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ment values, network parameters, sensitivities student readership as will the price of US$64. An
and tuning. A handy reference collection. interesting and useful development would be t o
The filter functions tabulated in Chapter 10 embody all of the work described into a computer
cover the variety of functions described in workstation for the synthesis of active RC filter
Chapter 3. Limits to function order of 7, ripple networks. This would remove some of the tedious
factors and attenuation steps, only allow a calculations described and allow extension t o
representative selection to be presented, a higher order approximations and realizations.
designer might experience frustration with the The synthesis software could be coupled with rele-
limits imposed. vant analysis software to form a complete design
A thoroughly interesting book which should tool.
prove a valuable aid to the engineer and those J . I. SEWELL
already experienced in the art of filter design. The Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,
absence of problems at the end of the major The University,
chapters will possibly limit its attraction to Glasgow, Scotland.

INTKODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, E. frames etc.) used for this purpose. The predicate
Charniak and D. McDermott, Addison-Wesley calculus is reviewed as a vehicle for representation
Publ., 1985, ISBN 0-201-1 1946-3. and inference.
This book is intended for use in introductory Chapter 2 is a brief introductory course in Lisp
undergraduate Artificial Intelligencc (AI) courses. (Franz Lisp is the particular dialect chosen).
The material covered reflects the authors views on Chapter 3, Vision, examines the translation of
what constitutes a balanced and comprehensive visual information into internal representation.
coverage of the field. In particular, they aim to This chapter gives a detailed account of one of the
provide three features: inclusion of the enduring most intensively studied senses. The emerging
aspects of Al research, a coherent presentation of solution to the vision problem has two stages:
ideas and methods, through the use of a uniform early and late visual processing, both of which are
conceptual framework and, finally, detailed described in some detail. In early processing the
coverage of the background theory, as well as an raw image is examined and as much ‘useful infor-
introduction to the classic programs in the field. mation’ as possible extracted. The result of early
The major application areas covered include processing is the ‘intrinsic image’ which quantifies
vision, language comprehension, and robot plan- the properties of the discretized image. In late
ning. The main recurring theme which underlies processing a scene description is produced from
the whole book and which ties these areas the intrinsic image.
together is the problem of internal representation In Chapter 4 (Parsing Language) the problem
of facts and rules, which arises in almost all sub- of translating language into internal represen-
areas of AI. The main areas of background tation is studied. The chapter describes the role of
theory which are given close attention include syntax and semantics is going from a typed
mathematical logic for knowledge representation sentence to an internal representation, and is
and inference, and linguistics for language com- essentially a background to linguistic analysis.
prehension. Indeed, the coverage of background The approach taken is to divide the syntactic and
material is so complete that the only prerequisite semantic analyses into two sequential tasks: the
demanded of the reader is some experience in pro- language sentence is first parsed to produce a
gramming. Even this requirement is offset to ‘syntactic tree’, and then a semantic interpreta-
some extent by the inclusion of a chapter on the tion of the tree leads to the internal
Lisp symbol-manipulation language which allows representation.
the reader to try the large number of programm- The topic of Chapter 5 is search, or scheduling.
ing examples which are scattered throughout the The chapter provides an introduction to a tool to
book (it should also be possible to use some other be used in subsequent chapters, namely the con-
symbol-manipulation language such as Prolog, if cept of a goal tree. The object of the search is to
preferred). proceed from some initial state to a goal state, by
The idea of internal representation is first in- a set of choices. The search problem can be to
troduced in Chapter 1 through a presentation of find the set of choices which lead to any solution,
the various standard notations (semantic nets, o r those which lead to an ‘optimal’ solution.

The two chapters which follow, 6 and 7, form is treated as a deductive problem) and planning
the central core of the book. In these chapters the decisions.
ideas briefly touched on in Chapter 1 on internal In Chapter 10 the authors return once again to
representation and reasoning are expanded. abductive inference, this time with regard to
Earlier chapters discussed the importance of these Language Comprehension. This chapter takes the
two concepts and concentrated in particular on language problem further than the coverage given
the production of representations from inputs: in Chapter 4 where the process is taken only to the
firstly visual (Chapter 3) and then linguistic stage of translation into internal representation.
(Chapter 4). Chapters 6 and 7 concentrate on the The final chapter, Chapter 11, discusses the
manipulation of these representations for deduc- question which is perhaps the essence of in-
tive reasoning once they have been obtained. telligence, namely the learning ability.
The authors define two levels of representation: Each chapter is supplemented by a compre-
the abstract and the concrete. Chapter 6 (Logic hensive set of examples, many of which give the
and Deduction) concentrates on the use of the reader the chance to experiment with solving pro-
predicate calculus at the abstract representation blems using Lisp. Throughout all of the chapters
level, i.e. the expressive representation of the the authors include short interjections which give
actual facts and rules. In Chapter 7 the concrete an historical overview of each topic under
level of representation (i.e. the data structures discussion.
and techniques used for memory management) Overall, the authors have given a very com-
are studied. prehensive introduction to both the background
The final four chapters, 8-1 1, study four topics theoretical and the practical aspects of AI. In
of considerable practical importance. Chapter 8 addition to the stated objective of providing a
looks at the problem of uncertainty in abductive useful course text the book serves as a good
reasoning, with particular reference to expert general introduction for practising engineers and
systems. A brief coverage of probability theory is scientists in many different fields who require an
given as a means of addressing the uncertainty introduction to the various aspects of AI.
problem. KENNETHJ . HUNT
Chapter 9, Managing Plans of Action, looks at BBN Laboratories Limited,
the problem of robot planning. This is decom- Heriot- Watt Research Park,
posed into two problems: plan generation (which Edinburgh, Scotland

INrERACTlON WITH THE E N V I K O N M E N T - ROBOT the more general topic of tactile sensors in terms
TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 2, P. Coiffet, Kogan Page of tactile arrays. This latter is the one section of
Ltd., London, 1983, ISBN 0-85038-534-2, f32.50, the book which I feel has been overtaken by re-
29OPP cent research with work at the University of
This is the second of a series of texts, translated Sussex and Aberystwyth leading to much higher
from the French and concerning the development resolution ‘skins’ than those mentioned. A brief
of advanced robotic systems. It is concerned with discussion of simple proximity sensors is provided
the hardware and software techniques which and finally about the last third of the volume is
enable a robot to interact with its environment concerned with robot vision culminating in an
and adapt its actions appropriately. Artificial overview of vision systems available for industrial
Intelligence techniques are specifically not includ- robots.
ed since they are dealt with in a separate volume. There is a tremendous amount of material in
The book begins with a useful introductory sec- this book. It is presented clearly and compactly
tion summarizing essential material and basic with plentiful use of well thought out diagrams
definitions. Characteristics of robots able to and should certainly find a place on the bookshelf
adapt to environmental variation are then discus- of every engineer, in industry or academia, who is
sed, setting the scene for the remaining chapters involved in equipping robots and/or more general
which survey i n detail the various sensors and flexible manufacturing cells with sensors.
sense parameters which can be used to enhance G. E. TAYLOK
manipulator performance. Detection of stress and Department of Electronic Engineering,
associated force control together with various University of Hull, Hull, U.K.
examples is sensibly given a chapter separate from

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