Classroom Management

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Classroom management

Professor Munger
Alexis Kortan
October 12, 2018
What I Learned in Classroom Management
What I have learned in classroom management include; expecting the best of my students, how

to use the two by ten strategy, the tiers of discipline and ways I can help my students remember things.

As a student teacher I know that when students act out I get a little offended and frustrated by

it. After taking my classroom management class I have learned about expecting the best of my students.

I know students don’t come to school thinking oh I just can’t wait to make Miss Kortan mad. Therefore, I

need to do my job and expect the best of all my students. For example, if a student isn’t paying

attention in class it could be because they are tired, don’t understand the topic, are worrying about

where they are going to sleep or where their next meal is going to come from. Same with the talking

maybe they didn’t hear what I said, or they are talking out the problem.

Sometimes simply talking with that student after class to see if everything is okay can make a

huge difference in behavior. If the student is causing a distraction giving the teacher eye might help. If

that doesn’t work have them run something to another teacher or get a drink. This should help change

their mood and behavior around. Some students just need to get up and move around. Getting up and

moving around can also increase student learning and memory.

In my classroom management I learned multiple ways of increasing student memory. I learned

that making connections with something students can relate to works wonderfully. Another thing is

putting movements to certain words to help students remember the meaning. If students don’t like that

or want to do it another way they can make a song, draw about it, etc. Giving students a choice in what

they do is such a powerful thing.

The two by ten strategy really helped make a connection with my students. This would be
almost impossible to do with all the students. This is a fantastic thing to use when I have a student that

might be acting out or needs someone to make a connection with. I got to use this strategy on one of

my students and it worked like a charm. The 2 by 10 strategy works by finding one student and letting

them talk to you for two minutes for ten days. This can help me make connections with my student(s),

which is one of the most important things I can do as a teacher.

The last thing I learned about was the four tiers of consequences. The first tier is a gentle re-

direct which includes teacher look, discipline across the room, send out for drink and visual ques. The

next tier includes make invisible contract, talk with student after class, change seating and special

delivery (oh can you run this to so and so) (break). Those are mild consequences. Tier three which is

moderate consequences include loss of recess or game, detention and have student call parent

explaining what they did. The last tier is the firm consequence which includes send to the office, contact

parents and behavior contract. I think sometimes pointing out what other students are doing right might

encourage others to do the same thing. That helps eliminate the feeling of being called out all the time

for doing the wrong thing.

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