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Order no: 10943034

Work started: 02.01.2019
Work ended: 16.01.2019
Work location: Surabaya
Performed by: AS. Ibrahim, Ari Saktiono

Reported by: AS. Ibrahim

Report date: 22.01.2019
Service Work Report

Table of contents

Disclaimer ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Order .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Operations ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Spare parts .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Running hours..................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Background ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Description of work …………………………………………………………………………………………3
3 Recommendation …………………………………………………………………………………………...16
4 Site safety …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
5 Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Attachments …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 16

© Wärtsilä 2019 1
Service Work Report

Running hours

Engine # Nickname Engine type Engine kW Rotation Running Date

speed direction hours
5085402 A/E#1 D2840LE301 1500 443 CW 0 04.01.2019

© Wärtsilä 2019 2
Service Work Report

1 Background

Customer ordered Wartsila to replace new auxiliary engine port side

2 Description of work
To replace the auxiliary engine no.1 the plates between engine room and cargo room needs to be
cut to access enter the new engine.

2.1 Cut wall plates

Needs to be cut wall plates diameter 200 cm X 180 cm between engine room and cargo room use
acetylene gas to make access to the engine room

© Wärtsilä 2019 3
Service Work Report

Pics 2.1a Cutting and removed wall plate in cargo room

Pics. 2.1b Cutting and removed wall plate in engine room

2.2 Take in new engine to engine room

After cut wall plates, make support to lift and support to slide the new engine.
Lifted new engine to the support and pull the engine to the engine room used chain blocks and
installed the engine to the original position

© Wärtsilä 2019 4
Service Work Report

Pics. 2.2a Welding support to lift new engine

Pics. 2.2b Make support to slide new engine and lifted the engine

Pics. 2.2c Slide new engine to the engine room

© Wärtsilä 2019 5
Service Work Report

2.3 Re welded plates

After new engine enter to the engine room, installed back the wall plates between engine room and
cargo room and welded again.

Pics. 2.3a Re welding wall plate in cargo room

Pics. 2.3b Re welding wall plate in cargo room

2.4 Generator
To ease cleaning generator and replace the bearings needs to remove the Local control panel and
following parts need to be removed from the generator.
Removed coupling generator
Removed wire cable terminal
Removed AVR for calibration
The generator was lifted up with the chain block and moved
Megger test before cleaning
Removed generator covers
Removed generator bearings
Removed rotor

© Wärtsilä 2019 6
Service Work Report

Photos 2.4 (removed)

Removed local control panel Removed coupling

Removed cables Removed the AVR

Megger test before cleaning Removed bearing

© Wärtsilä 2019 7
Service Work Report

Removed rotor Picture before cleaning

Megger before cleaning

R-S 1000 ( )
R-T 1000 (M )
S-T 1000 (M )
R-N 1000 (M )
S-N 1000 (M )
T-N 1000 (M )

After all parts removed cleaned rotor and stator of generator and varnishing than put lamps to
manual heating.

Installed back all parts removed with new bearings and rubber coupling 16 pcs.
Re connected generator with the engine and check megger again (after cleaned)

Photos 2.4 (installed)

Installed rotor

Picture after cleaning Installed bearing

© Wärtsilä 2019 8
Service Work Report

Installed coupling Installed local control panel

Connected generator with engine Megger test after cleaning

Megger after cleaning

R-S 1500 ( )
R-T 1500 ( )
S-T 1500 ( )
R-N 1500 ( )
S-N 1500 ( )
T-N 1500 ( )

Old rubber couplings New rubber couplings

© Wärtsilä 2019 9
Service Work Report

2.5 Electrical
2.5.1 Safety Device Callibration
Callibration of alarm signal and stop signal done base on value from manul book of genset.
Below reference value setting of callibration process from manufacture protocol test report.

© Wärtsilä 2019 10
Service Work Report

Pressure Switch Callibration by apply pressure with Hand Pump Presure

Callibrator. Monitor contact status with multimeter to see open and close
status. Set pressure setting that switch should be close signal when pressure
1 bar or less.

