Systems Programming Notes

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2 Marks:

1. Define Macro.
Macro allows a sequence of source language code to be defined once and then
referred many times.
A macro instruction (macro) is a notational convenience for the programmer. It allows
the programmer to write shorthand version of a program (module programming).
A macro processor takes a source with macro definition and macro calls and replaces
each macro call with its body.
The macro processor replaces each macro instruction with the corresponding group of
source language statements (expanding).
name MACRO parameters

2. Define Compiler.
A compiler is a system program that translates a program P written in a higher-level
programming language L into the machine language of a computer. It thus, generates a
machine language program that can be later executed.

3. Define Interpreter.
The interpreter is a system program does not generate a machine language program.
Instead it analyses the program P written in higher-level language and directly carries out the
computation described in it.

4. Define Assembler.
An assembler is a translator which translates assembly language program into
machine language.
5. Define Loader.
The loader is a program that loads a ready-to-run program from a file into the
computer's memory for execution. It loads a binary program in memory for execution. It
takes object code as input and prepares them for execution. It initiates the execution and
allocates space for programs in main memory. It also links object modules with each other.
Allocation, Linking, Relocation, Loading are its functions.

6. What is Operating System?

An Operating System is a System Software which is the interface between the user
and the hardware/machine. The operating system controls the operation of the computer and
organizes the execution of programs.

7. Define Systems Programming.

The term systems programming is used to describe the collection of techniques used
in the design of system programs. System Programs are meant for general users and they are
different from data processing applications, scientific programs, etc. Generally, it helps in
executing a user’s program on a computer system.

8. What are the functions of Operating System?

 Program Creation
 Program Execution
 Memory Management
 Process Management
 Error Detection
 Accounting

9. Define Linker.

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