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MULTIPLE  CHOICE.    Choose  the  one  alternative  that  best  completes  the  statement  or  answers  the  question.    

Figure  5.1  
Use  Figure  5.1  to  answer  the  following  questions.  
1)    Refer  to  Figure  5.1.  Recall  that  areas  with  high  net  primary  productivity  not  only  produce  high   1)    _______    
levels  of  biomass  rapidly,  they  also  take  up  large  amounts  of  CO2  and  give  off  large  amounts  of  
oxygen.  What  is  the  likely  result  of  the  increasing  amounts  of  sediments  and  fertilizers  in  the  
major  rivers  emptying  into  oceans  and  affecting  algal  beds,  reefs,  swamps,  and  estuaries?    
A)    Productivity  in  these  areas  will  increase  permanently,  leading  to  more  CO2  uptake  and  
more  oxygen  released.    
B)    Eutrophication,  followed  by  hypoxia,  is  a  likely  result,  ultimately  leading  to  less  CO2  
uptake  and  more  oxygen  released.    
C)    Fisheries  will  improve  as  the  extra  nutrients  feed  shellfish  and  fish.    
D)    Eutrophication,  followed  by  hypoxia,  is  a  likely  result,  ultimately  leading  to  less  CO2  
uptake  and  less  oxygen  released.    
E)    Eutrophication,  followed  by  hypoxia,  is  a  likely  result,  ultimately  leading  to  more  CO2  
uptake  and  more  oxygen  released.    
2)    A  system  receiving  inputs  and  producing  outputs  without  undergoing  any  changes  in  size  or   2)    _______    
function  is  said  to  be  in  ________.    
A)    normal  balance    
B)    dynamic  equilibrium    
C)    environmental  balance    
D)    static  control    
E)    harmonic  resonance    
3)    Cattle  on  an  open  range,  in  some  areas,  may  compact  fragile  soils  while  grazing.  This  can   3)    _______    
damage  plant  roots,  leading  to  fewer,  smaller  plants,  which  may  in  turn  cause  cattle  to  graze  
more  and  work  harder  to  obtain  food.  This  is  an  example  of  a  ________.    
A)    positive  feedback  loop    
B)    food  web    
C)    dynamic  equilibrium    
D)    negative  feedback  loop    
E)    homeostatic  system    
4)    The  eutrophication  that  has  taken  place  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and  other  locations  appears   4)    _______    
to  be  due  to  ________.    
A)    pesticide  use  along  the  waterways    
B)    excess  nutrients  from  fertilizers    
C)    weather  alone,  because  it  is  only  obvious  in  the  summer    
D)    heavy  metals  dumped  in  the  sewage    
E)    global  warming  from  human  use  of  fossil  fuels    
5)    A  small  section  of  prairie  grasses,  over  a  year,  produces  enough  biomass  to  feed  insects,  mice,   5)    _______    
rabbits,  birds,  deer,  antelope,  and  a  host  of  decomposers.  The  amount  of  food  potentially  
available  to  the  herbivores  is  the  ________.    
A)    productivity    
B)    net  primary  production    
C)    food  chain    
D)    gross  primary  production    
E)    secondary  production    
6)    The  largest  pools  of  carbon  in  the  carbon  cycle  are  ________.     6)    _______    
A)    plants  and  animals    
B)    atmosphere    
C)    freshwater  systems  and  oceans    
D)    hydrosphere    
E)    sedimentary  rock  and  fossil  fuels    
7)    The  origin  of  all  phosphorus  in  biological  tissues  is  ________.     7)    _______    
A)    volcanic  activities    
B)    phosphorus  in  animal  bones    
C)    phosphorus  weathered  from  rock    
D)    phosphorus  dissolved  in  the  ocean  and  taken  up  by  shellfish    
E)    atmospheric  phosphorus  gas      
8)    The  origin  of  all  nitrogen  in  biological  tissues  is  ________.     8)    _______    
A)    atmospheric  N2  gas      
B)    nitrogen  weathered  from  rock    
C)    lightning    
D)    earthquake  activities    
E)    volcanoes    
9) The second episode of sea otter decline was associated with: 9) _______
A) Introduction of an invasive species
B) Fur trade
C) disease
D) parasitism
E) a shift in the diet of a top predator consequently to environmental changes
10)    The
reintroduction of wolves in the Yellowstone Park led to an increase in 10)    ______    
beaver populations because of
A)    The  apparition  of  bisons  
B)    An  increase  in  elk  population  
C)    A  decrease  in  browsing  by  elk  
D)    An  increase  in  cottonwood  plant  density
E)    An  increase  in  browsing  by  elk  
11)    Zebra  mussels  feeding  strategy     11)    ______    
A)    Lead  to  a  decrease  in  benthic  invertebrate  densities  
B) Has no impact on the environment
C) lead to an increase in plankton-eating fish abundance
D) lead to an increase in water turbidity
E) lead to an increase in the depth of light penetration within the water column
TRUE/FALSE.    Write  'ʹT'ʹ  if  the  statement  is  true  and  'ʹF'ʹ  if  the  statement  is  false.    
12)    A keystone species has a strong impact on the community.  TRUE     12)    ______    
13)    Terrestrial biomes are shaped by temperature, precipitation and salinity.   13)    ______    
1)    D    
2)    B    
3)    A    
4)    B    
5)    B    
6)    E    
7)    C    
8)    A    
9)    B    
10)    D    
11)    B    
12)    FALSE    
13)    FALSE  

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