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Hailey Hamrick

Professor Watkins

Comp 2 TR 10:30

16 April 2019

The Powerful Mindset

Have you ever had a friend who is always a down in the dumps? Have you ever had a

door slam in your face because someone did not hold it for you? It is difficult to chose to be

friends with those people, as they often have negative mindsets. Happiness is a mindset is a life

principle that I live by. Happiness improves your life, can build healthy relationships, and will

change your aspect of life.

Happiness can dramatically impact your day to day life. When you are full of happiness,

it naturally draws people towards you. You will have a better aspect of life. In the movie ​Inside

Out​,there are two main characters Joy and Anger. Joy helped control the main character, Riley,

happiness and enjoyment of life. We see Joy being full of happiness and she couldn’t help but

explode with love and express happiness. Anger was clearly not a happy character, something

that is easy to see, whether the person is a fiction character or nonfiction. In life, we have the

opportunity to choose, will we choose to be Joy or Anger? When you are negative about

everything, it makes it difficult to do daily things like going to work, going to school, or even

going grocery shopping. You might think those are silly things to be happy about but people who

are in different countries, ill, or the less fortunate would love to be in your shoes.

Happiness also has the power to improve your relationships. Would you want to date

someone who is grumpy 24/7? Relationships, both romantically and friendships, thrive off of
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feelings, including happiness. I work with a lot of different people and I enjoy to work with the

more upbeat people, eventually developing a friendship outside of work. If you are friendly to

someone, they are more likely to be friendly back. The golden rule that most people live by is

“treat others how you want to be treated”. Therefore, if you want someone to hold the door open

for you, then hold the door open for someone else.

Being happy can make you have a better life. Your everyday life will improve if you

have a happy attitude. You will step out of your comfort zone because of being friendly. You

will be more likely to give or volunteer. You will brighten someone else’s day by just smiling at

them, you never know what someone else is going through. You will also have better

opportunities. If you are interviewing for a job and you are more friendly than the other

interviewee, then you have a higher chance of getting the job. When you are happy, your stress

and worries will seem smaller because you are not just focused on the negatives. No one likes a

stick in the mud. The famous quote that states, “laughter is the best medicine”, but it is

impossible for you to laugh without being happy.

To conclude, I have a real life experience with how much being a positive person is more

joyful to be around. In highschool, the typical, mean, popular girl said to my classmates that I

was “too happy”. Someone else might have taken that as an insult, but I took it as a compliment.

I had more friends than her and more people actually wanted to be around me. Therefore, having

a happy mindset can make your life better, it will cause you to have positive relationships, and it

can change your everyday life for the good. Happiness is a mindset, this I believe.

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