Tunisia Stablity

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Upcoming Elections Might Cause Instability in Tunisia

Executive Summary
There is an even chance Tunisia will remain stable in the next 12 to 18 months, but with the
upcoming elections, it might cause instability to occur. The successful government transition in
2011 is a model for African countries. The upcoming elections might end the only country that
came from the Arab Springs peacefully.

People help convey how the nation is a destination to go to and stay. Migrants flee their countries
and over half go to Tunisia to live there.1 In addition, the majority of the country is safe.2
Terrorism is not as prevalent as it once was before because of increase military presence in the
targeted areas, adding to more safety in the regions.3 There are certain parts that are advised
not to go to and there are places that require special authorization to enter.4 The safety levels
are high, however, with discontent in the upcoming elections, it might change.

Tunisia continues to prove to be a strong country in Africa through having elections and
demonstrating their democratic qualities.5 In 2016, President Mohamed Beji Caid Essebsi created
the National Unity Government coalition in hopes of uniting all the political parties in working
alongside together.6 Instead, it resulted in deadlock in parliament and the ending of the coalition
in 2018.7 In the same year, Prime Minister Youssef Chahed broke away from his former party,
Nidaa Tounes, and created a new one called Tahya Tounes.8 The main cause of this split is due to
tensions with President Essebsi, who is one of the founding leaders of the political party. 9 The
changes and tensions among the government has resulted with confusion among their citizens.
The results from this is 81 percent of them do not align with any political party and view the
parties as personalized.10 The upcoming elections will determine if the country will remain stable
with citizen discontent and confusion among the government.

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