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Spatial Patterns of Trees and Structuring Factors in a Trachypogon Savanna of the Orinoco

Author(s): J. J. San Jose, M. R. Farinas and Judith Rosales
Source: Biotropica, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Jun., 1991), pp. 114-123
Published by: Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Stable URL:
Accessed: 28-08-2017 10:42 UTC

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BIOTROPICA 23(2): 114-123 1991

Spatial Patterns of Trees and Structuring Factors in a

Trachypogon Savanna of the Orinoco Llanos1

J. J. San Jose

Centro de Ecologia y Ciencias Ambientales, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas,

Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Venezuela

M. R. Fariflas

Postgrado de Ecologia Tropical, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de los Andes,

Merida 5101, Venezuela


Judith Rosales

Centro de Ecologia y Ciencias Ambientales, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas,

Apartado 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Venezuela

Tree dispersion was evaluated in a Trachypogon savanna by measuring the distance from individual trees to the
nearest conspecific neighbor. The vegetation is a closed bush island savanna with coexistent isolated trees and sm
patches of semideciduous forest. The isolated trees were in clumps similar to trees growing in savannas and tro
forests. In our study, adults were less clumped compared to juveniles. Environmental and biotic differences relate
to edaphic heterogeneity, life history, and reproductive strategy could account for the clumped pattern. Differ
spatial patterns emerged for stems in groves. Thus, uniform spatial distribution was evident in the individuals of
the fire resistant species (Curatella americana, Byrsonima crassifolia and Bowdichia virgilioides) and a gap filling s
(Casearia decandra). Changes in the demographic components between different age groups provide evidence for
density-dependent mortality. A hypothesis mainly based on two scales of disturbance (human impact and g
formation) acting synergetically with a large scale factor (substrate patchiness) is put forward to explain the dyn
of tree invasion and the maintenance of the Trachypogon savanna.

La disposici6n espacial de los arboles fue evaluada en una sabana de Trachypogon, a traves de la medida de la distancia
de los individuos arb6reos a su co-especifico mas cercano. La vegetaci6n es una sabana cerrada donde coexisten arboles
aislados y bosquetes semi-deciduos. El patr6n de los arboles aislados fue agrupado, tal como ha sido reportado para
los arboles que crecen en las sabanas y bosques tropicales. En nuestro caso, los adultos fueron menos agrupados que
los juveniles. Diferencias ambientales y bi6ticas relacionadas a la heterogeneidad edafica, historia de vida y estrategia
reproductiva, podrian determinar el patron agrupado. En relaci6n a los arboles de los bosquetes, diferentes patrones
espaciales fueron determinados. Asi, una distribuci6n espacial uniforme fue evidente en los individuos de especies
resistentes al fuego (Curatella americana, Byrsonima crassifolia y Bowdichia virgilioides) y en una especie comuin en
los claros de los bosquetes (Cassearia decandra). Los cambios en los componentes demograficos entre grupos de
diferentes edades, suministran evidencias de una mortalidad denso-dependiente. Una hip6tesis basada en la sinergia
de dos escalas de perturbaci6n (impacto humano y formaci6n de claros), con un factor de gran escala (heterogeneidad
del sustrato) fue propuesta para explicar la dinamica de la invasi6n de los arboles y el mantenimiento de la sabana
de Trachypogon.

THE ORINOCO LLANOS IS A MAJOR UNIT of homo- by Trachypogon savannas. The large scale vegetation
geneous relief in northern South America. Geostruc- pattern of these savannas has been explained mainly
turally complex, it includes high, pene- and alluvial by mesoclimate, geomorphology, soil characteristics,
plains (Zink 1980), which are extensively covered and water relations (Beard 1944, 1953).
At an intermediate scale, the Trachypogon sa-
I Received 4 January 1990, revision accepted 19 Septem- vannas include a wide variety of physiognomic types
ber 1990. ranging from herbaceous to woody vegetation, with


