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Tiffin University MBA: Individual Career Development Plan For Mentoring Partnerships

Mentor: Craig Beebe

Mentee: Chris Herlihy
Short term goals (what mentee plans to accomplish in several months):
- Keep all social media platforms that are involved with the club up to date daily or as often as possible
- Attend training sessions and game days to help with set up, picture taking and video analysis (Game days)
- Learn the marketing side of a sports club/organization and to also further knowledge of how a soccer club achieving
NPSL (National Premier Soccer League) status is done
- To become an effective part of the team through office and coaching work
Steps to take to meet short term goals:
- Be actively involved with all social media platforms as often as you can, posting consistently on Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram in order to increase Livonia City’s social profile
- Be involved with the club and its activities on and off the pitch. Showing positivity and punctuality towards what the club
is trying to achieve.
- Be a voice when involved with team meetings, since Chris knows the club it would be nice to see him be involved within
the conversations of the club and offer his opinions from a ex-players stand point.
- Learn and brush up on MPSL and NPSL standards, regulations and legislations to see what and why Livonia City is doing
what it is doing currently.
Mentor’s suggestions/guidance for short term goals:
- Myself and Ben will watch over Chris and make sure that he is being actively involved with the club and its ongoings so he
can become comfortable with its environment
- Checking on the social media platforms every couple of days to make sure that Chris is posting on a regular basis to keep
our fans and followers informed and entertained.
- Teach Chris the soccer system here in America, this will allow him to create a better understanding of some of the tasks he
is doing instead of questioning why.
- Keep him involved with the team at training sessions and matches, this will allow him to participate in sessions and
connect with his former teammates again.
Steps mentee will take before next meeting with mentor:
- Increase knowledge and understanding of the American Soccer system for future reference
- Be consistently involved with the clubs meetings, ongoing and soccer related activities
- Be more involved with the club’s social media and promote themselves on all social media platforms in order to create a
bigger fan base
Date Discussed 3/10/2019

Tiffin University MBA: Individual Career Development Plan For Mentoring Partnerships
Medium range goals (1 month):
- Chris to be involved with business meetings involved with the club, for example, sponsor meetings, MPSL meetings and
marketing meetings.
- Chris to have created his own image within the club, we know he is currently working on some new images for the club
to post on their social media platforms during game days which will be a great addition.
- We want Chris to be putting emails out there to sponsors and administrators within the MPSL and NPSL leagues, keeping
us up to date with information from both parties and the emails he also sends to them.

Steps to take to get there:

- Chris to develop the courage to speak up and have his voice heard throughout the club. He has some of the best
knowledge I have known within the game of soccer and his business background is beneficial to the club. We just want
him to create his own voice and tell us what he thinks from a players perspective.
- We want Chris to keep developing any social media ideas he has that he thinks might improve the clubs image and
professionalism off the pitch.
- Be in constant contact, whether this be face to face or over email with sponsors and league administrators, keeping the
club in the loop of the ongoings.
Mentor’s suggestions/guidance:
- Again, Myself and Ben will watch over Chris and make sure that he is being actively involved with the club and its
ongoings so he can become comfortable with its environment
- We will continue to keep checking on the social media platforms every couple of days to make sure that Chris is posting
on a regular basis to keep our fans and followers informed and entertained.
- We will be monitoring the conversations and outgoings of Chris’ emails and dealings with sponsors/partners.
Long range goals (2 months):
- Chris to have the courage to take a marketing or soccer meeting on his own for the club to listen to and evaluate. We
want Chris to show us what he has learnt during his time with Livonia City FC
- We want Chris to keep developing more social media ideas he has that he thinks will continue to improve the clubs image
even after he has left his position. We want the social media platforms to be left in a good state in which they will still be
able to attract more followers with its already uploaded content.
- Complete developed relationships with sponsors, followers and league administrators. Hopefully leaving a good
impression it will create a good image for the club and in a good position next year to reach NPSL status.

What options does mentee have to consider in order to reach those goals?
- He has to be full committed to the work he is doing and producing.
- Chris will have to be confident in talking to sponsors and administrators. He will need to know what he is talking about
and how he can counteract them to show the club is professional and positive about moving forward with their
- Chris will keep posting on all social media platforms consistently to show followers and fans that the club cares about their
intentions and needs for information.
Mentor’s suggestions/guidance for long range goals:
- Again, Myself and Ben will watch over Chris and make sure that he is being actively involved with the club and its
ongoings so he can become comfortable with its environment
- We will continue to keep checking on the social media platforms every couple of days to make sure that Chris is posting
on a regular basis to keep our fans and followers informed and entertained.
- We will be monitoring the conversations and outgoings of Chris’ emails and dealings with sponsors/partners. Towards the
last of Chris’ days we will contact the administrators and sponsors to see how they thought Chris dealt with them on a
professional basis.

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