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Journal of Behavioral Finance

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Using Annual Report Sentiment as a Proxy for

Financial Distress in U.S. Banks

Priyank Gandhi, Tim Loughran & Bill McDonald

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Sentiment as a Proxy for Financial Distress in U.S. Banks, Journal of Behavioral Finance, DOI:

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Published online: 12 Mar 2019.

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Using Annual Report Sentiment as a Proxy for Financial Distress in

U.S. Banks
Priyank Gandhia, Tim Loughranb, and Bill McDonaldb
Rutgers Business School; bUniversity of Notre Dame

Current measures of bank distress find marginal value in predictive variables beyond a cap- Financial distress; Textual
ital adequacy ratio and tend to miss extreme events impacting the entire sector. The analysis; Negative
authors advocate a new proxy for bank distress: sentiment measures from banks’ annual sentiment; Distressed
delisting; Financial
reports. After controlling for popular forecasting variables used in the literature, they find institutions
that more negative sentiment in the annual report is associated with larger delisting proba-
bilities, lower odds of paying subsequent dividends, higher subsequent loan loss provisions,
and lower future return on assets. The findings suggest that regulators could augment cur-
rent early warning systems for banks and the banking sector—where the measures are
based exclusively on financial statement data—by using the frequency of negative words in
banks’ annual reports.

Introduction their balance sheet at the end of each quarter or year.

Further, bank managers can use accounting discretion
As one of the primary sources of money and credit in
to provide investors inaccurate financial information
the economy, banks are in a special position to trans-
regarding the true value of illiquid assets. In other
mit their distress to other sectors. Fluctuations in
words, the traditional predictive model relying on spe-
bank credit, driven by bank distress, can affect aggre-
cific financial ratios suffers from the classic Lucas
gate consumption and investment, and may have sig-
[1976] critique: It fails to account for a change in the
nificant real effects for the macroeconomy. In fact, the
behavior of agents.
relation between bank distress and business cycles is There is evidence of such behavior during the most
at the root of their special regulation and supervision. recent financial crisis. For example, Rajan, Seru, and
For these reasons, it is important to assess which Vig [2015] showed that in the run-up to the subprime
banks are in financial distress and what effect this crisis, banks did not report information regarding
potentially has on their credit supply. worsening quality of borrowers in statistics reported
So far, practitioners and regulators have followed to investors and regulators. They argued that this
the finance and accounting literature (Altman [1968], accounts for poor performance of statistical predictive
Beaver [1966], Libby [1975], Ohlson [1980]) and used models during the subprime crisis. Huizinga and
either financial ratios (e.g., capital adequacy, total Laeven [2012] also documented that banks signifi-
deposits to total assets, and profitability) or CAMELS cantly overstated the value of their distressed real-
(capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, estate assets and regulatory capital. In addition, Allen
earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk) rat- and Saunders [1992] provided evidence that banks
ings as early warning systems to evaluate bank distress engage in window dressing behavior.
and failure. The traditional approaches suffer from 3 Second, identifying distressed banks by comparing
limitations. financial ratios to predetermined regulatory thresholds
First, bank managers are keenly aware that certain using historical data, may miss extreme events, when
financial ratios are scrutinized closely by regulators banks are subject to catastrophic losses, and when
and investors, and this gives them the incentive to even adequately capitalized banks (based on past
undertake temporary transactions to “window dress” thresholds) may experience distress. During the recent

CONTACT Tim Loughran C. R. Smith Professor of Finance, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame, IN 46556-5646.
ß 2019 The Institute of Behavioral Finance