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Spacing of Savanna Trees 115

isolated trees in a herbaceous matrix, intermingled populations (San Jose et al. 1978). Because some
with patches of deciduous forest (San Jose et al. tree species spread vegetatively, it was impossible
1985). These patches, embedded in the matrix of to determine whether new individuals were the re-
grass cover, have stimulated research concerning the sult of seedling establishment or vegetative propa-
dynamics of savanna vegetation. Hypotheses ex- gation. Therefore, we will refer to them as "tree
plaining the origin and maintenance of savannas stems" or "stems."
range from savanna being a consequence of natural Two categories were recognized in the savanna:
environmental conditions to it being an unstable "isolated tree stems" and "groves." The first con-
system (Sarmiento & Monasterio 1975). Evidence sists of scattered tree stems on a continuous grass
from permanent plots and long-term study is ac- stratum dominated by species of Trachypogon and
cumulating (Vuattoux 1970, 1976, Menaut 1977; Axonopus; the second involves discontinuous patches
Menaut & Cesar 1979; Coutinho 1982; Huntley of mostly woody vegetation with more than one
1982; Lacey et al. 1982; San Jose & Farinias 1983). tree stem and a typical understory layer of herbs
Understanding general spatial relationships is useful and shrubs, which grow within the margins of the
for establishing a context for studies emphasizing canopy. These groves occupy an area usually 12 m
perturbation and response of the community. in diameter, although their area sometimes reaches
Although spatial patterns of individual species 1 ha or more (San Jose et al. 1978). Descriptions
have been analyzed in grassland and savannas of this vegetation are given by Blydenstein (1962),
(Goodall 1952; Kershaw 1958, 1959, 1964; An- Aristeguieta (1966), San Jose and Farifias (1971),
derson 1965; Lock 1972; Morton 1974; Greig- and San Jose et al. (1978).
Smith 1979), few studies measure the distance be- The location of all tree stems (2 0.05 m in
tween plants (Greig-Smith 1983). Recently, biol- height) was recorded using a theodolite. A pair of
ogists have been more concerned with the richness mutually perpendicular sides on each of the 4 ha
and spatial patterns of trees in tropical forests than plots were assigned to be the X and Y coordinates
with those in temperate forests (Forman & Caldwell in a Cartesian system. The localization was re-eval-
Hahn 1980, Armesto et al. 1986). A predominance uated by selecting tree stems at random and using
of random spatial patterns has been explained as two perpendicular metallic measuring tapes. The
the result of catastrophic disturbances (Armesto et horizontal projection of canopy of each grove and
al. 1986); whereas, clumped patterns (Poore 1968, each isolated stem was estimated as an ellipse. Thus,
Lang & Anderson 1971, Richard & Williamson the areas occupied by isolated individuals and the
1975, Hubbell 1979, Forman & Caldwell Hahn groves were calculated and the density of each cat-
1980) have been related to canopy gap phase pro- egory was calculated after exduding the other cat-
cesses, which are considered to be the major cause egory from the data.
of structural changes (Shultz 1960, Poore 1968, In addition to these measurements, the height
Grubb 1977, Bormann & Likens 1979, Putz & of each tree stem between 0.05 m and 4.0 m in
Milton 1982, Armesto et al. 1986, Newbery et al.height was measured with a measuring tape and
1986). taller stems were measured with a Brunton pocket
This work compares spatial patterns of trees in transit. Life history and reproductive patterns of 500
order to formulate a hypothesis about processes gov-individuals of the dominant species and of all in-
erming tree invasions and maintenance in a savanna. dividuals of the low density species were observed
This hypothesis will be the starting point for furthermonthly during three years in the ten plots at the
investigations of the causal factors. Biological Station. Thus, a lower boundary on the
height of the reproductive plants was established
and the stems separated into juveniles and adults.
Comparative data were derived from studying a
The spatial distribution of the trees in a nearby 100 ha burned plot in the Trachypogon sa-
savanna was assessed by locating and marking vanna. all
individuals (2 0.05 m in height) in 10 plots of The distance from each individual stem to its
400 x 400 m2 each selected at random on the 190 nearest conspecific neighbor was calculated from the
ha permanent grid at the Biological Station of thecollected data by using a computer program (DIS-
Plains (Calabozo, Venezuela) (8?56'N; 67?25'W). TANCE) written in FORTRAN for this particular
This area has been protected against fire and cattle purpose. The calculated distances for each species
grazing since 1960. The selected 400 x 400 m2 were re-evaluated by measuring in the field the
plots lay within the total area covered by most tree distance to the nearest neighboring marked indi-

