y;11 to the throne.
t1Ithmll, li!flirt ff/()(Iemte u'fJ""ds; 3rd - ht'strrd) mrst', Yet. despite her own growing importance.
all? senOiLS 'U)Ollllds, dl'/'f>l'r dmrmeSJ, Imlt 'If/dend~
Nephera had not abandoned Howk. Instead. she
magic ',its/men!. 4th - tlllimlltt' dt'tllt-, d('(lJl, u'tml, saw her new role as complementing his own,
diuillalloll, lesst'f" pltlf/llr lilly, Pllri deatll S sll/'Qud: 5th something the general would not always see eye-
- grea/t'r CO"WIIUIII, mm"k oJjilS/i('(', sIll)' Ifvillf[-, /me to-eye with her in the years to come, Nonetheless,
sm;lg, ""/lOllou.r. 6th - (T('lItl' 'IIldmil" he/iI, mllSJ as she begun to accomp:lIly him on his campaigns
,,!flirt modemte wouNds, to/dmtl1 to dm/Ii: 7th - /;,i,,1 Hotak's victories grew more and more audacious.
spini, m.'IIf1' spcrtml,,,,,no,,, dl',f/m,t'on" J\r1:my c1ainu.>« the general had a sixth sense when
• Domain spell. Domain: Necromancy it came to his enemies, but others pointed inst(''ad
(Rebuke, command, or bolster unde:ld as an evil to the in('reasingly otherworldly wa)'s of his mate.
cleric, Use this ability 10 times per day. 'Ill is is a "£> Robe of Shadows "£>
supem;ltural ability).
JtmeJS'olls: rod oftll/mdt'r mill ligh/llI'ig, medalkoll This ~rment is w~)\'en of cloth dyed deep ebony,
ofthough/s, pellrl ofprr..ver (7th), robe oj"shlldrrdJ1. somellmcs embrOIdered with intriC'J.te desibJf\S 0
Distant cousin and mate of Hotak, Ncphera's gold or silver thre'dds. The robe offers its wearer
baclq,rround is less known. Her finher was a dis- the following powers.
tinguished ollicer of the imperium. Nephcf"'J, an - +3 armor bonus to AC.
only child, first met Hotak when both were still Spell resistance 15.
jU\'eniles, Ambitious in her own right. she deter- +2 resistance bonus on all saving throw$.
mined young that he would be her husband. - Once per day, the wC'J.rer may assume a
Although an excellent fighter, physical combat shadowy form that mimics the effects of a
had never been her forte. Instead, Ncphera stud- gOMOusfonn spell cast by an 11th level sor-
ied the politie.d machinations of the past and sat cerer.
in whenever the patriarchs would hold coun. Allra: Strong varied: Cnst~r I.LV~/: lIth;
Females were not forbidden from becoming Prerrqllistia: Craft Wondrous Item, an/imagil'ftrld,
emperor. but to do so meant challenging Chot in "IlMOUS flr1ll, ma~ amlOr or shield offtlilr. Made
the Circus-no easy prospect. Pn"a: 5·4.880 stl; W~ight: 1 lb.

Ci-riES. S-rR.-OnGHOLDS fr Ryins ~ 123

An ever more ardent supporter of her hus- but .1 large portion was blown away by
band's ambitions, Nephera has use<1 the temple to Pyrothra)(us, the red dragon that sought to claim
subtly innuence the masses as 10 who would be the mountain for himself. Now a bubbling pit of
best to mle the empire. It has brought her no lava can be sccn hundrl..>ds ofyards below the first
friendship from ChOl and he has more than once level providing the gnomes with an inexhaustible
sought to undermine, however carefully, the source of heat.
Foremnncrs. 2. Libmry. ThOUSands upon thousands of
With this last in mind, Lady Nephera has dou- books .111d manuscripts are store<1 in the Library,
bled her efforts to spread the name of her hus- including everything from gnomish names to the
band-and her sect-among the populace. Time is specific:.ltions for hundreds of thousands of inven-
on her side. After all, Chot will not be emperor tions. It has been said thm the gnomish libra!)'
forever ... evcn rivals that of the Great Library of Palanthas.
and that W.1S only counting thc names of thrcc
mOUnT nEvE,,-minD gnomes. But as outlandish as that may be the
library does contain more books than even the
Metropolis, 50,000+ library of Palanthas ever did. Unfortunately they
The largest settlement of gnomes on Ansalon is .He seldom used. The library is broken up into so
located on the Isle of Sancrist in the pit of a dor- many sections and sorted by so many methods it
mant Nearly 50,000 gnomes make their is hard to even comprehend where to begin look-
home in the tallest moulltain of the island. The ing for something. Even the librarians have trou-
volcano itself would have been even taller if the ble determining where -Transport Section, East
b1Tlomes had not destroyed the upper portion in M

Outer Upper Right is at times.

an attempt to roust an occupying force of d:lrk 3. Tribunal Hall. Mount Nevennind is nomi-
knights. nally mled by an elected Grand Council of clan
The city itself is built into the sides of the vol- leaders and f,l'uild masters that serve their term for
cano walls surrounding iI central shaft. life. TIle m~uority of decisions the council makes
Thousands of years ago, when the volcano was an impact. as most f,'llOmeS do as they please,
first occupiL>d, the gnomes cleared away the ash regardless of the rest of the community.
and volcanic rock from the throat of the volcano Nevertheless, the complex lldministration of mn-
and installe<1 cmwalks. Thirty-five levels were ning Mount Nevennind is held in the Tribunal
carve<l out of the heart of the mountain from top Hall. 'l1lis vast antechamber bas a brightly pol-
to bOHom. During the Chaos War, the top ten ished onyx floors and dear meditation pools.
noors were blown into dust, leaving them now Positioned in the center of the room is a mllssive
with only twenty-five levels. Gnomish architc..."Cts brass scale where council members toss weights
have b(.--en drawing up designs for :1 number of into a pan on either side of the sc:.lle to determine
years on how to rcbuild the crown of their home. important issues. Decision-making is simply l\
Within the complex labyrinth of the city there maHer of equilibrium.
is a sense of frenzied activity and commotion as 4. The Crawl. Disproving the popular theory
gnomes bustle hcre and there through a maze of that gnomes are all work and no play, MOllnt
staircases, ladders, lifts, pulley systems and the Nevennind does have diversions beyond purely
infamous kgnomeningers" that bodily toss a inventing. A popular hangout for many gnomes is
b'l1ome to higher and lower levels of the city. the Crawl, a strip of pubs and gambling houses
There are whistles shrieking, gears grinding, that offer a respite from mundane tasks or a
steam bhlsting and hundreds of other sounds all chance to catch a second or third wind. Abstract
time of the day and night as gnomes work on Yearnings, Delirium Terminus, and l1lCnnion
their latest inventions and prove or disprove their Velocity arc but a few of the p!ac(."S one l..~an go to
latest theories. '1le uproar is as natural to a meet another f,'l1ome and eng:.lge in discussions of
gnome as the pound of hammer on a forge is to a scientific endeavors. tell cerebral jokes or just talk
dwarf or the sweet twittering song of a bird is to shop. TIle ale is plentifill and a number of the
an elf: establishments serve it with their latest invcn-
l. Inner Hall. 'me f,Tf'e~1t shaH within the tions, which is why the Crawl has the only direct
mountain is known as the Inner Hall. 'Illis is the tunnel to the hospital level.
he.m of rvlollnt Nevennind. a crossroads of all 5. The Undercity. An .mcient tunnel system
levels allowing access to almost any location spreads in all directions under the main city
within the main city through a series ofstainvays above. This complex system of caverns is older
and strategically placed gnomeflingers. than the gnomish settlement. 'l1le gnomes have
'me shaft itself is 750 y'Hds high and roughly explored many portions of it, but much of the
800 yards across its top. The ceiling of the Inner Undercity has been walled ofrfor fear of the crea-
Hall was once l..'Overed with the volcano's caldera tures that occ:.lsionally make trips to the sun.'1cc
that held a small lake. Since the Chaos War, the and spiril aw.1Y working gnomes. The portion of
top has remained open to the air.l1le floor of the the Undercity that has been explored has been
Inner H'11J was once a thick layer of volcanic rock reinforced with steel and the tunnels have been
124 ~ CHAPTER...FeUR
CiTiES, STROnGHOLDS &' Ryins ~
strengthened with sleel rods and shock absorbing move into the SC'J. cavcs and now just about every
springs to prevent them from cotlal>sing during building along the Main Street contains a pas·
earthquakes or Dlher cataclysmic e....ents. sageway leading to the undert,,'l'ound caverns. In
fact. a number ofdwellings have even been carved
RJ:cionAL H is1"OR,¥ into the cliff side. A small group of dwarves who
1\10001 Nc\'cnnind was founded thousands of were fomler residents of Port Balifor took pity on
rears ago when the first gnomes tr-a\'c1ed thc the devastated community and now have the
length of Ansalon chasing the elusi\'c Greyb>cm. business of building the underground structures.
TIred of the chase. the gnomes decided that the Renshar Morgenes (dwarf male Ftr7; AL N) is
location was a perfcct place to establish a the prefect of Port Balifor. He sees to the day to
gnomish city of their very own. 1ncrc they day running of the town. An aOlicted kender,
remained in seclusion until the rise of the Harlowe Barstool (afficted kender male
Solamnic Empire. When the first Solamnic W:if- Ftr4/Rog3; AL NG). is the High Sheriff of the
riors appC<lrcd on the horizon, the gnOIl1(,'S decid- Watch and Chief Administrator of the Port.
ed it best to hide the entire mountain. BUI when t. Hope's End. At the south end of Main Street
the p1:m UllCXpCCll:dly backfired and the volcano is one of the more popular taverns of Port Balifor.
was nooded with noxious gases, the gnomes were Hope's End is one of the largest buildings along
fon::ed to evacuate and a relationship was (0l'1m.'(1 Main Street. It's a place where one can forget the
\\lith the Solamnics. oppression ofthe daily life, atle-.lst for a time. Two
'111C Cataclysm barely slowed the gnomes who stories tall, the tavern has tables on both floors.
took the contincnt-wide destruction in stridc. 111e first floor has a kitchen, bar. hearth and small
being used to emergencies on an almost d;lily wooden stage. 'Inc second floor is open, with
basis. It wasn't until a force of dark knit",.hts invad- three private rooms.
ed their home that the gnomes had to use a Mintra Scabree7.c (half-elf female Brd3; AL
destruet:ive force oftheir own. Unfortunately their CG). a half-elf. runs the establishment. She hires
actions k-d to the destruction of nearly half of local entertainers to help drum up business.
their mountain home. In 392 AC, the red dragon Traders. local fishennan and afflicted kender keep
Pyrothraxus claimed Mount Nevennind for him- the tavern busy at all hours. The establishment is
self and soon regretted it. Unwilling to accept always brigtu and cherry. ftlintra has a way orlift-
defeat, the,,>on has taken :l. lair near the city ing the spirits of the poor souls of this town.
suffering the intrusions of the gnomes and their Hope's End specializes in eel pie and sand crab
incessant c11atlering and prodding. stews.
2. The Underground. One of the most unique
inns in Port Balifor is the Underground. Built
PoR:t BALiFOR... directly into the surrounding clirrs. the
Small Town, 1.764 Underground is one of the most protected areas
On the eastern (.'(\ge of the volatile Bay of Balifor in the town. 'nle inn lx"g'J.ll as nothing more th;m
lie the remnants of Port B'llifor. Great portions of a crack in the side of the cliff Helsfilr Stonesplitter
this town have been bumed away and destroyed. (dw'lff m;lle Exp5/Ftr4; AI.. L~ry excJ.v;lIt.'(1 the
Nestled ag;:linst a spmwling cove along the edge first dwelling into the side of the rock filcc and
ofthe bay, Port Balifor is 110 longer the city it once from there it grew as the enterprising dW;lrf real-
was. Oncc, half of the city rested over a complex il' that pt.'Ople were willing to pay to sl;Iy there.
series of piers th;lt hovered above a series of tidal Calling on a few other dwarves, he began to cre·
flats. Now the half of the town that dependc..'(\ on ate more rooms. Before long. they had over thir-
the wharves and piers lies in ruins. charrc..-d and ty rooms built into the side of the sea clifT. virtu-
rotting in the volcanic waters of the bay. any undete..'Ctable from the exterior.
Of the town along the shore, half has been I"J.V- 'Ine Undefb'TOund features beds and chests in
aged by dragon fire and the other half is oo.rcly each room with strong wooden doors. 1ne inn
habitable. TIle people who remain in Port Balifor itself is cool year round. The inn is generally d;lrk
consist mostly of afflicted kender and those and unnaturally quiet. Just perfect for a dwarf. but
humans too poor or too stubborn to move else- can be oppressive for anyone else.
where. A number of shops and buildings have 3. Harbor Market. Not trusting to the open air,
been rebuilt under the dubious protection of the the Harbor Market has moved cIi.IT side. Once one
cliff sidcs to the C<lSt. Rundown tenements, tav- of the greatest markets in Balifor, the harbor mar-
ems. gaming houses and a number of seedier ket is now a small collection of local fishennen.
buildinb1S line the new Main Street that skirts the khufish merchants and SCl.l\'engers that spend
edge of the c1ifffiICC. hugging the side of the cove. their time SC'J.rclling the ruins of the town for
Undeterred by the constant dCV;IS(;Uion of valuable items to trade.
Malystryx. the tenacious residents of Port Balifor 4. Gloom Town. 111e southwest section of the
turned to the sea caves that riddled the towcring city is a jumble of toppled stone buildings ;mel a
cliffs over their city. 'nley started making plans to complex maze of alleys and streets. Among the

Ci"tiES. S"tR.OnCHOLDS fr ~in.s " " 125

scattered buildings hundreds of afllicted kender a great red dragon began to arrive from the east.
make their home. Simply known as ~Retreal- to Within a number of months Malystryx had
the kender, Gloom 10wn is what Ihe locals call it. destroyed Kendermore and arrived to destroy
Led by Kronn ThistleknOI (afllicted kender male Port Balifor.
R~..r5/Rog7; AL NG) these kender live in the The residents of Port Balifor triLxI to rebuild
hopes of someday returning to their homeland. many times, and each time Malystryx or her min-
Gloom Town is the base of operations for ions would level the town fiat again. Unwilling to
Kronn and other afllicted kcnder who arc trying let the drabfOns win, the temlcious inhabitants
to map the numerous dragon lairs of the moved dilT side. They discovered massive sea
Desolation. TIley work closely with the afllicted caves, including some with fresh water sprinbrs.
kender of Charred to cross the <k"Solation und Rumors had it that prepanllions were being made
track the movements and locations of all the min- to move the entire city beneath the cliffs, but with
ions Malystryx left behind ,Ifter her death. The the destruction of the great Red Overlord and the
subdivision is dangerous to tmvel for stfanbrers return of the gods the people of Port Balifor arc
because the kender have set a number of traps hoping once again to rebuild their homes above
surrounding their home to alert them to the pres- the bay.
ence of any imrusion into their horne.
5. ClifI:<.ide Harbor, The resourcefill merchants R.!:LGOTM
and traders of Port Salifor, USL-x!to m,lking deals
in hidden places, dL"Cided it best to create ;1 har- Small City, 3,233
bor within the sea cliAs themselves. So they sal- Nearly a thousand years before the Cataclysm, in
vabred the materials they could from the destruc- the year 940 Pc. a third son of the lord of
tion and created a dock hidden beneath the pro- Vingaard banded tOb>cther with a group of other
tection of the surrounding Clwe, Meanwhile they noble youths. bound by ;1 common knowledge
continued to build additional wharves in the bay that none stood to inherit their family lands. They
for the drabrons to destroy now and ag;.lin. headed west from Ving<mrd Keep und established
The harbor is approximately half the si;r-e of a sm;lll fill'llling community in the shadows of the
wh;l\ it was before, But its traffic is next to noth- Vinbraard iVlountains.
ing. Sturdy wooden piers extend out over the Over time, this small community continued to
cooling waters of the bay us it washes inland attract people. growing steadily until by 250 PC,
benC<lth the shadows of thc clifls. the village had become a city rich enough to
draw the ultention of brigands and bandits. The
R.!GiOnAL HiSTOR...Y lord of Rclb'Oth at the time ordered that a great
wall be built about the city, but during the con-
As with most great cities or towns, Port Balifor struction. he passed away. According to local leg-
bewm as a small village, After the Cataclysm, end, his dL>$ire to protect his belovt.x1 city was so
refugees from a number of diflcrent communities intense that his spirit bcc.ll1le one in the wall,
gathered together at the nlins of what must have making it stronger and nearly unbreachable by
been a kender town, but was now deserted. The any invader. For almost six hundred years. the
fishing village located below the cliffs bebran to Walls of Re1broth stood strong, turning away all
grow and expand as Khurs from the north began invaders without falling once.
to use the port to send broods to tribes in the east. Arter the War of the Lance, Rclgoth experi-
As the vil1<lge bOTew into a large town it reached enced a population boom due 10 the recent dis-
the limits of the allowable space onshore, so the covery of nearby miner,lls, Combined with
residents begl:lll to build out over the tidal flats Relb'Oth's proximity to the Ving;.mrd Road, this
extending into the bay. Before too long. half the made the dty an ideal resupply road for CllnlVans.
city was perched on a various colk'Ction of pil- 'nlC result was expansion that led to the building
ings, docks and wharves. A collection of pirates, of the ~Ncw City", an addition to Relbroth th,lt
smugglers and rogues made Port Balifor their attracted merchants, farmers, and various other
home and traded in a number ofilleg.ll brood from new citizcns. TIle New City was completed by
all across Ansalon. the Summer of Chaos, and was said by some to
During the War of the Lance the nearly rival Palanthas in beauty.
DrabfOnarmies seized the city. Port Balifor never During the Chaos War. shadow-wights
had a standing anny and knew just how much attacked the city, emsing many of Relgoth's citi-
they could get away with while under their mle. zens with a touch, striping ,lway the very memo-
However. ,It the end of the war the dragon anny ries of their existence. By the end ofthe war, most
disbanded ;md Port Balifor was free, but not for of RclbfOth's buildings were deserIL'(I, with much
long. of the city lying in ruins, ,md it was inlo Ihis that
During the Summer of Flame, the dark knights u few ye;lfS later the Knights ofTakhisis arrived.
took control of the port city, but in the aftermath in the service ofKhellendros the Blue.
of the Chaos War. Port Balifor found itself free
ag<lin. 111en three years later rumors of ogres and

CiriES t SrR.-OnGHOLDS fr Ryins ~
11\c surviving citizens of Relgoth served as 11 hOllle to three hundred and fifty dark knights, as
reli.lble source of dragonspawn for Khel1endros well as human and elf mercenaries. dnlconians,
for several years. "nlC Blue Dmgon Overlord brutc.."S. and a few b'Oblins. Townsfolk who live in
ordered the constmction of a massive castle craft- this district fill the mercantile and entert:linment
ed entirely of black sand, held together through needs of the Knights ofTakhisis. 111ere is no joy
lhe sheer power of the dra!,'On's rnabric. Rdgoth in these activities for these oppressed townsfolk.
became a prison camp. where those captured by The elf mercenaries are from a group ofSilv:l1lesti
the dark knights in service to Khcllendros would elves C<lUbtlll outside the shield nlist.."<i by Cyan
bring t-aptives to either be held indefinitely. or to Bloodbane. lnese elves, led by Alor Lightleaf (elf
be I'ransfonned into dragonspawn. male Rgr13: AL LN), had made a pact with
TIle Bastion ofDarkncss \\I,lS destroyed at the Khellendros to defend Re1goth in exchange for
hands of the sorcerer Palin Majere in an ;lttempt him lowering the Silvanesti Shield. With the
to rescue Gilthanas. Khellcndros never rebuilt the de:lth of Khellendros and the lowering of the
Bastion. ll1ld with his death, the Knights of Shield. the elves arc preparing to retllrn to their
Takhisis have decidL>d to dean the city of the homeland. However, they are not aware yet that
black sand. and force the slaves to rebuild the Old Silvanesti now lies in minotaur hands, and that
City. their people are in exile.
Perhaps the most notable of Relgoth's citi;t..ens 4. Noble Quarter, The Noble Quarter is
is Shen Korras (half-elf male Sor8/Mys8: AL N). Relgoth's oldest neighborhood. Roughly 1,500
a half-Qualinesti merchallt. Shen has managed to able-bodied men. women. and children reside in
evade the notice of the Knights ofTakhisis, and is homes that once belonged to the privileged class.
one of the few townspeople who still has spirit 5. Castle Rei. Castle Rc1 is a bulky fortress
left. Shen dresses in blue robes. and wears a mus- crouched on a small hill between the Noble
tache simihlr to those worn by the Knights of Quarter and the Old City. The otherworldly
Solamnia. He is said to have fle<1 to Relb'Oth when Bastion of Darkness dwarfed this once-impressive
fl-.ilanthas fell to Khellendros. Shen lost his wife castle. Ranking Knights of Takhisis reside here
and daughter when the Blue Drab'Onarmy assault- with their personal guard. as well as a few dozen
ed Schallsea and he tr:wels from Relgoth to his Squircs of Lily and their instructors. '111C rulers of
home in SchallSC>1 on oCc..-aSiOll as an outlet for his Relgoth. 'l1uee dark elve live here. one a Lily
grief Shell has dOllated much of his wealth to the Knight. one a 'l1lOrll Knight. and one a Skull
c..'Ollstmction and support of the Citadel of Light. Knight. None will give up their true identity. and
Shen had been missing, but returned in the arc never scen in public without a helm or mask.
aftermath of the War of Souls. He has lost all Collectively. they are known as the Fallen 111ree.
memory of his past. I-Ie seems to be burdened by while individually they ,He referred to as Ebony
a grc.."at sadness and is seeking to make his way (elf female Ftr6/Knight of the Lily 6: AL LE).
back to Schallsea. Onyx (elf male Sor6/Knight of the Thorn 5). and
1. Gates. To get into Relb'Oth, one must enter Obsidian (elf female Mys6/Knight of the Skull 4).
through one of the two gates that lead into the 6. Ba..~tion of Darkness. This immense black
New City district. Another set of gates lead from stronghold looms over the city, looking like a
New City to Old City, and another stil11ead from bizarre anthill. The B:lStion occupic.... over a third
Old City to the Noble Quarter. One final SCi of of the Old City, absorbing everything it touches.
gates leads from the Noble Quarter to Castle Rei. The fortress looks as if it pushed its WllY up from
2. New City District. The ~New CityM was built below. 111e sprawling w.Ills appear to be made of
shortly after the War of the Lance. 111is district b1:1Ck s:md. and are dotted with openings of vari-
was finished by the Summer of Chaos. and was ous sizes. The largest is a great gaping maw at
packed with merchants. fimners. and other new- b1fOund level. The Bastion was once overseen by
c..'Olllers, New City is mostly deserted these days, Lord Sivaan (Sivak dmconian male FtT7; AL NE).
its buildings slowly falling to ruin. 'Ine Knights of '111C Bastion is surrounded by a mo:lt filled with
Takhisis, now in control of Relgoth. r'lrely patrol sc.."Orpions the size of a human hand. The B:lstion
the streets of the New City, relying on b'<lte and fell at the hands ofthe sorcerer Palin M~ere, turn-
wall b'1..lards to spot troubles. The New City now ing to black sand. 111e Knights of Takhisis are
only houses the old, crippled, and orphaned. as cleaning this area up and arc forcing their slaves
the Knights of'l1lkhisis have forc..'Cd all able-bod- to rebuild the city it covered.
ied citizens into the Noble Quarter.
3. Old City District, TIle Old City used to be FionA ~in"ti
the entire city of Relgoth. until after the War of Female human Ftr7/Knight of the CrownS; CR
lhe Lance. Relgoth had a boom after the war, and 12; Size Medium-sized humanoid; 1-10 7dl0+14
the New City district was built. A third of the Old (Ftr) plus 5d 10+ 10 (Knight of the Crown); hp 84:
City was covered by the Bastion of Darkness, and Init +3; Spd 30 ft; AC 20 (10 touch, 20 flatfooted);
much of this district has been converte<1 to bar- Atk +15/+10/+5 melee (ldS+6/19-20 x2, +2
rJcks for the Knights of ·nlkhisis. This section is lo"grJJort~: SA Strength of honor: SQ Fight to the

Ci"tiEs, S"tR..OnGHOLDS Cr RYin~ "'-' 127

death, heroic initiative +2, honorable will, knight- hll and lithc. with fiery red hair that often
ly courage; AL LawlllJ good: SV Fort +11, Ref matched her temper, Fiona devoted her life to the
+4, Will +5; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15. Int 12, Wis Solamnic Knighthood and her heart to a roguish
14, eha 16. mariner.
Skd/.f {llId Fmls: Diplomacy +10. Intimidate A Solamnie Knight from a Elmily of knights,
+11, Knowledge (nobility and religion) +5. Fiona was quick to take up Goldmoon's c:.mse
Knowk><]ge (religion) +8. Listen +5. Ride +7, and make a stand against the Dr.lgon Overlords.
SpOl +5. Swim +6: Blind-fight. Combat Reflexes, She joined the ranks of Dhamon Grimwulf and
Die!l;lrd, Dodge. Endurance, Honor-bound, left her Solamnic outpost home so she ('Ould
Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Weapon make il diflerence in the world. Her travels took
Focus (longsword). Weapon Specialization her through the New Swamp and into the moun-
(lollb'S\Vord) tains-places she'd only heard or read about.
Strength of Honor (Su): l\vicc per day. a Along the way she learned a tolerance for Ihint,'S
Knight or the Crown Cllll gtlin <l +4 morale bonus and people that didn't fit into the Solamnic ide;11.
to her Strcnb"h score for 6 rounds. She fell in love with Rig Mer-Krel. a weapons-
Fight to the De:lI.h (Ex): A Knight of the master and former pinneo She inwardly fought
Crown automatically gains the Diehard feal. even ag;linst the notion for months, as Rig was nlr from
if she does not have the prerequisite feat. knightly and would not consider joining her
Heroic Initiative (Ex): A Knight of the Crown Order. But he was remarkably honorable and
gains a +2 bonus to her initiative check. honest. and she found herself attracted to him.
Honorable Will (Su): A Knight of the Crown Eventually she gave in to her feelint,'S, and dis-
:lpplies her Charisma bonus (+3) as a momle covered he felt the same.
bonus on saving throws against compulsion spells Fiona was proud of her swordsmanship, prov-
and effect's. ing hcrself the equal of the mcn in a fight. She
KnightJy Courage ($u): A Knight of the was fearless, yet caring, and she demonstrated a
Crown applies her Charisma bonus (+3) as a compassion for the victims of the great dragons
morale bonus on saving throws versus fear dTects. and their minions. She faced the ultimate test of
PossessiollS: +3 IIOJ/omble I/(/(fpll/le IIIml, her abilities at the \Vindow to the Stars portal,
Redeemer (lFynllsbnm·, +2 dmgonbrlflt' IOllgs'Zvord), where the Dragon Overlords had Withered.
+2 cloak q[resistaJ/re. Malys the Red was making a bid for godhood,
though the plan was thwarted by the massive
Dishonorable (Annor Special Quality): Against blue drat,'On called the Stonn Over Krynll. Had it
att;leks from Lawful ere,lIures, the armor or not been for the blue's tr~achery, Fiona and her
shield's effective enh;l1lccment bonus is +2 better companions would have perished. All but Jasper
than its normal enhancement bonus (so a suit of managed to survive the encounter.
+/ 1l/I!I~plale iliad eflectively bt.'COmes +3 hl/!! Rig and Fion<l stayed together after the rest of
plale IIIm1 when attacked by a Lawful creature). the companions parted ways following the
The bonus of the amlOr also applies to all sllVing Window to the Stars baltIc. At first the two wan-
throws al;.linst any spell or spell-like ability with dered from town to town. passing dangerously
the Lawful descriptor. near the ogre lands. They sought to help those
Moderate abjuration [chaotic]; Cnster Leve!' who were dev,lstated by dr'agon au'lcks. or who
5th; fureqll/slies: Craft Magic Arms and Armor. had simply fallen on hard times. But when word
protect/oil from law; Nlarlte! PnCe A'!JilSlml'l/l: + 1 reached Fiona that her brother, also ;1 Solanmic
bOllus. Knight, had l:,'One missing, she and Rig took up a
llew cause. 111ey learned from the Order that he
Honomble (Annor Special Quality): Against and seveml others were in Sable's swamp. 'illC
attacks from Chaotic creatures, the armor or Order believed they were ambushed by the drag-
shield's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better on's forces and were being held prisoner in dun-
than its normal enhancement bonus (so a suit of breons beneath Shrentak.
+/ Ilt/lfplnte IIIm1 elTectively becomes +3 hnlf Fiona knew she and Rig would need help, and
plnlc mad when auaeked by a Chaotic creature). so she turned to Ohamon Grimwul( who had
111e bonus of the armor also applies to all s<lving fallen in with bandits. She persuaded him and his
throws ag.linst any spell or spell-like ability with companions (or so she thought) to help her free
the Chaotic descriptor. her brother. 111e trusting Fiona fell into one trap
Modemte abjuration [lawfill]; Cnsler u'tJcl: 5th: after another. She found out she was being uscd.
Prereqll£riles: Cmft Magic Arms and Annor, pro- She and Rig parted comp;my with Oh:1I11On and
leelion from elmo$", Mnrkel Pnee A,!JilslmclIl: + I struck out into the swamp to attempt the task
bonus. ;llone. Fiona ;md Rig were C'dptured and tossed
into the dungeons.
She never mimaged to save her brother, who
died with his comrades in a cmmped cell.
Eventually she and Rig were rescued by Dharnon
128"'-' CHAPTER.F0UR
CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS fr Ryins ~
Grimwulf Rig died in the battle that ensued as to the mariner's rnodifil....<\ attack roll. If the save is
they left Shrentak, Fiona went mad from b1ficf. successful, the m:lrincr alllses only standard dam-
She lei hersclfbelieve Rig was alive :md that they <lb>'e. If the save is (;liIOO, the atl,lck causes addi-
lVould be wed SOOIl. But the madness also pitt{.>(1 tional damage. Opponents must be creatures with
her against Dhamon. discern able anatomies for this attack to cause
It was only at the very end that things oncc additional damage. Creatures immune to critical
morc became clear for her. And in that instant she strikes are also unaflt:cted by dirty 5In"ke. The
sacrificed herself to save Ohamon and her new mariner may only use this llbility once per day
companions. She died at the claws of a malevo- ag:.linst anyone opponent (but is free to attempt
lent shadow dnlgoll, and she was buried deep in it against multiple foes on the same day).
that dmgon's lair. Now she is with Rig and her Sailor Lore (Ex): A mariner picks up a lot of
brOlher and is still in the memories of those she stray knowledge by listening to the local gossip in
left behind on Krynn. various ports of call or from the sea stories of
shipmates. A mariner may make a special 5mlor
RjG mE"~R..EL Ion: check with a +8 bonus to see whether he
ivlale human Ftr7/Mariner 7: CR 14; Size knows some relevant infonnation about local
i\'ledium-size humanoid; HD 7dlO+14 (Ftr) plus people or history, filr away places, or strange
7d8+14 (Mariner); hp 101; Init +7; superstitions. 111is eheek will nOl necessarily
Spd 30 fl.: AC 20 (20 touch, L7 flll\- reveal true information, as much of the time the
footed); Atk +18/+13 melee mariner has heard the information from someone
(ldlO+6/x3 plus 2d6 ag:.linst Evil, who heard it from someone else. who heard it
and vorpal eRects. Ihe Glawe of from a friend. who heard it from a guy. and so 011.
Gnim/Ju!f); SA Dirty strike +2d4: The mariner may not take 10 or 20 on this check:
SQ Sailor lore, seamanship +2: AL this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
Neutml good: SV Fort +12. Seamanship (Ex): Mariners receive a +2
Ref +10, Will +5; Str 17. competence bonus on all Balance, Climb.
Dex 16. Can 14. IIll 12, and Profession (sailor) skill checks.
\Vis 13, Cha 17. of lIaluml anllor +4,
Po.ue5SioJls: {muriel
Slulls alit! Feals: Glawe ofGnimvu!f. ni'g ofC'IJflSiOll, ni'g oj
Balunce + 13, Bluff +8, proleelioll +3.
Climb +15, Gather
Information + 11, The Ergothian never intended to be :1
Intimidate +13. Jump hero. He simply wanted to survive-and
+ 12, Listen +9, do so grandly. He mn away from an ubu-
Profession (sailor) sive. poor home when he WllS twelve
+ 10. Spot + II. Survival and stowed aW:1y on a ship. By the
+7. Swim +11. Tumble time he was discovered, the ship wus
+13, Use Rope +11; well out to sea, and the youth swore
Alertness, Athletic, Blind- to work hard if they would keep him on.
Fight. Cleave, Combat The men called him MRig.~ :1S he spent
Reflexes, Dodge, most of his time in the rim,>ing. Agile and
Endurance, quick, he'd scamper up the masts and fear-
Improved Initiative, lessly perform the high. d;mgerous work. He
Improved Unurmed grew to love the sell and traveling, and he
Strike. Leadership, embraced the lifestyle of a pirate.
Mobility, Power Alt:lck, As he grew into a man, Rig gave little
Toughness. thought to the fillc of the ships and crews
Dirty Strike (Ex): they plundered. He C' only for the wealth
A mariner is adept at they could garner and for the excitement of
maneuvers such as hit~ pursuing qUllrry. He rose in the pirate mnks
ting below the belt, lIntil he became second mate on a large,
head butts, sucker sturdy ship. He would have been first mate,
al1d ~omcday cllptain, ir hc had joil1cd in 011 a
punches, and the like.
The manner may mutiny. But he had too much rt..>spcct for the
attempt to perform a C<lptain, and so he left the ship.
dirl), sln"ke to cause
Rig and his lover Sh,lOn traveled the
additional damage. world ulltil fate made them champions of
An opponent Goldmoon. l11ey joined Dhmnon GrimwuJrs
b>TOliP and never plundered another ship. Life
receives a Reflex
save llgainst was difficult for the mariner-taking on a new
a DC equal mantle, helping people and fighting ag:.linst the

Ci"tiES, S"tR..OnGHOLDS fr Ryins."-' 129

t,lTeat dragons instead of thinking only of himse1[ fortifications to protect the city, created a powcr-
But he took to it, and even tolel1lted the long fid and loyal roree of city b'llards, abolished slav-
stretches they spent on land. His world carne eI)' and illcbraltmde practices, and offered to pro-
crashing down when a blue dr.lgon slew Shaon- teet the city not only from the lava. but from the
a dmgon lhat had onee been p;111nered with incursions or the o!,lTes from BlOde, rrom the
Dhamon Grimwu[[ Though Rig had never been forces or Onysablct from the New Swamp south
fond of Dhamon, he carne to tmly hate him. Rig of Sanction Bay, and from the dark knights who
blamed Dhamon for Shaon's death, llnd for other had continut:·d to besiege the city. With the aid or
unf0l1unate things that occurred. The mariner a mysterious young bronze dra,l.ron known only
respected Dhamon, though, ;md :ldopted his as Crucible, Sanction stood strong.
knightly code of honor, but he would never- Throughout the early decades of the Firth Age,
through the miles and years-call himself Sanction became a symbol or hope in Ansalon's
Dhamon's friend. beleaguered East, for although it was surroundt..d
Rig was a master of any weapon he laid his by evil on all sides, it mpidly became a center of
hands on, and he was never without a variety of trade and industry, withstanding O!,lTCS, dark
weapons on his person. A garrote was concealed knights. and the rorces of Sable. 'nu::n came the
in his headband. There were daggers tucked in unsLOppablc might or Mina and the Army of the
his boots, blades hidden in the soles. He always One God, and even Sanction fell. With the mys-
wore a fine, polished sword on his side. And he terious disappearance of Hogan Bight and
came to filVor :1I1 enchanted glaive th;lt J)hamon Crucible (who, it was rumored, werc actually Olle
cast away. Rig considered a strong, sharp we;lpon and the same), those who could flee Sanction did,
his best ally-one he could always trust. Friends leaving the city open lO Mina's Anny. With the
die or turn on you, he claimed. but a good sword f.'ill or the One God, :md with Hog:.m Bight and
would keep you alive. Rig considered himselr at Cmcible still missing, control of S:mction h:1S
his best when he was in a brawl. There were rew pass<.'<! into the hands orthe city leaders who had
thint,'S he enjoyt:d more than a rousing fight that worked with Bight to rebuild the city,
made him work until his arms were so tired they A hodgepodge or cultures and races, the
could barely hert a blade. bustling port city draws individuals from across
When he finally got over Shaon's death, he lhe lenbtth and bre:ldth of Ansalon, its celltl1ll
allowed himself to rail for a fiery-tempered location mpidly making it one of the most pros-
Solamnic Knight named Fiona. Rig admired her perous cities in the region. '111e bustling harbor
for her swordsmanship, and loved her for her and warehonses to the west of the city arc cra-
determination. He became her constant compan- dled within the buildings of lhe lowcr city, filled
ion and even secretly entertained the notion of almosl emircly with businesses and the homes or
joining the Solanmie Knighthood. Eventually she those involved with the sea tmde: sail makers,
at,lT<.'Cd to marry him. They intended the ceremo- <.~arpcnters. oar makers, blacksmiths, and rope
ny to lake place on a shore, likely off New Ports, makers, as well as bawdy inns ;md boisterous tav-
after they had rescued her brother from Sable's ems that serve dwar[ human, e1[ minotaur, and
dungeons. But they became imprisoned in those kender alike. Further up the emb:mkment are the
same dun!,ycons, Rig was killed in lhe battle to walls constructed around S;lllction to protect the
leave the dl1lgon's foul city, inner city, It is here that the vast m:tiority or
Sanction's residents reside. In the northem part or
SAnction the inner city lies Hogan Bight's palacc st'ill
stands; while ncar thc center of the city alll be
Large City. 14.532 found the infamous Souk Bazaar. On lhe eastern
Sanction is located at the eastern tip of the New side orthe city, outside the city walls, are numer-
Sea, situated between three ;lctive vole::mocs, ous fimns and ranches that have thrived in the
known collectively as the Lords or Doom. soil m'lde fertile by the centuries or lava nows.
When the Cataclysm stnlck, the volcanoes of Surrounding the entire city, held in check by the
the Doom Range, which stretches north rrom the magics created by Hogan Bight, is a moat of lava,
New Sea into Nordmaar, bealme violently active, channek>d to create ;1 protective barricr that
and much of the city OfS;lllction was destroyed. helped Sanction to withstand ncar constant
For centuries, Sanction was known as one of the assault by the dark knights.
most lawless cities on Ansalon, a den or evil per~ L Governor's Mansion. Located upon the
reet ror the dr.I!,ronarrnics or the Dark Queen to highest hill of lhe city is the Governor's Palace,
oc<."Upy during the later years of the Fourth Age. '111e bemny or the pahlce is unmatched by any
In the wake of the Chaos War, however, ;1 building in Sanclion. Exquisite g-ardens of lush
stranger named HO!,T3n Bight appeared at the shade trees ;md shmbs surround the palacc,
gates of the lawless city. Wielding powerful shoring up the sides or the hill ilJld shading the
mabtic, he tamed the volcanoes ;md diverted the short-cropped blTcen grasses that stretch to the
flows or lava away from the city. He then sct root of the massive white stone palace, A colony
about rebuilding Sanction, establishing interior ofdwarves was brought in to build the edifice and
it is as strong and defensible as :lny fort. 111ick the One God occupied Sanction. the soldiers and
white walls surround the palace where hundreds I,ocnerals of the anny were headquartered in the
of City Guards arc sialioned in buildings around Palace. for neither Hog-dn Bibnll. nor the draJ.'011
the palace. '111C main building is four stories hib,f, Crucible, was anywhere to be found. Arter the
with slate gray turrets. It is comprised of five low· defeat of t.he One God and the disappearance of
ers. onc at C".Jch comer. and a massive central ~Iina, the Anny oCthe One God fractured-many
tower. Inside. the f~J.lace is a maze ofhalhva)'s and escaping in the dark of night. Now. the Palace
luxurious chambers, laden with expensive oma- stands empty. much orits treasures looted by the
menial decor.uions and illuminated with slit win- retreating rorces.
dows on cadl floor. When Mina and her AmlY of

S"t~OnGHOLDS & Ryin~ ~

2. Harborrnaster's Tower. Right off the docks tured goods. Peddlers and hawkers mingle among
lies the harbormaster's tower. Built as a light- the crowds looking for interested buyers :llld
house, the tower stands higher than any other demonstrating the quality of their wares. while
building in the district, its slate surf."lce minstrels and jugglers entertain passersby for a
weathered 'lI1d sC'drred, although the glass of the coin.
watch tower is kept clean and in good repair. The 6. \Vest Gate. 'me West Gate controls access
light from the tower strdfes back and forlh across into the inner city from the docks. Loalted
the bay, providing visibility in order to b'l.lide bctwcen two towers, the gate is rarely closed,
ships through thc somctimcs treHcherolis wflters. allowing access between the outcr city and inner
11le harbormaster, who has only stood his post city. However, in time of need. the gates can be
for a few years. is a grizzled hill dwarf, a veteran closed within moments. The stOlit planks are
of the War of the Lance and the Chaos War, rcinforced by solid steel plating on the inner sur-
known as Gristle One-Eye (male dwarf, f."lce. making it difficult to breech under most cir~
F"tr7/Rog8; N). He is responsible for keeping cumstances.
track of all ships that come into port and leave 7. East Gate. TIle East Gate controls llCCCSS
port, as wcll as the goods loaded and unloaded, into the inner city rrom the (1rms immediately to
and collecting tariffs. the east of the inner city. Like the West Gate, it is
3. City Guard Headquarters. A few blocks bJ"Cnerally kept open, although in times of need, it
south of West Gate is the headquarters of the city can easily be closed and reinrorced against incur-
guard. A combination barracks. prison, and train- sions.
ing complex, the two buildings are ofhcavy, rcin- 8. Eastem Guard Towers. A cluster or four
forced granite, surrounded by a thick Jr-Ite of towers situated on the banks of the eastern river
wrought iron. Captain Gallina (female half-elf, of lava from Mount Thunderhorn, the eastern
F"tr9; LN) serves as the captain of the City Guard. guard towers are a combination of watch posts
The city guard patrols the city, remaining com- and dcfensive fonifIC'dtions. Kept equipped with
pletely within the boundaries determined by the b:lllista, C'atapults, and other siege weapons, they
moat of lava. TIley are responsible for dealing are manned ,It all times by experienced members
with the day-to-day concerns of policing the city, of the City Guard. Built to keep watch for dark
watching the docks, patrolling the eastern f."lrms, knight incursions from the eastern pass, signal
and defending the city aJr-linst invading forces. fires are lit, and a re.<;ounding alarm passes
4. The Temple of Duerghast. Standing outside through the city. Within minutes the entire city
the city, embedded at the base of Mount Ashkir, C'an be locked down against an invading anny.
is the Temple of Duerghast, a location known to 9. The Temple of the Heart. Formerly known
evcry inhabitant on Ansalon as the place where as the Temple of Huerqd, this temple is the only
two gods became mortal and one was slain. one of the three major temples in Sanction that
During the War of Souls, the ancient arena scrved predated the Cataclysm. Originally built to honor
as the stage for the sacrifice of Paladine and the the Gods of Light, the temple fell into disrepair
downfall ofTakhisis. This forbidding area is built after the Cataclysm. When the dragonannies
entirely of pitch black granite and was once a came to occupy Sanction in the years leading up
center for human sacrifice in Sanction. Built just to the War of the Lance, they avoided the tcmple,
after the Cataclysm to a false god, worshippers instead choosing to build a new temple to honor
believed the sacrifices appeased the god that con- their dark goddess. Hearing that Hogan Bight
trolled the volcanoes surrounding the city. The had tam{.'{1 thc rivers of lava and begun to build
outer curtain wall is built in a square around the Sanction into one of the major powers of the
temple with gates that use heavy slabs of iron for New Sea, mystics from the Citadel of Light came
the doors. Once inside, the temple is comprised to Sanction, offering to rebuild the temple so they
of a systcm of underground rooms and a massive could lise their powers to help the people of the
arena. The sandy floor of the arena is built below city. Mina chose to occupy the Temple of the
sea level and the stadium seats arc carved in a Heart, dedicating it to her One God. TIle mystics
semi--eircle from the mountain slope around the who worked ,It the temple were imprisoned in
central stage. The temple has remained aban- their own cells, while the altar room was dedicat-
doned since the War of Souls. ed to the One God's name. lllroUgh the power of
5. Souk Bazaar. Located near the center of the the One God, the rooforthe temple W:1S incincr-
city is one of the most inf.·mlOus marketplaces in ated, leaving it open to the sky. 11le spirits of the
Ansalon, the Souk Baz.1ar. The central location of dead transported the skull totems of Beryl.
Sanction makes it the perfect place for merchants Khellendros, and Malys to the temple. which
from all over the continent to meet and exchange g'dve the One God the power to almost com-
goods. Merchants from Khur, Nordmaar, and pletely manifest in the world. When the skull
Palanthas are lined up alongside local f."lrmers and totem was destroyed by the spirit of Palin Ml~ere
wranglers of Sanction Vale, selling their wares in and the blind silver dragon known as Mirror, the
booths and open-air stalls along paved streets. resulting cxplosion devastated the altar room.
Lines of fIxed stalls offer a selection of manuf."lC- After the One God fell, the temple has stood
132"-' CHAP1"ER.FOUR
abandoned. Althoub,h the Citadel Mystics have of shapely hedbres, rows of orderly trees spaced
tried time and time again to c1c:.mse the temple, it out in exact measurements. blooming flowers
remains I;lintt,.d by .1 linb'Cring illln.\ of dc:.llh and armnged in dazzling complex patterns. crystalline
evil. fountains and meandering cobblestone paths. 1ne
10. Ruins of the Temple of Luerkhisis. l'ne large manor houses are lofty wooden lowers cul-
distinctive appearance of the Temple of tivated expressly for the purpose of housing the
Luerkhisis was C'.uved into the slope of the vol- elves. The temples. crafted of only the most pris-
cano, ~.'Iount Thundcrhom. in the days lcading 10 tine marble. send delic.lIe spires above the lree-
the War orthe Lance. Dedicated to the Queen of tops. TIle homes of the elves range from one to
Darkness. the temple served as the primary center two story dwellings on the outskirts to grand
ofthe Dark Queen's power during that era. It was complexes of ten to twelve stories high near the
beneath this temple Ihal the dmconians were cre- inner hub of the city. All homes are built of wood.
ated AI the end of the War of the Lance. when marble. or crystal and surrounded with gdrdens.
the secret off the perversion of good dragon eggs Directly in the center of the city is a hub of
into evil draconians was uncovered through the temples and towers. The Temple of Astarin. sur-
efforts of Gilth:mas and Silvam (the silver drngon. rounded by its legendary gardens, is the hean of
D'Argent). the good dragons ::I.ttackcd Sanction. the whole city. Directly east of the Temple of
destroying the temple as they retrieved the Astann is the fabled Tower of the Stars, a struc-
remaining dragon eggs. Since that time, the ture of marble. crystal and st'eel decoraled in gold
Temple of Luerkhisis has stood in ruins outside of and jc\",c\s. To the west of the Temple is the
Sanction proper. Occasionally, brave and fool- Palace of Quinari. the home to the royal family of
hard)' adventurers will attempt to find entrance Silvanesti.
into the Cd\'es ofthe ruins. searching for the fabled I. SiJvanesti Houses. In Silvanesti an elf must
wealth of the dead Dragon Highlord, Ariakas. know his place in proper society or he is not part
U. Refugee Camps. Because of the devasta- of it. Each elf belongs to a particular house that
tion wrought on Eastenl Ansalon over the last will designate his occupation and station. Silvanos
few decades, many have found themselves home- created the system in ages past. hoping to give
less. cast out to wander the roads. searching for a some structure to the feuding elven clans. The
way to rebuild their lives. TI10se that made their heads of the Houses were once responsible for
way to Sanction find that :1 refugee Cdmp has alt'ending the Sinthcl-Elish or MCouncil of the
been established on orders from Hogan Bib,ht and High Ones.~ until the Sinthel·Elish was disband·
sen'ed by the mystics who dwelt in the Temple of ed by General Konnal after the Shield was in
the Heart. A village of tents and k'lln-tos. the place. During that time House Prolector took the
camps are surprisingly dean and frt.oe of crime. rcib'1"lS of the Silvanesti govcrnment.
Regularly, work crt."ws are assembled from those TIlere are a number of major Houses in
willing to work, en:lbling them to e:lm a wabre and Silvanost and countless minor houses, such as the
potentially either move into the inner city or buy Jewlers, Seamstress. and Stoneworker Houses.
passage on a ship heading aWllY from the danger- 'lllese sm:lller Houses tend to align themselves
ous territories of the east. with a larger House. Some ofthe m:ljor I-louses of
SilV:llloSt arc:
SiLVAnOST (PRiOR.TO House Royal TIlis bouse consists of the direct
descendants of Silvanos. They arc responsible for
419 AC) ruling the nation. TIle Speaker ofthe Stars and his
Metropolis, 27,325 (Prior to the War of Souls) or her family arc all part of HOlLse Royal. The
Silvanost nestles in the heart of one of the most house consists of a number of squabbling dislant
beautiful places on the facc of Kynlll-Silvanesti. relatives each (rying to detennine wbo the new
For centuries visitors to the ancient Elven home- speaker will be.
land have m:uvek"<i at its beauty and artistic qual- House Proleclor. Consisting of those elves who
ities. TIle forests ofSilvanesti have never lx..oen left protect the ancient Elven Homeland. House
unattended. Every tree, bush and rock have been Protector is the largest and most diverse House in
carefully tended and sculpted into a pleasing fonn Silvanost. All members of the Wildrunners.
by the Woodshapers of the Silvancsti. and the Windriders and palace guard 3re p'drt of House
capital city of Silvanost is no exception. Where Protector. Because of the wide mnge of elves
the Qualinesti prefer to live among nature, allow- within the House. SlalUS is detennined by ones
ing it to grow at its whim. the Silvanesti have rank within the military orb>" A C'dptain
ah....dys found it more pleasing to shape nature to of the Wild runners and Windriders are both of
their idea of perfection. the same SlalUS. while the general of the
The city of Silvanost lies in the center of the Wildrunners rules over all. The kirath are consid4
realm on an island surrounded by the sparkling, ered to be a temporary measure and can be from
life-sustaining Thon4Thalas River. At first glance any House. although they are drawn almost
the city looks like a fabulous well-tended garden exclusively from Houses Protector. Gardener,

Ci"tiES. S"tR,pnGHOLDS fr ~ins ' " 133

Woodsh'lpcr. or rvlystic. for their natural all1nilics Shield around their homeland. TIley did not re-.!I·
with nature. The kirath were ori/"rinally estab- izc the Shield would draw its fuel from the life
lisht.od following the War of the Lance to make for(.'C of those who dwelt beneath it.
solitary forays into what was then the ni!,.Jumare- l-Io11sr Srn,jlor. '111e elves of House Sen'itor arc
tainted Silvanest'i !-orest. After the forest was thc lowest members of society. 111is House is
healed. sollle bcg.!n to say that the kirath were no comprised of Ill.llmal laoorers. menial servants
lon/"rcr needed. that they were only a reminder of and sla\'es. 'Ine elves of this house are not
a time best forgotten. 'me kir.uh wcrc thc first 10 allowed to marry outside of their House. 'mey
truly notice the cffects the Shield was having may only marry an elf of the same status. so ser-
upon the forcst. but their words went unheeded vant can marry servant and slave can marry slave
so they went to ground and began to establish a (ifallowt.'<l.). Although they hold almost no power
quiet rebellion. working where they could to fight the elves of House Servitor can be found in
the damage of the Shield while trying to figure almost every other House in the realm and they
out a way to destroy it. know a (,1fC'.!t deal about the affairs of the king-
House Clrn"r. 'mis house was once the second dom.
most powerful in Silvancsti. but after the 2. Tower of the Stars. The Sih'anesti worship
Cataclysm. this House fdl in position below that the moon as the Qualincsti worship the sun. 'Inc
of I-louse Protector. a fall that they have not truly true splendor of this ancient elven homeland
been able to overcome. Once. the House consist- comes to life at night. The stars aoove blaze with
ed of all the priests of the \'arious Houses and intensity reserved only for the elves. The nib>ht
families. but after the absence of the (,JOds follow- flowers bloom and spread their delicate silver
ing the C.uacl)'sm. the house turned its focus tipped petals. brlowing with a reflective quality
towards rt.'COrdkceping and administration. and filling the air with imoxia.uing scents.
When the gods once more disappeared following Standing over six hundred feet tall, the Tower
the Chaos War. House Cleric returned to their of the Stars was Cf"'.!fted to honor the beaut)' of
administr::l.tive function. When Goldmoon's dis- the night. It was built of magicJ.lly shaped marble,
co\'ery of mysticism spread. hO\\'e\'er, .1 few cryst.1I and stL'C1 so as to not hann any p'.!rt of
mt.'Illbers of the House traveled to Schallse:.1 to their homeland. The emire stmeture has a fluid,
learn the new magic. A few returned before the org'lllic fcelto it. Windows are round. with pant."S
mising of the Shield and taught their skills to OIh- of cla.1r crystal. .llld doonvays are graceful and
ers. Since that time, they have continued to pme- swing lightly on silent hinges. 1ne inside of the
tice their worship of the gods. but h.we dr..lwn tower is covered in thousands ofglitleringjewcls
upon the powers of mysticism instead of c1erit.~.ll that t.~,lplure the light of the moons and the stars
ma/"ric to aid them. :lIld illuminate the Audience Hall within the
1·lollse A'1)'slr"r. This House ooueates and rq,'u- tower. '111e cmcmld throne oftbe tower has been
hues the usc of magic'll abilities among the empty for dt.'Cl.ldL'S. awaiting the retllrn of tbe
Silvanesti Elves. Only open to high caste elves Speaker of the Stars.
House Mystic is one of the most exclusive 3. Garden of Astllnn. Surrounding the Temple
Houscs in Silvanost. Only followers of Solinari of Astarin in the heart of Silvilnost is the r.'lbled
are allowed within the ranks of this House. After Garden of Astarin. 'nle Garden is shaped as a
the Chaos War, the mages turned to .lndent e1ven four-pointed star aligned with the four cardinal
writinb"S on wild m'l!,ric to discover the use of sor- directions. It has bL"C1l a place for meetin/,,"S .mel
cery and bt.·gan learning that form of magic. Any cclcbr.ltions since its creation. Midnight banquets
usc of m'lgic is strictly regulated and any e1vcs and nighttime f(."Stivals are common among the
discovcred following Nuitari's path and philoso- Gardens. Unknown 10 many of the citizens of
phy are brandt.od dark elves and exiled from elven Silvanost. the Garden of Astilrin is continually
socicty. sutTering from the effects of the Shield Tree. 'l1le
Horm' Woodshnper. Dwelling in .1 residence plants .lrounel the g.!rden l"Cb'uhlrly die and have
sculpted of living trees the elves of House to be S<."Cretly replaced.
Woodshaper are responsible for the cultivating 4. Palace of Quinari Named after Silvanos's
and desibrning of the Silvanesti forest. Unlike wife. the rose<olored Palace is the largest resi-
I-louse Gardener. thm is responsible for growing' dence in the entire city. Standing over three hun-
the fruits and plants the elves eat. I-louse elRod fcct tall, the palace is separated into thrt."t'
Woodshaper uses their skills to enhance the beau- wings. One wing is resen'ed for the business of
ty of their nation. nmning the city, the other two are home to the
House Woodshaper elves tend to be isolation- elves on-louse Royal. 'me Palace is the most lux-
ists. preferring to marry only within their own urious residence in the city. Each chamber is la\'-
House to keep their bloodlines strong. It was the ishly decorated in brib>ht colored rugs, deeply
Woodshapers that gathered together with a dis- cushioned cllairs with thick plush pillows. and
guised Cyan Bloodbane to raise the impenctmble soft Ix-ds with frames decorated in gold and silver.

134 c-..... CHAP"tER..F0UR

111C marble hallways are decorated with the villages of Silvanesti. Many of the elves live in
finest tapestries woven with delicate threads of trees whose limbs have been shaped into arbore-
silk and spun gold. The sweet scents of honey- al homes.
suckle and perfume drift down the corridors from '111e tnlditional method of crossing the river to
hundreds of fresh blooming (lowers lilling the Silvanost is all the backs of briant turtles. bred to
corridors. A courtyard in front of the Plllace is pull barbTCS from the mainland to the island.
nomlally bustling with elves from a llumber of Priest's of the Blue Phoenix have been the trainers
elvcn Houses conducting business with House and companions of the great beast's for centuries.
Roy'll. A number of watch towers, ,lffilyed 'llong the
5. Fallon Forest. Located south of the city is shores of the island. guard 'lCceSS to the city from
the Fallon Forest. Tended by the elves of House the river.
Gardener and House Woodshapcr. the Forest is
both bealltifill and life-sustaining. Under the ten- R.!:GiOnAL HistORY
der ministrations of the elves. the Fallow rorest Silvanost has been the capital ofSilvanesti for mil-
consists of ,lcres of verdant woods and fertile lennia. The elves did not build Silvanost as much
orchards providing apples. peaches and other ,1S s("ulpt and shape the forest into their liking.
fruits. Elegant windmills turn in lazy circles and During the First Cataclysm the homeland of the
nowers and meadows of thick rich gr.ISS nlll dves had been shattered. Hundreds of miles of
alongside bubbling crystal clear streams. Silvanesti had sunk beneath the waves. llte
6. Thon-Thalas River. The city is surrounded Silvanesti lived in relative peace and s(.-'Curity fol-
by the flowing waters of the Thon-Thlltas. lowing the folly of the human Kinb'Priest that
Winding m;uestically from north to south. the brought destruction to the world. Unlike other
Thon-1'halas is the largest water course in mces. the elves with their long lives never forl,,'Ot
Silv,mesti. All along the river are the homes and the devastation c.\Used by the savage humans.
This only hardened the Silvanesti's resolve to
dmw away from the rest of the world.