credit crisis, financial institutions such as Washington constraining managers from being overly optimistic in
Mutual were adequately capitalized and met or their annual report word usage. Rogers, Van Buskirk,
exceeded the regulatory capital rules before they and Zechman [2011] found that optimistic (i.e., less
imploded. The fact that during extreme events regula- pessimistic) language in financial disclosures substan-
tory capital ratios may no longer be credible is why tially increases litigation risk. A 1-SD increase in their
the Federal Reserve introduced stress testing as a aggregate optimism factor is linked with a 75.9%
new tool. increase in the probability that the firm will be sued.
Finally, most studies of the relation between bank Kim and Skinner [2012] reported that the vast major-
distress and credit supply rely on one-off exogenous ity of securities class action lawsuits allege a violation
shocks to identify distressed banks. That is, research- of SEC Rule 10b-5 (a misstatement or omission of
ers have segmented banks by whether they were (or material information). In addition, Skinner [1994]
were not) impacted by some crisis (e.g., Japanese real highlighted the reputational costs to managers when
estate, Russian, East Asian crisis). Alternatively, they fail to disclose negative news to shareholders in a
researchers have identified banks that did (or did not) timely manner. Thus, firm managers have a strong
receive government funding to measure financial dis- incentive to avoid spurious or specious language in
tress of banks. Such methods do not allow us to meas- Form 10-K filings.
ure financial distress of banks outside crisis episodes. To gauge financial distress, we examine 4 separate
Our article attempts to take a very different variables in the year following the annual report filing:
approach to measuring the financial distress of U.S. distressed delisting from the NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq
banks. We use the sentiment of annual reports (i.e., exchanges; dividend payments; percent loan loss pro-
Form 10-K) to gauge the likelihood of distress. Our visions; and return on assets (ROA). We find that
intuition is that the sentiment of words used by man- banks with a higher fraction of negative words in their
agers to describe their firm’s economic situation annual report: have a higher probability of a subse-
should signal when a bank is financially distressed. quent distressed delisting, are less likely to pay divi-
Prior articles find that linguistic cues in annual dends in the future, have a higher subsequent fraction
reports can help detect financial fraud (Purda and of loans being potentially delinquent, and have lower
Skillicorn [2015]) and financial constraints (Law and subsequent ROA. This relation holds with or without
Mills [2015]). control variables like market capitalization, capital
We consider the negative sentiment category pro- adequacy ratio, excess prior returns, and gross file size
posed by Loughran and McDonald [2011]. Their list of the 10-K. Banks facing delisting from an exchange,
was created by examining words occurring in Form not paying dividends to shareholders, having high
10-Ks to consider their most likely usage in financial loan loss provisions as a fraction of total loans, or low
documents. The Loughran and McDonald [2011] profitability will likely not be robust participants in
negative word list has been widely used in both the the local economy.
accounting and finance literature to measure senti- As an example, consider Hamilton Bancorp’s (CIK
ment in financial documents, newspaper articles, ana- ¼ 894172) 10-K filing on April 14, 2000. In their
lyst reports, and even earnings conference call annual report, 1.94% of Hamilton Bancorp’s words
transcripts (see Das [2014], Kearney and Liu [2014], were negative relative to the total number of words in
Loughran and McDonald [2016]). the firm’s Form 10-K. This was one of the highest fre-
The current version of their word list contains quencies in calendar year 2000 of any bank (the mean
2,355 negative words. The most commonly appearing for that year was 1.29%), and higher than any other
Loughran and McDonald [2011] negative words in 10-K filed by Hamilton Bancorp. At the time of the
annual reports are loss, losses, claims, impairment, 10-K filing, the bank had a stock price of $17.375
against, adverse, and restated. We focus only on nega- (above its 1997 IPO price of $15.50) and a market
tive words to measure document sentiment because value of $175 million. Yet, the bank’s high frequency
earlier articles by Tetlock [2007] and Loughran and count of negative words should have warned regula-
McDonald [2011] found limited incremental value for tors and investors of impending difficulties. Hamilton
other categories like positive words. Bancorp, in the following year, suffered a low ROA
We argue that accounting measures are problematic value, did not issue dividends, and experienced a very
because they can be influenced by managers—doesn’t high percentage of loan loss provisions. The bank had
the same logic apply to sentiment in annual reports? a distressed delisting from Nasdaq on January 11,
We believe that litigation risk plays a role in 2002, with a last price of only $1.65.

Our findings are important for at least 2 reasons. argued that market prices (especially for financial
First, they suggest that regulators and supervisors could intermediaries) reflect the regulator and government
tabulate the frequency of negative words in annual policies in place. In the recent financial crisis, it was
reports of all banks to monitor the collective health of apparent that the prospect of government help was
financial intermediaries and to identify distress in the repeatedly a major driver of changes in asset prices,
banking sector. The relative frequency of negative both in the United States and in many other econo-
words could be viewed as a supplement to existing var- mies. Our measure of using sentiment of the annual
iables in measuring financial distress. For example, an report as a proxy for bank financial distress is a for-
increase in the frequency of negative words in annual ward-looking measure that works.
reports of all (vs. a few) banks may signal a systemic
problem and may help identify periods when regulators
Literature review
should or should not intervene in financial markets.
Second, regulators, auditors, and supervisors can Historically, for bank failures or bankruptcies, the lit-
incorporate the results of our study in models of early erature has found bank capital to be a key variable.
warning systems that can, on a case-by-case basis, Lower levels of capital are associated with higher
help identify banks that are beginning to experience probabilities of a bank’s failure (see Cole and Gunther
problems. Friend and Levonian [2013] showed that [1995], Estrella, Park, and Peristiani [2000]).
information from financial markets (e.g., the negative Obviously, as bank managers know that regulators are
sentiment from the annual report measure in this art- focusing on a few key ratios, the incentive to manage
icle) can be a valuable supplement to nonpublic infor- the reported number is substantive.
mation acquired by regulators in identifying problem In an important article, Huizinga and Laeven
banks. Any technique that even marginally improves [2012] found that U.S. financial institutions overstated
the ability of regulators to assess the conditions of the value of their real-estate assets and regulatory cap-
banks is beneficial as it enables supervisors to inter- ital during the most recent financial crisis. Their find-
vene in a timely manner and may help avoid outright ing helps explain why regulators failed to identify
bank failure or costly bailouts once a bank is in dan- banks that were destined to fail. The United States is
ger of imminent failure. not the only country to suffer from poor bank over-
Our article is also related to the large literature in sight; European regulators also failed to address ser-
corporate finance that attempts to measure the sever- ious bank issues until it was too late.
ity of financial constraints for firms. While many Several articles have emphasized the role of market
measures of financial constraints have been suggested discipline in monitoring banks. For example, Flannery
(see Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen [1988], Lamont, and Sorescu [1996] found that investors react to
Polk, and Saa-Requejo [2001], Whited and Wu changing regulatory environments in the pricing of
[2006]), our approach is most similar to that advo- bank subordinated notes and debentures. Once gov-
cated by Kaplan and Zingales [1997] and Hadlock and ernment regulators stopped protecting bank holding
Pierce [2010]. These articles use qualitative informa- companies’ creditors, investors quickly became more
tion in statements made by managers in SEC filings diligent in pricing bank default risk. Although he
to measure a firm’s financial constraints. However, excluded financial institutions from his analysis,
both Kaplan and Zingales and Hadlock and Pierce Shumway [2001] highlighted the importance of using
make it a point to exclude all financial firms (i.e., market-determined independent variables to forecast
firms with SIC codes from 6000 to 6999). bankruptcy. Along those lines, in this article we found
A number of the existing risk-based measures of that market capitalization (stock price multiplied by
banks rely on market prices of bank stocks and bonds. shares outstanding) and prior stock return perform-
However, in the presence of implicit or explicit gov- ance are consistently powerful and significant explana-
ernment guarantees, these risk measures may be unin- tory variables for bank distress.
formative about future risk. As shown by Atkeson, As an example motivating our use of market-deter-
Eisfeldt, and Weill [2017], there was no difference in mined independent variables, see Wells Fargo’s 10-K
the financial soundness between large U.S. financial filing on February 27, 2009. At that time, Wells Fargo
and large nonfinancial firms in the run-up to the had more than $1.2 trillion in total assets, positive
most recent financial crisis. Thus, market-based meas- trailing earnings of more than $2.5 billion, and had
ures and lagged equity returns may be a noisy way to capital well above the regulatory minimum amount
forecast bank stress. Bond and Goldstein [2015] for a well-capitalized financial institution. Yet, the