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116 San Jose, Farinas, and Rosales

vidual stem and drawn at random in the ten plots

using a table of random numbers. The sample size
for each species was calculated by using the iterative
solution proposed by Sokal and Rohlf (1981). The Clark and Evans Index (R) for all individuals
Comparisons between the calculated and the mea- of the tree species growing in the Trachypogon sa-
vanna showed values below 0.70 (Table 1), indi-
sured distances were not significantly different after
applying the Mann-Whitney test (Sokal & Rohlf cating clumped patterns. When only isolated stems
1981). When the nearest neighbor of a particular were considered (Table 2), clumping was equally
stem was found in the adjacent plot, then the dis- pronounced; however, different results were shown
tance was measured as suggested by Clark and Evans when stems growing in the groves were analyzed
(1954) to account for the edge effect on the test (Table 3). Thus, even though clumping was the
results. most frequent pattern (72% of the total), an uni-
The Clark and Evans Index (Clark & Evans form spatial pattern could not be rejected in 18
1954, 1979) was calculated using distances to near- percent of the total number of species: the fire re-
est neighbor for all the trees in the population. Thus, sistant B. crassifolia, B. virgilioides, and C. amer-
the index was based on mean distances and densities icana, and the gap filling Casearia decandra. The
which were unbiased estimates corresponding to other species (9%) were randomly dispersed; these
population parameters (Steel & Torrey 1960, Chou were the understory canopy shrub tree Genipa caruto
1985). and the resprouting Cassia moschata.
The degree to which the distribution of the Comparison between the results from the cor-
measured nearest neighbor distances approaches or rected Clark and Evans test (Donnelly 1978), using
departs from random expectation was ascertained the nearest neighbor distances measured within the
by using the corrected form of the Clark and Evans plots, and the computed Clark and Evans test (Clark
test (Clark & Evans 1954) as derived by Donnelly & Evans 1954) for the data including the nearest
(1978) to account for both edge effects and cor- neighbor distances in the adjacent plots did not
relations among nearest neighbor distances. The detect test bias in favor of regularity.
magnitude of the test bias was evaluated by Sinclair The average interstem (conspecific) distance for
(1985). For purposes of comparison, the Clark and most species ranged from 1 to 10 m, except for
Evans test was applied to the data including the three very low density species Lonchocarpus ernestii,
nearest neighbor distances in the adjacent plots. Bactris sp. and P. podocarpus with 10, 5, and 16
Furthermore, the frequency distribution of observed stems censused, respectively, which had average in-
and expected distances to nearest neighbor were terstem distance of 18.7 m. The largest distance
compared by using the nonparametric test (Sokal between trees growing in the grass layer was almost
& Rohlf, 1981). two fold larger (2 5.8 m) than that of those censused
Spearman correlations (Conover 1980) between in the groves (14.1 m). For species in both Tables
the densities of tree species was calculated in order 2 and 3, the values of R were higher for the censuses
to determine whether the effect of ecological factors of the stems in groves compared to the scattered
on the patterns were the same for different species. ones.
Twelve soil samples of the herbaceous matrix The average interindividual distance for stems
and of the groves were selected at random in each in relation to the length of the canopy's largest axis
of the ten plots and analyzed as follows: pH, in of adult stems was approximately from one to two
distilled water (2:5) and in 1 N solution of KCl fold.
(2:5), was measured with a Radiometer pH meter;
organic carbon percent was measured by the Walk- ADULT AND JUVENILE SPATIAL PATTERNS.-Calcula-
ley and Black method (Jackson 1958); total nitro- tions of R for all juveniles and adults of species
gen (N) by the micro-Kjeldahl method (Bremmer growing in the Trachypogon savannas (Table 1)
1965), available phosphorus (P) was extracted by showed a significant clumped spatial pattern. For
the Olsen method and its concentration was deter- most species with both adults and juveniles, adult
mined by the vanadate-molybdate colorimetric stems were less aggregated than the juvenile ones.
method (Olsen & Dean 1965), exchangable cationsConsidering only isolated stems, all species were
(E. C.) were extracted with 1 N-NH4Cl and theirclumped; but 50 percent of the species were less
clumped as adult then as juveniles. Considering
concentrations were determined by atomic absorp-
tion spectrophotometry with a Varian AA-6 Spec-stems in the groves, different trends were evident
trophotometer. when patterns of juvenile and adult species were

