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Calculation Method For the case where M* is zero – Minimum cross sectional area of stud

The design of Shearfix follows the Vuo = ud(fcv + 0.3σ cp ) reinforcement -

specifications set out in the Clause 9.2 of AS 0.35bs
Clause 9.2.3a, AS 3600: 2009 Avs ≥
3600: 2009, but the major part of the design is fvy
based on the research presented by F K Lim Where –
and B V Rangan from the School of Vuo = shear capacity of the slab Avt ≥
Engineering at Curtin University of Technology σ cp = average pre-stress in concrete
in Perth. Fcv = concrete shear strength, where – Clause 8.2.8, AS 3600: 2009
The design calculations check the shear fcv = 0.17(1 + 2 βh ) f' c ≤0.34 f' c When using the Shearfix Design Program, the
stresses imposed on the critical shear βh is the ratio of the effective loaded program automatically determines the
perimeter surrounding the column, with area = X/Y (X≥Y) diameter, spacing and number of studs
Shearfix stud reinforcement provided as required.
required. For the case where M* is not zero –
Alternatively the user can specify the diameter,
Design Actions Vu = spacing and number of studs and check
When checking the shear capacity of the slab, 1+( v* 8V* ad )
against the shear capacity of the slab.
the design shear force V* and design transfer Clause 9.2.4, AS 3600: 2009
moment from the slab into the support Mv* Where “a” is the dimension of the critical shear When using the Shearfix Design Program, the
must be taken into account. perimeter parallel in the direction of Mv* program automatically arranges the stud rails
In the Shearfix Design Program, these values If V* > φVu or φVuo, then Shearfix studs are around the column.
must be calculated and inputted into the required. When arranging Shearfix studs around columns,
To determine the shear capacity of the slab the following limits should be implemented –
Critical Shear Perimeter
The critical shear perimeter “u” is the boundary
with Shearfix studs for the slab strip, the • The position of the first stud from the
following equation from Lim and Rangan is column face is 0.5d (d = effective depth of
of the effective area of a support or used – slab)
concentrated loads located at a distance of
d/2, (d = effective depth of the slab). Vu = Vuo(1 + kt ) • The maximum stud spacing is 500mm or
OR 0.75D or 0.7(D – Top Cover – Bottom Cover
For rectangular columns –
Vuo – 5mm), whichever is less (D – overall depth
u = 2(x + d/2 + d/2) + 2(y + d/2 + d/2) Vu = of slab)
1 + uMv*
Critical shear perimeter ks 8V* ad • The minimum spacing for 12mm studs is
(the lesser result of the two equations) 45mm, and 55mm for 16mm studs

where – • The height of stud (hs ) is calculated as –
2 y ks = 1 Avs fvy d u hs = D – Top cover - Bottom cover - 5mm
Vuo sb
d/ Avs = cross sectional area of a row of studs in For 24mm Studs, the minimum stud height
the slab strip is 360mm
Fvy = Yield strength of the stud (500 MPa)
Where there are critical openings within 2.5 b0 s = spacing of the studs
• The cross sectional area for the headed
ends on each stud needs to be at least 10
from the critical perimeter, the projected width b = width of the critical shear perimeter times the cross sectional area of the stud
of the opening will be ineffective and will perpendicular to the direction Mv* diameter. (Clause 13.1.4, AS 3600: 2009).
reduce the length of the critical perimeter.
For the torsion strip, the following equations This ensures the stud is fully anchored to
b0 are used – provide full transfer of forces through the
Ineffective portion
of critical shear stud.
Vu = Vuo(1 + kt )
<2.5 b0 d/
2 OR • The maximum spacing between rails is
Vuo 600mm or D, whichever is less
Vu1 =
d/ 1 + uMv*
1+kt 8V* ad
• The minimum spacing is 100mm

(the lesser result of the two equations) • The position of the last stud is located 2.5d
where – from the column face
kt = 1 Avt fvy d u
Vuo sa
• The minimum slab thicknesses for each stud
size with 20mm cover is as follows –
<2.5 b0 Avt = cross sectional area of a row of studs in
Stud Size Min Slab Thickness
the torsion strip
12mm 140mm
a = width of the critical shear perimeter parallel
b0 16mm 140mm
to the direction Mv* (the width of the torsion 20mm 180mm
Calculation of Shear Stress strip) 24mm 410mm
The shear capacity of the slab is determined in
accordance to Clause 9.2.3 for the case where For rectangular columns the areas of maximum
there are no transfer moments (M* is zero), or stress will be at the corners of the column,
Clause 9.2.4 for the case where there are Direction of Torsion because of this it is best to try and place rails at
transfer moments (M* is not zero). Bending Strip a the end of the column sides.

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