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PENGARUM RANGE OF MOTION AKTIF (CYLINDRICAL GRIFi TERHADAP KEKUATAN OTOT EKSTREMITAS ATAS PADA PASIEN STROKE NON HEMORAGIK ‘sti Wabyuningsil ") Ismoash **), Hendrajayn ***) “pins Pn Se ime Kept SKE Tel Seu. **) Dosen Program Studi 1 lima slogoreje Semarang, ts Des agus Sid St Majo STIEPAR! Sera ABSTRAK Stroke adalah sau tanda blinis yang berbembang cepat akibat gungzuan ofak Iokal atau global dengan gejal-gejal yang berlangsang selama 24 jam atau lebih dan dapat menyehabian keratian ‘asp adunya penyeba lum yang Jlas slain vasluler. Angka Kejadian stoke di dani diperiraan smencapai 00 per 100000" penduduk dalam setabun di Indosesia dipercirakan setiap terdapat 300,000 orang, dari jumlab tersebut erdapet selsiar 25% sta 125,000 orang mesinggal din sisanya cacat ringan. Tujuan penclitn imi untuk mengetabsi pengarah range of motion aktif inde pL tenes us poe nk oo ers SUD eylindrical grap efehttterhadop peningkatan kekuatan ott ekstremas ats. ‘Kata and: Stroke Non Hemoragik, ROM Akbif Cvindrica! Grip, ekuatan otc esters ats ABSTRACT Stroke isa clinical bunches srowing rapid du 19 lal or global beain sore with symptoms that lat for 24 Bours or mace and can cause death without any other obwious casse other tan vascular. ‘The incidence of sroke in the worlds estimated at 200 per 100,000 population in s year in Indosesia is etimted there are $00,000 people each year, of which there are about 254% ar 125,000 people died and the remaining mina defects. The purpose ofthis esearch to detcreine the effect. of range active ‘motion cylindrical grip fr upper eniremity muscle siength to non baemaonfagic strobe patients at ARSUD Ungaran District Semarang, The reseach was pre experimental one group pretest pstiet design, with the purposive sampling technique. There is 28 pesple population of this resewch. [Retrieval data of this research using a structured observation, din analysis pesforme by bivariate analysis using different test paired sample t test wih p value 0.001 (105) From these resalts we can conclude that active ROM cylindrical grip effectively to increase strength upper extremity muscles Keywords: Non Haemoniagic Suoke, Cylindrical Grip Active ROM, Sirength upper exivemity muscles ae ape ea a {H tt [iat een dt it i Hi ean ie ify HUE tee EUS i il sUEDN anata (MEER HU ene A Hh (Hi fa ti i ule i! : Hl Hatin Hay frais i HH Hl Bi

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