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Spacing of Savanna Trees 117

9 < tuuu uu NN n o oo No
.t0v) uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
9~~~~~~~~~~1 \0 C4 C1 \0 C1 14 \0 C\ rn 0 VI' r- G- - OI' VI' -4 Fno
?~~~~~~. x 0 0 ol on n \0 t C1 - C\ r- vl rn C1 \0 C1 o

S ~ ~~~ ~ ooooooooooooooooooooo
S~~~~~~~x r \ l~C 1

K~~ ~ ~ ~ _- un 00l Go Go- r- G\ O14 \o0 00 \0 VN I 1 \I I1 I

.bC~~~~~~~~~~ 4 r- 4 4 o6 o6 - o6 4 ci \o o
'Z c\ o - ro o - ro o - oo o o \o \o o o


9~~~~~~~c O- -- c\r- oo r- r n c\ r- r- Go t o n -4 -4 1-4N


t W~~ ~ ~ ~ c, O- c\ rO r- On Go o q\ On c F t\0 o 0
O~~~~~~~r C\ 0 C\ C\ Natt<

a Q D N ? Go ? N o un ? un >
o s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-z
v t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
s d'' F Go 00 t N Go F F un O un ? < un 00 F F O oo oo N * n

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118 San Jose, Farinas, and Rosales

compared. The proportion of species with clumped,

*v enUUQUUUUU QQQ random, and uniform spatial patterns for the ju-
. v ? oo t N ~\0 (4 00 --( C, V oo venile stage were 61, 7, and 30 percent, respectively,
X~~~~~~~r , t c 0 I O
vs 46, 7, and 46 percent for the adult stage. Thus,
the proportion of the patterns changed with the
maturity stage. Data from the groves indicated that
u u Uu uu u u uQu the species Guettarda elliptica, Godmania macro-
. .: ? ? F O un~VI 00 VI C\ C1
-> $ ) r
o O '-
O 4
carpa, A. jahnii, and Copaifera officinalis presented
dumped juveniles and less clumped adults. The
juveniles of the species Cochlospermum vitifolium, B.
crassifolia and C. americana presented the same

. m < 4 00 oo6 6 \6 6 6
patterns as the adults, but in this case, both were
-4 :-4 o-cN O O uniform. Differences between juvenile and adult
dispersion pattern occurred in the rest of the species
Z \O r- 0 O\ C 0N ON G0 ON 00 censused in the groves. Thus, Cordia hirta and
Casearia decandra were clumped in the juvenile

?~~~~~~~~ WN C N 00O1 \O 0 0N
stage and uniform in the adult one; by contrast, G.
caruto has uniform juveniles and clumped adults.
L vL ~~~O 11 r- cl 0 00 VI\ O\N Only juveniles of B. virgilioides were random and
r- oo V-\F-\ONo I0 0 0
the adults presented uniform dispersion pattern.