bank had lost more than half of its market capitaliza- sheets; the SEC’s Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis,
tion in the prior year which accurately reflected the and Retrieval (EDGAR) database provides the bank’s
immense turmoil faced by the firm. Consistent with annual reports; and the Center for Research in
distress, at the time, the bank’s 10-K filing reported Security Prices (CRSP) is used for stock market infor-
its highest frequency of negative words (more than mation. From the FRY-9C data, we obtain the follow-
1.92%, vs. the firm’s average of 1.45%). ing variables: provision for loan losses, net income,
In the bankruptcy literature for nonfinancial firms, total loans, total assets, deposits, Tier 1 capital, Tier 2
the Altman [1968] z-score is commonly used as a capital, and dividends for the universe of commercial
proxy for firm distress. However, a number of the banks. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s
financial ratios in the Altman z-score are completely CRSP-Federal Reserve Bank link is used to match the
irrelevant for financial institutions. That is, working Central Index Key (CIK) with the bank’s CRSP
capital/total assets and sales/total assets, 2 of the 5 permco (see
components of the Altman z-score, are not applicable banking_research/datasets.html). The CIKs are used
for gauging bank distress. Instead, the banking litera- to search the EDGAR database for the annual reports
ture typically will use a z-score based on the bank’s (i.e., Form 10-K). Our sample includes large, systemically
(ROA þ capital asset ratio)/standard deviation of the important banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo,
ROA (see Laeven and Levine [2009], Demirg€ uç-Kunt Citigroup, Wachovia Corporation, and Chase Manhattan.
and Huizinga [2010]). However, such a z-score suffers The bank market capitalizations, delisting codes,
from a clear look-ahead bias because the standard and stock returns are obtained from CRSP. Although
deviation of ROA is measured over the entire sample some articles do not require banks in the sample to
period. In contrast to the z-score, our independent be publicly-traded, including market capitalization
control variables will be known to all regulators and and prior stock performance seems like the most
investors at the time of the annual report filing. obvious control variables for an analysis of financial
One contemporaneous article also uses annual distress. As noted by Flannery [1998], “The fact that
report text to measure financial institution instability. market data are not available for many banks does
Hanley and Hoberg [2017], in an approach different not justify ignoring this information for the largest
from ours, examine the pairwise return comovement banking firms, which pose the greatest challenge to
between 2 banks and 18 semantic risk themes. Their federal regulators’ supervisory abilities” (p. 281).
10-K risk themes include credit default, mortgage risk, Table 1 reports the impact of various data screens
fair value, and taxes. The basic idea is that 2 banks on the combined FRY-9C, EDGAR, and CRSP data-
jointly exposed to a particular risk factor should move bases. The initial sample of bank-year observations is
together. If systemic risk is growing in the banking 7,279. Following the Loughran and McDonald [2011]
industry, a regression of pairwise covariance on the 18 methodology, 1 observation is dropped because the
semantic risk themes will be highly significant. In 10-K contains an insufficient number of words (i.e.,
their Figure 1, the aggregate systemic risk measure is less than 2,000). A total of 282 observations are
shown to peak in early 2006, before the financial dropped due to missing CRSP market values. The
meltdown of 2008. However, their aggregate systemic Fama and French [1997] Industry code of 44
risk measure is quite low following the 9/11 terrorist (“Banks”) requirement drops 185 firms from the sam-
attacks and in the middle of 2009 when the economy ple. This screen eliminates nonbanks such as MetLife,
was hitting rock bottom. In contrast, our frequency of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Charles Schwab, and
negative words shows a rise in 2002 and a spike in American International Group from the sample even
early 2009 following the financial meltdown. though such firms are in all 3 of the FRY-9C,
EDGAR, and CRSP databases. Missing FRY-9C infor-
Sample selection, 10-K parsing, variable mation drops several hundred observations. Our final
definitions, and descriptive statistics sample consists of 6,223 bank-year observations.
Sample selection
10-K parsing
Our sample is created by combining 3 different data
sources: the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s con- As in Loughran and McDonald [2011], we start by
solidated financial statements for bank holding com- removing all HTML and ASCII-encoded segments
panies (FRY-9C) provides detailed information on from each bank annual report text file obtained from
commercial banks’ income statements and balance EDGAR. Collections of text identified in HTML as

% Negative Words in 10-K
1.4 1.6
1.2 1.8

1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2014


Figure 1. Time-series trend in % Negative for the sample of U.S. banks, 1997–2014.
% Negative is the number of Loughran-McDonald [2011] negative words in the 10-K divided by the total number of words in the

Table 1. Sample creation.

