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38 THE GOVERNING FQUATIONS OF FLLID DYNAMICS things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances... To this purpose the philosophers say that Nature does nothing in vain, and more is in vain when less will serve; for Nature is pleased with simplicity, and affects not the pomp of superfluous causes.” Isaac Newton, from Rule 1, Book Il of the Principia. 1687 240 IN All of CED, in one form or another, is based on the fundamental governing equations of fluid dynamics—the continuity, momentum, and energy equations. These equations speak physics. They are the mathematical statements of three fundamental physical principles upon which all of fluid dynamics is based: 1. Mass is conserved. 2. Newton’s second law, F = ma. 3. Energy is conserved. The purpose of this chapter is to derive and discuss these equations. The reason for taking the time and space to derive the governing equations of fiuid dynamics in this book is threefold: 1. Because all of CFD is based on these equations, it is important for each student to feel very comfortable with these equations hefore continuing further with his or her studies, and certainly before embarking on any application of CED to a particular problem. 2. Ibis author assumes that the readers of this book come from varied background and experience. Some of you may not be totally familiar with these equations, whereas others may use them every day. It is hoped that this chapter will be some enlightenment for the former and be an interesting review for the latter. 3. The governing equations can be obtained in various different forms. For most acrodynamic theory, the particular form of the equations makes little difference. However, fora given algorithm in CFD, the use of the equations in one form may lead to success, whereas the use of an alternate form may result in oscillations (wiggles) in the numerical results, incorrect results, or even instability, There- fore, in the world of CFD, the various forms of the equations are of vital interest. In tum, it is important to derive these equations in order to point out their differences and similarities, and to reflect on possible implications in their application to CFD. The reader is warned in advance that this chapter may appear to be “wall-to- wall” equations. However, do not be misled. This chapter is one of the most irmopucrion 39) important in the hook. It is driven by the question: If you do not physically understand the meaning and significance of each of these equations—indeed, of each term in these equations—then how can you even hope to properly interpret the CFD tesults obtained by numerically sulving these equations? The purpose of this chapter is to squarely address this question. Here, we hope to present the development of these equations and to discuss their significance in such detail that you will begin to feel very comfortable with all forms of all the governing equations of fluid flow. Experience has shown that beginning students find these equations sometimes complex and mystifying. This chapter is designed to take the mystery out of these equations for the reader and to replace it with solid under- standing, 2.1, Notice the flow of ideas as portrayed in this map. All of fluid dynamics is based on the three fundamental Fundamental physical principles ‘Mass is conserved -- Newton's second law || — ~~ 2 Energy is conserved -- PT Models of the flow Govering equations © [Fixed finite Dis ak ve of fluid flow control volume cao ' : F [Moving finite Die a wet ' control volume Tateasmconcniece | | teens \ cen 1 Momentum ‘xed infinitesimally icy ea i equation 7 small volume) [swum sconce tem —] “a 4 [ sovingininiesinaly | ys eeamwateem | |) cae STOP TTT small volume (moving ee ._oanon Seon oer * Boundary conditions | | “@laviscidtiow | | (Viscous ow | FIG. 24 Road map for Chapter 2. 400 THE GoverNinG EQUATIONS OF FLUID DYNAMICS physical principles itemized at the top left of Fig. 2.1. These physical principles are applied to a model of the flow; in tur, this application results in equations which ate mathematical statements of the particular physical principles involved, namely, the continuity, momentum, and energy equations. Kach different model of the flow (bottom left in Fig. 2.1) directly produces a different mathematical statement of the governing equations, some in conservation form and others in nonconservation form. (The distinction between these two different forms of the governing equations will be made clear by the end of this chapter.) After the continuity, momentum and energy equations are obtained (the large box at the lower right side of Fig. 2.1), forms particularly suited for use in formulating CFD solutions will be delineated (small box at lower right side of Fig. 2.1). Finally, the physical boundary conditions and their appropriate mathematical statements will be developed. The governing equations must be solved subject to these boundary conditions. The physical aspects of the boundary conditions are fundamentally independent of the forms of the governing equations, and hence the box representing the boundary conditions stands by itself at the bottom of Fig. 2.1, unconnected to any of the other boxes in the road map. (However, the appropriate numerical form of the physical boundary conditions is dependent on the particular mathematical form of the governing equations as well as the particular numerical algorithm used to solve these equations.) Such matters will be discussed as they naturally arise throughout this book. The road map given in Fig, 2.1 will be helpful in guiding our flow of ideas in this chapter. Also, when you finish this chapter, it would be useful to return to Fig. 2.1 to help consolidate your thoughts before proceeding to the next chapter. 2.2. MODELS OF THE FLOW In obtaining the basic equations of fluid motion, the following philosophy is always followed: 1. Choose the appropriate fundamental physical principles from the law of physics, such as: a. Mass is conserved. b. F = ma (Newton’s second law). c. Energy is conserved. 2. Apply these physical principles to a suitable model of the flow. 3. From this application, extract the mathematical equations which embody such physical principles. This section deals with item 2 above, namely, the definition of a suitable model of the flow. This is not a trivial consideration, A solid body is rather easy to see and define; on the other hand, a fluid is a “squishy” substance that is hard to grab hold of. Ifa solid body is in translational motion, the velocity of each part of the body is the same; on the other hand, if a fluid is in motion, the velocity may be different at each location in the fluid. How then do we visualize a moving fluid so as to apply to it the fundamental physical principles?

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