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" why women should perceive a career in civil engineering"

Preface: There was a time when women were confined to housecrafts and lacked voice not only
in society but also in everyday life. It was an era where males were seen as "bread winners"
while women likely to stay at home.Yet, they were an inseperable part of the society because
they took forward the house as a HOME. This skill of running the house was intrinsic in women
and was the only stepping stone that lead her to todays world.

Women have always been under everlasting work schedule which has empowdered them to
take up any task that comes ahead.As rightly said by Margaret Thatcher "if you want something
said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."

The Awakening: The American Womens rebillion and the role of women in Indian freedom
struggle were the two significant events in the history that proved to the world that women
were capable of achieving anything and everything they desired for.

Ayn Rand " the question isnt who's going to let me do;it's who is going to stop me from doing"

Women World:

Today there is no field where women havenot raised their fist. From managing a home to a
multinational company, from a cook to a chef, medicine to defence, from a reader to an author,
home science to engineering, there is no area that she has left untouched, CONSTRUCTION is
just one of them.

Women in BuildBig:

In a country like the US, women makeup 9.1% of the construction industry. In india construction
industry is the second largest and fastest growing sector with upto 30 million people' about 50%
of them being women.

Why not?

A mega construction project needs every quality that a house maker possess like preliminary
planning, time management , economic restraints, headline pressure. To follow a sucssesful
career in civil engineering it requires physical strength, mental ability,general agility and
perseverence all of which are indelible qualitities of a women.

career :

The women workforce in indian construction industry have established themselves in both
skilled and unskilled fields. For a construction project to spring , women's role begins from
planning the structure, analysing it, setting it up on field brick by brick to inaugurating it by
pulling the curtains up, a women is everywhere.

(encouragement , provisions, scope )

Organizations like SEWA (Self employed women assosiation) support women of all economic
strata. provide them with health insurance, child care crenches at construction site, skill training
and job placements, vocational support, refreshers courses in new technologies,etc.

In the technical field, to encourage a girl student to take up technical education- pragati
scholarship scheme


emily roebling

behind every good man stands a great and gusty women

she is the best known chief engineer during the construction of brooklyn bridge after her
husband who was in charge of construction fell sick.

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