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GGMXXX10.1177/2333721416643702Gerontology & Geriatric MedicineNassar and Lippa

Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine

Idiopathic Normal Pressure Volume 2: 1­–6

© The Author(s) 2016
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Hydrocephalus: A Review for General
DOI: 10.1177/2333721416643702


Basant R. Nassar, BS1 and Carol F. Lippa, MD1

Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a potentially reversible neurodegenerative disease commonly
characterized by a triad of dementia, gait, and urinary disturbance. Advancements in diagnosis and treatment have
aided in properly identifying and improving symptoms in patients. However, a large proportion of iNPH patients remain
either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Using PubMed search engine of keywords “normal pressure hydrocephalus,”
“diagnosis,” “shunt treatment,” “biomarkers,” “gait disturbances,” “cognitive function,” “neuropsychology,”
“imaging,” and “pathogenesis,” articles were obtained for this review. The majority of the articles were retrieved
from the past 10 years. The purpose of this review article is to aid general practitioners in further understanding
current findings on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of iNPH.

normal pressure hydrocephalus, diagnosis, treatment

Manuscript received: March 2, 2016; accepted: March 9, 2016.

Introduction only effective treatment for NPH is shunt surgery. This

review is intended for general physicians to highlight
The term hydrocephalus is used to describe excess the pathophysiology of idiopathic NPH, diagnosis,
accumulation of fluid within the brain. Typically treatment, and new findings within the past 10 years.
hydrocephalus is separated into two categories:
obstructive and communicating. Obstructive hydro-
cephalus requires a physical blockage within the cere- Pathophysiology
brospinal fluid (CSF) flow pathway that results in The pathophysiology of idiopathic NPH remains contro-
proximal but not distal hydrocephalus. Communicating versial and not well elucidated. Many theories have been
hydrocephalus is in contrast a defect in reabsorption of suggested, the most prominent being disturbances in
CSF. Normal pressure hydrocephalus is a form of com- CSF dynamics and resistance, brain parenchyma altera-
municating hydrocephalus. The term was first coined tions, and vascular abnormalities. The route of CSF is
by Adams, Fisher, Hakim, Ojemann, & Sweet, 1965 to postulated to begin with production from the choroid
describe hydrocephalus with enlargement of ventricles, plexus to flow through the ventricles, cisterns, and sub-
normal CSF pressure, and a triad of symptoms: gait arachnoid space ending with reabsorption within the
disturbance, dementia, and urinary incontinence arachnoid villi. Flow of CSF was thought to be depen-
(Adams et al., 1965). Primary or idiopathic normal dent on the ratio of CSF absorption and production,
pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) can be distinguished termed the bulk flow theory. This is only one component
from secondary by causation; meningitis, trauma, are of CSF dynamics, the other being pulsatile flow through
subarachnoid hemorrhage are inducers of secondary the Virchow–Robin spaces, surrounding arterioles and
NPH. Most cases of NPH are idiopathic. Presently, venules coursing from the subarachnoid space through
NPH is one of the only reversible forms of dementia. brain parenchyma (Brinker, Stopa, Morrison, & Klinge,
The prevalence rate varies from .3% up to 3% in
patients greater than 65 years old (Hiraoka, Meguro, &
Mori, 2008; Jaraj et al., 2014; Rosell et al., 2015). The 1
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
number of patients thought to have NPH is likely
Corresponding Author:
greater than documented. This can be attributed to sim- Carol F. Lippa, Department of Neurology, College of Medicine,
ilarities between NPH and other neurodegenerative Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA.
diseases, making it difficult to diagnose. Currently, the Email:

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2 Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine

Table 1.  iNPH Versus Parkinson’s Disease Gait Characteristics.

iNPH Parkinson’s disease

Gait Magnetic (stuck on floor appearance) Flat foot strike
Broad based steps with short strides Rapid shuffling with short strides
March a petits pas (short steps with upright stance) Festinating (short steps with flexed forward
postural stance)
Arm swing Preserved, normal swing Decreased, asymmetrical swing
Turns Start and turn hesitation Start and turn hesitation with en bloc turns
(rigid neck and trunk)
Foot position Increased foot rotation/outward angle Normal

Source. Bugalho, Alves, and Miguel (2013); Bugalho and Guimaraes (2007); Grabli et al. (2012); Salzman (2010).
Note. iNPH = Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus.

