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Critical evaluation of HR system of Apple culture:

Apple is an American Multinational technology company, who are leading the technology
world with their innovative idea generation and implementation in the global technology
market. In order to retain the brand image in the international market as well as in the American
market, Apple is following a strong human resources management technique, which is as per
the global standards and also sustains the organisational growth as well.

The organisational culture is the key factor for the continuous success of Apple’s business. The
organisational and the corporate culture of the Apple, maintains the philosophy values and the
policies of the business, which are closely associated with the behaviour among the employees
of the organisation. As opined by Noe et al. (2017), Apple has the organisational culture, which
enables the Human resources of the company to support various strategic objectives and the
cultural trait of the organisation.

Figure 1: Human Resource Practices of Apple

(Source: Noe et al. 2017)

The cultural trait of the organisation is aligned with the innovation management of the
organisation, which is the major factor for the business competitiveness in the terms of the
technology, the customer care services, and the electronic services as well.

According to Naznin and Hussain (2016), the cultural effectiveness of Apple, facilitates their
vision and the mission statement. Apart from that, by their corporate culture, Apple is able to
gain the competitive advantages in the market. And they are focusing on the organisational
culture for the creative innovation, thus they are focusing on maintaining the high level of
innovation factor as per the global standards and the demands of the customer.

Figure 2: Strategic Human Resource Planning of Apple

(Source: Naznin and Hussain 2016)

Critically evaluate how HR strategy fits with the organisation’s business
As per the concept of the Best fit approach, it emphasizes the fact that, the human resource
strategies should be congruent, In relation with the circumstances and the situation of the
organisation. On the other words, it can be perceived as the alignment in between the
organisational business strategy and the Human resource strategy. (Patrick Gunnigle, 2011)

According to Muratbekova-Touron and Galindo (2018), Most of the people in the Apple are
working in the marketing, staff position and the technical department. In that factor, the major
organisational objective of the company is to sustain the customer attractiveness and retain
their organisational values as per the industry standards in the global market. In terms with that,
the Human resource strategy of Apple is aligned with the business strategy of the company,
which also follows the principle of the best fit approach (Ulrich and Dulebohn 2015). The
organisation has recognised the human capital as the vital component for the organisational

Figure 3: People management practices of the company

(Source: Muratbekova-Touron and Galindo 2018)

According to Porter (1980), differentiating a business requires, innovative and products with
uniqueness value are created for which customers will pay good prices for. Apple.Inc has
utitlised this strategy since it was established and retains its competitive advantage in the
consumer electronics industry. Henceforth, According to Schuler, they have Facilitation as their HR
strategy which is based upon employee skills to work together as a team and using rotation of jobs and
career planning to built up an collaborative work climate. The key practices of Human resource
department, which are aligned with the business strategy of Apple, are discussed below:

Recruitment and selection

For sustaining the success factor of the company, the recruitment and selection factors are key
essential aspects of the organisation. Apple has invested a hefty amount of money for sustaining
the operation regarding the recruitment and the selection process. It has directly aligned with
the business strategy of the company. By recruiting the best and effective minds in the market,
the company is targeting to increase the productivity of the company in near future as well.
They do not promise their employees for the career progression but creates a better working
environment within the organisation for increasing their productivity and performance as well.

Workplace Diversity and the employment opportunities:

Apple provides equal opportunities to all of their employees despite of their gender, race, and
the cultural status in the society. In that factor, they are attracting the talented people, by
following the cultural diversity and the skills they are possessing. In that process, the company
is able to sustain the organisational values by aligning the Human resource strategy with the
business strategy. Apart from that, these principles help the company to retain their image in
the international market.

Rewards and Compensation:

Apple provides benefits to the employees based on the employee status and the geographic
location of the employee as well. According to Ross et al.(2017), some of the benefits provided
by the company includes the investment plans and the saving plan. These are also aligned with
the business strategy of the company. By investing on the insurance plan or the business plan
of the company, the organisation is able to invest on the future strategic implementation and
the future objective as well.

Career Opportunity:
The recruitment process of the Apple is focusing on the suitability of the employees which is
fit with the organisational culture. They give the opportunity to the employees of the
organisation to advance their skills and knowledge, which will be beneficial for the future
operational implementation of the organisation (Handzic et al. 2016). They are creating the
opportunity for the further training and development process. It provides the real life
experience to the employees and allows them to advance their skills on the job.
Recommendation regarding the best HR practices for Apple
The recommendation regarding the best possible HR practices for Apple sustains the Best
Practice Approach, which can be defined as the strategy, that is supported by the proper
evidenced, its impact and the effectiveness of the strategy as well. It also includes the expert
opinion, the theoretical rational and the precise research. Some of the recommendation
regarding the best possible HR practices of the company is discussed below:

Open book management style:

By sharing the contracts, the management clients, the organisational objectives and the future
vision, Apple is able to ensure to make the workplace more enthusiastic place to work, which
practices a sustainable business process. It will help the organisation to manage their strategic
management process by aligning them with the organisational objectives. (Forbes, 2017)

360 degree feedback system:

By collecting the performance feedbacks from the employees, Apple is able to evaluate their
future plans as per the performance and the skill development process of the employees. A
positive workplace culture will be sustained within the organisation.

Knowledge sharing:

By the practices of knowledge sharing the organisation is able to evaluate the skill development
process of the employees. In that factor, the organisation is able to retain their performance in
the regional market as well as in the international market. Innovative ideas have been
implemented as within the business practices, which will sustain the growth of the company
and maintain the knowledge base required further as well.

Open house discussion:

By the open house discussion process, the employees are able to share their ideas regarding the
future implementation of the organisation and also retain the technological development
process, which is also beneficial for Apple. It should be practiced one time in every week so
that, Apple could set out their vision as per the generated ideas.

By sustaining all of the above mentioned recommendations, it can be stated that, the proposed
business practices ensures Best practice approach, which are contributing towards the
development of organisational culture and the inter-structural development as well.

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Handzic, M., Ozlen, K. and Durmic, N., 2016. A contingency approach to knowledge
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Naznin, H. and Hussain, M.A., 2016. Strategic value contribution role of HR. Vision, 20(2),

Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2017. Human resource
management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Ross, J.W., Beath, C.M. and Sebastian, I.M., 2017. How to develop a great digital strategy. MIT
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Ulrich, D. and Dulebohn, J.H., 2015. Are we there yet? What's next for HR?. Human Resource
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Available at:
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Recruitment and selection process

Training development


Evidence for saying apple is innovated, differenciation strategy

How do they differentiate human resouces

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