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Soil Well


What you need
CEMENT to know


Cement samples are kept
Each well type is designed, constructed, operated,
maintained and finally sealed with specific well to demonstrate that the
integrity considerations in mind for each of its
life cycle phases.
cementing process has been
During production, wells are regularly
successful and achieved CEMENT
checked and inspected to ensure their integrity the desired result.
remains unaffected. This is done through:
internal and external inspection PRODUCTION CASING
to assess the corrosion rate
inflow test of wellhead valves
gas ‘sniffer’ test Under legislation, when sealing a well Arrow must: Coal Seam
casing corrosion surveys. isolate groundwater aquifers within the well
The frequency and details of those tests depend from each other and hydrocarbon zones
on the well type, its risk profile and history. isolate hydrocarbon zones from groundwater
aquifers and zones with different pressure
Our Details
When production ceases, the well is shut down and
the site rehabilitated. This process involves sealing the isolate surface casing or production
hole fully with cement which prevents interconnectivity, casing from the open hole
as well as isolating all down hole zones from the
surface and from other adjacent formations. place a surface cement plug in the
top of the casing
recover or removing the wellhead. Find out more about Arrow’s well integrity processes
The cement mix used to seal the wells is configured by contacting the project team:
to provide strength and durability. Cement samples Freecall 1800 038 856
are kept to demonstrate that the cementing process
has been successful and achieved the desired result. Email
Arrow uses an excess volume of cement to completely Post Arrow Energy, Reply Paid 81 Hamilton Q 4007
fill the well when it is no longer in use, which ensures
the well is fully sealed for the future.

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MAY 2011
Gas wells are Wellhead systems
fundamental The wellhead systems used by The drilling and
to the CSG
industry –
Arrow are constructed of materials
designed for gas production,
and incorporate appropriate
their design,
safeguards to maintain well
integrity. The materials and
of a gas well
and maintenance
products conform with Australian
and international design standards. is a staged
are vital.
They are pressure-tested before
installation, and inspected during process in
recognition of
regular scheduled maintenance
program to ensure that leaks,
if they occur, are identified and
rectified early.
the different
below ground.
What is Well Design Construction
Gas wells are the most gas wells and they make sure The most fundamental design objectives The drilling and construction of a gas well is a staged Drilling of the well is staged, with use of different sized Steel Casing casing used by Arrow, which conforms to Australian and
fundamental part of the coal the wells are constructed and of a well are that it should: process. It is broken into several parts in recognition drill bits to allow for insertion of a series of casing strings The diameter and amount of casing inserted into international design standards (eg the American Petroleum
seam gas (CSG) industry. maintained to guarantee of the different formations that are drilled through on (or connected pipes). a well vary, depending on: Institute is the benchmark for many petroleum industry
isolate the well from its surrounds,
They are the means by which gas continued and maximum gas the way to the target depth. The well is divided into: products around the world)
both above and below ground The end result is a telescopic arrangement, with the largest actual depth of the conductor, surface and target
is accessed and brought to the production. Arrow works hard
the very shallow, near surface, or conductor casing in the conductor section, narrowing to the surface formations (which will be confirmed during drilling variable wall thicknesses used, generally in the order
surface. CSG companies invest a to ensure that gas cannot leak 2. 
contain the produced gas
section which is commonly comprised of soil, section and finally to the production section. Each of these by an on-site geologist) of 6.4mm. The casing is threaded, so as to ensure a water
lot of time and money into drilling from its wells. The safeguards and water within the well.
sand and gravel strings is inserted into the well and pressure cemented in and gas tight connection between each length
used avoid costly repair work Steel casing, cemented securely in place, is the aquifer depths
place before drilling of the next section commences. Upon
and provide security to the the section of weathered and weakened rock that great care is taken to prevent damage to casing and
basic mechanism used to provide this isolation and completion, each section of casing will extend back to the well control requirements including the key safety
community and environment, can extend to 50m or more below ground surface, casing thread during transport and insertion in the well
containment. This combination of steel and cement surface. The final stage of well construction is the fitting mechanism used during drilling of gas wells,
by ensuring that gas and water known as the surface section
provides a strong, seamless, secure and long-lasting of the above-ground wellhead system, which is attached a blow-out preventer which is secured to the casing casing centralisers are used to allow space for cement
cannot enter or escape from the barrier to the movement of water and gas between the fresh, hard and competent rock that extends down to be pumped into the well.
to the casing and used to both pump and pipe water and inserted in the well
well in an uncontrolled manner. the well and its surrounds. to and includes the target coal formations, which is gas to their respective destinations.
The process that ensures known as the production section (the majority of the the expected life of the well, together with the nature Cementing
The design of a well is planned long before drilling of the subsurface environment in terms of pressures, The purpose of cementing the casing into place is to:
that CSG wells are designed, well will be in this section)
is undertaken. A team of drilling and petroleum temperatures, corrosion potential, etc
constructed and maintained engineers compile and assess geological and other
Surface casing Intermediate or production casing
isolate the well and prevent the transfer of
to preserve full production technical data, such as the pressure and temperature the cementing requirements and associated pressure water or gas between the formation and the well
potential for design life is expected within the target formation to select ratings of the steel casing.
known as well integrity. protect the casing from corrosive soils and/or water
appropriate drilling equipment and methods. Various additional safeguards are applied in selection and
The term integrity is used This design draws on experience gained from previous isolate aquifers (apart from the target coal seams,
in the sense of ensuring the use of steel casing, for example: which are themselves aquifers)
drilling in the local area, as well as established
well is sound, unimpaired and techniques, equipment and materials used in the all casing is inspected, with both the diameter and
complete. The key elements isolate non-target coal seams
oil and gas industry throughout the world. length checked prior to commencing the installation
of well integrity are: to ensure there are no defects prevent leakage.
The application of this expertise ensures the well is
design completed successfully, and that the materials used in safety factors are applied in casing selection to ensure Arrow injects cement slurry into the well and displaces
construction its construction are durable and capable of providing that it has ample capacity to maintain well integrity this cement to the surface in the annulus between the bore
maintenance. the required well integrity. and safety throughout its life. The principle safety of the gas well and the outer casing surface.
feature in this regard is its strength, with the casing Excess volume of cement is used to ensure that cement returns
being extremely strong, and corrosion resistant to the surface and that a full column from base to surface
quality control requirements, which are included is established. This provides continuous external corrosion
in casing supply contracts protection over the full length of the string. Once the cementing
process is completed, the installed casing is pressure tested
to ensure that it does not leak. If it does leak, then remedial
cementing works are conducted to plug the leak.

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