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TPACK Template – Raven Chivers

Subject Math

Grade Level 4th

Type of Online Class Asynchronous

Learning Objective SOL 4.2: The student will

a. Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers, with and

without models;
b. Represent equivalent fractions
Complete the following sentences:

1. The online course I’m teaching in for this activity is asynchronous .

Pedagogy Planning

2. In this online activity, my online students will use a simulation on matching fractions
to have an individual experience based upon their unique choices. Each child’s end result
will be different, and I will grade them online by having the students send me screen
shots of their results from their computers on the first try of the simulation to evaluate if
they did four out of the six matches correctly in the simulation .
Online Activity 1. The teacher will have the students watch an
introductory video with the teacher teaching them
about fractions. This video will show the students
numerical value as well as shape value (such as a half
circle equaling the one-half numerical fraction) of
fractions. The students are not learning about mixed
fractions in this lesson.
2. The teacher will then have the students watch a video
to instruct them on how to get to the simulation for
practice and for taking the screen shots to upload onto
Blackboard. In this video, the teacher will post the URL
for Fraction Matcher on the screen for students to type
into their computers when they pause the video. The
link will also be in the Assignments tab of Blackboard
under the “Fractions” option.
3. Once they type in the URL, they will click on the
simulation to begin their practice work. Note: the
students will not click on the download or embedded
options; they will only click on the picture of the
simulation to access it.
4. After clicking on the simulation icon, they will select

the fractions option only. They will not select mixed

numbers since they have not learned about mixed
fractions in this lesson.
5. After selecting the fractions option, the students will
start with level 3 as a refresher from what was taught
to them in 3rd grade as well as this being their first
lesson on fractions.
6. The students will make their first matches in this level.
They will take screen shots of all the answers they got
correct and incorrect.
7. After finishing level 3, the students will select level 4
and repeat the same steps that they did for level 3.
8. After completing both levels, the students will upload
their screen shot answers onto Blackboard. They will
put them in the Assignments section, under the
“Fractions” option.
9. The students should at least get 4 out of the 6
matching options correct on their first try in the
Fraction Matcher simulation in levels 3 and 4 in order
to receive full credit for the assignment.


PhET Interactive Simulations

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