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(Dimensions: Knowledge & Values) ted to This Competency | Relevant Activities or Tasks | Final Evai . . _ | J 7 Eval | jecisions by applying the Kayla has not had to make any decisions that require her | 3 3 IASW Code of Ethics, relevant | to use the Code of Ethics during her internship. tions, models for ethical decision- conduct of research, and les of ethics as appropriate to flection and self-regulation to manage | Kayla has been professional in Child and Family Support | 4 4 values and maintain professionalism in Meetings that are held here at the school. She has situations. managed her personal values and not put those values on the families we serve. I 1.3 Demonstrate professional demeanor in Kayla has always had a professional behavior, 4 4 | behavior, appearance; and oral, written, and appearance, and through all communication during her | | electronic communication. internship. 1.4 Use technology ethically and appropriately to | There have been no issues with Kayla’s use of technology. | 4 4 facilitate practice outcomes. | | i | — d ervision to guide | 4 [4 1.5 Use supervision and consultation to guide | Kayla is open to any eae professional judgment and behavior. her professional judg Page 3 of 11 f | etency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice (Dimensions: Skills & Values) jehaviors Related to This Competency "Relevant Activities or Tasks “Mid-Term | Final Eval ert Pe Eval Apply and communicate understanding of the | Kayla and | have had multiple convers: 73 4 | portance of diversity and difference in shaping | diversity and differences in the students and families we fe experiences in practice at the micro, mezzo, | serve at our school. There has never been a problem with ind macro levels. Kayla seeing and dealing with these differences. [2.2 Present themselves as learners and engage | Kayla has done well with engaging the students here at [3 3 | clients and constituencies as experts oftheir own | Wagram experiences. 2.3 Apply self-awareness and self-regulation to | Kayla and | have discussed on occasion applying self- 3 4 | manage the influence of personal biases and _| awareness and not allowing personal biases to influence | values in working with diverse clients and how we treat students and their families. Kayla has done | constituencies. I with this standard. | B values) ts and Social, Economic, and E snvironmental Justice _ (Dimensions: Knowl. ' Competency 3: Advance Human Righ Page 4 of 11 zal lated to Competency T j-Term | Final Eval _ Eval Relevant Tasks or Activities ‘anding of social, economic, tal justice to advocate for human dividual and system levels. itis apparent that Kayla understands social, economic, | 3 and environmental justice to advocate for the rights of our students and their families. Engage in practices that advance soci Sconomic, and environmental justice There are offen times in the role of the School Social Worker that we must practice social, economic, and | environmental justice. Kayla has caught on to these practices through observations. rmed Practice “Competency 4: Engags (Dimensions: Knowledge & Cogni ie In Practice-info _ Related to Competency Behaviors 47 Use practice experience and theory to i scientific inquiry and research. thinking to engage i .d qualitative researc 9s. 4.2 Apply critical of quantitative an¢ and research fin 4.3 Use and translal ate research evide! ice, policy. inform and improve practl med Research and Research-infor itivel Affective Pro inform | d service _ cesses) ities Relevant Tasks or A‘ “There was not any experience with this competency during this internship. research methods and data ttendance for the sm. Kayla did not is internshi. iscussed using with at Wagra Is during thi There was not any exper _| the internship. — page 5 of 11

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