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sIRDAR C YNUGGLY 3 ply | SIRDAR 3 PLY 41 - 51cm, 16 - 2 DRESS, BONNET AND BOOTEES CROCHET PATTERN 3759 MEASUREMENTS “The quantities of yr ae based yp average rues ree 31] cm | tnd areheetre approximate fro rit Chest a | in mm (UK10 - USA DY3) Crochet Hook Actua] Megeurernent > = e = 1 2.50mm (UK12 - USA C/2) Crochet Hook. = = = = 43 Buttons for Dress. re ve [ae fae fom | Niort Rs fr tam of Bi Ls = ea = Ribbon and 2 Rosebuds for Bonnet. seve Length es [« |e | om 3 3 3 in [TENSION 26 uate Shade Bate Drew o7a_|Sougty 3 py an | as | 3 | 5 | soem [STATED TENSION eae TESION TO ES @ o73_| seuss 3 ply an_| 1 1 1 | 509m esr ro Cannon ies S See roe ae oe ce ozs [Soucy 3 ply ai] 1 |r | it | som ‘Owing to printing restrictions the colour reproduction is matched as closely a possible to the yarn. QUERIES. Please contact: Kniting Advisory Bureau, SIRDAR PLC. Flanshaw Lane. Wakefield WF2 9ND. West Yorkshire, England. | ABBREVIATIONS i beg beginning, ch chain, cont continue, de double cro ddecrease(ing), patt pattern, rem remain(ing), rep repe round(s), rs right side, sts sitch(es), tr reble, ws wrong side, em ‘centimetres, in inches), sp space, ss slip stitch or single crochet, yon yarn over hook. WORKING ABBREVIATIONS - : Dee 1 st. (yoh, insert hook in next tr, yoh and draw through, yoh and draw through 2 loops) twice, yoh and draw through all loops. PATT L Ist Row. 4ch (4ch counts as ltr, Ich), Ltr in de on which dch stands, *1ch, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) 3 times) all into next de, rep from * end Ich, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) twice) all into last de, turn. 2nd Row. Ich (Ich counts as Ide), Ide in tr on which ch stands, *((Itr, Ich) 4 times, Ite) all into next 3ch sp, miss Ite, Ide in next tr, miss ltr, rep from * end (ltr, Ich) 4 times, Ltr) all into next 3ch sp, miss Ite, Ide in last tr, turn. Rep Ist and 2nd rows. PATT2 Ist Rnd, Ss to 2nd leh sp, Ide in same sp, *3ch, 1de in next Ich sp, ((Ich, ltr) 3 times) all into next de, Ich, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, rep from * end 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) 3 times) all into next de, ss to first de. 2nd Rnd. Ss to next tr, Ide in same place, *((Itr, Ich) 4 times, Ltr) all into next 3ch sp, miss ltr, Ide in next tr, miss 1tr, rep from * end ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, Ite) all into next 3ch sp, miss Itr, ss to first de. Rep Ist and 2nd rds. Using 3.00 crochet hook make 62 [68:74Jch. Foundation Row. (Rs), ltr in 4th ch from hook, ltr in each ch to end. 60 [66:72] sts, turn. Ist Row. 3ch (3ch counts as Itr), ltr in each of next 1 [4:2]tr, *1ch, miss Ite, ltr in each of next 4tr, rep from * end Ich, miss Itr, Itr in each of next 2 [5:3]tr, turn, 2nd Row. 3ch, ltr in each of next 1 [4:2]tr, #1tr in next Ich sp, ltr in each of next 4tr, rep from * end Ltr in next Ich sp, 1tr in each of next 2 [5:3]tr, turn. Ist and 2nd rows set patt. Keeping continuity of patt as set proceed as follows:- Fasten off. Shape Armholes. Next Row. Rejoin yarn to 4th st from side edge, 3ch, dec 1 st, patt to last 6 sts, dec 1 st, ltr in next st. 52 [58:64] sts, turn. vide for Back Opening. Next Row. 3ch, dec 1 st, patt 23 [26:29], turn. Working on these 25 [28:31] sts only proceed as follows: Work 2 [3:3] rows dec I st at armhole edge in every row. 23 [25:28] sts. Cont without shaping until armhole measures 9 [10:10]em, ending with a ws row. Fasten off. Rejoin yarn to rem 26 [29:32] sts and patt to last 3 sts, dec 1 st, Itr in last st, tun. Work to match other side. FRONT [igus Work to ** as given for Back. Work 3 [4:4] rows dec 1 st at each end of every row. 46 [50:56] sts. Cont without shaping until armholes measure 5 {6:6lem, ending with a ws row. Shape Neck. Next Row. 3ch, patt 11 [11:14], dee 1 st, ltr in next st, tur. Working on these 14 [14:17] sts only proceed as follows:- Work 1 row dee 1 st at neck edge. 13 [13:16] sts. Cont without shaping until armhole measures 9 :10}em, ending with a ws row. Fasten off. With rs facing, leave centre 16 [20:20] sts unworked, rejoin yarn to next tr, 3ch, dee 1 st, patt to end, turn, Work to match other side. (Worked Downwards) Join side seams. With rs facing, rejoin yarn to ‘commencement of Bodice at centre back and work all round lower