Sardar Bhadur Khan Women's University Quetta Balochistan: Result of Media and Jurnalisim

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Sardar Bhadur Khan Women's University

Quetta Balochistan
Result of Media and Jurnalisim
Name: Saiqa Murad Father's Name: Murad Muhammad
Enrolment No: S19/BS-M&J-9 Department: Media & Jurnalisim
session 2015-2019

total credi Total GP Obtain

1st Semister: GP GPA
No hours Marks

Physology 100 3 9 70 3
Mass Communication 100 3 11.1 83 3.7
Reporting 100 3 9.99 77 3.33 2.606
Fundamental English 100 3 6 59 2
islamic Studies 50 3 3 26 1
Total Marks 450 15 39.09 315 13.03

credi Obtain
2nd Semister: total Nohours Total GP Marks GP GPA

100 3 11.1 80 3.7

100 3 11.1 82 3.7
100 3 9 71 3
Comp For Mc 100 3 3.9 56 1.3
C skill 100 3 9 71 3
Pakistan Studies 50 3 2.33 32 0
550 18 46.43 392 14.7

credi Obtain
3rd Semister: Total Nohours Total GP Marks GP GPA

Urdu Bulugath 100 3 9.99 77 3.33

Media Law& E 100 3 12 85 4
B-Math-I 100 3 3.9 56 1.3
English II 100 3 6 63 2
M.M In Balochistan 100 3 10.98 84 3.66
into to Env Sc 100 3 2.33 77 3.33
600 18 45.2 442 17.62

credi Obtain
4th Semister: Total Nohours Total GP Marks GP GPA

principle of Marketing 100 3 6 63 2

Models of Communication 100 3 12 88 4

international Relations 100 3 8.1 68 2.7


Advertisement 100 3 9.99 77 3.33

Gender Studies 100 3 6 59 2

Interoduction to Economics 100 3 2.33 78 3.33

600 18 44.42 433 17.36

credi Obtain
5th Semister: Total Nohours Total GP Marks GP GPA

Political Science 100 3 7.98 70 2.66

TV Jurnalism 100 3 6 61 2

Theories of Mass 2.528

100 3 4.98 58 1.66

Public Relation 100 3 10.98 84 3.66

Art And Design 100 3 7.98 70 2.66

500 15 37.92 343 12.64

credi Obtain
6th Semister: Total Nohours Total GP Marks GP GPA

Radio Jurnalism 100 2 8 89 4

Magzine production 100 2 7.4 82 3.7

Development upport 100 3 9.99 78 3.33

communication 3.106154

Opinion Writing 100 2 8 86 4

Current Affairs 100 2 4.66 66 2.33
Photo Jurnalism 100 2 2.33 74 3

600 13 40.38 475 20.36

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