CiTiES. ST",-OnGHOLDS fr Ryin~ c-..... 135

Morc th,ln three hundred years later, when the Unfortumllely the Shield fed off the life force of
drabTOnannics of the Dark Queen descended from the forest and the elves within. Nearly half of the
the north to illv,lde their home, the Speaker of population of Silvanost died of the mysterious
the Slars, Lome Cabdon sent his people into wasting sickness as the Shield slowly leached
exile with a plan to save their realm. The elves their lives away.
took to the sell lmveling around the continent to During the War of Souls, Mina. the prophet of
the shores of Solithern Ergoth. Only the Spellker the One God, destroyed the Shield Tree in the
of the Stars remained. Using the ancient rnabric of garden of Astarin and brought down the Shield.
the Dragon Orb, he hoped to defe'll the She also brought an army of chlrk knights who
encroaching evil. However, the magic of the orb occupied Silvanost. The elves praised Min;l for
took control of Lor.le's mind and held him in saving them from Cyan B100dbane and for lifting
thrall. the sickness from their land. but they did not cel-
Lorac was discovered by Cyan Bloobane, ;1 ebrate for long. Minotaurs from the Blood Isles
great brrcen dragon, who whispered terrible made a surprise military strike 011 the elven
dreams into the e1ven king's ears-dreams in homeland and wrested away control ofSilvanost
which the lovely trees turned twisted and from the dark knights. just as the Silvanesti anny
deformed. his people died of horrible diseases. had marched north to Sanction in order to save
and the Thon-'nmlas ran red with the blood of their captive king. Silvanoshei. Now both the
the innocellis. The power of the orb transformed Silvanesti and the Qualincsti arc homeless
Silvanost lind the surrounding forest into a horri- nations. After this period. the minot:lurs control
fYing living nightmare. the elven capital.
After the \Var of the Lance, the elves returned
to find their home a terrifying nightmarish mock- SiLVAnost (CiR.-CA 420 AC)
ery of its former glory. Under the leadership of (SAR.-GASAnti]
the Qualinesti General (and Prince) Porthios, the
elves fought against the waking dream. but the Large City, 17,396 (7,350 minotaurs, 10.046
cost was great. iV!any elves perish<.."d in the battle slaves)
and even though the dream was vanquished. the When the minotaurs seized control of the
animals. trees. and plants touched by the dream Silvanesti Forest from the elves. they expelled the
remained warped .lIld twisted. It took more than dark knights left behind by Mina and claimed the
two decades to defem the dre.lm and llnmher to capital city ofSilvanost for the Minotaur Empire.
restore Silvanost and the land to its former bellu- Now the minotaur have a strategic center from
which to base their filture military operations.
Porthios, who had delivered Silvanost and the 'nle minotaurs are moving large numbers of
Elven Homeland from the blTasP of the evil troops and settlers into Silvanost and surrounding
dream. began to talk of unification. He spoke of lands. securing their hold on their territory. Well
the world and he spoke of change. This scared knowing that they are in a land filk>d with their
the Silvanesti more than any dark magic. He mar- enemies. the minotaur plan to build up their
ried the dauglller of Lomc. Alhana Starbreeze, forces in Silvanost. making certain that they have
and the two planned to m'lke the elven nations that region finnly in their bJ'fasp before venturing
one united people. out to conquer other lands. To this end. they have
-nle offense of threatening to change the fonnL"d an alliance with the 0blTes of Blode to the
Silvanesti way of life could not go unchallenged. north. TIle minOlaurs alll their new colony
Porthios and his wife were driven from Silvanesti Sargasanti. "Sarg-ds's Glory.B
and branded dark elves. General Konnal of House \Vithin six months, the minotaurs have made
Protector placed the nation under martial taw their mark on the elven city that had ch.mged lit-
until such time as a Speaker of the Stars could be tle in over a thousand years. Entire districts have
lIppointed. been razed. 11le ancient towers that once stood
The Silvanesti became more withdmwn. whis- as testaments to the great Silvanesti Houses now
pers of the return of Cyan Bloodbane and the serve to house prominent minotaur Clan leaders
devastation ofthe Chaos War only increased their 11le bealltifill Palace of Quinari is now the
reclusive ways. Governor's Palace. and the temple that once hon-
They erected a magiclil Shield to keep out the ored Astarin (Branchala) is now a shrine to
evil of the world. The Shield saved them. 'nle Sargonnas (or as the minotmlr know him).
Shield would preserve their way of life. but in the I. Govemor's Palace. The Palace ofQuinari is
end the Shield nearly destroyed them all. the largest residence in the city ofSargasanti. The
Unbeknownst to the elves. Cyan Bloodbane, the palace stands over three hundred feet tall and is
wickcd green dmgon thm had bedeviled their divided into three wings. Although one can often
mcc for years. lived in disguise llmong them. cre- hear the minotaurs referring disdainfully to the
ated the shield. He convinced House elven penchant for "weakling" colors. the mino-
Woodshaper and General Konnal of the necessi- tllllrs have made no effort to alter the bellutiful
ty for the Shield and helped to raise it. rose-colored filf;ade of the palace. lllthough much

136"-' CHAPtER.-FeUR
CiTiEs, STRQnGHOLDS <r !Wins ~
ofthe fmgile and lovely dvcn decorations and fur- the foremost experts in dL'Sib"lling fortificl.llions
nishin!,'S have been scavenbred, used either for fire- and siege engines. Such skills have assured their
wood or sold on the thriving black market th,1I position ainong the ranks of the Great Clans.
has developed in Ansalon for elvcn loot. Clan Lagrangli's warriors are renown for their
2. Temple of Sargas. Once a temple built sole- incredible strenbrth and stamina. All dan members
ly to honor the elven god ASlann (Branchala) the must spend some part of their youth working in
minotaurs removt.'CI all tn.lces of the elven god the stone quarries, in order to Ie'.lm the Clan's
from the temple and rededicated it in the name of trade.
Sarg:ls. The temple consists of three towers-two Currently, the Clan is building new fortifica-
smaller towers flanking a single large tower in the tions around the city, as well as working on what
center. TIle two smaller towers honor those gods they consider to be the project that will forever
the minotaurs consider lesser gods. with shrines secure their place among the Great Clans of the
10 the other deities of Darkness and Balance and Minotaurs--the construction of the Coliseum of
also a very small shrine to honor Kiri-Jolilh. The Sargas.
main. central tower is dt.'<Iiclted solely to Sargas. D. ClII" Droko. The Qan of the current
3. Oan Towers. $e\'cn of the Great Oans Minotaur Emperor, Hotak de-Drok.a. Qan Droka
joined together 10 form the Emperor's "'eetthat
sailed into Silvanost. Once their victory over the
has laid claim to the fonner Tower of Stars. This
Tower has remained relatively und13nged. It is
dves and the humans who remained in the said that the minotaur le:ader who first came upon
Silvanesti Forest was assured. e:ach Oan laid claim it, shining in the starlight. was so impressed with
toone ofthe temples that once honored the Gods its beauty that the minotaur proclaimed that it
of Light. Clan Droka. the Oan of Hotak de~ should not be altered.
Droka. the Emperor of the Minotaurs, laid claim His command was obeyed, with exception of
to the Tower of Stars, in addition to the the Audience Hall. 11 is whispered that on the
Governor's P<::tlace. Around L"::tch of the Clan night the b"Ods returnL-d 10 Krynn. the gllost of
Towers, the minotaurs h:we constructed tall Lornc appeared at dusk, seated upon the Emerald
defensive barriC'ddes that are kept constantly Throne. lllere the gllDst remained until the dawn
manned by loyal warriors of e:ach Clan. and there it is said he returns every nib.t'll and will
Located in the courtyard of the Clan Towers return until the elves have once more reclaimed
is the lush and 1>C'dutiful Garden of Astarin. their ancestml homeland. The superstitious mino-
Although minol':lurs are not known for their love taurs sealed the chamber immediately, choosing
of nature, they believe that the garden is actually instead to hold Audiences in the Governor's
a symbol of strength, for it survived the devasta~ Palace across the garden.
tion wroub,ht by the foul magic of the Silvanesti E. Cln" Zhnktlll. Related to Clan Athak, Clan
Shield. TIley have renamed the g:uden llppropri- is a Clan of merchants and mercenaries.
ately, referring to it as the Garden of Triumph, Many of their warriors and lmders have troweled
and they have permined the elvcn gardeners to the lenb>th and breadth of AnS;llon, giving them a
continue to maintain the garden. surprisingly urbane view of the world as a whole.
A. CION BregoN. Clan Bregan is noted for pro- While they still believe in lhe superiority of the
ducing loyal soldiers. who will follow their leaders minotaur nation over all olhers, they absorb all
to the Abyss and back without question. Clan they can of foreign cultures. believing (and
Breg:m sided with the Emperor on the Night of prellching) that in order to rule well. yOli must
Blood. TIle Clan's loyalty to the Empire is understand the people you conquer.
absolute. bordering on the !;lI1atical. Clan Zhakan has bL'Cn placed in charge of the
B. ClnN A/hilI.. Owners of one of the larbrest, non-minotaur mercenaries, as well as being
privlue merchant fleets in the Minot;\ur Nation, responsible for ensuring that the Empire receives
Clan Athak always has an eye out for money. the appropriate tariffs from the merchants tr:.wel-
Although believing strongly in the glory of the ing to and from the colony.
Empire, they see no re'.lson why they shouldn't F. Cln" Tesko$. Clan Teskos is one of the rare
profit from that glory along the \V".lY. Minotaur Clans experienced in arcane magic.
They were one of the first Qans to join the Their grny-robed wizards (not to be confused
ranks of Hotak's followers, adding their fleet to with the Gmy Robes of the 'llOm Knights) were
his cause. Led by Admiral Cinmac es-Alhak branded reneg-.ldes by the Towers of High
(minotaur male fI.'ladS; AL LE). this Qan has Sorcery, but as they typic.l.lly kept to their island
rapidly become one ofthe most powerful Qans in nations. they were gcner.llly safe from harass-
the entire I\'!inotaur Nation, second only to Clan ment. They were quick to convert to sorcery in
Oroka. the Fifth Age.
C. Clnll Lagrn"g": Clan Lagrangli is often Many have remained sorcerers, despite the
referred to as the Stone Clan, for their ranks are return of the Gods of 1\ lagie. while some have
filled with a laq,re number of highly skilled arti- actually embraced the return of High \Vi:i".ardry.
sans and architects. They are also recognized as Some of the younger members of the Qan have

Ci"tiES. S"tR..OnGHOLDS & Ryins ~ 137

expressed an interest in joining a ref0l111cd Order cllttod here. the stain of ~unworthy~ blood upon
of High Sorcery, in hopes ofg.lining access to the the barren earlh has briven this place the name-
legendary libraries kept by the Orders. Field of Dishonor.
Perhaps to refine for the view that many rnino- 5. Parade Grounds. Once the realm of Housc
t:mrs have of wizards as being Mcowards", who Cleric. this area has also bt."Cn razed and c1eart.'(1.
fight their battles with dishonorable methods, Every morning, the Imperial Guard and soldiers
those members ofebn Teskos who lack any tal- from each of the Great Clans drill on the grounds.
ent for magic arc some of the most ferocious war- Once a week. accompanied. by pomp and
riors known in the Minotaur Nation. pa,£..'Calllry. the Governor of Sargasanti comes
G. CIt/II En/mgt//Ii. Clan El1tr..tgath is onc of before the minotaur people. who gather on the
the most politically savvy Clans of the Empire. Parade Grounds to hear her speak.
They saw that General Howk's ambition 6. Market Grounds. In this pari of the city.
matched their own and they were glad to snpport where members of the legendary House
him. The minotaurs ofCtan Entragath tend to be Prott.>ctor once dwelt. the minotaurs tore down
extremely intelligent. skilled in nCb'Otiation. diplo- the buildings to create a larf,,'C open-air market.
macy. and law, ,IS well as highly disciplined war- where merchants bring in goods for the colony.
riors. They h:lVC closely alibTtled themselves with Every day. fi'om dawn until dusk. the market is ;1
the fortunes of Clan Droka. and continue to ben- bustling center of trade. As night begins to filII,
efit from that position. the Imperial Gu,lrd imposes a dusk-to-dawn cur-
4. Field of Dishonor. Once housing by the few. dearing the area of civilians, in order to
members of House Metalline-the metalworkers ensure that the four fields surrounding the ccntel'
of the Silvanesti-the entire area has been com- of the city remain secure.
pletely ra7..ed. Every building has been destroyed. 7. Field of Honor. Because the new coliseum is
the trees uprooted, and the entire area turned into still ill the fisrt stages of being designt'(l :lnd built.
a flat. open field. where a thriving slave market is the Imperial Governor has dC<'lared the area once
held each morning. 8ecausc traitors are also exe- populated by House Mystic as the Field of

138 ~ CHAP"tE"FoUR
CiriES SrIWnGHOLDS t q. Ryins '"""-'
Honor. Here. in the shadows of the grand colise- pendent city·state. During the War of the Lance,
um currently under construction. the minotaur'S Solanthus fell before the Dragonarmies and W'J.$
hold their g1adi:lIorial com~titions. occupied by enemy forces until the Knibrtlts of
8. Barrdcks. 111C barracks of the elite eken Solamnia swept in and liberated the city, which
guard known as the Wildrunners have become was then declared the capital ofSolamnia.
barracks for the mercenaries and ogres who ha\'c When Sol:tnthus fell during the War of Souls,
allied thcmseh'es with the minotaur'S. Loc'.ued in the people watched as the Solamnic knights went
one of the only areas of the colony where oon- down to defeat. 1110se who survived the war len
minotaurs are allowed to reside. the barrJ.cks are for Sanction, there to fight the battle that would
filled with non-humans and humans alike. all of rid the world ofthe Dark Queen forever. '11e p<.'O-
whom have thrown their fortunes in wilh the ris- pie of Solanthus did not sec this, however. 11lf..j'
ing tl.linotaur Empire. saw that. yet ag-.lin. the Solamnic knib'hts had
9. Quarries. Perhaps onc of the greatest abandoned them to their foes.
chanb'CS that the minotaur'S have brought to Four months after the end of the War of Souls,
Silv3nost is the crc:nion ortlle stone quarries :lIld ~l grOllp of independent citizens, calling them-
the slave distract in the northwestern portion of selves the Solanthic Libemtion Army, rose up ;llld
the colony. Razing and dearing the area of ;lttacke<1 the dark knights, who had become dis-
plantlifc and dwellings. the minotaurs walled off organir..ed after the downfall of Mimi tllld their
this section oflhe cily and turl1(.-d il into;1 quarry, Dark Queen. '111e Libemtion Army dechlroo
where captun.-d slaves carve out the stone blocks Solanthus once morc an independent,
to be used in rt.'<..'Ollstnlcting the clven city to bet- planning to act as ;1 buller between the remnants
ter suit minotaur tastcs. of the dark knights who remained in the north.
and the Solamnic Knibrtus to the south.
SOLAn"tHVS Solanthus is now rul<.'<i by the Guildmasters..
Large City, 23,938 who were the leaders of the Liberntion Army.
Solmuhus is alllong the best-fortified cities on the Those Solamnic knights who have residences in
the city h;we lx"Cn permittcd 10 return, but they
continent of Ansalon and once home to the
largest outposts ofSolamnic Knibrnts in Solamnia. may not hold any governmental office or h:l\'e
During the Will' of Souls, Solanthus fell before the anything to do with Ihe running of the army.
might ofthe One God's Army ofdark knights and which is controlled by the Guildmast~ and led
the Arn1Y of Souls. When their <.'Ommandcr, by Solamnic military \'etemns (not members of
Mina. moved east to Sanction. ;1 contingent of the knibrnthood.)
dark knibrnts remained behind to maintain control 1. Residential Are-d. The vasl majority of the
of the city. 'nle Solamnic knights having bt.-en northern third of Solanthus is reserved as a resi-
expelk-d, the dark knights were left in sole con- denti..l area. 11,e houses-white-washed. with
trol. 111ey reopened tmde routes that had Ix"en dark timbers-arc pack<.-d tightly tabtether, with
closed bel\VL'en Solanthus and Palanthas, ;Illd dwellinb'S often sharing a common w~lll. '11e
made certain th;1t the Knights ofSohul1nia did not streets are clean and wellmaintained.
attempt to rel;lke the city. 2. City Hall/Lord Mayor's !-Iome. The City
A massive oUler curtain wall with scvcral1:lyers Hall and home of the Lord Mayor is known local-
of stOIlC packed with sand and reinforced with ly as the Halt of Knights. At the center of the
slt'c1 eXlends completely around the city. On the stnlctlll"(' is the: original !-Iall-the oldest building
outside of the walls is a deep moat. Inside the in the city. An austere, square-shaped stone edi-
walls. thorn trees form another muural barrier, fice, Ihe hall is said to htlVc been built during the
and spikes conccak'Ci in the ground slow down city's founding thousands of years ago. TIle Hall
those inv:lders who mibrtu manabre to gain the is now connected to:1 number ofbuildinb'S' whose
walls. Within the city, lllost of the buildinb'S are jutting spires and fonified towers o\'erlook the
made of stone. with water wells strnt<.'giC'.ally cit),.
placed amund the city in order to control fires. The Hall of Knights was once the center or
One of the richest cities on the continent, training for the young nobles and Knights or
Solanthus has long been a center ofSolamnic cul+ Solamnia. Here they learned the procedures and
ture, art, and edUC'"dtion. Gre-dt towers, spires, and protocols to become jusl community lead<.'fS.
castlcs can be seen towering above the city Walls. Countless thousands of knights ha\'c paSSf.-d
The streets arc paved with stone, kept clem and thmugh its doors. When the Liberntion Army
well maintained. StatuC$ of famous fib,\((CS and overthrew the dark knights. they claimed the Hall
public fountains decor.lte the city's interior. of Knights as their own, renaming it the Hall of
Solanthus has endured many chanb'CS over Ihe Liberty.
centuries. Almost three hundred ye-.II"S alier the 3. Marketplace. '111e gr.llld market, just west of
Cataclysm, when the Knights of Solamnia were the Cleft Spires, is .1 collection of crnmp<.'Ci streets
scomed and reviled, the knighthood was CISt out connected by ;1 number of squares packed with
orSolanthus, which then declared itself an indc~ booths, stalls and stores. The market is ;\ noisy

Ci1"i ES, S1"",,-OnGHOLDS fr Ryins " " J39

place. filled with the din of vendors c.dling out ShinolrC'S priesthood was given a f,,'TCat de-dl of
their wares. Stalls and stores are grouped by the rcsp<..'Ct for their even-handed de:llinf,.1S in trade
types ofgoods sold. A wide variety of goods from and industry. 111c temple is a simple structure, an
all over Ans:llon can typically be found for sale. unassuming building of b'1ily stone wilh heavy
"lC Guildmaslers maintain a lit.'hl control over stccl doors emblazoned with a griffon's wing.
all that enters the city by requiring thaI all mer· During the early Fifth Age. before the return of
chants pay a gale-tax. the gods. the Temple of Shinare was used as an
4. Temple of Shinare. In a city ruled by mer- accounting bouse. the retired priests maintaining
chants. it should come as liule surprise that one Iheir dUI;e<; as aCCOl.uuants and litigator'S for busi-
of the most honored deities is Shinare. Even dur- ness complaints. Now. with the return of the god.
ing the periods when Solamnics ruled Solanthus. tbeir duties have expanded. They maintain a

140"" CHAP'tER..FeUR
CiTiES, STR..OrrGHOLDS ft Ryirrs "'-'
close watch over the Cuildmaslcrs. ensuring: that Wizard of High Sorcery. (this cdused her to be
they do not fall prey to corruption and arrog.ll1CC cast out of her homeland) Scraphema was said to
and become despots. Thus f.'lf. they appc',u to be have the :lbility to alst enchantments on her je\'v-
doing an excellent job. elry to protect ag-dinst theft. as wcll as alUsing her
5. Temple of'111ree Holy Knights. 'n,is gmnd pieces to retain their be:luty.
temple once housed shrines dedicated (Q the During the C'drly part of the Fifth Age.
three gods worshipped by the Knights of Seraphema refused to "lower hersclr to consort
Solamnia: P".lladine. Kiri-Jolith. and Habbakuk. with sorcerers or mystics. instC:ld relying solely
The temple fell into a state of disrepilir during the upon the amazing store of magical artifacts she
Age following the Cataclysm. when the Knights had in her possession in order to continue to use
of Solamnia were cast Olll of Sol anthus. Following her magic. She is known to have close ties with
the War of the Lance. when the Knights were Ihe Red Robe known as Lady Jenna ofralanthas.
once more welcomed within the city. the Temple and often travels to P-dlanthas to meet with her
of the Three Holy Knit-,hlS was rebuilt and friend. Seraphema's powers have retumed with
restored to ils fonner glory. Even after the gods the gods and she is now active in restoring the
had disappeared. the Temple remained a place of Orders of High Sorcery.
reflection and meditation. until its OCCllIy.lIion by 9. Cleft Spires. A pillar ofstone. nearly fifty feet
the dark knights during the War of Souls. when high and one hundrt.-d feet wide. rises from the
the temple was closed down and locked up. The heart ofSolanthus. TIle pillar is a natural rock for-
Liberation Anny reopened the Temple. welcom- mation that appears to have been perfectly
ing back the brads. E\'en thoubm Paladine no cleaved in hair. with the result thai both sides of
longer stands with the Gods of Light. his temple the fonnation tilt outward. Legend claims that the
now serves as a memorial for his sacrifice and the stone pillars have stood proudly. in this relath'e1y
sacrifices of all those who have g;ven their lives in flat region. for millennia. When humans firsl
the cause of Librht. began to settle the land. their king was told by a
6. Templc of Mishakal. 'l'ne b'Taceful. and wise man thai Pa13dine would send a lij:.mtning
beautiful Temple of Mishakal is known as the bolt flying from the he:IVens and wherC\'cr the
Tower of the Blue l-lame. 'l'ne tall. slender stmc- bolt landed would be the place to build his king-
rore is dven in design. with f:,rraceful (.'urves :md dom. That night. a Slonn rdbl'(.-d and an enonnous
sweeping archways. Atop the tower, a blue flame bolt oflightning streaked frolll the sky and struck
bums constantly. tendL'<.J by the priests of the the b'1'"Oul\d. 111e people trdveled in the direction
Temple. Tne blue flame was first lit following vic- of the bolt. searching for the place the god had
tory during the War of the Lance. It remainL"<.! marked. \Vhen they C:1I11e to the rock formation
burning even when the bJOds had vanished until that looked as if it had b<.'Cn split in two. they
the night of the Gre:lt Storm. when the flame was knew that this was the sign from Paladine. 111e
extinb>t.lished :md nothing the mystics could do people built their village. which would eventually
would cause the flame to burn once ag:lin. 'Olen. grow to m.'COmc Solanthus. one ofthc wealthiest
when the three moons oncc more appeared in the cities 011 Ansalon.
heavens. hemlding the return of the bJOds. the 'Inc Cleft Spires. as the formation has bL'Cll
fl;llllc suddenly burst into lifc. blazing with a pure, named. are a sign of the divine right for the
blue-white firc. Solamnic pL-'Ople to dwell here. '!11C Cleft Spire is
7. \Varchouses. '111ese two warehouses belollg highly magnetic. n:lturally attracting any unat-
to the llth Wathor finnily, a wealthy family of tached metal objects that pass too close to it-:l
Sol:llllllic merchants known throughout Ansalon further indiC'dtion. pL-'Oplc say, that the spires arc
for their trade in exotic filbrics :lI1d spices. blessed by the bJOdS.
Although the uth Wathor fiunily arc Solamnie lnc Cleft Spires lx.'C:une a symbol of rebellion
Knil:,'ht sympathizers. they have :llwuys supported against the dark knights. l110SC who opposed
the Guildmasters. both before the War of the them oftcn met at the spires to discuss plans 10
Lance and following the War of Souls. In tnlth. oust Ihem. In order to discour.lge these c1:mdes-
the mh Wathor family arc members of the tine meetings, the dark knights built a double bar-
Oandcstine Circle. a .st..'Crcl br.:mch of the Knights ric-dde twenty-feet tall. with five·foot thick walls
of Solamnia who uphold the Code and the around the Cleft Spires. 'nle Guildmastcrs arc in
Measure by working incognito. the process of removing the barriC'"dde.
8. Jeweler. Scraphema's Silver Emporium is A popular belief of young Solamnic maidens is
known throughout Solamni:l and much of Ihal if a maid Cdn m:mage to cdrve the initials of
Ansalon for its jewelry. lovingly hander.:tfted by her beloved in the stone (not any elSy feat!). the
the elderly. yet slill vivacious dark elf. Serdphema magnetic properties will cause that person to fall
(dark e1ff<''male \VizIO/Red Robe 3). in love with her.
Seraphema's jewelry has graa.-d kings. emper- to. Barracks/Guard Posts. The City Guard
ors. queens. and Dragon Hibrhlords. including the maintains barracks and guard posts at the three
infamous Lord Ariakas. Once a Red Robed main city bJ'3tcs. located on the three main roads

CitiES. StR..OnGHOLDS fr Ryins."-' 141

leading into the city. Here the City Guard L'::lre- the city has increased immensely since the unnat-
fully monitors those who enter thc city and ural forests of Beryl's green woodlands appeared.
impose the g:.lIe tax on those who comc to the '1l1e forests have made travel from distant villages
city to sell their wares. ~·:Ierchants arc typically more manab'Cl.tble than travel across the previous-
taxed 1 sp for every 100 stl worth of broods they ly wind·blasted lands of the Plains of Dust that
bring into the cit)' and 1/2 cp for every 100 stl once completely surrounded the city.
worth of broods taken out of the city. Tmined by Under the mle of the L:ldy of Tarsis. :1 Tarsian
the Guildmasters. the City Guards are required to noble who rose to power alier the Chaos War.
have a keen eye for appraising the won.h of mer- the city has become home to refugees that fled
chandise ;md a no-nonsense attitude about col- the overlord. r>.lany of them ended up in larsis
lecting the lax. lney are also responsible for onl)' 1C'".lm it was under the control of the dark
keeping kender out of the city and for the dail)' knights. To their surprise. they disco\·ered that
removal of those kender who always man:lge to the bl'()vemmcnt had jobs for them repairing the
enter the city anyway. city in exdlanb<C for homes and food. News of the
II. Dog and Duck Ta\·em. Near the southern offer sprC'dd. Traders and merchantS began visit-
entmncc into the city is the Dog and Duck ing 'Iilrsis once ag-.lin and tmde picked up. Tarsis
Tavem. Once one of the most popular mcctinb'S became prosperous once a(,.rain despite the por-
places of the Solamnic Knights. the Dog and tion of revenue taken by the dark knights.
Duck Tavern fell on hard times when the dark The walls and towers surrounding the city
knights arrived and r>.lina ordered all the tavcms ha\'e been repair<.-d and the city guards and
dosed. 'Ille t:l\'em has :l wann and cozy interior knibrtus are ever \'i~..i lant for the attacks of frost-
and a small stage for nightly entertainment. but wi(,.>hts from lcewall Glacier. lne only real worry
music has not been heard inside the walls of this now is what will happen when the magical forest
establishment since the occupation of the dark ofBcryllinthranos begins to fade.
knights beg..n. t. Hall of Justice. The se-..t of go\'ernment in
Dmen llth Matarin (human male Ftr 61Kni~ht Tarsis was once as dark and shady as the aristo-
of the Crown 6: AL LG). a retired knight. is the crats that r.m it. The great plaza and the squat
proprietor of the Dog and Duck. He was angered edifice :U its center were fonnedy dingy with
by the presence ofthe dark knights in his city and grime. co\'ered in SOOL and st:lined with time. But
enraged when they shut down his tavern. It was now. the walls have been painted white. the
in the celhu of the Dog and Duck Tavern that the chiPlx:d lIab'Stoncs h:lVe been replaced. statues
members of the Solanthic Liberation Army first have been restored ;md newly planted br:lrdcns
beg.1ll to mcct to fan the flames of rebellion. are thriving.
With the city liberated. the Dog and Duck is 'nc change within the Hall ofJustice is just as
once more open for business. but very few go striking ,IS the ch:mge without. The Tarsi:1O
there. due to the r.'let that the Guildmasters have nobles :Ire still as ruthless and conniving. but they
made it known that they disapprove of l"btarin's are mollifit,-'(I with the changes to their city and
politi<.'S. Although he supported the rebellion. he h,lVC a renewed confidence in their leaders and
dislikes the prejudice being fomcntt,"d against the thcir (ilture. The interior of the Hall reflects this
Solamnic knighthood and he is not shy about with lH,:w tapestries. decorations. art and wealth
exprcssing his opinion on the subject. previously unseen for centuries.
Matarin is quick to welcome any Solamnic 2. Libntry of Tarsis. '111e new Libnlry of'nll"sis
Knight who enters his establishment and witt is an imposing building cr.tfted of white marble
offcr drink. food. advice or help as it may be by dwarven builders. GfL'3t stone steps lead up to
ne(.-'(k-d. He opposes the new govemrnem of larbrc double doors of sturdy oak. In the shadow
~moncy b,rubbcrs as he mlls them. and is hoping of the new construction arc the remains ofthe old
for a return of the Mbrood old days.~ whcn thc libr.lry. '111e majority of the ancient libmry was
Solamnic Knights m:lde Solanthus the jcwel of constructed below brround where thousands of
Ansalon. manuscripts. books. scrolls and tomes were
SIOr<.-d in relative safety from the elements and the

tARSis Cataclysm.
Outside of the libr.lries the Knights of Nlmtlut
Large City. 14,532 stand bruard as the tedious task of tmnsferring
Tarsis is locat<.-d south of the Kharolis l\ lountain dOCllments from the old building to the new is
Range on the southeastern border of Beryl's performed by aesthctics. scholars and retired
realm. Unlikc other. less fortunate cities of mab"CS. Inside the three stories of the new library.
Ansalon. the domination of the Green Drab>'On rows of sturdy wooden shelves wait to be filled
Overlord and subsequent occupation by the dark with stories. history and forgotten lore salvaged
knights turned the waning city of Tarsis into a from the ruins of the old library.
major trade hub . The inner section of the city 3. Harbor District. Outside the southern br:lte
that once held the ruins of the ancient schools. of the WIlli surrounding Tarsis is a grim reminder
libraries and temples are being rebuilt. Trade with of the city's past. The broken hulls of a thousand
142 ~ CHAP1"ERJ<>UR
of ships lie strandt:d upon dry land. Everything nOI come. Abandoned and hurt. the people or
from massive tr:.lding ships and war g:.llleys 10 T:lrsis turned aWllY rrom the rest or the world,
small fishing smacks were str:lll<h..d during the relying on themselves ror survival and mistrusting
Cataclysm when the OC'e'dll waters fk.-d and leri outsiders. 'Inc outer hub or the city was rebuilt
me grc:lI pon city landlockL'd hundreds of miles and the center with the schools and temples
from the sea. remained in ruins.
'Ill(: hulls of many of the ships bec'dffiC home After the destruction or the Olaos War the
(0 those residents whose homes cnnnbk-d during arrival orthe Dragon Overlords meant lillIe 10 the
the e:mhquakes of the Clll:lclysm, and over the poveny stricken pt."Ople orTarsis. But then some-
years. the hulls became a part of the city. Some thing unexpected happened. l11e drabl'()n
have even been painted in bright colors. Signs for Beryllinthrnnox extended a woodland fC'".dm to
taverns. inns and shops em be found abo\'c door- the west that drove the harsh clements or the
ways carved out of the dihlpidatcd hulls. "Inc dis- Plains or ))ust to the east. When the dark knights
trict is where mudl of the darker side of Tarsis occupied the city, the quick thinking and glib
mo\'ed when the dark knibmls arrived in the city. tongue or Scllena Blasim, (human remale
Crime and shady de-dis are L"Ommonplacc here. Nob9/Master Ambassador 3: AL LN) the Lady
4. Tavern of the Drowned Sailor. Loc:.ucd just orTarsis, turned the tables on the knights. allow-
within the walls orthe southern g::ltC is a popular ing her nominal control or the city with the pro-
tavern for teamsters. drovers and\ soldiers. vision that she increase the amount or tribute
The Drowned Sailor, once considered part orthe given to Beryl. The Lady orTarsis made good on
Harbor District berore the wall was restored, is a that promise and continues to stay one step ahead
marine-themed tavern, despite the lack or sailors. orthe controlling dark knights.
Much or the wood used to create the tavern was
SC"dvengcd rrom the hulls or the \V"dylaid ships. tEYR..-
The owner claims that the bar is (Tdfted rrom the
l1at shoulder blade or a St."::I. dr::tgon. Small City, 6,410
In the dim lib.JlI or thc old ship. hUlIems that rille \V"dllt.'<I cit)' or Tcyr is situated between
are used to light the place the clientele consist Nemka and ordmaar to thc south and north and
mainly orilUlllans. Other rnccs are not wclcomt.'<I Estwilde and the Grell ~loors to the ('"dSt and
hcrc. 'nlis is a place that rcpresents the Tarsis or wcst. 111is ronifit.'<I community is the only true
old and likes it that way. city or dr::l(.'Oni.lIls on the continent. In order to
5. Inn of Happy Returns, On a hill ne'lf the old preserve their dying spc.:cics the dmconialls band-
harbor housc rort, overlooking much or the city, t.xI tOb'Cther to ere.He a realm or their own and
is the prosperous Inn or Happy Returns. Once take their place among the civilized r::tCCS of
named ror a timc whcn the h<lppy returns or sail- Ans<llon.
ing ships was a COlllmon occurrcncc, the inn is Teyr is among the most impre~,'llable cities in
now celebr3ting the return or lire to its Oll<.'e Ansalon. Ori~nally cre<ltl.:d by dwarrs hllndrt.'<Is
proud city. of ye<lrs .lgo, the stoncwork or'leyr is or the high-
'111is three-story inn is rrt.-qtlcntcd mostly by est qtmlity. '1l1C dracollians ust.'(1 what thcy could:
dark knights who have convertt:d the Harbor only rebuilding what was absolutely necessary. In
House into a garrison. Silll:C thc dcre••t or Bcryl the process or excavating the ruins, the city was
the uncxpt.'CIcd wind filII or tmffic has promptLxI completely rcdcsib'llCd. Using thc ~onionM motif
tllC owner to remodel making the inll one or the conceived by Governor Kang, the city is built in a
fincst places to stay in the city. number or layers. '111e first layer is the thick ollter
walls. then the walls or a bl'fcat <"'entral bastion,
~GiOnAL H is1"OR...Y then the bastion itsclf. :llld finally a bl'feat under-
ground hall erelted by lhe dwarves <..'Cnltlrit.'S
Four hundred years ago. Tarsis the Be<lutirul was berore.
a Lordeity or Ansalon. It rivaled Palanth'ls and Despite the warlikc naluTC or the dmconians.
Dahigoth and only the bc:lUty and splendor or Governor Kang envisioned that a ncw type or
lstar itsclrcould outshine it. 11\c port city was the drnconian would evolvc into that ortbe ~eivilian"
greatest or its time. and the markets held allmc- drnconian. TL]'r is now populat<..'<1 with a number
tions rrom all part's or Ansalon carried thcre by a of civilians that h.we Slaned businesses. :tre lcam-
llcet or It:gcndary whitc winged ships. It was a ing trades and are working as trndcsmen and
center of lcaming. Schools. a gredt libmry and rarmers. LillIe dr-dconians run playing throubm the
grand temples stood out proudly. all protected by streets. It is ror this lifestyle th:lt the dmconians
Solamnic knights. will briad1y give their lire 10 ensuTC the future or
When the Cataclysm struck. the pori city or their people.
Tarsis was left without a sca to sail. Ships docked L Gate House. 'Inc originallfdtehousc orTcyr
at the end or fishing season weTC left str.rnded. was tom down and reconstructed when the drn~
'The people turned 10 the knib.JuS ror assistance. conians mo\'t..'<1 in. It now stands an impressive
but the knights had their own troubles and did rour stories high with reinrorced solid oak dOCtrs

Ci"tiES. S"t"OnGHOLDS fr Ryins ~ 143

two stories high. Above the doors are two stories hanging ofT the roof is an immense wicker drag-
of arrow loops, murder holl$ and additional on that identifies the place. '111e Drtlnken Dragon
defenses that allow the defenders to t,'1Jard the is marc a social hall than slrictly .1 place 10 grab a
entr.ll1ce. 'n1e gatehouse is heavily b'lJ.trdcd and cold ale. There is a stage .11 the center of the tav-
merchants supplies are cht:cked before entering. ern where the dmconians are encouraged to
The draconians must remain vigilant to protect share war stories. sing rowdy songs. or display
their (inure. special martial talents. Along one wall of the
2. Slith's Perch. Seven towers look down over establishment is a mural of the Battle of the
each of the seven corners of the outer walls sur- Fortress of Maranta, with the dmconi'lns wim;ng
rounding the city. All the towers look alike, save againsl hordes ofbroblins and a gold dragon flying
one. In the f.'Ir northeast corner of the city, f.'tr- overhead. l11e painting was ere.lIed by Mak. a
thest from the brate house in the southwest, stands bozak who is blind in one eye. He has displayed
one tower of the seven that is built of the of the a talent for painting and his skills are highly
original dark weathered stone used by the dw.lT- admired by the draconian community.
ven builders who created the city. 'Illis lone
tower had survived the clements and the siege R!GiOnAL H is"tOR.-Y
the city had received many years ago, Nickmlmed The cily of Teyr begins roughly two hundred
Slith's Perch, the tower is said to offer a spectac- years before the Cataclysm. Originally known as
ular view of the rising dawn. Thoral Des, it was created as a satellite commu-
3. The Bastion. Standing at the center of the nity to Thoradin. But as it fell under the realm of
city is the Bastion, the nerve celller of the city. Istar. the dwarves were ordered to swear alle-
The fort is entirely crafted of thick stone walls giance to the Istarian Empire. Not willing to bow
and five tall turrets from which one can view to .my human. the dwarves came under attack
every side of the city and see beyond its outer just prior to the Cataclysm, and Thoral Des was
walls. '111e Bastion is used only for official busi- defeated and fell into mins.
ness: no filmily is allowed to live inside as there is The future of the draconian race looked bleak
no central mler or noble f:.unily. indeed. With only males, the races was sure to die
4, Hall of Thanes. Below the Bastion is the out. 11'e First Dragonarmy Engineers discovered
Hall of'Il1<mes. This grand hall is hundreds of a dutch of female egf,,'S. Under the wisdom of
yards across and positioned deep in the bedrock Commander Kang. the clutch was mised to matu-
beneath Ihe center of the city. It is the last resorl rity and offered a new hope for the finure of his
for defending the residents ofTeyr ag-ainst attack. people. Understanding Ihe necessity for a safe
\VllIer may be dr.lwn from deep wells within the place for the draconians to flourish Commander
hall, allowing the draconians to remain below Kang and the draconians beg'J.!} looking for a
ground for an extended periods of time. if need place to establish as their own. Kang received a
be. Four incomplete underground highways m.l]) from an old dwarf showing the location of
diverge from the Hall of 1l1anes. Two of them the ancient dwarven stone city of 1l1Orai Des.
extend beyond the walls of the city. Until now, After a long trek. which included an encounter
the draconi;ms have not made much use of this that added hundreds of new draconians to their
underground complex. community, the drdconians arrived at the ruins.
5. Kang's Kitchen. Also known as Kang's Slone by stone. the drac..'Onians rebuilt the city
Mess, Kang's Kilchen is 10cllIed near the bastion from the b'TOlll1d up. With a fervor and dedication
at the center of town. Owned by two draconians brought abollt by necessity, the dr.lconians cre:lt-
from the Ninth Inf.'mtry. this chophouse is one of ed a glorious. fortified city. Unfortunately this
the busiest locations in Teyr. The smell of fresh attracted the notice Ihe dark knights of Neraka.
meats, baked bread and exotic spices drift out of The dark knights offered the Draconians vas-
the establishment and into Ihe busy streets, entic- salage. insisting that they pay taxes to Neraka and
ing hun!,,1T)' draconians in for a bite. in limes of war Ihe dr.lconians march with them.
The sturdy stone walls of the building hide the Kang refused him. When the dark knighls insist-
cozy wannth of the interior. Expertly crafted ed. the draconians fought a baltle that sentg them
tables and chairs. desib'11ed for draconians size yelping back to Neraka. Kang would at last have
and girth. fill the main hall and are almost always his revenge upon the dark knights during the War
oc<:upied. At the f.'1r end of the hall is a raised of Souls.
platform wilh a table reserved especially for the
governor and his aids. Honored by Ihe thought. SLiTH
bUI not one to look for praise, Kang rarely takes
his meals there. Kang's Kitchen specializes in Male sivak draconian Ftr2/Rog8: CR 16; Large
meat pies and blood pudding. dmgon: HD 6d12+6 (draconiill1) plus 2d10+2
6. Dmnken Dragon. Outside the city a ntnn- (Ftr) plus 8d6+8 (Rog): hp 94: Init +7: Spd 30 ft ..
ber ofshops and homes have started to spring up. fly 60 ft. (poor): AC 20 (13 touch. 16 flatfooted):
Among them is a tavern known as the Drunken Atk + 19/+ 14/+7 melee (2d8+5, +2/tlIge basllm/
Dragon. Above the door of the establishment and rdJort~, or +16 melee (1d6+3, 2 claws) and +11

melee (ld8+1. bite). or +16 melee (2d4+3. tail): Glide (Ex): Winbred draconians can use their
5.<\ De'.J.lh throe. sneak attack +4d6. trip: SQ wings to gfide. neg-.Iling any damage from a fall of
Draconian traits. shapeshifi. SR 16. trapfinding. any heib,nt. 'nley can also travel horizontally up
trap sense +2: AL LN: SV Fon +II, Ref +14. Will to four times the vertical distance they descend.
+8; Str 16. Dex 17, Con 12. Int 14. \\rlS 12. eha 10. Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The rogue
$lllis olld hots: Balance + I t, Bluff + JO. Climb maintains his Dexterity bonus to AC when caught
+10, Craft (alchemy) +5. Diplomacy +5, Disguise flatfooted. but not when immobilized. The rogue
+II. Escape Artist +9. Gather Infommtion +9. cannol be flanked. nor can he be sneak attacked
Hide +7, Inlimid:uc +9. Knowledge (architecture by being flanked unless the atlacker has at least 4
and engineering) +7, Listen +7. Move Silently more levels than the rogue.
+12, Open Lock +7. Pcrfonn +5, Search +9. Inspired by Dragons (Ex): Draconians are
Sense Motive +6. Sleight of Hand +7. Spot +7, drawn to evil dragons and Te\'ere them. When
Tumble +7: Cleave, Comb:H Rellexes. Exotic under the command of a dragon. dmconians
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improvt..--d rf..-ceive a + 1 morale bonus on all attack rolls and
Initiative. Power Attack, Run, Stealthy, We-.lpoll saving throws.
Focus (bastard sword) Low-Metabolism (Ex): DrJ.conians C'J.n sur-
Death Throe (5u): When a male sivak dies. he vive on one-tenth the food and water it takes to
changes shape. assuming the form of the sustain :1 human.
humanoid being that killed it. '111is death shape Shapcshift (Su): A male sivak can assume the
lasts for three days. then the entire body decom· form of Lar!,.'C or smaller humanoids that il has
poses into black soot. If the sivak's slayer is laIl,'Cr just killed. 'ne shapcshift is a standard action that
than the sivak or not a humanoid. the sivak must be perfonned within one round of killing the
instead bursts into flame. dealing 2d4 points of fire victim. 'nle sivak does not gain the memories.
damage to all cre-dtures within a 10-foot rddius skills. or spell use of its victim. but his appearance
(Reflex nCl,ratcs. DC 17). and voice is an exact match of its victim·s. TIle
Sneak Atlack (Ex): Ifa rogue's target would be sivak can remain in its alternate foml until it
denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he chooses to assume a new one or return to its nat·
actually has a bonus or not), or when the rogue ural form.
Oanks his target. the rogue's attack deals +4d6 Trapfmding (Ex): Rogues can use the Search
points of extra damage. If the attack scores a crit- skill to locate traps when the task has a DC high-
ical hit. this extra damage is not multiplied. er than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC
Ranged atl:loo em coum as sneak attacks only if of at least 20. higher if it is well hidden. Finding a
the targel is within 30 feet. With a sap or an magic trap has a DC of25 + the level of the spell
unamled strike. the ffibtUe can make a sne-dk used to create it. Rogues can use the Dis:lble
aHack that deals subdual damage instead of nor- Device skill to disarm magic traps. Disabling a
mal damaf:,'e. He cannot use a weapon that deals magic trap has a DC of25 + the level of the spell
nonnal damage to deal subdual damage with :1 used to create it. A rogue who beats a trap's DC
sneak attack. A rogue can sneak attack only living by 10 or more with a Disable Device dK'Ck C:ln
ere-dtmes with disccrnable anatomies. Any crea- study a trap. figure out how it works. and bypass
ture that is immune to critical hits is not vulnera- it (with his party) without disanning it.
ble to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to Trap Sense (Ex): '111e rogue has an intuitive
see the tar!,.'Ct well enough to pick out a vital spot sense that alerts him to danger from traps. briving
and must be able to re-dcb a vital spot. 'n1(: rob'Ue him a +2 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid
cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with traps and a +2 dodbTC bonus to AC against attacks
concealment or striking the limbs of a cre::lture by traps.
whose vitals are beyond reach. Pos.reMiq,u: half-plate. +2 lorge IJarlnrd mJOrtl. 5
Trip (Ex): A sivak that hits with his tail attack flasks ofMdmb'On's breath~ (a1chemist's fire).
can attempt to trip the opponent as a frcc action
without making a touch attack or provoking an Created from the eggs of metallic drab'Ons by foul
attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails. the magicks. born of darkness and death. draconians
opponent cannot react to trip the sivak. like Slith were supposed 10 be Queen Takhisis's
Disease Immunity (Ex): Draconians are uhim:He weapons. She meant for them to be
immune 10 all diseases. mindless slaves. who would obey her commands
DrAgon Traits (Ex): Immune to all s/«jJ and (and those of her Dmb'On Highlords) \\~lhOUl
parolJ'$IS effects. darkvision 120 n.. low-light question. Because the dmconians were strong and
vision, blindscnse 60 n.. scent 60 n. fierce and giried with powerful magic spells. their
Evasion (Ex): Ifexposed to any effect th:n nor- creators fe-J.rcd that if the drJ.conians were to mul-
mally allows a Reflex save for half damage. the tiply they might become a danger to their cre-
rogue takes no damage on a succcs.dlll saving ;ltors. who tht.:rcfore desib",ed them to dic out as

Ci"tiES. S"tR.OnCHOLDS fr Ryins " " 145

a ra.ce. Only em-IS containing male draconians Kang had been Imim."(l as an engineer under
were pemliued to halch. Em-IS containing females Lord Ariakas. and his dream was 10 create;t band
were hidden away for possible later usc. of dr:.lconian engineers who would serve the
At lirst. Queen Takhisis thoubrht all was b'Oing Drabl'()llarmy. Impress<.-d with Slith's ingenuity
well with her cre-Ation. When first discovered on llnd cunning, Kang made Slith his S<.'COnd-in-
Krynn, dmconians tCrroriZL-d the population. No command. The two become fast friends.
al1T1y could withstand them. for even after de-.nh. After the War of the Lance. K:mg realized that
they could still causc hann. But then a problem those draconians who survived the fall of the
developed, The draconians had inhcrited the Dark Queen would be hunted down and sl:lUgh-
intellibrence oftheir dragon parents. Although this tered. He kept his engineers together with mili-
made them excellent soldiers and leaders (far 1x.1- tary discipline and led them to a remote part of
ter than goblins). such intellect also gave them Ansalon. where he hoped that they could live out
the ability to think for thenlsclves and to question tht.-ir lives in peace. SHth went with Kang as his
their place in friend and sec-
the world, and-in-com-
Draconians mand. Both
came to have draconians
free-will. some- knew thai their
thing Takhisis time was meas·
had not antici- ured, that when
patL-d. they died. they
Even with the would le:l\'c
will to choose. nothing and no
most draconians one behind.
remained fierce- Slith and the
ly loyal to their other draconi-
Dark Queen. ans built a fon
They did not city within
feel such loyalty proximity of a
to others. how- community of
ever. particular- dwarves.
ly their human Though Kang
commanders, hoped that the
who often two races
looked down would gel
upon the draco- along. warfare
nians as expend- broke OUI.
able ~Iizard Using his ;Ibility
mcn.~ to t;lke on the
The sivak fonn of others.
draconian. Slith, Slilh often spied
soon saw that on the dwarves
he was far more and during olle
intclligent than of his missions,
most of the he C' upon a
humans who map revealing
ordered him the l0C3tion of:l
about. He came treasure of
to realil"..e that enormous
he didn't partic- import to the
ularly want to draconians-
die for the cause. Living for the cause was far bet- female dmconian LUIS.
ter and if he could profit by the cause. that was When the Chaos War erupted. Slith and Kang
better still. and their fellows undertook a daring mission to
Slith assembled a band ofJike-minded draconi- rescue the Kang discovered that this was all
aos. who set to work to figure out how they could been :1 ploy of the Dark Queen. who never me:tlll
not only survive the war. but make some steel on them to acquire thc eggs. but intended that they
the side. Having dispatched a troublesome should die fibrhting her battle. They thwarted the
human commander. they were all set to cnjoy the Dark Queen's plot and rescued the eggs. Kang
war. when a new commander was assigned to $.'l.W that the dr:lcon;ans must find some remote
them. a bo....ak draconian named Kang.
phlcc on Ansalon. fir from civili.. . : nion. to make Queen 'nlkhisis WilS ilbout 10 make an attempt to
their homes. 111Cy sct Qui for a new city. brin!,rlng return to the world, Kang and Slith led an anny of
the eggs with them. draconians to Solace to fight alongside the forces
When the cg};,"S hatc!l<:d, Slith and the other ofJibrht in order to prevent Takhisis's relurn. 'Illlls
draconian males were responsible for the care of did the draconialls avenge themselvcs for Ihe
the rumbunetious young females. a task tht"), Dark Queen's treadle!')'.
found utterly baflling and ovenvhclming. To add Slith remains commander of the army, as well
to their troubles. tht'}' were repeatedly atl:lckcd as Governor Kang's loyal friend and comrade.
and harried by annics of hobgoblins and !,t()blins. The dl'3conians of 1i...-yr live in peace with their
They could not understand this. for the goblins neibrhbors (for the most part) and continue to
had once been their allies. work hard to take their rightful place among
Kang and his people eventually found another Krynn's races. As for the Sivak sisters who WCTC in
group of draconians holed up in a (ort under the lo\"e with Slith, since he could ne\'er tell them
leadership ofan aurnk nanu..-d l\llar:mta. who invit- apan he was unable to choose between them and
ed Kang and his draconi:ms to come live in the so he look bolh of them for his mates. TIle two
fort. At this juncture. Kang disco\'crt.'<l that the lead him a merry life. or so it is mmored!
drnconians were being attacked by the dark
knights. who feared them and wanted 10 crndic-..Ile
Ihem as a I'3ce. S'tR-OnGHOLDS
i\leanwhile, Slith bq;.m to suspect that all was
nol ribrht in this fon when he discovered a dl'3- Throughout the land, t1u.'1'e are numerous strong-
conian who was a mindless machine. Spying all holds where 0'1,rani7_1Iions can pursue their agen-
Mamnta, Slith found out that the general was das away from est.ablished cities. Many of these
splitting draconian souls in order to create the stronbrholds ilCluaily become cities in and of
war machine dr-.Iconiims that Takhisis had first themselves, places where individuals oflike minds
wanted. Slith's discovery ne-.Ir1)' cost him his own C'.In gather in relative safety with their peers.
soul. but Kang :md the females-including Sivak Some strongholds are centers of learning and
twins, who have tong had their eyes on Slith- enlightenment. SUcil as the Academy of Sorcery
came to the rescue. '1l1e dmconians defc:ued the or the Citadel of Light. Olhers are bastions of
dark kni~..hlS. but Ihey saw that there was no power. strong castles built to slimd against siege
home for them in Ihis pan of Ansalon. Their ene- and dmgon attack. Whatever their nature, true or
mies will continue to risc up against them. disguised, strongholds arc places of power.
&-eking :1 pe'.Iceful place for his people to live,
Kang resigned his command of the dmconian ACADEmy OF SOR....CERY
forces 10 becomes Govcnlor of his people. He
gave comm,md of the dr:IL"Onian army, now (DES1"R..OYED 418 AC)
including those who hild been loyal to Mar:mta, The ACldemy of Sorcery was fOllndt:d in the
as well as the mindless dmconians. 10 Slith. aftermath of the Last Conclave, when Palin
Under Kang and Slith's leadership, the druco- M.yere disbanded the Orders of High Sorcery.
ni;lllS journeyed to Teyr. 'Illey rebuilt it. turned it Palin was disappointt.'d in the fonner wiz;lf(ls.
into a strong and prosperous city. The draconians who sought only to restore their hicl';lrchy. P;IJin
established a w;,uy peace with their neighbors, felt that the "new mabric~ taught by the mysteri-
tmding weapons and tools and their engim.'cring ous Shadow Sorcerer oflcrcd so many possibili-
skills for food and other supplies. Soon small dm- ties. that he was determined to create a learning
conians were nmning about the city, bJ"Ctting in institule where those possibilities could be
the way and brillbring pride and joy to their proud e.xplored.
parents. 'l1lt: Ac-.Idemy ofSorcery was built on a plateml
K:mg never forgave the dark knights for betray- overlooking the town of Solace. 111e ACldemy
ing them and he refused all ovcnures of friend- consists of twelve towers tOlal. TIle 'lower of the
ship. When the dark knights attempted to force World is the largest structure within the
TeYT into an alliance, Slith led the dr:.lconians in a Academy, and is conncet<."C! by open hallways to
b:llI.1e that completely routt.'d the dark knib,hlS the eleven 'lowers of the Arts Ihat surround it in
and sent them nceing b"ck to Nemlai. '111C dark a cirrular pattern.
knights mainlained publicly that Te)'T was under Academy sorcerers arc consider<.'C1 to be life-
their control, and neither Slith nor Kang e\'er long students in magic. No matter how long one
bothered to dispute it. 1'ney had their own lives studies or how well one excels. there will always
to li"e, their own children to raise. their people 10 be more for the sorcerer to know. TIle stud<.'Ots al
watch over. the Academy are encoumhl(.'C1 to 1C'.Irn by mC'dns
The dr.lconians ventured into the world only of self...<fisrow~ry and self-exploration. StudenlS
one more time and that was during the \Var of
Sools. Hearing by some mysterious mc:ms that

Ci1"iES. S1"R..OnGHOLDS q R,yins "'-'.147

nOl only follow this path, but also share their have continued to study sorcery, while some have
results with others. In this aspect. sorcerers are become Wizards of High Sorcery. Others have
both student and teacher. given up magic altogether.
Becoming a student at the Academy is f.1.irly Despite their differing paths. these fonner stu-
easy. Once per month, the Academy convenes an dents share all their experiences. whether magical
Entrance Committee in the lower of the World's or mundane. It is through sharing their individual
Great Hall. The Entrance Committee is made up life lessons that they learn one from another, ~md
of specialists in the disciplines taught al each of are reminded that they will always be students in
the Towers of the Arts. as well as Palin Majere, if all that they do. lne lessons taught at the
he happens to be present at the f\cadcmy that Acmlemy of Sorcery continue on throughout the
day. Those who wish to join the Academy must lives of all its former students, in magic and in life.
prove that they have at least a rudimentary The description of the Academy presented
understanding of sorcery to the committee. below is prior to its destmction in 418 AC.
Individuals arc allowed to apply once per season. t. Tower of the World. The 'lower of the
If they arc not accepted, they may try again World is the laq"TCSt structure in the Academy of
season after season. Sorcery, standing in the center of the Academy
The Governing Council of the grounds with the Towers of the Arts circling it.
Academy manages the affairs of the The Tower houses all the students. having
Academy as a whole. The council more than enough room. More advanced
consists of 22 members, as well as students reside in higher levels, while
Palin Majere, who is the deciding lower-level students reside in lower levels.
vote in an impasse. Various facilities arc 10C'J.ted in this tower,
Just prior to the War of Souls, the including a kitchen, laboratory, and the
forces of the great dragon Beryl Grand Hall. A network of open hallw;lys
attacked the Academy of Sorcery. connects the Tower of the World to the
One of Beryl's draconian minions Towers of the Art's.
had discovered that the Academy 2. Towers of the Arts. lnese
held magiC'J.1 artifacts. With her eleven towers surrollnd the 'lower of
magic fading, she ordered an the World in ;1 circular pattern. 'Iney
attack on the Academy. While are connected to the 'lower of the
Solace's militia was tied up with World through a network of open
<l r,.'1'OUp of dark knights from hallways. A stone wall mns betwccn
the south, a force of draconians the lOwers, making the Academy a
attacked. defensible position in combat. Each
Palin Majere was with the mili- tower is dedicated to one of the disci-
tia when the forces of darkness plines taught at the Academy: acTO-
:lttacked, leaving the defense ofthe maney, cryomancy, divination, e1ec-
Academy up to his son, Ulin. With tromaney, enhancement, geomancy,
a force of draconians at the r,.rate hydromancy, pyromancy, spectra-
and two dragons attacking, Ulin maney, summoning, and transmuta-
knew the situation was near tion.
hopeless. 3. Quadrants. TIle center of the
Using his prowess in alche- Academy has been divided into
my, he used a new invention of his four quadrants, each one
called "thunder powder~ in order named after a r.·unous wizard
to defend the Academy. Vlin from Krynn's history. Three of
sought to bring the roof down on these quadrants (Par-Salian's, Magius', and
the artifacts, but his plans had an unexpected Justarius') are sheltered by several large vallen-
result. TIle Tower of the World was destroyed. woods. The fourth quadrant, Raistlin's, has b<..-en
The attack ended with the capture of Palin kept in its oribrinal state: a thick, lush forest.
Majere by Beryl's forces. ApalJed, Vlin destroyed
his notes on wthunder powder.~ CAS1"Lf CRj mson
Today, the Academy ofSorcery stands in ruins. In Northern Ergoth, along the remnant of the
The people of Solace claim that the Academy is ancient Emperor's Road leading north to
cursed, and leave it in peace. lne OCC<lsiomll Gulfport, is the community of Castle Crimson.
treasure-seeker will hunt for magical artifacts, but Situated atop of a hill, overlooking the surround-
come out of the ruins empty-handed. ing countryside for miles in every direction, the
Once a year, former students of the Academy castle can be seen from the city of L;ll1cton. The
of Sorcery will r,.rather in reunion to share their C'dstle, named for its dark red bricks imported
memories and their common fellowship. Some from the distant Khalkist mountains, is a center of
creativity and entertainment in the region.