PATTERN INTENSITY.-Values of R for each species

were compared among the ten plots using the F
111 ()
- 1- \ F N 1 CN \0 C1
test as proposed by Clark and Evans (1954). The
-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l - -
test was not significant for the total number of stems
counted for each species in the herbaceous layer and
t 0
in the groves. An exception to this trend was found
0 bt 1 ~ 'j a o t sIm for adults of C. vitifolium, growing in the herba-
bo I) ,-4fF(N o (\
ceous layer. Thus, isotropy patterns were apparent
> B tSttometom(N
o I\G(NI G ' 00 00
over the Biological Reserve, since a directional effect
2 - HI\
boat in the patterns was not evident.
?% - oXttF
H -00 Oo0
----4 (~, \ 0 C~ N V\I 4C4l
-4 C1c{,
r-C4C\\ - '4,) N c
#., v

FOREST.-Soil fertility of the stands is presented in

> Wt OO NN NC polygonal graphs (Fig. 1) using a modification of
the system proposed by Alvim and Rosand (1974).
The area of these graphs is directly proportional to
>? O a m~04t <
4 mB 00 : o N (I soil fertility. The hexagonal formats indicate that
the soil in the herbaceous layer was more acid and
lower in exchangeable cations (1.46 vs 1.95 meq/
100 g soil) compared to those of the groves. Both
soils studied can be considered highly infertile, with
the herbaceous layer being more so than that in
' O groves.

The dominant spatial pattern for the tree popula-
tions of the Trrachypogon savanna was clumped as
has been reported for other savannas (Greig-Smith
3, ~ ~ ' d 6 :333 1983). Understanding this pattern as it relates to
ecological factors could contribute to forming hy-
potheses on the causes of this pattern as well as on

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Spacing of Savanna Trees 119

u u u u u u P4 u u u u u u u u u

c\ r-- c (,4 r-- r-- -i- c \c \o rj i- r-- c\ rr


u u u u u u u u

t oo d\ c-4 cr v-\ rl c\ r-- c --i-

> 1-- aN \0 x 0 \0

u D P4 u u P4 u u u u u u u u u u u u
73 r- r- VI\ 0 x \0 VI\ r- 0 - I- r- - - 0 r-- --( --( C\ --q \0 --(
r- x C14 r4 - GN C14 x r- CN \0 ON vll \0 r4 'I. r, C\ cl- I rr

6 C; 6 6 6 ci 6 6

C\ O r- It \0 VI\ VI\ 11- \0 O C) \D 00 r- r- 0 00 00

x \0 r- ON 0 CN ON x x x 0
rr ON C) - VI\ \0 C) cn 0 x - r-
\6 o6 \6 4 4 r-- 4 4 o6 r-- (o o6 r( 4 f rt ci \6
--4 --4 C-4

C-4 \0'1- r- ff) 00 r(l) 00

- 0 VI\ - C\ I "-, \C) 0\,=>

ja > r--: o6 6 ci 6 v \6 v v 4 4

r- - CN I- x rr C\ r- I- - C114 x rl- r- 0 x x
Cd a,\ cN \o - x x r- r- c\ \o cN c,4 c,4 r-
4-i r- x - aN 0 0 0 - C14 C) CN ---4 clq C) C) 00 r-
\6 4 c-i 4 4 4 4 o6 v o6 o6 " 4 t ci \6 4-


\0 00 r- O\ rn r- VI\ r- rn C14 C) (14 rl- 0 ON 00 \0 VI\ \0 \0 CN
(Z5 r-- \0 VI\ 00 rl- clr ON \0 r- C14 1-4
C5 > V-\ F4

C' C'4 \0 00 r- C-4 C-4 00 0 o 00 r- \0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o