Dropped Sample Size
FRY-9C and SEC 10-K combined data 1997–2014 7,279
Drop if number of 10-K words is < 2,000 1 7,278
Drop if total loans equals $0 5 7,273
Drop if missing market capitalization at 10-K filing date 282 6,991
Fama-French Industry must be Banks 185 6,806
Drop if deposits or deposit interest expense equals $0 6 6,800
Drop if CRSP returns in prior year are missing 14 6,786
Drop if missing FRY-9C dividend data 435 6,351
Drop if missing FRY-9C Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital data 128 6,223
Note. The table reports the impact of various data filters on the combined FRY-9C commer-
cial bank, SEC EDGAR 10-K, and CRSP databases. The sample consists of bank common
stocks listed on NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq with available FRY-9C, EDGAR 10-K, and CRSP
data from January 1997 to December 2014.

tables are removed if their numeric character content The frequency of negative words is flat in the first 5
is greater than 10%. The annual report text is then years of the sample. However, following the 9/11 ter-
parsed into a vector of words that are tabulated using rorist attacks and the economic slowdown, the senti-
the Loughran and McDonald master dictionary. Note ment of annual reports steadily becomes more
that the Loughran and McDonald master dictionary negative. The average negative sentiment in bank 10-Ks
does not include abbreviations, acronyms, single letter quickly accelerates following the financial melt-down in
words, or proper nouns. fourth quarter of 2008. Since the bulk of banks have a
fiscal year end of December 31, the vast majority file
their 10-K in March and April. Thus, the impact of the
% Negative time series patterns
fourth quarter of 2008 will not be reflected in annual
As noted previously, in this article, we focus only on report sentiment until calendar year 2009.
the Loughran-McDonald [2011] negative word list to For the last 4 years of the sample, the trend in %
measure the sentiment of bank annual reports. Figure Negative is flat, although at a historically high level
1 plots the average relative frequency of negative (more than 2%). As reported in Murphy, Purda, and
words relative to the total number of words in the Skillicorn [2018], top managers play an important role
Form 10-K during the sample period. For the overall in writing sections of the annual report pertaining to
sample of 6,223 bank-year observations, the average forward-looking information. Clearly, the sentiment of
value for % Negative is 1.56%. Over our time period, the annual report reflects concern by management of
1997–2014, the tone of bank annual reports has greater problems as time progresses. The 2007–2014
become increasingly negative. For example, the aver- time period was an extremely stressful period for U.S.
age 10-K in 1997 contains 1.26% negative words com- banks, and the sentiment of the annual report cer-
pared with 2.03% by 2014. tainly mirrors this.

Variable definitions pessimistic sentiment and accounting-based variables

might be due, in part, to this overlap in time.
Our 4 dependent variables of interest are Distressed
To completely avoid this issue, our methodology
Delisting Dummy, Dividend Dummy, % Loan Losses,
matches the annual report sentiment with the subse-
and ROA. The Distressed Delisting Dummy equals 1 if
quent year’s first quarter FRY-9C data. That is, the
the bank has a distressed CRSP delisting code (i.e.,
negative word count of Wells Fargo’s 2003 fiscal year
CRSP dlstcd variable in the range of 300–599) within 3
annual report, filed on March 12, 2004, forecasts the
subsequent years of the 10-K filing date, else 0. The
bank’s March 31, 2005, FRY-9C accounting informa-
Dividend Dummy equals 1 if the bank pays dividends
tion, filed on May 5, 2005. This completely eliminates
to shareholders in the subsequent year, else 0. The %
any possible time overlap between sentiment and sub-
Loan Losses is subsequent provisions for loan losses
sequent accounting variables.
scaled by total loans. ROA is defined as subsequent net
income scaled by total assets. Both the % Loan Losses
and ROA variables are winsorized at the 1% level. Summary statistics and correlations
The bank-specific control variables are: (a) Capital
Adequacy, the ratio of (Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 cap- Table 2 reports the summary statistics (Panel A) and
ital)/total assets at the time of the 10-K filing; (b) the correlations between the key variables of interest
Log(Mkt Cap), the log of market capitalization (stock in our article (Panel B). The mean value of % Negative
price multiplied by shares outstanding) in thousands (1.56%), although low, is consistent with prior articles,
of dollars 2 days before the 10-K filing date; (c) and, consistent with the general distribution of words
Log(Gross File Size), the size of the SEC EDGAR for a word list of this length. For example, Loughran
“complete submission text file” for the 10-K filing; and McDonald [2011] reported a mean value for %
and (d) Excess Prior Returns, the buy-and-hold bank Negative of 1.39% for their sample of 10-Ks during the
stock returns minus the buy-and-hold returns of the 1994–2008 time period. For a sample of newspaper
CRSP value-weighted index over an identical period articles during 2002 to 2006, Gurun and Butler [2012]
in the year before the 10-K filing date. Loughran and reported a mean value for % Negative of 1.69%.
McDonald [2014] recommend using the gross file size At the 95th percentile, % Negative is 2.22% compared
of the 10-K as an easily obtained proxy for document with a value of 0.98% for the fifth percentile. Slightly
complexity/readability. For Dividend Dummy, % Loan more than 2% of our bank sample have a distressed
Losses, and ROA, we also include the lagged values of delisting within 3 years while more than 85% of the sam-
the variables in the regressions. More detailed variable ple issue dividends next year. The average % Loan Losses
descriptions are provided in Appendix A. and ROA in year t are 0.63% and 0.81%, respectively.
In Panel B of Table 2, the correlations between key
variables are summarized. The fraction of negative
Matching of annual reports with subsequent FRY- words in the 10-K generally relate to the other varia-
9C quarterly data bles of interest in an expected manner. The correl-
Bodnaruk, Loughran, and McDonald [2015] men- ation between % Negative and log(Mkt Cap) is only
tioned a potential linkage between annual report tone slightly positive (0.046), thus, importantly, negative
and accounting-based information due to an overlap sentiment does not merely proxy for bank size.
in time. To illustrate the issue, it is best to use an The relation between % Negative and log(Gross file
example. Wells Fargo & Company (CIK ¼ 72971) size) is strong (0.657). Both Li [2008] and Bloomfield
filed its fiscal year 2003 10-K on March 12, 2004. The [2008] mentioned that firms with problems (like
bank’s annual report for the following fiscal year losses) may require more explanation and greater
(2004) was filed on EDGAR on March 10, 2005. Thus, detail in their annual report compared with firms
71 days of fiscal year 2004 had passed before Wells which had a strong performance. Gross file size prox-
Fargo filed their 2003 fiscal year annual report on ies for the number of words, tables, exhibits, HTML
March 12, 2005. It is conceivable that bank managers code, and graphics contained in the Form 10-K. As
became aware of changes in their loan quality, profit- the annual report becomes lengthier and more com-
ability, or economic market conditions during the plex, investors have more difficulty incorporating the
early part of calendar year 2004, and that this new document’s information into stock prices and earnings
information affected their word selection for the 10-K. forecasts (see You and Zhang [2009], Lehavy, Li, and
Hence, it is possible that any relation between 10-K Merkley [2011], Loughran and McDonald [2014]).