148 ....... CHAP"tER..FeUR

The castle itself is a work of art. 11,c outer 1. The Bailey. The enonnous bailey that sur-
walls and b:lrriC'ddes arc of the finest dwarven rounds the castle proper has been divided to serve
craftsmanship. A slowly moving stre-elEn has been a number ofdifferent purposes for the inhabitants
guided to create a half-moat. l1ush ag.linst the of the C'dStle.
northern battlements of the outer castle walls, A. Tlu Gruv~. In the northeastern comer of the
while a sharp cliffdrops down to the south, allow- bailey, the are has been set aside to create an elab-
ing those on the C1StlC battlements to vicw miles orate and beautiful go.mlen, with fragmnt trees.
in every direction. blossoming bushes. and rare. exotic flowers from
Within the outer walls of Castle Crimson lies across the continent. all carefully cultivated to
an enonnous bailey. which has been divided inlo create the illusion of an elven wilderness (or at
various areas at the direction of the Lord of the least the common human misconception ofelven
Castle. From the center of the bailey, a steep-- gardens). Small paths lead to tiny, hidden groves
cliffed hill rises upwards. atop of which stands the with crystal ponels and heated springs. In the
main lower of Castle Crimson. heart of the grove is a simple shrine dedicated to
The current lord of the castle is Versin the goddess Chislev. Although it was added to the
Shadowlark (male half·elf Nob5/Flr3/Rog3; Grove following the War ofthe Lance. it was kept
NG). whose Ergolhian father married a beautiful tended by the Shadowlark gardeners throughout
QuaIinesti maiden more than fifty years ago. the entirety of the fifth Age. On the night the
Although Versin's father has passed on, his mOlh- gods returned, the simple shrine suddenly burst
tf, the Lady Caralyssa (female Qualinesti dark elf into glorious crimson roses. which have main-
Red Robe?; N) is still vibrant and beautiful, g1ad- tained their bloom and sweet scent, throughout
~'slipping into the role of dOW:1brer duchess. leav- the seasons.
ing her son to pursue his own interests as she pur- B. Amph,~h~Qur. Against the western side of
sues her own. She is :1 dark elf, cast out of the hill lies the most recent addition to Castle
Qualinost before the War of the Lance because Crimson. a large amphithe3t'er. Carved by dwar-
she disdained we3ring the White Robes. instead ven craftsman from the mainland, the amphithe-
choosing to wear the Red. She traveled to Eq"roth ater often 5Cn'es to host shows for visitors and vil-
on a mission for Just'arius just before the Chaos lagers alike. This open-air theater will sit an audi-
War. where she met and married Versin's father, ence of up to five hundred people. The seats are
who believed they were fated for one another. carved into the bare rock. with a semi-circular,
After the loss of High Sorcery, Caralyssa focused sand-packed floor at lhe bollom. A small stone
on her family. be'.Iring the Duke a son, Versin. building abuts the hill, where act'ors can change
When the Duke died of old age, he left his title to costumes and prepare between scenes.
his son, but gave to Caralyssa a si",able fortune. 2. Crimson Tower. Rising hibrh above the
enough to secure her place within Erbrothi:m soci- ground, the Crimson Tower is a structure clearly
ety. Now that the magic of High Sorcery has visible from miles in almost every direction.
returned, Caralyssa has unp<lcked her old tomcs Crnfted of the same imported red brick from the
and taken up residence in the Bhlck 'lower. rcvel- Kalkhist Mountains, the tower is more than ten
ing in both her freedom and the return of her stories high. with smaller towers stretching out-
beloved m;ll,rlc. wards like anns as succeeding generations of
Lord Versin is ;1 dist;lllt relation of the Shadowlarks look to add some new room to the
Emperor, although his dven blood ensures that Crimson Tower. Within the tower, woven tapes-
he never inherits the throne, something he does tries hang all the walls. imported rubs and art*
not mind at all, although he does take his work. and skillfully sculpted statues are placed
appointment to the Imperial Senate of Ergoth strategically throughout the tower.
seriously. Lord Versin is nmnboy;mt and osten- 3. Chapel. The owners of Castle Crimson have
tious, surrounding himself with bards and enter- always been diverse in their selection of gods.
tainers of all kinds. He has even picked up an Through the generations, shrines to many gods
alfectation of speaking in rhymes, simply for the have been placed within the grand chapel, next 10
sheer enjoyment of the challenge of it. the Crimson Tower. However, there are three
The Lord of Castle Crimson considers it his shrines. in particular. which are granted consider-
mission in life to promote social interactions able respect: Branchala, Shinare. and Sirrion. The
between artisLs, laymen, craftsman, and the sur- shrine to Branchala is a small chamber area at the
rounding community. particularly the village that near the top of the chapel, decor-ned with marble
has sprung up in the southern shadow of the and silver. The acoustics of the room are exqui-
Castle. Castle Crimson regularly holds an exhibi- site, and affords an unobstructed view of the
tions. lectures. forums. galas, concerts. and other Grove through its two large, arched windows.
cultural events. Attended by nobility of Lancton 1'''e shrine to Shinare is located near the bottom
and the surrounding areas, as well as nobels from of me chapel. It is a simple room with a small alter
e\'en as far away as Lucid and Manic in south- adorned with fresh flowers every day. allowing
eastern Northern Ergoth. worshippers a place to reflect and prny. The most

Ci"tiES. S"tI\.OnGHOLDS q Ryins ~ 149

rt.'CCIH :'ldditioll to the chapel is the shrine of are typiC:llly filled 10 capacity. Currently, thc
Sirrion. A new gazebo was built atop the tower, 1<..-adcr of the Crimson House Guard is Lady
in which the Shadowlark family went to blTeal Amaris Fallon (hum:m female, Ftr!l, Lt\~, an
c.xpcnsc 10 obtain a rt'lISf)r oj" l'/en"" j!tIIlIr. 111C cxpcrienc<...od mercenary from Solamnia who has
construction orthe shrine was bet:.'\11l mere weeks served the Shadowl:trk family for more th:lll
after the return ofthe b'Ods and was completed in twcnty years. lnc Crimson Guard consists of
less than a momh. -111C shrine honoring P:'lladine fony-sevcn members (I Ftr7, 2 War6, 5 Ftr5, 7 Ftr
has been (umt.x! into a memorial. 3,5 War3, 5 rtr2. 10 War2, 6 FIr!, 6 War!).
4. Swbk-s. Lord Versin has a weakness for fine Bencath Ihe barracks are the castle's dungeon.
horseflesh. a weakness his family has had for '1l1crc arc only fivc cells, although onc of the cells
many generations. The Shadowlarks breed some is known as the Kender Trap. a tiny oublietle
of the finest hunting horses in all of Northern where a kender cannot move because of the
Efb1Oth. Tnrough selecti\'c breeding, the Crimson cramped space. While ne\'er actually used. folk-
l-!unlers (as the horses have come to be known) tales about the Kender Trap have purposefully
arc instantly Tea>b1flizable by their distinctive dark been spreld across Northern Ergoth and Hylo.
red. roan manes. Temperamental. loyal. proud. providing a handy threat when needed to take :1
and swift. Crimson Hunters have become a status kcndcr to task. One of the cells holds a secret pas-
symbol amollb'Sl the Ergothian nobility. (I'reat sabre lC'oIding 10 Ten Deep.
Crimson Hunters as light warhorses with :1 -2 6. Black Tower. At the southeastern comer of
Strenbrth, +2 Dexterity, and +2 Intelligence, seIl- Ihe outcr bamc-oIdc stands the infamous Black
ing al approximately the same valuc as a heavy Tower. Built centuries before thc construction of
warhorse.) Castle Crimson e\'er began, it was mysteriously
5. Banacks. Home 10 the personal soldiers abandoned by its inhabitants one night. causing :1
dediC-oiled 10 the Shadowlark family, Ihese bar- rumor to quickly spread through the populace
racks also serve as Ihe he-oIdquaner for the lown that a ghost had taken up residence.
b'lJard who re~,'ularly palrol the are-ol for b:mdiIS, Given the strategic location of the are-oI, on the
k<."Cp walch on the village. and ensure Ihat carol- trolde road between Laneton and Gulfpon. the
vans b'Cl safely to where they need 10 b'O' 111e bar- ""irst Duke of Crimson. Pluark Shadowlark. d<..'od-
racks can comfortably house up 10 fifty soldiers, <.'<1 to in<.:orpor:JIC the Black Tower in the desibJ'fl
and sin<..-c thc Shadowhuks are always more than of his keep.
willing to p:ly well for bT(X)(\ warriors. the barr.lcks

--- ." ."

---_ ...

.. -
--" ~-"






150 r-..... CHAP"tER..FeUR
. .
'1l1crc have been mallY lCb'Cnds :lbout the Black
Tower. One of Versin's ancestors supposL>dly CASTLE VTH WiSTAn
jUffip<.'d from it when he learned his lover had TIle Isle of Sancrist has bt.'Cn the center for the
died at .5e"d. It is said to be haun('t.-d by the ghosts Solamnic Knights for over two centuries. Located
of all the previous Lords of Crimson Castle. in the southern portion ofthe island are a number
Another talc stales thaI a Black Robe Wi"..ard has of sprawling castles and estates, but one stands
secretly been using the lower as his labor-nory for out abovc thc rest. Castle uth \Vistan was cs1'3b-
years. These and a thousand other stories are lished over a thousand years ab'O. It has been said
often IOld O\'CT a mug of ale in a cheery lavcm- that the \Vistans fought along side Vinas
but only whispered about on the C'.Istle t"rrounds. Salamnus himself in the Rose Rebellion against
Once the moons of magic returned. the Lady Ergoth. Gcnerations of \Vistan's havc made their
Caralyssa promptly moved into the Black Tow....... home here and since the first Cataclysm the cas·
which had been ust.'({ as little more than a store- tIe has been the meeting place of the High
house for old fi,rnilure and other discarded Council of the knib,hts.
objects 100 precious to give away or dcstroy. 'l'ne last notable \V"lSlan to live here was Lord
Oeaning out the tower. Caralyssa made the tower Gunthar uth \Vistan. Gunthar held Ihe position of
her own private sanctum. Oddly enolll,'h. she and Grand Masler until eight years after the Chaos
Lady Amaris. the C".I.plain of the Crimson Guard, War. He unfortunately outlived his six younger
ha\'e become close friends. and b';,ren the proxim- brothers and three sons, making him the last of
ity belween Ihe BI3ck Tower 3nd the B3rracks, his line. Castle uth Wisl'an is now owned by Sir
me two C".I.n often be found in one another's com- Liam Ehrling (human male, Ftr5/0rVKnight of
pany- the Crown 5/Knight of the Sword 5/Knight of
7. Soum \\'atch Tower. This tower was built in the Rose 5: AI... LG), Ihe currem Grand Master of
order 10 keep walch over Ihe vil101b'C 10 Ihe soulh the Solamnic Knibrhts.
of Ihe C".lSde, as well 3S to 3110w ao:..'CSS 10 the 1ltis medium-sized C".lStle is glorious and well
southern bamcades in C".lSC of invasion. Al the maintained. A high curtained wall that is always
base ofthe tower is the C'.lStic's primary annory. A manned by vigilant knights surrounds the court-
blacksmith has a small covered area. nexl 10 the yards and main building. Spires and turrets rC'
tower, in order to work. Although the C".I.stle has upward above the lush forests surrounding the
not been alt3cked sin<.'C Ihe \Var of the Lance, the castle. orten silver dmb'Ons can be S(.'Cn circling
blacksmith is kept busy, not only providing protectively above. It is evcn rumored that they
weapons for the Crimson Guard. but also provid- wander the halls of the c;lstle in the disguise of
ing help in <''Ollstructing some oflhe cl:lbor.lte sets human knibthts.
for some of Lord Versin's more ambitious pro- Inside the C"<Istle, the w:ills arc linl.od with
ductions. expensive tapestries that soften the clank ofannor
8. Ten Deep. 'nlC Lord of Castic Crimson not and exotic rub'S line the floors, muming the sound
only opens his doors (() nobles :llld bards. but :.lIsa
for sworn members of the 'l1licves' Guild. 'Ille -0 Censor of Eternal Flame -0
nobility would not be comfortable visiting if they
knew that some of the b'lK>sts they wcre I1lbbing 'Illis elaborate censor consists of a bowl made 0
elbows with would prob:lbly be just as happy precious metals, about two fcct in diameter and
relieving them of some of their dearest posscs- one foot dccp. Silver lines the inside of the bowl,
sians. Lord Versin is a staunch supporter of the with copper·inlaid bronze on the outside of the
111ievcs' Guild in Gulfj)Qrt. olien allowing mcm- bowl, and gold along the rim. Golden leb'S,
bers of the !,,'l..lild to find teml)Qrary sanctuary shaped like sinuous !,,'Old dragons, support the
away from the city in his home. Below the C",lstle's censor about six-inches ofT the !"rround.
Crimson Tower lies 'len Dl."Cp, :1 secret complex When the bowl is filled with clear water, a pil.
of tunnels and chambers encompassing ten levels lar of blue and crimson flame will burst into exis-
carved into the heart of the hill. TIle upper Icvels tence. The pillar of flame is about three fcct tall.
of Ten Dct.1) Ie:ld to the ed!"re5 of the hillside. Although it does provide bright illumination, it
where defenders cm traverse through hidden does not radiate heat. nor will il bum anything.
doors to the surrounding arC'.I.S throughout the As long as the WaleI' is kept in Ihe censor, the
Bailey. A number of lraps and arrow slits SC'J.t- llame continues to bum brightly.
tered throughout the complex provide added pro- These censors are commonly crafted by
Iect.ion ag-.I.inst invaders. 'nle lower k-vels of Ten priests of Simon in order to be used during ritu-
Deep afTer rustic :Iccommod:ltions and clC'.I.n beds als and to decorate their temples.
for visiting Guild members who must maintain a Aum: Faint evocation; Casltr Wt/: 3rd;
low profile. 1'nere are also boh holes that lead to fumjuist'es: Craft Wondrous Items, roUll;1II0
the moat. the banlements, and even into the vil- ome; fl'/odtl /Jrin: 12.500 gp: XP PnCr: 500:
lage of Reveler's Way. just outside the southt.'l11 l'l'~f/<igh~-~t~'~I~lb=_~ .J
side of the castle.

Ci"tiES. S"tR...OnGHOLDS &- Ryins ' " 151

or booted reet. Exquisite works or marble, ceram- window in the shape orthe ancient symbol or the
ic and wood adorn the hallways and various Platinum Dragon above the alter allowing the ris-
rooms or the castle. ing sun to filter through and light the entire
I. \Var Room. Near the center or the castle, chapel. 'l1le chapel is now used primarily as a
down a hall rrom the main entrance orthe Clsl1e place ror mediation and reflection.
proper, is the War Room. This room is neatly 5. Cunthar Fores\. The lush rorests or the
decor:Jted with maps lining the walls, a rew chairs region or Gunthar take up much or the south or
and a large central table. Upon one wall :ue a Sancrist. Castle uth Wistan is one hundred yards
number orlocked mahogany cabinets. Above the rrom the edge or the woods. 11Jick broad lear
cabinets are rows orshelv(.-'S created to hold maps. trees and verdant roliage thrive on the nearly
scrolls and manuscripts. tropical climate orthe island.
In times or war, and occasionally in times or The Gunthar rorest is lined with a number or
peace, this room is filled with knights pouring pmhs lmd hUllting trails. It is a filVorite passtime
over mllps and documents or various lands. or many knights to ride the trails around the cas-
TacticiullS plun out stt<ltegic maneuvcrs, run bm- tle on hunting expeditions. Yelping hounds and
tie simulations and keep tr:Jck orenemy terrilOries the din or horses cTllshing through the thick
and borders. brush on the chase or some animal are f.'lmiliar
2. Library. TI,C library orCastlc uth Wistan is sounds.
or a respectable sizc. A thick ornately decorated
oak door leads into a warm lind inviting room. A ~GiOnAL HistORY
fireplace built into the rar wall heats the chamber. Castle uth \Vistan was constructed nearly a thou-
Abovc the mantle hanb'S a picture or Lord sand years berore the Cltaclysm. 'r1le Wistan f.'lm-
Gunthar as a young man. Comrortable chairs and ily that used to reside there has been respected
a desk ure arranbred around the room. The side throughout the ages. TI,e prestige or the castle
walls or the room are lined with rows or wooden grew with the prestige or the ramily. Even the
shelves containing a number or books. including Cataclysm could not tear down the walls.
copies or the original Volumes or the Measure. After the Cataclysm, the people or the isle or
Lord Gunthar spent many hours in this room Suncrist turned to the Wistans ror help. which
pouring over the ancient tomes, reviewing the they received. The Wistans opened their home 10
Measure orthe Solamnic Kniglus, the rules, reb'1..l- those who needed shelter and assisted in cre:lting
lations and policies by which II knight must act new homes throughout the region. Although the
and conduct himself. Arter the death or Stlll'm image or the Solamnic Knights on the mainland
Brightblade, Lord Gunth:lr was determined to was tarnished. Castle uth Wistan stood as a proud
revise the unwieldy and orten contTlldicting set or testimony to the goodwill and compassion orthe
laws. He did finally complete the revision prior to knights.
his deuth and with the rise or Sir Limn Ehrling to \Vhen the knighthood began to cnuuble,
Grand j\llaster, the revised Measure was put into Castle uth \oVistan was selected to be the com-
effect. mand center ror the cntire organization. It is now
3. Creat Hall. 'nle largest chamber in the C'dS- the C'dpital oCthe new country orGunthar and the
tie, the Great Hall is the meeting place within the GTllnd Master or the Solamnic Knights will
Clstle ror the Knights orSolamni:l. At one end or always reside there and rule over the lands.
the sparsely decorated hall is a dius on which
stands a massive black oak table with three high-
back chairs. During Knights' Trials, the chairs are CiTADEL OF liGHT
occupied by the Grand Master, the High Clerist On the isle or Schallsea, 10Clted in the New Sea
and the High Justice. 1l1ese three pass judgment created by the Cataclysm more than rour hun-
over the proceedings. dred years ago, the mystic Goldmoon and her
A numbcr or chairs are situated in a semi-circle loyal companion. Jasper Firerorge. constructed a
around the raised dias and u carpeted hallway glorious citadel where those who desired to tap
mns dowll rrom the door through the chairs and into the powers or mysticism could find a place to
up to the base or the platform. explore this new mabric. The Silver Stair, a magi-
4. Chapel. Behind the Clstle proper is an old cal site that was said to lead those pure or heart
chapel dedicated to Paladine. Weather-beaten, into the realm or the Gods or Light, was chosen
but meticulously maintuined, the chapel was built as the ideal spot to build the Citadel.
over a thousand years ago. Elegant stained glass The island itserris nearly a hundred miles rrom
windows line the side or the chapel displaying the northern to the southern coast and almost
scenes or Paladine as .1 b'Teat knight in shining firty miles across at its widest point. Most or the
white armor, derending the sick and poor against island is covered with gently rolling hills, except
the UI~llSt and wicked. ror a small rorest that marks the location or the
'l1uough the double ouk doors and inside the Citadel or Light. stretching northward toward the
chapel, the flub'Stone floors ure lined with wood-
en benches leading up to the alter. A stained glass
152 ~ CHAPTE"-.FeUR
CiTiES, STRQnGHOLDS &' Ryins C""-'
coast. Along the center oCthe island rises a stretch overlooking the docks. manned at all times by
of broken hills on which nothing will btTOw-the Citadel Guardi~llls who possess some skill as
Barren Hills. mariners (typically human Mar3/Mys3: AL LG).
The shore along the southem half oCthe island They watch for invading forces or for those who
is marked by Sleep cliffs and rocky shoals. making would attack the fishennen in the StT'dits of
it nearly impossible for any ship or bom [0 Schallsea.
approach the island safely. Only along the nonh- 3. The Walk. From the edb>e of the cliff leading
ero shore docs the land slope more b>Clltly. and it down to the docks that 1C'.ld to the Citadel prop--
is here. on the northwestern coast, lllat the er. there is a broad. cobblestone path. Known as
Citadel of Light stands in irs full glory. There are the Walk. the path passes benC'dth the newly con-
small. natural harbors about the island. however. structed monument built to honor the Citadel's
only one harbor can truly handle large ships-the guardian. the blind silver dragon. Mirror. before
Port of Schallsea on the island's western coast. leading to the Grand Lyceum.
The Citadel quickly became known as a center 4. The Monument. Standing almost one hun-
lOr not only healing, bUI for the discovery of dred feet tall. this beautiful monument is a grand
numerous near-miraculous powers thought to testament honoring the dragons of light. particu-
ha\·c been forever losl with the disappearance of larly the silver dragon guardian of the Citadel.
the gods. The Citadel also became a symbol of Mirror. The two dragon statues face one another.
goodness and light against the rise of darkness their heads placed against one another with necks
across the world. curved. creating a heart-shaped silhouette. Their
Unfortunately. the Citadel became a target dur- wings are outspread. as if they were preparing to
ing the War of Souls. when the forces of take flight.
BeryUinthranox attacked in force. searching for The monument echoes the twin golden dragon
the mysterious artifact believed to be in the pos- statues that once flanked the entrance into the
session of a certain time-hopping kender. The Grand Lyceum of the old Citadel. Beneath the
destruction of the Cit.adel was nearly complete. light of the sun. the dragons gleam like polished
The Hedge lvlaze was completely razed. the nine gold. catching and brightly reflecting the light of
domes of the Citadel heavily damaged. most of the sun. At sundown. howC\'er. the gold fades
them in complete ruins. Although Goldmoon dis- from the statues. turning them pure silver. which
appeared during the auack. her legacy remains. shines mirror-bright beneath the librfu ofthe silver
Reconstruction began on the Citadel almost and crimson moons.
immediately. and the return of the btOOs marked 5. The Nine Domes. Nine domes. arranged to
an entirely new focus for the Citadel. create a circle. fonn the Citadel of Light. In the
Temples to the Gods of Light and the Gods of center of the ring of domes is the Hedge i\'laze, at
Balance have been set up in the new domes. and the heart of which is the Silver Stairs. Before the
although there is still a lot of work left to do. it destruction. the domes were of polished marble,
seems certain that the Citadel of Light will remain gleaming like pearls beneath the light of the sun.
a symbol of hope for many years to come. Crafted by the dwarves. the Citadel was a feat of
I. The Wilds. For three miles around the architceture to riv~ll the glory days of Istar.
Citadel lies a stTetch of untamed forest. With only !-"'allowing the destruction. those skilled in sh:lping
a few exceptions, the wilderness seems complete-- the earth ~lpplied their power 10 create domes of
Iy untouched by any civilization. crystal, providing temporary s:mcttmry until the
llucc dryads dwell in the Wilds. brought to entire structure could be rebuilt. Oddly. the stnlC-
the Citadel of Light from the Desolation. thanks ture of the domes and the crystal used in their
to the magic and effort of the Citadel's b''t·mrdian, construction has had an odd effect. From without.
the silver dragon known as Mirror. 11,e dry~lds the domes appear almost completely trullsparem.
gladly serve as protectors of the forest, although showing the regrowth ofthe Hedb'C Maze and the
most people. even many of the mystics of the Silver Stair in the center of the complex. yet from
Citadel. never see them. inside the domes. they appe"dr as nonnal walls.
The Wilds were hC'dvily damaged during the with only certain sections clC'.lr as windows to
attack ofBeryllinthmnox's forces. but between the allow in the n:lIurullight from outside.
magic of the mystics and the care of the three The primary dome is the Grand Lyceum, with
dryads who watch over the forest. the damage is each of the others named for one of the Mspheres~
already well under repair. of mysticism. Only the mystic sphere of necro-
2. The Docks. A small dock. able to handle maney. the practice of which is forbidden on
only smaller vessels with shallow keels. is located Citadel grounds. is not represented in the domes
about a mile and a half southwest of the Citadel or in the teachings of the Citadel. Most of the
proper. Those disembarking in the docks must domes contain lecture halls. training halls, and
ascend a step stairway carved into the cliff face in residential quarters for students.
order to reach the Walk leading to the Citadel. A
small guard post stands at the edge of the cliff,

Ci"tiES. S"t",-OnGHOLDS fr Ryins c-..... 153

A. AlfI'Il:l/ioll Lyceum. '111C mystic sphere of mcditate, entire levels of the lyceum have been
alteration is the lll:lf,>ic of physil.~J.1 transfonmltioll, arranged into privilte cells in order to filcilifate
particularly in the realm of living creatures. As mediation.
stich. the Alteration Lyceum also houses n G. MCI/tttlism Lyceum. '111e sphere of mental-
mcnaf,'Crie and the Citadel's stables. which allow ism enables one to read thoughts, to divine emo-
those students pursuing the study of altCl"dtion to tions. and to cven control the minds and emo-
personally interact with the animals, learning tions of others. '111e practice of mentalism l.'an
their habits. their forms. and their natuml behav- very casily be abused. so of all the spheres taught
iors. at the Citadel, the instructors of the sphere are
B. Amlmsm Lyceum. The mystic sphere of ani- vel)' sensitivc to the philosophical impact this
mism conccrns communic:.ning and controlling power mighl have in the hands of one unskilled
living creatures, from animals to plants. At the top in its lIsage. To facilitate understanding of both
of the lyceum is the massive Hcrb'lrium of the onc's own mind and the minds of a1hers, the
Citadel. which serves as not only a greenhouse great Library is housed within this lyceum, and
housing rare and exotic plants from across the although many of the precious manuscripts were
continent. but also provides a handy resource for lost in the destruction of the dr.lgon aU'lck. the
the medicinal herbs used in healing. Cit.ldel Mystics have made great strides in
C. Chal/neling LyCt'um. Channeling is the rebuilding their libr.lry.
sphere of mysticism thm enables onc to focus Rl..."Ccntly. a small continbTCnt ofAesthetics from
energy through the body. allowing one to per- the Great Libmry of Palanthas ilrrivL>d at the
form tremendous feats of abrility and strenbrth. As Cit,ldel, brinbring with them a collection of mrc
the magic of channeling focuses hcavily upon the and ancient tomes. particuhITly denling with hell-
physiall body. this lyceum has multiple b')'mnasi- ing, spirituality, and v'lrious scriptures of
urns, sparring rooms. and other practice rooms Mishaklll, which they have donated to the
for not only practicing magic. but also for prac- Citadel. In relllrn for their hlTgesse, the Cilildel
ticing with various anns lind armors. has ab'Teed to allow a few of the Aesthetics 10
D. Healil/g Lyceum. Perhaps the most n..-'Spect~ remain behind to both work in the library and to
ed mystic sphere is the sphere of healing. and at tend to a small, private shrine in Gilean's honor.
the Citadel of Light. this regard borders on rever- H Scmilivily Lyceum. Sensitivity is closely
ence. As Goldmoon was .1 priestess of Misbakal, akin to divination, being a sphere of mysticism
the bTOddl..."Ss of healing, belore the dis:lppear.lllce that '1l1ows one to see across b'Teat distances, to
of the gods. and the sphere of healing was the c;ltch glimpses of the past and the future, to read
first to be disl.'Overed during the Firth Age. the auras. and to detect thillb'S that others might not
study of the healing sphere has always been one see. This lyceum lilso houses the Hall of
of the primary focuses of the Citadel. Besides Audience, where individuals can come to the
sClVing as a place to learn and sharpen healing Citadel and petitioll for Hdmitt.l1lce, to ask for aid,
skills, this lyceum :llso has the Healing H:II1, II or counsel.
hospice where the wounded are treated with I. Spin/((al/slll Lyceum. Spiritualism is the flip
gre-at cITe. side of the coin from the mystic sphere of necro-
A shrine to Mishakal lllways been located mancy. for where necromancy deals with corpo-
in the Healing Lyceum. but now alII for.1 temple, real deml, spirituHlism deals with the intangible,
built not only to honor the goddess of healing. incorporeal spirits of the dead. Ironically. it was
but to honor the memory of Goldmoon, who also in this lyceum in which the Citadel Mystics
never truly lost her filith in her belovcd goddess. created shrines to the True Gods. Both the Gods
£. Grand Lyceum. The primary buildingoflhe of Light and the Gods of B'llance were honored,
Citadel is the Grand Lyceum. 111e Walk leads and now that the True Gods have retumed. it is a
directly to the Grand Lyceum. which selVes as certainty that the shrines will be rebuilt, with cler-
the hean of the Citadel. Reception areas. b'uest ics walking side-by-side and working with the
quarters, and 'In orphanage are all housed Citadel Mystics.
beneath the largest of the domes. 111e Grand 6. TIle Hedge Maze. Within the ring formed
Lyceum W.IS .llso where the First Mother. by the domes of the Cit.idel dLight is the Hcdge
Goldmoon, had her room.•md the silver dmgon. Maze. This mllze was a gin to Goldmoon from
Mirror. had his lair. Now, the Gr.llld Lyceum is Laurana. who sent QlIalincsli woodshapers to
being rebuilt, and although Goldmoon has passed create thc maze around the Silver Stair.
on, the Citadel Mystics are honoring her memo- More decorative than filllctiollal as a derensive
'Y- measure, the maze consists of fragrant trees and
F. ""ed/totion Lyccum. WherC' channeling hedges forming concentric circles. '1110se who
focuses magic through the body, the sphere of cnter the maze find thllt it is never the SillllC
meditation focuses magic through the mind, twice, for the paths wiJI twist and reshape them-
dC<lring thought and calling upon wisdom and selves without lIny apparent pattern; yet, the
insight from within. ror those wishing priv:ll.j' to entrance C"l11 always be found with ease. 11lOse
merely wishing to walk the m31'..e for nothing
154 ~ CHAPtER-F0UR
more than ple:lsure find themselves walking into Experlise. Dieh:ml. Endurance. Honor-bound.
wherever it was they wished to bY{), whether to the Improved Initiative. Iron Will. Leadership.
Silver St;\ir :l( the center or to the Pond, or mere- Weapon Focus (longsword)-. We'lpon
ly 011 a path that lc:.tds right back to the cntram.'C. Specialization (Iongsword). rbonus f(".It from War
On the other hand. those wishing to walk the domain.)
Silver Stairs as a prelude to elltering the order of Aura of Cour:.lge (Su): A Knight of the Sword
the Citadel ~'Iystics will find that th(.')' must use gdins a +4 morale bonus ag-dinst feu cfft..'<.1:s. Allies
their mysti<.'al abilities in order to traverse the within to ft. of the Knight of the Sword g:.lin a +4
path until they come to the center of the m;17,.e. morale bonus agdinst those effects :IS well. 'Illis
After the aHack by Bcryllinthmnox's forces. the does not stack with knit,.>htly coumge.
Hedge 1\ laze was completely r::lZt.-'d, lca\,jng only Aum of Good (Ex): 'Ine power of a Knight of
scorched and twisted bmndlCS to mark where the Ihe Sword's aura of good (see the detect gtxKl
maze once stood. Yet. between the m:lb';cs woven spell) is equal to 8th IC\·el.
by the woodshapers thai first buill the lllX'..c and Knighl1y Courage (Su): A Knight of the Crown
the magics of the Citadel 1\ lySlics. the 11l:t7..e is g.lins a +2 momle bonus to her saves \·s fear
beg;nning 10 "''TOw once more. the first blooms effects. 111is does not stack wilh aurd of coumge.
and shoots already sireldling up C'dblCr1y towards Smite Evil (Su): Twice per day. a Knib>tll of the
the heavens. Sword may attempt to smite evil with one nonnal
7. The Sih·er Stair. "Inc Silver Siair is Iypically melee attack. She adds +2 to her attack and deals
are im'isible to lhe naked eye. excepl on certain 6 cxtm points damat,.re. If the Knight accidentally
night, when it appears as a filim and ghostly stair- smiles a creature that is nOI C\·il. the smite has no
way spiraling endlessly upward IOward the heav- effect bUI is still used up for thal day.
ens. Before Ihe Chaos War. the Siair was visible Strength of Honor (Su): Once per day as a free
.....hcnt..·ver Solinari was full. but after the disap- action. a Knight of the Crown can g<1in a +4
pearance of the gods. the stairway appe-.ucd each morale bonus to her Strent,.rth score for 5 rounds.
night benC'dth the lib>tu oflhe str-mge new moon. Spells: As 8th level cleric.
Following the return oflhe brods. the Stair is visi- Cleric Spells Prt..1Xtrcd (6/5+V4+V3+V2+1:
ble whenever it is struck by moonlight. save DC 12 + spcllle\'e1): O-detect magic. t,.ruid-
1110se who aHempt 10 ascend the Silver Stair anee, light. purify food :llld drink. resislance.
are said to be able to Conch a flt..'Cting t,.rlimpse of virtue: 1st-bless. command. cndure clements.
the future, to st.-e :1 vision ofwhat has gone before. mat,.rlc \\'eapon-. sanctuary. shield of filith: 2nd-
or to reexperiencc a memory from another's per- aid-, hull's strellbrth. cagle's splendor. lesser
spective. 'nlOse who ascend the Stairs for person- restoration. wne of tmth: 3rd-da)'liglu. m:lt,.r1C
al gdin. hiding darkness within Iheir hearts, find circle ag;linst evil-. removc blindness/deafilcss.
their filt;ades stripped ;lway as they :uc forced 10 searing light: 41h--<Iivine power-. ncutralize poi-
see Ihe truth of their wickedness. 'nlOse who son. resloralion.
ascend the Stairs seeking enlightenlllent arc test- -Domain spell.
ed 10 S(''C if they have Ihe strength 10 handle the Domains: Good (Clst brood spells at + 1 caSler
truth. 10 accept what cannot be changed. and to level). War (Bonus feats with deily's fiwored
be prcp:mxl 10 do whut it 1;lkes 10 chanbre what weapon). Casler level 8th.
must be. No matter wh.lI happcns. those who Turn Undc:ld (Su): '111e Knighl of the Sword
ascend Ihe Silver Stair return c1lilllbrcd by Ihe may Illrn undead as a 71h level cleric. :md may use
experience. this ability 5 limes a day.
Possessiolls- +2filII pltllt'. +2 hell"V)' Slt't·/ s/lidd. +2
Lady Camilla Wcoledge /ollgsu.;onl, lonbrbow. quiver w/20 +11II7TJWS. nilg
Female hum:lIl Clr 2/Ftr 4/Crowll VSword 6: 0/ prollXlion +2, c!()(lk 0/ resisl/mlt' +2. hc:.lVy
CR 13: Medium-sized humanoid (human): HD warhorse with 1ll:1sterwork banded mail barding.
&l8+5dI0+52: hp 136: Init +5; Spd 20 ft.: AC 27 med:lllion offaith (Kiri:lolith)
(touch 13. fl:ll-foowd 26): Atk +14/+9 melee
(ld8+5/19-20. +210nb'Sword) or +12/+7 ranged During the War of Souls. Lady \\'eolt:dge was the
(ld8+Vx3.10l1b>t)(mr w/+1 arrow); SA spells: SQ senior knight altached to the Solamnic circle in
aura of courdgc. aura of good. knightly courdge. Schallsea. She commandt..'<! a g.mison of two-
smite evil 2/day. strenbtth of honor. tum undead: do<' knights and one hundred soldiers whose
AL LG: SV Fort +16. Ref +5. Will +13: Sir 12. orders were to support :llld protect Goldmoon
De>: 12. Con 18. lot 14. Wis 15. Cha 15. Height 5 and her mystics.
ft.ltin. The Weoledges are a noble family from
S/<l1& Qud Fmt.r. Qimb +5. Concclllration +14. Portsmith in Coastlund. Camilla's eldest sibling.
Diplomacy +12. Heal +7. Imimidate +9. Jump Kastil. joined the Solamnic Knib>htS. Camilla. the
+5. Knowledf:,''C (nobility and royally) +10, youngest of the f.'lmily. \\~dS supposed to become
Knowledge (religion) + 10. Listen +6. Ride +9, a priestess of Kiri-Jolilh. Kastil found life in the
Sense ~fotive +7. SPOI +4; Alertness. Combat
Knighthood too rigid and austere for his liking

Ci"ti ES. S"tR.OnGHOLDS fr R,yi ns C'oL> 155

and abandoned his post only a few weeks after Camilla and her knights led the battle against
being accepted :L,> a squire. Young Camilla begged the dmgons and the attacking draconians. Having
her f.1ther,s permission to leave her clerical stud- long prepared for such an assault, the knights
ies and take Kast'il's pbcc in the Knighthood. were able to repel the enemy and drive them into
The clerics agreed that the strapping, strong- the sell, although the Citadel itself was left in
willed young woman was wholly unsuitable to rums,
the priesthood. Camilla entered the Knighthood Camilla has since learned the truth about
during the dark days of the Chaos War. She was Goldmoon from Il:llin M:yere, who related how
knighted long aHer the Second Cataclysm. On Goldmoon remained true to her beliefs, refusing
the day Lady Weoledge joined the Order of the to renOUllce the brads even though her filith cost
Sword, dragons battled each other across the her life. Although Camilla rejoices in the return of
skies overhead. the gods, she has chosen to remain on Schallsea,
Camilla's first command was on Schallsea, She assisting the mystics with the rebuilding of the
was ordered by the Solamnic High Council to Citadel of Light, which Camilla hopes will be
protect the fledgling Citadel of Light. At first, dedicated to Goldmoon,
\Veoledge WllS at odds with Goldmoon's mission
Blister Nimblefingers
to master and teach the new healing magic of
mysticism. Camilla felt that the new mabric of the Fcmale amicted kender Rog9/Mys3: CR 12; AL
heart was intended to push people away from the Neutral good; Small humanoid; HD 9d6+18
gods, who were the single true source of wisdom (Rog) plus 3d8+6 (Mys); hI' 69; Init +4; Spd 20
and power, ft.; AC 20 (15 touch, 16 flatfooted); Atk +9/+4
Her feeling soon changed when she met the melee (ld3-l/;<.2, spiked g,luntlet) and +16/+11
charming Silvanesti elf. Gail' Greymist, one of ranged (ld3+ Vx2, +2 seekillg slillg, or +17 ranged
Goldmoon's gifted mystics. While Camilla still (special. net o/sllfln'llg +.1); SA Sneak attack +5d6,
maintained that the use of mysticism was wrong, spells; SQ Evasion, improved uncanny dodbrc,
she began to listen to Gair's persuasive arguments trapfinding, trap sense +3, cold resistance 10
and to think there might be something to them. (lentllernmlOf}; SV Fort +9, Ref + 12, Will + 10; Str
She also grew to learn more about Gold moon, 9, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 13.
who still considered herself a disciple of Slnlls nnd Fents: Balance + 11, Bluff +6, Climb
Mishaka1. and who explained to Camilla that the +3, Conccntration +11, Diplomacy +5, Disable
mysticism would never supplant Goldmoon's Device +12, Escape Artist +13, Gathcr
efforts to teach the pt.'Ople of the gods' wisdom. Information +6, Heal +9, Hide + 13, Intimidate
Eventually, Gair's descent into experiments with +3,Jump +8, Knowledgc (arcana) +4, Listen + 10,
necromancy showed Camilla that evil lay in the Move Silently +14, Open Lock +15, Search +8,
hearts of men, not in the new magic. Sense Motive +8, Sieigiu of Hand +16, Spellcraft
Camilla and Goldmoon bceame f.1st friends. +4, Spot +12, Tumble +13; Alertncss, Combat
When the High Council approached Camilla Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net),
with an offer of a new post, she turn<..>!J it down, Nimble Fin!,TCrs, Still Spell.
opting to remain in SchaJlsea to learn more about Sneak Attack (Ex): Ifa rogue's target would be
the power of the heart, While Camilla believed denied his Dexterity bonus to AC (whether he
that mysticism still posed a threat to the worship actually has a bonus or not), or when the rogue
of the true gods, she respected and trusted flanks her target, the rogue's attack deals +Sd6
Goldmoon, points of extra damage, If the attack scores a crit-
lous, when the great storm ofTakhisis swept ical hit, this exira damage is not multipli<:d,
over the land and the elderly Goldmoon was sud- Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if
denly restored to youth and beauty, Camilla was the target is within 30 feel. With a sap or an
surprised and troubled by Goldmoon's refusal to ummned strike, the rogue can make a sneak
accept this as a miracle, When Goldmoon, drawn attack thm deals subdual damage instcad of nor-
by Takhisis to follow the river of Souls, fled m,ll damage, She cannot use a weapon that dCl.lls
Schallsea just as the dra!,'On Beryl and her min- normlll damage to deal subdual damage with a
ions were attacking, Camj))a was shocked, She attack. A rogue can sneak attack only living
could only believe that Goldmoon had aban- creatures with discernable anatomies, Any crea-
doned those who were counting on her in their ture that is immune to critical hits is not vulnera-
hour of need. Camilla's faith and trust in ble to snC'ak attacks. The rogue must be able to
Goldmoon were shattered. SL"C the target well enough to pick out a vital spot
and must be able to reach a vital spot. '111e rogue

156""' CHAP"tE",F0UR
cannot sneak attack while striking II creature with penalty to the Concentrntion attempt made to
concealment or striking the limbs of a ere-dIme a spell while trapped in the net. a DC of 23
whose vitals are beyond reach. to the Escape Artist attempts. and a DC 28 to
Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any cfTC(:t that nor- Strength checks attempting to burst free of the
mally allows a Reflex save for half dam:lge. the net.
rogue takes no dam3 b'C on a successful saving TI,e magic of the net also enables il to be used
throw. effectively on creatures two size c:.uq,l'()rics differ-
lmprovcd Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The ro!,'tl1c ent, thus a Small character can entangle
maintains her Dexterity bonus to AC when Diminutive. Tiny. Small. Medium, or Large crC-d-
caught flatfooted. but not when immobilized. The tures.
rogue cannot be flanked. nor can she be sneak Aura: minor transmutation; CL: 5th;
attacked by being flanked unless the attacker has fut-equiriles: Craft Magic Anns and Armors.
al least 4 morc levels than the rogue. eIIlanglr. Markl Prier: l2.320 stl (+1). 18.320 stl
Trapfinding (Ex): Rogues can use the Search (+2). 28,320 s~ (+3). 42,320 s~ (+4). 60.320 s~
skill 10 locate traps when the task has a DC high- (+5); Cosllo Cn-olt': 6.160 stl + 493 xp (+1). 9.160
er than 20. Finding a nonmagiC'J,l trap has a DC stl + 733 xp (+2), 14.160 stl + 1132 xp (+3).
of at least 20. higher if it is well hidden. Finding a 21.160 stl + 1693 xp (+4). 30.320 stl + 2413 xp
magic trnp has a DC of25 + the level of the spell (+5).
used 10 create it. Rogues can use the Disable
Device skill to disann magic trnps. Disabling a It was chance that broubrtlt the kender to a tomb
magic trnp has a DC of25 + the level of the spell honoring the Knights who died in the Chaos War.
used to create iI. A fObrue who beats a trap's DC Chance. too, that she saw the spirit of Coldmoon
by 10 or more with a Disable Device dleck can there and soon after felt compelled to become
study a trap. fil,rure out how it works. and bypass one of the famed mystic's champions. She
it (with her party) without disamling il. believes it was also dmnce that took her 10
Trap Sense (Ex): The rogue has an intuitive Schallsea Island and led her down the path of
sense that alens her to danger from traps. l,rlving healing magic. In faet. Blister contends that
her a +3 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid chance-good luck and bad-is pretty much
traps and a +3 dodb>e bonus to AC against atlacks responsible for everything in her very eventful life.
by traps. TIlough on the f...r side of middle-al,te. Blister
Afflicted Kender Trnits (Ex): + I mcial bonus evidences a youthfid exubcr.l.nce. especially for
to all saving throws: +2 mcial bonus to Spot. her cleric-related work and studies. She is rela-
Open Locks. Sleight of I-land. Climb, Hide.Jump. tively new to the mystical arts. :\1 least compared
and Move Silently with those people of a similar abte who study on
/Illystic Spells Known (6/6: base DC = 13 + spell Schallsea Island. Somctimes the magic comes
level): 0 - em? mi110rWOllflds. delee! poiSOli, gllldaflce, hard for her. and it draills her mentally and phys-
light, mending. 1st - ew? ligM wowlds" magic .rtone, ically. Still. she is determined to 1l1;ISler it so she
remuveflar. can help others on Kl)'l1n and make up for her
.. Domain spel1. Domain: Healing (C;\SIS heal- past indiscretions.
ing spells at + 1 casler level). In her youth, Blister eng:lgcd in shadowy pur·
Possessions: IxJg ofholdillg (fypc II). Imlhcr amlor suits. and she made her way in the world at Ihe
oj cold mirlmlce +3, lIeI of smmilg +3. +2 see!uilg expense of folks with bulging coin pouches and
sltilg, specialized gloves (a series of specialized open windows. 1110ugh it was typicll kender
gloves desib'11ed for various tasks. brn\nting ;] +2 curiosity that drew her into Illany .1 vacant home.
circumstance bonus to :my hand-related she admits there was a touch of greed involved.
Dexterity checks), spiked g-.lUntlets. miscellaneous Blister ;t1ways worried where her next meal would
other equipment found in her pouches. come from and ifshe would have enoub.Jl coin to
let of Snaring: A flel ofman'lIg has been mag- buy lodging and clothes. It was one of those
ically enhanced to enable it to better ensnare and thieving expeditions that g" her the name
entrnp creatures. lnese nets c-.m mnge from an "Blister.- There was a chest with a lock in a base--
enhancement bonus rnnging from + 1 through +5. mente and because the chcst had a lock. and
The bonus natur.l.l1y increases he user's attack rat- because il was filled with something-so she had
ing, but the bonus also applies to the modifier by to open it. The something might be pretty or deli-
trapped victims to escape or cast spells. For cious-certainly the something needed to be seen.
example. a lui ofsl/(m'ng +3 grants its user a +3 And it might gi\·e up steel pieces to pay for a C(YL.y
bonus to attack with the net. while inflicting a -3 room at an inn. So she tackk"Ci the lock. a task she

Ci1'iES. S1'R,OnGHOLDS fr Ryins ~ 157

was very good al. However, she fililed to notice lcewall Glacier, or Icereach, bebrins just south
that this particular chest was also tT'<lpped, It of the outpOSI of Zcriak in the Plains of Dust and
SpT'<lyed acid on her hands-hurtful, disfiguring extends many miles to the south. \Vhile there is
acid that b'lmrled her fingers to look like birds' lillIe doubt that the glacier covers tundra near its
feet. Twisted .md blistered, her hands pllined her northern border, the ice becomes nearly a mile
for decades, and she hid them inside gloves so no thick f;lrther south, its surfilce marked with cIt....
one would sec her foolishness. 'lasses and caves that drop suddenly away into
Blister is fitr from a typical kender, apt to frown the depths. TIlese caves also serve as a primary
or appear stoic more than she is apt 10 laugh or fOClls of the vision quests for many oflhe Ice Folk
smile. Her uncharacteristic serious side was born youth, who adventure into the caves. Those that
when she injured her hands, .md it WllS nur- return report irnpenetr.lble darkness after
tured when the J:,lTeat Dragon Overlords reaching depths of 100 yards with no end to
arrived and devastated the I:tnd, So many the eaves in sight. Those few who venture
kender - so many people of so many further into the depths seldom return.
races - died right in frolll of her eyes. lccreach is home to the, or walms·
Homes were destroyed, villages men. and the Ice Folk, an enclave of
laid low. There was certainly noth- hlllmlll b'lTb'lrians.
ing 10 be cheerful about. Still, Icereach extends ne'lrly twO
Blister wasn't .l!lOut to r"rive up hundr(,'(1 miles to the south where it
entirely. Determined to make her meets the Icewall, a towering cliff
way in the world-and this time hundreds of feet in height,
without stealing from others- capped by Ice Wall Castle.
she beg-an traveling, buying 'me cliff was produced by
only wh'lt she needed to the compaction of ice mov-
sunrive and working OCClI- ing northward ag:.linst the
sional odd jobs to legiti- shoreline as the glaciers expanded. 'illC
mately come b}' coins. region is blanketed by chill air and fierce
Her travels took her to the Last blizzards yellr round, with the sun sel-
Heroes' Tomb. And from there she dom rising abow the horizon. 'Ille Icc
became part of a rag-tag band that Folk and thanoi battle with e.lCh other
worked against the Dragon ,md the clements in order to sllnrive in
Overlords. this bleak climate, competing for the
During those long months, scarce resources. In addition to hunting
Blister was able to spend some the ice bears, seals, rhemoraz and other
time with Goldmoon. }\nd on native cre,ltures, both the thanoi and
one of those OCCllsions, the filmed Ice Folk fish in the shallow frozen lakt'S
healer made her realii'..c the scars in her mind that dot the surfilce of the glacier. The glacier is
were worse than the ones on her hands. 'nle pain also horne to :l number of peat mines, which the
she felt when she moved her fingers wasn't rell!. lee Folk use as II fuel source. The mines arc local-
Now Blister easily moves her fingers and h.mds- ed on raised arens of land within the glacier that
though they are still twisted and birdlike. And she were origimilly islands before the Cataclysm.
only wears gloves when the weather turns cold. lcewall Cilstle served as the home to the white
dragon, Sleet, and the \Vhite Dragonarmy during
• the \Var of the Lnllce. Some remnants of the
ICEWALL dragonarmy remained in the rer"rion following the
war, and Sleet occupied the dlstle ulltil the arrival
The IcewalJ Glacier covers the sOllthern tip ofthc
of Frisindi.l and Cryonisis-knowll .IS Freeze and
continent of Ansalon. 'nle glacier is the result of
Ice by men-during the time of the DrabIDn Purge.
an expanding polar icc cap that has r,,'Town signif-
'Illese twin white dragons slew the lesser"rons
icantly over the last thousand years. The ice had
in the rer"rion. nnd divided lcewall into two king-
not reached the Ansalonian mainland until the
doms, with the Icewall Castle l11:lrking the
Cataclysm, when the ice cap expanded sir,,'llifi-
boundary between the sisters' domains. The
dUlIly to cover the southernmost tip of the Plains"lDns command several ler"rions of thanoi min·
of Dust. 'n,e mte of advance has slowed since
ions as well as n small contlnr,,>ent of Sivak dr.tCD-
then. but the Icewall Glacier continues its slow
nians that operate out of Ice Wall Caslle. Beyond
march northward to this day.
the Icc \Vall, some ancient maps claim that an

CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS fr Ryins ~
undergrollnd land c:.lllcd Choranc exists at the west. Do:r.-Cns of ships are trapp<.'<! in a cove along
south pole. some 500 miles 10 the south. The exis- the bay's eastern short.'5 where they were strand-
tence of this civili.. . .mion is widely discoUlltL-xI, ed during lhe Cataclysm. Several of these ships
since it is vicwL--d as impossible that anything may be se:lwonhy, if they c.m be freed from the
could survive in the wasteland south of the Ice ice and retumed to the w:lter. Additionally. scver-
Wall. al small fishing vil1ab"CS may exist along the coast.
111C Icc Fblk continue to eke Qut :10 existence
in this desolate land, appealing unsuccessfully 10
the dw:l,n.'es of "l'norhardin and the humans in Ryirrs
Tarsis for aid in their stmggle with the th:lnoi.
Scanered across the continent lie many ruins. a
The presence of the Dmgon Overlords has made
number of which have n<....'cr successfully been
their struggle with the walrus men sib'llificantly
more difficult. As a rcsuh of the presence of the explored. Whether throub,fl natural disaster-such
as Ihe Cataclysm. the Chaos War, the dcpreda-
twin Overlords. the J.,r1acicrs have slowly crept fur-
tions of the D"'J.gon Ovcrlords, W".lr, famine, or
ther nonh. However. the dragons' attempts to
timc. many ruins lay long forgonen.
expand their control into the Plains of Dust have
The following are a number of ruins that are
been unsuccessful. With the demise of several
Ialked about in ne-.lrly C"ery tavern in the land. for
Dlher Dra!,1()ll Overlords. it is cen;l;n Ihal Frec-J'.e
C:lch of these ruins is said to possess gre:;n treas-
and Ice will try 10 extend their influence nonh.
ure or the answer 10 some ancient mystery. but
J. Ice Wall Castle. lcewall Castle is the remains
of a slruClure that datcs back to pre-Cataclysmic only to those bra\'e enough and strong enoub'h to
find them and the survive the risks in Iheir explo-
limes. perched on the edge of the gre:;lt cliff. 'l'ne
castle's major feature is a crumbling w~tchtowcr
that rises two hundred fcct into the air and oITers
a commanding view of the surrounding territory. ARiAK.An'S REST
111e tower is in the southe:;tst corner of the coun- Unholy Site
yard. which houses scvefill other buildinb'S in var- Ariakan's Rest is a shrine within a mountain elVe
ious simes of ruin. as well ;IS a mab,;c'dl fountain in the Khalkist l\IOllnt.lins nelr the city ofNerak:l.
with healing properties in its center. 1l1e slore- h W:1S here that Ariakan encountered the Dark
room is connCCl<.'(1 by 'd tunnel to a cave th:lt Warrior. and the Knights ofTakhisis were born.
holds the frozen body of a Knight ofSo1:unnia on After Ariakan's release by the Knights of
the back of a gold dr::1b'On. Swirs from the watch- Solamnia, he rode alit on the Solamnic Plain.
tower to Ihe lower reaches reve:ll a system of After much tr:wel. he eventually brot lost. and
caves with seveml large C:lVerns, where the dmg- found himself;n a blizzard. Ariakan pr::lye<1 to his
ons store their meager treasure. A g:lrrison of mother. Zcboim, for aid through this time. He
more than a hundr<.'(1 veteran Sivak draconians. found a trail of seashells in the snow, which led
led by Fmnatik (Sivak draconian male Ftr7/Sor7: him to a C:lvern. Here. he found wood for a fire
AI.. NE), and seveml dozen th:llloi guard the t.':.lS- and food waiting fol' him.
tIe. Ariakan awoke from slumber to find the Dark
2. Ice Folk Camp. '111e main Ice Folk c:ltllp Ii!..,,!! Warrior, an aspect of'l1lkhisis. sharing his fire.
approximately twenty-five miles north of ICCW:11l Ariakan told the Dark Warrior of his dremn to
castle. 'nlC camp lies imm<.'<!i:ncly south of a cre- fonn a new knighthood lhat would eventually
vasse :lIld has a glare-icc harbor for the iceboats supplant the Knights ofSohlmnia and bt."COme the
used by the folk on its eastern side. A ten-foot force of order in Kf)'lln. Takhisis was
high w'dll of packed snow separates the small pleased by Ariakan's plan. and the Knibrllts of
huts, chieftain's tent, and Ihe h<''alcr's hut from the Takhisis were born.
harbor. A sea of deeply drifted snow lies to the Since this time, this mountain C:1\·e has become
south ofthe encampment, built up by a drifts driv- known as Ariak:lll's Rest. Ariakan had the cave
ing against a rib-bone snow fence protecting the transformed il1lo a place ofworship and reflection
southern end of the camp. for his knights. Outcast dwan'CS in service of the
3. lee Mountain Bay. 111e bay is seventy-five Knights of T;lkhisis helped to shape the stone
miles wide at its widest point, and scparates the within the Chamber ofTakhisis and the Chamber
western ponion of the Icewall Glacier from the of Zeboim. Ariakan was reputed to have visited
Kharolis mountain range to the north. During the this shrine each )'ear on the anniversary of his
summer months, immensc icd>crgs break oIT of meeting with the Dark W:lrrior.
the glacier and float toward the Simon Sea. to the

CitiES. StR.OnGHOLDS &- Ryins '""'.159

The opening to this cave stmcture is large 3. Chamber ofZcboim. Another cave leads off
enough to fit two dragons side-by-side. 'Illis to the right of the Chamber of Shadow to II small
opening leads to a deep cm'ern, which grows chamber that houses a shrine dedicated to
darker the deeper one goes, until it finally opens Ariakan's mother. the goddess Zeboim. A small
to a chamber large enough to hold several drag- waterfall mns through this cavern, which ends in
ons. This Chamber of Shadows has two pasSilges a stream thilt nows outside of this chamber. The
that lead to smaller chambers, one to the leli and entire noor is covered with seashclls. A statue of
One to the right. 11)e Chamber of Takhisis and a Dragon Turtle has been placed at the edge of
the Chamber of Zeboim serve as shrines to the the waterf.'lll, so that the water nms over it. This
respective !,rods ofthe Knights Of'l1:lkhisis, and are statue is said to be of dwarven make. Knights
places for dark knights to worship. and to find who visit Ariakan's Rest come to this chamber in
inspiration. respect for Ariakan's mother, Zeboim, on the day
Palin Mnjere and thc Shadow Sorcerer came to of the year Ihat Zeboim is honored by the
this chamber. whcn the Heroes ofthe He-art were Knights ofTakhisis.
attempting to stop Takhisis from returning to the
world of Krynn. The Shadow Sorcerer turned on nA Li 5 ARJOIT. ntH E LAK.!O
Palin, and attacked him. During the battle. Palin
discovered that the Shadow Sorcerer was a
woman. He escaped through the paths of magic Once considered one of the gems of Anslllon.
to the Tower of High Sorcery at Wayreth. Palin QU;llinost was one of the most beautiful cities
never saw beyond the central Chamber of ever built by mortal hands. The capitill of the
Shadow. and is unaware that anything lies Qualinesti elves, the city was intended to co-exist
beyond. harmoniously with nature, so that one could
After the Chaos War, the Knights of Takhisis scmely tell where buildings ended and forest
venture to Ariakan's Rest less and less. Only began.
knights who follow the path or tme honor. and For thousands of years, Qualinost stood as a
who are dedicated to the ideals of Ariakan, ven- proud monumelll of the Qualinesti people.
ture to this cavern. Having long hated the elves, Tllkhisis determined
There is some speculation that Ariakan's Rest that the first thing she would do when she came
is the fimll resting place of Takhisis, though Ihis to power was to bring down the elven nation.
has no basis in truth. Qualinost must fall. 'nlkhisis struck two blows at
I. Chamber of Shadow. This chamber is the the same time, bringing down the green Dragon
very heart and center of Ariakan's Rest. The Overlord, Beryllinthranox, and lIsing the dragon's
chamber is large enough for several dragons. The death throes to destroy the ancestml homelilnd of
chamber is lit by twelve magical torches that do the beloved children of Paladine.
not produce heat or smoke. Echoing voices of As Laurana stmck the f.'ltal blow against the
long-dead Knights of Takhisis can be heard, call- dragon, Tahkisis guided the elven arrows to strike
ing to those who venture to Ariakan's rest. chal- the Green Menace and enilbled the e1ven sorcery
len!,ring their honor and loyalty to Takhisis. to function. Beryllinthmnox fell from the air and
2. Chamber ofTakhisis. A cave leads off to the as her massive body struck the ground, secret
leli of the Chamber ofShadow to a chamber that tunnels located beneath the city collapsed. Since
houses a shrine dedicated to Queen Takhisis. TIle Qualinost had been built in a cmdle formed by
center of this shrine is a dmgon-shaped altar with branching streams of the White-Rage River, Ihe
5 heads, one of each color of chromatic dmgon, collapse and the resultant tremors caused the
rising above it. Prior to the War of Souls, an eerie White-Rage River to leave its banks. The settling
light could be seen emanating from the Altar of of the land combined with the naturally soli soil
Takhisis. With the passing of the Dragon Queen of the valley formed a VilSt depression that was
from the world, the light of the altar is cxtin- quickly filled by rushing torrents of the White-
guished, and torches now light the way. TIle Rage River. Now, where the beautifill city of
Chamber ofTakhisis is designed to be a phlce or Qualinost once stood. therc is a massive crater
worship and contemplation for Knights of lake.
Takhisis. On the wall of this chamber, the Blood TIle elves who had remained in the city to
Oath was inscribed by the hand of Ariakan him- fight the Grcen Menace and the dwarves who
self. Various scenes are cill"Ved out of the walls had remained in the tunnels to ensure the safe
themselves, depicting the Knights ofTakhisis. eSCllpe of the elves, all died within the span of a
few moments. drowned in the rushing water.