2014). The latter is influenced by cardiac pulse pressure Klinge et al., 2008). Using positron emission tomogra-
(Greitz, 1993). phy (PET) scans, Owler et al. (2004) identified signifi-
According to Hakim and Adam’s hypothesis, NPH cant decrease in CBF within the cerebrum, cerebellum,
occurs when CSF absorption is decreased resulting in and deep gray matter regions—thalamus, putamen, and
increased intracranial pressure. Over time, ventricular caudate nucleus—in iNPH patients as compared with
enlargement occurs as a compensatory mechanism. healthy individuals. In addition, venous compliance in
This results in a new intracranial pressure steady state iNPH is found to be reduced by up to 50%, particularly
(Adams et al., 1965). As a modification, CSF flow is in the sagittal sinus (Bateman, 2008).
directed more toward the Virchow–Robin spaces into
brain parenchyma. Parenchymal changes occur result-
ing in tissue compression and deep white matter isch-
emia, hallmarked by myelin pallor. Periventricular In 2012, the second edition of the international Japanese
damage results in reduced cellular metabolism and guidelines for normal pressure hydrocephalus was pub-
clearance of toxins. A marker of neuronal damage, lished, outlining diagnostic criteria. There is a degree of
myelin basic protein, has been shown to be elevated in interlace between clinical symptoms of iNPH and other
iNPH patients (Pyykkö et al., 2014). Recent studies neurodegenerative conditions, making it harder to clini-
have explored glucose metabolism in iNPH. Results cally differentiate. Thus, a mixture of clinical, neuropsy-
showed global impairment of metabolism correctable chological, and diagnostic imaging is key to establishing
within 1 week of shunt treatment (Calcagni et al., diagnosis.
2013). In addition, the coexistence of Alzheimer’s dis-
ease in iNPH patients has been documented and shown
to be of increased prevalence. This can be partially
Clinical Manifestations
attributed to decreased neurotoxin clearance, specifi- The most prominent characteristics of iNPH are gait,
cally amyloid B protein and microtubular associated cognitive, and urinary dysfunction. This triad develops
protein (Silverberg, Mayo, Saul, Rubenstein, & insidiously, usually beginning with symmetrical gait
McGuire, 2003). Global brain stiffness, decreased dysfunction characterized by broad based, small stepped
strength, and elasticity, via magnetic resonance enterog- instability and difficulty initiating movements. A known
raphy studies, have been documented in iNPH with a scale employed to objectify iNPH gait symptoms is the
renormalization of parenchymal topography in shunted Gait scale developed within the Dutch normal pressure
individuals (Friemann et al., 2012). hydrocephalus study. Other general gait tests utilized
Multiple studies have examined the role of cerebral include Berg Balance Scale, Functional Reach Test, and
perfusion in iNPH. Certain studies have demonstrated Timed Up and Go Test. In particular, gait dysfunction in
decreased blood flow in periventricular white matter, iNPH is difficult to distinguish from Parkinson’s dis-
temporal lobe, frontal lobe, thalamus, and basal ganglia. ease. Both are hypokinetic with reduced postural
Within these studies, correlations of clinical improve- responses (Table 1). A comparative study by Bugalho,
ment and increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) have Alves, and Miguel (2013) found subtle differences in
been examined. A recent study by Virhammer et al. movement, mainly iNPH has more frontal gait dysfunc-
found an improvement in gait and balance dysfunction tion—disequilibrium, abnormal stance, postural adjust-
among NPH individuals after CSF tap testing due to ments. Frontal lobe executive dysfunction and
increased CBF in the frontal and lateral lobes psychomotor slowing leads to dementia. Urinary dys-
(Virhammar, Laurell, Ahlgren, Cesarini, & Larsson, function results from detrusor muscle overactivity.
2014). Another study using [15O]H2O uptake found that Urgency, nocturnal, and diurnal frequency are usually
patients with clinical improvement post shunt treatment present, along with awareness of symptoms (Sakabkibara
showed increased uptake within the frontal cortex (P. M. et al., 2007). It should be noted that only 60% of patients

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Nassar and Lippa 3

present with this triad. Lesser symptoms include apathy,

anxiety, and aberrant motor activity (Kito et al., 2009).

Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological deficits are known in patients with
iNPH. The degree of severity of iNPH symptoms promi-
nently gait, urinary urgency, and sleep disturbances have
been shown to correlate with test performance.
Comorbidities such as diabetes and cardiovascular dis-
ease are also linked with poorer performances (Hellstrom
et al., 2007). The use of neuropsychological testing is by
no means definitive in detecting iNPH. However, it can
be used to shed light on minor distinctions between
iNPH and other cognitive disorders. Testing of cogni-
tion, attention, executive function, language, and mem-
ory, Saito et al.’s (2011) comparison of iNPH and
Alzheimer’s disease revealed that iNPH is associated
more with executive frontal lobe and attention deficits
than with memory impairment, as seen in Alzheimer’s.
Furthermore, Saito et al. contrasted visuoperceptual and
visuospatial deficits of both groups and found a higher
degree of impairment among iNPH patients. Earlier
Figure 1.  A and B: CT scan of a 71-year-old female with
studies by Ogino et al. had also identified worsened
normal cognitive function showing normal ventricular size; C
attention/concentration and psychomotor slowing with and D: CT scan of a 68-year-old female with iNPH showing
better memory and short-term recall functions in iNPH enlarged ventricles at the level of the parietal and temporal
as compared with Alzheimer’s patients (Ogino et al., lobes.
2006). Note. Images B and D show normal sized gyri and sulci. CT =
computed tomography; iNPH = Idiopathic normal pressure
A major role for neuropsychological testing within
iNPH is detecting clinical improvement pre and postop-
erative shunting. Studies have shown improvement of
cognitive functioning post shunt (Duinkerke, Williams, Imaging
Rigamonti, & Hillis, 2004; Hellstrom et al., 2008;
If suspicion of iNPH occurs, imaging by either com-
Katzen et al., 2011; Thomas et al., 2005). An interesting
puted tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging
question is whether a specific set of tests can be struc-
(MRI) should be performed. Evidence must show ven-
tured to optimally detect iNPH and improvements post
tricular enlargement without signs of CSF obstruction or
shunt. Common tests employed in studies include the
significant sulcal enlargement. As ventricular enlarge-
Stroop test, Ray auditory verbal learning test (RAVLT),
ment occurs with other dementias and to an extent nor-
Digit span, Rey Osterrieth complex finger test, and Trail
mal aging, a ratio of maximum width of the frontal horns
making test A and B.
of the lateral ventricles and the maximal internal diam-
Moreover, the extensive process of neuropsycholog- eter of the skull, known as the Evans index, of >.3 cor-
ical testing is difficult for many iNPH patients. relates with iNPH (Figure 1). This index is only a rough
Consequently, there should be a construct of brief bed- marker for ventriculomegaly, and thus, there has been
side cognitive tests for clinicians, especially those with recent debate of its accuracy and reliability in iNPH
nonimmediate access to neuropsychologists. A mini- diagnosis (Toma, Holl, Kitchen, & Watkins, 2011).
mental status exam should be performed in iNPH can- Lateral enlargement within the temporal and frontal
didates; however, it does not effectively test for horns can also be present in iNPH. Some studies have
executive dysfunction. More sensitive tests to utilize suggested a disproportionate enlargement of the sub-
include the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) or arachnoid space (DESH) as a marker for iNPH, along
Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination (Dong et al., with dilation of the Sylvian fissure (Virhammar, Laurell,
2012; Velayudhan et al., 2014). The Executive Interview Cesarini, & Larsson, 2014). Another diagnostic marker
(EXIT 25) is a 25-item test that focuses on executive used is a callosal angle >40, the angle measured between
dysfunction and may be useful in iNPH. A novel count- the lateral ventricles on coronal fields. The callosal
ing-backward test, created by Satio et al. for recogniz- angle should be steep due to the elevation of the dilated
ing executive dysfunction, has also shown to be lateral ventricles. In a study by Ishii et al., a callosal
effective in distinguishing iNPH and Alzheimer’s dis- angle <90 is a rough cutoff of differentiating iNPH from
ease patients (Kanno et al., 2012). Alzheimer’s disease (Ishii et al., 2008). The presence of

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4 Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine

