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556 BRIT. J. SURG., 1969, Vol. 56, No.

extremely slow process, in marked contrast to the rejection Operating Theatre Technique. By RAYMONDJ.
of skin and kidney grafts in the same species. BRIGDEN,S.R.N., Assistant Matron in charge of
Although the general theme of this volume deals with Theatres, Outpatient, and Accident Services, North-
many aspects of transplantation, yet there is much to wick Park Hospital and Clinical Research Centre,
interest the general surgeon in this extensive volume. Harrow, London. Second edition. 99 Y 6 in. Pp. 712
There are articles concerning the pathophysiology and I x, with 404 illustrations. 1969. Edinburgh: E. &? S.
surgical treatment of thyroid diseases, a field in which Livingstone Ltd. Es.
much progress has been made during the past decade. THEsecond edition of this practical and useful book
There are interesting and intriguing articles on stapling appears some seven years after the first, and it has been
devices and their use in surgery. The current Soviet completely revised. Improved methods of packet sterili-
vascular stapler should prove of real value in the surgery zation, including the pre-set tray system, are well described.
of the blood-vessels. This book has everything that is necessary for a nurse,
There is an excellent presentation on the present state theatre technician, or medical student to know about the
of prevention and therapy of thrombo-embolic compli- modern operating theatre.
cations with dextran. As we stated of the first edition, ‘ This is a very practical
This is a stimulating book to read and it should find a and useful book.’
place in every medical library. We look forward with
interest to the publication of further volumes of this
series. Guide to House Surgeons in the Surgical Unit.
By G. J. FRAENKEL, M.A., B.M., M.Ch. (Oxon.),
Structural and Dynamic Bases of Hand Surgery. F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., F.A.C.S., Dunedin, New
BYEDUARDO ZANCOLLI, M.D., Buenos Aires. 102 Y 84 in. Zealand, and J. LUDBROOK, B.Med.Sc., M.B., Ch.M.
Pp. 198 - xiv. Illustrated. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- (N.Z.), F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., Adelaide, Australia.
cott Co. (London: Pitman Medical Publishing Co. Fourth edition. Pp. 106+xii. 1969. London: William
Ltd.). E9. Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 13s.
IT is only during the past half-century that the surgery of THIShandy little pocket-book now appears in a fourth
the hand has come into its own. The surgery of two edition. Its usefulness and popularity can be judged by
world wars and the development of plastic surgery and the fact that four editions have appeared in the short
orthopaedic surgery have played an important part in period of seven years.
bringing into prominence the importance of surgery of the Today, with the ever-extending use of biochemistry in
hand. surgery, it is a necessity for students to have a list of
Professor Zancolli in his monograph deals mainly with normal values for blood-serum, plasma, urine, cerebro-
surgical reconstruction of a functional hand, based upon spinal fluid, etc. This little book contains them all.
sound knowledge of the intricate structure and subtle Special investigations are discussed in some detail,
mechanisms of the tendons and ligaments which are including blood transfusion and intravenous fluid therapy.
found in the hand. A very handy and useful pocket-book for surgical
The numerous illustrations which portray the many and dressers and house-surgeons.
varied operative techniques on the tendons and fascia are
Many of these illustrations are original and this in itself The Year Book of Cardiovascular Medicine and
is stimulating to the reader. Surgery, 1968. Edited by EUGENE BRAUNWALD, M.D.,
This book will take its place as a very useful addition to La Jolla, California; W. PROCTORHARVEY,M.D.,
the surgical literature on the hand. Georgetown; JOHN W. KIRKLIN, M.D., Alabama;
M.D., Passavant; ROBERT W. WILKINS,M.D., Boston;
Measurement and Precision in Surgery. Edited by and IRVINGS. WRIGHT,M.D., New York. 7: < 5 in.
Sir HEDLEY ATKINS, K.B.E., D.M., M.Ch., President Pp. 459, with 92 illustrations. 1969. Chicago: Year
of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 84 v 5: in. Book Medical Publishers (Chichester : John Wiley &
Pp. 248 +x. Illustrated. 1969. Oxford: Blackwell Sons Ltd.). 98s.
Scientific Publications. 50s. THEYear Book Medical Publishers have over the years
THISessentially up-to-date and practical book is based on presented the medical profession with a quota of volumes
a symposium which was held at the Royal College of of real practical interest. These volumes enable the
Surgeons and the subject, discussed was Measurement physician, surgeon, or general practitioner to read about
and Precision in Surgery . the advances in the various fields of medicine and surgery.
With the use of electronic equipment many important The volume under review is packed full of useful
facts are forthcoming. Pressures measured between an information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the
amputation stump and a total weight-bearing socket many and varied conditions which confront the profession
during a walking cycle can be accurately assessed. today.
There can be little doubt that controlled clinical trials Each year new techniques are coming forward dealing
are most valuable in assessing the response to therapy, with cardiovascular function. New drugs are under
especially in the field of cancer research. Hayward, of constant review; these drugs are tried out on animals in
Guy’s Hospital, has written an excellent article on this the first instance.
important subject. Cardiovascular disease in the foetus, infant, and child is
R. S. Handley and Lloyd Williams discuss the value of considered from every point of view in this volume. Our
thermography in many conditions, including diseases of knowledge of genetics and embryology is increasing each
the breast. It may well be that in the not-too-distant year. Every facet of cardiovascular disease is dealt with in
future this infant science may prove of real value. this book. The surgery of the coronary arteries continues
The use of pulsed ultrasound in the detection of space- to interest the heart surgeon, and the pros and cons of
occupying intracranial lesions, the potentialities of com- operations on the arteries and the value of internal
puters in surgery, and the measurements of blood-flow mammary implant procedures are ably set out in this
are some of the very interesting articles in this book. It is volume.
to be hoped that more symposia of the same high standard There is a special section on techniques which should
will be produced from the College of Surgeons in the prove valuable not only to the cardiologist and cardiac
future. All surgeons should possess this intriguing book. surgeon but also to the interested practitioner.

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