160 ~ CHAPTER..FeuR
It is said that their spirits stiJ1linger there. Even No living elf has been seen on the shores oCthe
after the defeat ofthe Dark Queen, when the spir- Lake ofOe'.lth since the death of Beryllinthmnox.
its were free to travel along the River of Souls and The forest to the east. was claimed by Captain
enter the next life. many of those who died in Samuval. who parceled out the land as reward to
Qualinos! that fateful day could not bear to leave his followers. With the elves gone. the humans
the place where their beloved city once stood. are cutting down the forests the elves loved, dear-
The lake is known as Nabs Ami, the "Lake of ing the land. preparing it for f.1.nning and settling.

Death. Roughly triangular in shape, the lake fills The western forest has become home to a ris-
the entire valley. TIle south end lake, about two ing goblin nation. formed under Beryllinthranox's
miles across, laps the foothills of the jagbJ'L>d peaks reign and now growing strong under a mysterious
of the Kharolis mountains. The lake extends two leader. who has managed to unite goblins and
miles north from thaI point. hobgoblins and tmin them into a disciplined.
The waters of the lake are murky and dark. well-anned and well-trained fighting force.
nearly impossible to see through, although it is Neither humans nor goblins will approach the
said that when Solinari, the silver moon, is full, shores of Nalis Aren. for it is whispered that the
one can make out the Tower of the Sun shining spirits of the elves and their enemies continue to
ghostly in the darkness. A thin mist covers the do battle in the mists over the lake. and that
entire lake at all times, day and night. rebrardless sometimes, the roar a great dragon can be heard
of the season. Even on the hottest summer day. over the howling winds of the night.
the air around the lake is chill. the water so cold
that it freezes the marrow of the bones.
Trees and plants destroyed in the nood have Female QuaJinesti Nbl 7/Ftr 3/Legendary
once more started to grow around the lake. Tactician 3/Master Ambassador 3: CR 16;
Nothing grows on the shore. however. No animal Medium-size humanoid (elf); HO
will drink its water. IOd8+3dlO+3d6+32: hp 117: !nit +3; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 13 (touch 13, Oat-footed 10); Atk
+17/+12/+7 melee (ld6+4/19-20. +3 sllOrt

Ci-tiES, S-tR..OnCHOlDS fr R,yins ~ 161

m;ord); SQ Bonus class skill (Move Silently), Inspire Confidence: l"e noble C"Jn use omto-
coordinate +1, direct troops, eh'ensi~..h t, favor +3, ry to inspire confidcnce in allies (not herself), bol-
favored embassy (Qualinost). insightfiil acclima- stering them and improving their dlanccs of suc-
tion, inspirc confidence 2/day, inspire cour::1b'C cess. An ally must listen to and obsen'e the noble
(+2, Vday), 1C'J.dership bonus +2. Qu:tlinesti for a full round for the inspiration to take hold.
traits, relinue + I: AL IG; SV Fan + 11. Ref + 11. The effect lasts for 5 rounds. The noble can

\Vill +14. HeighlS'6 Weight 115lbs.

, inspire 2 allies at a time. An ally inspired with
SJl?U & F(IIIs:. Appmise +9, Bluff +21. Oimb confidence g"Jins a +2 morale bonus on saving
+5. Decipher ScriPI +7. Diplomacy +23, Forgery throws and a +1 momle bonus on attack and
+7, Gather Infoml:uion +9. Intimidate +19.Jump weapon damage rolls.
+4. Knowledge (history) +9. Knowledb'C (nobility Inspire Courage (Su): A legendary tactician
& royalty) + 12. Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Ride can inspire courage is her allies (including her·
+14, Se-J.rch +6, Sense Motive +17. Spot +5. self) twice per day, bolstering them ag:linst fear
Swim +5; Charming, Heroic Surge, Iron Will. imd improving their combat abilities. To be aflCct-
Leadership, Resist Dl"db'Onfear, Spear of Doom. cd. an ~llJy must be able (Q he~lr the legendary taco
Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Pocus (shon tician speak. The eflcct hlsts as long as the ally
sword). hears the lCb'Cndary tactician continue to speak
Coordinate: 'nle noble has a knack for gclt'ing and for 5 rounds thercarter. While speaking. the
people to work tOb'Cther. When she can aid oth- legendary tactician em fight but C3nnot C3st
ers and give directions. she provides :1 +3 total spells. activatc magic items by spell completion
bonus to the task at hand by making an aid (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic
another dlCCk, instead of the nonnal aid another words (such as w:mds). Affected allies gain a +2
bonus of +2. 'Illis ability can't be uS<.'d to assist in morale bonus on saving throws against chann
combat. and fear effects and a +2 morale bonus to attack
Direct Troops (Su): As a full-round action, a and weapon damabre rolls. Inspire courage is a
legendary tactician can give compelling direc- mind~affecting ability.
tions. She can bestow a +2 competence bonus on Leadership Bonus (Ex): A legendary tactician
either attacks or skill checks to all allies within 30 gains a +2 bonus to her Ie-ddership score, enabling
feet. This bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to him to altract more powerful cohorts and follow·
the legendary t:lctician's Charisma bonus. ecs.
Favor: '''e noble has the ability to C'JII in Qualjnesti TrailS (Ex): Immune to sleep spells
favors from those she knows. To call in a (wor, and effects, +2 on saves against enchantmem
make a (war check (ld20+3). She can usc this effects. + 1 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense
ability t1m.'e times per week, calling in f.wors from l\'lotive checks. +2 bonus on Listen, Search. and
different cont:lctS. The DM sets the DC based 011 Spot checks.
the scope of the fiwor being requested. The DC
ranges from 10 for a simple favor to as high as 25 Youngest of the children of the Speaker or the
for highly dangerous, expcnsive. or iIleg:.11 filvOrs. Suns of Qualinesti. Laur::lIl:l was born Princess
The noble can't take 10 or take 20 on this check. Laumlanthalasa Kanan in 278 AC. She was raiS<."<i
nor can she rctry the check for the same (or vir- with her two older brothers, Porthios and
malJy the same) favor. Gilthanas, and a cousin, Tanis Half-Elvcn, an
Favored Embassy (Ex): A master ambassador orphan taken in by the Slx"aker.
becomes imimately familiar with the political are- Laurana was broub-ht up to fulfill the tradition·
nas [Q which she is assigned (Qllalinost in aI role of ch'en royalty. She was taught all the
Lallrana's case), and learns to adjust to the unique social btraces and was well versed in the arts. She
customs and quirks of courtly life. In this envi- was expected to entertain guests ofher father and
ronment. she brains a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy, see to their comfort. She grew up with the
Gather Infonnation. Knowledge (nobility and intrigues of the e1ven court and was skilled in
royalty) and Sense Motive checks. diplomacy. She was taub-ht the use of weapons.
Insightful Acclimation (Ex): Whenever but only for ceremonial purposes. Beautiful and
Laur-ana is interacting with somebody from a dif- gifted. she was the librtll of her father's eye and
ferent culture. race, political background or reli- was given everything she desired except the one
gion than his own. she may altempt a Sense thing she wantt.-d-she was in love with her
Motive check to g:llher or assemble infonnation cousin, Tanis Half-Elven.
from the individual's body langtl:lb'C, non-verbal
cues, attitude, and cultural quirks.

162 ro.., CHAPTER..F0UR

CiTiES, STROnGHOLDS &< Ryins "'-'
BealUse he was part human, 'Hillis eould never uth \Vistan as commander of the Whitestone
be accepted by Laurana's fil1nily as her suitor. forces. She was Cllled ,'le Golden Geneml~ by
Knowing that his young cousin loved him and her troops for the color of her hair that could be
that such love must tum Olll badly. "[lUllS left seen shining on the battlefield like a bc::lcon light.
Qualinesti to go in sCl.lrch of adventure with his Laumna's love for Tanis was :1 strent,.>1.h. btll it
friend. the dwarf: Flint Fircfo'1.'C. also proved to be her onc wC".J.kncss. Tricked by
Laur.lIla gricvi..'<1 at his departure. but she was Kitiam. Laumna abandoned her forces when they
certain he would be dr:.lwn back (Q his homeland needed her most. She was taken hostab'C by the
and that. when he rcmme<l. his love for her would armies of Darkness and broub-tu before Queen
be strong as ever. Takhisis. Launma's'C and wisdom proved
Tanis did return. bUI to be instrumental in the fall of the Dark Queen.
only to seck the ~ When the war eudl.-d. Tanis and Laumna dis-
help of the elves ~ covered that their love for C"dch other was deep
inthe\Varofthc and abiding. 1'h(,.')' were married after the War
Lance. By this time. of the Lance and had one child. Gilthas.
Tanis was in Im'e with a
.- After the war,
human woman. Kiliar;l, they continued
who had m)'stcrious)y v:m- " their work to bring
ishcd. Laurana was heart- .IOOm unificmion
broken. but she of the races of
was determined Ansalon.
to win him back. figllling a
When Tanis and constant bat-
her brother. tle ag-dinst
Gilthanas. and prejudice and
the other Heroes of ib,,"orance in
the Lance left the eh'cn king- order to make the
dom for Pax '111arkas. continent strong. BOlh
Laurana followed knew that the battle
them in secret. ag;.linst evil could
Away from the never be fully won,
sheltered world of and that brood must
the elvcs. the spoiled be ever vigilant.
little girl was thrust The people
into a world at war. refused to heed
Laurana had to 1,."'OW them and this led in
up filst and she p:1l1 10 Ihe rise of
learn<.'{! to filCC peril the dark knights of
~md hardship with "Ihkhisis. When lhe
courage and intelli- Chaos War broke
gence. Meeting the Ollt, Tanis left his
cleric of !'"Iadine, home to defend
Elistan, L:llIrana the High Cicrisl
came to depend on Tower. where he
his wise tcachin1,.~. was killed in the
She and T.mis were sep- battle.
arated by the war. foro..-d to 6'0 The b>Tier·stricken
different paths. but her love for him never faltered. rctum<.'<l to her homeland or Qualinesti. where
Her trials caused her love to deepen and mature. her son. Cilthas, has lx.'Cu tricked into becoming
She became dose friends with T.lIlis·s friend. the pUppel Ie-ddcr of the elvcs. When Qualinesti
the Solamnic knight. Stunn Brib-tnblade. His fell to the dark knights. lhlumna assisted her son
death devastated Launllla. but his noble example in lx.'COming king in filet :IS wcll as name. She was
of self-sacrifice g-J.\'C her the courage to continue also active in the undc'l,,'fOund resistance ag-.J.insl
on with the battle ag-dinst the Dmgon Hibmlords. Ihe knibmls.
A skilled leader. L:mnma proved herself to be a
capable warrior and was chosen by Lord Cunthar

Ci"tiES. S"tR..OnGHOLDS Ii ~ins "-'163

Lam'ana remained in contact with old fricnds, a year. construction of the keep was complcte.
especially Carramon's son, Palin Majere. She and Stonn's Keep became one of the most defen-
invited him to visit her shortly alter the great sible, unassailable fonresses on all of Krynn.
Stonn of Takhisis. Palin brought with him the The island on which the keep is built is a dead
kender, TasslehorrBurrfoot, who had returned to volcano that last erupted during the Cataclysm.
Krynn through the magical Device of lime The outer cliffs are jagged shards of pumice and
Journeying. obsidian, reaching more than a hundred feel
The Dragon Overlord Beryl heard of this above the \vater. Smaller pillars jut out of the
device and wanled it for her own. She discovered water like fangs. black. and menacing. Althoubrh
that it was in Qualinesti and she was detennined the Simon Sea is deep. the waters immediately
to attack and conquer the c1ven land. around the island are shallow: black cordi and
The Qualinesti found out about her plan and, rough rocks hide inches beneath the crashing
with the assistance of the dwarves, King Gilthas waves. making it nearly impossible to approach
helped many elves esC'dpe the dragon, leading a the island by ship or boat.
band of rcfilgee elves into the Plains of Dust. The interior of its cliffs is riddled with natural
Laurana and the leader of the dark knights, C'dves and tunnels, worn smooth centuries ago by
Marshall Medan, remained behind with 11 stal- magma flows. During the occupation of the
wart band of c1ven volunleers to figlll the dr:.1b"On island by the Knights of Takhisis. these caves
and try to save their homeland. were occupied by many of the dragons loyal to
Medan was in love with Laurana and she loved the Knighthood. 111ere are hidden entrances
him. Both were wise enough to know, however, from the outside to reach these caverns. but they
that their love must forever go unspoken if are all typically concealed by the constant cloud
Qualinesti was to survive. They made plans to cover provided by the perpetual stonn that
battle the dragon together, but, at the last wracks the island.
moment, Medan was slain by a traitor e1( Perched atop the jagged cliffs above is Storm's
Laurana went out to fight the dragon alone. Keep The fa~de of the Keep is polished black
She carried in her heart the vision of Stunn marble. glistening from the spray of the crashing
Brightblade, who also faced a dragon alone. His \\13ves below. At first glance, the keep seems to be
courage gave her courage and she brought down in perfect repair. although the dark knights ahan·
the dragon, giving her life to save her people. Her doned the Keep during the Chaos War. 111e kCt.j)
efforts are in vain, however. Through the machi- is not uninhabited, however. although no living
nations ofTakhisis, Qualinesti was destroyed. creature has stepped foot upon the island for
Somewhere in that dark water of that accursed forty years.
lake lies the body of Laurana. the Golden Stonn's Keep has become the prison of Lord
General. and many believe that the spirit of her AliSriC Krell. a death knight cursed by Zeboim for
sacrifice is the only good that exists amidst the betraying and murdering her son, Ariakan. His
evil of that place. punishment was one of the last acts the goddess
Laurana herself has moved on. her sOlll joining was able to perfonn before the final battle with
with her husband and the other companions, as Chaos began. Tightly focusing her rage. the god-
they proceed to the next stage of life's journey. dess swept up the corpse of Lord Krell. trans-
porting him to the heart ofStoml's Keep. As she
S1"ORJT!'S ~EP gave him the curse of unlife. she summoned forth
In the North Sirrion Sea is a small island known a great stonn that would constantly remind Krell
only to a few. The location of the island was of her wrath. Zeboim poured SO much rage and
revealed to Ariakan by his mother, the sea god. power into the stonn that even after the world
dess Zeboim. who guided him safely to the was stolen, the stonn continued to blaze with her
remote isle. Upon the island. he constructed a fi"y.
massive fonress, where gathered together a Lord Krell (male death knight FtrS/Knight of
knighthood as dedicated to darkness as the the Lily 7; LE. see Dmgvnloll« Campaign &II'~
Solamnie Knights were dedicated to the light. has remained upon the island throughout the Age
With the help ofpowerful renegade wi7...ards. who of Mortals. for fear that the goddess Zeboim has
were more dedicated to the Dark QlIeen than to been watching him in secret. Even though the
the god of the Black Moon. and bllle dragons gods seemed to have disappeared. he knew that
who had been gifted to Ariakan by Takhisis. the the Sea Goddess was lying in wait, prepared to
construction of Storm's Keep began. In less than smite him for any slight. When the gods remrned.
Lord Krell realized too late thm his one opportu·

164"-' CHAP"tER..FOUR
CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS q. Ryins ~
nit)' 10 esctpe may have slipped throubrl\ his hand, has made this tower his own (male mino-
skeletal grasp. Now. he has tirelessly turned his taur/skeletal \Y"J.mor. Bbn4: Str 22: Intimidale
mind towards seeking a way off the island. with- +l2.Jump + 13. Survival +12; NE).
out drawing down the wrath of the tempestuous Beneath this tower. in a heavily warded cata-
goddess of the seas upon his head. comb. lies the treasury of the dark knights.
1. Bailey. Also known as Dragon's Landing, Although most of the treasury was cleared out
this large bailey on the northern side of Ihe keep when the Knights ofTakhisis left Storm's Keep for
is constructed of cobblestone. When the blue the mainland, much was left behind. Now. these
dragons landed here. a thick layer of hay typiC'.lI- catacombs are haunted by spirits ofthe dead loyal
Iy covered the cobblestones, but now the straw to Lord Krell, who uses the lure of treasure to
has rotted away. High walls. beaten by the high draw more hapless victims to his island in his
winds and blasts of lightning, provide some quest to find someone capable of breaking his
surCl.'aSC from the fierce winds. Despite Ihe rela- curse and freeing him from his prison.
tively unassaihlble nature of Stann's Kt..>t:p. the 3. Tower OfTIlOnlS. Much smaller in size than
walls were desib'lH..'CI as filII ramparts. complete any of the other towers, Ihe Tower of 1l10nlS
with pilr:lpCIS, where knight trainees were selVed .IS the headquarter for the Knights of the
required to stand watch. '111e only access to the 1l1Ofll, the Gmy Rob<.'(] renegade wizards of the
parapets is through the two northern watchtow- Knights or Takhisis. 111e tower connects to a
ers (sec 12 below). series or under~..round chambers. filled with labo-
Where the bailey once served as a place for ratories, libraries. and vaulls, while the tower itself
dragons to be re'J.died for battle and where the was rescn'ed solely for the personal chambers of
knights could practice their drills and tactics. now the Gray Robes. Oddly enough, even though the
il is a barren yard of refuse and broken slones. Gra)' Robes have not resided in the tower for
Here lie the broken bodies of many people who decades. the magical wards set in place for
have been unfortunale enough 10 reach Stom1's defense and protection held strong. The magic-
Keep and fall prey 10 the Keep's lord and prison- dmining of the War of Souls weakened many of
er. Although many bodies have simply been left these wards to the point they almOSI shattered.
here as a warning 10 intruders. they also provide Since some of these wards contained extraplanar
Lord Krell with a source of bodies he can r-J.ise up creatures and other nasty surprises. even Lord
to strike down his foes. Sometimes. on nights Krell has forborne entering the tower, for fear of
where Lord Krell is feeling particularly depressed. his own magic shattering the wards.
he will animale the bodies simply for the joy of 4. Centml Tower. The true heart of Storm's
crushing them Olle by one. Keep lies in the Centml Tower. This massive
2. Tower ofLiJies. The Tower ofLilics was the tower stretches more than two hundred and fifty
headquarters for the largest branch oCthe Knights feet high .llld almost sixty feci in diameter. 111is
of Takhisis. the mililant Knights of the Lily. the tower conhlins the main meeting halls. dining
lrue might of the Knighthood. '111(' interior of tile halls, kilchens. SelVlHlt quarters. and gene!".ll utili-
tower is severe in its austerity. Most of the rooms ty rooms. At the lOp of this tower lies Ariakan's
are nothing more than simple cells. no more than Chamber. where the head of the Knib-tm of
len feet by tell fecI. with a single COl and wash Takhisis slept and communed with his dark god-
basin. There were rooms dedic-J.ted 10 honing the dess. Part of Zcboim's curse upon Lord Krell has
body. such as gymmlsiums and salles for wC'J.pons rendered this room 'Ictually impossible to emer
practice indoors. as well as libraries filled with by any but the living. and onl)' those who enter
treatises on martial practices. There is even a willingly.
room completely dedicated to the Knighls of From the Cent!"J.llbwer. it is possible to access
Solamnia. with a complete set of the ~ leJ.Sure and nearly any other tower and location in Storm's
Solamnic artifacts. Keep.
Now, the Tower of Lilies stands barren of life. 5. Barracks. lnese barracks sen'ed both those
Many ofthe chambers are filled with dust and spi- potential candidates for the Knights of Takhisis
ders. Cracks in the walls. caused by the stoml. who had yet to be accepted into the order. as well
have let rain and sea water seep in. ruining many as mercenaries hired to fib-tll alongside the knight-
of the books. The (Ower has become home to a hood. lne barrJ.cks arc self-contained. the only
number of wmiths and shadows. spirils who entrance is Ihrougl1 the northern doonvay leading
drowned at the base of the cliffs, their bodies to and from Ihe bailc..-y. There is a mess hall and
dashed upon the rocks. GrimL'<, a millotaur sailor
trallsfonned into .1 skeletal warrior at Lord Krell's

Ci-riES, S-rR..OnCHOLDS fr Ryins ~ 165

kitchens for the b;lmlcks, as well as private priv- 'Illis towcr is the only one that accesses the
ies. but :lccesS imo the other pans oftbe tower is deep network of cavcs beneath Stonn's Keep in
impossible. except tbrou!"h the bailey. which many of the younger dragons who served
6. lemple of Dark Stars. Altbough the dark the dark knibrtns established their lairs. Although
knib,fus are d{.'(\ielt{."(! to tbe b'Oddess l1lkhisis. most of these 1:1irs are now :IS barren as the Keep
they built a temple to honor the other Gods of ;Ibovc. there are still the lairs of those dragons
Darkness. with the !,'Oddess Zcboim b,;ven the lhat never retumed from the war. Just as Lord
gre.uest priority in the Temple of Dark Stars. lne Krell rules Storm's Keep. Blueblood rules the
shrines fell silent when the world was stolen, ca"es. Blueblood was Lord Krell's mount during
although the 1I11halltrJ.J effect still held true. 111e the Chaos War. and his loyalty to Lord Krell
Temple of Dark Stars quickly became the center united them even after death. Blueblood has will-
for the undead that were drawn to Lord Krell's inJ",fy tied himself to Lord Krell in undeatll,
side, When the bJOds returned. the shrines once becoming the first (and perhaps only) dragon 10
more began to shine with dark energy. and havc willingly undergone the transfonnation into
Zeboim's shrine atop of the temple. in particular. a skeletal warrior (adult blue dragon/skeletal
flared to life. a reminder to Lord Krell that his warrior). Although undead. Blueblood's skeletal
punisher had returned and had not for!,ronen his wings still enable him to ny. The ferocity of Ihe
sins. stonn around Stonn's Keep frightens e\'en the
7. '[be Queen's Temple. As Takhisis was the undC'.ld blue drabron. which has kept Blueblood as
ty.ltron of the dark knights. they built a sepamte much a prisoner ofZeboim's curse as Lord Krell.
temple in her honor. The temple consists ofa sin- 10. lower of Skulls: Known as the Tower of
gle lafl,>e chapel at the top, beneath which are Skulls, this structure was constructed in order to
smaller shrines dedicated to the various aspt..'Cls of serve as the hcadquaners for those accepted into
the Dark Queen. An enornlOUS st;llue of a five- the Knighthood of the Skull. The Skull Knights
headed drabron stands prominently in the main were the deried brnnch of the Knights of
chapel, fanning a throne in which perches anoth- Takhisis. so their tower served not only as their
er statue ofthe Dark Queen as the W;lrrior. hold- residence. but also as the center of their personal
ing her sword across her lap. worship. 111e Tower of Skulls is connected.
Like thc shrim.'S in the Temple of Dark Stars. through multiple p;lssages to the Queen's
the Qu{.'Cn·s Temple fell silent when the world Temple.
was stolen. With the Dark Queen's death, how- '111C Towcr of Skulls is the tallest tower in
ever. the IlIIll(Ilkm; effect within the Temple has Stann's Keep. cnabling a complete view in all
completely filde<! away. Now. tbe temple stands directions from the top of the tower. The cham-
empty, with even the undead seemingly unwilling
to enter. of> Flames of the Storm of>
8. AnnoI)'. '111is small tower served as the pri-
nml)' ;lfIllory ofStorm's Keep. It is here that the 'Ille Hilmes oflhe SIonJl is actualty a unique oySIII
btTe;lt bulk of the arms and annor of the dark Imll, given to the dark knights by the sea goddess,
knights was stored and repaired. At the top of the Zcboim. The cl)'stal ball is a perfectly spherical
black sea opal. about two feet in diameter. resting
tower, there arc five distinct smithies. all upon a silver stand resembling a sea serpent
C<luippcd in order to fOlbIC the equipment neces- twisting upon itself. Whenever the cl)'stal ball is
sary to the dark knights. A sepanl\e !'annel)' also USL'<i, it surrounds itself with a brilliant. flickerin
was also built in the tower. radiance akin to what the sailors call serifirt (the
BcnC::llh the tower. in a hidden chamber. is a cold blue fire that appears during an electrical
ewe in which :1 llatllral well of dra~,'"Onmetal has stonn on the maslS of ships). When the Flames 0
crC'.lt{.'<l a small pool. A gift from the !,'Oddesscs Ihe SIoml is used. the object or individual sayed
Takhisis and Zt..-boim to the dark kni!,,flls. this is surrounded by an electric-blue radiance. as if a
spring to rose from the ocean floor. to collect in ame flrt spell had been cast. lnree times a day.
this C'.lve. the user of the the user of the Flllmes ofIhe Slo
9. Tower of Dragons. Attached to the annoI)'. may cast lY)1Jlro! winds through the crystal ball or
once per day. C'.lSt roll/ro! wen/her; although the
immediately off the bailey. is the Tower of spell can only be used to make the weather con-
Dm!,'Ons. This towcr is filled with rooms designed dition worsen.
specifically for the care of the equipment neces- Aum: l\'loderate divination. strong transmuta-
sal)' to bl'fOOm and care for dragons. as well as the tion; Casl" [LVd.: 18th; Weight: 25 Ibs.
equipment used by the dragon riders. such as sad-
dles. dragon-sized barding. and other equipment.
CiTiES; STROnGHOLDS ft Ryins "'-'
ber atop of the tower W:IS known as Storm's C'JI humanoid bird-likc mce. the ruins are now a
Watch, where the Lord of the Skull. the religiolls curiosity for scholars and hunting bITounds for
Ie-older of the dark knights. kept his personal ambitious treasure seekers.
chambers. Through his m:lbrlc. he was able to mJl TIle interior of thc stmcture is as mystifying as
upon the names that burned within the center of its location. Those adventurers who have man-
his chamber to scry anywhere on Ansalon. Since aged to gain entmnce to the complex have found
Lord Krell has come 10 occupy Storm's Keep. this it nearly impossible to navigate. Much of the
chamber has become his own personal chamber. stmcture is designed around beings that have the
where he can use the HII1/li'$ ofIlu Sloml to gaze ability to ny. Tunnels are wide to allow for large
hUllb'lily at a world that his curse has prC\'cnied wingspans and many of the p-.lSSageways ascend
him from conquering. vertically. Some vertical passages have spiraling
ll. Tower of Lsolation: Bmnching off of the steps and walkways allowing land-bound folk to
Tower of Skulls. an arched walkway leads to the as<.'Cnd and descend the shafts. Only the most
Tower ofIsol:.llion. Built upon ajutting spur orthe skilled climbers can travel the rune-covered stairs.
island proper. the Tower of Isolation was A number ofother stranbre hallways. staircases.
designed as a place where the dark knights could complex room confib'll...Jtions and open-air court-
keep prisoners for illlcrrog-.ltion and punishment. yards make the mins and fascinating, yet danger-
The only way inlo or out of the lower is via the ous place to explore. It is rumored that unexpect-
walkw'ly. No windows or othcr Passab'CS lead 10 ed wind gusts and beings created of living air
lhe outside world. 'lle spirits of those killed roam the hallways.
undcr imcrrog-.lIion still wail their pain and I. Courtyard 'orth. One of the most beautiful
despair, !,"'iven ethereal fonn by the presence of and serene locations wilhin the \Vind Dancer is
lhe death knib.tll on Ihe island. the open-air yard to north of the complex. It is
Directly beneath the lower lies the Crypts of also one of the few cnt....l l1CCS into the complex.
thc Damned. where those prisoncrs wcre kepi Courtyard North is the largest of tcn open-air
who were nC\'er to be releaS<."(!. \Vhcn dark yards that are located at the bottom oflafl,re shafts
knights left the island, they left more Ihan a hun- that delve hundreds of feet into thc mountain.
dred prisoners behind, prisoncrs who died of Sl:lr- The yard is fifty yards across and ovcq"ITown with
vation :lIld madness, and whose blood has per- vines and c1l0ked with weeds. but the location is
manently stained the noors a dark crimson hue. no less beautiful. Niches c:.uved out of the rock
Shadows :lIld olher terrifying undead now roam wall surround the courtyard. Each niche contains
the crypts, hunb'T)' for the souls of the living, cry- SlOne benches where one may sit and overlook
ing out :1 h:lunting C'.lcophony that Ie-Jds ships 10 the courtyard below.
their doom to crash upon Ihe rocky shoals of 2. Crystal Mist Springs. Decp within the heart
Storm's KL"ep. of the compleJ( arc a series of watetfalls that form
12. Watch Towers: Although the continent of the Crys!:ll Mist Springs. "nle w:lIer c:lscades
Ansalon lies to the south of Storm's Keep, the hundreds of fL"et, crJshing into a shallow subter·
dark knights took no chances of enemies striking ranean spring. A mysterious mischievous wind in
at their island fortress. Two matching towers were the room C'dtches the mist of thc wHterfall and
built north of the bailey. Atop of the covered tow- playful tosses it about the room. "nlC area sur-
ers. ballisl:l and C'.It'apults where kept to de-dl with rounding the springs is constantly shrouded in a
inV:lders. Access to thc parapet walls surrounding crystal haze of water vapor boiving the location its
the bailey was gained through stairs k-ading to the name. 11lc spring bmnches off from this main
two watch towers. Now, the towcrs stand cmpty, cavern. flowing into different parts of the Wind
the siege wcapons h:lVe succumbed to thc ele- Dancer complcx.
ments and time, while the crumbling faC:ldcs of 3. Blue Rooms: One of the most complex and
thc two lowers litter thc ground below. confilsing stmctures within the Wind Dancer is
the collection of the Blue Rooms. "nlis complex is
WinD DAnCER. five rooms across. five rooms deep and five levels
On Northern Eq,,'Oth. due East of Gwynned. situ- tall. Each room hC\vn out of the pale blue stone is
ated in the mountain peaks of the Sentinel covered in intriC'Jtc mnes. Eadl face of the lOx I 0
~ lountains, is the myslerious complex of the foot room has a drcular doorway leading to an
Wind Dancer. TIle circular cntr'dnce ofthe ruins is exterior tunnel or the next room. The doorways
located hundreds of feet up a sheer cliff filce. The are located on each wall. induding the ceiling and
ancicnt ruins are nC'Jrty inaccessible to anyone noor. TIley look identical and have a habit of
without night. Once homc to thc kyrie. a mythi- swinging closed after being opened. llie purpose

Ci-riES. S-r",-OnGHOLDS fr Ryins '"'-' 167

of the rooms has yet to be discovered, as they across the sphere's surface. A person may stand
have been stripped clean of any identifYing fea- as easily on the ceiling as one does on the floor.
tures. if they had any 10 begin with. Some explor- If one can reach the exact middle of the sphere
ers swe:.u that the rooms have a way of shifting, he would discover he could float in the center
where down becomes up and east becomes west. as they are affected by the bizarre gravity of
4. Divide. To the south of the complex the room. Occasionally an item left by a curi-
is the Grand Divide. A gaping chasm stretches for ous explorer can be found trapped dangling in
hundreds of yards with only islands of lOwering the center of the sphere.
plateaus between one shore and the next It is
unknown if the Grand Divide was always this R...EGionAL His1"oR..Y
way or if W35 a causalil)' of the Discovered in 23 AC by a pair of exploring
Cataclysm. Whate\'er the kender from Hylo. the Wind Dancer has
C'.lSe, the chasm C'dn only be become one of the favorite anractions of
crossed by fHglu or by explorers and adventurers in Northern
magical means. Even then, Ergoth. lot much is known about the
impish gusts of mystical location other than a number of
\\~nd have been known theories offered by traveling sages. It is
to plague trdvelers believed to be an early city of the
attempting to cross the ancient Kyrie, and most likely one of the
lPp· largest in existence. Beyond that not
5. Floating much has been
Sanctum. defined.
Across the The Empire
Grand Divide has become
in a maze of particularly
complex tun- interested
nels and pas- in the com-
sageways is yet plex since
another curious the Chaos
structure. Dubbed War, when
the Floating a number of
Sanctum. this rumors
room is in the claimed
shape of a 1" that a c:lche
sphere. Thirty of diamonds
yards in had been found. and
dimlletcr the Chaos creatures had
sphere IS taken over the caverns.
comprised of a Since then. the Empire has
strange been encouraging adventurers to
smooth sCi.le the Wind Dancer Peaks and
blue crys- invcstigate the claims.
tal. 111e
doorw:IYs Fcrillecagh "Feril"
illlo the Dawnspdnter
room are Female Kagonesti elf
flush from the MyslO/Nomad Shaman
inside. In (Forest) 3: CR 13: Size
places. fine Medium-size humanoid;
cf".lcks in HD IOd8+20 (Mys) plus
the crystal
seen, but
3d8+6 'omad Shaman);
hI' 85; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC
19 (14 louch, 15 flatfooted); Atk
the structure appears to be +11/+6 melee (ld6+21x3, +2 shOrlr.oord)
flawless in its cre'.ltion. The peculiar property of or +13/+8 ranged (ld6, shortbow): SA Spells:
the room is that the gravil)' appears to be unifonn SQ Elvensight, spirit sight, totemic insight,

168'"'" CHAP"tE",FeUR
CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS &' Ryins ~
turn/rebuke spirit, cold resistance 20: AL Ferilleeagh Dawnsprinter is a Kagonesti elf
Neutral good; SV Fort +10. Ref +8, Will +14: who left her island home after the white
S1r II, Dex 19. Con 14.lnt 14, Wis 19. Cha 16. Dragon Overlord turned it into his icy domain.
Sk,lh Q1/d FrnlS: ConcentTation +7, Handle Called Feril by her friends, she became one of
Animal +9, Heal +12, Knowledge (nature) Goldmoon's champions through a chance
+13. Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen +7. encounter with Dhamon Grimwulf and Rig
Spellcraft +7. Search +3. Spot +7, Survival +1: Mer+Krel. Feril always considered herself a
Alertness. Animal Affinity, Self-Sufficient. Spell loner, but being by oneself was not safe or sane
Focus (transmutation), Track. during the time of the dragons. Realizing that
Kagonesti Abilities: Elvensight (low-light she could accomplish more with this rag-tag
vision twice as far as a human. darkvision 30 band of heroes than on her own, Feril was
ft.), Martial Weapon Proficiency (short sword, quick to lend her talents. Though most of her
lon!,."Spear. shortbow. and longbow), +1 racial skills were tied to the wilderness, she had
bonus 10 Knowledge (nature) and Survival enough mystic energy to heal others. She pre-
checks. ferred using her magic to 'talk' to the trees, to
Spirit Sight (Su): A nomadic shaman can breathe water, and to experience life through
see ethereal creatures as easily as she sees the senses of an animal.
material cre:ltures and objects. She Clm distin- Feril learned to appreciate the differences in
guish between them due to the somewhat her companions and to respect their various
blurred and indistinct outline of an ethereal abilities. She became close friends with Jasper,
creature. even though elves and dwarves were said not
Totemic Insight (Su): Animal cunning (+2 to get along.
bonus to Initiative checks), animal awareness Feril also accepted the need to travel
(+ 1 bonus to Listen. Search, and Spot skill through villages and large cities, though they
checks). made her nervous and caused her to yearn for
Tum/Rebuke Spirit (Su): A nomad shaman the wilds. She came to believe that there was
can turn or rebuke unwanted spirits and other little 'civil' about civilization, and she consid-
incorporeal undead as a cleric of her level turns ered men at their worst when they were in
undead (3rd level of ability). ~Spirit~ in this such concentrated numbers. Feril believes she
case refers to any naturally or naturally incor- is at her best when she is deep in a forest. She
poreal or etherC'"dl undead, outsider, or crea- contends that she has more in common with
ture. She cannot destroy a spirit with this abil- animals than with men, and she delights in
ity. however-those that would otherwise be mystically talking to beasts and in using her
destroyed are turned for twice the dural ion. magic to be one of them or to see through
Mystic Spells Known (6/7/7/7/7/6/4): 0 - their eyes. She knows that animals do not tease
('[Ire millor woullds, detect mngic, detect PO/SOli, or lie, their honesty is pure and uncompromis-
flare, guidaNce, Iwow dlrectioll, lighl. Pflnfy food ing. Feril tries to live up to those same ideals.
amI dnllN, resistaNce; 1st - calm mllimlls"', chan" \Vhen she traveled through the climax forest
alllillal, cure Hght 7.vol/llds, elemetJtnl darts, etltnn- of the green overlord Beryl. and through the
gle, talollS; 2nd - barNsNIII, collsecrate, fig dOl/d, dense, overgrown swamp of the black overlord
hold allimal"', ns/st etJergy, warp wood; 3rd - dom- Sable. she was enthralled. While she knew
"Iole animo/~ plallt grrrwth, shan alllillol's 11II11d, what they were doing to nature was wrong and
speaN 'lvith plollt.s, water breoth/lIg; 4th - corrupt, it was at the same time awe-inspiring.
antiplont shdl, commolld plants, cure sen"ou.s Never had she seen trees so magnificent and
wounds,flame stnlu, summonllotun's all)' IY(can healthy. And never had she felt so comfortable
only summon animals) ~ 5th - commune with with her surroundings. Her companions had to
notu"~ dl"O'WN, Irmumule roel 10 mud, 'Woll of rouse her, as she was so ensorcelled by the
thorns; 6th - Olllll(ft shell"', heo!' liveonN. dragons' realms. They redirected her energies
• Domain spell. Domain: Animal (S~ON wilh into helping their cause against the overlords.
olllmols I1day, Knowledge (nature) is a class Feril secretly vowed to return to the gr~t for-
skill). est when and if the dragons were bested.
PossesS/Oil.!: +3 ,,"proved cold ns/stollce lenther She spent many long months in the compa-
omlOr, +2 shortnvord, composite shortbow. ny of Goldmoon's champions-Blister,
Dhamon, Rig, Shaon. Raph,Jasper and GraUer.
She became closest to Dhamon Grimwulf, and
despite her best intentions, she fell in love with

CitiES, St",OnGHOLDS If Ryins " " 169

him. "'eril told herself it wouldn't work: he was 2. Pilgrim's Rest: At the top of the lengthy,
human, a fanner dark knight, he wasn't a m:lll well-worn trail up the side of the plateau from
of nature. But he was honorable and hand- Trmh to the World's Heart is the Pilgrim's
some. and he worked to win her he'lrt. When Rest. In a spot a little more than half the way
he was taken over by Malys and forced to up the Pilgrims' Path is a small level c1ellring of
strike out at all of them while trying to slay rocks, thick grass, and shade trees. At the cen-
Goldmoon, Feril's heart was shattered. ter of the clearing is a shallow pond fed by a
Dhamon was able to overcome i\1!alys'g influ- small run off from the mountain reaches. The
ence, but he had lost FbiL She still cared are.} is mostly deserted now excep! for the
deeply for him, perhaps still loved him, but she occasional Ackalite warrior who stops to fill
could not forgive him. his water skin.
Following their stand at the Window 10 the 3. Crimson Ridge: In 3AC, when the
Stars portal. Fel'il and Dhamon parted ways. Ackalites invaded the city of Truth. the savage
She told him that she needed time 'Ilone-time barb'lrians ruthlessly slaughtered ten thousand
to go back to the wilds. She never expected to men, womcn :md children. Legend claims that
see him again. captives were lead to the ridge overlooking
Truth. Thcre, before the crumbling gates of the
ancient ogre city, their beating he:lrts were
The most famous mystic'll site of Northern mercilessly ripped from their chests. The blood
Ergoth is the World's Heart. In the ages before of the victims turned the earth of the ridge a
the Cataclysm, the site was visited by pilgrims dark shade of red. Some visitors that have
looking for divine inspiration or a sense of well managed to sneak into \Vorld's Heart claim
being. The site is said by some to be the very that the ridge is made of an ordinary red-
heart of Krynn. A massive stone glows a warm tinged rock, but it helps to perpetuate the
red and emits a faint rhythmic thumping like stOty.
that of a beating heart. 4. Heart's Arena: The center of the ogre
Located at the northern most reaches of the ruins is a great crumbling arena-like structure
Sentinel j\l!ountain range, \Vorld's Heart sits in that surrounds the \\lorld's Heart. The thou·
the middle of an ancient ogre ruins, high on .1 sand-seat stadium is carved deep into the
plateau overlooking the ghost town of Truth. bedrock surrounding the stone. The elements
The ghost town .1Ild the ruins of\Vorld's Heart :md weathcr have worn down the scats. Cracks
are guarded by the Ackalite barbarians that .md landslides have buried half the stadium.
dri\'e off treasure seekers and curious pilgrims. The dome that oncc covered the arena lies in
Persistent visitors :Ire put to death. shattered weathcr-beaten shards around the
1. Truth: In a valley below World's Heart is stadium floor. In contrast. the buildings sur-
the abandoned city of Truth. Before thc fall of rounding the aren,l are well kept and mllin-
the fall of Istar, the city had .1 population of tained. Ackalite warriors and shamans dwell
around 15,000 residents. It was a major center within the structures, keeping guard around
of religion in the Ergothian Empire. There the mystical stone.
were churches and temples dedicated to every 5. 'World's Heart: At the center of the city
god of Krynn. It even housed a number of and is the fabled World's Heart. The stone
shrines to lesser deities and nature spirits. At itself is a remarkable spectacle. Untouched by
the height of the empire's power, Truth was the ravages of time or weather, the smooth
onc of the largest cultural centers on Ansalon. glossy surface of the immense stone pulses
The city survived the Cataelysm, but short- with a reddish glow and gives 0(1' a faint rhyth-
ly after it fell to Ackalite Hordes ramp:lging mic beat. Stories of the site claim that visitors
from the north, intent on making the gods pay who lay their hands upon the stone and clear
for the destruction to their homelands. Truth's their minds will receive a vision of the future if
fields were sown with salt. their homes were they are found worthy. The rhythmic pulsing
razed and Ackalite shamans called down pow- hilS survived for countless ages, never skipping
erful curses on each and every temple. Now a beat. Through both Cataclysms and the com-
the city is nothing but a shell, home to the Slug ing and goinf,"S of the gods. the World's Heart
Clan of gully dwarves and many types of wan- has continued to pulse, as it until the end of
dering undead. history.

CiTiES t STROnGHOLDS & Rgins ~
R...EGionAL H is"tol\..Y
The World's Heart has been beating since the
bct,rinning of time. A prosperous 0brrc city was
raised around the pulsing of the he:lr' and a
great arena-like temple was built to worship
the artifact. Orit,rinally known as the Heart of
Takhisis. ogres believed that the ogre nation
could never fall while the hearl COnlinut.-d its
life pulse. This proved 10 be untrue.
Like the city. the stolle was 10s1 for millen-
nia and completely forgotten. Ackal Er("J'QI dis-
covered it more than IwO thousand ycars
before the First Cataclysm. While exploring
ancient ogre ruins. Acbl Ergol discovered the
stone and is said to have placed his hands upon
it receiving the vision of a greal empire thai he
would rule over, a vision which C' 10 pass.
As the notoriety of the World's Heart began
to spread. pilgrims looking for their own
visions began to arri\'e, 111e city of Truth was
founded and opent.'<l to any and :111 religious
beliefs. The city prospercd evcn through the
The residents bclievt.'<I themselves blessed
by the gods, until a few short years later when
the barbaric Ackalites :lrrivl,.'<l to exact revenge
against the gods, The city of Truth was
destroyed and lIbllndoned. Since then, the
Ackillites have maint:lined II jealous grip on the
area surrounding the stone, Only the over-
chiefs of the fOllr remaining chillS or their
shamans may tOllch the stone. They claim they
still receive the visions thllt will some day lead
them to greatness,

CitiES. StR,pnGHOLDS fr ~ins.""'" 171

the Dome of Creation. TIle effects of Takhisis's
LAmEnT FOR-THE LOST theft will most likely be felt upon Krynn for many
GODS years to come.
TIle world still bears the horrible scars of the
wllO 1I'i11look dow" all lIS, who will intercede! war against the mad god. Chaos. The Teeth of
Chaos jut up from the Northern Courrain Ocean.
WilD will all5wer qllestiollS, help in time. ifIleed! TIle Footprint of Chaos still smolders on the
who wifl guide. ourftril/gfortJI to I/ear orfar! northern Solamnic border, and almost forty years
WilD will take all i"rerts! i"flood, ill storm, i" war! after the defeat of Chaos, his twisted minions can
still be found throughout the world. Th~
wounds have been allowed to fester. for Takhisis
The gods we knew are I'untilled, tlrl'tr more to still lacked the power or inclination to heal them, and
the pleas ofaellitlg 1'O;(tS so {Ollt, 50 paitled, 50 sl/rill. the other gods could not heal a world they could
not find.
15 tI,tre. aIry ',ope lift! Perhaps even more devastating to the world
will rh"e s001l appear was the arrival of the Dragon Overlords. 1he
Q dawn III/dimmed by sorrow, a daw" Uliltuuked by
events of the War of Sauls brought about the end
of three Dragon Overlords. The other two. Sable
ftar! and Frost. still remain, however. and continue
wilt:" we (atl be tllcollraged byguardiatls ill the skies their evil pursuits. although both are uneasy with
who sillS to 115 of51/((0,-. who promise lIS aSlrye the return of the gods and destruction of their
stronger cousins. The changes the deceased
of fl,iflgs (rfmat. D~gon Overlords wrought will take many gener-
ations to reverse. i\'lalystryx rendered an entire
peninsula nearly uninhabitable. Beryllinthranox
All a/alit, abatldolled 11'( cry pfeadillgftr Dtlt' bright reshaped the Qualinesti Forest. creating a night-
Imlld oWIlt'll by all immortal II'I/(IJ gods r(tum to marish realm ofcorrupted plants and l:\visted ani-
KrJllI1. mals. In death, she inadvertantly destroyed the
city of Qualinost. leaving behind a lake of death
-Mirrashar, Elven Bard and despair. Khellendros created the Blue Wastes
and his storms ravaged the countryside with their
More Leaves "rolll the bm ofIhe Lost Home ferocity.
Gellidus, or Frost. as humans C'dll him, contin-
A nEW PLACE in tHE ues to rule Southern Ergoth. a land thm lies
buried bene:llh an icy glacier of his creation. The
VniVERSE ghlcier is riddled with twisting cavems and hid·
den caves. to which he has retreated as he senses

Whell 'nlkhisis stole Krynn, she literally
snatched it from its place in the universe. the world changing around him. Although con-
setting it adrift in the Ethereal Sea and sidered less intelligent than the other Dragon
shrouding it from the sight of the other J:,'Ods. Overlords, Gellidus h:18 ,t highly developed sur-
Now. the gods have rediscovered the world and viv,11 instinct. which may help him rem,lin alive
returned. but they have found a world far differ- lonf:,TCr than some of the other f:,'Teat dragons. lhe
ent from the one they once knew. great white dragon takes care to hide his skull
With the return of the gods, the Dome of totem inside a great C'dvem of ice, with all
Creation, the Hidden Vale, and the Abyss have entrances and exits frozen to prevent unautho-
been restored. surrounding the world and pro- rized access.
tecting it from the dangers of the Ethereal Sea. lne great black dragon Onysablet, or Sable. is
TI,e constellations of the Gods of Light and the both intelligent and cunning. Her swamp domi-
Gods of Darkness have returned, although the nates the center ofthe continent. and is filled with
sole constellation of Balance-the constellation of dangerous creatures. poisonous bogs, and many
<?ilean-is now alone in the center of the night- hidden lairs. Time and time again. Sable has man-
time sky, for the loss ofTakhisis and IlaJadine has aged to avoid being hunted down by a force large
left gaping holes in the heavens. The three moons enough to defeat her. who fall victims to the
ofthe Gods of Magic and the planets of the Gods deadly pcril of her swamp.
of Balance have once more taken up their orbits. Sable has two totems. both of which are still
but the gods look down upon a changed world. as very active. One is located in her lair in the city of
a changed world looks up at them. ShrelUak. underneath her swamp. Another is
The cosmology of Krynn has been reestab- located in a hidden area within the swamp itself
lished. Once again, the River of Souls nows It is unclear how the returning gods will deal
smoothly through the Gate of Souls and eddies with the surviving Dragon Overlords. Cenainly
from the Ethereal Sea crash upon the bastion of the Gods of Light will work to rid the world of
the remaining overlords, and some ofthe Gods of
172 ~ CHAP"tER..FiVE
GODS fr ~LiGiOII "-'
Balance. especially those who are protective of reminder of the gods' presence. Takhisis was the
nature, may lend their aid. Will the Gods of only remaining god. which had long been her
Darkness try to use the obvious ambition. Unfortunately. the power required to
strength of the remaining Iwo perfonn such an awful feal of magic S:lpped the
dragons to further their own strength of the Dark Queen. forcing her to aban-
causes or will they sec don her conquest until such time as she had
these alien draJ,rons as a regained her powers. So that. although
threat. as did Takhisis. and people loyal 10 Takhisis remained in the
work to dcslro)' them? Much world of Krynn-chromatic dragons.
depends on the alien dragons dark clerics. Knights ofTakhisis-
and what courses of she was incapable of answer-
action they decide 10 ing their prdyers.
pursue. ThUs. an entire genera-
tion has grown up never
knowing the gods.
Most people on
Ansalon beJieved
that the gods had
once more aban-
doned them in

their hour of

, n g
Fir s t
They raised
their children
on the stories
of the Chaos
War. tcaching
that the gods are
powerful. but
that they
turn away
from the
w 0 rId
A WOR..W when their
WiTHOVT need them
GODS the most. 111is
gcneration now
For almost forty has had chil-
years. Krynn was a world dren of
without gods. Following its
the Hrst Cataclysm. thc own.
gods retreated from the who
world, as they \vaited for their chil- are famil-
dren to gain wisdom and come to iar with this philosophy. Will pe0-
them in humility and reverence. During ple listen to the explanation gi"en by the gods
these years. the gods of magic remained active. if that they did not abandon the world but that it
aloof. and many of the evil gods were secretly at was stolen? If people hear it. will they believe it?
work in the world. Will people care that the gods have returned or
Following the Chaos War. Takhisis stole the will they find that the nelv methods of dealing
world away from the knowledge of the other with their troubles suit them well and that the
gods. Cone were the constellations. the three gods are not needed?
moons, and the planets that were a constant
GODS fr R..!';Licion ""' 173
Some of the bTOds. particularly the brods of '1l1C minotaurs continu(.-d 10 believe firmly in
Light, understand the dilemma f.·u:(.'(1 by thc pop- Sargas, honoring him for his fearless sacrifice in
ulace and thl.-Y will be patient ,md loving as they the battlc ag.linst Chaos. Yet, just as with the
st.'Ck to draw the people back into the fold. Other other races, the nct.--d for spirituality led to the
gods. such as Sarb>'Onn:ls, have lillie p,lliencc with crc:ltion of a new religion among the minotaurs.
those of their followers who have lost or ques- 'lllOse on Ansalon who maintained their f.1.ith
tioned thcir faith. Sa'l,>'Onnas has his own ambi- in the brods find thai Ihey have now been vindi-
tions and plans for conqucst and he does not have Cited, their faithfulness rC'ovarded. Those who
time to eng:.lf..'C in metaphysical arf,..lllnents or IUrnt-d to mysticism in the absence of the gods
coddle whiners. honor their return, but feel that it is perhaps best
"or some people, the return to the gods will be to h:l\'C a ~back-up~ plan. for no one knows but
n:ltur'.d. Many mystics honored the memory of that thc b"Ods may \'anish ab"3in.
the gods, whom they believed sacrificed them-
selves in order to stop Chaos. Led by WOR..SHip BEfOR....E 'tHE WAR...Of
Cold moon's f.1.ith, who taught from the tran- SOVlS
scripts of the Diw of MiJhnlol the Citadel
included the principlcs ofthe Gods of Light along Prior to the ascendancy of the One God, there
with the tC:lchings of m)'sticism. Some mystics were many on Ansalon who chose to keep their
ha\'e found it natural to tum to the gods for c1er- f.1.ith in the gods in their he'drts, rather than pro-
iC'dl magic and leave mysticism behind. Othcrs claim it openly, for there was a prevailing biner-
remain true to their calling and, althoub>h they ness ag-dinst the b"Ods and against those who wor-
honor the gods and are faithful to their precepts, shipped them. Such people went about their daily
they continue to use mysticism. Clerics of the lives. worshipping the absent gods in secret.
Gods of Light and mystics of the Citadel ofLib"u TIle advent of mysticism and sorcer), enabled
are working hard to make the transition a peace- some individuals to establish themselves as pricsts
ful one, in the hope that both mysticism and cler- ofobscure f...iths and b'lXls. 111is pmetice was par-
ical magic C'dn work together to make the world tiCUl:lrly prominent during the first two decades
a better place. of the 1-,fih Age, when many false prophets
'Ine Knights of Neraka, formerly the Knights apl>C"dred, proclaiming either the return of the
~old~ gods or arrival of ~nC'ov~ gods, using mysti-
of Takhisis, were founded by the Dark Qu(."Cn
prior to the Chaos \Var to serve as a counter-bal- cism or sorcery to produce Mmir'.lcles~ to prove
ancc to the Knights of Solamnia. For many ye:lrs thcir claims. '1l1e peoplc of Ansalon proved
after the departure of the gods. loyal knights to be cxtremely cynicll regarding these claims.
remember the Vision given to them by Takhisis perhaps recalling Icssons learned from involve-
herself and continucd to profess their r... ith in ment with false prophets prior to the War of the
their goddess. }\s ,IS yeaTS passed, 1~lkhisis's L:mce. Instead of viewing sorcerous or mystiC'.l1
absence, combined with a need to adapt 10 the mabric as lllimculous. they viewed it as sinister.
chanb"l.'S in the world, C'dused the dark knights to \Vitch·hunts and witch-burnings became com-
sh(.'(1 their filith in ,I ~forgouen~ goddess and monplace. Sadly, many jx'Ople who attcmpted to
cmbnlL't: the selfish cynicism of the Ab'C of use thcir ncwfound powers for b>'Ood were caught
Mortals. Onley proclaimed this change by aban- up in the hysteria and fell victim to the fanatics.
doning the old appell,llion, choosing instead to Once the Ciladel of Light was establishcd.
call themselves the Knights of Neraka. now in mysticism beg;l1l to be understood and to gamer
direct opposition to the Knights of Solamni'l. By respect. Pilbrrims went out to instnlct thc people
means of treachery, the Nernkan knib>hts learned in the new tcachinb'S and .llso to put a SlOp to
mysticism and pen'erted it to their own evil ends. those who were using mysticism for ill.
'Ih~y developed a r... ke ~\'ision", which they uS<..--d
Some on Ansalon clme to view the immense-
to coerce and intimidate those who joined thc ly powcrful and seeming invincible Dragon
knighthood. Ovcrlords as t"rods, :t practice which undoubwdly
When l\'1ina came to the Knights of Nernka. encounlge<1 the ovcrlords to start to see them-
tclling of the One Cod and performing true mir- selvcs in thc same light. These people. among
aclcs in the unnamed dcit.iy's service, many them dark knights, b>'Oblins. ot"rres and drab>'On
knights embraced her and became her loyal fol- spawn, formcd cults around the Dragon
lowers. Most found it diffiCtlh to accept the neb- Ovcrlords. '1l1rout"rll the magic of their totems
ulous concept of a god, howC\'er, and bq,,"3n to and by t"rifiing followers with their own scales, the
worship Mina for hersel[ When Mina proved f."I1- ovcrlords could imbuc some of their followers
Iible, the knights who had beliC\,ed in her fclt with mabric:l1 power, althoub>h this was a pale
betrayed. shadow of thc power that had once been found in
the glory of the gods. Worn either as medallions
or gr.llied onto thcir follower's flesh, the scales of

