Whiting - Welcome To The Banquet

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ARCHITECTURE FROM THE OUTSIDE IN Selected essays by Robert Gutman “ssa renult ofthe entire team engagement a oppose othe ‘Comvertional studio where etch student cares Ot har own projet onthe own, One atl located inthe offess of Lexington’ Downtown Development Author and project there hae leo moor developments hat re preety planning or constuction ‘Anathar atte deigned and ula house fora nonprofit foundation that incorporated new ie of ulling materi and eehroogies tnd sues iterated of cantemporay design nto the tore ‘are nd another hes spent thes years on a campus design fore all college in Japan, wth cont mastings forthe ene tem in both Kentucky and Japan “The overiing statgy fr lf these verse top warto bbe ble oenguge wh the pbc abou ecgn-t elevate heir understanding of good architecture and design othe point that the public became apart ofthe cational progfa-and to make the allege a lading vie fr good deign ars the commonwealth of ery, The valuo ofthis larger publi zesibity had seins for rsinthe teachings of Robert Gutman who knew al long hat the pub content ofa design edueton ran oppornty otto be misted WELCOME TO THE BANQUET (or, How to Increase the Relative Happiness of the M. Arch. Thesis Student): sah Whiting Insight arctecire sade ele igh mole the moran hoe ts import tte wd ‘lst Most sctac sd ache edt amy ‘peter never n goed pits ob fy og. Robert Gutman always knew how oer n onthe ky tem: “relavely’ so perfect captures the fragile tat of rh student fe, Stoderts are Heated othe ibis that iy ‘trasten the practioner but that very freedom countered bythe eblgation to navigate an endieas horizon of eersnaly epaate Knowledge does take much ott this delat balance. To punctre an archtectre student liv happines lth tended the mere mention of thesis And the amity does hit Danke the sudan Nothing ses fculy members blond pressure foster than the preccabe panicked slnce that allo ‘fenmeetsthe perennial thas pinup question: Sowht ely, Isyour thesis?” ‘hes asta maou art inrcapbi Rae sonics poeta teste scp ho rokence eer ng poston nd ded cone. Sheena anual anyndoendet pe il TREES Tnnomer mao oder hep Te chlenge ay seer einmaet every Te berate woking ough ee tagcnda Setrng on own onbton-ie vce tin SES ES catbt on etoile prtesionae EE hcconsee yong at aber Vertes ‘Cimuanrncon'n sso Ent Conantin Areca ceeeresesbees croning the ae pet vrs Te SeeThru whieh bond itt Sung pec hen ng ead ce sone mamerk reef oresing a suenan aloo en be ecb Eire samingy ener enertstorwon The conan Siuctene? ey ever iors os taiwan eco see hs 2005 oe Mr Pople Ba JeTeE pe ccetnceartced on way ont i en sears and yon con getaway hong” Bt ha SU ea te tenant ouracpinwta be ever rey dum mao at ning goes Ache ower SOE nr Ceara re Dory” SIREN Lopinay orem tts conpouncing teste “Setbanyrces ote tying th trend rad at tema tprc nsf such : Tacs aaron others ap de heen i Guennued ngtn eet es heyhowe ach nr fsa Sut suse el wata sear choudbe nb tie “Fiat ace Pdoggy db Feral Ferien reneye ape 86 Gaman clot wo ly eam he eferehc ots tose odcaton on ona 9P8 eta cbc) ad roo ta estde0 ana ache prods Toy. amos wet SST acme mort uni Wedd Seite adhe arden emai pets thee Siincucane othe pat quer cone Back ad-he eprom tine hae potable engin anti om on Lees once eens rer evan wl 8 cnatpuss oun tt acest parr eas EE canbe fund nt ony in or nd ior, but lon materi and teetnology.Consequenty oda’ arhtactura landscapes populated by pleny of pring simstrs nd mua purrs How might we alleviate the anit ver our cipine's rufous nature’ simply makes sense to put thelsnto tems that rake teri fora suder to navigate Rather hana bank ist or fl eapstane, why not east tess as ong banquet lasing one for even two semesters As wth most banquets then, he fest order of busines sto gure out where ot these iss banquet then each ble represents dciptinry thread len popu by cartninfgure- contemporary and Fistorial-who have wten and bac within that parca ted, So, forexampl, Claude Niclas Ledous dl Witkower, Rafael Monee Antcine-Chryostome Quitremére de Quincy, and Antony Vier ‘night beeing 3 the lrguagetabe At the program abe-which would nude, among others the sbthreeds of precede institution, ‘Sr xgoieton-might be seated Rem Koolhaas Stan Alen and E Somol maybe with Michel Foucault ra special guest The frm table ‘ould neue Withower again Peter Exenman, Greg yor, and Colin Rowe. At surface you might find Gottied Semper, Rober Venu, Deni Sot Brown Rabin Evans Mark Wigley, Jseques Herzog. Flere de Meuron Fare Mouse and Ajanta Zaerol. The seating rangement are ends. So the student’ fst taskisto picka table “he cy ole tha the stasonts understand what liferenoter Inaction othe sting, hee things flc ny ane pry ‘etqutethe ecnigue of interaction) tate he quay of the ‘vor and urtrance the propostion ofthe mes-how lng it tes) Eiqut, or technique a imporant for esearch sits forthe execwion of the final produc. The best banquet quests come prepared: the/ve researched ther one companions ort the very Ica knowhow tae theright questions. And once thoy understand ‘he les ofthe ables dcpinary tad, they probably an indeed ‘getaway with thing fom aching sett dancing top the ‘evterpoce.Buthat sony the step. ki ony by sting ones own ‘ues that one can get away wth anything but not ook the ool Thats ‘the moment people begin listen ‘Sohow cane student formulate ues? How does one enter ito ‘conversation thats nota mere sing of ple questions, but acta engagement? Thats perhaps the hardest part of thexis Architects onnummate frm of vesetch comes om the combination oft

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