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Charlene Montañez: Personal Statement

Growing up, I was the youngest of four siblings and I had a knack for taking charge and helping
other. I watched the news for hours with my mom and loved reading the Sunday paper keeping
up with the events of the world. My aunt owned a canteen truck and every summer I worked
with her. The ability to create and set her own hours and income was fascinating, but what I
remember the most was the joy she got out of doing what she loved and still being able to be
there for her kids. As a little girl through my early teens I found myself creating business plan for
what kind of business I wanted to own. I was fascinated by being my own boss but more
fascinated by the lives that I could touch by teaching and molding others.
Currently, I am a student at State College of Florida: Manatee, pursuing an Associate of
Science in Business Management. Outside of my courses at the college, I am currently working
at TriNet as a Client Success Associate handling a book of business that consist of 195 clients
that I manage directly. I came on board with TriNet after being a General Manager of a
Subrogation Firm. I have over 15 years in management and have a found a company that I am
truly inspired by. I am working my way to become a direct of the Client Services Team. I feel
the three most important points I learnt so far from my work experience, is firstly the ability to
understand what drives a business, and the processes needed to help resolve any barriers to
continued growth and profitability. Secondly being able to look beyond the numbers to the
business trends and drivers, and thirdly being able to work to deadlines and handle pressure.

I plan to continue to build my skill set and acquiring the necessary experience to become a
business owner. I am actively pursuing my belts with the Six sigma and current hold a yellow
belt. In addition, I will be continuing my education by obtaining my Bachelors in Science with
the International Business degree. I want to learn more about the nature, power and limitations
of various business techniques; how management can influence a business’ performance; how
business and other types of organizations can help society to function and address society’s

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