174 ~ CHAP'tE"FivE
GODS Ct R!:LiGion ~
the overlords J"rave their possessors the ability to worshipped, but for many. the awe-inspiring
use some of the dmgon's magical cncrb"Y. even presence of the One God left no room for turning
over j,,'Tcat distances. back-they were tr.lpped by their own hlith.
In the minOI:lur lands. as in olher isolated are-.l.S Tne One God was cunning in her seduction of
of the world. individuals tumt.'<! to worshipping hearts. for she answered their prayers. giving
the spirits of the dead. '1110SC with the gift (or them the power to once more perfonn mimcles of
curse) of being able 10 s(''e the spirits trapped by seeming b"OO<1 in her name, Yet e.lch miracle was
the power of Takhisis wem 10 the spirits. asking delibef:ltcly desib'ned to dmw more people to the
for advice or 10 have their fluures told. Some ranks of the One God's followers. 'rne Dark
extremely powerful individuals were even able. Queen grew ever more powerful. bolstered by the
through necromancy. to control the dead. Small prayers of her faithful.
spirit cults sprang up across many parts of \Vith no other gods to stand against her.
Ansalon. the strongest being in Lacynos. where Takhisis was able to maintain her hold on those
an entire religion was established around the wor- who believed blindly in her. By the time people
ship of the dettaSCd spirits of the minotaurs. staned to realize that they were meant to be her
Calling themselves the Forerunners. they arc led slaves. not her followers. it was too late,
by a charism:uic and powerful necromancer. who The Silvanesti elves fell into this trap. Takhisis
used her power 10 secure hL" husband the throne. had long hated the elves. who had remained
and has worked tirelessly to rid the kinbtdom of steadfast in their worship of her rival. 1~ladine.
any remnants of worshippers of Sarg-dS and Kiri- down through the centuries. She was detennined
Jolith. to have her rcvenb"C on them and she used their
Still, despite the use of sorcery and mysticism faith against them.
and the magical powers of the Dragon Overlords. Desperate to believe in something greater than
there was an emptiness ofhearts of the peoples of themselves, seeking divine assistance to end prob-
Ansalon that cried out for a god. 'l'ne coming of lems ofmeir own making, the elves 53W Takhisis's
the One God was the answer 1'0 those plaintive herald. Mina. as a sa\'ior and they were (Illick to
pr.l)'crs. btive her their unquestioning al1Cl:,riance.
At the Dark Queen's bequest. the grccn dragon
tHE WAR....OF SOVL5 AnD known as Cyan B100dbane. who had spent almost
a century tOnllenting the Silvanesti in one way or
R!oLiGion another, had infiltf'.ltt.'(f Silvancsti society. Cyan. in
111e souls ofthe dead g:we Takhisis the power she the bl'\Jisc of the c1vcn advisor Claucos. f(.'(f the
needed to return to the world in her full glory. As Silvanesti prejudice against outsiders. ultimately
her necromanccrs-unwitting pawns who did not convincing them to hide behind a powerfill mag-
realize the tnle sourcc of their power-continued ical shield that would prevent any from entering
to feed the power of the mabtic k'CChed by the the forest. He spent years bolstering Silvanesti
souls of the dC:ld to the Dark Qut"Cn. they intolerance, while the Shield f(.'<1 upon the life
foment(:d chaos in kinb"doms across Ansalon. force of the elves, causing a wasting dise,lse that
Takhisis had foreseen this and knew the disnlP- was slowly killing them.
tion of magic:II encl'bties would hamper both mys- Then came the time when Takhisis c:.llled upon
ticism and sorcery. leaving a void the Dark Queen Cyan Bloodb:me to l:,>ive his alleb"ancc 10 her and
could exploit. bring down the Shield SO that her forces could
Choosing Min;. as her herald. the Dark Queen enter. '111e ancient and wily dral:,"On. who had
provided the young girl with :111 army of the living never been p.\niullarly enamort..'d ofTakhisis and
and an army of the dead to bring Ansalon under wanted to continue tormenting the elves and
her (."OntTol. But while Mina was conquering defied her orders.
kinbtdom after kingdom. she herself began to Enmged, the Dark QlIt..'C1l sent Mina and a
:lttrdct followers. (:ager for someone to listen to sm;11l force into Silvanesti. whispering the secret
their pmyers. Takhisis took C".lre to keep her dark of how to byp;\ss the Shield into Mimi'S hean.
dcsibl'fls hidden. permitting Mina and those who Once Mina enten.:d the Shield. she tricked Cyan
followed her to sec only wh;lt they wanted to into revC'".lling his tnle nature. Stripped ofhis mag-
see-the power of a b"O<l who had returned to ease ical guise. the df:lb"On trit.-d to flee. but the Dark
their woes and sufferings. Queen guided the enchanted aITQWS of the elves
Aspirants nocked to Mina's side. eager to hear and brought the dragon down. By this. she not
the word of the One God and to witness mir.ldes. only rid herself of a rebel. she made it seem as if
Those who were sincere in their fervent pf:l}'ers the One God cared for the c1vt..'S.
were granted a "udfll/ioll offluih that was embla- Mina caused the Shield to fall. 1ne soul-sick
7..0111..od with the symbol of the One God-a skull
Sih'anesti elves C'".lgcrly turnt.'d to Mina as she
sundered by a boh oflightning. Some ofthe c1ear- walked amonb"St Iht.'111. bringing the gift of healing
sighted came to realize that it was Takhisis they magic to their dying dlildren. But while Mina was
channing the hearts and minds of the elves, her

GODS fr ~Licion " " 175

anny of dark knibrJltS was busy establishing dCalh had vanquished the unfaithful, and that Sanction
camps and dungeons. imprisoning those elves would soon also f.'dl before the might of the One
who dared to question blind faith in the One God.
God. Having rid herself of Khellendros, the One
By the lime the elves started to realize the God also gained the undivided loyalty ofthe dark
truth. dark knights. who began to crush the elves knights who ruled the city of Palanthas and
in a fist of iron. occupied their land. who now marched to join Minn.
Takhisis gained satisfaction in the plight of the A journey that began in Neraka came
Qualinesti eh-es even as the they conspired full-circle as Mina led her army to the
against 3 mutual enemy. The QuaJinesli home- gates of Sanction. Mina sent her anny
land had suffered much under the reign of the ofsouls through the gates and over the
Dragon Overlord. Beryllinthranox. When the walls of Sanction. The terror pro-
Qualinesti rebelled against Beryl. while their pe0- duced by the dead caused the soldiers
ple escaped through secret tunnels under the cit),. to flee their poSts, leading them
others remained 10 implement a plan 10 slay the straight into the waiting anny of the
green dragon. The Queen ~Iolher. the Golden One God. Mina conquered the city
General Laurana, enthralled the Green Terror within less than a day. They entered a
with the ancient elven blade known as Lml $lor, mostly abandoned city, for many
then struck the fatal blow with a dl'l1golllolll? The people had managed to flee, includ-
magic of the elven ing, apparently. the dragon known
resistence as Crucible, and the city's governor,
dragged Beryl Lord Hogan Bight, who had pro-
from the skies and tected Sanction during the Fifth
left her helpless on Age. Only a fe\v people
the ground. The drag- remained in the city-the
on's weight poor. the infirm, the
caused the tun- kender. and a few mer-
nels under- chants who hoped to
ground to col- profit under this new ruler.
lapse. Thus Mina quickly asserted
the beautiful her control over Sanction.
city of The palace became the mili-
Qualinost, one of tary headquarters, while
the glowing jewels i\'lina and her chosen fol.
the world, was lowers took up residence
destroyed and in the Temple of the
buried in a lake of Heart. once known as the
death. Temple of Huerzyd. Under
After defeating the guidance of Takhisis, the souls of
the elves, Mina's the dead brought to this Temple the
army struck dragon totems, stealing the skulls away
northwest, aim- from the lair of the Dragon Overlord,
ing for the Malystryx. With the raw power of the
stronghold of dra{,."On totem, the magic gathered by the
the Knights dead, and the prayers of those praising
of Solamnia, the One God, Takhisis was able to man-
ancient and ifest herself in the heavens. creating an
implacable enonnous eye that gazed down upon the
enemies world that was now hers alone.
of the When Malystryx was informed
Dar k of the theft of her totem, she
Queen. viewed it as a direct affiant from
this so-called Queen of
Enraged, she flew to Sanction.
Solan thus. planning on destroying the puny
the capital of mortals and their goddess. The people of
Solamnia. quickly fell before Mina's anny of dark Sanction and the soldiers of Mina's army, trem-
knights. mercenaries. dragons. and the souls of bled in fear at the dragon's coming, but Mina
the dead. The survivors were told to cany mes- never wavered. Her faith in the One God was
sages throughout Solamnia that the One God absolute and her faith would be upheld, for the
Queen of Darkness. the Queen of Dragons, the
One God ofKrynn. answered Mina's prayers.
176"-' CHAP"tE",-FivE
GODS Cr ~LiGion ~
As Mina cmcfbred from the new Temple orthe ance between Good and Evil had to be main-
One God, her Queen provided her with a mount- tain(.'<i, P:lladine had to willingly give up his own
an immense. undead dragon unlike any being godhood.
before seen on Krynn. Wielding a "mgolll(mc~. When the gods returned to their world.
with her loyal ally, the minolaur Galdar. at her P-.I1adine was mortal, a young elf with ancient
side. Mina flew to meet rvlalys. to bring down eyes. His appearonce C'dUSed the Balance to assert
another Dragon Overlord in the name of her itsel( Takhisis was made monal. Had she been
Queen. willing to accept her fate. as did Paladine. she
But while it seemed that Takhisis was invinci- might have survived. but her cruel and vindictive
ble. as she truly believed herself to be. with no nature manifested itsel( She turned on the one
other gods around to challenge her. the spirit of person who had been most loyal to her, laying the
the Gods of Light remained alive with the hearts blame for her downfall on Mina
of heroes. such as Goldmoon and l>alin Majere. SilvaIloshei. heir to the Silvanesti Kingdom.
While the Dark Queen was distracted by the was enthralled by Mina when she had ~rescued~
battle with Malys. the spiril ofr-.din Majere joined the Silvanesti from Cyan Bloodbane. Obsessed
with the blind silver drabJOIl. Mirror. to try to with her and by the divine energy he sensed with-
bring down the Dark Queen. While the dragon in her. the young elf walked away from his king-
totem was unguarded. Mirror unleashed ajirdXll1. dom. his loyalty to his people. and his honor to
siriking al the tOlem. 1'ne magic of the spell pursue her. Though she rebuffed him and he at
dashed with the magic of the totem. causing it to last saw the truth about her. he loved her still, for
collapse in on itsel( Too late. Takhisis saw her he saw that what she had done. she did OUt of
danger. She left Mina and the baltle with Malys to faith. When he witnessed Takhisis reaching out to
try to save the totem. but she was too late. The strike down Mina Silvanoshei acted to save his
Eye of the One God had closed. beloved. The elven king picked up the shaft of the
Mina's faith in her fickle l,roddess saved the day broken drogoll/01ur. he hurled it at the Dark
for Takhisis. By sacrificing herself, Mina managed Queen. The dmgon/olln smote the now mortal
to bring down Malys. Galdar rescued the dying Dark Queen. slaying her.
Mina and carried her broken body to shelter. He Appalled. Mina picked up her Dark Queen's
foresaw that in Krynn's future. Mina would be fallen sword and stabbed the hapless prince,
honored as one of the world's heroes. taking her killing him with a single strike. Promising retribu-
place with Huma and the Heroes of the Lance. tion against the now mort:11 Paladine, Mina lifted
Galdar saw this as a fitting tribute to her. When the body of her fallen QU(''en in her anns, and
Takhisis appeared to Galdar, he recognized her walked into the night. remaining faithful to the
and he knew of old that the godd(.'Ss was here Queen in death as in life.
only because she had further n(."(."<1 for Mina. not Galdar, the first who h:ld joint..>d Mina's cru-
because she cared about her. G:lldar beg{,re<l sade. also remained loyal to thc end, but hc
Takhisis to release Mimi. 'nlkhisis brushed aside remained loyal to Mina. not her goddess. At the
the minotaur. 'nle goddess "forgave~ Mimi for not end, Galdar was visitcd by, who admired
anticipating Palin's treachery and restored Mina the minotaur's loyalty and hoped that such loyal-
to health and usefulness. ty might be granted to the god of the rninotaurs.
Mina's return to Sanction was mel with :ldtlla~ Neither Galdar nor Mina have been seen sincc
tion from the masses, who had witnessed her vic- that filleful night that marked the return of the
tory over Malystl)'X. Mina planned on completing gods. Rumors of their whereabouts and their
the ceremony that would bring Takhisis forth. activities have spre,ld across Ansalon. but none
granting her a mort,11 body in which the goddess C'dn be confinned. Known for her steadfilst f:1ith.
could reside fully upon the mort:ll plane. Yet, 1'''lina will almost certainly keep her vow of
because of the actions of a kender and an artif.1ct vengeance abminst those whom she belicves
that enabled him to trove! through time and should pay for the death of the Dark Queen.
space, all the planning of the Dark Queen and her
Priestess would prove futile: destroyed in a single tAlQtisis. THE OnE GOD
instant when love triumphed. ending in the
downfall of a goddess. The One God
The journeys of Tasslehoff Bunfoot enabled Greater Deity
the gods to find their stolen world. The gods met Symbol: Skull split asunder by ,I lightning bolt
to decide upon a suitable punishment to mete out Home Plane: Ethere:al
to the duplicitous Queen of Darkness. TIle ulti- Alignment: Lawful E"il
mate punishment was to be levied against her. but Portfolio: Conquest. death. law. secrets, tyronny
it required a great sacrifice by Pahldine. Takhisis \Vorsruppers: Any
'\>-as to be strippt.-d of her divinity, but, as the bal- Cleric Alignments: Any non-good
Domains: Death. Evil. Law, War
Favored Weapon: Flail

GODS fr R!oLiGion '"'-' 177

Irol p<.'Ople around them. and yet still subservient
Note: The jOlluw/ilg lexl oll/Y applies 10 Ihe goddess to her. In return for their service, the One God
dun;'g Ihe hnifpenod oflhe War o/So"ls. She htls 110 f:,'T-aIlts them strenbrth and power.
worshipfrn olher Ihol1 /11"/11 befOre Ihe 1wr oml iJ lnc One God's priests must be skilled war-
destroyed 01 its ('One/llsion. The ,i!fOmmlioll is pruvitl- riors. Cllpablc ofleading annies of the dead and of
tdfor 11K Iii n 1I11r ofSoulr cnmpnig11. the living. TIle c1e'b'Y must have a charismatic
As the One God. Takhisis has no rival, for she presence that inspires fear and loyalty. 1ne f.'1ith-
is the only deity on Krynn during the time period fill must not show fear or doubt. They cannot
extending from the end of the Chaos War 10 the allow themselves to love any but their Queen.
end of the War of Souls. As the One God. 11ley must understand that everything that they
Takhisis has incredible power. for no other arc and everything that they do has only
divine force exists lhat can block her one purpose and thai is 10 forward the
ambition. as was done so many limes ambition of the One God.
before. Templcs to the One God are
When she appears to mortals. typically cstablished in the aban-
she can assume any fonn. doned temples of the ~fomler­
although her favored (anns dur- gods. This shows the people
ing Ihis era are the five-headed that there lnJly is only One
dragon (The Dragon of All God who is concerned for the
Colors and of lone) or as the world and its people. The tem-
Dark Warrior (3 woman p0s- ple is filled with signs of the
sessing a cold beauty that One God's ascendancy. most
pierces the soul. eyes mal often artifacts sacred to the
bum like funeral pyres. nails Mfonner Mgods that have now
like talons. hair long and become a symbol of the One
ragged like a corpse's, dressed God's strength.
in annOT of black fire and Those who enter a
wielding a massive blade per- Temple of the One God must
petually stained with blood). do so respectfully and reverent-
She also appeared to Palin and ly. Penitents will be expected to
Dalamar and Dlhers in the fonn pay for their sins and they must
of the Shadow Sorcerer-a grey- accept their punishment willingly.
robed figure wearing a metallic understanding that the One God
mask.. only punishes them because she
"cares.~ Petitioners must be humble and
DOGmA sincere in their worship and prayers. for the
l"e One God h.1S only one goal-the complete One God sees and knows all.
and utter domination of the world. All people
must worship her as the one and only bT()(1. All GOLomoon
people must serve her and obey her dictatcs Female human Mys9/Cit:ldcl Mystic 10: CR 19:
without question. This includes the living and the Mediurn-si7"c humanoid (human); HD 19d8+19;
dead. hp 129; Init +2; Slxl 30 ri.; AC 15 (touch 12. flat-
TI10se who follow the One God must r<.'COg- fool<.'(1 13); Atk +16/+11/+6 melee (ld6+2/x2.
ni7..e the ultimate :mthority of their goddess. Her +1 quarlcrstall); AL LG; SV Fan +14. Ref +8.
power must be absolute. The weak must bow Will +20; SIr 12. Dcx 14, Con 12 (14). Int 12. \Vis
before Ihe strong, and none can be stronger than 21 (25). Cha 17. Height ST, Weif:"ht 115 lbs.
those who serve the Queen. Slulls 1111" F~lJls: Bluff +5. Climb +3.
In the heart of her followers, the One God Concentmtion +6. Diplomacy +13. He'dl +19,
comes first. Love and compassion for others Knowledge (arc-.lIla) +5. Knowlcdf:,'C (religion)
opens a person to weakness. Betrayal will be pun- +11, Perform +5. Sense Motive +11. Spellcraft
ished by eternal tonnenL l...oyahy is rewarded +12. Spot +8. Survival +9; Brew POlion.
with domination over others. Channing, Craft Staff. Empower Spell. Iron \Vill.
Leadership, Maximize Spell. Weapon Focus
CLER.,.GY AnD tEmPLES (quarterstall).
The clergy of the One God are warriors. con- SfJ«tol QUllliliu: Heart's Grace (5u):
stantly proving they are strong enough to bring Goldmoon may add her Charisma bonus to
Dlhers under their control. able to dominale and Fortitude & Reflex saving throws- Mystic Secrets
intimidate through thought and deed. The One (Ex): Every time Goldmoon casts run' lighl
God accepts as her followers only those who are 1lJ()Ulfds, h~1J1. or TrSIOrtJlioll. the spells are consid-
strong enough to dominate, manipulate. and con· ered Empowered (as per the feat). Reputation
(Ex): Goldmoon may add +6 to an)' Charisma-
178"-' CHAP"tER..FiVE
GODS q RELiGion ~
based skill check when intcl':letin~ with prisoners. With the help of Tllllis l-Ialf·Elven and the rest
peasants. and rcfi1b't..'CS or with mlers. nobles. and of those who would later be celebrat<.'<i :lS the
authority fib'IJrCS. 'nlC bonus is appli(.-d as a penal- Heroes of Ihe Lance. Goldmoon and Riverwind
ty (negative) when interacting with enemies of fled Ihe Inn.
the Citadel of Light. In company with the heroes. Goldmoon and
Mystic Spells per Day: 6/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/614; Rive....vind travel back to Que-shu. 'Ioere Ihey
base DC = 13 + spclllcvcl. found that their tribe had been attacked by armies
Domains: Healing, Sensitivity. j\'lystic Spells of the forces of evil. TIley continue on to the
Known (- + 1 C'.l.stcr level) O-m"il/e wafa'. CUfY ruined city ofXak Tsaroth.
minor W()tl1l1h*, del«t mogic. deleel/Miron, glllillt!u'l'. Drdwn by a mysterious power, Goldmoon C"dr+
light, mt>fllitilg, plln]j'f(J(J(/ e:J "nidi. virtut", Ist-hlt'.lf. ried the blue crySlaI slaff into an abandoned tem-
romnlOl/d C1itr lighl a/oill/tls" denllmlnlch, "mgie ple. In the interim. Riverwind was mortally
slollt!, magic ZWOpo", kllie/unry'"- 2nd-h.-or:r wounded by a black dragon. TIle heroes carried
mdumllfr, bull's Sll?lIgth. cure mot/milt! WOllllth., his quivering body into the temple. where he was
gmtle nptm. !?Slam/ioll (Imn-). $U /irvisibI7ily. .rln- restored to full life by the goddess fl.'lishakal. who
IllS: 3rd-om' SUJOllJ W()lI1lfls .. HII/g/C n,r/e ngniml gives Goldmoon secret to recovering the Disks of
n'/Z f?IIIUlX blimblaJ/I/etif1Il'M. ""UTI;e CUTY, Kon'lIg Mishakal. a holy artifact. Goldmoon became a
lig/II. IOJlguu, 4th-i7/f'I" miiml u;olmlls.. disrml lie. cleric of Mishakal. Ihe the firsl cleric of the Gods
Slh-0110ryu ,I-<lXQmo: "IIW i7/f'I" ligh/ toofIJlIls" 6th- of Light 10 enter the world following the
h~ol" Irgl'1ld 1(Jn'; 7th-pro/" OTrnl/~ $igh/. Trgnl"- Cataclysm.
n/~'" 8Ih-dif«m lom/ioll. mn$! i7/n miirnl tootmds" Goldmoon and Rive....vind married in a cere-
9th-fo~igh/. mtw h~l/l· mony outside the fonress of Pax Tharkas. They
~i(),JS: +3 l..Lo/h" AnI/Or, +I QllOrlO$/'!IJ remained in company ofthe Heroes of the Lance.
Amll/~/ ofHenl/h +2. P"ioP/ ofWiklom +4. with Goldmoon spl'C"dding the word of the gods'
return to Ihe people of Ansalon. She met and
Undoubtedly one of the mosl important and healed the dying Elistan, who becomes the first
influential people ever 10 have walked Krynn. cleric ofPaladine. Goldmoon's f.1ith sUSl'ained the
Goldmoon was born in 322 A.C. She was the companions during many dark times and assisted
daughter of Chief Arrowthorn, of the Que-shu Ihem in their final victory over Ihe Dark Quet.."O.
tribe. who lived in the Plains of Dust. Her mOlh- After the war. Goldmoon and Rive....vind
cr. Tearson. had died when Goldmoon was returned 10 Ihe QuC"-shu tribe. TIlCY werc blessed
young. Goldmoon met hcr filture husband and with three children: ;t son. \Vlllldercr. and twin
her life-long love. Rivcrwind, during the ceremo- daughters, Moonsong and Brightdawn.
ny in which shc W:IS to be proclaim<.'<i a brod. Onc Riverwind ruled as the tribc's chief and
of the young mcn presenl. sc.'Cking hcr hand in Goldmoon aelt.'<i as a leader and spiritual advisor.
marria!,~, he refilsed to worship her as a god. The Plainspeoplc were not sparl'{l the horrors
instcad telling her of the tme gods of Krynn, of of the Chaos war. Goldmoon was b.,.ieved to hear
which Riverwind had learnl"{l from his b'l<lndfil- of the departure of the bro<ls, bUI her f:lith in their
thcr. wisdom remained strong, for she bc!ievc..<; the lies
The spirit ofGoldllloon's mother appearl"{lto told by 1\tkhisis. Ihal thc b'ods had sacrificed
her. confirming Rive....vind's belief. Rivc....vind WlIS thcIllSc!vl'S to save Ihe world from Chaos.
sent on II quest by Goldmoon's f:nher for somc Goldmaon's fitith was shaken, howevcr, when
proof of thesc ~ods. Riverwind returned with a her beloved Riverwind and daughler Brightdawn
blue crystal starr. which he was f.,"vcn during his wcrc slain by the red dm/,,"On, Malyslryx. while
quest. The staff provcd nOlhing to Chief aiding the kendcr of Goodlund. She found thai
Arrowthorn. Thc Chieflain ordered that the lessons of love and compassion taught to her
Rivc....vind be Slont.'{lto dealh for blasphemy. by Mishakal g;lVe her slrcnbrth and k'{l her to the
Goldmoon watched in agony as her lovcr is discovery of the Power of the I-!C'.lrt that is later
about 10 die. She coliid be'J.r it no lonbrcr :llld known as mysticism. Goldmoon rC'.llized that she
mshed to stand by his side. 'l1,e two disappe' hlld the ability to r('Slore healing and other magi-
in flash of blue librtll. C".ll powers 10 Ihe pt.'Opte of Ansalon, suffering
Goldmoon and Rive....vind found th<'"ffisclves under the reib'll oflhe Drab'On Overlords.
101>t ami wanlh:ring: nC".tr tilt: I\lr.tna.:.ini'lll Lown uf 1\:. pt:ul-'h:: d.ullul .... J Lu h::.1l11 111i~ puWt:I,
Solace. They are befriended by Siurm Bri!,rtllblade Goldmoon rC'"J.lized thai she mllSl give up the
and taken to the Inn of the Last Home. Here the duties of her tribe and make Ihis knowledge avail-
staff dramatically fC\'ealed that it could perfoml able to those who want 10 learn it. 1b that end,
the miracle of true hC"J.ling. 'lois put Goldmoon she founded the Citadel of Light on Schallsea Isle
and Riverwind in dllllbrcr of being taken by the and assumed k'3.dership over a n<....... order of mys-
troops of the Lorde To<.'<ie-who worked for the tics. She work<."<! against Ihe Drab'On Overlords,
dragon hib>hlord, Venninaard. gathering tOb'Cthcr a !,'1'OUp of heroes sometimes

GODS & ~LiGion "-' 179

callt..>d the "Heroes of the Heart" by talespinners- before her. 'n)e Dark Queen needed Mina and
though trust in the warrior Dhamon Grimwulf took no action. but this is a black mark against
nearly cost Goldmoon her life. her chosen.
During this time, an orphan child W:1S found Looking back on this period. many have ques-
washed up on the shore of Schallsea Isle. The tioned what happened to Goldmoon's soul dur-
child had no knowledge ofwho she was or where ing this time. for it is now known that the souls of
she came from. She was named Mina. Something all the dead were trapped in the world. forced to
about Mina reminded Goldmoon of herself when serve Takhisis. Since Goldmoon had refused to
she was young. Goldmoon was drawn to the serve Takhisis in life. however. many believe that
bright child. who never ce'J.sed to ask questions her soul was one of the few 10 defy T~lkhisis after
about the gods and who loved to hear of how death. TI)is explanation accounts for stories of
Goldmoon brought news of the gods back to the those who claim to have been aided during the
people of Krynn. Goldmoon was devastated War of Souls by the spirit of beautinll woman,
when, several years later. Mina disappeared. dressed in white. with shining silver-gold hair,
Evidence reveals that she ran away. who g<lve them hope when they thought all was
In the [wilibrht years of her life. Goldmoon wit- lost.
nessed the strange and terrible storm that swept Goldmoon's body was freed of its amber
across Ansalon. She felt a change come over her prison during the destmction of the totem by
and was horrified to discover that she had been Palin Majere and the silver dragon Mirror. Her
given back youth and beauty. ashes were interred in the Tomb of the Last
Her followers celebrated this as a miracle. but Heroes in Solace.
Goldmoon knew instinctively thllt something
was wrong. TIle youthful body was nm her own. R!:SVR.GEIICE OF FAiTH
lne beautiful face was nm one she knew.
Takhisis had long soughl her revenge upon The retum of the gods brought with it a resur-
Goldmoon, whom the goddess blamed for the gence of faith across Ansalon. Just as in the time
loss of the War of the Lance. Takhisis following the War of the Lance. people have
believedthat nothing would be so suilable as to found that their prayers are being answered. They
have Goldmoon become an unwitting cleric and feel comforted by the familiar presence in the
so Takhisis gave Goldmoon the ability to see the heavens, secure in their belief that the gods will
souls of the dead and tried to trick Goldmoon watch over them, just as they have in the past.
into thinking that what she thought was the Among these are the people who never lost
power of the heart was really the dead working in their faith. who continued to believe in the gods
conjunction with the One God. even when the gods were absent. Believing that
Seeing the river of souls Oowing north. the gods had sacrificed themselves in order to
Goldmoon followed it. She Oed Schallsea just as protect them from Chaos. these peple held firm
Beryl and her armies attack the Citadel. leaving to their beliefs. 1ney were led by the example of
her followers to wonder if she had abandoned Goldmoon. Her f.'lith wavered with the death of
them. her husband and daughter. but she Clime to real-
Takhisis lured Goldmoon 10 the Tower of i7..e and understand that their deaths had purpose
High Sorcery in Nightlund. where she was reunit- and me'aning, though it was not clear to her at the
ed with Mina. Goldmoon learned to her horror time. She continued preaching the precepts hand-
that Mina is the spiritual leader of the One God, ed down to her by the goddess, Mishakal. At the
who has brought death and destruction to end. when Goldmoon was asked to deny that
Ansalon. Mina urged Goldmoon to join her in faith and give her loyalty to Takhisis. in exchanl"TC
worshpping the One God. Goldmoon recogni7..ed for youth and beauty. Goldmoon remained tme
at lasl that the One God was really Takhisis, her to her faith and the sound or her final prayer led
nemisis ofold. Goldmoon defied the evil god and the gods to find their stolen world.
cried out her faith in the Gods of Light. asking The gods realize that this world has ch~ll1ged,
their forgiveness for having ever doubted. and changed drastically. The perception that the
Furious. Takhisis withdrew Goldmoon's youth. gods abandoned the world again. just after retum-
leaving her a withered, elderly woman. ing only decades earlier, has caused many to turn
Goldmoon died in Mina's anns. Goldmoon's final their backs completely on the gods. Each god and
prayer made its way through the he'<lvens to the goddess must reestablish his or her presence
other gods. amongst the masses, something that may be diffi-
Mina encased Goldmoon body in a magical cult, even for immortals. Many years. perhaps
coffin ofamber. bearing the body with her on her many generations. will pass before the gods are
conquests through Ansalon. Mina's continued once more accepted completely, and even then,
love for Goldmoon angered Takhisis. who there will always be those who doubl.
demanded that her followers put no one else In previous Ages, Ihe gods lended to remain
aloof from the world. particularly the Gods of
Light and those of Balance. who held that inter-

180"'-' CHAP"tE,,-FivE
GODS fr RELiGion ~
ference by the !,rods might take away the free will had lx'Cn waiting for the people to come back to
ofmortals. These gods intervened only when they them. Believing that the gods had helped them
felt that the forces of evil were &"3ining the upper win the war against the forces of darkness. the
hand. PIlJadine. in the Conn of the doddering old people were ready to return to betiefin the b'OdS.
wizard. l-izban (who was geller.illy morc of a hin- Then Chaos burst out of his prison. bringing dev-
drance to his followers than a help!) and the astation and destruction to the world. In some
Goddess of Healing, Mishakal, C'dffiC to the world instances. the gods stood side by side with the
during the War ohhe Lance to assist in the b;lUle mortals they loved. and managt.'(\ to defeat Chaos.
against the Dark Queen. Sadly. they were blind to the ultimate betrayal by
By contmst, the Gods of Darkness were far one of their own as Takhisis stole away world.
morc aetj,"c in the world. Takhisis appeared to her The Dark Queen tricked the people into
faithful in many fonns. from the five-headed dr.lg- believing that the gods had purposefully len. the
on to the Dark Warrior or the Dark Queen. world. sacrificing themselves in order to ensure
Sargonnas rallied his minotaurs to deeds of grc:u- that Chaos would never return. As she had fore-
ness by walking among them as the giant mino- seen. many people understood this to mean that
taur. Sargas. Other gods of evil. such as j\'lorgion the gods had ned the world. with no care for the
and Chemosh. were more circumspect, appearing future suffering of the people. Many proclaimed
only to their most faithful and trusted followers. that they no longer needed the gods and thus this
Of all the gods. Reorx felt closest to mortals. era was named Ihe Age of Mortals.
particularly the dwarves. and his mortal guise of There is no denying that people will find it dif-
Duncan Redhammer could ofien be found among ficult to readjust to yet another change. Many
dwan;es, drinking, dicing, belting and generally years will be required to heal the wounds and
having a good time. This ad,'enlurous god was move forward into the future. but the gods are
much more likely to get his monal companions detennined to prove to the world that they are
into trouble than out of it and it is not likely that here to stay.
he has changed over the years.
The three Gods of Magic quite ofien rebelled RJiEc"tion OF "tHE GODS
against their parent's and had their own ways of Just as there are those who welcome the return of
doing things. Tney were r.'{r more active in the the b'Ods, there are those. who are not pleased that
world. often appearing in their avatar fonns to the gods w:llk the world once more. lneir faith
their followers to advise. counsel. or conspire. has been pushed too far. and they are not willing
All Ihis being said. the b>OOS in previous ages to be hurt once by apparently fickle gods
b1Cnerally preferred to work Ihroub'h their mortal who seem prepared to tum away from the world
followers. laking m:ltlers into their own hands time and time at,r:lin.
only in the most dire circumstances. An entire generation. particularly among
Circumstances have now changcd in the humans, has b'l'own without benefit of the b'OdS.
world. With many pt..'Ople suspicious or wary of Many in this generation do not Sec:1 need 10 wor~
the gods. the gods themselves may have to act ship any deity. lneir lives have not been easy. but
more ab"b>'Tessively 10 regHill lost fililh and to make they have managed to come through their tri:lls
new converts. '111e gods of both Lighl and and tribulations without divine help and they see
Darkness realize that they must make their pres- no reason to give up their independence in return
ence fcll. Not only will the derics of the newly re- for what they perceive to be dubious guin.
established orders be more visible in the world. Most of the time. these views are privately
seeking out old followers <lncl bringing the mcs- held. expressed to only a few or kept locked inside
sabTC of the gods to new genemtions. but the brods an individual hC:lrt. '111ere are those whose mge is
themselves may take a more active role in the so strong that they have made a religion of reject-
affairs of the world. ing religion. ,11t..'Se r.·lllatics express their views
'111C next few dt.."'Cadcs will St..'C a gre-dt difference loudly. Some have taken to :ltI:lcking clerics and
in the intcmction between mortals and the gods. desecrating or destroying temples.
as both work to reestablish the bond th:lt has Others have attempted to take :Idvantage of
been broken and tested twice. 'nle relationship the situation by establishing the worship of false
between mort:lls and brods will not be as it was idols or starting cults whose worship centers on a
before. Prior to the uuaclysm. lhe gods were powerful, charism:ltic figure, brener-ally a sorcerer
considered perfect. all knowing, just and wise. or a mystic. who passt..'S off magic as a miracle.
Following the Cataclysm. the people saw the Perhaps not surprisingly, the ranks of those
gods as capricious and cruel. 11ley blamed the who reject the gods contain a large number of
gods for turning aW'ay from them. for abandoning sorcerers and mystics. who discovered that their
the people during their darkest hour. magic \\~dS rOOled in themselves. not in the will of
During the War of the Lance. Goldmoon a god. Unlike the derics of the Holy Orders oCthe
brought forth the Disks of 11. lishakal. rC"eaIing Stars or wizards of the Orders of Hibth Sorcery.
that the gods had not abandoned the world, but mystics and sorcerers use magic Ihat comes from

GODS & R!:LiGion ",",.181

within an individual, which tends 10 foster il spir. priest'S or dcries and that they themselves are
it orindependencc. 'Illey do not wallt to MburdenM rL'quired to instruct their followers in the basic
thelllseives with the rules, restrictions, and the tenets of filith. This is particularly true of those
rcg.dia n...--quired by the Orders. gods who were considen."<i Mminor~ brads .llld
Sorcerers. in particular, feel this very stronbrly. who did not have .1 larb'C base of fonowers in pre-
for most believe that when High Sorcery is firm· vious ages. With P.lladine and Takhisis no lonbref
Iy re-establislu:d, they will bmnd sorcerers as in the pantheon. some of these gods believe that
reneg;.ldcs and try to force them to join one of the the t'ime is ripe for them to move in to place their
Orders. l\lany SOf'-'Crers now view themselves as own stars in the dark parts of the night sky. To
rebels and are openly defYing the Orders. 'nlOSC this end, somc of the gods have changed their
m:lb"CS currently leading the Orders understand tenets to make their worship more palatable and
their problem, Onley reali7.e thai such ;I move attractive to new followers or are working more
migtu well lead to open warfare between sorcer· a!{brressivcly to allract n(.."w followers.
ers and wizards, but they also finnly believe that While not truly clerics, the members of the
only the b'Ods (and thereby the Orders) have the Orders of Hibm Sorcery honored the three Gods
ability to control something as dangerous as of M'lgic above any other gods. since the Gods of
mabric. 'nlU5, they are. at the moment, dhrided l\ labric focused on arC-dne magic and never divid-
about how to handle the problem. No decision (..'<1 their energies between \vizards and priests.
has yet been made and will nOi be made until the E\'en thoubm the Orders of High Sorcery were
!-'rst Conclave is c-.dled into session. disbanded. Illany fOnl1er wizards held on to the
A la'b'C percentage of members of the u.--gion hope that someday the gods of magic would
of Steel had expressed their intent not to tum to return. While a few wizards turned to sorcery.
the gods. 'nle Legion was formed during the others clung to their Moutd<lted~ rituals and prac-
!-.fth Age-the Ab'C of Mortals-and they believe tices, religiously studying their spellbooks. prac-
that they c-.lllnottruly function as an independent ticing tbe arcanc brestures, and collecting spell
force, dediclting to serving the people, iftlu.,), are components. With the retum of the gods. those
required to serve a p.lIron b'Od. 'nlis L'<1iet applies who once ridiculed these wizards for living in the
to the Ll..'1"rion as a whole, not to individual mem- past arc now turning to them with humble
bers of the Lq"rion, who are free and L'Ven encollr- requests to study at their feet.
abrcd to pursue their own beliefs. Eadl b'tXl .Illd C'"dch god's Holy Order operdtcs
independently from one another, although thcy
DEiTiES & CLER.-GY typiedly align themselves by thcir celestial allili.l-
tions-Light, Balance. and Darkness or Good,
In the months following the retum of the true Ncutral. and Evil-thus forming .1 loose-knit bond
gods, Ansalon has SL'Cn a resllrbrcncc of divine bctween members of an affiliation. (A cleric of
activity that surpasses even the resurrection of Morgion might join with.1 cleric ofChemosh to
faith following the War of the Lance. f\lre'ldy. fight .1 cleric of Mishaka1. for example.)
stories h:1\'e beb'lln 10 spread across the continent. Sincc some of the gods have newly formed
telling of gods SCCIl walking the land, personally :lmbitions. however, thL"Se bonds may be tested,
approaching those whom they have chosen as as the b'Ods vic with each other to establish new
their followers. Many tavem tales arc told of hief:lfChies within the alib'llmcnts. One of the
divine tr.1\'e1ers rescuing people from terrible sit- Gods of Light must yet be chosen to lead the
uations in order to impress lIpon them the value fiunily. while the Gods of Darkness are evell now
ofserving a god. Some people find these stories to eng:.lbrcd in :1 struggle with one another to deter-
be a source of inspil'".1Iion, others point that this mine which will .Ittain dominion over the others.
only undersL'Ores the t,'Ods' desperation. Many ye.lrs may pass before the voids are filled.
The Gods of Krynn have retumed :md. once Until then. Gilean stands alone as the pivotal
more, their priests Cdn be seen and their presence force for BalanL"C in the hL....vens.
felt throughout the land. Old temples havc been
redaimL'<1 and re-consecmted. New temples arc BR...AnCHALA
under constmction. Some of the gods are taking
a more proactive interest in the 5e'drch for follow- '1l1C Bard King. the Song of Life. Branchala is the
ers. ,1-,c world is a different place now, and mor- patron of the ans. of music and poetry, He
tals arc not the only ones who have had to adapt preaches th.It hannony can be found in the sym-
to cl1anb'C. phony of life and nature.
'1l1C Holy Orders are yet in their infimcy, Some Priests of Branchala are skilled musicians,
ciders still retnL1nber the old ways. but they are many eaming their livings as bards and perfonn-
few in number and. for the most part, the old ers. as they spread the message of their god
ways themselves have changed. Prior to the Hfth through song, poem. and stories. Though per~
Ab'C. priests and clerics could teach the faithful ceh'L'<1 to be solitar}'. Bmnchala's priests maintain
the tenets of the gods during the Fifth Age, Now. a close bond, passing infomlation to one another
the b'Ods have returned to find that they ha\'e no throut,m their art. Due to their extensive tra\'e1s.

182 ~ CHAP"tE"FivE
GODS q. R!:LiGion '"""-'
Bmnchalas priest k£.'ep well infOfllu.. d on events CHEmOSH
occurring in the world. '11CY know all local t,'Os-
sip and the latest minors. Chemosh is the Lord of Death. the King of
AU priests of Branchala aTC wanderers. for their Liches. and Master of Undeath. It was from
tenets that they must explore the vastness Chemosh that Takhisis learned the secrets of
of the world, brint,rlng art and be'duty 10 all they manipulating the souls of the dead. for Chemosh
encounter. While Mishakal's priests arc unrivaled was one of the first Gods of Darkness to join her
in healing wounds of the body and spirit, the during the Age of Starbirth. He now deeply
priests of Branchala specialize in healing wounds rq,....ets giving up this secret. for she used it against
of the heart. l'hey use their music to ease suffer- him when she betrayed all the gods and slole
ing and pain. Their stories C".m tum the tides of away Ihe world.
emotion. as they Iry to bring the 1>e'.lUIY of nature Chemosh's priests have often pcrfonned their
into the heans of all they encounter. terrible rituals in secret, for the living and the
Because he is a wandering bro<!. and he encour- undead cannot "live" side-by-side. Temples to
aged his followers 10 be wanderers. Branchala Chemosh could be found in ancient. forgotten
never saw the need for u..-mplcs to be built in his crypts, where his followers sought to achieve the
honor. He preferred to establish simple shrines in -true" immortality promised to them by their dark
the fores!. where individuals could come to med- god. Because of the secrecy involved in their dark
itate in peace. lislening to the music of nature; practices, and the revulsion in which they were
finding inspiration in the world around them. held by the living, priests of Chemosh tended to
Upon his return to the world. he was shocked to keep to themselves and were rarely seen on
discover the terrible changes that had come to his Ansalon.
favored children-the elves and kender. whose Chemosh was oveljoyed to witness the fall of
homelands have been defiled and the natural both his Dark Queen and his enemy. Paladine. He
beauty despoiled. kows that there will be a power struggte among
Branchala has begun to seck out those who the Gods of Darkness to see who will gain ascen-
want to bring beauty back to the world. those dancy over the others and he welcomes that
who have the couraf".TC to brave the danf:,.TCrs of the struggle. believing that he is the one who will
world. especially those lands cursc...-d by the emerge the winner. 1b accomplish this. however.
Dragon Overlords. He has asked these followers he must gain followers and clerics and gain them
to dare to elller the r.lVaf".rec:llands to II)' help to rapidly.
heal the wounds caused by the dmgons' magic. Many of his mosl powerful priests h:ld already
Wherever they eml bring back beauty in desola- embraced undeath, and thus -survived" the Chaos
tion. Bmnchllla's priests have been instruct<.'<i to War and War of Souls by remaining hidden in
build shrines that arc more temple-like in nlltUre. their crypts. Although some were dis<.'Overed by
to senre as havens ofpeace :l1ld sanctual)' to those the One Goo :md forced into the One God's War.
who dare to walk these danf".rcrolls areas. those powerful enough to remain free of the One
Because they sing of beauty and rom:111CC :111d Goo's gmsp have welcomed back their goo and
love. priests of Branchahi are often mistaken for are ready to senre as he desires. 'I1ms. unlike the
weaklings and cowards. Br.mchala·s priests orten other gods. Chemosh has returned to find that he
go into dani"TCrous sitUlltions tlnd they h:1\'e the has a well-established power base.
means to defend themselves. All priests of JUSI exaclly whlu Chcmosh plans is yet unclear.
Branchala know that their music will not alwtlys but rumor has it that he intends to turn his atten-
be met with cheers, and thtlt nothing is as unpn..... tion from the -undead" to what his followers are
dictable as the mood of the crowd. A wise priest now starting to call the -unliving". No one knows
will keep her wC'Jpons in Ihe same good condi- yet what this strange and ominous IeI'm means or
tion that she keeps her lute. Some priests have whal it portends for the world.
even devised ways of either using their instru- What is known is that Chcmosh is actively
ments as wC'Jpons or hiding weapons within their recruiting priests-those who have yet to achieve
instruments. "immortality"-and is sending them throughout
As Branchala is often depicted as companion Ansalon to spread the mcssaf"."C that the River of
to Habbakuk, priests of Br:mchala can often be Souls has forever been tainted. that the gods are
found working IObTClhcr with Habbakuk's faithful. unsure of what happens to a soul after death.
paniClllarly out in the wilds. where the two Only a god of death can truly understand death
nature-loving deities seck to encourJbTC the sanc- and wield power over it. In other words. if you
tity of nature among mortals. Unlike some of the want to live forever. become a follower of
other f".rads. Brandmla has no ambitions for him- Chemosh.
self. but he would like to sec the btrOwth of his fol- Chemosh's undead priests have begun to gath-
lowing, in order that the terrible wounds suffered er in the ruined and forgotten places of the world.
by the land and its people may start to be healed. None know why they have been called. but they
are filled with dark hope and eaf".'Crly await his

GODS fr ~LiGiOO " " 183

CH iSLEV of nature-a column of rock shaped like a hand. a
crystal clear spring in the middle of a desolate
Chislev. the incarnation of nature, is the god who wasteland. a massive redwood scarred by COUllt-
has been the most deeply hurt by the terrible less lightning bolts. Often the only way to deter-
changes that have oc..'Curred in the world during mine that one of these natural formations is a
the Fifth Age. Though the first Cataclysm was shrine 10 Chislev is by the small gifts that hllve
destructive and altered the f.'lce of the world. the been left there by her filithful to honor the god-
destruction, though devastating. was natural and dess. Those gifts that please her most also benefit
nature soon began to rcpair the damage. The nllture, lind so one may find nuts. seeds, apples
nvisted magic of the Dragon Overlords, however, and berries, free for the taking by travelers or ani-
has Icft deep wounds that will lake gener.ltions to mals and birds.
heal, if ever. Chislev's faithful work together with the
TIle vast majority of Chislev's Elithful are priests of Habbakuk, for she is the goddess of
druids-those who have tume<1 their bllCks on nature and the wild. and he is the god ofbeasts of
socicty in order 10 cmbmce nature. Duc to their the wild. Her followers tend to clash with the fol-
isolated :md solitary existence, some dmids knew lowers of Zeboim. the goddess of the sea and
nothing of the Chaos War. the advent of the Age storms; the priests of Chemosh. whose M!,rift" of
of Mortals. or the War of Souls. While they felt undeath disrupts the cycles of life-death-rebirth:
the llbsence of their goddess, few ever questioned and the followers of Morgion. the god of pesti-
it. Nature remained. and mosl continued their lence, disease. :md decay.
work without pause. 'nle druids are glad that
their !,J"()ddess has relurned. but they go on about
their work much as before. without stopping to
ask why or how.
Chislev docs have a few clerics. who mainly
pmcl'ice their magic in rural communities. assist-
ing farmers to respect naturc as they grow their
crops and helping to combat diseases that Ihreat-
en plants.
Chislev's followers are few in number, for few
individuals arc capable of giving up the ~com­
forts" of society in order to live as one with
nature. BCC'dlise so many pcople on Ansalon are GiLEAn
outmged and shocked by the dev:lstation cllused
by the dragons. Chislev is hopefill that these peo- Gilean. the God of Balance, has traditionlllly been
ple will be moved to action and that the numbers served more by Ihe Aesthetics of the Great
of her followers will grow. Libr:lry of Palanthlls than by active priests.
Chislev hlls entreated her followers to enter Gik"lln's primary duty is to ensure lhm the bal-
the lands of those Dragon Overlords who have ance bctween Good and Evil is maintained and to
alrC'J.dy been destroyed. to try to repair the dam- kecp the Book, the recording of the evenets of
age. In the lands of the two remaining Dragon every second tbat passes in the world.
Overlords, Gellidus and Onysablel. Chislev has Gilean has been active in the pllSt to restore
decided upon a more drastic course of action. the balance and he continues active to this day.
Knowing that not even her druids could deal with He saw the balance swin!,ring 10 the side of good
the powers of living Dra!,J"()n Overlords, she hllS during the reign of the Kingpriest llnd was instru-
bC!,".ln 10 search for individuals of coumge and mental in bringing about the Cllaclysm. When
determination. who also respect and love nature. the Balance swung toward evil during the War of
Drawing primarily from the ranks of those who the Lance, Gilean directed the Gods of B:llance
are skilled :IS rangers. Chislev has begun to assem- to side with the Gods of Light. Upon the return
ble them into :1 brotherhood of w:lTfior-druids. ofChaos to the world. Gilean maintained that the
who will be sent infiltrate the desecrated territo- iron-fisted control wiclded the Gods of Darkness
ries of Frost and Sable. Working undercover. they was needed to deal with the greater "e\'il.~ lne
will blutle the overlords' minions. as they try to Gods of Balance sided with the Gods of
heal the magically altered landscape. Chislev Darkness.
hopes that her warrior-druids can take back the When the gods rediscovered the location of
land and restore the balance of n:lture. the world. the gods were determined to punish
Chislev has no tmc tcmples. Shrines built in Takhisis for her actions by removing her god-
her honor can be found throughout the wilder- hood. Gilean decreed th:lI, in order to m:lintain
ness. even in remote and isolated re!,rions. Her the balance. Paladine must also give up his god-
shrines are sometimes difficult to recognize. for hood, a sacrifice the god willingly made for the
they are not marked with her symbol. Her shrines sake of his people.
are not mllde by human hands, but are creations
184 ~ CHAP"tER.FiVE
GODS Q< ~LiGion ~
Like the other gods. Gilean has returned to events-even simply by relaying information. If a
find a world that has changed. Astinus of spirit realizes that his mere presence is altering
Palanthas. the founder of the Great and. the course of events, it will immedi:.IIe1y depart.
some believe. the av:ltar of Gilean, had disap- Gilean encourages his ghostly followers to
peared from the Creal Library. taking all the continue their research and explor'dtion, sending
books of the JconocnromM with him, and leaving them OUI into the world to be witness 10 events,
the Aesthetics 10 carry on as best under the lead- charging them to never to take sides or interfere.
ership of his assistant. Bertrem. The death of Chemosh has vieo.ved these ghosts wilh a cov-
Benrem left a void amongst the Aesthetics. etous eye, but his overtures to them 10 join him
Bertrem remained fiercely loyal to Gilean, even in are always repulsed, for these spirits are strongly
the god's absence. When Bertrern died. the loyal to Gilean, who is now the most powerful
Aesthetics lost faith in their god and even began god of the pantheon.
10 question their purpose in keeping records of Gilean's temples are libraries and other reposi-
e\'ents in a world that seemed 10 be spiraling into tories of knowledge and wisdom. The greatest of
darkness, especially since the Aesthetics had few these is the Great Library of Palanthas, where the
of their people in the field. finding out what was history of the world has been kepi since the
happening in the world. founding of the great city, many centuries ago and
Upon Gilean's return. he was appalled 10 find where, with the assistance of ghostly researchers,
his followers in such turmoil. falling behind in that work is being carried on.
their work. He had to find some way to rejuve- The ghostly Aesthetics are not the only ones to
nate the Aesthetics, restoring their faith and travel the world in search of knowledge, Some of
ensuring that they continued to uphold the ide'.tls Gilean's living Aesthetics also take to the road.
of truth and knowledge. And he had to find some Since they do not wear robes or carry any insignia
means of providing them with the infonnation that marks them as followers of Gilean. an
needed to record the evelH'S of the Age of Aesthetics' most notable dlaraeteristics are her
Mortals. insatiable curiosity, her constant questioning, the
When the spirits ohhe souls of those who had large bag ofjournals she carries with her (which
been trapped in the world by the One God were she values morc hib,hly than jewels), and her ink-
freed by the return of the gods and preparing to Slained finbrers.
go forth on their journey to the next ofexis- It is yel unclear who will rise to the position of
tence, Gilean called tObrether the souls of the leadership within the Great Library. 111e philoso-
Aesthetics and gave them a choice. TI,ey could phies of Astinus and Bertrem were vastly differ·
continue on to the flext stabre or they could ent, particu1:lfly towards the final years of
choose to remain on Krynn, using their knowl- Bertrem's life. The next Master of the Library
edbre of evenlS that they either witnL'Ssed or may have yet another different philosophy, one
glcaned from other souls to :ldd to the rccords of that will unite the philosophies of the Fifth Age
the Gre-dt Library, with those of Gilcan.
Pleased to be of service to their b1Qd, many
souls of deceased Aesthetics chose to return to H A88AK.,VK.,
the Great Library, (It should be 1l0led that Known as the Fisher King and the Blue Phoenix,
Bertrem was nOl among them and many believe Habbakuk created all the animals that walk the
that he has joined Astintls, wherever that great land, live in the Se-d, and fly in the air. His follow-
chronicler now rcsidL"S.) 'I1111S it was that the ers embmce this god's wild nature and are typi-
Aesthetics were shocked to enter their Libl"'J.ry cally those who dwell in the forL"Sts or sail upon
onc day and find it filled with ghosts, each of the Se-dS. Habbakuk's most fervent followers :lfe
whom had with him a volume of the missing druids and those who preach his tenets as priests.
famcnrollos. Habbakuk's druids view themselves as the
The spirit-Aesthetics have become silent, invis- defenders of wildlife, protecting those who walk
ible partners in rt.'COrding the history of Krynn. on four legs from the thre-dt posed by those who
Unable to inter'J.CI with the physical world, they walk on IWO. While Habbakuk's priests spread the
remain focused and fixated on witnessing impor- lenants of Ihe faith, the druids live by sensing the
tant events and then relating them to the living god's spirit in nature, Like their patron deity,
historians in the Gre-dt Libr..u y of P.J.lanthas, In Habbakuk's druids tend to be very fierce when it
tum, the li\ring Aesthetics are sworn to secrecy comes to their protectomte.
about this arrJ..l1brement. and since they are the Many druids are eager to enter the realms of
only ones who can see and hear their colle3gUes' both the Dr.tgOn Overlords, living and dead, to
spirits. few people would believe them a1l)"",ay. bring aid and help 10 the distressed \vildlife.
If use of magic reveals the presence of a spirit~ Habbakuk has counseled patience. which seems
Aesthetic. they will get very little helpful infonna- at odds with the god's legendary volatilily. BUI
tion out of them. Their binding oath to Gilean Habbakuk's patience is that of the predator, who
prevents them from interfering with present carefully stalks its prey, waiting for a moment of

GODS fr RJLicion "'-' 185

weakness before striking. He has sent a few his and double-dcaling. Hiddukcl rewards those who
druids on secret missions 11110 the rc:.llms of the are able to climb to the top by stepping on mh-
Sable and Frost as well as jlllo the hmds of the e".
dead overlords. in order 10 scout out the lcrrit0l")' Temples to Hiddukel are ofien hidden from
and Conn plans of attack.. public view. l1ley may be found in cellars, sewers.
Habbakuk's clerics tend to dwell in small vil- or secret rooms in castles or houses, and are ofien
lages along the coastlines or in small fanning guarded by hired thugs, sla\'cs, or magical
communities. In f.'lnning communities. the priests guardians. times, such guards are posted
tcnd to animals. assisting to control the wild ani- there to protect onc of Hiddukel's followers from
mals th:lt prey upon livestock. as well as w:lIdling sneak attacks by anothl,......
over the livcstock. His priests also sen'c, in a Thc temples to the god take many fonns. l1lcy
minor cap'lcily. as he:llcrs when 1lCC(.'Ssary. may be disb'\.liscd. so outsiders would not ft.·cog-
though I)'»ically only when a cleric ofMishak:l1 is nize that they stood in a temple dedicated to lhe
nO( :wail:lble. Habbakuk's priests are most popu- b>od oflies and trf..'achcry. I-liddukel's f.worite site
lar with sailors, who will ask for the Fisher God for temples are hidden within or benealh a tem-
to protect them from the anger or the Sea Quccn. ple sacred to another god, for Hiddukel g1.lins per·
Zeboim. The two arc ancient enemies. for verse pleasure in deceiving his brethren.
Zeboim claims th,l( everything in the SC<lS
belonb'S to her and is hcr domain alone. while Ki~-ioLi"tH
Habbakuk claims dominion over all animals. The Sword of Justice. son of Pal:ldinc and
whether on land or sea. Mish;lkal. is the twin brother to J-labbakuk. and
Habbakuk's constant romp'lllion is the god. one of the patron deities of the Knights of
Branehala. 'l1lc followers of the two bro<ls are Solamnia. Kiri-Jolilh is a militant god of justice.
oftcn seen working tObrether. panicularly against honor. courab1C. and war.
any injustice threatening the natural world. l1le stauncllcst followers of Kiri:Jolith are the
Knights of the Sword. Adhering to a code of con·
duet known as the Code and the Measure, the
TIle Bargainer of Souls. the Broken Scrtlcs. Knights of the Sword strive to be honorablc and
Hiddukel is the god ofill-gouen g'.lins and under- just in all their dealinb'S. l1ley are taught to exem-
handed dealings. 'l1lieves and dishonest mcr- plity thc qualities ofcourage and heroics. embrac-
chants honor him. Vcry few approadl Hiddukel ing the teachings of Kiri-Jolith and working all
willingly. for those who do ofien lind it difficult to their lives to live up to his ideals.
tum their b:lcks on the wiley god and walk aW'ly. l1le Knights of the Sword are the holders of
The clerics of Hiddukel are skilled in dc(.'ccp- the ritcs and rituals of the b'Od. They held true to
tion. manipulation. and double-dealing. Ofien liv- thesc rituals during the dark days of the
ing doublc lives. Hiddukel's faithful rarely reveal Cataclysm, remaining true to their beliefs even as
their true allegiance. 11,e brifis gmmed to thcm by they were being reviled for them. \Vhen the brads
their god allow thcm to elude even mabricoll returned during the timc of tile War of the Lance.
detection. Hiddukcl's worshippers ;He encour- the Knights of the Sword were waiting and eager
aged to comlpt the innocent. lure the rightcolls to take up arms in the name of their patron.
into depravity. :md 10 garner wC;lhh by any During the Chaos War. many Knights of the
means possiblc, without reg'.lrd for how it m;IY Sword fought at thc side of their god agtlinst the
affect othcrs. Hiddukel's followers may deal in forces of Chaos. Believing Ihal he sacrificed him-
slaves. operate black markets, embezzle money self for the sake of humanity. the Knibmts contin-
from their cmployers or ruin others to enrich ued to honor their b>od, even in his absence.
themselves. Although somc Knib-lus of the Sword turned to
Following Hiddukel's disappearance. his fol- mysticism in ordcr to compensate for their loss of
lowers continued with their activities. proving divine magic. almost all of them ha\'e willinb-ly
that the true source of depravity does not reside accepted Kiri:Jolith into their heans once more
in the hC'.lrt of a god. Upon his remm. I-liddukel and have received his divine strength in return.
was pleased to lind a new generation offollowers Jed by their High Clerist. the spiritual command-
eager to trade their souls for wC'.llth and power. er of the Solamnic Knights.
and thus the god has been able to quickly build Though the Hibm Oerist's Tower has lain
up the ranks of his followers, placing thcm in key mostly in ruins during most of the l-Ifih Age.
positions in nearly evcry major city of Ansalon. there is a movemcnt by the Knights to re-claim
Outsidcrs ofien mistakenly assume that the Tower and restore it to its former glory.
Hiddukel's church lacks structure. for thcy sec no Kiri:Jolith's faithful also include priests who are
outward sib'llS of his clergy's presence. Howcver. not members of the knighthood. but who com-
his followers have established ;1 very intric.lIe. yet bine spiritual might with manial prowess. 111Cy
deceptively simple. hierarchy. Powcr in thc
church is I,;.lined through tre'lchery. deception.

