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Holly Heath

Professor Rapley



Teaching Philosophy

Children should never lose their imagination: I believe children who have their imaginations

crave work, and tend to always put their best foot forward when it comes to completing projects.

Children whose imaginations are prematurely ripped away from them, seem to doubt their ability

to perform to their best abilities, they always second guess themselves. Imagination isn’t just

about make believe, it also helps kids keep their confidence.

Let Children Learn: Any more people are all too eager to keep children hidden from any and all

life lessons. When children graduate and enter the adult world these kids wake up to rude

awakenings, that not only parents but teachers could help them prepare for. Common sense needs

to be something we instill in children to help them build a better life for themselves.

Help them know: Help children know that each and every child has the world in their hands.

Help them know that these kids are our future, and they can and will help better not only their

own future but they have our futures in their hands as well. Help them know they can accomplish

anything they put their minds to. Help them know they can be anything they want to become.

Impact: As an educator I feel that if I can at least positively impact one child’s life, my job will

be complete. When we look back as adults we all have that adult in our life that had a huge

impact on our life, I want to be that adult for some child. If it is 1 or 100,000,000 as long as I
instilled something into their life that they can take with them forever, my life as an educator will

be complete.

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