edge of Bodice as follows:- Foundation Rnd. 4ch (4ch counts as Ite, Ich), ((Itr, Ich) 3 times, ltr) all into same st as 4ch, *miss 1 st, Ade in next st, miss 1 st, ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, Ite) all into next st, rep from * to * 6 [7:8] times, **miss 1 st, Ide in next st, ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, 1tr) all into next st, miss 1 st, Ide in next st, miss 1 st, ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, ltr) all into next st," rep from ** to #7 times, miss 1 st, Ide in next st, ((Ltr, Ich) 4 times, Itr) all into next st, rep from * to * 7 [9:11] times, miss 1 st, Ide in next st, miss 2 sts, ss to top of first tr. 32 [35:38] shells. Ist Rnd. Ss to 2nd Ich sp, Ide in same sp, *3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, ltr) 3 times) all into next de, Ich, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, rep from * end 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) 3 times) all into next de, ss to first de. 2nd Rnd. Ss into next 3ch sp, 4ch (Ach counts as ltr, ich), ((Itr, Ich) 3 times, ltr) all into same 3ch sp, miss ltr, Ide in next tr, miss Itr, *((Itr, Ich) 4 times, 1) all into next 3ch sp, miss ltr, Ide in next tr, miss Ite, rep from * end ss to top of first tr. Ist and 2nd mds set patt. Keeping continuity of patt as set cont until work measures 36 [38:39]cm, ending with 2nd md of pat. Fasten off. SLEEVES (Both alike) Using 3.00 crochet hook make 36ch. Ist Row. (Rs), Ide in 3rd ch from hook, Ide in each ch to end. 35de, turn. 2nd Row. Ich (Ich counts as Ide), 1de in each de to end, turn. Rep 2nd row twice. Foundation Row. Ich, miss Idc, ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, 1tr) all into next de, miss Ide, *1de in next de, ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, Itr) all into next de, miss Ide, rep from * end Ide in last de. 11 shells, turn. Ist Row. 4ch (ach counts as ltr, Ich), ltr in de in which 4ch stands, *Ich, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) 3 times) all into next de, rep from * end Ich, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) twice) all into last de, turn. 2nd Row. Ich, Ide in tr on which Ich stands, *((Itr,, Ich) 4 times, Ite) all into next 3ch sp, miss Ite, Ide in next tr, miss ltr, rep from * end (ltr, Ich) 4 times, Ii) all into next 3ch sp, miss ltr, Ide in last tr, turn. Ist and 2nd rows set patt. Keeping continuity of patt as set cont until Sleeve measures 8em, ending with 2nd row of patt. Fasten off. Shape Sleeve Top. Next Row. Miss first de and 1 shell, rejoin yarn to next de, 4ch, Ite, Ich, ltr into. same de, *1ch, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, ((Ich, Ite) 3 times) all into next de, rep from * end 2nd de from end, turn. Ist Row. Ich, *((lte, Ich) 4 times, Ite) all into next 3ch sp, miss Itr, Ide in next tr, miss ltr, rep from * end ((Itr, Ich) 4 times, 1tr) all into last 3ch sp, Ide in last tr, tun. 2nd Row. Ss to 3rd Ich sp of shell, *((Ltr, Ich) 3 times) all into next de, miss next Ich sp, Ide in next Ich sp, 3ch, Ide in next Ich sp, Ich, rep from * end miss next Ich sp, (ltr, Ich) 3 times) all into next de, miss next Ich sp, ss to next Ich sp, turn. 3rd Row. Ss to 2nd tr, Ide in same tr, *miss Itr, ((ltr, Ich) 4 times, 1tr) all into next 3ch sp, miss Iir, Ide in next tr, rep from * to end, turn, Rep 2nd and 3rd rows once then 2nd row 0 [0:1] times. Fasten off. SLEEVE EDGINGS (Both alike) With rs facing, using 2.50 crochet hook rejoin yarn to ‘commencement of Sleeve and work Foundation Row as given for Sleeves. Fasten off. NECKBAND Join shoulder seams. crochet hook work 66de evenly all round neck edge. Next Row. Ich, Ide in next de, *miss Ide, ((1tr, Ich) twice, tr) all into next de, miss Ide, Ide in next de, rep from * to end. Fasten off. OVERLAY 9) With rs facing, using 2.50 crochet hook work 21 [23:25]de evenly along right side of back opening, turn Next Row. Ich, Ide in each of next 2de, (3ch, miss Ide, Ide in each of next 7 [8:9]dc) twice, 3ch, miss Ide, Ide in last de. Fasten off. UNDERLAY 9) With rs facing, using 2.50 erochet hook work 21 [23:25]dc evenly along left side of back opening. Fasten off. TO MAKE UP (0 Join sleeve seams. Fold Sleeves in half lengthways, placing folds to shoulder seams, sew in Sleeves nee

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