186"-' CHAP"tER.FiVE
maintain a military-style org;miz.uion in their always honored Kiri-Jolith over Sargonnas, for t.h.e
ranks, as they seek to bring order 10 chaos and Kaziganthi have come to belit="e that only K1r:'.
light 10 darkness. . .. .. Jolith coln save the minotaur race from a tm!,'lc
With the loss of I~)adme and his pncsts. Kln- downfall.
Jolith has taken it upon himself to uphold the
ideals of his father. He is seeking out many of mAjERjO
Paladinc's fonner faithful and entreating them to The t\lantis of the Rose and Master of the Mind.
join his cause. The loss of th~ gueen of Darkn~ t\lajere is the god of discipline. contemplation,
has not brou(,.rht an end to evil In the world. QUltC and unanned combat. An introspective deity.
the contrary. TIle remaining Gods of l>.lrkncss Majere has never acquired many followers. for he
are now locked in a competition 10 take her placc preaches that the path to spiritual enlightenment
and are J:,'l'Owing ever more militant and aggres- requires constant vigilance, self-sacrifice. and
sive. meditation; precepts that are not easy to follow.
Kiri:Jolith's filvored followers :Ire the Knights Yet, those who do choose 1'0 follow the path of
of Solamnia. for in them he believes he will find M;yere olien lind that such discipline brinb'S rich
the strcn(,.rth to emy out his father's ideals and reward.
ensure that the world is safe from darkness. He il,lh-uere's priests arc noted for their air of c,dm·
has been C'<lTcful to neglect nOlle of those who ness and serenity, which they lTIllintain even dur M

might be drawn into his service. how~vcr. His ing the most chaotic and dangerous situations.
av.Har may wke the form ofa noble warnor of any Just as their brod is considered the wisest amongst
race. spc..·aking of the ideals of honor and COUr.I!,'C the Gods of Light. M:ticrc's priests arc often con-
in the fight aWlinst evil. He is staning to g,lin a sulted by the other Holy Orders of Light. who
large following among some of the elves. wh? honor them for their gifts of prophecy and
have bcwme more militanl with the loss of their insight, During the Age of Despair. Majere's ~ol­
ancient homelands and are now talking of fight- 10wef1j remained in their isolated monastencs.
ing to take b:ICk what was theirs or battling to contemplating the mysteries of the universe and
establish a new homeland. practicing their manial t.alents. This practice held
Kjri:Jolith also has a small following among an them in good swad during the Age ofMonaIs, for
unlikely group-the minotaur race. !hough i\ lajere preacllcs self-reliance, The monks .accept-
Sar!,ronnas is the primary deity of the mmotaul'S. ed their god's departure as a tcst of faIth and
some ofthat homed race are able to relate to Kiri- maintained the pr'.letices they ha\'e held sacred
Jolith's ideals of honor and cour.l!,re on th~ field of down through the a!,res.
battle. Viewing him as a bison-headed Il1l1l0taur- t\lajere tC'"olc11CS th:1I there are two paths toward
knight, the minotaurs who follow Kiri:Jolit.h t~nd enlightenment. Subtle differences exist between
to be the more noble and honorable of their kmd. the two, though both arc considered to be of
They may be reviled and even persecuted for equal value.
their beliefs among their own people. CISt oul by '1l1e first p;lIh focuses on spirituality and is the
their f.1milies and exiled from their homeland. path fol1owed by Majere's priests. His derics trav-
Such minotallfs lead solitary. difficult lives, for el the world. seeking to bring Majere's tenets 10
they 'lre not acceptt:d by their own race and n~ay the m;lsses. spreading his message of purity of Iiv-
not be re.ldily accepted among the ranks of Kln- ing and discipline in all thinb'S. M:tiere's priests are
Jolith's followers ofother races. who wi\l view ~he alien a welcome sight in many villages, for they
minotaur with sllspicion until he has proven hlln- arc not pcrmiut.'<I by their god 10 accept payment
self to be true to the gods' precepts. for their services, other than that which con·
With the demise of his consort. 'ntkhisis. tributes to their survival, such as a simple mC<11 or
Sarbronnas has been swift to claim .dominance sheller for the nif:,'ht. Evildoers beware. however,
over the gods of evil and his stren!,rth IS such that for very lillie C.'SC:IPCS the all-seeing b~:r.c of
few of them have openly defied him. Kiri·Jolith i\lajere's priests. and those burdened by S1l\ may
has watdled this rise with growing concern and is often fecI uncomfortable in the presence of
particularly dislUrbed to find the minot:lurs (folin· Majere's uncompromising priests.
ing a foothold on Ansalon. . The other path that Majere teaches focuses
Kiri:Jolith is grieved to see the nunotaur mce spirituality imvards, as the individll1l1 striVc."S to
growing strong by fC'"dsling on evil 3.nd he has
achieve personal enlightenment. Followed by
incrt.":lSCd his work among them. hopmg to tum
Majere's monks. this path requires extreme dedi-
them from darkness to lighL To this end. he is
cation and discipline as they seek to perfect lhcm-
actively recruiting minotaur clerics. who have the
courage to preach the message of Kiri-Jolith to seh-es in body and mind. 1l1ese monks train in
their own people. Chief among these are the iso1:ned monasteries Ulnil their masters ft.'C1 that
Kaziganthi. Lt.'<I by their hero. Kaz, who fought at they are ready 10 begin their own personal jour-
the side ofHuma. these minotaurs leli. the corrupt neys. At stich time, they arc directed to roam the
Minot:lur Empire centuries ago. They have world on foot, for i\hjerc lC<lcbes that a person
amnot understand the world by living outside it.
GODS & "-"LiGion " " 187
Rarely, one of M~ere's monks will join the ranks mysticism lind vice versa, for those who work for
of his priesthood, forgoing further personal the good of mankind, holding that sacred, see no
enlightenment in order to help others 'lehieve the clash or conflict in their beliefs.
same. With the absence of Paladine in the Pantheon
Majere's temples arc his monasteries, which of Light, Mishakal is the most likely to the
are located in the most isolated regions of the assume leadership role, as she is considered the
world. Simple in design and fililctionality, the mother of the Gods of Light. She was once con-
monasteries are places of peace and m(."<:Iitation, tent to allow her husband, Paladine. to take the
where one enn seek to find penon,,! enlighten_ militant role in the ctem"l battle "g<linst darkness.
ment by focusing on body and mind. heart and while her followers preached of peace and
soul. attempted to he'll the wounds of conflict. Now,
One of M~ere's klrgest monasteries is located however, Mishakal sees that she will have to
on the isle of Claren Elian. 11le monks of this accept the burden of combating evil. sharing that
monastery fell prey to the blandishments of the burden with her son, Kiri-Jolith. She is actively
Dark Queen during the early decades of the Fifth searching out warrior-priests, those who bring
Age and turned away from the path of light to healing in one hand and C'arry a sword in the
embrace a path ofdarkness. Although none know other. Such priests will alwasy first to lItternpt to
the filll story. many believe that it WIIS their skill find a peacefill solution to any conflict. but do not
in necromancy that aided 'nlkhisis in trapping the fear a fight. Some of her first followers have come
souls of the dead. It is said that these monks from the ranks of the Solamnic Knights, but she
defied M,~ere, upon his return. and they are now is searching out the filithfill, the pure of heart, the
considered reneg;.ldes and outlaws by his follow- strong, and the courageous among all the races.
ers. Whether M.~ere will allow these monks to Of the Gods of Darkness, two in particuhu are
continue upon the path they have chosen, or considered to be the greatest enemies of
whether he will try to bring them back 10 the Mishakal-Chemosh, Lord of Undeuth, and
path of light through direct, or indirect means is Morgion. the god of disease and pestilence.
a matter thm many of his followers are still con- Undeath is considered blasphemous by the god-
templating. dess of hellling, for it breaks the cycle of life-
death-rebirth. Disease, decay, and pestilence are a
miSHAt<JlL healer's greatest foes, TIle bJ'Qd. Morgion, thrives
Mishakal. consort of Palacline, and mother of the upon the terror and pain caused by these affiic-
gods Kiri-Jolith, Habbakuk, and Solinari, is the tions. Clerics of Mishakal hunt out followers of
goddess of healing. In the Age of Despair. the two dark bJ'Qds, seeking to excise them as they
Mishakal's chosen prophet, Goldmoon, enabled would excise cancerous flesh, cleansing the world
the Gods of Light to reach out to the mortal as they cleanse a putrid wound.
world, revealing that the gods had not ab.mdoned
the people, but were waiting for them to return to mOR.-Gion
the gods. Even after the world had been stolen TIle Black Wind, god of pestilence, decay, and
away. Goldmoon held tme to the tenets of her disease. Morgion was a solitary god, preferring to
goddess, passing on her teachings to those who kt.'Cp to his tower in the Abyss. where he plotted
studied mysticism at the Citadel of Light. in secrecy, while his minions sowed the seeds of
The priests of Mishakal are welcome lllmost pestilence and plague throughout the world.
everywhere in the world, for their healing arts are During the Age of Despair, he appeared to
unriY;lled and their tenets preach that they must leave the world. along with the other gods, but in
heal any who lire in need. rebrardless of what path truth he had prepared his followers to e<lrry on in
they follow. either darkness or light. his absence ;md thus plagues and pestilence rav-
Thanks to Goldmoon's teachings, many of aged the populace during this time period,
those who practiced and taught mysticism in the He took no active role in the battle against
Citadel of Light already held Mishllklll as sacred Chaos, but thrived upon the destruction and
and were pleased and thankful to welcome the death caused by the war. The theft of the world
return of Light Bringer back to the world. Many by Takhisis caught Morgion by surprise. AU his
of these people formed the first ofMishakal's new plotting and scheming appeared to be for nallght.
priesthood, making the Citadel of Light a new Brooding within his Bronze Tower, Morgion
temple in honor of Mishakal. as well as a place vowed vengeance against Takhisis and he
where the pure of heart can continue to learn of watchcd her punishment with dark pleasure.
mysticism, for the followers of Mishakaillre glad Her betmyal left its upon Morgion,
to work in conjunction with those who practice becoming a festering wound, a disease in
Morgion's own being. If his own Qucen could
betray him, then so could any other god. He has
188"" CHAPTER,JivE
become paranoid, believing that
the other brads are merely
waiting their tum to try Reorx-the Forge upon
10 claim the world as which the world was
their own. Thus he built, the wielder
is sending his fol- of the Hammer
lowers into the of Creation-is
lands of all the favored
the r.1ces. god of the
bringing dwarves
disease and the
and death gnomes,
to mino- who look
LaUfS as to him as
well as the i r
elves, to creator
ogres as (though
well as the story
kender. No ofcreation
one on differs
Krynn is safe drastically,
from him. He depending
has no friends on which race
or allies. only is relating it).
enemIes. Kender also pay
~ losl of 1\ forgjon's homage to Reorx as
followers are slaves. for their creator, though
reo.v people willingly tum to the irascible god grumbles
the diseased brad. His clerics are over that dubious honor and the
carriers of diSC'.ase. who spread their foul dwa....'es vehemently deny any rela-
contagion. then visit the aOlieted. promising that tionship.
if they are willing 10 serve Morglan, their symp- As dwarves and gnomes tend to live long lives,
toms will be cased. 1"05e that agree to serve many of Reorx's clerics and followers who wei·
Morgian find that the disease is still be present comed back the god during the War of Lance
within their bodies and that they can spread it. were present to view the return of their l,,'Od fol-
but the outward symptoms 3fC gone. If the fol- lowing the War of Souls. Their attitudes toward
lower bctmys the god, the disease's effects take Reorx had ch:lllged, however.
immediate hold. bringing death to the victim. During the god's departure following the
111is threat keeps those who serve Morgion faith- Cataclysm, the dWllrves and gnomes maintuined
fill. their f.1.ith in the god despite his absence TIle
Morgion's followers can be found throughout dwarvcs OCC:lsionally bTJ'Umbled that since the
the world, spreading disease in order to brain more humans were to blume for the disappearance of
followers. Once. an entire subrdce of dwarves fell the gods, Roorx should not have punished them
victim to a plague controlled by MOTb"on. The for the sins of humanity, but they were glad to
god is almosl certainly using his old tactics to welcome back their b'Od upon his return. Kender
build up the strength of his Holy Order. He is had never really noticed he was gone, but were
known to send inft."Cted followers to infiltrate vil- glad for the chance to celebrate his return.
lages, towns, and cities, slowly spreading his The views of the dwa....'es toward their god
plagues from kingdom to kingdom and then altered following the Chaos War. when word
approaching victims to join his loathsome ranks. came to them Ihat Roorx had once agdin left
Small cults of~lorgion's followers can be found in them. ~ lany dwarves felt that this was the final
nearly every culture. in every part of the world. straw and they turned away from Reorx in the
Given MOTbtion's new paranoid view on the other anger.
gods, he may begin specifically targeting the The gnomcs C'dlled back into session a com·
pricslS of other gods, hoping to sow discord mince formed following the Cataclysm. Certain
between the mortals and the gods. thai this col1\l11iul,.'C could find the god again (fig-
uring lhat it had found him the first time). the
gnomes continued their work.

GODS &- RELiGion"" 189

TIle kendcr viewed Reorx's dcpal1llrc as :I when he lricd 10 prevent j\lina from killing the
chance for ad,'cllturc. with many kender setting e1\'en prince. Silvlmoshei, after he slew Takhisis.
ofT in search of Rcorx. whidl invoked h:lhing -Oms did Sargonnas a"ellb>e the Dark Qu(."Cn's
every dwarf they encountered and badb'Cring him death.
with personal qucstions. trying to detcm,ine ifhc The minOlaurs did not mourn or curse the
was the errant gOO. The attack on Kcndcnnorc absence of Sa'l,JOnnas. but r:uher celebrated him
put an end 10 this merry quest. as it ended so as a hero, believing that he had sacrificed his life
much else for the fun-loving kender. in the battle ag-.J.inst Chaos. During Sargonnas's
Reorx has returned 10 lind i\ lount Ncvennind absence, however, the Minot:mr Empire heg:m :1
in shambles. Thorbardin dealing wilh a power sharp decline, sinking into decldence and d(.'Ca}'
struggle, and Goodlund a desol:uc wastcl:lOd of under a weak emperor.
volcanoes and barren pe:1ks. His b'TC'.ltcst grief Takhisis had long coveted the minotaur mce,
involves. unexpectedly. the affiicted kcnder. admiring them for their strength and ferocity. She
Although he constantly complained about was irk(.-'d to find them b1Towing soft, for she
kender. he finds that he misses their cheerful gai- planned to lise them to conquer the elves. "nle
ety. their innocent joy :lnd endless wonder and Dark Queen persuaded a minotaur pricstl".'Ss
curiosity. named Nephcra into forming a new religion cen·
Reao: f:ICCS 11 difJicult struggle as he attempts tered around the spirits of the de-dd. With this
to restore the f.'lith of his people in the b'Ods and drelld power, the prieslcss backed a new emper-
as he Iries 10 C'dSC them of the pain Ihey have suf- or-the priestess's own husband, Hotck.
fered thus f.1.r in 11,e new reli·
the FIfth Age. 1,rion enabkxl the
Fortunately, priestess to Wlin
Reon: has no control over the
ambilions when it minotaurs, as the
comes to challeng- spirits acted as spies
ing the olher gods and infonnants. help-
for leadership. He is ing her to eliminate
completely dedicated many threats to her
to the task al hand. husband. The mino-
taur nation built up
SAR..-GOnnAS their fleet. tmined their
Sargonn:ts, thc soldiers. and waited
Bloody for the right lime
Condor: to leave their
Sargus, the isbnd home to
B 1 a c k seek ,I foothold
Minot;lur, is the on the conti-
god of nent of Ansalon.
vengellllce, con· \V h e n
quest, strenb'1h, and Sargonnas retllrned
rage. Once the con- with the other bJ'()(!S,
sort of the Queen of he found that the
Darkness. hc felt a minOlaurs had man·
deep sense of betray- aged to conquer
al at her theft of the Silvanesti. 111e empire
world. His rage shook was united under a
thc hea\'ens. strong leader, and Ihc
The relationship between minotaurs were stronger than
the two had always been ever. Unfortunately, most of
volatile, with neither trusting them had turned from their
the other. Sa'l,"Onnas had always worship of him.
been jealous and envious of the Sargonnas has his own ambi·
D-.lrk Queen's power. She had been tions. onc of which is to claim for
disdainfill of his loyalty 10 his chosen p<.-ople, the himself the rulership of the Pmnlu.'01\ of
minotaurs, and what she considered to be foolish Darknes..<;. In this, he filces a strong rival in
notions of honor and cour:1b'C. Sargonnas did not Chemosh, God of UndCOlth. SarbJOnnas fears that
mourn the loss of his queen. but he did slay the any reli1,rion involving the dead will play into the
hand of Valthonis. the mortal form of Paladinc, hands of Chemosh and, although Sargonnas is

190 ~ CHAP"tE"FivE
GODS q. ~LiGiOII ~
glad to take advanta/,,"C oCthe power base '11lkhisis sion. mercy. Shinare has a wide variety among her
built up for him. he is now seeking a strong leader followers. from misers who pinch every steel
to mise up. one who will nOI only solidify the picee to those who amass huge sums and brive it
gains m:ldc by the minotaur. but who will bring all to charitable causes.
the minotaur people back to their patron dcity. Shinarc's stronbrest support comes from the
Allhough the minotaurs are his chosen people. dwarves. Vicwing her in hcr masculine aspect. a
S:ugonnas rC'J.lize5 that if he is to tnlly mil..' the thrifty dwarven merchant. the dwarves hold the
Gods of D;ukncss, he must cstablish a presence Silver Mastcr as being second only to Rcorx. their
throughout Ansalon. Injustices abound following creator. Worshipping Shinare as the patron deity
the War of Souls. with many people searching for of wealth and industry. the dw·J.rves strivc to
vengeance. Sargonn:ls searches for followers uphold the standards established by thc Silver
among those seeking revenge on tht-ojr enemies l\'laster and thus it is that most dwarven mer-
and he h;15 found some among an unlikely chants-althoubm they know full well the value of
source-the elves. what they are selling-tend to be honest and fair
Burning with rage over the loss and destruction in their dealings with customers.
of their ancient homeland. some elves are secret~ The followers of thc unscrupulous god.
Iy turning to the worship of the God of Hiddukel. are the sworn enemies of thc clerics of
Vengeance. forming the Cull of the Bloody Shinare. Her clerics do not cngage in a battle of
Condor. a band ofdark w:lmor elves. dedicated to steel with their foes. but fibtiu a battle of will and
thc reestablishmcnt of a strong elven nation. no wits. as they try to drive the dleating merchant or
matter what thc cost or who is hanncd along the dealer in shoddy goods into financial ruin.
way. Shinare's followers are not pcrnlitted to indulge in
Those who seck vcngeance will oftcn find under-handed dealings C\'cn with the cnemy. and
themselves drawn to shrines dedicated to thus must come up with c1C\'er and ingenious tac·
Sarl,'Onnas hidden throub,hout Ansalon. 'Illey will tics to defeat their foes. Shinarc's followers are
havc to pass tests briven to them by the b'Od in wcll aware that thc dislrust of one mercllanl can
order to weed out the we:lk and incfft..'Ctual. but quickly grow into a distrust of all. and that their
those who manabre to successfully overcome the own livelihood depends on the local business
obstacles placed before them will find Sa'1,'Onnas community maint'lining:1 reputation for honesty.
willing to lend his aid. in retum for worship. Shinare's return has bc...-cn thc cluse for many
merchants to rejoice. while others despair.
SHinAI\.E Shinare's clerics have an unclIlny eye for spotting
Goddess of wealth. money. and industry. Shinare problems in account ledgers and lIrc swift 10 sum-
is also known as the Silver Master to the dwarves. mon the sheriff if they find .IIlY irrcb'lllarilies.
as she appears to them in a masculine aspect.
P:Jlron of merchants. t"ldcrs. and mercenaries,
Shinarc is also sOllletimes worshipp(:d by thieves. '1l1C Flowing Fire. Sirrion is the god of fire. pas-
Shinare claims that she dislikes such worshippers, sion, and creativity. He is the source of thc spark
but as a coin has two t1.ICCS, so docs Shin;lre. A of creativity. of the n~lInes in the heavens, and of
thief who has made a successful haul will oftcn the fires thai bring chanb'C to the world.
expn.-'Ss it by saying th;!t ~Shinare winked her eye Sirrion's followers are artists. poets. lovers and
tonight or ~Shinarc was heads up for me tonibtilt.~
W dreamers, as well .IS thosc who dC:11 with fin.'.S on
On the good side. Shinare encouragt.'S her cler- a rCl,'lIlar basis, such as firefighters. Mosl of
ics to be productive .ll1d industrious. working to Simon's followers tend to be as p:L<ision.lte and
make their communities prosperous. Shinare's chanb>e'dble as their deity. notL>(i for their moody
tenets require fairness ;ll1d honesty in trading. behavior and ardent naturt..-'S.
Those who make deals must keep them or the In past ab'CS. Sirrion was never a l,Yod who
f.'lee the wr-.i1h ofthe goddess. Shinare's clerics are actively sought followcrs. 'lllOSC who worshipped
welcomed in eities. towns and villages. where him came to him unbidden, finding him in thc
they act as mont..'Ydlanl,~rs. mediators who will shrine of their hearts, not in somc shrine in the
seule disputes between merchants. and assist the wilderness. A youth J,:ivl.:l1 lO daydreaming when
1000.l.l authorities bring to justice swindlers. embe-..t- he should have been studying was said to be
jrJcrs and unscrupulous businessmen who prey -locked in the anns of Simon.~ Lovcrs would
upon the innocent. often make offerinb'S of roses to Simon and his
On the Oil' side of the coin. some ofShinare's blessing was always invokt..-d during weddinb'S.
followers and cleries can be too fond of monetary He is also thc bYod of the darker sides of pas-
gain. put too much emphasis on buying and seil- sion. howevcr. and jealous Im'ers will oftcn tum to
ing and not cnoubm on less tangible but more Simon for aid. especially those who have com-
valuable fonns of wealth. such as love. compas- mitted tcmble det..>ds in the name of passion.
GODS fr ~LiGion c-...., 191
Upon his return, Sirrion was saddened to dis· lEBoim
cover that the devastation of war, the depreda·
tions of the Dragon Overlords. and the crushing 'l1,e DarkJing Sea. the Great Dragon Tunic
loss of f.'lith and belief had quenched much of the whose fury is the storms in the heavens. and the
cremive spark inherent to the people of Ansalon. crashing of tidal waves upon the shores, Zeboim
Sinion reali7..ed that the time for inactivilY has is the !"roddess of the seas. stOnllS, and of envy.
passed. He has begun actively recruiting clerics 11,e &'3 Queen is known to be the most tempes-
from those with a talent for art, those who arc tuous and mercurial of all the gods: her wild
drown to the cleansing force of name, and those mood swings bringing destruction one day and
whose passionate natures lend themselves 10 his C'.msing the sun to shine the nex'!.
teachings. More fC'.lred than adored. the Sea Queen
Bards and artisans, who understand thai fire is claims dominion over most of the world. for the
a necessary part of nature's cycle of life-destrue- seas compromise a larger area than all the conti-
tion·rebinh, have begun to refill the ranks of nents combined. Yet. she is not widely wor-
Sinion's clergy. He searches for actors 10 bring shipped. 1l1Ose who live far inland and who have
joy and hope to the heans of the despairing. He no dealings with the sea rarely think of her, until
is especially mindful of lovers, for they are the they need to tra\'erse her dominion.
new hope of the world. All the evil creatures in the seas worship
Sinion's mate is Shinare. the goddess of indus· Zeboim. But she is unusual in that her fa\'or is
try and wealth. The two are viewed as an unlike- also sought out by many sailors and tra\·elers.
ly pair. but they work well together, although who a1i~'1l themselves with the side of Light, for
their relationship is often tempestuous. Sinion's the)' know that to \,enture upon the sea is to place
followers and those of the goddess of trade share their lives in the hands ofthe sea goddess and her
the same fiery yoke. They may often be found blessing is always sought by those making a sea
working against one another with as much ardor voyage.
as they work for one another. The good business- Whether she bestows her blessing or not is
man knows that a life of gain has little me::ming if another mauer. She is a fickle goddess. capricious
it is not laced with some fire and passion, while and flighty. The offering that pleases her on a
the poet knows that ifhe gives himself wholly to given day may deeply offend her the next. She
the fire. he may be consumed by il. will sink a ship and end the lives of hundreds on
As both the gods are rurremly engaged in a a whim or work tirelessly to save the life of a sin-
crusade to regain their supponers and find new gle sailor set adrift upon the ocean.
ones and 10 reestablish their churches. the two Prior to the Chaos War, Zcboim wielded little
gods are working hand in hand. Followers ofboth influence upon the world at large. She could not
Sirrion and Shinare C'dn often be found working be bothered to take an interest in monals who
alongside one another. one using his fire to warm had nothing to do with her or the seas. Then the
the hean llnd the other using her practiC'dl knowl- fickle goddess fell in love with a human. Lord
edge to bring in cold Cl.lsh to suppon the body. Ariakas. filvored of her mother. Queen Takhisis,
Sirrion also works well with the god of the and leader of the Dark Armies during the V·lar of
forge. Roorx. for both delight in the power of fire the Lance.
to bring about physical change. It was Sirrion Zcboim Ii-we birth to a son. who became the
who brought flame to the world, and with the darling of her eye. She might be fickJe to all the
help of Roorx and Shinare. the three introduced world. yet she was fiercely loyal to her son. When
blacksmithing and smelting. teaching dwarves he proposed creating the Knights of TakJ,isis, 10
and other races how name could be used to meld stand in dark opposition to the Knights of
metals into both functional and pleasing fonns. Sahlmnia. Zcboim persuaded her mother. the
Sinion's foes are the followers of Sargonnas. Queen of Daknress, to hear Ariakan's plan.
Where Sinion is the god of the transformative Zeboim believed that Takhisis would be as
fire. Sargonnas is the god of infernos, volcanoes. loyal to her son as he was to his Dark Queen.
and destruction. When followers of the two gods Zeboim's illusions were shattered when her son
meet in battle, they can bring devastation to their was slain upon the field of banIe. Takhisis was, at
surroundings. as the two forces struggle to claim that time, busy with her plan t'O steal away the
supremacy over the power of fire. world and thus she paid no heed 10 the prayers of
Shinare's churches and temples can be identi- her faithful.
fied by the presence of an ever-burning name. Blaming Takhisis for her son's death, the Sea
which serves as the conduit between the mortals Queen canied the body away, vowing revenge
and the god of flame. They are typically filled upon her mother. The Dark Queen's theft of the
with ~rks of art. books of poetry or other writ· world only solidified Zeboim's hatred, creating a
ings that evoke emotional response.

192 C'o..> CHAPTER..FiVE

GODS Ct ~LiGiOII C"'-'
thirst for vcngc:lllce that was finally slaked when instead of prc:.lching it. 'nlCY h,we the ability to
the Dark Queen fell at the hilllds of Silvanoshei. see that which is often overlooked and can usual-
the elven prince. ly find ways no one ever thought about to bring
So b'T'dtefUl was Zeboim to the elf thaI whereas parties tOf,,'Cther.
before elves were in peril if Ihey dared venture Although he opposes the consuming evil of the
upon the sea. now those elves who do sail the Gods of Darkness, Zivilyn is equally oppoS<.-d to
seas meet with calm waters and b'Cntle bree-.'.es. the sometimes-unbending rigidity of the Gods of
Zeboim always had an uneasy relationship Light. He knows that it is just as <-":\SY to be blind-
with her father, Sal),.'Onnas. Zeboim has a great ed by light as it is to be blinded by darkness,
liking for the minotaurs, who are born with a love Zivilyn's clerics do not not olten work in direct
for the sea. and who are unfailing in their respect opposition to any of the other f"rod and thus it is
for the sea goddess. She was always mindful of rare for the clerics of the other gods to interfere
the faet thai she came seconds in the hearts of the with Zivilyn's faithful. Zi\·i1yn's wisdom and
minOlaurs. thai they gave their truc loyal to her underst.anding is respectt.-d by all. It is not uncom-
father, and this made her seethe with jealOUS}'. mon for Zivil)'n's faithful to be found mediating
Feeling the need to reassert her presence upon disputes between clergy of different gods. In
Kryon. Zeboim has decided. for now, 10 ally her- many villages, the Seers are preferable mediators
self \\~Ih her estranged (alher. Sargonnas is glad of to the priests of Mishakal, for the Seers often see
her aid. as the ships of the minotaurs sail the seas things that others might ignore or misunderstand.
in SC3rch of conquest. But the migtuy god does As Zivilyn has always taught that wisdom and
not trust his daughter and f,,'OCS in some fear of age often go hand in hand, many of those whom
her. Her violent mood swings and the e\'er shift- Zivilyn has approached during this Fifth Age are
ing tides of her loyalty do not make her the most the elderly. people who ha\'e lived to see the
stable of allies. Yet. bc<:ause he needs her support, changes the world has undeq,,'One from before the
he is currently working hard to placate her. Chaos War until the present day.TIms Ziviiyn has
Zeboim's clerics and those ofSaq"l'()nnas can often gained the greatcst understanding of the dlanges
be found working tOf,,'Cther. thougt\ each keeps a that have occurred in Ansalon. an understanding
wary eye on the other. that has passed from his followers to the god and
Zeboim's f"rreatest enemy is I-Iabbakuk, who flowed back to his followers. As the Seers once
holds dominion over all the creatures of the deep, again walk upon Ansalon, Zivilyn's understanding
for she believes that all those who dwcll in or near of the Fifth Af,,"C continues to grow-an under-
the sea should worship her. Even in this baltle, standing that he hopes to pass on to the other
she olten finds that she is at odds with herself, for g<xk
while she wants the loyalty and support of those
who dwell in and near thc sea, she cannot control
her rage against them for defying her and she Solinari the \\lhite Eye, Lunitari the Red Eye, and
often ends up attacking the vcry 1x.'Ople she is try- Lunitari the Dark Eye, arc known as the Gods of
ing 10 attnlct. Magic. Each a child of one of the three sibling
gods, Paladine. 11tkhisis. and Gilean, thc Gods of
liviLYn Magic have no clerics or priests, nor do they
'Ine Tree of Life. god of wisdom. prophesy. and desire any. 'l1leir worshippers are those wizards
foresight, Zivilyn was nevertheless caught who cmbrace the precepts of the Orders of High
unaware when the Dark Queen stole Krynn. Sorcery, established by the three during the Age
Shrouded from his ever-se:.lfching eyes, thc world of Dremns in order to assert Bal:tnt.'C over the
noated deep in the Ethcrc:.ll Sc;I, le,wing only a chaotic maI"ric of sorcery.
gaping void in the universe where it once stood. During the AI,,'C of Drcarns, the Gods of Magic
Zivilyn still blamcs himself for not seeing the purposefully sepanltcd themselves from the other
Dark Queen's plans and for bcing unable to find gods. 'Iney did so because they were concerned
the world after it was stolen. only with magic and those who practiced the
Down through the ages. Zivilyn's followers arcane arts. 'l1leir devotion to arcane maf"ric pre-
have been mediators. prophets. philosophers, and cludes them gmnting divine magic to answer the
diplomats, for he teaches wisdom, compassion, prayers of their followers. TIley believe that only
and understanding in dealing with others. A calm, those truly dedicatt.-d to the rigorous and
rational deity, he is Cilean's advisor. often tem- demanding arts of High Sorcery are worthy of
pering Gilean's cold logic with compassionate wielding arc-,me magic responsibly. TIley believe
understanding. that the wild sorcery is the result ofChaos's influ-
Known as the Seers. Zi\'ilyn's clerics travel the ence in the world and that its unregulated use will
continent. seeking to bring their wisdom to the lead to destruction on a massive scale. as it did
world. The Seers try facilitating understanding once before during Krynn's past.

GODS fr ""LiGion "".193

Solinari moved by Dabm:u the Dark, in order to save thc
Tlle son of Paladine and I'vlishakal. Solinari is 'lower from the Dr:l~ron Overlord, Khellendros.
the patron deity of mages who choose the White Dalamar tr:lllsported the 'lower to Nighllund,
Robes of bTOOdness when they pass the Test and where the living dead of that cursed land would
enter the Order of High Sorcery. Because Solinari protect it.
"nlC 'lower of Wayreth. the last bastion of the
is a god of knowledge, those who are grdnted the
White Robes seek OUi truth, using their magic to Orders, WilS closed by the command of the Last
defend the innocent and uphold justice. Although Conclave, wllo believed that lhe Gods of Magic
mages are always suspect by those who do not would m.-ver return and that High Sorcery was
undestand and therefore fear their arl, White brone forever. "Ille drabron, Beryl, long sought the
Robes arc viewed with less distrust than others, 1ower, as did the Grey Robe mages loyal to
for they are known to \\'alk the path oflight. Takhisis. lne Master of the Tower and the
enchanted Forest of Wayreth protected the
Lunilari Tower from discovery.
Lunitari is the daughter ofGilean and thus the When the Gods of Magic returned, they dis~
goddess of the Red Robed \Vizards has come to covered that Dalamar had broken faith with them
represent neutrality and balance. Her Red Robed by betraying his principles in an elTori to Tq,r:tin
Wizards seek to balance the righteousness of the his life. As punishment. they forbade Dalarnar
White Robes with the ambitions of the Black from ever returning to the 10wer of Nightlund.
Robes. Red Robes are often mistrusted by most Dalamar mib<tu well have been more severely
people, including their own White Robe and punish<.-d, even to losing his life. but he had
Black Robe peers. who see them as being unwill- always been a f.'worite of the god, Nuitari, who
ing to choose a side. Red Rohcs are not often intera..-ded on Dalamar's behalf with his brother
bothered by this. but go their own way. Lunatari and sister brod. TIle thrcc instructed him to bring
is the b'Oddess of illusions. of dreams. and the back the Orders of Hib<tl Sorcery and reopen the
imagination. "lower of Wayreth.
Dalamar has been seen traveling throub-hout
NUllari Ansalon, investibrating the state of magic in the
Born to Takhisis, the patron of the Black world and accessing the strength of those who
Robt..'<1 Wi:r.ards of evil is the god Nuitari. He is arc using sorcerous magic in an elTori to deter-
the b'Od of power, of forbidden mab';cs and dark minc how best to either <.'OnvcrI them or deal
secret's. Many arc attracted to his Order bee-.lUse with them. Hc has been seen in the company of
of a thirst for power that is all consuming, but Jcnna of the Red Robes, but the two keep thcir
which all too often may consume the wi:r,ard. own counsel and none know they are planning.
Black Robes are universally distrusted, evcn by '1l1eir main task at the momcnt appears to be thc
other evil beings, for no onc is safe who thwarts a search for someone to take on leadcrship of the
Black Robe's ambitions. White Robes, for P,llin Majere remains adamant
111e focus of terrestrial power for the Or,k:I'S of in his decision to rcfilsc to usc maJ"ric of any sort.
High Sorcery has always been their Towers. The relationship of the three Gods of Magic
Once, there were five Towers of High Sorcery, with each other supercede... alib'llment and pan-
but now there arc only two remaining and the theon. As they removed themselves from the
location of one of those is unknown. 111rce ranks of the other J,,'lXls during the Age of
Towers were destroyed prior to the Cataclsym, Dreams, they continue to stand apart from the
when the Kingpriest's wrath tumed against those other b'Ods, closing ranks abrainst their ciders dur-
who pnlcticed the arc:me arls. ing the Age of MOrlals. It might be said that the
The Tower of Palanthas was abandoned during thn:e Gods of M,lb';c comprise their own pan-
this same era, when a Black Robe's dying curse th<.'On-the Pantheon of Magic. llle bond that ties
rendered it uninhabitable until the Master of Past the thrcc cousins together is unbreakable, for
and Present should rettlm to it. thoub,h there may be friction and rivalry between
'l'lle Orders retreated to the Tower ofWayreth them, they are quick to close ranks when any
and there established their power base. 'Ille force threatens either them or the magic to which
cursed Tower of Palanthas was eventually they are dt..'Voted. It is said that when the three
claimed by Raistlin Majere, who proved himself together, they speak as one. often finish-
to be the Master of Past and Present. Upon his ing each other's thoughts. as if they wefe one
dep:uure, the Tower of Palanthas was taken over entity in three dilTerent aspects.
by D:tlamar the D:trk.
During the }-ifth Age, the Tower of Palanthas
disappeared and was believed to have been
destroyed. But in truth, the Tower had been
194 ~ CH A PTE I\. FivE
GODS fr ~LiGiOII ~
tHE WALKjnc GOD. PALAOinE a long time, for she wants him to sec her
ven{,'e'dnee-a venb'C:lnce she plans on taking out
As the brods met to decide the punishment that on the dven JX"Ople.
must be levied against Takhisis for her 1x.1r,lyal. all Just as the elves are now exiles from their
knew that wh:n the punishment must bc-lhal she homeland, Valthonis is an exile from the immor-
would be cast out of hea\'en. But for Ihal dread tal realms. He wanders the continent-nt."\'er stay-
decision to be rc::tched. one god of the side of ing long in one place, never pennitting himself to
Light had to willingly sacrifice godhood in order be dose to anyone, for Vahhonis realizes that
to maintain the balance. I)aladine. T:tkhisis's equal there are many on Krynn who seek to use him
in the He-.wens, a<.1ed OUI of his love for the world and the power they believe he wields for their
and 31,rrt."Cd to the sacrifice. !"riving up his own own ends.
immortality to ensure that Takhisis would be The momem he became mort;ll, Valthonis felt
remov(,.'<1 from the He:wens. all the knowlcd{,'C he once held begin to f.'tde from
'Hiking on the Conn of one of his chosen peo- his mind. He troweled to the Great Library of
ple, the I,rod Paladine beallllC Valthonis. an c1[ Palanthas in order to rc<:ord his persJX'Ctive on
Bcamsc his body is that of a youthful elf and he what had happen(,'(1 to the world. When he fin-
dresses as an ordinary wanderer. he gives no out· ished this record, V:lhhonis oncc more began to
ward appc:lr.l1lCC of being different frOm other trowel the land on foot, exploring the world, to
mortals. '11105C who look into his eyes, howcver, witncss firsthand :111 that had changed during the
may goJin a c1uc to his true identity, for in his !,'W..e Fifth Age and to bring aid and succor to the peo..
can be seen ;I wisdom and pic, if he could.
knowlcdj:,'C far beyond his Valthonis has be{,run to attmct a tiny, but fierce-
Ye'Jrs. ly loyal. band of followers. Althoubrt1 they do not
Valthonis will livc out worship him (he refuses to pennit people to
his ye' as any other worship him), nor would the gods
mortal. He f.'tees the allow worship for one of the Fallen
same dangers, the Gods, they "jew
same joys and themselves ;IS his
rewards. He will protectors. For
t."\·emually :1j:,"C and though Valthonis
die or he may be was oncc a god. he
slain in combat or has no powers. except
fall victim to disease his overwhelming 100'e
or accidcm as any for mankind. He docs still possess
other mortal. He is an incredible amount of knowl..
also powerless to edbte and an uncanny understanding
afli..'Ct some events, ofpL'Ople. He has:l way of inspiring loy-
as arc all mort:lls. 'Ilty in others. bUI he has no desire to be
He was unable 10 anything more Ihan what he views him-
h,llt the blow that self-a simple c1ven wanderer.
struck down the And yet. Valthonis finds that he emmot stand
Dark Queen, nor by idly when he sees is injusticc in the world.
could he save Although he will not interfere directly with one
Silvanoshei from de:nh. of the gods, he and his smalllYJ.nd, known;ls the
Vahhonis he:lrd the Dark Faithful. have alre-ddy actL'<i to right wrongs,
Queen's final curse, that he always disappearing alterward. refusing ;my
will know the sorrow of reward and often moving on Ix.>forc they ("J.n be
mortality as she had known thanked.
it. C\'en briefly.
Thus did ~lina allow tHE FALLEn ~EEn. tAlQtisiS
Valthonis to live, instead of Takhisis. tile Dark QUL'Cn, the Drab"On of All
taking his life in an act of sim- Colors and of None. the head of the Pantheon of
ple revenge. Perhaps lfJ.rkness, is dei.d. lade monal as a punishment
she hopes that he lives inf1it.1ed on her by the judbrment of the
other {,'Ods, she was stmck down by a
sh:lItcrcd dmgo"lulIIY thrown by
Silvanoshei. an df who .Iete<! oul of love.

GODS fr ""Licion " " 195

Sivlanoshei was in turn struck down by the one moderate fortification (75% chance to negate crit-
he loved, the Dark Queen's chosen, the priestess ical hit or sneak attack); SV Fort + 13, Ref +8, Will
Mina. +19; Str 10, Dex 14, COil 16, Int 17, \Vis 20, Cha
MimI was last seen carrying the body of her 21.
goddess into the night. She has seemingly van- Slnl/s alltl Peals'",' BlulT +20, Concentration + 13,
ished from the f.'lce ofKl)'nll. accompanied Diplomacy +29, Gather Information +15,
only by the minotaur Galdar. who Heal +15, Intimidate +20, Knowledge
viewed himself as her guardian. (arcana) +12. Knowledge (rclibrion)
Wlll,;:rc Millil uuric<lllll,:: uudy vrtllll;: • 1S, Listen +S, Perform (s'nb";ng, sto~
Fallen Queen, no onc knows. Even the rytelling) +12, Sense Motive +15,
gods turned away their eyes, a show of Spellcraft +15, Swim +5; Extra
their final respect to the deceast..'<1 brod-
dess. Using their combined might, they
shroud her tomb from any who would
find it. Many seek it, but none may
r Turning, Greater Spell
(Necromancy), Improved Turning,
Leadership. Persuasive, Spell Focus
(Necromancy). Spell Penetration,

pierce that awful veil, for no god Spellcasting Prodigy (Cleric). '" On
will lift it. Charisma-based
Rumors of Mina and skill checks, Min3
her whereabouts receives a +6 pro-
beg-dll to spread like fillle bonus on
wildfire throughout checks with Evil
Ansalon. Cults characters. +4
sprang up, with Neutral
almost over characters, and
night. formed by +2 with Good
those who characters.
believed that Oration (Sp):
Takhisis's return Once per day per
was imminent. level (S/day), a
Most believed righteous "..c3.lot
that Mina may lise her
would come command of
forth to lead them, but since the spoken lan-
months have passed and Mina guage in much
has not appeared, nor has Takhisis the same way that a bard can use music
returned, the cults have petered out. Many to sway others. The righteous zealot must be
of the cultists have since gone on to worship able to speak clearly and be heard for her to use
other Gods of Darkness, who were eager to this ability properly. As with ca!>ting a spell, a deaf
recruit them. righteous zealot suffers a 20% chance to fail with
Somewhere, hidden from the world, Mina has oonion. Ifshe fails, the attempt still counts ab'iLinst
buill a tomb to house the body of her Fallen her daily limit. Mina has mastered the following
Queen. The gods have forbidden any mortal or Oration abilities:
any god to despoil the final rest of the Fallen Compe/f,ilg Argument,' A rightcous zealot with 9
Queen, threatening to bring about a Final or more ranks in Diplomacy may attempt to
Cataclysm rather than have the rest of Takhisis, implant a suggestion in any individual they have
one of the founders of the world, disturbed. 111e eIItllm/led (with Enthmlling Discourse) or coJifim:d
gods will ensure that the Fallen Queen is never (through Verbal Obfilscation). '!11e suggestioJl does
forgotten, that both her glory and her misdeeds not count against the righteous zealot's daily limit
live in myth and legend. on omtion, but the eIIflmt/!Jilg or COJfilS/ilg does.
TIle target is allowed a Will saving throw llg<linst
Mina II DC of 19 (25 if Evil, 23 if Neutral. 21 if Good)
Female human Clr12/Rightcous Zealot 8: CR 20: to negate the effect. Compelling Argument is an
AL Lawful Evil: Size Medium; HD 12d8+36 Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-
(Clr) pIll!> Sd6+24 (Righteous Zealot): hp 142: Dependent. Mind-Affecting, Sonic] ability.
Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC (touch, flatfooted); Atk CoutlelJlJl/ilg 'limde: A righteous zealot mn lise
+18/+13/+S melee (ldS+S/x2 plus 2d6 againsl her command of Oralion to exploit weaknesses in
Good, +5 unholy JltJ1~: SA Oration, spells; SQ other people. By verbally unleashing her anger
Gather followers. resist enchantment +4, right- against an individual, a righteous zelilot can cause
eous indignation (3/day), nlrn/rebuke undead, an opponent to question himself. The victim is

196"" CHAP1"ERFiVE
GODS (r ~LiGion ~
allow(.-d a Will save with II base DC of 19 (25 if fCtl/'tWIlI/tis, tlisCt:m It~s, tlivtitoliol/, tlivtiff powu~
EviL 23 if NClitral, 21 ifCood) to avoid becoming ethelYfI/ j/nm~, fog offlflr, I/eulm/iu poisol/: 5th -
shaken (suffering a -2 morale penalty on attack ttlom:mml. bn:ol mcllnttlmeIJl.j/ol1f~ s/n"le" !"n/er
rolls. weapon damal,,1C rolls. and saving throws) coml!tntJfJ, mi.r~ tI~OI/, symbol of sl«jJ: 6th - mole
for 80 minutes. Condemning Tirade is an tmdeotl.. grea/" disfxl mtlgr'c, lt~tI/, .!«Omllift, symbol
Enchantment (Charm) [Lanl"ruage-Dcpendent. offlnr, symbol of~(iflSiolr, 7th - b,iul spini, b/flS-
Mind-Affecting, Sonic] ability. ph01ly. ptTw" word blilld" rrgOlmJ/~ 8th - crroU
EJllhrolling Disroll~: A righteous ...e.lIot can !"ol" und~(IlI" disam /OCtIlioll, ~/~mol ~ 9th -
use her Orntion :lbility 10 sway groups of people. SPiTf/f({f/ltord~, wtIllofIhe Oalu1t«..
causing them to pause in their activities to listen .. Domain spell. Domains: Death (The cleric
to her words. The ability 10 speak before large may use a tlmlh louch once per day. The d~n/h
crowds and control the ebb and now ofsentiment touch is a supematu....Jl ability that produces a
is perhaps the most potent 1001 in a righteous death effecl.. The cleric must succeed at a melee
zealot's arsenal. The crowd to be ntlnmlll'd must touch attack against a living creature. Ifsuccessful.
be able to see and hear the rightcous zcalot. must the cleric rolls Id6+ 12 and if the total equals or
be able to understand the righteous zealot (speak exceeds the creature's current hit points. it dies
the S:lmc language). and must be within 90 feet. with no saving throw) and War (Free Martial
The righteous zealot makes a Diplomacy check.. Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus with
and each targel c.m altempt to nq,>;lte the elTecI. deity's favored weapon).
with a Will saving throw equal to or greater than Possessiom: Mr"""ioll of/he 011~ God. +5 (iI/holy
the zealot's check result. If the dleck fails. the vic- j/ot7, +5 I1lotlmr/~jiJrtifiCtlli()1l htl!f-plo/~ moil
tim sits (or stands) quietly and listens to the Much of Mina's life is cloaked in mystery. Where
zealol's words as long as the zealot conlinues to she came from, who her parents were, what hap-
speak and concentrate (up to a maximum of 16 pened to them-no one knows the answers to
rounds). The elTecI.S arc otherwise identical to the these questions and perhaps never will.
m/hm/! spell. Enthrdlling discourse is an Certainly it seems as if Queen 'lakhisis had an
Enchantment (Chann) [LanguabTC-Dcpendent. influence in Mina's life that perhaps extended, Sonic) ability. from that life's inception. Mina was a young girl
1/utJa1 ObJitSColion: A ri~,'htcous zealot is C"dpable when she was found washL-d up on the shores of
of trapping a single individual within a web of SchallsC'd, the island where Goldmoon had found-
words. 'nle victim is allowed a Will saving throw ed her Cit:ldel of Light. in order to teach the
against a base DC of 21 (27 if Evil. 25 if Neutral, newly discovered hcolling mabric known as mysti~
23 if Good) to avoid lx..'COrning CQlifiJSetlfor 8 min- cism.
utes. Verbal Obfuscation is an Enchantment Goldmoon was the ancicnt foe of Queen
(Compulsion) [Lal1b"tlage-Dependent, Mind- Takhisis, who long believed that it was
Affecting, Sonic) ability. Goldmoon who was in part responsible for the
Gather Followers (Ex): A righteous zealot Dark Queen's defeat during the War of the Lance.
receivcs a +2 ellective levels for hcr Leadership TIllis it seems unlikely that it was only sheer coin-
ability. cidence that the brirl who was later to become the
Resist Enchantment (Ex): Righteous zealots disciple of 'Illkhisis should be adopted in
arc so caught up in their own moral supcriority Goldmoon's household. 'nlcre elln be no doubt
that it is dif1iClllt to sway their minds through that 1'akhisis hoped to usc Goldmoon's love for
mabric. l'le righteous 7..L':llot receives a +4 bonus Mina to brC:lk Goldmoon's heart and her spiril.
on all saving throws to resist enchantment spells As always, 1'akhisis failed to see that love is a
and effects. strength, not a weakness. Mina's love for
Righteous Indignation (Su): Filled with a Goldmoon eventually provL"C! to be the Dark
sense of self-worth and virtue. a righteous zcollot Queen's undoing.
will not deviate from :l briven p:ltl1. TIuee times Mina was taken into the orphanage of the
per day, she may add hcr Charisma modifier 10 Citadel and quickly bec'dIne everyone's favorite. A
anyone saving throw. bright and intelligent child, Mina was forever
elmc Spdb (61717/6/6/5/5/3/2/1+domain questioning Goldmoon and the other mystics
spells): 0 - CUTr Imifor WOfllfll.t, tlrl«'1 magic, guM- about their beliefs ::md philosophies. Mina was
onct', lighl, m~fI{ltifg. 1Jirtu~ 1st - IxJlf~. bIns, <afm especially interested in stories of the old gods,
fttlr.. CQmmmfll, l7f" ligltl 'WOfflflls, tI;Vlif~ f01.JOT, pro- p'drticularly Goldmoon's story about how she had
ImilJl/ ftom goot/, JfI~1d ofjiuilt: 2nd - augUT)'. mlm brought back word of the return of the gods 10
nnoli()lf.s, tI~nlh Im~II" tI~s«m/~. mlhra//, hoM/J"kJ'I, the people of Ansalon during the I'oorth Age.
"ml mug)'. ZlJlf~ of /m/Jr, 3rd - olllilUIU tI~ntl .. At age fourteen, ~Iina disappeared from the
MltrdJ {7(J"g. atl? sufous WOIllUI.t, pm),l'r, IYmow Citadel of Light. Her movements were traced to a
{urY. ""Itr~ tI~flSi'. *(fl ulilh dfilit. 4th - {7t1r mi- ship that had docked there and most people in

GODS fr ~LiGion ~ 197

the Citadel c,lme to believe that Mimi had "'€> Medallion of the One God "'€>
bctmyed Goldmoon's trust ,md f;lith and run
away. Goldmoon could not ,lcCept this and, at Given to Mimi by the Dark Queen, this medal-
her insistence, eflorts were made to track this ship lion craCted from pure tirngol/Sleel is shaped to
and 10 try to find where it put into porI. resemble the imabTC of blank disk. ll1is medallion
Strangely, the ship was never heard from ag.lin. acts in all ways as a mednllio" offiuih, however. it
What happened to Mina in those intervening grants its wearer a number of other additional
years from the ,1f:,'"C of fourteen when she first ran powers:
'lWUy to the >lb'C of sevcntccn whcn shc appearcd • +5 eff(.'Ct'ive spellC'dster levels: the metl(Jlliofl_~
out of the heart of Takhisis's stom1 arc not tIle Olle God gnmts any cleric of the One God an
known. Mina never spoke of them. Knowing the effective increase of +5 spellcaster levels (spells
per day and caster level. but not other level-based
nature of the Dark Queen, there can be little
benefits, such as J-1D. BAH, or other abilities).
doubt that Takhisis appeared in her godly form to
• As long as the medallion is WOOl, the cleric
f\llin<l. with the promise that she could become receives a +6 profane bonus on all Charisma~
the second Goldmoon. brinbring word of the based skill checks when dealing with individuals
remm of the One God to Krynn. 111cre is also lit- of an Evil alif:,mment, a +4 bonus in dealing with
tle doubt but thut 'Elkhisis would have made individuals of Neutral alignment, and a +2 bonus
;vlina prove her faith by inflicting trials upon her. with individuals of Good alignment. ll1is bonus
trials meant to test her courage and loyalty. also comes into play when the individual is
When Takhisis felt thilt she was ready to pre- rebuking or controlling undead. In Mina's case,
pare the world for her return, she sent Mina, now this bonus is also added to the DC to resist her
armed with the b'Odly power of the old clerics, Oration abilities as a righteous zealot.
baek into the world. Min;I appeared first to a • While worn, the medallion confers the follow-
group of dark knights in Nemka, a place long ing benefits upon the wearer at all times: dm/a-
saer(.-'(I to the Dark Queen. Mina performed her ward and see ,irvisilllli/y.
first miracle of healing, restoring the arm of
GaIdaI', the minotaur. besotted Silvanoshei to lower the ShlCld. Forces
Impressed, the dark knights quickly become of dark knights immediately marched into
her loyal followers. with Galdar as her second-in- Silvanesti.
command. Mina led her small band of followers Mina enthralls the elves as she enthralled their
to the city of Sanction, which had long been king, henling their children of the wasting sick-
under siege by the dark knights. When it ness and brinf"ring them the promise of a "god"
appeared thul the Solarnnic Knights would break that will ease their suffering. The elves embnlced
the siege, Mimi ordered her archers to fire on her and she betrayed them, leaving Silvanesti 10
their own troops, halting a Solamnic advance the dark knights, who began building prison
with U w,lll ofdead. Despite her exhaustion, Min<l camps and torture chambers.
prayed over each of the ftillen, commending the Silvanoshei W,lS rescued from the dark knights
souls of the dead to the One God. She then by his mother, Alh.m,l Starbreeze. and her band
brought the mimc1e of he,lling to the wounded, of elven warriors. He was obsessed with Mina,
further winning their loyalty. however. and ran after her, leaving his mother to
Guided by the hand of the One God, Mina lie about his absence to her people.
marched south from Sanction to the elven hmds Mina traveled to the Tower of High Sorcery in
of Qualinesti. Here she manal"TCd to enter the Pal anthas, where she plannerd to meet with her
maf:,rieal Shield raised by the Silvanesti to keep out adoptive parent, Goldmoon. Mina hoped to per-
the Dmgon Overlords and to protect them from suade Goldmoon to worship the One God.
the suffering of the rest of the world. Goldmoon re<llized the true idelll'ity of the One
Unbeknownst to the elves, the Shield WHS, in God. however, and refilse<l to serve Takhisis,
tnuh, killing them. Minn and her small force were although the goddess promised her renewed
handily defeated by the elven army and Mina was youth and beauty. 111e aged Goldmoon died in

"capmred by the elven Speaker. the youth. Mina's arms.

Silvanoshei. Mina waS shocked and bewildered. She could
Mina seduced Silvanoshei, encour.lf:,ring him to not understand what had gone wrong. She was
fall in love with her. She revelled to him and the dirCCle<! by Takhisis to seek out Dalamar the
elves the tmth behind the Shield, that it had been Dark and Palin M;~ere, who h,ld been hiding in
raised by the green dragon, Cy,lll, 10 the Tower, witnessing events. The two also defied
flllthcr Wolin vcnf"TCance on the elves. Mina led the Takhisis. In her <Inger. Mina killed them both.
elves in battle against the green dmgon. winning Mina then discovered that the kender, 111ssleholT
their admiration and approval. She persuaded the Burrfoot, has escaped.

198'"'-' CHAP"tER.FiVE
GODS Ct ~LiGiOII "'-'
Takhisis was li.fious. for the kcndcr possescd Takhisis once ;Ig'din bhllllt.'d Mimi and prepared
the magical timc-tl1lvcling device with the power to take her revenge upon the brirl. Mina was ready
10 upset all her plans. 'l1.khisis blamed the to die for her Queen. but Silvanoshei defended
kender's CSClIPC on MimI's pn..'OCCUpation and her. Seizing hold of the sh:mered remains of a
griefover the death ofCold moon. T'akhisis inflict- dmg()Illnllu, Silvanoshei slew Tllkhisis. Mina
ed a terrible punishment on Mina. Galdar wit- turned upon the e1ven king in fury and slew him.
nessed this punishment He reflected on all Mina Picking up the body of her dead queen. Mina
had done for this One Cod and he begins to think walked into the nighl. first vowing vengeance on
that a god who c-.m be so unjust is not a god he Paladine and all those who walk in the light.
particularly wants to follow. What has happened to Mina now? Did she
'Iina had no choice but to kL'Cp the souls of raise up the tomb to the Dark Queen? If so,
Palin and Oalamar tethered to their bodies. so where? What is Mina doing now? Is she enacting
that they could identify the kender, for no one her vengeance a~..ainst the mortal Paladine? Has
else knew him. She look their souls and the body she been recruited b)' another god? Docs she
of Goldmoon. encased in amber, with her on her travel alone or with the loyal minotaur. Galdar.
journey of conqucsl. that stretched from None know the answer to these questions except
Solanthus across Solamnia and ended in Sanction. Mina herself. and she has disappeared.
where she ended the siq"re :md conquered the
Even in the absence of the f"rads. the forces of
good had been at work agdinst Takhisis. She
ordered the souls of the dead to steal the magical
tOlem from the Dmf,,1On Overlord. Malystrx. and
bring it to Sanction. Takhisis planned to use the
powerfullolem to focus her energy. preparing her
way onto the mortal plane. As Mina and Galdar
bauled the enraf"ted drabTOn. the spirit of Palin,
working with the blind silver dragon. Mirror. lOok
advantage of the Dark Quccn's preoccupation
with the battle to destroy the totem. bJTcatly we-dk-
ening the braddcss.
Takhisis abandoned Mina. lcowing her to light
the dragon without aid. Despile Ihal. Mina man-
aged to slay J\'lalystryx, although she is mort'ally
wounded. Galdar foresaw thai Mina would be
honor(.'d down through the af:,'CS for her sacrifice
and he is glad. '!lle rninOlllllr expected her 10 die
a hero and a warrior.
Takhisis realized Ih"lt she needed Mina. and the
b'O<ldess appearc.>d-rcady to "forgivc" Mirlil for her
lr-lIlsgrcssions. Shc restorc.'d Min:! to health, as
Gald:u watched in helpless r:lf"TC.
Mina made prep;lr.Jtions to wclcome the One
God into the world. but at this juncture. her plans
started to f,,"O awry. Hearing word that their
Speaker. Silvanoshei. W;IS being held prisoner by
Mina. the c1ven army marched to Sanction 10 free
him. They were joined by Solamnic Knights and
metallic dragons. recently freed from their lunar
In Ihe interim. the gods discovered that
Takhisis bet...dyed them and they find their miss-
ing world. The gods passed jlld~"'ment on the god-
dess and. with the sacrifice of Paladine. the judg-
ment came to pass. As Takhisis prepared to enter
the world. she discovered to her horror that she
had been stripped of her godhood. She was made
mortal. Her brother. P·dladine. also took mortal
form and thus the balance was maintained.

