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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Janine Loessl, Tricia Connell,

and Kaylee Stahl

Date: 3/18/19

Group Size: 20 Students

Allotted Time: 1 hour

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Subject or Topic: Local Bodies of water

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

3.3.4.A4. Recognize Earth’s different water resources, including both fresh and saltwater.
7.2.3.A. Identify the physical characteristics of places and regions.

Learning Targets/Objectives: Given school laptops with access to Google Tour Creator,
students will research local bodies of water and create and present a tour of one body of
water located in Pennsylvania, including one scene from the location, the type of body of
water, if it is freshwater or saltwater, and three characteristics of their location.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Google Tour Presentation 1. Observation/ collection of worksheet
2. Reflective Response 2. Collection of response
…. …
Assessment Scale:
Google Tour Presentation: Students will create a presentation for their location that
includes one scene on Google Tours, information on the location, type of body of water, if
it is saltwater or freshwater, and three activities that visitors of that park can do.
● Proficient: presentation correctly includes all requirements
● Basic: presentation incorrectly includes or does not include one to two of the
● Below Basic: presentation incorrectly includes or does not include three or more of
the requirements.

Reflective Response: Students will write one paragraph about a park featured in class that
they would like to visit, including details of why they would like to visit and what
characteristics and/or activities made them want to visit.
● Proficient: response includes all requirements and is three or more sentences.
● Basic: response leaves out 1-2 requirements and/or is two sentences.
● Below basic: response leaves out 3 or more requirements and/or is less than two

Subject Matter/Content: Local Bodies of Water

● Following directions
● Using a laptop
● Proper use of technology
● Signing into Google account

Key Vocabulary:
● Freshwater- water that is not salty and is considered suitable for consumption
● Saltwater- water (as of the ocean) that naturally contains a significant amount of salt
● Lake- a considerable inland body of standing water
● River- a natural stream of water of usually considerable volume
● Salinity- consisting of or containing salt

● Pennsylvania has parks run by the state called state parks.
● There are 121 state parks in Pennsylvania.
● People can visit state parks.
● Many of the state parks have lakes or rivers.
● There are many different activities to do at state parks.
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● The teacher will instruct students to sit on the carpet because it is time to read a
book. The teacher will read “A Day at the Lake by Dawn Rynders and Stephanie
● After reading the book, the teacher will explain that there are many different
activities that can be done at lakes, oceans, or rivers. The teacher will ask students
to name some activities. The students will list different activities.
● The teacher will explain that they will be learning about some places in
Pennsylvania that we can do some of these activities. The teacher will explain that
Pennsylvania has parks that are run by the state. These are called state parks and
can be visited. Pennsylvania has 121 state parks.
● The teacher will pull out a map of Pennsylvania with the state parks and explain that
these are where some of the parks are located.
● The teacher will say “today class, we are going to explore some of these state

Development/Teaching Approaches
● The teacher will inform students that they will be using a new tool today. “Today, we
are going to use Google Tour Creator. This is a program that lets us create a tour of
places all around the world. Today, we are going to use this to find bodies of water
located in Pennsylvania.”
● The teacher will inform students that they will watch an example of a tour being
created. The teacher will walk the students through creating a tour on Google Tour
creator step by step. The teacher will stop occasionally and ask students to repeat
what they are being told to check for understanding. The teacher will occasionally
stop and ask if the students have any questions and answer their questions.
● At the end of the demonstration, the teacher will give the students instructions on
how to complete their project. The teacher will inform students that they will be
working with their partners to create their own tour. After the tour is created, all
groups will present their tour.
● The teacher will tell students to get into their partners and give each person a
worksheet with the location they will look up.
● Students will get out their laptops and begin their research. The students will
research using the provided link. Each student in the pair will be researching. The
students will collaborate and talk about their findings and complete the worksheet.
● One partner in the pair will use their laptop to log into Google Tours. The two will
work together to create their tour while the teacher walks around to observe and
assess. The teacher will answer any questions and guide any students getting off
● Once students have completed their tour, the teacher will inform students that it is
time to present their tours. They will remind students that they will first share the
information on their worksheet, then they will show their tour on the smartboard.
● The teacher will have the students log into their account from the main computer
and pull up the presentation on the smart board.
● The students will present the information from their worksheets to their classmates.
They will let their peers know what location they had, what type of body of water
they found, if it is saltwater or freshwater, and three activities that visitors of that
park can do.
● The students will then show their classmates the scene they chose and rotate it so
that their classmates can see the whole area.
● Each group will present their tours until all groups have gone.
● The teacher will thank students for showing everyone the different parks in
Pennsylvania. They will ask students if they have any questions about the material
covered during today's class.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
● The teacher will remind students that they learned about a lot of awesome places in
Pennsylvania today. The teacher will inform students that they are going to write a
paragraph about one place they saw during the presentations that they would like to
visit. The teacher will remind students to include why they want to visit and what
activities and characteristics about the park make them want to go there.
● The teacher will write the prompt on the board while students are getting out
notebook paper. The teacher will display the worksheets from each group, so that
students can be reminded of the names of the locations. Students will begin writing.
● The teacher will walk around the room and observe as students are writing and
answer any questions.