Monitoring contact status and pressure with Fluke 179

multimeter and Fluke 726 multi callibrator.

Pressure Switch key to setting as value work decided before. Turn

left to reduce setting value, turn right to add setting value.
This procedure same apply to pressure switch for lube oil and cooling

2.5.2. Safety Device Test Actual

Genset safety device test actual running in idle speed 1500 rpm, activate by simulation signal
shut down of genset. Below list signal to stop genset :

Lube Oil Pressure Low Low

Lube Oil Pressure Switch signal test when engine running in idle mode without syncron
and load. After engine running, check that lube oil pressure was normal. Close valve
before pressure switch, then open niple lock before pressure switch, oil will be leak slowly.
When pressure oil at pressure switch low and under set point 1 bar, shut down signal will
be active and stop the engine.
© Wärtsilä 2019 11
Service Work Report

Cooling Water Temperature High

Cooling water Temperature High Stop signal will be active if temperature reach 97 C or
higher. To test the signal, engine running in idle mode, then temperature switch sgnal
jumper to activate engine stop signal.

Stop Push Button at LCP

Genset stop signal at local control panel (LCP) test when genset running. Push the
button when engine running, engine will stop normally sequence.

EMG Push Button at LCP

Emergency Push Button location at local control panel (LCP). This button operate to
stop the engine when emergency condition at engine or arround happen and make
danger for engine. When EMG push button push, engine stop imediatly even on load

Over Speed
Overspeed signal install at fly wheel to monitor and control engine rotation. This sensor
was inductive type and have 2 out put for monitoring, safety signal and governor control.
Normal speed engine at 1500 rpm equal 4023 Hz. Over speed setting was 115% from
nominal speed equal 1725 rpm or 4624 Hz. To test over speed signal active, speed
signal to safety module was replace with speed calibrator Fluke 726. Engine running in
speed 1500 rpm, then calibrator give frequency more than 4624 Hz to activate over
speed signal. The engine will be stop with indication pilot lamp as over speed, also
message at control room as over speed status.

Stop signal status indication when active. Right

side were command button to start, stop, reset, and
lamp test status of indicator.

© Wärtsilä 2019 12
Service Work Report

2.5.3. Running Program and Load Test

Running Program
Running program engine can not done completely due to no constant load at ship.
Constant load from motor pump and other equipment only available 165 kW or arround
40% generator capacity. This condition was accept by BKI as approval ship class.

Pic. 2.5.3a Load test with 25% load that available at ship.

Pic 2.5.3b Load Test with 40% load that available at ship.

Load Test
Load test engine done by running the most big load at ship, there were 2 sets crane and
bow thruster to give momentary big load when operation. Those load only available
when motor was operate, after idle or stop, load was unavailabe. By operate crane and
bow thruster, load test was done. BKI was accept this test.

© Wärtsilä 2019 13
Service Work Report

Pic. 2.5.3c Load test done with operate crane, AE1 and AE 2 was run in paralel mode.

2.5.4 Additional Installation Alarm Horn for AE 1

Base on customer request for additional alarm horn for AE 1, horn install in front of Control
Room area. Signal alarm for triger horn was take from engine control module at local
control panel (LCP) engine. Cable pulling from LCP to area infront of control room.
Funtion test by activate alarm and horn will be sound, alarm should be reset from engine
local control panel by ship crew.

Pic. 2.5.4 Horn signal control by engine alarm system, pin no 8 and 9.

© Wärtsilä 2019 14
Service Work Report

3 Recommendations
Please monitoring engines parameter well.

4 Site safety

Incident Incident Incident Work Activity Incident WeCare

name type date stopped name summary case ref
- - - - - - -

5 Conclusions

Auxiliary engine port side replacement work has been completed well and the engine running with
normal operation.

1. Satisfaction note
2. Safety devices list

© Wärtsilä 2019 15

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