Table 2. Summary statistics and variable correlations.

Panel A: Summary statistics
Variable Mean Median Standard Deviation 5% 95%
% Negativei,t 1.56% 1.52% 0.38% 0.98% 2.22%
Distressed Delisting Dummyi,tþ1 2.12% 0.00% 14.41% 0.00% 0.00%
Dividend Dummyi,tþ1 85.96% 100.00% 34.75% 0.00% 100.00%
% Loan Lossesi,t 0.63% 0.35% 0.85% 0.06% 2.35%
ROAi,t 0.81% 0.95% 0.80% –0.44% 1.67%

Panel B: Correlations
Capital Log Log(Gross Excess Delisting Dividend % Loan
% Negative Adequacy (Mkt Cap) File Size) Prior Returns Dummy Dummy Losses
Capital Adequacyi,t 0.147
Log(Mkt Cap)i,t 0.046 0.031
Log(Gross File Size)i,t 0.657 0.162 0.280
Excess Prior Returnsi,t –0.120 –0.018 0.086 –0.083
Distressed Delisting Dummyi,tþ1 0.085 –0.026 –0.109 0.044 –0.120
Dividend Dummyi,tþ1 –0.068 –0.042 0.227 0.021 0.073 –0.166
% Loan Lossesi,tþ1 0.171 0.035 0.024 0.115 –0.179 0.254 –0.111
ROAi,tþ1 –0.244 0.074 0.177 –0.202 0.267 –0.296 0.232 –0.509
Note. The table reports the summary statistics and correlations for the key variables in our bank sample. The % Negative variable is the number of
Loughran-McDonald [2011] negative words in the 10-K divided by the total number of words in the 10-K. Capital Adequacy is (Tier 1 capital þ Tier 2
capital)/total assets. Market Cap is stock price multiplied by shares outstanding (in thousands of dollars) as of 2 days before the 10-K filing date. Gross
File Size is the file size in megabytes of the SEC EDGAR “complete submission text file” for the 10-K filing. Excess Prior Returns is the buy-and-hold firm
returns minus the buy-and-hold returns of the CRSP value-weighted index over an identical period in the year before the 10-K filing date. Distressed
Delisting Dummy equals 1 if the bank has a distressed CRSP delisting within 3 subsequent years of the 10-K filing date, else 0. Dividend Dummy equals
1 if the bank issues dividends in the subsequent year, else 0. % Loan Losses is defined as the ratio of provisions for loan losses in the subsequent year
scaled by total loans in the subsequent year. ROA is defined as subsequent year net income divided by subsequent year total assets.

As expected, more negative annual report sentiment is þ b4 Log ðGross File SizeÞi;t þ b5 Excess Prior Returnsi;t þ ei;t
correlated with lower prior excess stock returns, not issu- (1)
ing subsequent dividends, and lower subsequent ROA where % Negativei,t is the count of words from the
values. Conversely, % Negative is positively correlated Loughran and McDonald [2011] negative word list
with Distressed Delisting Dummy (0.085) and subsequent divided by the total number of words in the Form 10-
loan loss fractions (0.171). The Distressed Delisting K (expressed as a percent). The dependent variable,
Dummy is strongly correlated with both % Loan Losses Distressed Delisting Dummyi,tþ1, equals 1 if the bank
(0.254) and ROA (–0.296). Note that Excess Prior Returns has a distressed CRSP delisting within 3 subsequent
and ROA are positively correlated with each other
years of the 10-K filing date, else 0. As noted by the
(0.267). That is, better performing stocks have higher sub-
subscripts, our independent variables are all known at
sequent profitability. Somewhat surprisingly, % Negative
the time of the 10-K filing date. Thus, the right hand
and Capital Adequacy are positively correlated (0.147).
side variables are predicting a future delisting event.
In all of our regressions, calendar-year dummies
Empirical findings and a constant are always included. Robust z-statistics,
Distressed Delisting Dummy in parentheses, are reported below the coeffi-
cient estimates.
Regulators devote tremendous resources attempting to
As a first step, it is important to show that the rela-
identify banks that are likely to fail. Certainly, having
tion of % Negative with the Distressed Delisting
a distressed delisting from a major U.S. stock
Dummy is significant without the presence of the
exchange would be categorized as a failure for all par-
ties involved. Could word selections by managers firm-specific control variables. In the first regression,
assist investors and regulators in highlighting which % Negative is the only independent variable besides
financial institutions, controlling for bank size, capital the calendar-year dummies and a constant. In column
adequacy, and past performance, are more likely to 2, the coefficient on % Negative is positive (1.923) and
be delisted? statistically significant at the 1% level (z-statistic of
In Table 3, we estimate the logit regressions of 6.10). More negative language in the annual report is
Distressed Delisting Dummy: associated with a higher probability of subsequently
having a distressed delisting.
Distressed Delisting Dummyi;tþ1 ¼ a þ b1 % Negativei;t
In column 2, our 4 firm-level control variables are
þ b2 Capital Adequacyi;t þ b3 Log ðMkt CapÞi;t
added to the regression. Three of the 4 control