C rr rn O\ VI\ 00 --( cfl VI\
r-4 >
qa %4-4

c,, v-\ oo r, c c,, r- c-4 oo c c\ oo \o \o \C) N

C\ r- r--
QQ.- r- oo cn \C) 0 1- 1-


ql) IQ Cd 'd 4.,

44 u t"
. z - ;
cd 4 tV


t4 Cd Cd
ol la4
to th

--Z Cd

t. -!Z! 4, 3
iz -;::4,
.4 u P4

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All use subject to
120 San Jose, Farinas, and Rosales

[ppm] [meq /100g]

30 241812
6'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 06/ \0510 1520255 _

pH H20 B.S
[%]X X 9] m n~~~1%

FIGURE 1. Polynomial graphs of soil fertility in a Trachypogon savanna of the Orinoco Llanos, Venezuela. 1 =
soil from the herbaceous layer and 2 = soil from the groves.

the dynamics of tree invasion and maintenance of B. virgilioides were most likely to initiate grove
these savannas. Among these factors, physical and formation under the described conditions.
chemical heterogeneity of soil seems to determine The aggregated spatial pattern of the species
the spatial configuration of "soil suitable sites" for growing as isolated stems could be also related to
causing seedlings to grow in a clumping fashion. their capability for vegetative regrowth, which is
Thus, the superficial indurated ironstone layer in stimulated by the physical injury of the root systems
Trachypogon savannas limits tree colonization (San such as was observed in the burned individuals
Jose & Farifias 1983). Furthermore, even though occurring in the adjacent plot to the Biological Sta-
the soil of the Trachypogon savanna is highly infer-
tion. Thus, the reproductive strategy in C. offici nalis
and A. jahnii could be responsible for the clumping
tile, the relatively higher nutrient content in the soil
of the groves could be differentially perceived by fashion of the isolated and grove trees and a fortiori
highly responsive species. of the pattern in juveniles and adults. The growth
Seed dispersion seems to play a minor role in of stems found around the site of the "mother
determining clumping, because our observations plant" has often been held responsible for overdis-
showed that these species were widely dispersed by persion (Goodall 1952).
animals and wind. There was a tendency for species found both in
Nurse trees seem to favor seedling establishment groves and as isolated individuals to have a higher
in this savanna. Tree shade in groves is apparently percentage of adults in the groves as opposed to
harmful to the grass layer, which is replaced by a isolated stems. Also, the individuals which were
herbaceous layer. Positive associations between tree found only in groves usually did not present juve-
species indicated that abundant species increase the niles. These results indicated a relative homoeostasis
abundance of other species and impose their dumped in the groves where seed and seedling predation or
patterns; for instance G. elliptica, a clumped species, extinction may be higher than beneath the isolated
was associated with species exclusively exhibiting trees, and/or reproduction decreased.
clumped patterns (C. offici nalis, Lubea candida, and Small disturbance in the groves due to gap
Lonchocarpus ernestii). Furthermore, findings couldformation caused by falling of a tree or trees could
also be related to recent past history as the result reinforce the savanna resource patchiness as a tran-
of the presence of species which compose the groves. sient environment. This process seems to lead to a
It is possible for individual species to alter soil con- predominantly clumping spatial pattern as detected
ditions and the enriched microsites beneath the treesin the censused plots for C. offici nalis and C. moscha-
may provide nuclei for the invasion of savannas ta. In tropical forest, patchy seed deposition, seed-
(Kellman 1979). Enhancement of soil conditions ling emergence of pioneer and primary species, com-
by termites and its influence on tree invasion has bined with gap formation, have been regarded as
been documented for savanna vegetation (Egler & determinants of clumped populations (Brokaw
Haridasan 1978). Based on the species in the sa- 1986).
vannas, the species C. americana, B. crassifolia, and
Even though clumping was the dominant spa-

