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Int. J. Oral Surg.

1984: 13: 406-410

(Key words: SlIrgery, oral; hemosraries; gelmin sponge; oxidized, regenerated cel/lI[ose)

A comparison between 2 absorbable

hemostatic agents: gelatin sponge
(Spongostan®) and oxidized regenerated
cellulose (Surgicel®)

Department of Oral and Maxillo/acial Surgery, The Royal Dental College, Aarhus, Denmark

ABSTRACT - Oxidized, regenerated cellulose (Surgicel®) and gelatin sponge

(Spongostanrll» were packed in the sockets of upper third molars after
surgical removal in 10 and 11 patients, respectively. The other side in each
patient functioned as control. The study revealed that more pain was
apparent on the sides, where the materials were packed, especially in the
gelatin sponge group, although more patients preferred this material to
oxidized, regenerated cellulose. The 2 materials did not differ with regard
to swelling or bleeding. No complications were encountered. Use of these
materials in post-extraction sockets did not seem to impair closure of the
wound as estimated by epithelial cover of the sockets, although healing was
slightly delayed in the gelatin group.

(Received/or publication 20 January 1983, accepted 2 February 1984)

Post-operative bleeding in oral surgery is a after some time, when implanted into living
well-known but always troublesome compli- tissues 2 • 3 • 1O • Most reports on the tissue reac-
cation. In some cases, simple compression at tion have shown some degree of inflamma-
the site of hemorrhage will suffice in 0 btain- tion and foreign body reaction during the
ing hemostasis. In other cases, more time- first 4-5 weeks, but thereafter no trace of the
consuming procedures are necessary. The absorbable hemostatic agent is found 1 •9 - 11 .
use of hemostatic agents is popular, especi- A few reports, however, mention that some
ally the absorbable ones, which can be patients seem to experience more discomfort
packed into the alveolar socket or left in the and pain after packing an extraction
soft tissues 2 - s . Different materials have been alveolus with an absorbable agent 6 •1l . As
tried, and the interest today is focused upon this finding, too, has been our clinical im-
gelatin sponge, oxidized cellulose, and pression, we decided to undertake a study in
oxidized regenerated cellulose 6 - 8 . They all order to compare the effect of gelatin
have in common that they will be absorbed sponge (Spongostan®) and oxidized regen-
erated cellulose (Surgicel®) on pain, bleed- When the 2 products are implanted into the
ing, swelling, and healing after surgical re- organism, they are completely absorbed in 3-4
weeks without causing notable scar formation1. 6 ,
moval or extraction of upper third molars. First, there will be a moderate leukocytic, later a
macrophage and giant cell reaction followed by
invasion of connective tissue into the hemostatic
Material and methods material. In the event of a more pronounced
inflammatory reaction, in operations on infected
21 patients, all dental students (16 female, average tissue, the absorption of the gelatin sponge will be
age 21.4 years, and 5 male, average age 22.4 years) enhanced due to the presence of proteolytic
were scheduled for extraction or surgical removal enzymes.
of 2 identically positioned upper third molars in In all cases, 4-0 silk sutures were placed on each
the same sitting and by the same operator. Fol- side as one cross or X-suture, in order to retain
lowing randomization, the test material, i.e. gela- the material in place. For local analgesia, 1.8 m1
tin sponge or oxidized regenerated cellulose, was of 2% Xylocain with adrenaline 1 : 80,000 was
placed in one socket according to the instructions injected on each side, In case of impaction, the
given by the manufacturer, while the contralateral tooth was removed throuh a straight line incision.
socket functioned as control. The side of the test Only patients with identically positioned upper
material was switched every other time in order to third molars entered the study. The degree of
eliminate bias due to side preference by the surgical trauma was registered after the operation
surgeon. The test material was packed lightly in a as I: slight trauma, II: moderate trauma, and III:
dry condition, using one piece of standard dental severe trauma. Grouping in degrees of surgical
dimensions, Le., for Spongostan®, a cube measur- trauma depended on the actual duration of oper-
ing 10 x 10 x 10 mm, and for Surgicell]ll, a mesh ation and bone removal, if any. Postoperatively,
12 x 50 mm. the patients were given 20 tablets of paracetamol
0.5 take in case of pain, 2 tablets up to 4 times
Spongostan®* The patients were handed a take-home card
This is an absorbable material made on a gelatin upon which to register bleeding, pain, and swel-
basis, I.e., collagen, which has been treated with ling postoperatively. On the day of operation,
formaldehyde. It is dispensed in a sponge-form of registration took place 1 h, 2, 3, 6, and 9 h
different sizes, being quite tough and porous. The following the procedure. On each ofthe following
latter quality enables the material to absorb blood 7 postoperative days, the patients were asked to
45 times its own weight. The hemostatic effect is record the mentioned parameters at 7 a.m. and at
stated to be due to the uniform porosity of the 7 p.m.
gelatin sponge, making the platelets adhere to the The parameters were defined as follows:
network and break down, thus leading to the
release of thrombokinase. The pH of Spongostan bleeding: 0: no bleeding
is neutral, so it can be moistened with thrombin 1: oozing
or antibiotic solutions without destroying them. 2: severe bleeding
pain: 0: no pain
1: slight pain, not requiring analgesic
Surgicel®t 2: severe pain, requiring analgesic.
This material is oxidized regenerated cellulose, swelling: 0: no swelling
made from alpha-cellulose. The basic element is 1: slight swelling intra- or extra-
polyanhydroglucuronic acid, spun into threads orally or hematoma
and woven in a gauze-like material. The pH is 3, 2: severe swelling intra- or extra-
which will destroy e.g., thrombin ifthe two agents orally or hematoma
are mixed. Surgicel will swell in contact with
blood, adhere to wound edges and vessels. It The patients were checked by one of the investiga-
actually forms an artificial coagulum and secures tors on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 postoperatively,
hemostasis in 2-3 min s.9 • with regard to bleeding, pain, swelling, hema-
toma, infection, alveoli tis sicca ("dry socket"),
epithelial cover of the extraction site, and finally
'" Manufactured by Ferrosan, Copenhagen. the patients' preference between test side and
t Manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. control side. With regard to these findings, only a