GODS fr ~LiGion ~ 199

"Something has rhem frightened," cried rile Although Ansalon is a relatively small conti-
nent, it displays a wide variety ofclimates and ter-
Liollt'JS. L!fliIlS her gill( skyward, sill' poillred. uTlll're, rains that are home to more than humans. elves.
Blt'Jj{jf E'li! Tlll'r(( and ogres. Chaos was not the only one to create
Lislltjlari'11 abol'( cI,elll, lisllt so brilliallr that if monsters. nor shall he be the last t'O do so. From
the draconians created at the bequest of the Dark
Sfeme,1 to (auh rhe Stili alld drag irs brigllt WlryS illto Queen to the twisted sea creatures ofZeboim and
rite raffey, ballisltillS rhe shadows. At firsr, Gilrlla5 the undead minions of Chemosh. many creatures
rl,ollS'1t tlJar $01111' miracle Ilad brollgllr the SIIII to till' never before seen emerged beneath the pale light
of the new sun. and though the sun and moons
efl'(J, bllt t"(11 lIt' realized tI,m ti,e lisht was r41med have returned. these creatures have secured a
lighr-rhe 511/15 rlrys 5"'nill8 off tile scales of fi,e befry foothold in the world that will not be easy to dis-
ofagoldCII dragtm.
The Gold d;l'(d 10\l~ tlimillgftr thf sidf of thf Bovno SpiRj"t tEmPLA"tE
mOll/lta;1I t"at was thick wirh ogres. At tlli' sight of t"t~ Bound spirits arc souls of the dead who have
resp[wdCllt dragoll) rhe /Il11rchillg milks of rhe Wellry been prevented from moving along the River of
dissollled into ajumbled mess. Mad wirlt ttwror, lite Souls. usually because of magic cast upon them
that binds them to the mortal realm.
ogres rail Ill' rite moulltaillside alld dOll'lI alld fl'ell Bound spirits are cthcreal creatures, resem-
sideway's ill fheir pallicked ~rt fO t5(apt'. bling how they appeared in life. although a thin,
Tht' dragoll Masud the hillside witll a Jiery ephemeral chain stretches from their bodies, dis-
appearing into the ethereal world. This ephemer-
brear".jammcd roga"" i" knor5 offear, rite ogw died al chain is similar to the silver cord projected by
by tilt hlllldreds. Tlleir agonized scuams tdlOt'd astral travelers.
amotlg the rMks, S(rl,am5 50 horrible fltat some ofthe Bound spirits are often mistaken for ghosts.
which is not far from wrong. Bound spirits that
ell't'J cot'ered their ears to blor Ollt tlte solmd. are released from their binding, either through
The Gold sailed "l' alld o\'t'r ti,e mOll/ltail,. the destruction of the vessel that binds them to
the mortal plane, or through the application of
smallersill'(r dragollsjltW i" be1litJd, Im:at/lillg kif/illg magic. can sometimes become true ghosts.
hoarfrosr r/larfmze t/ltjlt'tillg ogm,Jrou tlleir blood, imbued with an undying hatred ofthe living, who
frou their hearts and flldr jles/l. Hanl alld cold as they view as responsible for their suffering.
rock. tlte bodies roppled Ol'er, rolft'd dowlI illro the I'al- C"EA1"inG A Bovno Spi~1"
fey. More go1dt'll dragollsflell' to ti,e attack, so rhat rht' ~Bound spirit~ is :1 template that can be addcd to
sky was aflame witlt theglifter oftheir scales. Ti,e ogft.' any living aberration. animal, beast, dragon, giant,
amry rltat had beell racillg dowll gleefll1b' UpOIl thd,. humanoid. magioLI bcasl. monstrous humanoid.
or shapechanger. "1l1e creature (referred to here-
rrapl't'd ellwry was IIOIV hI fllll retreat. Tile draSOIls after as the ~base cre;lture M
)must havc a
followed tltem, IlIlIItd Ihem down whe((.\'er they tried Charisma score of OIl least 6. TIle crenture's type
to hide. c113nges to Mundead. It othenvise uses all the base

Drago"! of n Fnmihrd Moo" crenlure's statistics and special abilities, except :IS
~Iargarc( Wcis and Tracy Hickman noted here.
Hit Dice: Incre' to d12.
Speed: Bound spirits have a fly speed of30 fcct

There exists a strange and startling army of
creatures both fair and foul in the world of (unless the base cre3lure has a higher fly speed)
Krynn. Some of these creatures :.Ire natur.l.l, with perfecl maneuverability.
but many monsters came into being long a(,'O AC: Natuml anuor is the same as the base
because of the Chaos-infused Graygem that creature, bUI applies only to ethereal encounlers.
wrought many changes across the land. When the bound spirit manifests (see below) its
When Chaos was released from his prison natuml anuor value is +0, but it gains a defleclion
within the stone millenia later, his power bonus equal to its Charisma modifier or +1.
stretched out, creating countless new beasts and whichever is higher.
monstrosities, and although he was eventually Attacks: The bound spirit retains all the
defeated and cast out of the world. the impact he :macks of the base cre'.I.ture, although Ihose rely-
had is onc that will be felt for countless b'Cncra- ing on physical contact do not affect non-ethere-
tions to come. :11 creatures.

200"'-' CHAP1"E"Six
Damage: Against ethereal creatures, a bound 1elekiuesis (Su): By using a full-round action, a
spirit uses the base creature's damage ratings. bound spirit can use telekinesis once per round, as
Against noncthereal creatures. the bound spirit cast by a sorcerer whose level equals the bound
cannot deal physical damage at all, but can use its spirit's HD or 10. whichever is gre-.J.ter.
special attacks (if any) when it manifests (see Fnghrftll Visnge (SII): As a free action. the
below). bound spirit can manifest in a frightful fonn. All
Special Attacks: The bound spirit retains all living creatures within a 30-foot spread must suc-
the special attacks of the base creature. although ceed at a Will save or be panicked for 2d4 rounds.
those relying on physical contact do not affect This is a mind-affecting necromantic fe-dr effect. A
nonethereal creatures. The bound spirit !,,"3ins the creature that successfully saves against the fearful
following special :macks described below, visage cannot be affected by the same ghost's fear
dependent upon the base creature's HD when it attack for one day.
was transfonned. Saves have a DC of 10 + V2 Magic Dfl1l;1 (Sa): Bound spirits of 4 or more
bound spirit's HD + bound spirit's Charisma HD are able to drain the magic from creatures
modifier, unless noted otherwise. and objects. A bound spirit's toudl allack can
MOI/yam/I(J1t (Sa): AU bound spirits have this drain away I level worth of spells from a spell-
ability. As ethereal creatures. they cannot affect or caster per level/HD of the bound spirit, or drain
be affected by anything in the material world. an amount ofmagical potential from a magic item
When they manifest. bound spirits become visible equal to the bound spirit's level/HD + bound
but remain incorporeal. However. a manifested spirit's Charisma modifier. Spellcasters in the
bound spirit can strike with its touch attack or a midst of casting a spell. or a magic item struck. is
ghost touch weapon. A manifested bound spirit allowed a Fortitude save to mitigate the effects of
remains on the Ethere-.J.I Plane but can be attacked the magic drain.
by opponents on both the M:lIerial and Ethereal Mol/eohle Visage (Ex): Bound spirits of 6 or
Planes. When a spellcasting bound spirit is on the more levels/H D are able to chanbre their physical
Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on appearance when they manifest. A bound spirit
the Material Plane. but the)' work nonnally can alter its physical appearance :IS if using an
against ethereal targets. When a spellcasting oller Jelf spell-the bound spirit C'J.n :1$Sume the
bound spirit manifests. its spells continue [Q affect fonn of a creature the same type as their nomlal
ethere-.J.I targets and can affect tarJ"rets on the foml (such :IS humanoid or magiall beast). Bound
Material Plane normally, unless the spells rely on spirits of 12 or more levclslHD C'.J.ll change their
touch. A manifested bound spirit's touch spells form :IS if llsing a polymorph spell (am appear :IS
don't work on material tarJ"TCts. the same type as the bound spirit, or as any of the
following types: aberration. animal, drabron, fey,

mons"tE~ q DRJ'Gons ~ 20 I
giant. humanoid. magical beast. monstrous Level Adjustment: Same as base cremure +4
humanoid, oo.....c, plant, or vermin). 11,e bound
spirit's form is still ethereal and incorporeal when tHE Bovno SpiRj't's VESSEL
it manifests. "b create iI bound spirit, Ihe soul of a rccenliy
Com/plillg Gnu (Su): A bound spirit ofS HD dL'CC:lSCd cre::lture must be magically bound to a
or more can blast living creatures with a brlancc. physic:11 vessel. lnc vessel binds the spirit to the
al a range of up to 30 feet. Creatures that mcct mortal plane. creating a tether that prevents it
the bound spirit's g'..lze must succeed at a from moving along the River of Souls.
I-ortimde save or suffer 2d 10 points of damab'C "l<~ vend or a bound spirit must be :l non-liv-
and Id4 points of pennanent Charisma drain. ing objL'CI. TItis can be the spirit's original body,
~ssi(J/f (Su): Bound spirits of 10 H 0 or more
althoubrtl the skull must be completely intact for
are capable of possessing living creatures, tem- the body to be used. If an object other than the
porarily inhabiting the body and controlling its spirit's original body is used, the object must be
actions. In order to attempt to posses a living valuable, worth at least 100 gp for every
cre::lIurc. the bound spirit must make a full-round level/I-! 0 possessed by the creature to be bound.
action and succeed with a successful touch allad. Unless a bound spirit's vessel is found and
whilc manifested. TIle crealure struck is allowed destroyed, the bound spirit cannot be truly killed.
a \Vill saving Ihrow in order 10 resist the effect It will reform, completely rejU\'enated, within 2d4
(DC 10 + 112 bound spirit's HI) + bound spirit's days after being defeated.
Charisma modifier). If the victim succeeds the TIle vessel provides another weakness to a
saving throw. the bound spirit cannot attempt to bound spirit. Whoever physically controls the
possess that creature ag-..lin for a 24-hour period. vessel C"..ln exert control over the bound spirit. As
If the victim fails the saving throw, the bound long as the vessel is held, worn, or otherwise con-
spirit enters the victim's body. taking active con- trolled by a living creature, they can command
trol of the victim for I hour per levellH D of the the bound spirit as if a control undC"..ld spell has
bound spirit. TIle effects of the possession mimic been successfillly cast upon the bound spirit. The
the effects of a mllgiejar spell, bound spirit need not be present for the individ-
Special Qualities: A bound spirit has all the ual to exert control, for the focus of communica-
special qualities of the base creature and those tion and control rL'Sts with the vessel itseI[
listed below, and gains the undead type and thc
incorporcoll subtype. BovnD SpiRj-t EqyipmEn-t
Rejtrvmll'''oll (Su): In most (.'ases, it's difficult to
destroy a bound spirit through simple combat. Like:l ghost. when a bound spirit is created, all its
'Inc ~dt-'Stroyed~ spirit will retreat to its vessel, t..quipment and c:.lrried items usually become
rcfonning itself complctely within 2d4 days. Evcn ethereal along with it. In addition, the bound spir-
the most powcrfill spells arc often only temporary it retains 2d4 items that it particularly valued in
solutions. A bound spirit that would be otherwise life (proVided thm they are not in another crea-
destroyt:d returns to its vessel with a successful ture's possession). "Ille equipment works normal-
level check (ld20 + bound spirit's level or I-ID) lyon the Ethereal Pl;llle but passes hannlessly
aWlinst a DC of 15. The only means of destroying through material objects or creatures. A wcnpon
a bOllnd spirit requires that its vessel first be of + I or better enchantment, however, can hann
destroyed. material creatures when the bound spirit mani-
'film Rcs"s/(mfe (Ex): A bound spirit has a +2 fests, and enchanted weIpons can harm the
turn r(..'Sistance. If within 30 feet of its vessel. the bound spirit.
bound spirit's tllrn resistance incre::lSCS to +4. "Ille original material items remain behind. just
Saves: Same as the base creature. as the bound spirit's physical remains would. If
Abilities: Same as the base creature. except :lllother creature seizes the original, the ethereal
th:l\ the bound spirit has no Constitlll'ion score, copy f;ldt'S away. 'Illis invariably angers the
and its Charisma score incrC'.lSCS by +4. bound spirit, who stops at nothing to return the
Skills: Bound spirits receive a +S racial bonus item to it's original resting place.
to I-lide. Lislen, Search. and Spot checks.
Olherwise. same as the base creature. SAmPLE BounD SpiR,jt
Feats: Same as the base creature. 111is ex:unple uses a 7th-level human rogue as the
EIl\'ironment: Any land and underground. b:lse creature.
Organi7..ation: Solitary
ChaUenge Rating: Up 10 3 H 0, as base crea- Eramis Fabron
ture +1 Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
4 HD 10 7 1-10, as base creature +2 (Inco'J'OreaI)
S+ HD. as base creature +3 Hit Dice: 7d12 (45 hp)
Treasure: None (except for vessel. see below) Initiative: +7 (Dex. Improved Initiative)
Alignment: Any Speed, ;ly 30 ft. (pe<feet) (6 squ.=)
Ad\':Ulcement: Same as the base creature.
202 ~ CHAP'tE",-Six
AC: 14 (+3 Dclo:. +1 deflection), touch 14, flat- of mabrical encrI,'Y. thcn thcir spirit permancntly
footed 13: or 17 (+3 Dcx. +4 lllilsterwork studdt.:d bound to the mnulcl. E....l.lllis happened to be the
le-dther). touch 13, flat-foowd 14 one who touched the amulet.
Base Atlack/Gr::lpple: +5/+6 For many YC', Emmis was the wi:.-.ard·s hap-
Attack: Incorporc:.ll touch +5 lllck-e or +6 ag"J.inst less servant, sent constantly to lx.'C1evil the rene-
EthcrC".l1 foes (magic dmin 7 levels or 8 potential);'s enemies. stt""J.ling important information
or masterwork r.lpier +7 melee (ld6+ Vt8-20); or and reporting back to the wizard. When the
masterwork shortbow (ld6lx3) Chaos \Var endL-d. howcver, thc rcncgJ.dc W:1S left
FulJ Attack: (Same as above) without his power. l'le sly Emmis secretly con-
Space: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. tacted somc of his old allies in thc P;llanthas
Special Attacks: Sneak :J.uack +4d6. manifesta- undcrworld, getting them to raid thc wi7.ard's
tion. telekinesis. frightful ViS3b>C. magic drain. mal- secrct lair, avenge his death and make off with thc
Ie-.lble visage (alter self). loot-including thc amulet, although the thievcs
Special Qualities: Evasion. lrapfinding. ullClllny had no idea what tllt-'y held, and Emmis refused
dodb>e (Dcx bonus to AC. can 'I be flanked). trap to tell them his secret.
sense +2. reju\-emllion. tum resistance. Now. ErJ.mis opemtes his own small
$a,"es: Fon +4. Ref +9. Will +3 thieves guild, a band ofthieves who answer to
Abilities: Sir 12, Dcx 16. Con -. Int 14, Wis 10. the bound spirit. without realizing that the
eha 12. amulet that would enable them to control
Skills: Appraise + to. Balance +9. Bluff + II. him lies hidden in his sewer tail".
Climb +6, Decipher Script +8,
Diplomacy + II. OCR!'
Disable Device
+ 11. Disb'lJise +9. tiTAn
Escape Artist Titans arc
+8. Hide +11. ogres that havc
Intimidate +9, undergonc a magical
Listen +7. Open Lock +8. St.-arch +8. transfomlation. which cllanI,1CS thcm
Sleight of Hand + 13. Spot +9. into beings ofinercdible power, inhu-
Feats: Alcrtness. Dodge. man beauty, and unsurpassed emelty.
Initiativc. Lightning Rcnexcs l'lroUj"rll the use ofa dark ritual.
Environment: Any land and under- impartcd to an ambitious ogre-
ground ma!,."C bY:l vision scnt to him by the
Organiz.1.tion: Solitary Dark Queen. those descended
Challenge Rating: 9 from the 0btfCS of old can tr3ns-
Treasure: None (vessel. SL"C below) fonn themselves into beinj,,'S
AJib"llllcnt: Chaotic ncutml of seemingly unsurpassablc
Adv:Ulccmcnt: By chamctcr class power and bc:.ltlty-an ideal-
Level Adjustment: +4 ized imagc of the original
oI,tfes. bcfore the Fall.
111C saving throws :1~linst this bound spir- Before the trallsformation. or
it's abilitics have a DC of 14. the ~RebirthM as it is called by
Undcad: Immunc to mind-innuencing Damoth. the ogre-mage to
effects. poison. sk'Cp. paralysis, stunning. whom the SL'Crets of the dark rit-
and disC' Not subject 10 criticll hits. lIal had bl.ocn impart<..'C1. the oI,tfe is
subdual dam:lbl'C, ability damage, cncrj,,'Y like any other. However, :lftcr the
drain, or de:uh from massive damagc. Rebinh, the 0btfe titan stands morc
Incorporcal: Can bc harmed only by Dlher than fifteen feet tall. with skin as pure a
incorporeal creatures, + 1 or bettcr magic bluc as thc summer sky, stretched taut over a
wc:.lpons, or magic, with a 50% chance to ignore highly muscular body. TIlcir hands becomc
any damage from a corporeal source. Can pass graceful and aniculate, with sharp black talons at
through solid objects at will. and own aHacks pass thc tip of each finger. A five-inch long. forward-
through armor. Always moves silently. hooking spur or bone protmdcs Irom the tltan's
elbows. The titan's fe-J.tures lx.'COmc bc-.lUliful and
Er:unis Fabron was a famed cat-thiefofl'-alumhas, refined. similar to :1Il drs. although without any
until he choose to ste:ll from the wrong person-a of thc delicacy. '111C titan's <"'Ycs become upswcpt, wi:.-.ard who plact.-cl a great value upon rypically turning a shadc of !,'Olden yellow, lit by
his amulets. One ofhis most valuable amulets was some inner light. And the titan's mouth, comely
actually a trap-any living creature that touched whcn closed, conceals a double row of shark-like
the amulet would be instantly killed by a backlash teeth.

mons1"ERS l'c DRjlGons "-' 203

More than the physical transformal'ion, how- Nt!l'rofltlltl//c '1olen/ (SIl): Because of Ihe nature
cver, is the inner change the 0btre undcrb'OCs. 'nlC of the ritual of Rebirth. all ogre titans arc imbued
slren~,'lh of the tit,m's mind increases many limcs with necromantic energy. They receive a +4 nat-
over. giving them an inhuman intellect C'.lpllble of urnl bonus to all saving Ihrows to resist necro-
processing thoughts and plans with startling mantic effects (including l'1I"gy dnui} and the
spct.'<l.. Tne timn is also imbued with the potential like). Any necromantic spell they cast has a +2
for powerfill magic. although if the ogre did nOI bonus to the DC to resist the spell. and they gain
study magic before the transfonnation (whether a +2 bonus on caster level checks to break
as a shaman or whether they were an ogre- through spell resistance when casting a necro-
mabre). the timn must study and work to masler mantic spell.
this newfound talent for ~titan mat-ric.~ S/Otli! otld Sf«1 Shoptitg (SIl): As a full-round
111Us far. with the exception of Dauroth. only action. an ObtTC titan can use S/Ol1e shope as a 9th-
true ogres have undergone the Rebirth. With his level sorcerer. l'ne titan C"Jn use this ability at will.
heritage as an ogre-mage. Dauroth's mat-rica! tal- but it requires their complete concentration when
ents amongst the titans are unsurpassed. 0 half- they do so. Also. unlike the spell. they arc c'lpa-
ogre. minotaur, or Irda has been offered the ble of finer manipulation ofstone into more com-
opportunity to undergo the Rebirth. so it is plcx dcsibtrls. with a successful Intelligence check
uncertain what effect the ritual would have upon (DC determined by the complexity of the
them. design).
Soil! 81m/ (Sa): AI will. an ogre titan can create
CR..-EA"ti nG A ti"tAn a mllgic mwt7e-like attack. summoning forth a
'"Titan ~ is a template that can be added 10 any blast of magical energy that strikes unerringly.
ogre (ogre. minotaur. ogre-mage. Irda. or half- Each sUlllmoned missile does Id4 points of dam-
ogre). The creature (referred to hereafier as the age. however. each missile fired drains an equal
~character1 must have a Constitution score of at
amount of hit points from the ogre titan. For
least 12 in order 10 survi,'e Ihe transfonnation example. the titan fires 3 solll bills/s. rolling 2. 3.
process. The character's type changes to and 4 points of damage respectively. bUI hc
~Monstrous Humanoid [Ogre]:' It otherwise uses
immediatcly suffers a loss of9 hit points.
,III the character's statistics and special abilities, Special Qualities: An ogre tilan has all the spe-
except as noted here. cial qU:llities of the character. plus the following
AC: Natuml armor improves by +4. abilities;
Attacks: Same as the character; 2 elbow-spur Heigh/met! &l1.1£S (&.:): Titans b,we extremely
attacks at b,lse ,mack acute senses. giving them a +10 racial bonus to
Damage: Same as the chamcter; elbow-spurs Lislen, Search, and Spot checks. Titans also gain
dealld6 points of damage, modified by Strenbtth. low-light vision. able to see twice as {itr as II
Special Attacks: 'nlC titan ret,lins all the spe- human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight. and
cial attacks of the character and also gJins anum· similar conditions of poor illumination. He ret:lins
ber of other abilities. Unless othenvise noted. all the ability to distinguish color and detail under
saving throws agJinst a titan's innate abilities is a these conditions. In tot:11 darkness. a titan pos-
DC of 10 + 1/2 titan's HD + titan's Charisma sesses dllrksight with a range of30 feet.
modifier. burnt/able IN/elleel (Su): The alien mindsct of
Awe-IfJsp/ting PrrSet1CC (Su): TIle mere presence titans makes them incn.>dibly resislant to spells or
of a titan can have an incredible effecl upon those effect,s that influence their minds. Thcy receivc a
around him. 0t-tres and half-ogres (including +6 racial saving throw bonus ug'dinst enchant-
at-lTc-mages. but nOi minotaurs or Irda) within a ment spells or effects.
'li"tott Ltltlguogt! (Sit): Titans speak U str:.mbTt:
30~foot radius + lOft. per Charisma modifier of
the titan. must make a Will S'lVC. or else be tOllt-rUe they claim is ancient ogre. llithough it
chomled (as per d,oml per.wn) by the titan. While only he-.lrs a passing similarity to thilt dead
chomted, the affected individuals receive a morale tOllb"lIC. All titans are t-riven Ihe gin of Ihis lan-
bonus equal to the litan's Charisma modificr on b'Uage during their transformation, howevcr, olh-
saving throws againsl charm and fear effects. and ers have a difficult time with the language.
to both attack and damage rolls. for as long as I..KJming the language as a skill requires 4 skill
they remain within Ihe area of effect. Non-ot-'l'CS slols to be expended on Ihe skill. while under-
(including minotaurs and Irda) that enter the are.l standing or speaking the language through magic
of effect must make a \Vill saving throw as well. (such as romprrhmd languages or tongues) must
or else shaken for as long as they remain within make an ImelHgence check (DC 20) each round
the titan's aura. If directly confronted by the titan. in order to understand or speak the language.
shaken characters must make another saving Saves: Same as the character
throw, or else become panicked. Abilities: Increase from the character as fol-
lows: Sir +6. !)ex +4, Can +4. 1m +8. \\rlS +-1,
Cha +10.

204 c-...... CHAP"tE",-Six

mOnSTERS &< D~AGOnS C"'-'
Skills: Titans receive a +8 racial bonus to mAin1"Aininc 'tHE S1"A'tE OF
Concentration, Intimidate. Knowledge (arcane),
Knowledb>e (hislory). and Sense Motive. G ",ACE
Feats: Same as the character Unfortunately for the titans. the process of the
Environment: Any land tmnsfOnl1ation docs not seem to be perfected yet.
Organi;r..alion: Solitary. About 28 days aftcr the transfonnation. the titan
Olallenge Rating: Same :IS the char.letcr +2. begins to suffer incredible muscle pains and split~
Treasure: Double standard ting headaches (treat the titan as $iclmcd. see
Alignment: Any evil Dungeoll Mas't'rs Gllide). Over the next fC\v days.
Advancemelll: By dlarJ.eter class they slowly begin to revert back as the Curse
Level Adjustment: +6 begins to reassert itself. Tne back begins to stoop,
sores and pustules erupt across the body. and the
ti1"An CHAI\lIC1"E~ titan's face begins to become misshapen and
Rq,r.miless of the favored class of the orit,,;nal hideous once ag-Jin. Within five days. the titan
character. an ogre titan's preferred class is sorcer- completely reverts back to their "nonnal~ form.
er. The process of becoming an ogre titan is an aet bearing the hideous marks of the process that
of unspeakable evil and can only be undertaken makes them outcasts even to the other ogres.
by a character's own (n.oe will. 111e ogre titan Known as the ··Fallen.~ this is a fatc that all titans
retains all class abilities it had in life. fear.
There are two solutions that Dauroth has dis-
tHE tl\llnSFO",mA1"ion covered to hold off the -dcgencmtion.- as the
titans call it. 111e first is to repeat the ritual of
111e Rebirth requires a number of rare compo- Rebirth. but that requires the fresh blood of ten
oenls. in addition to the incredible amOUnl of elves. Fortunately for the titans. Dauroth has dis-
magical energy necessary to lrim,rcr the tr.msfor- covered a way to maintain the transfonnation.
malian. The most vital ingredient. however. is without the full ritual. Throuf,.rll experimentation
both the most difficult to obtain and the most vile. and research. he has been able to CTe-.lte an elixir
In order to trigger the initial tr-.msformation. the that will hold off the dL'f,.'CnerJtion for a month.
spell requires the pure blood of ten adult elves. As long as it is taken TL'glllarly. the titans can
The blood must be fresh. no more than three retain their forms indefinitely. 111e elixir only
hours old. and it must be placed within a spt=cial- requires the blood of a single elf. and it need not
Iy prepared cauldron large enough to hold the come entirely from the same elf. so unfortunate
ogre to be changed. Unfortumilely. the sheer elves prisoners that r... 11 into tit:m hands find them~
amount of blood required is more than enough to selves rt."b'l..llarly bleed. but ncver to the point of
ensure those elves used for tbe ritual are dead. release. Only Dauroth knows the propcr way to
'1l1C cauldron SCTVL'S as the foci for the spell. create this elixir. whieh secures his power
placed above a pit of burning pitch. into the mix- amongst the titans. 'l1,e elixir can be CTc:Jled and
ture of blood, other rare and exotic ingredients maintain its power for up to 11 year, but Dauroth
must be included: quartz taken from the Valley of ensures that his control over the elixir. and thus
Crystal. precious and rarc gemstones. night-blos- his cOlllrol over the titans. remains unassailable.
soming lilies from Nightlulld. and other strange
inblTedients. Once the mixture is brought to boil- tHE FALLEn
ing. it must be infilsed with mw magic. which
dmins the (:aster almost completely of all magical An of,.tfe titan who undergoes the degeneration
enefb'Y for 24 hours. does not simply revert back to their oriJ"rinal form.
Once the brcw is prepared. the would-be ogre Instead, the of"tfe bears not only the physical scars
titan steps into the Cllllidron. submerging their of the wrenching tmnsform:nion. but indeed is
body completely beneath the SUTtlce of the mix- tainted deeply by the horrifying ritual involved. A
ture. Instantly. as the spell is completed. the Ob'T'C's fallen Of,.tfC loses all benefits of the titan template,
body absorbs all of the infilsed blood into their additionally suffering a pennancnt -4 Strength,-6
body, a process that C'JUSCS incredible pain. The Constitution. -4 Intelligence. and -8 Charisma
Of,'T'C must have a Constitution score of 12 or AlthouJ"lh their minds no 10nf,.'Cr truly grasp the
higher in order to survive the process. and even same concepts and ideas that they once had as
then, must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or else titans. they have the mcmory of it all. 11lt..')' know
die horribly during the transfonmuion. Those that they once stood over all other ogres. but now
survive arc instantly trJnsfomwd into an ogre they are the lowest of them all. Many self-
titan, stepping forth from the C'Juldron with a new destruct, finding some way to die and frcc them-
body. a new mind. and a new sense of purpose. selves from the memories. A fC\\' IT)' and "eam-
their way back to greatness. but usually. Dauroth
refuses to even entertain the thought, for it is typ-
ically his choice that the titan has fallen for some
slif,.rtu or mistake they made.

mons1"E~ & DI\lIGons '"'" 205

SAmPLE ti"tAn Combat
Donnag is a 12th-level fif:,rluer and a 5th-level sor-
Chief Donnag cerer. '111C DC of thc s:wing throws to resist
Large Monstrous Humanoid Donnag's titan abilities is 24, while the saving
Hit Dice: 4d8+12d10+5d-l+126 (222 hp) throw :llfo-tinst his sorcerer spells is DC 14 + spell
Initiative: 7 (+-I hnpro\'ed Initiativc. +3 Dcx) Icvel.
SI:.eed: 40 flo (8 squarcs) Spellcasting: Sorcerer spells (615/3): 0 - dn:u,
AC: 30 (+9 natural. +3 Dex. +8 bm/Jlplllle) dl'I«1 mogic. masng~. preslidigilolion, my 0/frosl,
Base Auack/(;rapl}le; +17/+32 "1111 IIlt/gir; ht-Ievel: mog' onl/or, mngir m;nl?',
Attack: Large grcatsword +32 melec ohsf1In'lIg misl. my 0/ nYt'l'bll"l/IeI1l. shieltl, summon
(3d6+1-I/19-20 and Id1Ojll/HlIilg ourslj or e1bow- //lousll"r I; 2nd-IC\·c1:fog doud, mist/inrlioll. SU//lJnon
spur +28 melee (ld6+ 11) r..Jmnn. Wl"o.
Damage: La'1,'C f:,>Tcats\\'ord +32/+261+2l/+16 Magic hems Carried: +3 forge JloRl/ilg slnRr
(3d6+1-1/19+20 and Id10JlORlIiJgoursIJ or elbow- grrolrJ.lOrt!. +3 goIt/m grroler fire rulslonn o"osl-
spur +28/+23 melee (ld6+1I) plolr, +2 dotll< ofn-sislnncr. nilg ofrrgnumlioll, I/rcJ-
Space: 10 ft.ll0 ft. /1I1't' o/Ill/Oplolioll.
Special AUaoo: Awe-inspiring presence. necro-
mantic talent. stone and steel shaping. soul blast.
spcllC"dSting DR.-AGOnS fr
Special Qualities: Heightened senses. inscrut:lble
intelk'Cl. titan language. spellcasting, firc resist- DAAGOn
ance 30 (On-oslplolr)
Saves: Fort +21. Ref +13. Will +13 OVERJ-ORPS
Abilities: Str 32. Dex 16. Con 23. Int 16. Wis 15.
Cha 19 Dragons :lre the first children ofthe f:,rods. created
Skills: Bluff +11. Concentrate +19. Diplomacy during the Age of DrC'dIllS. before the gods CTC'dt-
+10. Intimidate +24. Knowledge (arcana) +16. ed c1v("'S. humans. or Of:,>TCS. Created with an
Knowledb'C (history) +16, Listen +19. Spcllcrafl inhercnt bond to the natllr-dl world. they are crca-
+6. Sense I\I00ive +10. Search +13. Spot +16. tur(..'S of incrt:dible power. both physically and
Swim +12 maf:,ric:.llIy. On Krynn. there are ten primary drag-
Feal'>: Alcrtness. Blind-Fight. Cleave. Combat on chll1s. divided into the five metallic clans of
Clsting. Combat Renexes. Diehard. Endumnce. Good and thc fivc chromatic clans of Evil. 'l1le
Gre-dt Cleave. Improved Initiative. Improved metallic clans honor Paladine as their father.
Unarm Strike. Leadership. Persuasivc. Power revering him as the Platinum Draf:,'"On who lov-
Attack. Spell Focus (conjur.uion). Weapon Focus ingly fashioned them from the C'drth. 111e duo-
(grC'dtsword) matie clans worship T:lkhisis. the Dragon of All
Environmellt: Any land Colors and of None. the five-headed dr.lgon who
Organization: Solitary or band is both mother and goddess.
Challcnge Rating: 23 Throughout history. just as Paladine and
Trc~lsurc: Double standard T:lkhisis c1ash(..>(1 in the celestial heavens. their
Alignment: Ncutral evil children c1ashl,,>(1 in the skies. '!11ese wars have
Advancement: By character class always wrought b>Teat chanb'C upon the world.
'111C nller of Bloten. ChiefDollnag was a sly. cun- and aficrwards. the dragons retreat to their lairs
ning ogre who united the factitious ogre tribes in to lick their wounds, bury and honor their de:ld.
order to combat the rising threat of the Dragon and to rest :lI1d rl,,"g'lin strength for the next battle.
Overlords. Unfortunately. the vain and power '111ere were certain niles and conventions hon-
hllnf:,'T)' of:,J'fe was already feeling the approaching ored by both filctions. based upon an Oath
of death as he got oldcr. In his greed. he eagerly prt.'SS(.'<! upon the metallic dr'dgons when the
acceptt,'d Dauroth's offer to transfonn him into a dlromatic drab'"Ons. at the bequcst of their Dark
titan. hoping for not only incredible power but Queen. slole the (..'gI,,'S from the rcsting metallic
eternal youth. He got both, as long as hc contin- draf:,rons in order to hold them ransom. The Oath
ues to drink the foul potion of Dauroth's concoc- kept thc metallic dr.lgons from interfering during
tion. the early War of the Lance, until it was discov-
Donnag is utterly and completely loyal to ered lhat the chromatic clans had alrC:ldy shm-
Dauroth. to the point of fanaticism. Tall. inhu- tere<! the Oath when the captured metallic drag·
manly beautiful, invigorated with raw power. he on eg{,rs were used to create draconians.
is working hand in hand with Dauroth to create l:oltowing the War ofthe Lance and the Chaos
a nation that will proclaim the gtory of the ObJ'fe War. dragons of both factions were prepared to
titans forever. retreat from the world for awhile. to regain their
strenb'1h once more. but then came a nC\v thrc-dt.

206 C'oo.> CHAP"tE",-Six

the first to ever truly mark the members of both Krynn. Only those alien dragons th:ll found their
f.1ctions as equal prey-the arrival of the alien way to the world before the War of Souls remain.
dragons. 111at path that the dragons of both factions will
Scholars have been unable to discover the take in the future is undear, but there seems to be
name of this so-called ~alicn world~ that the an uneasy truce of sorts between them, a truce
strange new drabTOllS came from. Indeed. at first it that will hopefully enable them both to somehow
was believed that the dr:Jl,rons had actually come fight off possible extinction.
from :111 unknown continent across the ocean. All
that is known is Ih:lI the dragons native to that DRflGon, ADVAnCED
world are filf lar~,'er than Krynn's native dral:,1OtlS,
even the youngest ;lIllOngst them larbYCf and Dragons have twelve age categories.
stronger than the most ;lgcd bffC'dt wyrms of from wyrmling to bJTeat wyrm.
Krynn. The native dragons were The creation of slm/l to/ems,
easy prey for the alien drag- however, enables a dragon to
ons, who revealed that it incrC::lsc in power above and
was possible to catch the beyond the powers even
soul of a departing drag- displayed by great
on and lise it to become wynns.
more powerful. Age
destroying the sOlll in Category: A standard
the process. The alien dragon gains one
dragons also brought ~virtual age calcgo-

with them the knowledbTC ry~ for every 3 Hit

of how to craft sRull/o/ems, Dice it gains

which enabled them to beyond the great
use those souls to bJ'fOW wyrm stage. A
ever stronger, enabling 61-HO red dmg-
them to retain their bJ'feat on. with 21
size, to shape the land at more Hit Dice
their whims, :md to warp th:lIl a standard
the bodies and great wyrm, has
minds oflc.sser gained scven
races in order virtual age calC-
to creme slaves. bTQries, meaning
The Dragon its effective age
Purge resulted in category is nine-
the death of a bJ'feat teen. Abilities lhat
percentage of the \ runction once per
Illltive dragon popu- , day per age C:1lC!,'Ory
lilt ion. Scholars esti- or othcrwise use the
mate that more than drab'On's age C:lleb'O-
half of the dragons were ry as part of a calculation
killed, decimating bolh usc this a<ljusted number.
the metallic and chro- Size: One important element of dragon
matic clans. advancement is incr~lSing size. The drab'Ons that
Five alien dragons rose above all the other don't reach Colossal size by the bJ'feat wynn St:lge
dragons, setting themselves as Dragon Overlords. can never reach it according to the standard
For decades, these terrifying, evil dragons rukxl ndv:lIlccment mles. "Vhen advancing a drab'On,
most of the continenl of Ansalon, growing f:lt and consider its basic size group: lesser (white, black,
bloated upon the riches of the land. During the brass. and copper dr.lgons), ordinary (green, blue,
War of Souls, however, these Dragon Overlords and bronze dmb'Ons), greater (silver, red, and
who had styled themselves as gods, discovered b'Old). A dmb'On that is Tiny as a wyrmling is in
that they were not the top pn.. .d ators as they Imd thc lesser brrouP, a dmgon that is Small as :1 wyrm-
believed. 'Ioc prophet of the One God swept ling and never reaches Colossal size is in the ordi-
across Ansalon on an unholy cmsade, and by the nary group, and a drabTQn that is Small to Large as
end of the War, three of the five Overlords were a wyrmling and reaches Colossal by the bJTcat
dead and the other two barricaded themselves in wynn stabTC is in the bJ'fcater bJ'fouP.
their realms. A lesser dragon becomes Colossal when it
With the return of the gods, it is believed that brains two llbTC C'.lteb'Ories (6 HO) beyond great
the gods have sealed the pathways through the wynn. It increases to Colossal+ when it g<lins an
spirit realms that enabled the alien drab'OilS to find addition:ll four age ClltcbTQries (12 HD). Thus, II
white brrelll wyrm reaches Colossal at 42 HO and

mOnS-rE~ l'r DR-AGOnS ' " 207

'€> Creation of Spawn '€> Breath Weapon: If a dragon's breath wt.-apon
deals d:lm:lb"C. the damage typically increases by
Few have witnessed the spawning ceremony and 2 dice for every virtual age category the dragon
w:llked away to relate its horrid events. More gains. '11e two exceptions are the brass and white
appropriately. few have walked away without drabJOlls. whose breath weapon damage increases
scales. Victims of the spawning process are often by only 1 die per af:,>e categol')'. The saving throw
changed both physically and mentally. Though DC against a drabJOn's breath weapon remains 10
they retain their identity and memories, the per- + V2 the dragon's Hit Dice + its Constitution
sonalities or most victims are radically chao&oed. modifier.
acquiring more draconic and feral aspects. This Spell Resistance: For standard advanced drag-
dynamic change in peISOnaiity originally led ons. spell resistance increases by 2 per additional
mystics and sorcerers to believe that a duplicate age category.
draconian spirit replaced the victim's soul. Speed: When a dragon becomes Colossal. its
Discovered by Khellendros the Blue. the fly speed increases by 50 feet and its maneuver-
spawning ritual requires the blood ofa draconian ability becomes clumsy. When it reaches
and some physical catalyst donated by the drag- Colossal+. its fly speed increases by another 50
on performing the ritual such as blood. scales. feet, and its maneuverability remains clumsy. A
tears. etc. Only the Dragon Overlords. with their dragon's land speed and other special movement
skull totems. have been able to create dragon- types (swim. burrow, and so on) do not change.
spawn. although a few of the other dragons have Ability Scores: A great wyml's Strength and
tried to create their own spawn. none of them Constitution scores both increase by +2 for e...ery
have been successful. virtual age category the dragon gains. Its
At one time. up to 50 Hit Dice worth 0 Dexterity remains unchanged. Its Intelligence.
humanoids may be transformed by the ritual. \Visdom, and Charisma increase by +2 for eveI')'
although afierwards. the Overlord must rest for two af:,te categories the dragon gains.
one hour per HD ofcreatures transformed. Upon Special Abilities: Dragons do not gain addi-
the successful completion of this ritual. targets tional spell·like abilities. but their damage reduc-
must make two saving throws. \Vhile the physi· tion continues to increase as they gain Hit Dice.
cal transformation is inevitable, the target must TIle great wyrm's damage reduction increases by
succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + V2 5 for every two age categories it gains beyond the
dragon's HD + dragon's Charisma modifier) or great wyrm stage and its DR type changes to
have their alif:,lIlment change to the appropriate Epic.
of the spawn variety. If the first saving throw is CosIer /..Lvtl: A great wyrm's caster level
failed. a second Will save (same Dq is required increase by 2 for every virtual age category the
to avoid t:1.lling under the control of the caster. dragon gains. Advanced dragons brain the
TIle variety of dragonspawn created is refle-,,- Improvt.-d Spell Capacity feat as a bonus feat once
ivc of the color scale used as a component. for every three caster levels above 20th.
Feats: Like ordinary dragons, advanced drag-
Colossal+ at 54 H D. while a bronze gre-dt wyrm ons receive one feat for every 4 Hit Dice they
becomes Colossal 3145 HD and Colossal+ at 57 have. Feats gained alier the dragon attains gre:n
HD. wynn sta1llS can be epic feats.
An ordinary dragon becomes Colossal when it Challenge Rating: For standard dragons. CR
increases by 2 per additional age category.
gains one age category (3 HD) beyond great
All Olher dragon statistics are as presented for
wynn. It becomes Colossal+ when it gains an
drabJOns in general and specific dragon varieties in
additional four age categories (t2 HD). Thus, :1
green f:,JTeat wynn reaches Colossal size atoll H D the klollsler Mflmlfl! and in other sources.
and Colossal+ at 53 HD. while a bronze dra~:on
S "-V LL to"tEmS
lx'COmes Colossal at 42 HD and Colossal+ at 54
HD. TIle secret behind the Dragon Overlords' ability
A greater dragon becomes Colossal+ when it to access untapped reserves of raw power neces-
g'dins four ab>e catt1.JOries (12 HD) more than it sary to shape the landscape. to create dragon-
needed to reach the Colossal size. TIms, a silver spawn. and other feats of magic beyond any seen
or read draf:,JOn becomes Colossal+ at 52 HD, and outside the hands of the gods. lies in the creation
a gold dragon becomes Colossal+ at 50 HD. of the brrls1y trophies of the Dragon Purge-the
Armor Class: A dragon's natural amlor bonus Totem of Skulls.
increases by + 1 for every Hit Die it gains beyond These slulllolm/.S are constructed from the des-
the great wyrm stage.. (You can use this rule for iccated skulls of dragons. The skulls come from
lesser dragon advancement as well. since natura! dragons both chromatic and metallic. making no
armor and Hit Dice always increase at the same distinction between good and evil. It·s the magic
rate.) inherent to their being and the connection

208"" CHAP"tE",-Six
mOnSTERS fr DAAGOnS '""'-'
'£> Create Skull Totem '0 '0 Undead Battery '0

The dragon is able to create a skul! totem, brranti-
ng the dragon access to an incredible amount 0 You cun drain lleg;.llive enerb'Y from undead in
power. order to power your spells.
Prerequisites: Dragon, Draconic Vampirism, Prerequisite: Greater Spelll<ocus (necroman-
spel1casting ability cy). ability to use sorcery or mysticism. ability to
Benefits: You arc able to conSlmCI a skulllo/em cast 6th level necromancy spell.
,md gain all the benefits ther<."Or. The construc- Benefit: With a successful touch attack, you
tion takes a minimum of ten skulls (one from can attempt to drain an undead creature of its
each of the dragon clans) per power rank of the enerl:.'Y' The unde-dd is allowed a Will save (DC
totem. Enchanting a skull lolem takes one month 10 + your caster level + Charisma bonus) in
per power rank desired and requires a permanent order to resist the drdin. Failure of the saving
sacrifice of2 HD times the power rank desired. throw me-ans that you drain 1 HD per your
Charisma modifier from the undead. Undead
'€' Draconic Vampirism "€> that are drained to 0 H D must make another Will
saving throw, or else be completely destroyed.
TIle dragon is able to absorb the fleeing life ener- Against ethereal/incorporeal undead. you must
gy from a dragon as they lay dying, using the be able to physically touch them in order to drain
energy to temporarily increase their own them.
strength. You can then use that stored energy to cast
Prerequisites: Dragon, spellcasting ability any spell you know, giving it the benefit of any
Benefits: If you strike the killing blow against other metamagic feat that you possess (such as
a dragon, you can attempt to absorb the drub'On's Empower, Enlarge, etc.). For every point 0
soul as it departs its body. TIle spirit of the stored energy that you expend, 'you reduce the
deceased drugon is allowed to make a Will save required incre<lSC in effective spell level of the
(equal to the DC of your breath weapon). If suc- spell. For example, an empowered and enlarged
cessful, you are unable to absorb the drugan's rreball would normally take up the slot of a 6th-
spirit. If the saving throw is failed, you absorb the level spell (3rd level spell, +2 levels for empow-
essence. ered, +1 level for entarbTCd); by expending 3 lev-
'Ine drab'On killed must be able to C'"J.St spells els of stored enerb'Y. you cast the spell as a 3rd-
(typically of adult ab"C or higher). For every age level spell, although it retains the benefits of both
cat(;.1,'Ory of the dragon killed. you brain one Mvir_ being empowered and enlarged. You do not need
tual Hit Die.~ TIlese virtual Hit Die incre'ase your to be of a level high enough to cast the spell nor-
abilities just as if you had gained age, increasing many (i.e., you do not need to be able to cast 6th
your power and your size. although you do not level spells in the above example), however, you
age any. 'Ine effects, however, are only tempo- C'"dn not spend more energy in a single spell than
rary. Each week, you lose one virtual Hit Die and your Charisma modifier. You C'J.n store up to a
decrease in power. Without a skill/totem. the loss maximum amount of energy equal to your char-
cannot be halted by any means. acter level + your Charisma modifier, although
Special: Without a slmlltotem, a dragon C'"an you will lose I level of energy every 10 minutes
only retain the virtual Hit Die temporarily. after it is absorbed.

between dragons and the world that is important, were unable to match the desperation of either
characteristics possessed only by those dragons the evil dragons that were struggling to slllvive, or
native to Krynn. the ferocity of the invaders.
The drab'011, using the skulls of dragons th'lt
were killed in battle. constructs the totem. ConstnJclion of a Skull Totem
jI.'lalyst'ryx discovered the secret of the construc- TIle shul/to/em is a maC'abre trophy. The skulls
tion of skull totems, but with surprising rapidity, must come from a'On that has at le'lst
other dral:.'Ons fighting in the Dragon f't.lrb"C dis- reached adulthood: the skulls of younger dragons
covered the secret on their own. The dral..'Ons of simply do not possess enough ener/..ry to complete
ligill. the metallic dral,,'Ons. were disgusted by the the totem. As Malystryx and the other Overlords
discovery, but lllany of Krynn's native evil drag- discovered. there must be a balance between the
ons quickly sei7..ed upon the opportunity to not different energies. 111ere must be at least one skull
only increase their own power. but in hopes that from each of the ten native dr-db'On types of
the power would ofler them some prot(;.'Ction Krynn: bluck, blue, br.1SS, bron7..e, copper. gold,
abT3inst the marauding invaders from another btreen, red, silver. and white. 'nle skull must be rel-
world. Unfortunately, beC'"ause none of the good atively fresh and intact, with little decaying to the
dragons even begun to construct a totem. they

rnonS"tER$ & DRj\Gons ~ 209

brain within the cavity. 1lle skulls must be A drab'Un c.m only attract one of the maximum
arranged in :1 tall column. wide :It the base and af,"C allCbrory indic.ued. no more than twO dr:.lg~
t:tpcring to a point. ons of an :lgc altebYQry one less thlln the maxi-
Creating a sk/l./Ilo"'11/ is a process that lilkcs mum, :llld so on.
many yC", for it not only requires the collection Epic Power. 'l1\c construction of a skulllo/em
of the dragon skulls. but the dr.l~,'on must slowly enables a dragon to power above and
and carefully imbue it wilh a portion of their own Ix,'yond even the legendary powers of the b>Tc:.lI
essence. Once the totem consists of at least one wynns. E.1c11 power level of a skull/olem enables
skull from each of the len dragon dans. and the
proper ritual is completed, the totem Ix.'b>ins to the drJ.(..JOn 10 J:r-lin and retain one "virtual age
manifest its initial powers. Even after the totem is Cbrory~ above that of great wynn. The dragon
activated, the dragon can conlinue 10 add skulls g:lins all the benefits and powers of the advanced
10 the Imem, but unless the balance is mailllaim.-d dragon template. Without a skulllo/em, no nati\'e
between the skulls from the len clans. the tOlem's dmgon of Krynn can advance to the point of
power doesn'l noticeably increase. becoming an advanced draf,ron.
When the slulllolml is built and the final ritu- Legendary Leadership: The dragon gains a
al is completed. the pill:u of skulls narcs to life. number of followers that they att....dct equal to
Once active. the eye sockets on e'.lcll skull glow their u-adership score times the power 1C\'e1 of
will a cool. unwavering illumination. JIlIIIIIDlml.
Powers of the Skull Totem RL-alm-Sense: By calling upon the power
"llle potent magic inherent to eadl skull loUm is within the skulllo/~m. the dragon can soy (as per
truly what made each of the Dragon Overlords the spell) anywhere within a radius around their
incrediblr. powerful, for in addition to their d ....J.- totem. The area that can be scryed is determined
conic abIlities, the totem enables the d ....J.bron to by the paWL'I' level of the totem:
call upon a number of powerful abilities.
The strength of the sklllllDlml is detennincd by REALM·SENSE
two factors: the number ofskulls in the tDlem and
the balance between the ten dragon clans. '111e ...." """ bdius of Saying

most powerful totems have an equal distribution

of the ten drnbron clans. 111e addition of any skull
,1 100 ft./HD
1 mile/HD

to the tDlcm will increase the totem's power, but l 2 miles/HD

if the balance is maintained, the power incrc:.lscs • ) miles/HD
drnmatically. 'llle additional power ofunbalanced
skulls is a trickle compan.-d to the torrcnt of main- ,S 4 miles/HD

taining a balance between the clans. It takes ten

skulls of a singlc dragon Iype to make up for the
, S miles/HD
10 mlles/HD

lack of a skull of the appropriate type. • SO miles/HD

'111C I>ower level ofa Sklllliotem is the number
of drabJOn skulls divided by ten (roundL><.! down).

7S miles/HD
100 mlles/HD
Create Minions: The draf,ron is able to draw
lll>on the I>ower of the skull lolem in order to Realm-Shaping: Perhaps the most potent power
imbue living creatures with their essence. The that a drabJOn g<lins from the skulllolemlics in the
dragon can creme both dragon vassals and drag- ability of realm-shaping. '111e amollnt of "rea th;lt
on spawn. "111e draf,ron c:.m cre~lIe a total numbcr
a dragon em shape is determined by both the
of vassals and spawn equal to their 1-11) times the
power level of the sklllllOll!m. power level of the skulllolem and the strenbrth of
Dragon Cohorl.'i: 11,e dmgon is llble to attract the dr:.1bron (as determined by its I-ID).
a number of dmgons of the slime clan. The drag- In the area around the dmgon's sklllllolem, the
on am attmct a number of cohorts equal to the terrain and climate begin a slow. but inexorable
I>ower level of their totem. '111C age of the dmf,'Un mutation lllHil it matches that of the ideal tcrrain
cohorts is determined by the following table. for the drabfOll's type: icy glaciers and bli73..ards
for white dr:.1b'Ons; sW'drnpy bogs with torrential
DUCON COHORTS r:.lin filII for black dr::1b'Uns; deep, verdant r:.lin
Power Level Mu Agt Category of Dragorl CoMrts forests for green drabrons; desert wastelands
wmcked by electriCll stomlS for blue drabrons;
1 Young
and volcanic peaks with dry. sweltering he-.n for
red dmbrons.
J YoullgAduh
The affected area is not perfectly spherical,
•S Adult
inslC:ld the mdius ofeffcct provides a general area
, Mature Adutt
in which the draf,'On can exert control. As of yet.
, Old none of the J)raf,ron Overlords ever reached the
maximum affected area for realm-shaping. for
• """ Old
Ancient only Malystryx possessed a totem with the

strength to alter such an enonnous change.

210'"'" CHAP"tE"Six
mOnSTERS Cr DRf\.Gons ~
It takes about one day to sh<lpe len square
miles. beginning with the area immediately sur- DR.AGOn, SEA
rounding the slmlllole"" Once the shaping is com- Dragon (Aquatic. Water)
plete. the d"'broll enters into a ciCCI' hibemation. Environment: Temperate and wann aquatic
as power is dmwn from both the skulllo/em and Organization: Wynnling. very young. young.
from the drn~,''()n. 'llc hibernation is so dccp that juvcnile. and young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5):
anything less stimulating than physical p;lin will Adult. mature adult. old, vcry old. ancient, wynn.
not allow the dragon to ;I\V'dkcn. 'l'lli5 hibernation or gt'C'J.t wynn: solitary. pair, or family (1-2 and 2~
lasts for IwO days per day spent realm-shaping. 5 offspring)
'me cfT'l..'Cts of the shaping remain in effect for ChaUenge Rating: Wynnling 3: very )'oung 4;
as long as the dr::lgon remains within the sh:lped young 5: juvenile 8: young adult 11: adult 14;
realm and the skllll mature adult 16: old
!olrm remains intact 18; very old 19;
and undisturbed. If ancicnt 21: wynn
eilher. or both. con· 23: gteJ.t wynn 25
dition chanb'CS' then Treasure: Triple
the realm will slowly standard
begin 10 revert to its Alignment: Always
natural state. neutral evil
Unfortunately. the Advancement:
rc\'crsion is much Wynnling 7-8 HD
slower than the (Small); \'ery young
transfonn:llion. For 10-11 HD
every power level of (Medium-size);
the skli/l loleln used young 13-14 HI)
to shape the realm. it (Medium-size):
takes one full year juvenile 16-17 HD
for the shaping to (Large): young
revert back to its adult 19-20 1-10
natural state. (L;ltf"rc): :Idult 22-23
Note: Alrcady. the HD (Hubrc); mature
effects of the shap- adult 25-26 H D
ing in the former (Huge); old 28-29
realms of HD (l-Iub'C); vcry
Khellendros and old 31-32 I-ID
Beryllinthranox (I-luge); ancielll 34-
have begun to 35 HD
unravel as nature (Gargtlntuan):
bCbrins to reassert wyrlll 37-38 H D
itsel[ (Garg;.lnttlan); brreat
wynn 40+ 1-1 D
Level adjustment:
Wyrmling +3: very
young +3; young
+5: others-
Power level Muimum Area or Realm.Shaping
Not considerL>(1 by some scholars to bc tmc drtlg-
I 100 sq. ft./HD ons. SC'.l dmb'Ons are in (;lct just ;IS larl.'C. danger-
2 500 sq. ft./HD ous, intelligent and fctlfsomc :IS their surfacc-
) 1000 sq. ft./HD dwelling cousins. and cm rightly said to be lords
•, 1 sq. mlle/HD orthc oce:.m. TIley tire vil.;OUS :tnd pn...>(!.uory.tak-

, 2 sq. mlln/HD
10 sq. m.tes/HD
ing t,rre;,u ple-.lSure in clpsizing s<"'3f:,'Oing vessels
and dmggillg the wrecks to their lairs on the sea
7 25 sq. mlln/HD floor. Unintcresll..'<1 in most S\lrf.1CC world affairs.

