Exp 10

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Chemical Reactions



Fehling’s Solution

Iodoform Test


To differentiate these compounds, the Iodoform test is needed. The compound that will give the
positive result is 2-hexanone because Iodoform test will react with methyl ketones. The visible
result is production of yellow precipitate.

A. The first compound is a ketone while the second compound is an aldehyde. They can be
distinguished by their reaction with an alkaline solution of iodine (sodium hydroxide and
iodine solution). Formation of solid iodoform (yellow) in the ketone will indicate a positive
test while there will be no visible reaction on the aldehyde.
B. CH3CH2CH2CHO is an aldehyde while CH3CH2COCH3 is a ketone. Tollen’s reagent
will distinguish the two compounds. Test with CH3CH2CH2CHO will produce a silver
mirror or a black precipitate (positive test) while test with CH3CH2COCH3 will have no
reaction (colorless solution).

C. The first compound is an aldehyde (benzaldehyde) while the other one is also an
aldehyde.Test with 2,4-DNPH reagent will produce a white precipitate. Test with tollen’s
reagent will produce silver mirror or a black precipitate. With schiff’s reagent, there will
be a formation of violet-purple layer

D. 2-pentanone is a methylketone while 3-pentanone is not. Reaction of 2-pentanone with

an alkaline solution of iodine will produce a of solid iodoform (yellow) while 3-Pentanone
will negative results (colorless solution)

E. 2-pentanol (CH3CHOHCH2CH2CH3) is an alcohol which has a CH3-CH(OH)- group

while 3-pentanol doesn’t. In a reaction with an alkaline solution of iodine, the pentan-2-ol
will give a yellow precipitate of iodoform (CHI3) whereas the pentan-3-ol will not react
(no visible reaction).

2. Discuss briefly the effect of acid concentration on the rate of addition or formation of
precipitate of 2,4-DNPH in part F.

The overall mechanism of the reaction is acid catalyzed and it involves protonation of theOH
group, then making it a good withdrawing group (H2O).The addition of 2, 4 Dinitro Phenyl
Hydrazine on acetone requires an optimum pH. If the pH is lower than that, the N of the 2, 4
DNPH is not sufficiently nucleophilic to donate a lone pair to C. If any higher, there will be less
H+ to carry out the addition. The optimum pH is much closer to 7 thanit is to 1 or 0. So the
solution of 0.1 M HCl will promote the reaction more than that of 1 M HCl. the overall
mechanism of the reaction is acid catalyzed and it involves protonation of the OH group,then
making it a good withdrawing group (H2O).

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