Students who cannot access the technology with assistive technology will be assigned a
partner who can verbally explain the information from the websites and Google Tour

● Student’s laptops
● Notebook paper
● A Day at the Lake by Dawn Rynders and Stephanie Wallingford
Presque Isle State Park
Directions: You will research Presque Isle State Park and create a Google Tour to present to
your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour Presque Isle State Park and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 301 Peninsula Dr, Erie, PA 16505
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.
Presque Isle State Park
This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:




Here is a picture of my location

Ricketts Glen State Park

Directions: You will research Ricketts Glen State Park and create a Google Tour to present to
your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour Ricketts Glen State Park and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 695 State Route 487, Benton, PA 17814
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Ricketts Glen State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:




Here is a picture of my location

Ohiopyle State Park

Directions: You will research Ohiopyle State Park and create a Google Tour to present to your
Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour Presque Isle State Park and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 124 Main Street Ohiopyle, PA 15470
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Ohiopyle State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:




Here is a picture of my location

Hickory Run State Park

Directions: You will research Hickory Run State Park and create a Google Tour to present to
your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour Ricketts Glen State Park and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 3613 State Route 534, White Haven, PA 18661,
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Hickory Run State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:




Here is a picture of my location

Delaware Canal State Park

Directions: You will research Delaware Canal State Park and create a Google Tour to present to
your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour the name of your location and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 1525 River Road, Upper Black Eddy, PA, USA
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Delaware Canal State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:




Here is a picture of my location

Cowans Gap State Park

Directions: You will research Cowans Gap State Park and create a Google Tour to present to
your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour the name of your location and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 6235 Aughwick Rd, Fort Loudon, PA 17224
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Cowans Gap State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________
I chose these scenes in my tour because:




Here is a picture of my location

Maurice K Goddard State Park

Directions: You will research Maurice K Goddard State Park and create a Google Tour to
present to your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour the name of your location and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 684 Lake Wilhelm Rd, Sandy Lake, PA 16145
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Maurice K. Goddard State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:



Here is a picture of my location

Promised Land State Park

Directions: You will research Promised Land State Park and create a Google Tour to present to
your classmates.

Research Directions:
1. Go to
2. Use this website to fill out the information on the back of this page.
3. Once the worksheet is completed, begin your tour using the directions below.

Google Tour Creator Directions:

1. Go to this website:
2. Click Get Started and log into your Google account
3. Press New Tour
4. Name your tour the name of your location and click create
5. In the search box, type in this address: 100 Lower Lake Rd, Greentown, PA 18426
6. Drag the yellow man around to different areas of your location until you find an area you
want to include in your tour.
7. When you find an area you like, press Add Scene and name it scene 1.
8. Press add scene to add another scene. Repeat steps 5 and 6. When you find a new
scene, press add scene and name this new scene scene 2.

Promised Land State Park

This area contains a(n): Lake River Ocean

This body of water is: Freshwater Saltwater

This area is located in ______________________, Pennsylvania.

Three things that visitors can do here are:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

I chose these scenes in my tour because:



Here is a picture of my location

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