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Objective – Ever Increasing Revenue per employee, Ever high capital

productivity and ever lower expense ratios
Hiring and Retention Policy:
Interview and evaluation process: tough & fair to recruit best

Structured process through –Hiring book, documentation of entire


Involvement of top and senior management in hiring process 

Responsibility of managers to find the people they need 

Checking for cultural fit –Probing work attitudes and career goals
through a questionnaire 

Few issues in the existing hiring process- 

Manager & not the human resource staff - locate desirable candidates.
The hiring manager is expected to be in daily contact with the
candidates as the process unfolds- It is good to have role of managers
in hiring process but neglecting role of HR and overburdening
managers can have consequences for organization. 

The 100-2 conversion rate in hiring makes the process tedious and for
managers, if they don’t fill their open slots by the end of the quarter,
they lose the hiring requisition and have to justify the new position

During interview process, some questions are asked to candidates that

are virtually impossible to answer. Such stressful technique may not
be successful in evaluation of true potential of candidates. 

Setting own goal, Continuous measurement and evaluation: 

Employees: set their own short-term goal and completion dates in

computerized system, and rank them in priority order

Review of goals by functional managers and sorting out priorities,
organize work and mutual commitments,
Issuance of Completed goal report every month for every person to
identify the goal status and performance evaluation
The goal management system is designed to maximize accountability
and minimize surprises. But there can be issues with such system-
No scope of flexibility, if exigencies arise employees will be reluctant
to do such task in order to meet own preset goals.

Individual goal seeking behaviour leaves no room for team goal and
collaborative effort. It might happen that individual goals are
achieved but team goal is failed due to loss of synergy.
“Most of the work in company is organized by project rather than
along strict functional lines. Members of project team may be from
different parts of organization”

There is least possibility of employees connecting themselves with

vision and mission of organization. Development of individualistic
and competitive culture rather than collaborative.
 It seems there is
an obsession with accountability in Cypress. No room for creativity.

Resignation and Retrieval –

Important for the company. Takes Immediate action (informing up to
CEO level) and use all horsepower to win back the employee (include
spouse in the argument if needed), not by salary hikes, but by making
employee understand comparative analysis with the new company, in

a discreet manner.
Members are rewarded with stock options and high percentage raises
in the industry. This is in line with Company’s objective for finding
the career oriented people with desire to win.
Proper system which tracks monthly performance thus reducing
‘Proximity effect’.

Ranking procedure eliminates ‘mayonnaise effect’ (Comparisons

between pairs)

Ranked higher means higher merit raise to reward the standouts.

Average raise for the group cannot exceed corporate target.

Focal review system backed by software allows CEO and senior

executives to monitor
Monitor Goals –
The company itself reviews its plans and revenues on daily basis and
hence expects the members also to review their progress of goals to
minimize delinquency levels
Culture of Organization –
Discipline, accountability and relentless attention to detail.
Transparency, Agreeing/ disagreeing over substance rather than
seniority i.e. People of any rank are free to challenge senior
executives. No bureaucratic politics, daily and weekly goals rather
than long term. Challenge one selves with desire to win attitude.
Management by walking around by CEO.

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