Table 3. Logit regressions of distressed delisting dummy on In column 3, when we restrict the sample to only
% Negative from the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists banks with total assets of less than $1 billion, similar
and firm characteristics.
to Berger and Bouwman [2013], we find that the cap-
< $1 Billion in
All Banks Total Assets ital adequacy ratio coefficient is negative (–21.102)
and statistically significant (z-statistic of –2.22) in
1 2 3 4
% Negative 1.923 1.679 1.699
explaining subsequent delisting when it is the only
(6.10) (5.10) (3.86) control variable beyond calendar-year dummies. Thus,
Capital Adequacy 1.100 –21.102 –4.548
(0.19) (–2.22) (–0.50)
higher capital for small banks implies a lower prob-
Log(Mkt Cap) –0.844 –1.140 ably of delisting within the next 3 years.
(–7.73) (–4.38) However, once % Negative, log(Mkt Cap), and the
Log(Gross File Size) 0.386 0.418
(2.69) (2.14) other control variables are included as explanatory
Excess Prior Returns –1.514 –0.884 variables in column 4, the statistical significance of
(–2.91) (–1.49)
Sample size 5,966 5,966 2,244 2,244 the Capital Adequacy variable completely disappears
Pseudo R2 14.64% 26.09% 14.34% 22.80% for a sample composed of small banks. As noted ear-
Note. The table presents the results of logit regressions of Distressed lier by Shumway [2001], market-driven variables often
Delisting Dummy on the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists and firm
characteristics. The Distressed Delisting Dummy equals 1 if the bank has significantly outperform accounting-based ratios in
a distressed CRSP delisting within 3 subsequent years of the 10-K filing predicting financial distress or even bankruptcy. In
date, else 0. The % Negative variable is the number of Loughran-
McDonald [2011] negative words in the 10-K divided by the total num- contrast to Capital Adequacy, % Negative remains sig-
ber of words in the 10-K. The other variable definitions are available in nificant at the 1% level in the presence of market-
Appendix A. In columns 3 and 4, the sample is restricted to banks with
total assets of less than $1 billion as of the 10-K filing date. The sample driven variables. When the sample is restricted to
consists of bank common stocks listed on NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq small banks, the coefficient on % Negative differs only
with available FRY-9C, EDGAR 10-K, and CRSP data from January 1997
to December 2014. Robust z-statistics, in parentheses, are reported slightly compared with its value for the all banks sam-
below the coefficient estimates. Calendar-year dummies and a constant ple (1.699 vs. 1.679).
are included in all regressions but are not tabulated.
It is important to provide some sense of the eco-
nomic significance of the % Negative coefficient value
in Table 3. The marginal effect of the % Negative
variables are statistically significant. The control vari-
coefficient is 0.032 while the standard deviation of %
able coefficients imply that smaller, poorly performing
Negative is 0.381. Thus, a 1-SD increase in percentage
banks with larger gross 10-K file sizes are more likely
of negative words is associated with a 58.06%
to subsequently have a distressed delisting. Notice that
the coefficient on the Capital Adequacy variable has a (¼0.0320.381/distressed delisting dummy mean of
positive sign; however, it is not statistically significant. 0.021) higher chance of a distressed delisting.
This lack of significance for the key regulatory ratio
highlights the inability of a simple financial ratio to fore- Dividend Dummy
cast subsequent bank distress. As bank managers consist-
If a financial institution elects not to issue dividends
ently ensure the Capital Adequacy ratio is at acceptable
levels, the variable has very limited predictive ability. to its shareholders, it is likely that the bank feels some
Why do other articles find that the capital concern about future operations and liquidity needs.
adequacy ratio has predictive power in explaining Over 85% of our bank sample issues dividends in the
bank failures or bank delistings? For example, Berger subsequent year. Floyd, Li, and Skinner [2015] docu-
and Bouwman [2013] report that higher capital ratios mented that even as the 2007–2008 financial crisis
assist small banks (i.e., less than $1 billion in total began, banks were reluctant to cut dividends. Thus, it
assets) in surviving. In contrast, they find that higher is fairly common for banks to pay out excess profits
capital helps medium and large sized banks to survive to shareholders in the form of dividends during our
only during banking crises. Similarly, Jagtiani et al. time period. Banks without excess profits or cash
[2003] found, in a sample of banks with total assets flows probably are also limiting access to credit of the
between $300 million and $1 billion, that the capital communities they serve. In Table 4, we estimate the
adequacy ratio is consistently statistically significant logit regressions of Dividend Dummy:
each quarter in predicting bank failures. However, Distressed Delisting Dummyi;tþ1 ¼ a þ b1 % Negativei;t
none of these articles include market capitalization as þ b2 Lagged Dividend Dummyi;t þ b3 Capital Adequacyi;t
a control variable because their samples include banks þ b4 LogðMkt CapÞi;t þ b5 LogðGross File SizeÞi;t
regardless of whether or not the firm is listed on þ b6 Excess Prior Returnsi;t þ ei;t
an exchange. (2)