Table I. Distribution of patients in groups of surgical trauma and average duration of operation time in
minutes: I: slight operative trauma; II: moderate degree of operative trauma; III: severe degree of
operative trauma

Test side Control side

Group Group Group Group Group Group

Degree of trauma I II III I II III

no. of patients 6 4 o 6 4 o
average duration of operation (min) 2.8 2.8
no. of patients 5 5 5 5

average duration of operation (min) 4.3 3.9

yes or no score was recorded. The investigators lysis of paired comparisons between test side
controlling the patients postoperatively were not and control side in each patient revealed a
aware of the location of the test material. The statistically significant higher pain score in
Student t-test for paired comparisons was used
for evaluation of the results. the gelatin group (0.02 <p < 0.05) than in
the cellulose group (O.05<p<0.1), Table 3.
Averaging the total bleeding scores for the
patients in the two groups demonstrated
Results slightly less bleeding in the cellulose group,
Analysis of degree of surgical trauma but no difference between the two sides in
showed no difference between the gelatin the gelatin group (Table 2). Analysis of
sponge and the oxidized regenerated cellu- paired comparisons between test side and
lose groups or between test sides and control control side in each patient showed no
sides (Table 1). statistically significant difference between
Averaging the total swelling scores for the the two sides in the two groups (Table 3).
patients in the gelatin group and in the With regard to preference between test
cellulose group showed that there was side and control side, there was no dif-
slightly less swelling in the gelatin group ference in choice selection for the gelatin
than in the cellulose group (Table 2). Analy-
sis of paired comparisons between test side
and control side in each patient showed no Table 2. Average of total parameter scores in the
statistically significant difference in swelling Surgicel® and Spongostan® groups (vertical
between the two sides in the two groups, analysis)
although the t-value was in favor of the Surgicel® Spongostan@
gelatin group (Table 3). test control test control
Averaging the total pain scores for the side side side side
patients in the gelatin and the cellulose
groups showed that there was considerably swelling 6.0 5.7 3.9 5.5
pain 7.2 2.9 7.7 3.5
more pain on the test side than on the bleeding 1.4 2.5 3.1 3.6
coptrol side for both agents (Table 2). Ana-

