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Aylin Diaz

Dr. Loza

Senior Defense

3, February 2019

Argumentative Reflection Essay

In our school HPIAM, as seniors we are required to write an argumentative reflection

essay based on an assignment that I worked on during my junior year. We are required to find an

assignment that can relate to the topic whether if it’s an essay, presentation or poem. I happen to

find an essay and the title of that assignment was “Argumentative Essay #2”. In this assignment

we were asked to choose one of Oscar Wilde’s claim and write an essay which argues your

position on the extent to which Wilde’s claims are valid. This assignment is an argumentative

piece because we are arguing whether disobedience is a valuable trait which promotes social

progress or Disobedience is a harmful trait that stymies social progress. One evidence from this

assignment would be the prompt which states, “Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has

read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,

through disobedience and through rebellion.” This argumentative essay was completed in AP

English Language on November 18, 2017.

In addition, one of the HPIAM Slo’s that I realize that I've used while completing this

assignment would be critical thinker. When writing an argumentative essay it requires plethora

of analyzing and evaluation to help me write a strong and better essay. One piece of evidence

would be to envision how the structure of my essay would turn out to be. This can connect to the
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HPIAM Slo critical thinker because we’re speculating how the essay should be structured and

what should be included. Another piece of evidence would be research because it would help us

find relevant information from articles on famous people that fit the category of Ethos, Pathos,

and Logos. Critical thinker can be seen through this assignment because I’m analyzing relevant

information and theorizing how these evidence connect to the claim. Last piece of evidence

would be to conclude if all the evidence, claim, counterclaim, and rebuttal are included in the

essay. This can connect to critical thinker because we’re rereading the essay making sure if

everything included or checking if more relevant information is needed.

Additionally, this assignment helped me work on the HPIAM Slo’s which was critical

thinker because it’s helping me understand the meaning and the concept of the word. In this

assignment it required a plethora of analyzing, inference, and thinking. Using these strategies can

help you built a strong essay. First, your envisioning how the structure of the essay would be,

then analyze relevant information from reliable articles to support the claim, and lastly infer how

these information can be used to make the essay strong. Focusing on this assignment I still need

to improve more on evidence supporting the argument that I chose to argue. I can conclude that

by asking my English teachers for their advice and help and using their ideas, combining it with

my ideas can help me write a better argumentative essay. This skill can be used in the future

because when you are writing an essay for college or in general you’re using evidence that can

help you support our argument. Gathering all these relevant information from reliable articles

can be used as supportive evidence that can make the essay strong. Using this method can help

you write a sturdy essay.

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