aqueductal flow void and periventricular signal changes potentially reduces the risk of subdural hematoma, asso-
not attributable to microvascular ischemic changes are ciated with ventriculoperitoneal shunts (Bloch &
also suggestive of iNPH. In iNPH, there is an increased McDermott, 2012). The 2015 Study of Idiopathic Normal
CSF flow velocity observed that leads to loss of signal- Pressure on Neurological Improvement-2 (SINPHONI-2)
ing on imaging in the aqueduct of Sylvian. Absence of trial, led by Kazui, examined the effectiveness of lumbo-
flow void does not exclude iNPH given other findings. A peritoneal shunt surgery in an immediate group and a con-
recent study used diffusion tensor imaging to differenti- servative group (surgery was postponed 3 months as
ate between white matter changes in NPH versus patients were instead performing physical exercises).
Alzheimer’s (Horinek et al., 2016). Results illustrated improvement in overall functional sta-
tus at 3 and 12 months post surgery with the most com-
mon adverse effect being postural headache and most
Biomarkers serious being cerebral infarct and, later correctable, shunt
To date, there is no established role in the use of bio- malfunction/placement issues (Kazui, Miyajima, Mori, &
markers for diagnosing iNPH. Several studies have Ishikawa, 2015).
looked at the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in
iNPH with mixed results (Leinonen et al., 2011). Others
Prognostic Indicators
have tried to differentiate differences in tau and AB sub-
types between iNPH and Alzheimer’s but currently there The prognostic value of shunt surgery in iNPH is depen-
is no conclusive evidence to support utilization of these dent on accurate diagnosis. Patients diagnosed at an
markers (Pyykkö et al., 2014; Tsai, Malek-Ahmadi, early age (<70) have been thought to have better shunt
Kahlon, & Sabbagh, 2014). response. Comorbidities, specifically cardiovascular
disease, and longer disease duration increase the likeli-
hood of poorer shunt response. Clinically, patients pre-
Treatment senting with early or severe dementia have worse
Shunting outcome, while those with a primary gait disturbance
feature have better results (Bugalho et al., 2013; Poca
Ventriculoperitoneal shunting is the mainstream treat- et al., 2005).
ment for iNPH. Success rates are variable, from 50% to Certain MRI characteristics as mentioned above can
80% (P. Klinge, Marmarou, Bergsneider, Reklin, & help identify iNPH patients. Recently, Virhammar et al.
Black, 2005; Shprecher, Schwalb, & Kurlan, 2008). A explored the preoperative prognostic MRI findings in
shunt is inserted with a proximal and distal catheter, into iNPH. They concluded the following: Patients with nor-
ventricular or lumbar subarachnoid space and the perito- mal sylvian fissures, without periventricular hyperinten-
neal cavity, respectively. In between, there is a valve that sities, small callosal angles, disproportionate
opens in response to the changes in pressure between the enlargement of subarachnoid space, and wide temporal
catheters. That change is pressure varies from the supine horns are likely to have a positive shunt response (Toma
to upright position and hence an important factor in et al., 2011). Other studies have studied the prognostic
determining the effectiveness of a shunt. The two types power of CSF flow dynamics. Some results indicate that
of valve shunt systems used to treat NPH are gravita- higher, increasing stroke volume with progression of
tional and programmable. Gravitational valves open in disease can indicate positive response to shunting. While
response to the amount of fluid present, whereas pro- decreasing stroke volume over time can predict irrevers-
grammable valves require a set pressure point to open. If ible damage and shunt unresponsiveness (Scollato et al.,
programmable valve pressure is not correctly adjusted 2009).
for, possible overdrainage or underdrainage can occur Once MRI findings are suggestive of iNPH, CSF tap
leading to subdural hematomas or ineffective shunting. test can indicate shunt outcome. Clinical improvement
The Shunt Valves plus shunt Assistant versus Shunt after 30 to 60 ml of fluid removal is generally a positive
valves alone for controlling Overdrainage in idiopathic predictor of shunting (Verrees & Selman, 2004).
Normal pressure hydrocephalus in Adults (SVASONA) However, a lack of improvement in CSF tap testing does
trial compared the efficacy of gravitational versus pro- not indicate negative shunt response. External lumbar
grammable valves. Findings suggested that gravitational drainage, for 72 hr, is then indicated and is a better pre-
valves may be a better option for iNPH patients due to dictor of treatment (Marmarou et al., 2005).
reduction in overdrainage of CSF (Lemcke et al., 2013).
An alternative to ventriculoperitoneal shunting is lum-
boperitoneal shunting. The latter has been underutilized
by neurosurgeons due to increased prevalence of higher In conclusion, iNPH remains a hotly discussed and
malfunctioning rates, shunt blockage, radiculopathy, and researched disease because of its role in being a treatable
infection (Wang et al., 2007; Yadav, Parihar, & Sinha, neurocognitive condition. Focus should continue to be
2010). In contrast, the benefit of using a lumboperitoneal on efficiently and effectively diagnosing and treating
shunt is avoiding an invasive intracranial procedure. This iNPH patients. As of now, diagnosis is difficult because

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Nassar and Lippa 5

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The authors received no financial support for the research, Hiraoka, K., Meguro, K., & Mori, E. (2008). Prevalence of
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