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2 Sem A.Y. 2018-2019
700-Word Critique
FRANCO, Yzabelle Ann S. April 3, 2019
TORRES, Jean Pearl M. Ms. Lorna Q. Israel

The article entitled “Rooting for the Underdog Spectatorship and Subalternity in
Philippine Basketball” that was written by Lou Antolihao emphasizes the Filipinos obtaining a
certain notion of “Tatak Pinoy”. The article has linked the relation of basketball (having the
example of Ginebra) towards cock-fighting (sabong) and gambling. There have been points
presented regarding how basketball has been woven into the “cultural fabric” of one’s country (in
this case, the Philippines), where the overall lack of height does not interfere with the love of the
game. In the Philippines, Filipinos are known for their passion in the sport of basketball—be it
playing or watching the game. As Filipinos are mostly not perceived as tall, but the lack of height
has never stopped the local population to play and enjoy the sport whether it may be in a
competition or a friendly game. Regardless of their small stature, the Filipinos are surprisingly
adept at the sport and always give their best effort during the gameplay. The general point
presented regarding the lack of height is agreeable in a sense that, height does not matter at some
point since what greatly matters most is the skills acquired and the perseverance of the players in
this case.

With the relation of the sport basketball in all other aspects such as economics and culture
among others, it defies all of the aspects of social class, economics, dialect or beliefs. The
Filipino’s undying love for basketball will never be and cannot be measured. Although with these
points presented, there seems to be an underlying flaw that Filipinos seem to hide. We critique as
a pair that with the fanaticism of basketball within Filipinos displays a disparity of social struggle
that, most especially, the lower class is experiencing. It may have presented that basketball is more
than just a game that Filipinos enjoy playing or watching, but it reflects the passion and the ability
to withstand all odds and to stand, work, and unite, not just as a team but as one whole community.
This is highly related to the resiliency of the Filipino, that despite that there are grave problems
that the Filipinos are facing, whether life-threatening or not, Filipinos have learned to withstand
anything that comes before them.

Even in the most challenging part of every Filipino’s life, we find time to relax and a place
for leisure. It shows our flexibility and resiliency when we are about to face certain adversity. Once
and for all, there are many different varieties of sports wherein Filipinos are unstoppable and
unbeatable. This is where the tagline “laban Pilipinas, PUSO,” is greatly incorporated. By means
of playing the game, it presents one way of communicating and building relationships with others.
We enhance our socializing skills whenever we play basketball. Regardless of any status, everyone
is free and capable of playing the sports-game of basketball. As mentioned before that the game
of basketball encompasses more than the aspect of being a sport, but it focuses as well on the
political aspect. As given as an example in the article, Robert Jaworski, a famous Filipino
basketball player during the 1980s which later became a senator that does not quite have a great
reputation, unlike when he was a star-player in Ginebra. This is also in relation to our very own
Manny Pacquiao, as a world-renown boxer and a senator, he does not also have quite a good
reputation in the Senate comparing to his reputation as a boxer. These points have come to show
that the performance of an athlete (in this sense both basketball and boxing) does not correlate
with how they perform in politics, leading to further “disruption” in Philippine politics.

To wrap up, we as a pair have this critique and realization, that we Filipinos consider
basketball as a tool for empowering our culture. Nevertheless, it portrays how difficult it is for us
to decolonize ourselves from the colonial mentality that we have acquired from the past.
Consequently, it hinders us from perceiving our flaws as Filipinos that needed to be addressed.
Thereupon, acknowledging and accepting those flaws will enable us to promulgate specific
solutions for us to move forward and know the true Filipino identity.


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