Table 4. Logit regressions of dividend dummy on % Negative Table 5. Regressions of % Loan Losses on % Negative from
from the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists and firm the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists and firm
characteristics. characteristics.
1 2 1 2
% Negative –0.802 –0.395 % Negative 0.092 0.040
(–5.58) (–2.14) (8.08) (3.81)
Lagged Dividend Dummy 3.651 Lagged % Loan Losses 0.096
(29.35) (13.37)
Capital Adequacy –3.196 Capital Adequacy 0.234
(–1.35) (1.73)
Log(Mkt Cap) 0.392 Log(Mkt Cap) 0.005
(10.17) (3.07)
Log(Gross File Size) 0.120 Log(Gross File Size) 0.010
(1.45) (2.22)
Excess Prior Returns 0.746 Excess Prior Returns –0.060
(3.78) (–5.54)
Sample size 6,223 6,223 Sample size 5,455 5,455
Pseudo R2 1.70% 34.39% R2 26.66% 35.66%
Note. The table presents the results of logit regressions of Dividend Note. The table presents the results of regressions of % Loan Losses on %
Dummy on % Negative from the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists Negative from the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists and firm char-
and firm characteristics. The Dividend Dummy equals 1 if the bank issues acteristics. The dependent variable, % Loan Losses, is defined as the
dividends in the subsequent year, else 0. The % Negative variable is the ratio of provisions for loan losses in the subsequent year scaled by total
number of Loughran-McDonald [2011] negative words in the 10-K div- loans in the subsequent year. The % Negative variable is the number of
ided by the total number of words in the 10-K. The other variable defi- Loughran-McDonald [2011] negative words in the 10-K divided by the
nitions are available in Appendix A. The sample consists of bank total number of words in the 10-K. The other variable definitions are
common stocks listed on NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq with available FRY- available in Appendix A. The sample consists of bank common stocks
9C, EDGAR 10-K, and CRSP data from January 1997 to December 2014. listed on NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq with available FRY-9C, EDGAR 10-K,
Robust z-statistics, in parentheses, are reported below the coefficient and CRSP data from January 1997 to December 2014. Robust t-statistics,
estimates. Calendar-year dummies and a constant are included in all in parentheses, are reported below the coefficient estimates. Calendar-
regressions but are not tabulated. year dummies and a constant are included in all regressions but are
not tabulated.

where % Negative is defined as before, and the

dependent variable, Dividend Dummyi,tþ1, equals 1 if estimate the regressions of % Loan Losses:
the bank issues dividends to shareholders in the sub- % Loan Lossesi;tþ1 ¼ a þ b1 % Negativei;t
sequent year, else 0. þ b2 % Loan Lossesi;t þ b3 Capital Adequacyi;t
As would be expected, in column 1, the coefficient
þb4 Log ðMkt CapÞi;t þ b5 Log ðGross File SizeÞi;t
on % Negative is negative (–0.802) with a z-statistic of
–5.58. Thus, more pessimistic sentiment in the annual þb6 Excess Prior Returnsi;t þ ei;t
report foreshadows a lower probability of subse-
quently issuing dividends to shareholders. The control where % Negative is defined as before and the
variables, in column 2, indicate that banks that issued dependent variable, % Loan Lossesi,tþ1, is the ratio of
dividends last year, are larger in size, and have had provision of loan losses in the subsequent year scaled
higher prior stock returns, are more likely to issue by total loans in the subsequent year.
dividends in the future. Even in the presence of the The first regression of Table 5 reports that %
control variables, the coefficient on % Negative Negative has a positive and significant coefficient
remains significant. value when calendar-year dummies are the only other
The marginal effect of the % Negative coefficient is independent variables. When the 5 control variables
–0.029 while the standard deviation of percentage of are added to the column 2 regression, the coefficient
negative words is 0.381. Thus, a 1-SD increase in per- value on % Negative drops from 0.092 to 0.040, yet
centage of negative words is associated with a 1.28% remains significant at the 1% level (t-statistic of 3.81).
(¼–0.029  0.381/dividend dummy mean of 0.860) More negative sentiment in the annual report is
lower chance of issuing dividends next year. linked with higher subsequent loan loss provisions for
the bank. The control variables suggest that banks
with higher prior loan loss provisions, larger market
% Loan Losses
capitalizations, bigger 10-K file size, and worse prior
How well does the sentiment of the annual report stock return performance have higher future loan loss
predict subsequent loan problems for the bank? One provisions. Notice that the coefficient value of Lagged
might assume that more negative sentiment in Form % Loan Losses is significantly less than 1 (0.096). This
10-K should be associated with higher future loan loss is because the dependent variable is the first quarter
provisions for the financial institution. In Table 5, we provision of loan loss scaled by total loans while the