•, 50 sq. mlle5/HD
100 sq mlln/HD
they do not usually extend their activities beyond
the ocean in which tht.")' arc most al home. This
combination of reclusivc and s:lV:lbfC behavior has
10 250 sq. m,tes/HO
earned them a reputation as somewhat mytho-

mons1"E~ fr DIV'Gons " " 211

logical even among other dragons, :1 force of Sea dragons clash most often with bron:i'..e
nature that rises only occasionally from the deep dragons and drabTOn turtles. both of which share
to terrorize sailors. the sea dragon's environment. Because of this,
Superficially similar to the dragon turtle. the many sea dragons choose to lair as f.1.r away from
sea dragon has a tough. armored shell covering its coastlines as possible, where they ca.n gather their
body. in place of legs, il has powerful paddle-like hoards of sunken treasure and feed on deep-sea
flippers ending in sharp thorny claws. and its sin- creatures or seaweed. Onley are feared among
uous snake~like neck and tail are crested in sharp communities ofsea elves, such as the Dimernesti,
barbed fins. It has a distinctively dragon-like head in whom they generate as much respect, awe and
with a mouthful of teeth like a shark's, and it's hatn.'"<i as other dragons do in surface elves. Apart
smles arc very fine and variegated in color from these enemies. the sea dragon is on the top
between black and green. As the sell dragon abres, of the food chain in Krynn's oceans and is left
its skin bJTOWS more and more mottled, and its alone by lesser marine creatures.
shell builds up years and years of barnacle-like Sea dragons speak Common, Draconic and
growths and mossy strands-making it all the Aquan.
more difficult to see when il is at rest. submerged
and waiting for hapless sailboats and schooners. ComBAT
individual sea dragons sometimes surround A sea dnlbTQn engages in combat with anyone
themselves with sea life such as sharks, giant entering its territory. especially ships and sailing
squid or giant crabs to selVe as sentries or scouts. vessels. BCCl:IUSe it lacks wings and cannot fly, it
Others have been known to employ lacedons lllld typically begins an attack from below instead of
other horrid creatures. Their lairs are mOSI often above, mpsizing a vessel and using its breath
caves in the walls of sea trenches or reefs, the weapon on any crew or passengers. 111ereafler it
hulls of sunken sailing ships, or mins from will use its powerful jaws and clawed front flip-
empires and cities lost to the waves. Any sea pers on stragglers and swimmers. saving any
dragon lair is guaranteed to be a source of bJTeat spells and spell-like abilities for stronger oppo-
riches to those brave or foolhardy adventurers nents. Sea drabTQns who know they will be facing
who sUlVive finding one. substantial opposition will often summon other


\V)'<mllnl ,
~ H~ Oioo (hpj
6<111+6 ('S)

~ ~

'" " '" • "

,. ~. ~ ,......
Base Altadt.J


•• ••
.. ..., ...,
'M .J W"

w.o_ (DC}
ld-1 (1~1

Yef'/ )'O<'nl
" 9<112·11 (76)
" '" " '" • " .9/.11 ." •• •• 2dl (16)
,~~ Ild12.2' (102)
" " " " " " .12/.1S ." •• ."
3d1 (II)
" ."
1S<!12>-4S (U2)
" " " " " " +1I/_2l
•• ." 4d1 (20)
'too.!"I aduk lldl1_12 (119)
" " " " " " .11/_21 ." ." ." Sdl In)
~". " 21d12,lOS (2")
" " " " " " .21,.)1 ." ." ." ." 6<11 (lS)
~otur. oduk H 24d12tl20(l16)
" '" " " " " .2~/>-41
." ." ." ." ld-1 (l1)
..,.. ,
l1dlhl6.1 (1l1)
JOd12, 110 ()]S)


." ."
." ."
......." ." ."
Idl (29)
9da lJl)
10<11 (lJ)
)6<112.21-1 (S22)
" " " " " " _l6/·61 ." ." ." Hdl (l6)
G,••'...,.,.m 19<112,)11 (SM)
" " " " " " .l9/_6S
." ." ." 12<11 (n)
... "'"

Wyrml,"I 20 fL, ,Wlm 100 fL

Initi_ N:.
., 16 (_I ...... ~ noMaI). lOo./dl 11. A01.fooled 16

Cute< Le.o! ~

Yef'/)'O<'ng 20 ~ .• ,Wlm 100 Ii. ., 11 ('I"'MO~.'_~ 10. flal·foolod II

lu..... i..
20 /I... wim 60 /I.
201I.••wim 100 Ii.
20 II...wim 60 /I.
21 {.11 ""'".. ~. loudll0. flot·fooled 21
2) (.1 .1... ,t. n.w,o~. touc~ 9. Aodoo,ed 2l

26 ~.l ,I.... 17 n'MO~. 'oudI9. /lot-fooled 26

k~'r comm• ..J ,,,
~". "" .lwim6Ofi. ., 21 (.2 .i.., .20 n......I). touch I. AIl·looted 21
eo",i••• Dl! S/"'olJlC
CnlMllt ,."
Motu", aduk

20/1.. .wfm60/I. .,
j1 (·2,1••, .2) ... IU.. I). 'oudIl, fl".r-e<!)l 011 10/"'0iP<

"""" ".
20 /I,••W1m 60 ft. U (.211....16 ...,Y..I). '''''''~ I. A.I·fooled). Suueo''''''
20 /I...wim 60 /I. ~ 1] (.1,1",•• ;zg ...,Y,.I). 'oudIl. fl".r-e<! 17 011 IS/mOil<
Me,.... 20 Ii..• wi'" 60 /I. ., lll"',I•••• ll ...tur.I). '''''''~ 6. A.._fooled II (,,"I""""~

.,.. 20 ft.. ,wi'" 60 ft. ., .1 (........ )S ...,y,ol), lOo./dl6. A.l·Iooted" OR 2O/m.p::

C,... ....,,'" 20ft...";m 60 fl. ., .. (... ,;••. _n n.turol), ,_h 6. AIl·fooled" M... ,u""""",
m. "
large marine animals to aid them. AnOlher Challenge Rating: Wynn ling 2; vcry young 3;
favorite tactic is to usc their sUgj"YCSlion ability on young 5; juvenile 7: young adult 10; adult 12;
whoever is piloting the vesseL causing them to mature adult 15; old 17; very old 18; ancient 20;
run aground on a reef or min other ships. wynn 21; gre-at wyrlll 23.
Limited Dragon Abilities: Sea drdb'Ol\s c-.mnot Treasure: Double standard
make crush or snatch attacks, nor can they Alignment: Always chaotic evil.
employ wing buffets. due to !.heir physiognomy. Advancement: Wynnling 5-6 1-10 (Tiny): vcry
They lack the blindscnse of other drngons but young 8-91-10 (Small); young 11-12 HD (Small);
make up for this in other ways (see Sea.sense. juvenile 14-15 I-ID (Medium-size); young adult
below). 17-18 HO (Medium-size); adult 20-21 HD
Breath Weapon (Su): Sea dragons have one (Large); mature adult 23-24 I-ID (Large); old 26-
type of breath weapon. a cone of superheated 27 HD (Huge); very old 29-30 HD (Huge);
sleam (treat as fire damage). This breath weapon ancient 32-33 HO (Huge); wynn 35-36 HO
is effective both on the surface and underwater. (Gargantuan); great wynn 38+ HO
Frightful Presence (Su): Cre:uures above the (Gargauntaun).
waler or on land gain a +4 bonus to their saving
throws to resist the fribrhtful presence of sea drag- Shadow dragons are not native to Krynn, yet
ons. It otherwise behaves exactly like the standard there are a few that have found their way to
ability of Olher true dragons. Ansalon through one me-ans or another: Whisper,
Water IJreatJling (Ex): Sea dragons can an ancient shadow dragon said to have served
breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use F"lStandantalus; Soulchill, a sly, myst'erious shad-
their breath weapons. spells. and other abilities ow dragon who haunts ightlund; the strange,
while submerged. unnamed shadow dragon said to have been creat-
Seasense (Ex): This ability allows a sea dragon ed from the shadow of the primal god. Chaos;
to automatically detect any object of Medium-size and Dhamon. a shadow dragon who arose from
or larger in the ,vater around it. It has the same the dark designs of the unnamed shadow dragon
range as the dragon's frightful presence ability and of Chaos.
replaces the standard blindsense ability of other Shadow dragons tend to be malicious, and
true draf,.'Ons. Opponents the sea draf,.'On can't dC'o'ious. with ,Ill innate connection to the Plane of
actually see still have total concealment af,."3inst Shadow.
the dmgon. Shadow dragons have translucent scales and
Capsize (Ex): A submerged sea draf,.'On of dark bodies, giving them an indistinct appear-
young adult age or older that surfaces under a ance-from a distance, they seem to be nothing
boat or ship less than 20 feet long capsizes the more than a foreboding mass of shadows.
vessel 95% of the time. It has a 50% chance to
capsize a vessel from 20 to 60 feet long and a 20% Combat
chance to capsize one over 60 feet long. Ancient Shadow drdgons prefer to llUack from hiding,
and older SC"d draf,.'Olls h,lVc a 100% chance to cap- employing their shadow b1md ability They com-
size boats under 20 feet long, a 75% chance to monly use illusion spells to confuse and misdirect
capsize a vessel from 20 to 60 feet long, and a 50% their foes, using the teTr:.lin of their lairs 10 their
chance to alpsi;r..c one over 60 fect long. advantaf,.TC to confuse and separatc f,.rroups of foes
Scaly Command (Sp): A sea draf,.'On can use to be picked off one by one.
this ability threc times a day. It opcr:ltes as a lIIass Breath Weapon (Su): A shadow draf,.'On's
chanl/ spell that only works all sailed animals brC"ath wcapon is a cone of billowing, smoking
(reptiles and fish). "nlC draf,.'On can communicate shadows with an mergy dml;1 effect. Creatures
with any charmed animals as though coasting a within the cone g'ain the number of negative lev-
speak wlih (Il1/;l/llls spell. 11lis ability is the equiva- els showing on the accompanying t:lble; the sav-
lent of a 1st-level spell. ing throw to remove the negative level is shown
Other Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-mtll1lg/~, sug- on the table as well. A successful Reflex save
gestiol/, control water; Vday-mllJ.J sugg~stiofJ. (against the same oq reduces the number of
Skills: I-lide. Survival and Swim are class skills negative levels by half (round down).
for sea dragons. Shadow Blend (Su): During any conditions
other than full daylight. a shadow dragon can dis-
DR...AGOn. SHADOW appear into the shadows, giving it nine-tenths
concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light
Dragon (Shadow) or colltimm.' /lome spell, does no.t negate this abili-
Environment: Underground ty. A daylight spell. however. Will.
Organization: Wynnling. very young, young, Create Shadows (Su): Three times per day, a
juvenile, and young adult; solitary or clutch (2-5); great wynn shadow dragon can conjure a mass of
adult. mature adult. old. very old. ancient. wynn, leaping shadows with a radius of 100 yards and
or great wynn: solitary, pair. or family (1-2 and 2- duration of 1 hour (this is a creation effect). All
5 offspring).

mons"'E~ fr DRJ\Gons ' " 213

normal and magical BRjnE. "tHE
light sources arc ncg:u-
ed within tbis radius. DR.-AGOn
All char,leters and crea- OVER.-LOR.,p Of
tures g.Iin :l +4 bonus 1"H E SEA
on their Hide checks
within the shadows. The Dragon Overlord
and can hide even if known to mortals as
directly observed. Brine is a native of
Shadow dr.Ib'Ons and Krynn's oceans. a
other creatures with member of one of thc
ties to the Plane of lesser-known species
Shadow brain total con- of dragon and a some-
cealment within the what reclusive one at
shadows (5()O.o miss that. Brine spends the
chance), though they bencr part of his lifc
C'.In move and attack raiding SC'.IgOing mer~
normally. Their attacks chant vessels near the
g.Iin a +2 bonus and Blood Sea of Istar. but
deny their opponents the Summer of Chaos
:my Dextcrity bonus to brought the Blood
AC. bccdusc they are Sea's maelstrom to a
considered invisible. ...._ - - " hah as hordes of
Othcr Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - milTOr Ch:l0S crealUres spilled into thc sea from the
imngt'. lIo"d~/N'II(m: 2/day - dinmaiotl door; Vday shores of Ansalon. Fleeing thesc changes.
- shndtrdJ walk. Bryllscldimer found himself in the watcrs ncar
Silvanesti whcn the Dragon Purge bcg.In. He

,,- ...., ......, ...w.., . .
-,_. - ."

... ,., DI<- (\If» ~

'"" ..


" ". " " "" "/-l
H. ~ ~

.. .,•• ., .,
fJOl I(H)
IIIU.llnl .,

, " " " " .1/.' 1 (I')

lOd12.10 (1S)
".. " ".. " " " ,10/.1
."... ., ., ." 1(11)

1101101' (HO)
" " " " .. .l)/.IS
." ••
." ."... d' ...." >,..
16dU·)2 (13'1
19<112.\1 (110)
" " " " "
" " " " " "
." ."
21U )
J (1.) .."
"'.,"'- ",,"" ~ 21li1248 em)
" " " ",. ",. " •22/.)2 ." ." ." ." • 12')
." ." ." ."
...... 21dl2,12S (211) .2~/.010 ~
"" " 111I12.1'0(112) " " " " .n ." ." .,.
" lldU.116 (Jl1) " " " " " " .21/.'S

." ." ." ."

S (11)
," " " " "w "w " .J./.U -l1/"9 , Il'J
.,.. ... ." ." ."
Gre.' "7"" ,
l1d12.2H (1)6)
" " "
" " " " " "
" .)7/.61 .., .n ." ."
I (l9)

. _....
SpecioI AbiICies
10 1'1.." no 1'1. ( - . 1

Ii 1.2 "U_ .1..->l1'2'oudI. lift.tJi>oled lMtJIo·...... .............,


-_........ ..
..,~ ~
lOll." 'SO L (-...-1
10 ll.1Ir lSO 1'1. (--v)
11(.' ""'.• '0 ......."'111_. 21 ftMfooud
...... ~ 2·1·1 ...... U ........ ""ll""'O"2.~

to L ., ISO 1'1. (pootl ~ H (.16_"'"'110-' HilI""-t
...-_ ... to 1I . ., 1SO 1'1. (pootl ~ 2t ('1' .......01)10 \JOuCh, 2t lIotfootH o.-ce redwce- s/....... .... "
1O ... .,lSOll ~ ~ )1 (.I .......n......."",-", Illodoooooll
to 1I . ., ISO ft (pootl ~
).0 I·' __ .IS ....... >1)9 - . ) . 0 ...........
,. "
..,"" ...
to'" ., 1 SO l. (poot)
to'" II'- ISOll (poot)
10 II.. II, ISO t. td-o'II


li('l,,", .11-...11II-", ..........
"(-2 son. .), nIl<nI).""'O")f ...........
.21-2 .... -)4-.11II-",., .........
1J1.. _.·)1-.....,.""""4)~
.. I......, .OO .......>Il'-. ...........
....... -
0 - . """"'-151~


<-_ .......
214 CHAP"tE",Six
mOnSTERS &< DRf\.Gons ~
leanlt:d oCthe actions or the cnonnolls alien dmg- Crc-dte Skull Totem, Draconic Vampirism, GT"C'.lt
ons and their risc to power, and seized upon the Cleave. Improved Critical (bite), Improved
chance to do the same. Initiative, tVlultiatl'ack, I)ower Attack, Spell Focus
Brine gained power by killing younger and less (enchantment), Weapon Focus (bite)
powerful SC<1 dr.tJ:,rolls and the occasion:.1 bronze, BreatJl Weaj)Qu (Su): 60-ft (:one, dam:lbre IId8
!,rrcen or bhlCk dr..IJ:,TOI1. but fc:uful of recrimin;l- fire, Reflex DC 37 half. l1\is bre-.Jth weapon is
tions from other surface dr.IJ,,'OIlS rclocatt.'<i filrthcr effective both on the SUrf.1L'C and underwater.
out to SC'.l. He swiftly brout"rht Dimcrnesli under Capsize (Ex): Brine has:1 100% chance to e-.Jp-
his mle. C'dllsing the nlin of many orthe SC'd elves' si:l"..e bo-.Jts under 20 reet long that he surfaces
settlements and ancien! buildings. However, due undcr. a 75% dl:lllCC to capsi7-c a vessel from 20
to the artifact known as the CnJ'l(m qf7iilt's. he was to 60 feet long, and a 50% chance to C'.lpsi:l"-c one
prevent<.'<l. from fully dcstroying the elven king- ovcr 60 feet long.
dom and settled for picking off stray elves and Frightful Presence (Ex): 330·ft. radius, HD 36
ships thai sailed into his realm. or less, Will DC 34 nqrdtcs. Creatures not in the
Brine's domination of the (''astem sc..>as of water (on land, in the air, etc) gain a +4 bonus to
Ansalon c-.unc to an end when the Heroes of the their saving throws.
Hem. including Jasper I-ircforgc. Dhamon Scaly Conmland (51)): 3/day-as moss charm.
Grimwulf and Rig Mcr-Krcl. soubtlu out the but works only on scak'<! animals (reptiles and
Cnaw 0/7/des and in doing SO managed to defeat ftsh). The dragon C'dn communicate with any
the sea dr'.lgon with the aid of a mab,;cal artifact channed animals as though casting a *01 tlll)h
called the Fis/ o/E'II: Brinc's shock at being con- alllnlols spell. 111is ability is the equivalent of a Ist-
fronted by mortals capablc ofhanning him quick- le\'el spell,
ly turned to anger. but he died on the bowsprit of Seasense (Ex): 660·ft. radius, detects any
the heroes' ship ""11111711.1 and sank beneath the object of Medium-size or larger in the water
wavcs. Satisfied that the heroes had upheld their around the dmgon.
bargain. the Dimemcsti gr-.lnt<.'<! them the CTU"dJll Spell+Like Abilities: 3/day - /'Oil/rot waIn;
oj7ides and Brynseldimer's rcibl'f1 of terror passed m/ollgk, sllgrfp/iofl. Caster 1C\'c1 IS: save DC 16 +
into history. spell level.
Brine favors using his brC'.Jth welpon in com- Spells: As 15lh-level sorcerer,
bat whenever possible. c:.lUsing often fmal scalding Sorruer Sptll$ KlltrdJlI (6/8/7/7/7/7/6/4: save
burns and boiling the sea in its wake. He surfaces DC 16 + spell level. DC 17 + spell level with
bcne:.uh ships and Cl.lpsizcs them, picks off the endlalllment): 0- dallnilg lighu, delt'l'/II/11gil', de/I!C/
stragglers. and lets the wreck sink to the bottom poiSON, ghO$/ SOIlI/t1. mage halll/' IIImdillg, opm/dO${'.
where it joins the hundr<.'<!s ofothers. He docs not read IIIlIgil'. resls/IUff'("', 1st - chllml jJ£rsOIl, {'lIdure cle-
make frequent use of his mab';c. partly because he mt:1lU. 1II1Il! amlor, sleep, slliell/: 2nd - blur, bllll's
never tnlly feels that he needs more than just s/n:llg/h, en/s gm«, dllr/men,fog doud: 3rd - di*1
physical might to achieve his ends. Perhaps if he mllgic, I/os/e, pro/«liol1 from c1Iergy, slow: 4th - roll-
had known the Heroes of the Heart would prove JilSi01l, emotion, polymorph, SjJt'III'J111110"1jr, 5th - 11m:
so challenl:,ring. he may have rethought his tactics. mill grow/Ii, dO/1ll'lIIle person. flehll'l1l1illl, SIIIJllIIOfi
mOJlsler I/o, 6th - fI('ld Jog. coli/rol WilIer, gn'lller dis-
Brynscldimer "Brine": j'vlale wyrm sea dragon: pellt"g: 7th - colllrol1Vl'Illher, spell/lfnll"g.
CR 23: Gargantuan dragon (aquatic. water): I-ID 'Lail Sweep (Ex): Half circle 30 ii. in diameter,
36dI2+288: hp 539: Init +4: Spd 20 ft., swim 60 Small or smaller opponellls take 2d6+ 19 points of
fl.: AC 41. touch 6. nat-foot<.'(1 41): Base Atk +36: bludgeoning damage, Rcnex DC 33 half.
Grp +6\: Alk +46 melee (4d6+ 13. bite). Full Atk \Vater Breathing (Ex): Brine can breathe
+46 melee (4d6+13, bite), +43 mck"C (2d8+6. 2 underwaler indefinitely ,md till frt:c1y use his
claws), +42 melee (2d8+19. lail ship): breath WCilpons, spells. and olher abilities while
Space/Reach 20 ft.ll5 ft. (bite 20 fL): SA breath submerged.
weapon, capsize, frigillful presence, abil-
ities, spells, tail swet.-p: SQ damal:,re reduction Kt!ELLEnDR..OS. tHE S-tOR..m
20/m'lgic, darkvision 60 ft. immunity to fire. sleep OVER..-AnSALOn
and pamlysis, low-liglll vision, senly romllllllJl/'
seascnsc. spell resistance 29, waler breathing: AL For a long period of time Khel1endros was
NE: SV Fort +28, Ref +20, Will +25: Str 37. Dcx thought to originate from Ansalon. In truth. he
10, Can 27. Int 22, Wis 21, Cha 22. traveled from the home world of the other over-
SIu71s ollll Fmts: Bluff +42, Concentr.uion +4..1. lords prior to the War of tile Lance. Not long after
Diplomacy +42, Escape Artist +36. Knowlool:,re arri"ing. Khellendros took ,I mate by the name of
(arcana. nature) +42, Listcn +43. Seardl +42, Nadir. who died not long before their clutch
Sense lotivc +41. Spellcraft +42, Spot +13, hatclled. Yet despite his numerous offspring. there
Survi\'al +II, Swim +57: Ability Focus (breath was one particular daughter named Zephyr
we-.Jpon), Alertness, C1e-.Jvc. Combat Expertise, whom the gredt blue favored.

mons-tE~ l'r DRj>Gons "'" 215

During the War or the Lance. Zephyr rell in rt.. burrow 20 ft .. fly 300 ft. (clumsy); AC 46
battlc during ;111 attack on SchallSl,.'a, as did (touch 2, flat-rooted 46); Base Atk +54; Grp +89;
Khel1endros's original rider, Kartilann or Khur. Atk +68 melee (8d6+19. bite); Full Atk +68
The blue dragon was then partnered with melee (8<16+19. bite) and +63 melee (4d8+9. 2
Zephyr's rormer rider, the fiery warrior Kit'illr.l claws) and +64 melee (4d6+9, 2 wings) and +63
Ulh-Matar. TIle two wagt."d a hugely successrul mek'e (4d8+27, tail slap); Space/Reach 40 fi.l30
Clunpaibl'fl during the War or the Lance and rose ft. (bite 40 ft.); SA breath weapon, tTmu/lleslroy
to Ie-old the Blue Drngonanny. During this time. Wllln: cnlsh, rrit,rfnful presence. snatch. sound imi-
Skie b'1"ew close to his rider, eventually f.'llling in tation. spells, spell-like abilities. tail sweep; SQ
love with her and reg-.trding her as more an equal blindsense, damage reduction 30/epic, darkvision
than any drabl'Qn could possibly claim to be. 60 ft .. immunity to electricity. $/ap and paralysis,
Arter Kitiara's death, Khellendros became low-light vision. spell resistance 36, water breath-
obsessed with reclaiming his ronner rider's spirit. ing; AL LE; 5V Fort +37. Rer +27, Will +37; Str
Inronned by Takhisis that Kitiara's soul rest 49, Oex 10. Can 37. Int 26, \Vis 27. Cha 26.
among a plane called the Gray. Khellendros Slul/s alld F~lJls: Bluff +65. Concentration
took to those misty ethers once more. but +70. Diplomacy +67, Escape Artist
lacked the ability to bring her soul back +57, Gather Inronnation +32,
with him. It was the desire to regain Intimidate +65. Knowledge
Kitiara th:lt dro\'e Khel1endros (arcana) +65. Knowledge (histo-
throubrtlout the Age or Mortals. ry) +65, Knowledge (planes)
From his ascendance as an +65. Listen +67, Sense
overlord. to discovering Motive +65. 5pellcrafi
spawning. it was all ror +65. Search +65. Spot
Kitiara. +67; Ahemate Fonn.
Takhisis !,'Tew enraged Cleave, Creme Skull
over the dragon's audac- Totem. Draconic
ity at placing a mere Vampirism.
mortal above her in Empower Spell.
tenns or importance. Enlarge Spell.
Aftcr a long culmina~ Eschew Malerials.
tion or planning, the Extend Spell,
blue dragon Flyby Attack.
attcmptt."d to return Flyby Brealh,
to the Gmy again. Hover.
But T'akhisis Improved
deceived Initiative.
Khellendros, Improved Natuml
telcporting Armor. Maximize
him to his lair Spell, Power Attack.
and enchanting the Snatch, Strafing
blue to lhink he was Breath, Weapon
once more in the Gray. Focus (claw), Wingover.
Skic was able to Breath Weapon (5u): 140-ft.
l'C<..'Qvcr rrom this. how- line. damage 34d8 electricity.
ever, and upon finally wak- Reflex DC 50 half.
ing, he demanded thal Crealr!Dulroy Waler (Sp):
Takhisis restore Kitiara to him. Instead, the dark 3/day-as male twIn: but can also
t,'Oddess empowered her disciple Mina, who be used to destroy water. Caster level 27th; Will
brrie\'ously wounded the blue. This state was DC 45 negates.
enoubrt1 to allow Malystryx to kill Skie, leaving Crush (Ex): Area 40 ft. by 40 ft.; Huge or
behind the mortals oCthe world to vie ror control smaller opponents take 8d6+27 points or bludg-
oCthe swath orSolamnia he had seized. eoning damage. and must succeed on a DC ·U
Reflex Slwe or be pinned; grapple bonus +89.
Khellendros (M5kie"): ~Iale advanced great Frightful Presence (Ex): 51O-ft radius. HD 5.J
wynn blue dragon; CR 35; Colossal+ dragon or less. Will DC 45 negates.
(earth); HD 5-1dI2+702, hp 1.109; Inil +-I; Spd-lO
monSTERS & DR.-AGOnS '"""'-'
Snatch: Gr..lpple bonus +89; claw ag:.\insl crea- ing inhabitants of the Goodlund Peninsula
ture of Huge or smaller for 4d8+9/round. bile (renamed ~thc Desolation 1 were tribes ofgoblins.
against Garbtantuan or smaller for 8<16+ 19/round. 0bJ'fes. draconians, and rl,:d drab'Onspawn.
or t6d8+38/round iCKhellcndros does not move, Easily the largest dmbJ'Qn ever to have spTC'.ld
snatched cre-Jture c-.m be nung 170 ft. for 17d6 wings in Krynn's skies. M:lIytryx defe:.ned :111 dmg-
damage. ons that r.'lced her in combat. launching the dra.g-
Sound Imitation (Ex): Khellendros C".m mimic on purge. Over the course of nC'.lrly thirty years.
any voice or sound he has heard, any time he countless dmgons of both metallic :md chromatic
likes. Listeners must succeed at DC -15 Will saves origins died as a result of others following the
to detect !.he ruse. red's insidious soul-devouring methods.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day -wlIlnloquism; 1'ne only aspect of Malystryx that was stronger
1/day • hullucina/o')' '""IIi" mirn~ uremlO, lXlZ than her magic or physical prowess was her eg0-
Caster level 27th: spell save DC 18 + spelllevd. mania. which eventually culminated in the drag-
Spells: As 27th-level sorcerer. on's failed attempt at replacing Takhisis. Though
Sorr?Trr Sptlls K'ur.vl' (cast this defeat bruised Malys's ego. she was not dis-
618/8/8/Sfil7l7l7/6; spell save DC 18 + spell suaded for long and quickly resumed her oppres-
level): O-orronr mnrl<. "au. dtl«1 mope. dtl«/ POl~ sive presence in the lives of her subjects and the
MlI,j/u". ghost SQfllIll, ()!JOI/dfW. prnltiligJ)olifJ1l. my other dragon lords. It was ultimately Malys's
offrwt. I st _alonn. itlOII(fj'. magic missllr. my of unswerving ego that brought about her defeat
nifuhlmunt, Ims"'J Jlon/illg th'Jlr. 2 nd _ during the War of Souls.
h/,iJdllmlJh1fiuz. ,irvuih,li/y. locolt' obj«t, shocR,i'g After Takhisis stole her skull totenl. the great
spnrll. S/Offe shords; 3r<Csft't'/ S/Or11l. Jisfxl mogi('.fi~­ red flew to Sanction to take out her wrath upon
ball, Sl/lfflffQff mons/" III. 4th -dnlnmnr'J lighlmi'K the city populace. Above the city she faced the
Inlln, polymorph g!f. SiT)',ilg. slQnll WIllI: 5tlC mnS7c young prophet Mina in combat. not fe-.lring once
jnr. summOll mOllsl" J/, S/OIU shn/Jt!. M~rt:, for her own safety. Such carelessness proved
6th _mOlil lighlmi'K> airlt of dmlli, Malystryx's final mistake.
mislraJ; 7th _tlh"ml jnul/I. plU/lt
shift, summol/ Iffom/er 1/11; 8th _ Malystryx ("Malys"): Female advanced
clollt, declncnl rdJlmll. mt,ss chnnn; great wyrm red dmgon; CR 39;
9th _ptrdJt"r word (l:,l/), wlll1 of Ihe Colossal+ dragon (fire); HD
bnmha, wdrd 63d12+107l, hI' 1.504: Init +4:
Tail Sweep (Ex): Half circle Spd 40 ft" fly 250 ft. (clum-
40 ft. in diameter. Large or sy): AC 67 (touch 2, flat-
smaller opponents take footed 67); Base Atk
4d6+27 points +63: Grp + 103: Atk
of bludg- ~"""- +79 melee (8d6+24,
eoning bite); Full Atk +79
damage, melee (8d6+24.
Reflex DC 50 bite) and +77
h"lf -"'11I melee (4d8+12, 2
claws) and +77
melee (4d6+12, 2
tHE ""0 wings) lmd +77
melee (4d8+36.
Out of all the alien tail slap);
dragons to invade Space/Reach 40
Krynn, the red ft/30 ft. (bite 40
dragon Malystryx ft.); SA breath
reigned supreme. weapon, crush.
Arriving in 385 AC (2 sq. frightful pres~
Malys quickly made her presence known by burn- ence. spell-like
ing a swath across the Goodlund Peninsula. abilities. spells. tail
resulting in the extennination of countless thou- sweep; SQ blindsense.
sands of kender lives and the creation of affiieted damage reduction
kender. Aller extensive cullings, the only rcmain- 35/epic. darkvision 60 ft.
immunity to fire. sf«/' and

mons"tE~ fr DJV\Gons C'o..> 217

paralysis, low-light vision, Sl>ell resistilnce 46, vIII· OnVSA8LE"t, "tHE BLACK...
ner.lbility to cold; AL CE; SV Fort +50, Ref +33,
Will +44; Str 59, Dex 10, Con 45, 1111 32, Wis 33, 'l1,e fearsome Onys:lblet is alllong the most
Cha 32. reclusc of the Overlords. Alien to Krynn, this
Skills alld Fmls: Appmisc +77. Bluff +77, black dra~,'on d:lillllXI vast swaths offomler Ogrc
Concentration +77. Diplomacy +77, Es<.-ape lands bordering along New SC:I. Over the years,
Artist +66. Gather Information +44, Intimidate Sable slowly convened the termin into a b';gantic
+77. Jump +90, Knowledge (arcana) +77. marsh known as New Swamp. populating it with
Knowkxlgc (geol"or.Iphy) +n. Listen +n. Move all sons of cre-dtUres altered through her horrcn-
Silently +25. &-a.rch. Spellcraft +44, Spot +n. dous mab';cal experiments.
Survival +77, Use Magic D<.-vicc +77; Ability Out of allthc Overlords, Sable is thc least inter-
Focus (breath weapon). Cleave, Combat Casting, ested in thc booinbrs-on of the outside world. She
Combat Expertise. Create Skull Totem, Draconic is an intensely curious draboon, and is very focused
Vampirism, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, upon studying (:md :lUb'lnenting) nature and the
Escht..·w Materials, I-lyby Attack. I-lyby Brc-dth, crC:Jtures found within it. l1lUs, she is contCnt to
Great C1C'dve. Ht..-il,,<hten Spell. Hover. Improved remain within the confines of her dark s\vamp.
Initiative. Improved Natural Annor. ~Ia.ximi:t.c sending out sp-.Iwn and abominations to pick up
Spell. {\ lultiattack. llower Attack. Snatch, Stmfing :lfiy solitary wanderers for fuel in her experi-
Brc-dth. \Vinl"oover. ments. It is for this purpose that Sable allows the
Breath Weapon (Su): 80-ft. line, damal,,'C various mOrlal rdCCS to maintain the now dank
38d 10 fire, Reflex DC 60 half: and corrupt city ofShrcntak within her SW'.Illlps.
Crush (Ex); Arc-d 40 ft. by 40 ft.; Large or She rC:lSOns that this will keep the flow of r-.lW
smaller opponents take 8d6+36 points of bludg- biological ·materials~ through her swamp fresh.
eoning damab'C, and must succeed on a DC 58 With the de:lths of her three cousins
Reflex save or be pinned; b'f'dpple bonus + 103. Khellendros, Malystryx, and Berylinthr,.I.llox,
Frightful Presence (Ex): 570-ft. r.ldius.I-ID 62 Onysablet is even morc resolute in her desirc to
or less. Will DC 52 negates. simply keep out of the continent's eye without
Snatch: GrJ.pplc bonus +103; c13w abrainst following Gelldius's example and hiding like a
cTt."iIture of Huge or smaller for 4dS+i2/round, coward.
bite alr,linst Gargantu:lIl or smaller for
8d6+24/round. or 16d8+48/round if rvlalystryx Onys:tblet rSable''): Female advanced
does not movc. snatcht..x1 creature ean be flung wyrm black dragon: CR 26; Colossal dl"db'On
190 n. for 19d6 d:lmage. (watcr); HI) 43d 12+400; hI' 654; In it +4; Spd 60
Spell-like Abilities: 19/day - lomlt: oq'ect, ft., fly 200 ft (clumsy), swim 60 ft.; AC 45 (tollch
3/day-suggeslkw: I/day - jind Ihl' jJnlll. di.flI:m 2, flat-footed 45); Base Atk +43; Grp +74: Atk
IO{'(Jlioll; Castcr level 33rd; save DC 21 + spell +50 melee (4dS+ 15, bitc); Full Atk +50 melee
level. (4d8+15. bite) lind +45 mclee (4d6+7. 2 claws)
Spells: As 33rd level sorcerer. and +45 melee (2d8+7, 2 winbrs) and +45 melee
Sorcerer Spells KlI{J'lI.J1I (cast (4d6+23. tail slup); Space/Reach 30 ft./20 ft. (bite
6/9/9/9/8/8/8/817/7: spell save DC = 21 + 30 ft.): SA bre:lth WC:lpOll. crush, tlorlml'Ss. fright-
spell level): 0 -dfU/dng lighls, dou. delecllllf/gic, ful prt..'Scnce, spell-like abilities, spells, tail sweep:
fMrrl poison.Jlon'. ghQSI sound, liglll, myoffrosl, nwd SQ btindsensc, dam:lb"C reduction 30/epic. dark-
lIIf1gir.. lst-bumillK hands, hold portfl/, idenlify, vision 60 ft .. immunity to acid. sl!'!'p and paralysis.
"/fIgic lIIissl1r, "U'SSflge: 2nd-blur, ~/elllf'lllol dmts, kt..'Cn senses. low-light vision. spell resistance 32.
Jlmlli"g sphere, prodlice Jlm"e, PYlTllechlll"a. 3rd- water brc:nhing: AL CE: SV Fon +33. Ref +25,
ttlliul zrml/, disjMllllf/gic,jirebnl/' pnhils />J'n', 41h- Will +29: Str 41. Dcx 10. Con 31. Int 22, Wis 23,
block Imlndes. bnlifiil polymorph. SlTJ'illg. wall of Cha 22.
fin". 5th-nll/illal" d"nf/' do,mi,nlt' person. IIIngic jor, Slu7ls mltlFeals:. BluW +29, Concentration +56,
Pl),tilg l')'l'.l': 6th-distil/egm",. j/t'Sh 10 slolle. mQl)f' Diplomacy +52. ESC'.Ipe Artist +46. Knowledgc
I'Ilrth: 7th-"ellly~d blosljirebnll.firr slonn, prismnlic (arC:lIl:l) +52. Hide +30, Knowledge (nature)
spm)~ Sth-beslow K"Olcr l7ITH. homd wtllillg, liuY'lI- +52, Listen +54, Search +52. Spellcraft +52. Spot
"il1l)' dOlll/; 9th-~/"menlol r..cnnll (fire only), mdt"- +54. SUf\!iv:tl +29: Alertness. Blind-fight. Create
or .rn:Ilml, u'ml o/Ih~ btmslu~. Skull Totem. DJ"'dconic Vampirism. Enlarge Spell,
Tail Swt..'el) (Ex): Half circle 40 ft. in radius, Eschew ~ laterials. Ayby Attack. Ayby Breath.
La'l,,'C or smaller opponents take 4d6+36 poims Ho\'er, Improved Initiative. Impro\'ed Natural
ofbludb'COning damage, Refle.x DC 58 hal( Armor, Lightning Reflexes, ~1aximize Spell,
Power Attack, \Vingover.
218 ~ CHAPTE,,-Six
Breath Weapon (Su): l40-f1. line. damage dark knights of Takhisis and the pair L>arnt'<l a
28d4 acid. Reflex DC 41 half. deserved reputation as by·the-book ('':lrc..'Cr offi-
Clum" rrpi/ies (Sp): 3/day-as IIIOSJ ,honn. but cers.
works only on reptiles. Sable C'dll communi<..':'uc Early in the Dr:.I!,ron P1.lrgc, Rawr's lifemate
with any channed animals as thoub'h casting a was kilk-d by the Green Peril. Bcryllinthmllox,
spml w,ih aNimols spell. 'l'llis ability is the equiva- and her skull was laken to fonn pan of the
lent Of:l 1st-level spell. Caster lcvell9lh: Will DC Green's totem. Ra7..or was spared her fine only
37 nClf.ltes. due to ledan's insistencc that he not immedhne-
Corrupt fl/nl~r(Sp): lIday-sl<lf:,'natcs 10 cubic Iy seek revenge for his·s dc-Ath. After the
ft. ofwater within a 42Q-fi. rJ.dius. slx>iling potions Purge ended and an uneasy kind of stability
and other items. Caslt..... level 19th: Will DC 37 fonned over Ansalon. i\ larshal i\ ledan makes sure
neg<lles. that Rw..or was hidden away. secreted among the
Crush (Ex): Ar<."3 30 ft. by 30 fl.: Lal"b'C or woods of Qualinesti and away from the notice of
smaller Opponents take -Id8+23 points of bludg- the Drat,ron (A'erlords. "l1lis mnkled with all of
eoning damage. and must SUCCCt..'d on a DC 41 Razor's honomble impulses. but he remains loyal
Reflex save or be pinnL-d: b.....J pplc bonus +74. 10 Medan and made the most of his sequestered
DnrRJI~SS (51'): 3/day-As dnFtness. bUI 150 ft. life.
radius. Caster level 19th. During the War ofSouls. R:17..or was assigned to
Frightful Presence (Ex): 420-ft radius. HD 43 a young Solamnic Knight disguist.-d as a Knight of
or less, Will DC 37 neg-lies. Takllisis, Gemrd uth Mondar. to lly him north
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/daY-I;lsccl plngur:. into Solamnic territory. What bcg;tn as a brief
I/day-pinul grtTJJlh. Caster level 19th; spell s.we mission sleadily grcw to includc the assault on
DC 16 + spellleo.'el. Qualinost by Beryl. the dc:.lIh of Khellendros. the
Spells: As 19th-level sorcerer. adoplion ofa disguise when tr::lveling with Mirror
Som"r S~"s KlI(rdJll (C'.lst the silver dmgon. and the final climactic b.ntle
61818/7/7fi/7/6/614: spell save DC 16 + spell alongside i\lina against Malys. Here, Ra.....or joined
lcvel. DC 17 + spcllievel for Iransmul.ltion spells): Ihe baltle with the dark knight minotaur
O-dO/lClilg lighl.r, d,IU, dl'll'cl IIIlIgic, deJrrl", on his back. Although Ihe pair inflicted telling
JIlin'. lighl, IIIm,hi'g. Ope,,/dMI'. I1!lId IIIl1gi.. 1sl- injuries upon the Red, Razor was Ihrown to the
expedilious 11!111!1I1. hold poltll!. till'lllW', IIIl1gic lIIis.flle. side of a mountain and then landc..-d in woo<lI.tnd.
my of l'I!frl·b!elllelit. 2nd-lTllckhiJg spllt'f? delerl impaled and broken on a rocky OUlcrop. I-Ie dit.-d
Ihougll/.r, IIOId jH'r.w". imiIIibt7ity, WI-b, 3rd-dllin'lll- .IS he lived, with honor and brr:.lVC duty.
dima/dlJti'VO)'lIf11-e, mlthm .r/lield, .r/,ii/ui'g doud, In b.mle. and in most any situation, Ra.....or is
.rllgge.rlio,,: 4th-dlllnll momler, polymOlph olher, completely professional. I-Ie makes eoordinatc..--d
polymOlph, .rlTy,i,!,- 5th-dofJdM/'ji-eblen"i,,!, nighl- strikes. safeguards his resources. and attempts to
n",,1', Inte .rct'li,g. 6th-nirle oftlmtk dnntJII'.flesl, 10 master the battlefield quickly to ensure .1 victory.
slom', gear; 7th-deep jj1'('2I!. gn'llter srry,iJg. s,mmJOII He feels no need to lcavc his breath weapon for
mOl/ster 1/1/; 8th-be.rIQZv gtmtcr mrse, homil tvt7"i'g. special occasions. finding il as useful :1 tool outside
poo'morpll Imy oo/f:rt. 9th-,fhlltles, 'wish. of combat as within it.
Tail Sweep (Ex): Half circle 40 ft. in diameter. Whether Razor's stern. grulT and business-like
Mc..x1ium or smaller opponcnts take 2d8+23 personality comes from the thirty or more years
points ofbludbTCOlling darnab'C. Rellex DC 40 hal[ he serves as Medan's mounl. or if Me<hlll himself
\Vater Breathing (Ex): Onysablet C'.lll breathc was inlluenced by the dragon. is uncle:u.
underwater indefinitely and COlll frc..'Cly usc hcr Certainly the one is a match for the other. and
brea.lh weapons. spells, and other abilities whilc Razor's loyalties arc undeniably placed with his
submerbred. rider.
R.1lZ0R. A BLVE DR.AGon Razor: Male adult blue dmf:,ron. CR 14; Huge
A veteran of thc Chaos \Var and an instmrnental dmgon (earth); I-ID 2IdI2+105: hp 247: Init +4;
figure in the defeat ofi\lalySiryx the Red near the Spd -10 fl.. burrow 20 ft.• lly 150 fl. (poor); AC 28.
end of the War of Souls. Razor scrved the major touch 8.11at-footed 28; Base Atk +21; Grp +31:
part of the Age of i\ lortals as mount to dark Atk +27 melee (2d8+8. bite): Full Alk +27 melee
knight Marshal Medan. As a young man, 1\'led3n (2d8+8. bite). +23 melee (2d6+4. 2 claws), +22
rode Razor during thc conquest ofAnsalon by the melee (ld8+4. 2 wings), +22 melee (2d6+12, tail
slap); Space/Reach 15 fI/1O Ii. (bile 15 ft.): SA
breath weapon. rrt'n/~/"~stroy 'XIII", crush. fright-

mons1"ERS fr DR.AGons " " 219

ful presence, sound imitation, spells, spelJ-like Mounted Combat, Negotiator, Resist Dmgonfear.
abilities; SQ damaf,te reduction 5/magic, darkvi- Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon
sion 60 Ct .• immunity to electricity. sleep and paral- Speciali.. . .ation (Iongsword).
ysis, low-light vision, spell resistance 21: AL LE: Demomlize (Ex): A Knight of the Lily gains a
SV Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +15: Str 27, Dex 10, +2 prof:lIle bonus on Intimidate checks made to
Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16. demor.llize an opponent in combat-Ifthe knight's
Siolls flJltl Feflls: Bluff +21, Concentration +26, check is successful, the target is shaken for 6
Diplomacy +24, Escape Artist +2 J. Knowledge rounds.
(Knights ofNemka) +24, Listen +26, Search +27, Mounted Attack (Ex): A dragon rider can
Sense Motive +27, SpellcraCt +24, Spot +29: always attack on the same round as his dragon
Ability Focus (breath weapon), Alertness, cohort and is not required to make a Ride check
Alternate Form. Flyby Attack, Honor-Bound, to do so.
Hover. Improved Initiative. Weapon Focus Sneak Attack (Ex): If a Knight ofthe Lily's tar-
(c1l1WS). get would be denied his Dexterity bonus to AC
Breath Weapon (Su): IOO-ft line, damage 12d8 (whether he 'lctually has a bonus or not), or when
electricity, Reflex DC 27 hal[ the Knight of the Lily flanks his tarj,,'"Ct, the
Creflle/Deslroy Wfller (Sp): 3/ mflle knight's att<tck deals +2d6 points ofextra damaj"te.
uJfller, but can also be used to dL"Stroy water. If the attack scores a critical hit. this extra damaj,,'"C
Caster level 5th: Will DC 23 negates. is not multiplied. R<tnbrcd attacks C'..In count as
Crush (Ex): Area IS ft. by 15 ft.; Small or sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
smaller opponents take 2d8+8 points of bludg- With a sap or an unarmed strike, the Knight of
eoning damage. and must succeed on a DC 25 the Lily can make a sneak attack that deals subd-
Reflex save or be pinned; grapple bonus +31. ual damage instead of normal damaf,'"C. He cannot
I-nghtful Presence (Ex): 180-ft radius, HD 21 usc a weapon that deals normal damage to deal
or less, Will save DC 23 nef,"3tes. subdual damage with a sneak attack. A Knight of
Sound Imitation (Ex): Razor can mimic any the Lily L'lIn sneak attack only living creatures
voice or sound he has heard, any time he likes. with discernable anatomies. Any creature that is
Listeners must succeed at DC 23 Will saves to immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak
detect the ruse. attacks. 'me knight must be able to sec the target
Spell-Like Abilities: 31day - venln1oquism. well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be
Caster level 5th; spell save DC 13 + spell level. able to re.lch a vital spot. The Knight of the Lily
Spells: As 5th-level sorcerer. cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with
Son:ererSpells KJlottJJI (cast 6/7/5; spell save DC concealment or striking the limbs of a creature
13 + spell level): O-tlelerlmag/r, deleel poiSON, daNe- whose vitals are beyond reach.
tilg lighls, ghosl soum!' reSiSIfl11Ctf, read magic; 1- Dmgon Cohort; A dragon rider may designate
endure elemC!1ts. mnge lInl10r, obscuni'g misl, slweklitg a draf,TOn that he has previously ridden as his
grasp: 2-hull's slreNgth, ml's grllce. dnlj,,1Qn cohort. In Medan's case. Razor is his
dr.lgon cohort. Because of the bond between the
two. Razor receive..'> the following benefits as long
Male human Ftr 5/Knight of the Lily 6/Dragon as he remains Medan's cohort: +2 Bonus Hit
Rider 3: CR 14: Medium-size humanoid: HD Dice, +2 Natural Armor, +1 Strength adjustment.
5d10+1O (Ftr) pillS 6dlO+12 (Knight of the Lily) If Razor and Medan ever part ways, then Razor
plus 3d8+6 (Dragon Rider): hp 102: Init +2; Spd will lose the benelJts at a rate of -I per week, until
30 ft.; AC 20 (10 touch, 20 flatfooted); Atk the dragon's normal statistics arc reached (note
+18/+13/+8 melee (ld8+6. 19-20/x2, +/ that the stats presented for Razor above reflect
IONgsword): SA Demoralize, mounted attack, the dragon following Medan's death).
sneak attack +2d6: SQ Armored mobility, dragon Dmgon Feat (Ex): A dragon rider can grant
feat. empathic communication, unbreakable will: the dragon cohort the full benefits of a bonus feat
AL Lawful Evil (LN tendencies); SV Fort +14, that does not count against the dragon's normal
Ref +8, Will +5; Str 16. Dex 14, Con IS, Int 13, illlocatioll of feats, although it must still meet all
Wis 12, eha 13. the prerequisites. The dragon only gains this feat
SIu11s amI Fmls: Balance +8, Decipher Script while his rider is riding or somehow ~controlling~
+4. Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal +10, the dmgon. Med'lll can bestow the Strafing
Intimidate +7, Knowledge (religion) +6, Listen Breath feat to Razor.
+5. Ride +10. Sense Motive +5, Spot +5:
Alertness. Diehard. Honor-Bound. Leadership,

220 c--..... CHAPtER-Six

Empathic Communication (Ex): A dragon for no favors and he was f:,riven none. He started
rider is able to lISC nonverbal communiC'dtion at the bottom as any other squire and worked his
with his preferred mount. A dra~,''()n rider can con- way up through the r.mks. He was granted the
vey information and instructions to the mount as Vision from Quccn Takhisis and was shown a
long as they are within sight of one another. world locked in a prison house of peace, with
Unbreakable Will (5u): A Knight of the Lily none daring to dissent or to qucstion. Medan
has such devotion to his C'dUSC that he becomes approved of this vision.
immune to fe-J.r cfft."Cts. In addition. he receives a Medan proved himself to be an excellent sol-
+2 morale bonus on all saving throws against dier, bmve and honorable and loyal to his com-
mind-affecting magic. mander and his comrades. He gained the
Possario1lS: +/lolIgnvord. +3Itnlfplnlr. respect of those above and below him. During
the SQ-C".llled Summer of Hame. Medan was
Alcxius Medan was the son of a P..danthi:m given command of the forces of the dark
nobleman. Baron Andruis MOOan. knif:,rhts who SOUf:,rbt to conquer
Alexius's mother died when he Sihoanesti. He had no use for
was a baby. k"3ving the boy to be elves and his ill opinion of
raised by his father. The wealthy them was confinned by the
Baron Medan was noled for infighting and ambitious schem-
being a hard man, stem. strict. ing ofsome ofthe e1ven senators.
inflexible and intolerant. The He penniued the elves to bring
elder Med:m had no use for down their own house and, when
non-humans, and he actively it lay in ruins, Medan accepted
opposed the efforts of Tanis their surrender and entered
Half-Elven and others to try to Qualincsti as a conqueror.
bring peace to Ansalon throut,'h Medan's rule was harsh, but not
unific.uion of the mces. cruel. He did not set up slave camps, nor
Although not a knil':,'ht himself, did he send out extenninmion squads. as
Baron Medan had once lx.-en an the elves expected. He brought peace. as
admirer of the Order of Solamnic well as law and order to the land,
Knights. Hc became disillusioned allowed the elves to live their lives as
with them over the years. and they were accustom<.od without much
when they stated their approval of interference. He permined the elves to
an elven alliance, he renounced keep their puppet king, a young man
them as tmitors to Solamnia. '111e nanu.'.Cl Gilthas. whom Medan despised
Baron nlise<! his SOI1 to believe in for being weak and vacillating.
a code of hOllor that was strict. Eventually, over the years. most
hard and inflexible as himself elves found that they could tolenne
Chaos was the f:,rreat evil in the world, his rule. Some elves refused to
order the brreat good. Freedom live under his benevolent dicta-
was acceptable only for those torship. however. Pockets of
who had the mnk and privilege rebellion formcd throughout
to deserve it. Those who did not Qualinesli. M<.od:lIl was constantly pbf:,'Ucd
must conform to the will of those who by these rebels, who struck at his patrols. :1Ssassi-
did. mlled his soldiers. tried 10 assassinate him, and
When Lord Ariakan was forming his Order of did all they could to try to drive the dark knights
the Knights ofTakhisis. he was in need of money from Qualinesti. Medan had no patience with the
and backing. He sought out Baron Medan. as rebels, who disrupted the ordered way oflife. and
someone who might share the same philosophies. his punishment for those he C'J.ught was swift and
1ne two 1x.'C".lme fast friends. 'Ine baron supplied harsh.
much of the funding that Ariakan used to build up The Chaos War reinforced Medan's beliefs that
his knighthood. the world could only survive through the unity of
A young man at this time. dreaming dreams of law and order. He was dealt a telling blow at the
honor and brlory on the battlefield. Alexius war's end. with the perceived desertion of Queen
admired Lord Ariakan immensely and was over- Takhisis and the subsequent death of Lord
joyed to be ill\'itcd to join the knighthood. Ariakan. l\'ledan was shaken to the core of his
Although his f.1ther was a patron, Alexius asked

mons-tERS Cc DRI'Gons ~ 221

being and for a time, he retreated from the world, The drag-on was defeated. but at a great cost.
isolating himself in his g<lrdcn. trying to put Through the machinations of Queen Takhisis.
tOb'Cther the pieces of his shattered ideals. Qualinesti fell into ruin, be<:Hme the Like of
He briefly retained faith in the precepts of the Death.
dark knights, for he saw in them the world's sal- Despite the filet thlll his efforls to SHve the land
vation. Unfortunately. the lC'ldership of the he loved ended in failure, Marshall AleKills
knighthood fcll prey to ambition and b'l"ccd. They Medan is remembered as H hero among the sur-
abandoned the Vision. Standards for ;lcceptancc viving Qualincsti, one of the few humans ever so
into the knighthood lel110wer and lower. until it honored.
beL"amc little 1110re than a training school for
thUb'S and rogues.
SOLomiRFoTHnivs, THE
In his dark time of inner turmoil. Medan carne miR..R..OR..-EO GVAR..-oiAn
to see that his ideals and belier.o; were twisted and The silver dra.l,TOn Solomirathnius ser.-ed for a
distortL-'d. He rC.llized that honor and courage long timc as the guardian of the
exist in the world. ....... Citadel of Light. His association
though not where with Goldmoon's mystics
he onee looked g::lmc lIficcn years into
for them. He the Age of Mortals.
found thesc qual- One evening the
ities in the people wounded silver
he conquered. dragon
especially in arrived at
Laur,lll,l, the the Citadel.
Queen i\llother. having been
Her grace and pursued by black
charm and beau- dragons III the
ty cxerted their senlicc of Sable.
influence on him. By the timc
as did the charm Solomirathnius
and beauty of the (or ~Mirror~)

land of the elves. met the mystics

When he saw Ihis of Schallse:l he
threatened by the h"d used up all
avaricious cruelty of of his spellc;lst-
the Dragon ing during the
Overlords. Medan fight and his
views himself as subsequent
protector of escape.
Qualinesti, no
longer her dictator. Mirror would
During the War have died at
of Souls, Medan discovered an the claws of those
assassination plot agninst the king. black dragons if the Citadel mystics had not
Gilthas. He foiled the plol and killed the assassin. healed him.•lllowing him to drive away the black
then joined t06TCthcr with Gilthas and Lamana to dragons that wcre lucky. and slay their less fortu-
s:lve the QU;llinesti people from an attack by the nate kin. \Vhen the battle was ovcr. the heavily
Dragon Overlord Beryl. As King Gilthas led elven scarred Mirror decided to stay at the Ciwdel and
refugees to safety, Medan and L1Ur::1l1:l fonned a serve <IS its guardian. \Vhile this move embold-
pkm to work together to bring down the drabTOil. ened the mystics. there were those who saw this
Before they can put their plan into action. Medan association ,IS an ominous move. Among these
was shlin by the 6'Tief-maddened brother of the b'TOUPS rankt.'d :1 nearby tribe of normlds called
elven assassin. leaving Lamana to face the dragon the \Vemitowuk who had warred with a dan of
alone. silver dragons for territory during prior millennia.
During the b'l'eat storm that swept ilcross
Ansalon, 'I~\khisis called out to Mirror, luring him
from the Citadel. While on this night. the dragon

222"-' CHAPTER,.Six
Inons1'ER,S Cr DAAGOnS ""
was struck by lightning and horribly wounded. Cloudwalking (Su): TrC'.ld on douds or fog as
leaving him blind. In the following months. though on solid ground: functions continuously
Mirror played a pivotal role during the W:lr of but cm be ncg:.lted or rcsumc...'(\ at will.
Souls; from b'Olining the tn_th i,bout Krynn's new Cmsh (Ex): Area 30 ft. by 30 ft.; Larboc or
age from his old enemy. the dying Khcllcndros. to smaller opponents take 4d8+2-1 points of bludg-
destroying the totem that 'nlkhisis used for mar- eoning damage, and must SUCCf,.'ed on a DC 40
shalling her energies. and f.'Vcl1tllally ff.'Sloring the Reflex save or be pinned: b1J':lpple bonus +72
metallic drablQlls to Krynn. Frightful Presence (Ex): 36Q-ft. r.ldius. HD 39 or
With the Waf of Souls over, Solomir:nhnius less, \VlII DC 40 nej"r:ltes.
was last s(''ell with Odila Windlass with the illlcn- Spell-like Abilities (51'): 3/day-fog cloud. con-
lion of helping the Silvancsti root Olll their mino- trol winds : 2/day-fC".lther fall: I/day-control
taur invaders. wC'.lther. reverse gravity. Caster Level 19th; save
DC 20+ Spell level.
Solomirathnius ('"Mirro....): ~Ialc btreat wynn sil- Spells: As 19th k'Vei sorcerer
ver dr3.l"lQn: CR 25: Colossal dmgon (air): HO Sorcerer Spells Known
4OdI2+400: hI' 65-1; Init +0: Spd 40 ft.• Oy 200 ft (6/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/5: spell save DC=20 +
(clumsy); AC 42. (touch 2, Oat-footed 42); Base spell level): O-an'll1u nlllrR. dOltrillg lights. do:u.
Alk +-10. Grp +n: Alk +49 melee (4d8+16. bite): drlm mogie. Jllllr, light, nJltgt' hOl1l1. "0" magic.
Full Alk +49 melee (4d8+ 16, bite). +44 melee "Sistolla; Ist-alomt. hypllotism. tilmtW'. nry' oj
(4<16+8. 2 claws). +43 melee (2d8+8. 2 win~.'s). ~/if«hlnnntt, JlMtillg "Uk. 2nd-b1tit""as/d~tifitas.
+4-1 melee (4d6+2-1. l':Iil slap): Space/Reach 40 ft. ~/mtnl",1 dorts, hold puscn. htilMl1S laughter, u'litd
by 80 ft./15 ft.: SA bremh weapon. cmsh. spell~ u;olf, 3rd-s/«t stonn, ¥IIk ':IJlilt "~II'I, stillklitg
like abilities. spells. tail sweep: SQ altcrnme foml. doud, suggatiolr, 4th-cltllmt monster, l'Iln' miirnl
blindscnse. c1oudwalking. damaf:,'"C reduction '[l;ollluls, xryt;lg, Wltll offlrr. 5th-rom' ofrolt!. ""am,
20/magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid. ftehlmu;ul, tme s«titg, 6th-forbtil"mur, hilmI, gells,
cold. sleep. and paralysis. low·light vision. spell SUmltlOIl momter Y/: 7th-gn'lltrr SI1),titg, hoi)' word,
resistance 32: AL LG: SV Fort +32, Ref +22, Will slwkntlr, 8lh-nnttjxttlty, milS! hl'lll. mi1ll1 hlmll<:
+33: Str43, Dc>: 10. Con 31, Int 30. Wis 31, Cha 9th-mlSh,;tg hmul, elemmtol rdJllml (air),
30. Tail Sweep (Ex): H:llf circle 40 ft, in radius,
Skills II"d Feats: Appraise +23, Bluff +53. Medium or smaller opponents take 2d8+24
Concentration +53. Diplomacy +53. Disguise points ofbludb'COning damage. Rcnex DC 40 half
+53, Esc:lpe Artist +43, Intimidate +43.
Knowledf:,'C (arcana) +53. Knowledf:,'C (geogra-
phy) +53, Knowk-'db'C (history) +53, Knowledge
(religion) +53, Listen +53, Search +53. Sense
Motive +40, Spe11craft +31, Spot +53, Use M:l~,'lc
Device +53; Combat Casting, EnlarbTC Spell,
Flyby Attack, Flyby Breath. I-lover, Improved
Initiative. Improv(.'<1 Natural Annor, Maximi;r..c
Spell, Power Auack, Silent Spell, Stubborn,
Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claw),
Alternate Form (Su): Mirror cm assume any
animal or humanoid fonn of Medium size or
smaller as a standard action three times per day.
lnis ability fUIl(,:1.ions as a polymorph spell east on
himself at 19th level. except that he does not
regain hit points for dlanging fonn and cm only
assume the form of:m :mimal or humanoid.
~'liITOr C'.ln fCmain in animal or humanoid foml
until he ch~ to assume a new one or return to
his natura.! fonn.
Breath Weapon (Su): 70-ft. cone, If.lmab'C 2-1d8
cold. Reflex DC 40 half. or 70 ft. cone, paral}'sis
Id6+12 rounds. Fortitude DC 40 negates.

mons-tERS fr DR/lGons ' " 223

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