Lesson Plan Cyprus

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Lesson Plan Cyprus

Holly Heath & Megan Lawton

Lesson Source: Cyprus’s educational system
Analyze Cyprus’s educational system

We may live in a “small world” but there are millions of teachers, and different ways to teach in
this world. We are going to go over one specific country that has a lot going for it, but the
education system lacks. This country is Cyprus. There hasn’t been an exact penpoint as to why
their PISA scores drop each year.

Students will be able to:
 Achieve an understanding of Cyprus’s educational system.

Idaho State Standards:

Social Studies:
Standard 5: Global Perspective
Goal 5.2: Examine the contributions from various cultures from other parts of the world
to the development of the community and how they make that community unique

Materials List:
For each student:
 Tape
 Puzzle pieces

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