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Spacing of Savanna Trees 121

tial pattern of tree species growing in the groves, Intraspecific competition and mortality in the
the proportion of species with uniform spatial dis- limited surface of the ecotone seems to occur as
tribution was higher than the number of species evidenced by comparing the mean density of the
with random distribution. Clumping has been re- newly established plants with that of plants in the
ported as the common pattern for tree species in interior of the groves. These results seems to indicate
tropical and subtropical forest; whereas, uniform that the uniform pattern of the aforementioned spe-
patterns are considered rare (Sakai & Oden 1983). cies was associated with a density-dependent factor.
Thus, Armesto et al. (1986) found the proportion Comparisons of the patterns between juvenile and
of clumping ranged from 75 to 100 percent in adult stems seem to reinforce that regular spatial
distribution of these species was apparently due to
tropical and subtropical forests with similar climatic
an intraspecific competition resulting in mortality
and topographic conditions. In these forests the pro-
of small individuals. Similar shifts between different
portion of species with random spatial distributions
was as high as 24 percent, and only one out of 96 age groups have been detected in dynamic studies
species surveyed in Guanacaste (Costa Rica) had a of plant populations (Antonovics & Levin 1980).
uniform pattern. Slatkin and Anderson (1984) proposed a model of
competition for space, implicating self-thinning of
Special attention has to be given to the fact that
the spatial pattern of the tree species C. americana,even aged trees and the generation of overdispersed
spatial patterns following growth of a population
B. crassifolia, and B. virgilioides which grow in the
herbaceous layer of the burned savannas, was uni- with an initially underdispersed spatial distribution.
form in the groves. These fire tolerant species are The self-thinning rule for plants (Yoda et al. 1963)
evergreen and may take advantage of morphological has been documented for populations growing to-
and physiological adaptations to maintain a positive gether (Harper 1977). Another explanation about
CO2 metabolism during stressful savanna conditions the uniform spatial distribution of the fire tolerant
(San Jose 1977). Observations in the burnt plot species growing in the groves could be based on
adjacent to the Biological Station indicates that a predation. Thus, Janzen (1970) and Wilson and
net sequential dispersion of trees occurs from the Janzen (1972) hypothesized that a number of spe-
grass layer to the grove edges and that they persist cific predators of species could cause high seedling
at the edge as seeds, seedlings, and saplings until mortality close to the parent trees. We found that
their growth is activated after fire sensitive species density of stems of fire tolerant species measured
are removed and competition is reduced. Thus, grove from juvenile to adult age and average intertree
edges are maintained at the outer edge of canopy distance was lower in adult trees as compared to
trees forming an ecotonal belt (Blydenstein 1962, juvenile stems. Further evidence of the effect of
San Jose et al. 1978) and resulting in a canopy competition and predation on the spatial distribu-
dripline edge as defined by Ranney et al. (1981). tion of the populations needs documentation for the
Uniform spatial distribution of trees could have an Trachypogon savannas, where interadult distance be-
effect in the transfer of mass and energy between tween the groves was relatively short.
the adjacent systems since turbulence should be rel-
atively lower (San Jose & Berrade 1983); therefore,
the nutrient and sediment retention is enhanced
(Caceres 1983, Montes & San Jose 1989). Fur- This work has been conducted within the Savanna Bio-
thermore, the clumped spatial distribution as de- productivity MAB (UNESCO) project of IVIC and par-
tially sponsored by the National Research Council of
termined by using the groves as independent units
Venezuela (CONICIT) and the Man and the Biosphere
of the species composition could also play an im- Programme (MAB/UNESCO). We appreciate the skill-
portant role in the development of a new boundary ful technical assistance of M.Sc. Rosvel Bracho, and M.Sc.
layer. Nikonova de Crespo from the Ecological Center at IVIC.

ALVIM, P., AND J. ROSAND. 1974. Um novo sistema de presentaci6n grafica de fertilidade dos solos para cacau.
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