independent variable is the annual provision of loan Table 6. Regressions of ROA on % Negative from the
losses scaled by total loans. Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists and firm characteristics.
The finding of larger banks having higher loan loss 1 2
provisions is consistent with the evidence of Boyd and % Negative –0.064 –0.020
(–5.92) (–2.12)
Gertler [1993] and Gorton and Rosen [1995]. As Lagged ROA 0.087
noted by Boyd and Gertler [1993], “Increased risk tak- (15.82)
Capital Adequacy 0.766
ing by large banks leads to large banks’ extra-normal (4.85)
loan loss performance” (p 323). Gorton and Rosen Log(Mkt Cap) 0.012
[1995] found that large banks often have managerial Log(Gross File Size) –0.008
entrenchment problems; they asserted that “for large (–1.94)
Excess Prior Returns 0.057
U.S. banks, corporate control problems have been the (5.46)
cause of the conditions of which moral hazard may be Sample size 6,223 6,223
R2 20.71% 33.08%
an accurate characterization” (p. 1410).
Note. The table presents the results of regressions of ROA on % Negative
For the economic significance of negative words, a from the Loughran-McDonald [2011] word lists and firm characteristics.
1 standard deviation increase in percentage of nega- The dependent variable, ROA, is defined as subsequent year net income
tive words is associated with a 9.3% (¼0.040  0.381/ divided by subsequent year total assets. The % Negative variable is the
number of Loughran-McDonald [2011] negative words in the 10-K div-
% loan loss provisions mean of 0.163 in first quarter ided by the total number of words in the 10-K. The other variable defi-
of year t þ 1) higher subsequent percentage loan nitions are available in Appendix A. The sample consists of bank
common stocks listed on NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq with vailable FRY-9C,
loss provisions. EDGAR 10-K, and CRSP data from January 1997 to December 2014.
Robust t-statistics, in parentheses, are reported below the coefficient
estimates. Calendar-year dummies and a constant are included in all
regressions but are not tabulated.
Our last dependent variable is ROAi,tþ1, defined as net adequacy ratio have higher levels of future profitabil-
income scaled by total assets in the subsequent year. ity. Lastly, banks with bigger gross 10-K file sizes have
Can annual report sentiment be significantly linked lower future ROA values, consistent with the nonfi-
with future bank profitability? Higher profitability will nancial firm evidence of Li [2008].
enable the bank to make more loans and take a more The variable % Negative has a measurable eco-
active role in their communities. In Table 6, we esti- nomic effect on subsequent ROA. The coefficient on
mate the regressions of ROA: % Negative is –0.020 in column 2 while the standard
ROAi;tþ1 ¼ a þ b1 % Negativei;t þ b2 % ROAi;t deviation for % Negative is 0.381. Thus, the economic
þ b3 Capital Adequacyi;t þ b4 Log ðMkt CapÞi;t effect of a 1-SD increase in the number of negative
þ b5 Log ðGross File SizeÞi;t þ b6 Excess Prior Returnsi;t þ ei;t words is a 3.24% (¼–0.020  0.381/ROA mean of
(4) 0.235 in first quarter of year t þ 1) lower ROA value.
where % Negative is defined as before. Notice that
lagged ROA is included as one of our con- Conclusions
trol variables.
The first regression of Table 6 shows that % In this article we describe a new methodology for
Negative has a significant relation with future ROA measuring financial distress in U.S. banks. We use
without the presence of the firm-specific control vari- the sentiment of the annual reports (i.e., Form
ables. The coefficient on % Negative suggests that 10-K) to gauge how close U.S. banks are to financial
more pessimistic 10-K sentiment is negatively linked distress. This technique is based on the fact that
to subsequent profitability. More words in the annual managers at financially distressed banks are likely
report like loss, losses, adverse, burdens, disastrous, and to use a higher relative proportion of negative
exposed, indicate lower future ROA. words in their Form 10-K to describe their firm’s
The second regression notes that % Negative is sig- economic situation.
nificant at the 5% level (t-statistic of –2.12) when the We test how well our measure of financial distress,
firm-specific control variables are included. As in the based on the sentiment of the annual report, relates to
other regressions, the control variables have strong future values (in the subsequent year) of 4 separate
linkages with the dependent variable. As expected, indicators of distress: distressed delisting from the
higher lagged ROA is positively linked with subse- NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq exchanges; dividend pay-
quent ROA. Larger banks and financial institutions ments; percent loan loss provisions; and ROA. We
with stronger prior performance and a larger capital find that banks with a higher fraction of negative

words in the annual reports are more likely to have a subsequent shareholder lawsuits creates a strong
distressed delisting, are less likely to pay dividends, incentive to preclude such evasion.
have a higher fraction of provision for loan losses,
and a lower ROA in the near future. This relation is
robust to several specifications and holds in univariate
regressions as well in regressions with various bank The authors thank Thomas Cosimano, Paul Gao, John
level controls such as market capitalization, capital Holland, Peter Kelly, Jerry Langley, an anonymous referee,
and seminar participants at the University of Miami,
adequacy ratio, prior returns, and lagged values of the
HKUST, University of Minnesota, and York University for
dependent variables. helpful comments.
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Appendix A. Definitions of the variables used in the article

% Negative Percentage of words in the 10-K that are on the Loughran and McDonald [2011] negative word list (total num-
ber of negative words in the Form 10-K / total number of Form 10-K words). Examples of negative words
include loss, losses, adverse, and restated.
Dependent Variables
Distressed Delisting Dummy A dummy variable set to 1 if the bank has a distressed CRSP delisting within 3 subsequent years of the 10-K
filing date, else 0. The CRSP delisting variable, dlstcd, must be in the range of 300–599 to be considered a
distressed delisting.
Dividend Dummy A dummy variable set to 1 if the bank issues dividends in the subsequent year, else 0.
% Loan Losses The ratio of provisions for loan losses scaled by total loans. Both items are obtained from the FRY-9C database.
The variable is winsorized at the 1% level.
ROA The ratio of net income scaled by total assets. Both items are obtained from the FRY-9C database. The variable
is winsorized at the 1% level.
Control Variables
Capital Adequacy The variable is (Tier 1 capital þ Tier 2 capital)/ total assets at the time of the 10-K filing.
Market Capitalization The variable is stock price multiplied by shares outstanding (in thousands of dollars) as of 2 days before the
10-K filing date.
Gross File Size This variable is file size in megabytes of the SEC EDGAR “complete submission text file” for the 10-K filing.
Loughran and McDonald [2014] recommend using the file size of the 10-K as an easily calculated proxy for
document readability.
Excess Prior Returns The buy-and-hold firm returns minus the buy-and-hold returns of the CRSP value-weighted index over an iden-
tical period in the year before the 10-K filing date.

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