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Pen is mightier than sword..Education is a powerful weapon when compared to any other weapons.

It can eradicate the darkness prevailing in the world and lead us to the light of wisdom. Education
adds the value to the life in fact…it adds life to our lives.

But In practical sense, the education is not endured equally by all the students. In order to make the
learning procedure simpler and easily approachable especially to the weaker students it requires a
lot of commitment and hard work.

In the year 2012, Ramesh Ojjala, a one man army has given the seeding to this great idea of
imparting the confidence into the slow learners and makes them held their heads high in the society.
The struggle of slow learners has inspired him to take this wonderful campaign ahead. His team
struggled for a period of complete 5 years and finally the hard work and effort got recognized by the
results of his pilot project which he had run on govt schools as an experiment to test his approach.
This project furnished tremendous results and applaud from both the students and teachers. Parents
were extremely happy by seeing the change in their child’s performance.

Now, Ramesh along with a wonderful supporting highly educated team is ready to change the future
of many students by leading them to the path of success.


Ramesh has been an average student in his schooling and college days. He faced many difficulties in
learning process and was always was a victim of comparison which resulted in de-motivation. After
completing Btech, he was left with 4 backlogs which made him to think deeper for the permanent
solution for an average student to clear his academics in single attempt.

This thought motivated him to take a step forward to help the fantastic minds and boost their
confidence and prove themselves that they are not less than any other students. He just wanted to
future generations not to face the same problems as he faced and struggled.

Observations and In-Actions

In the course of finding various reasons for the failure of the students in the examinations, we have
penned down some interesting facts. Though we have the same teacher teaching the entire class,
we find variations in the student’s ability of understanding the concept. Instead of attending the
school regularly, listening to classes, attending the tutionsetc..we can see no improvement in a
particular student in academic results in most of the cases.

Education department has already taken certain measures to impart the right education into the
students by updating the syllabus as per trend and changing factors in the society.

It is now in the hands of students to endure the fruits of education. For this they need a helping
hand to realize their own strengths and abilities.

We have planned a systematic approach to find the root cause for the failure of students. As the first
step, we started to take the feedback from the following categories of people:

 10th failed Candidates

 Inter-failed candidates
 Graduation failed candidate
 Job seekers
 People who are working for low profile and low pays in spite of having proper degrees in
their hand.
After successfully getting the feedback from them with our 30 questionnaire form, we found
that all these people have tried their best in their respective lives to come out of the
struggles they faced during learning process but failed to continue that effort due to the lack
of a proper guidance and helping hand.

Now, we thought of taking the survey forward to ongoing 10th class students and also for
other students. Surprising fact is that, what all the factors listed by already failed candidates
in the society are exactly matching with the current students. Then we came to a conclusion
that…Generations may change…But not the student mindset.

So, our action started here in helping these current students to cope up with their struggles
and be successful in their future endeavours. We offer proper guidance which makes
improve their confidence in facing the exams.


The journey of changing the future minds has begun in the year 2012, in Hanmakonda with the
name CithaKomala publications. He dedicated entire 2013 year to study about the reason for failure
among the weak students and prepared a thesis on that. He then wrote two books based on his
observation which was released in the year 2015 and gained a lot of applause from the students.

In 2014, Ramesh first experimented his procedure of making the learning process simpler among his
friends and relatives first and after getting a positive response he had stepped out to bring a
difference in the society.

In the year 2015, He took permission from the government schools of Hanmakonda and started a
pilot project which ran successfully but with minimal efforts due to the discontinuous interaction of
the students.

Later in 2016, with a proper agenda and perfect planning, Ramesh again approached the same
schools and started the pilot project which now yielded the tremendous results with flying colors.
His hard got recognized and appreciated by all the teachers, parents and students became the fan of
Cithakomala publication books.

In the year 2017, Srichaitanya schools had given the chance to enhance their students performance
and was really impressed with the outcome. Now in 2018, Ramesh wants to take forward this
mission as much possible into the society and bring a change on the future generations.


By 2020, Ramesh and his team wants to achieve 100% pass percentage from all the schools in
Telanagana who are associated with the Cithakomala publications.
It is never too late to bring on a new change into the society which can yield
good results. Your support is our prosperity and your feedback is our
improvement. Lets together bring on the smile on the future generations.
A Helping Hand to the Hand in need…

CithaKomala Publications

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