Table 3. Paired comparisons between test side and control side in each patient (horisontal analysis)

Surgicel$ Spongostanll\l
(n= 10, d.f. =9) (n= 11, d.f. = 10)

swelling 1=0.167, p>50 1=1.39, 0.1<p<0.2

pain 1=1.91, 0.05<p<0.1 1=2.38, 0.02<p<O.05
bleeding 1=1.95, 0.05<p<0.1 1=0.276, p> 50

group, but more patients in the cellulose played more pain on the test side than on
group preferred the control side compared the control side. There was a higher pain
to the test side (Table 4). However, a X2 score difference between test and control
analysis demonstrated no statistically sig- sides in the gelatin group than in the cellu-
nificant difference (x= 3.2,f= 1, p> 0.05). lose group. The reason for this finding is not
Epithelial cover of the socket. Control of clear, as more patients in the gelatin group
the extraction sites on days 7, 14,21, and 28 actually preferred the test side to the control
revealed that most of the sockets were side. If pain alone had been a decisive
covered by epithelium on day 14, indepen- factor, the preference should certainly have
dent of test side or control side. However, it been reversed. Perhaps the swelling factor is
is, noted that more patients in the gelatin more important in making a choice of pre-
group had a more protacted course of heal- ference, as fewer patients in the gelatin
ing than in the cellulose group. (Table 5). group apparently experienced swelling. This
difference, however, is not statistically
Discussion In other experiments, addition of penicil-
The experimental material is rather small, lin or an antiseptic solution has lessened the
but as each patient functioned as his own pain 9 ,10. The local use of penicillin cannot
control, and as the two experimental groups be recommended due to the risk of allergy
are comparable, some careful observations and development of resistant micro-
can be made. It should, however, be pointed organisms.
out that bias might exist, as the probands As far as healing is concerned, neither
being dental students would tend to focus material seems to impair the cover of the
on the test side. alveolus with ingrowing epithelium, at least
In this investigation, both products dis- not to any clinical significance, although a
slight delay in the final alveolar coverage is
noted in the gelatin group in some patients.
Table 4. Patient preference of operated side A few patients in the gelatin group com-
(cross-over analysis): test side: alveolar socket plained of a sweet, almost unpleasant taste
packed with test material; control side: no from the sockets.
packing Registration of bleeding post-operatively
No. of patients revealed slightly less hemorrhage in the
test control no pre- cellulose group compaired to the gelatin
side side ference total group, but the difference was not statisti-
cally significant. This parameter does not
Surgicel$ 1 7 2 10
Spongostall<!l> 5 4 2 11
contribute much, as both materials are in-
dicated for severe, profuse bleeding from the

Table 5. Epithelial cover of extraction sites at

post-operative control on days 7, 14, 21 and 28
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Conclusions 9. SILVERMANN, L. M.: An investigation of gela-
The use of oxidized, regenerated cellulose tin sponge with thrombin and penicillin in the
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to. TROTTER, P.: A new post-operative dental
third molars without profuse bleeding seems dressing. Lancet ]956: I: 1042-1043.
to give rise to more pain in the sockets which 11. TUCKER, H. A. (ed.): Absorbable gelatin
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ference is statistically significant for gelatin
sponge. Healing of the sockets, estimated as
epithelial cover of the extraction sites, does
not seem to be impaired by the two
materials to any clinical extent, although it
is slightly delayed in the gelatin group.
Except for the difference in pain score, there J. Kolsen Petersen
Department of Oral and Maxillofadal Surgery
are no significant differences between the Royal Dental College
two agents or between test side and control 8000 Arhus C
side. Denmark

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